The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 12, 1916, Image 6

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    IIH4M(l(tmt.(ltUMW, . . , ,
Supt. J. P. Cnroy, of Omaha, spout
a duy hero this weok on Union Pacific
Conductor Dontlcr has resumed his
duties with the- Union Pacific aftor a
spell of Illness.
II. McGrnth, of Omahnj arrived this
wcok to accopt a position as checker
at the frolght depot.
V. A. Hampton, of Omaha, traveling
agent for tho Chicago & Northwestern
railroad spont a day hero this wook
on business.
Claude Dolanoy of Northport, was
among tho out of town puoplo who
visited horo this' wook. Ho loft Wed
nesday morning.
Shop men on the Burlington wore
notified Tuesday that a wage Increaso
of from ono to two and one-half
cents an hour had been granted them.
Tho Increaso, which was unsolicited,
becamo offcctlvo May 1st.
A spoqfial train bf sugar boot
workors, mostly Russians, wont
through Wednesday morning' from
Lincoln to Sarbon. Tho train was com
posed of six coaches and four baggago
Davo Fredericks, assistant road
niastcr, haa lot tho contract to Will
Ross for tho erection of a modern
bungalow In tho 800 block on cast
Fifth street. Tho house completo will
cost about $4,000.
Wm. A. Douel, pioneer railroader
and a former resident of this city
died at tho Mercy Hospital in Denvor
Wednesday from tho effects kf an op
eration. Ho was Bovonty-throo years of
ago and for a number of years was
ono of tho 'officials of tho
Moffat Road. For several years lio
bad mado his homo with his daughter
Mrs. F. W. Billings of Denver. Tho
surviving sons are Harry A. Douol, of
Gunnison, Utah, and T. A. Douol, of
Dallas, Toxaa. Ho also leaves an Aged
wifo Tho funoral services will bo In
ctiargo bf tho Shrlnors of -which ho
was' a member.
Another one of Hioho ihmor specials
torSjiturday. Many moro different va
rieties this time. Watch our window
totilgluT' MKHK-SANDALL CO. ,
Mrs. Wcinghoff, of. Omaha, who has
been tho guest of her daughter Mrs.
Brooks Meadows for ten days will re
turn homo this "weok.
Fullcrtoii Paint $2.00 per gallon,
with my live year pnmnnitce. ,
17-tf STONE, The Druggist.
Doctors ' Adams, Crcssler and
MItcholl will go to Lincoln next wook
it ' - i . . . .
10 auonu tno siato uontal convon
Pollco Judge,, Mlltonborgor 'has
moved his offlco from tho building on
North Locust to rooms ovor the Wcs
tonfold grocory
Girls' separato Middy Skirts at Wll
cox Department Store
John Spies, formerly of this city, ar
rveu last ovonlng from Kearnoy to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mrs; Carson, of Grand Island, is
expected hero next wook to visit hor
paronts Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.
Tho local high school gleo clubs
will glvo an ontortalnmont In Horahey
Educator' Shoes for children at Wil
cox Department Storo.
Tho pohcdulo for tho"Seolng North
Platte" trip Monday, May 15th, will
bo as follows:
Autos to 'moot nt tho Chambor of
Commorco headquarters, Building &
Loan building nt 1:30 p. m leave
headquarters at l:45,'arrIvo at Trlbuno
at l.'CO and loavo at 2:00, arrive at tho
light and poWor plant nt 2:05 and
leave nt 2:20, arrive at artificial lco
plant at 2:25, and lcavo at 2:30,arrlvo
city wator works at 2:35 and leavo at
2:10, arrlvcat U. P. round house at
12:45 and lojavo at :t:10, nrrlvo at
Lamb's wholosalo 'grocory at 3:15 and
lcjivc nt 3:25, arrlvo at Telegraph at
3S30 and leavo at 3:35, arrlvo at tho
.North Platto laundry at 3:40 and
lcavo at 3:45, arrlvo at DIckoy's laun
dry 'at 3:50 and loavo at ;5:55, arrlvo
at Slar bottling works at 4:00 and
loavo at 4:10, nrrlvo at North Platto
creamery at 4:15 and loavo at 4:25.
Evory ono should plan to tako this
'trip. Como out and sco what Indus
tries North Platto has and help to
boost thorn.
(Mlnmn'H Place Will lioyFinc.
Tho Gcttman cigar and confection
cry storo to bo opened m tho now
Brodbcck & Son building as Boon ns It
Is completed, will bo ono of tho nlf
tlost places In tho town. Modern fur
nlshlngs havo boon ordered from
Chicago and will nrrlvo within tho
next week. Tho rear portion of tho
room has beon partitioned off for
cigar factory and tho front will bo de
voted to tho retail cigar and confee
tionery trado, with amplo provisions
for tho man who desires to sit down
smoko a good cigar and rend tho
nowspapors. As manngor of tho ball
team, Jako will, of course, mako his
placo tho baso ball headquarters of
tho town.
Tho dolay In completing tho build
lng Ib duo to tho non-arrival of tho
plato glass window
Trnlnlontl of licet Workers.
Claudo Dolanoy, of Northport, was
In town yesterday enrouto to tho oast
part of tho state to "herd" six huri
drod Russians who hd will tako to tho
boot fields of Scottff Bluff county,
This shipment of beet workors will
arrlvo nt this tormlnnl about ten to
mgiii ,on a epocini or uiirtoen cars
and nreVduotliNqrthpQrt tomorrow
morning nt six. Children nro a pro
llflo crop with tho RusslaiiB and Mr,
Dolanoy says It is quito a task for
tho man who accompanies tho train
to keep tho kids from falling out tho
windows or getting Into mischief.
::o: ;
Placed Under Ponce Bonds.
Upon omplalnt of Lowis Whitmoro,
Earl Krumor was placed under bonds
to koop tho peaco Wednesday. Both
men llvo In Dickens precinct, and ac
cording to tho. complaint filed, Kramer
on two or three occasions threatened
tho Hfo of Whitmoro. Kramer was
placed under arrest Tuesday and lod
ged in jail. Wednesday ho was ar
ralgned.7'111. court, pleaded guilty and
placed, under bond for his future good
behavior ajid to report' on tho first day
or tno noxt torm of district court.
FInIiol Addresses Women.
Mr. FIshor, secretary of tho Cham
bor of, Commorco, talked to members
oc tno Twentieth Century Club at
their regular meeting Tuesday oven
ing along tho lino of civic Improve
monts and tho necessity ot co-opera
tlon between tho Woman's club and
tho Chamber of Commerce, He Invited
tho ladle to tako the "Seolng North
Platto Trip" on May 15th.
Look&r Ihe Slan if means nnnri
gasoline & a ood senice siaiM
l: 11 '1 " Z " '1 " $
At The Leader
ISO Ladies Suits,
MATERIALS-Taf f etas, Serges, Gaberdines,
Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins, Velour
Cheeks etc.
STYLES Tailored Suits, Norfolk, Belted
Models, Flaring Effects in all the new
colors. Sizes 16 to 47. No two alike.
These suits were consigned to The Leader by one of the largest
suit manufacturers in New York City to be closed out regardless
of their value :
$25 Suits at $12.50
$30 and $35 Suits at $1875
$40 and $45 Suits at $27.50
Onelpot of Suits worth up to $20 at $9.50
These goods ore of the very smartest styles shown this
season, and at prices now offered we suggest that any
one needing a suit call at once, as the consignment is left
with us for but ten days and after May 20th whatever is
left must be returned to the manufacturers. Alterations
200 Ladies'
and M
Just arrived which will be sold at a discount of twenty
per cent. One lot Ladies' Shirt waists worth up to $2
will be closed out at 50 cents each.
Only fifty more days and this store will change hands. Everything in the store at
discount or ten and twenty per cent.
The Latest Novelties in Wash Goods are now shown at our store at very lowest prices.
North Platte.
J. PIZER, Prop.
ti&d iolasdCoimOasolutcmcans
uas means power tmriiy & iinttrcrmiti
H Pl.YTnS Ahm GOnPTV it
a it
Mrs. Goorgo Finn entertained tho
Mother's Club "WodnoBdny nftornoon,
Mrs. II. P. Honcklo vill entortaln
tho J. F. F. cjub Tuesday afternoon,
May lGth.
Mrs. George Vosoipka will ontertaln
tho J. F. F. club Tuesday aftornoon,
May 23d. .
Mrs Frank Buchanan and Mrs. Will
Hnwloy will entortnln tho M. M. M.
club and thoir husbands nt tho homo
of tho formor Monday oveninpr.
Tho literature department of tho
Twentieth Century club 'will meet
with Mrs. Josoph Roddy noxt Tuesday
aftornoon. Mrs. P. J. Uarron will bo
Mrs. John Vosoipka ontortaincd tho
3t-A-Virp club Tuesday aftornoon.
In tho gamos prizes woro won by Mrs.
James Adams and Mrs. Edmund
Tho Zeta Zota club spont a very
onjoyabol aftornoon Wqdcnsday as tho
guests ot Mrs. E. N. Smith, Tho af
tornoon wis spont at konsington work.
Tho club will moott-May 24th with
Mrs. Iliggs, south "Willow streot.
Mrs. James Norton entertained tho
Domostio Scionco department of tho
Twontioth Century Club Monday after
noon. Tho subject for discussion was
"lawns and gardons" and papors -woro
read by sovoral members. Tho hoatoss
demonstrated strawberry pio.
Tho Indian Card club mot Wednes
day aftornoon with Mrs. C. It. Moroy.
First prizo was won by Mrs. Albert
I Schatz nnd socond honors woro glvon
Mrs. .Will Hawloy. Guests of tho club
woro Mesdames Richmond Dirge, F.
W. Rinckor, L. "W. Walker of Omaha.
Tho Lutheran Girls club which was
to moot this evening lias been post
poned on ncount of tho illness of ono
of the club members.
Tho Rowena -CUrcle will hold a
meeting nt tho homo ot Mrs. C. W.
Groves 121 wegt 9th streot on Tuesday
aftornoon, May ICth. A largo atten
dance is desired.
Mrs.' II. A. Drooks orfteYlained tho
members of tho Novita club Wednes
day afternoon. Sovoral contests woro
hold in which prizes woro awarded to
Mesdames Fred Payno and Fcd Dun
can. Tho next mooting will bo nt tho
homo of Mrs. O. II. Thoelecko on M.ay
24th. Mrs. Otto "Wll, fonnorly of this
city,' who returned last weok from
Los Angeles, waB a guest of tho club.
Tho Catholic Girls' club was entor
tninod last evening at tho Shcody
homo by Misses Sadio Shcedy, Madgo
Flynn, Bcsslo Chamberlain, Efflo
Christ nnd Mario Schatz. Miss Car
rlo Frj'o, a brido of next wcok, was
prqsonted with a halt dozon hand
painted cups and saucers and a cut
glass Jowol caso was sent to Miss
Josamtno Flynn who was married
Wcdnosday ovonlng. Prizes woro won
by Misses Ellon McCarthy and Kath
lcon Flynn.
Best Way to Wash a Rug.
- Stretch tho rug and tnck It upon a
cloan floor. Aftor scouring it well
with Bonpsuds,- rinso thoroughly to re
move all traco of tho animal matter in
tho Boap. Lot tho nig stay tacked
down until porfoctly dry, so that It
will not, shrink
Piano Jtecltnl.
Betty Turple, cloven year old daugh
ter of Mr .and Mrs;-Neal Turplo and
a student o Miss Beryl Hahn, will
givo a piano recital noxt "Wednesday
ovening at eight o'clock at 412 East
Third street. For one so young Betty
Ib an exceptional player and promises
to moro than pleaso her audience.
: :o: :
Fred GInn left last night for Seattle
and on May 22d will tako passage for
Soward, Alaska, whero ljo expects to
remain during tho summer. It is a
boat rido of 1.8G0 miles from Seattle
to Soward. Tho latter town is tho
coast terminal of tho govornmont railroad.
Good Stove Polisher. "
A piece ot burlap is very good for
polishing tho kitchen stove or range.
It floes not burn readily, and for that
reason is better than, flannel or cotton
or paper.
0. H. Thoelecke. .
Our Car of Cane Seed is Almost Gone!