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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune IllA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Jlull in Advance... 81.2S Ono Year hy Carrier In Advance.. $1J0 Entered nt North I'latto, Nebraska, PostoGlco as Second CIuhs Mutter. TUKHDAY, MAY !, IIHfl. AIMMTIOiNAL ATTRACTIOV 1'OJt LINCOLN COUNTY 1'AIH. What promises to bo a big nttrac tlon for the Lincoln courtly fair this fall will bo furnished by the state college of agriculture and will bo In the shape of two exhibit tents contain ing information on Nebraska Agricul ture and the work done at tho college and the experimental station. Each of the two exhibits will be housed In largo canvas tents about 30x40 feet iu size. The displays In side will bo enclosed in largo glass cases containing information concern ing practically every phase of agricul ture taught at tho college. Tho date of tho fair is September 2Gth to 30th. :o::- SIONKY K MICTION CASK TO 1K HI2ARI) HKRi: TOMORROW Tho Sidney Telegraph says: Tho retiring village trustees of Sid ney have been served individually with notico that nn application for a writ of mandamus lias boon mado to the district court to compel them to reconvene as a canvassing board to recanvnss tho returns of tho last vil lage election upon the question of llcenso or no license. The day for hearing has been set for May 11th at North Platte. It will bo rcmomborcd that the village trustees met In special session on tho evening of April 17th and roported that there was a tlo voto between tho wots and drys and not ono majority for tho drys as had been supposed. : :o: : CITY AND COUNTY NJIWS. Mrs. A. J. Prazler lofT'tho lntter part -of last wook for Grand Island to visit relatives. W. J. Tllcy returned the latter part of last week from a week's stay in Grand Island. Gcorgo Fulton loft the lntter part of last week for Kansas City to re main indefinitely. J. II. Hcgnrty wlll lenvo this week for Paxton to spend a week or longer on insuranco business. Mrs. Charles Perkins and dnughtor Juno left Saturday afterrio6n for Grand Island to spend a 'wcok. Joseph McMlchaol and daughter Bolva, of Wollflcct, spont tho wcok end with Miss Erma McMlchaol. Tcachor's examinations and reading circle will bo hold by tho county sup erintendent, May 19th and 20th. Clean Up Suit Sale, all Wool Suits formorly priced up to $23.50 now go ing nt $15.00. BLOCK'S. Tho Catholic churoh at Chappoll will bo dedicated tomorrow. Bishop Duffy of this dlocoso will bo In charge of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, of Well fleet, havo returned homo after visit ing several days with tho lattcr's sis ter Miss Erma McMlchaol. Let Landgraf &;'lIoga do your paint ing, paper hanging and decorating. Phono Dlack 092 or Black 570. 23tf Mr. and Mrs. Georgo McGtnloy, of Ognlnlla, enmo yesterday morning to attend the Flynn-Doran wedding to morrow. Miss li ne McGec and sister of Brady, enmo up tho latter part of Inst wcok to visit their mother who is taking treatments at the Nurse Brown hos pital, , Y For Sale Neat, clean stock of gro ceries, queonswaro and candy, includ ing flxturosj must go quick on account of othor alTalrs. Invoice about $1500. Address R. D. Wilson, Kimball, Nob. t4 J. F. Snydor, of Maxwell, transacted business in town yestordny and mado Tho Trlbuno a call. Mr Snyder Is one of tho early settlors in tho Maxwell section. It will ho thirty-four years tomorrow since ho located thoro. There's No Place Like Home Especially if it's your own homo built after your own ideas and just to suit you. Every Man Should Build Something During His Lifetime You take more pride and satisfaction in some tiling of your own creation. lUiild Somctbing and see us For Lumber and Building Material Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. I.OA.VS AMI IHSCOtr.Vr.H CMTHI) .STATU! 1IONILS OTIIIOU IIOMI.H - - - ItllAI. IISTATK AM) IIAMCING HO IT.!', i'i:i)i:itAi. ni:si:itvi: hamc .stock ... (.'ash iiiisr.itvr, - ..... I.IAIIUjITIKS OA I'l'I'A I STOCIC - - - Mirui'i.ii.s and u.M)ivii)i:n I'ltorrrs - - ' - . - OlltOUI.ATIOX - - - - - . ni'.rosri'M ....... ' . Memlirr TOTAL VOTE CAST AT PRIMARY 192,027 Lincoln, Neb., May 3. Tho total voto of tho state at tho primary was 192,027 divided as follows: Republi can, 102,761; democrat, 80,887; socia list, 1,031; prohibition. 493; populist, 133; progressive. 432. This is a gain over the 1914 pri mary vote of 28,258 for tho repub licans, 19,588 for tho democrats, 4 for tho socialists, nnd a loss of 1,932 for tho progressives, 9G3 for the pop lists, nnd indicates that the republi cans havo n lead of 18,070 over the democrats. ::o:: i:ms km; house destroyed hy fire. The Edls Ice houso, located about two and ono-half miles southwest of town waa destroyed hy flro Sunday during tho strong gale. Tho destruc tion of tho building was complete, tho big Btack of over 2,000 tons of Ico standing ns a monument unprotected from tho sun and wind. Tho origin of the lire Is not exactly known, but Is prcsumod to havo been set from slumbering embers of a fire which had been us"cd tho day bofore to burn off tho -weeds along tho banks of tho lnke from which the Ico Is cut. -::o::- Olmrff-Mnrovlsh. Mr. Knute Axel Oburg, of North Platto, and Miss Eunice May Mnro ylah, of Garfield Table, wero married Monday, May tho first, Rev. Father Kampmann officiating. Miss Leona Mn rovlsh acted as bridesmaid and E. R. Marovlsh as best man. Tho newly married couple will make their homo at North Plntto. We wish Mr. nnd Mrs. Oburg many years of happiness. Staplcton Enterprise. . ; :o: : Mr. nnd Mrs. VJgo Chrlstlanson nro moving this week into their now homo on South Maplo strcot. Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Chrlstlanson are Saturday cvonlng for Lebanon, Knns., to visit their dnughtor for a week. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY HOARD May 1, 191G, Present llormlnghausen. Springer and Board met pursuant to adjournment, county clerk. Claims nlowed on genornl fund, to wlt: A. B. Iloaglnnd, auto hire, $4G.00. Dr. T. J. Kerr, medical services, J6.D0. Peter Jopsen, mdso county poor, $12.85. Nobr. Tolophono Co. rent for May, $18.75. Sundry persons, helping surveyor, $33.80. F. D. Wcdtonfold, mdso county poor, $21.50. Sundry persons, helping survoyor, $15.30. Allowed on road dlst. 55: W. W. Hunter, road work, $8.00. E. B. Camp, road work, $4.40. Ed Connor road work, $7.20. Win. Connor, road work, $10.40. COMJKNSHII ItKI'OHT OK THK OOMHTIO.V OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or NOHTJI Vl.X'fl'i:, MMIItASK.t may i, inin. iii:soi;iici:s ------- ------ Pnlcrnl KcNervc Hunk, DUtrlct TViimiIiit Jos. Shaw, road work, $48.00. A. E. Davis, road work dlst. 49, $70.00. Chas. Pohl. road work dlst. 34, $1.10. A. Pohl, road work, dlst 34, $1.10. F. Polil, road work dlst. 34, $1.10. A. E. Davis, road work cominisRlnnnr dlst. 1, $40.50. Stove Albro, road work commission er dlst. 1', $12.00. W. D. Waldo, crnrilnir roads. -nm- missloncr dlst. 3, $151.50. Chns. A. Howard, road work com missioner dlst. 1, $15.00. V. M. Dymond, bridge work. $31.00 Paul G. Meyer, inspector Sutherland bridge, $20.00. Resignation of W. E. Mason as over seer district 8 is hnrnhv arnnntnd. nml Chas. Mason appointed to fill vacancy. uonu or jonn wemon, overseer dis trict 50 is hereby approved. A petition signed by the voters of road district No. 14, asking that said district be divided comes before the bonrd for action, nnd the board be ing of tho opinion that it Is for the public good hereby grants tho peti tion, the new district to be known ns Road District No. G and comprise the following territory, to-wit: All of sections iu, 14, ib, ig, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2G, 27. 28, 33, 34, 35, nnd 3ff, T. II,1 R. 29 nnd all of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 nnd 16, T. 10, R. 29.' Mnrtin Jcpson is hereby appointed overseer for district No. G. Whereupon the board adjourns to May 2, 191G. C. W. YOST, i County Clerk. May 2, 1916, Board met same as yesterday. Pres ent Horminghauscn, Springer, White and coutny clerk. Claims nllowcd on general fund: , Hilda Anderson, salary, $50,00. Annn Anderson euro of emintv tinnr. $30.00. A. J. Snllsbury, salary, $145.80 : Roy Wilson, salary. $75.00. Jos M. Wilson, care of Mr, $17.50. Jos. M. Wilson, salary and Gray, cash items, $s.U5. C. W. Yost, salary, $137.50. C. W. Yost, office expenses, $34.25. R. Rasmussen, mdso county poor, $38.46. Jens Sommor, mdse county poor, $10.00. Allccn Gantt, offlco expenses, $34.39. Alleon Gantt, snlary, $133.33. 1 Alleen Gantt, office help, $20.25. Alleon Gnntt, visiting schools, $39.80. Jns. Bevorldgc, refund taxes, $10.00. C. M, Reynolds, offlco rent, $15.00. I). B. White, services nnd mileage, $32.00. E. H. Springer, services and mileage $58.10. F. W. llermliiRlinusen, services and mileage, $G8.40. Wm. Elfoldt, refund taxes, $33.10. A. F, Beolor, mdso county poor, $13.75, Rush Mercantile Co. mdso county poor, $34.98. Chns. Robinson, delivering ballots. $16.00. Allowed on road district 18: Will Wrln, Toad work, $1.25. John Murphy, rond work, $1.80. Rolland Jackson, road work, $8.00. George Klshmcr, road work, $9.00. P. J, Ainslie, road work, $6.00. Wm. Hicks, road work, $8.00. O. Hicks, rond work, $S.00, A. McNlckle, road work, $21.50. A. J. Bnrdwol), rond work, $60.00. WnU,r. rond work, dlst. 1, !f44.oO. Chas. Kemper, road work, dlst. 1, $13.50, Edward Jackacn.road work, diat 49, $25.70. F. M. Kuser, rond work, dlst 31, $.1.00. ' Harry Shelly, rond work, dlst 34, $S.75. .jrC1"1 Sll0ll rond work, dlst. 34, $8.75. Fulton Murphy, rond work, dlst. 33, $57.00. H. Lako. rond work. dlst. 1, $13.50. Sundry porsons, road work dlst. 17, $67.25. Sundry porsons rond work. Dlst. 22, $1 2.25. ...nlllulry l101"80"". road work, Dlst, 35, $J9.65, Sundry persons, road work, dlst. 25, E. C. Hoatottor, bridge work, $38.70, John R. Rltnor, brldgo work, 172.S5. Tho county troasuror Is horoby authorized to correct tho tax list for 1915 as to W. Vj of Lots 4 and 5, Block 8, Taylor's Addition to North Plntto from $235 to $160 on account of error in assessment. Bond or R. C, Burko, assessor for Brady Precinct Is horoby npproved. Tho bonrd proceeded to open tho bids for county land inSec. 14. T. 10, R, 34, located near Wallace, and tabu lated the snmo as follows: Georgo Schillor, bids on n strip of land lying north or blocks 13 nnd 14 Schiller's second Add. to Wallaco, containing 9.48 ncros, $110.00. Francis Connoally, a strip or land lying cast or blocks 7 nnd 13 Schiller's second Add. to Wallace, containing l, 7 i 101,000.00 20,000,00 :ia, Kto.oo 1,. ",00.00 218.70.1.B0 oi7,o.-,s.3a 9100,000.00 03,n0O.O7 100,000.00 or,,::o.'.(i ?017,05.1.:i3 Ten. G.28 ncrcs, $81.00. Fruncis Conneally, That part of NE Vi, Sec. 14, T. 10, R. 34, lying north of C. B. & Q. R. It, $277.50. F. E. Wood, that part of N. E. of Sec. 14, T. 10, R. 34, lying south of C. B. & Q. R. R. $350.00. Moved by White and seconded by Springer that the above bids be ac cepted and county issue quit-claim deeds for the same to the respective bidders. Motion carried. Whereupon the board adjourned to May 8r 191G. C. W. YOST, . County Clerk Notice of Final Report Estate of James Rannie, deceased, in the County Count of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to nil persons Interested In snld Estate, take notice that the Administratrix has filed a final account and report of her admin istration and a petition for final set tlement and discharge as such, and for a decree of distribution and descent of the real property, which have been set Tor hearing before said court on May 2G, 1916, at 9 o'clock a, m., when you may appear and contest tlie same. Dated May 1, 1916. . GEO E. FRENCH, J123w County Judge. Notico to Creditors. Esihltn Nn 1d(A nt wn. tt a - . .,. - .v m ii.wiui n. oiow- art, deceased, in the County Court of The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said esteate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing claims against said Estate is De cember 2, 1916, and for settlement of said Estate is April 28th, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Juno 2, 1916, at 9 0 clock a m., and on December 2, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. 01 . GEO E. FRENCH, 1'4w County Judge. Notice. Gustof Goll will take notice, that on the 21st day of April, 1916, P. H. Sul livan, a Justice of the Peace, of North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln county, Nebraska, lssuqd an Order of Attach ment for the sum of $85.00, in an ac tion pending before hlra wherein F. W Ilerrn nghausen is plaintlfLand Gustof Go 1 defendant, that property con sisting of money, as wages duo the de fendant rrom the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, a corporation, has been attached under said order. Said cause wns continued to the 5th day of June, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m F. W. HERMINGHAUSEN, on o. n Plaintiff. uO-dw By James KcefQ, his Attorney. CoJrnty!,0Nc&taJ: CUrt 0f tlce tlint on the 24th tiny of Ann I lOirt Jonnnn F. Wood, heir of snlrt "kVu-iir' niert her petition heroin, Au"k In tl nt s yffio 1 tt? Sara WeW y ll, at nlclnnil, Cnlir., Kat Woocl nik?? OnURhter, uro 35. Snn PranVftai ci,Uf' Chnrlle t.eljoy Wood. lnui?hte? v 'V Onklnnrt, Cnltf.. Uo8s0 "vood ' rrnnd. tehv?r' ?K0 Oakland, oriif.,fcr5th: fnnd ciir ' rn"1l,"Kl'tor n(ro ft. Oak ", VTllr., Cntherino AVood. iri nmU l.nT.L1".1 nU )ebts of said decedent !'!! ,i0f Nohraskn. And nrnyliitr t'int roBular ndmlnlstrntlon ho watvod and a rtecroe he onterod hnrrlnw roaltorH and llxlnp the date of h " death and Ji.ut. nt 9 o'olook a. m. at the office of tho county jude In said county "' ,nzj Count. v ,ii'0j?e T. , ntk u in.' VKrivu kin; "iVecSSo""' f MH'- Ann Mnw- cJlylUUy r"-'t ' of NehraKkn: To nil ncr sons interested In said UHtato t.ik-. m -t ,n .JiS .ft 'nH I'een Hied for in.- VX i,nt; ,ofn Inntrmnent purport-' ?5.i.,ry .A,ui HiwkliiH, deceased, and appointment of Elvli IIwkln. n. ..... 1 otr1 oh0.r,Jln, on uo 2th of Miy. i-o?,,,,lii,2.OM,00k m' ut county ooiiFt loom In said countv. nated April 27. toifi. , OISO. 13. Fiuweu, Lit County Jiidfc-o. . ;i'A - x o'1'in'.j." " To ' Uonton Taylor: are lirohy no Hut on N'o n?nJb0.fii4' A. Wight purchuHI ?ni-f '"V"0 ,B",e f""- t.ixoK for tho year f0'l?,w"r "scribed Jand. to ii..AMo f s,eFt,on 3' Towiuihlp 15. &aska.' L",COln f-'0,"uy" Stnte Tint fald land wa isHeiM'-d in the iiamo of I. Hanton Taylor, and that, aftor the expiration of thr.p inontht" from the first publication of thlu notice taxdeed will ho applied for. ..... I A WICMV First published May 2. 19 IC. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, urgleal and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories, Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield, M. D. J.S.Simms, M.D Miss Elise Sieman, SupL JOHN S. SIMMS, M. J)n Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L, Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83: Residence 38. DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEY.. .. Practlco Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy v-3 tity .-National itnnk liulldlnir. Oninhn, Xcbraskn. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. B. 11EDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN & SUBGEOK Successor to HYS1CIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Dre. Redfield & Redfield Offlco Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention , given (o Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phnno. I Office 130 Phone r Residence 115 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. . Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Pffloe McDonald. State Bank Building. ; Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. 5 Phones, Offlco 183, Residence 283 6 Keynolda Bids. North Platte. Neb, Office Phone 333. Res. Black 613. DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC Phyalcian & Surfon. Genlto-Urinary Diseases t Obsl&rks Gynecology Have Your Piano Tuned WYLIE WALKER 014 West 4th St. North Platto, Neb Write or Call Phone Red 344 Pianos Tunod and Repaired Anywhere. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PBITCHAIiD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight yeara a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locnst St, one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcra Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black 588. Quality Not Quantity Wo make cigars In tho smtll and In tho regular sizes preferring to use quality tobacco in preference to quan. tity. W use only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. We han dle a large line of smokers' artlclod, our display of pipes being especially largo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. toaoilCattlo v Bought and highest markt prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Ofllee 459 C. H. WALTERS. Notice fo Paving Contractors. Notico is hereby given that 'the mayor and council of, the city of North Platto, Nebraska, will roceivo bids for paving, and curbing where neces sary, Paving District No. 1, In said city according to plans nnd specifica tions adopted and now on file in the offlco of tho city clerk of said city. Said bids to elver paving of the following described materials, to-wit: Vitrified brick block, vertical brick block, vertical fibre brick, sheet as phalt and concrete. Tho city engineer's estimato on the cost of paving said district, contain ing 45,000 square yards, is as follows Vetrifled brick block $2.45 per square yard. Vertical fibre brick. $2.25 per square yard. Sheet asphalt $2.15 per square yard. Concrete $2.00 per square yard. Bids must be on fllo with the city clerk on or beforo two o'clock p. m. of Friday, May 12th, 191C, at which tlmo tho bids will be opened. They must bo on tho proposals in the spec ifications furnished by the city clerk and acompanled by a certified check for an amount equal to three per cent of tho(bid made. Said specifications furnished upon application to tho city clerk. Tho mayor and council reserve the right to Teject any and all bids. Dated April 14, 191G. O. E. Elder, City Clerk. 8hcrlfPs Snlo Bv Virtue of nn nrdnr tt nnln la. sued from the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wnorein C. A. Tarranco is nlalntiff and Thomas Belcher et al are defend ants, and to mo directed, I will on the 13th day of Mav. 191G. at 2 nVlonk n m., at tho east front door of tho Court" nouso in worm riatte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, tn nnHiv said decree, interest and costs, the fol lowing uescrioea property, to-wit: Northwest Quarter fNWM 4 of Ron. tion eight (8). Townshin sixtfinn fifiV Range twenty-nine (29), west of the bin i: m., m Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Dated North Platte. Neb.. Anrll loth. 191G. A. J. SALISBURY. 25-5IW Rhorlff Notice of Petition. . Estate No. 1413 of George E. Brown, deceased, in tne County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To nil nor. sons Interested in said estate take notice that a petition has been filed for the aoDolntment nf Onra y. Urnwn as Administratrix of said eBtate, which nas Deen set for Hearing herein on May 12, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Hated April 15, 1916. -GEORGE E. FRENCH, al8-m9 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1412 nf Licestpr Wnlkor deceased. In. tho County Court of Lincoln Ccunt;, i euros Ka. Tho State of Nebraska, rs: Crwiltnrs of said estate will take nntlpn that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is November 19, 1916, and for settle ment of said estate is April 14, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on May 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, nr miitHi nil claims and objections duly filed. GEORGE E. FRENCH, al7-ml6 County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, a corporation, is plaintiff and Charles R. Osgood et al are defendants, and to me directed, I will on tho 15th day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decress, Interest and costs, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lot four (4), Block one hundred and forty-eight (148), original town of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Dated North Platte. Nfih.. Anrii inn, A. J. SALISBURY, 25-5W Rlim-lfP Notice of Petition. Estate NO. 1409 Of Nanov R Tlnnnlrl. son deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. Tn nl 1 npr. sons interested in said Estate take no tice that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Rush M. Dean as Administrator of snhl has been set for hearing on' May 5 x-jim, hi a o ciock a. m. Dated April 5, 1916. 25-3 w GEO f?. MPMPti County Judge. , 'MX XOTICH. T V,,verSster8tOCk and Ho" ou are horeby notified that on No Mf,ri' "? A. WlBht purchased ion' .v . . ' uixes xor ttto ye-ir ?it 'in foJ,0iv,n.F 'leHorlhed lad.J. to- linn" r."'"," & 5nM? Nphraska: a'-nio ot n,'Lnt?.rinSdTjy.n.8 nssefwoi! In the ......... j. . . iuvuiiuucK, an.i Uiat. tl .?.3CJIIri.t. " f three niollths ' .""v- i"""caiion or this no tice, tax deed will ho applied for. First published May 2, 1910. ' 'ollce. fiiiHtnfr rjnii -win . " . "s nonce, uiai S hy I ' Ul April, iaiu, y. li. Sullivan, a Justice of the Peaco, of North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an Order of Attachment for the sum of $25.00, n an action pending before him where Gustof Goll defendant, that property consisting of money as wages due the defendant from the Union Pacific Rail T7 il T a corporation, has becn attached under said ordor. Said rnnan nno , .. " wuuuui'U 10 ine Sth flnv nf Tnnn inn. . r "v "III f T , A . ' lolu 1,1 'en o clock. Dated this 28th day of April. 1916. GEORGE WICKHAM. 31-3W Geo. N. Glbbs, His AtiSfft