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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
THE SEMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. mm iot waiter MOW HF TOUJ OKTT IFEEL EE1T Says glass of hot water with phosphato beforo breakfast washes out poisons. If you wako up wltli a bad taoto, bad breath and tonguo Is coatod; if your head is dull or achlnc; if what you oat sours and forms gas and acid in stom ach, or you aro bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't got fooling Just right, begin drinking phosphatod hot wator. Drink beforo breakfast, a gloss of real hot water with a tea spoonful of llmoetono phosphato in it This wlU flush the poisons and toxins :f J, from stomach, llvor, kldnoys and bow ' ' els and cloanso, sweettn and purify the entire alimentary tract Do your insldo bathing immediately upbn aris ing In tho morning to wash out of tho system all tho previous day's poison ous waste, gases and sour bllo boforo putting moro food into tho stomach. To feel like young folks fool; llko you felt boforo your blood, nerves and muscles becamo loaded with bod Im purities, got from your druggist or storekeeper a quarter pound of lima stone phosphato which is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except for a sourish tlngo which is not unpleasant. Just as soap and hot wator act on tho skin, cleansing, swcotenlng and freshening, so hot water and lime stone phosphato act on tho Btomach, liver, kldnoys and bowels. Men and women who aro usually constipated, bilious, headachy or havo any stomach disorder should begin this insldo bath ing boforo . broakfost. Thoy aro as sured thoy will bocomo real cranks on the subject shortly. Adv. HADN'T REALIZED HIS LOSS Small Boy's Idea Wan That Only Com paratively Unimportant Member of Family Had Been Killed. Ho was a very small boy. Paddy was his dog, and Paddy was nearor to his heart than anything on earth. When Paddy met swift and hideous death on tho turnpike road his moth er trembled to br.eak tho nows. But It had to be, and when ho came homo from school she. told him simply: "Paddy has been run over and killed." Ho took It very quietly; finished tils dinner with appetite and spirits unimpaired. All day it was tho Bame. But five minutes after ho had gono up to bed thoro echoed through tho house a shrill and sudden lamenta tion. His mother rushed upstairs with 8olIcltudo and sympathy. "Nurse says," he sobbed, "that Pad dy has been run over and killed." "But, dear, I told you that at din ner, and you didn't seem to trouble at all." "No; but but I didn't know you Raid Paddy. I I thought you said daddy!" Not Altogether a Success. "Yes," tho young medico sighod, "tho healing profession Is full of dif ficulties. The other "day, for instance, I had a patient who ought to have gono to a warmer cllmato. Couldn't afford it. I decided to try hypnotism. I painted a largo sun on tho colling and by suggestion induced him to think it was tho sun." "And how did it work?" inquired the listener. Tlo doctor passed a hand wearily over his brow. "He's down with sunstroke," ho said, sadly. Black eyes aro most beautiful when given by nature. EXPERIMENTS Teach Things of Value. Whero one has never made the ex periment of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum, It is still easy to learn something about it by reading tho experiences of others. Drinking Postum is a pleasant way out of coffee troubles. A Ponu. man says: "My wifo was a victim of nervous ness, weak stomach and loss of ap petite for years; and although we re sorted to numerous methods for re lief, one of which was a chango from coffee to tea, It was all to no purpose. '"Wo knew coffee was causlngtho trouble but could not find anything to tako its place until wo tried Postum. Within two weeks after she quit coffeo and began using Postum almost all of her troubles had disappeared aB if by magic. It was truly wonderful. Her nervousness was gono, stomach trou ble relieved, appctlto improved and, above all, a night's rest was completo and refreshing. "This sounds llko an exaggeration, as it all happened so quickly. Each day there was improvement, for tho Postum was undoubtedly strengthen ing her. Every partlclo of this good work Is duo to drinking Postum in place of coffeo." Name given by Pos tum Co., Dattlo Crook, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal tho original form must bo well boiled. lGc and 25c pkgs. Instant Postum a soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa tor, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious boverage Instantly. 30o and GOc tins. Both forms are equally delicious and cost about, tho same por cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocera In Woman's Realm Fine Cotton Fabrics and Linen Lawns Most in Favor for Under Garments Little Really New in the Designs Shown This Season Pretty Coat for Little Girl That the Home Dressmaker Should B3 Able to Fashion. There is nothing startllngly now In mo designs displayed in now lingerie Pilot laco is a moro important feature than it has over been, used as yokos for nightgowns and other garments. Entlro corsot covers nro mado of it. Zluny and hand crochet or tatting edg ings aro used with it, and often addi tional ornament In hand ombroldcry, which may extend from tho fabric to ho laco, appears on the most olaborato things. A nightdress and an envelope ehomlso aro shown in the picture, in vhich hand embroidery Is applied to r 3? mm FASHIONS IN .Ino nainsook. The nightdress Is a "slipover" model, with short sleeves :ut in one with tho body of tho gown. It hangs straight and lo finished with buttonhole-stitched scallops at tho bottom. The neck and sleeves aro sdged In tho samo way. A. floral fes toon is embroidered about the top of tho gown, and sprays of blossoms on tho Bleoves. It is a .pretty fashion lo mhrolder the initial or monogram on tho top of one sleeve. Tho envelope chemise Is ombroid- ared across tho front with a bow- knot and flower pattern. Tho edges iro finished with shallow scallops, with a fine val edging set undor them. About tho neck a narrow beading tnkes aaro of the baby ribbon which is threaded through it to adjust the gar ment. Tho waist Is held in place by a wider FOR HER ribbon run through dashes In tho naln Book. They aro finished with button hole stitching. Tho bottom of the chemlso is finished llko tho sleeves. Tho littlo girl of five, or six, or tv on or so, looks woll in almost an.1 stylo of coat, and needs at least one that is livable for iter dally wear. Horo Is ono mado of plain serge, piped with a striped fabric, that will serve for her Journoylngs to and from tho kin dergarten or Bchool and for her piny time and any other time during tho cool days of spring. - The model shown In tho plcturo is about b.1 simply put together as it is possiblo fur a coat to bo. It is cut on familiar Hues and presents no diffi culties to tho homo drossmakor, bo causo sho may Bccuro a pattern very llko it from any standard pattern com pany. It hangs almost straight from tho Bhouldors, and therefore thoro Is littlo in tho way of fitting to do. it is to bo lined with messallno or other MS $.,a VF:,J FINE LINGERIE. thin silk, and may bo Interlined with a light muslin. In making coats at homo it is a good plan to cut tho Interlining first and, if alterations aro found neces sary, make them when tho interlining has been basted up and tried on tho figure. When tho Interlining lias been made to set as it should, tho ma terial for tho coat and tho lining is to bo cut according to tho Intorllning, which will servo as a pattern. Somo timc3 tho collar 1b a littlo difficult to adjust, and sometimes setting tho sleoves in properly gives tho home. dressmaker somo uneasiness. Tho coat pictured has a wldo bolt of serge terminating at each sldo, where It jqlns a plaited gtrdlo of silk that extends across tho front. Thla is fastened to tho belt with a button at both sides and may bo left off en- DAILY WEAR. tlrely. Tho belt Is stitched to tho coat nlong Its upper sldo. ' Tho silk girdle is meroly an Item of decoration nnd, if it is omitted, a fourth button Is to bo added to tho throo large, flat bono buttons at tho front. The Kircnm ewe Life Is worth wlillo.' Its work Is not tireless, Uh Joys nro not nupornolnl, Ita dlsclpllno Is not unnecessary. When disappointments ciuc, faco them clicorfully. Wondrous Is tho strength of choor fulneBs, MEALS FOR SMALL FAMILY. When buying chicken, onvo tho wing tips, neck nud giblets for Boup. Save tho whlto meat for creamed chicken or for pudding and ono may havo soveral meals from ono chicken. Chicken Pudding or Souffle. Chop tho un cooked whlto meat of tho chicken, then rub It flno. Put half a cupful of dry bread crumbs with a cup ful of milk ovor tho flro to soften, add Iho chicken, Bnlt, poppor and tho yolks 3f three eggs, beaten. Mix well, then fold In tho well-henten whites and put Into a buttered baking dish. Bako in i modorato oven twenty minutes or until It Ib firm. Servo nt onco or it will fall. It Is much bettor to ontortnln two or throo gucstB on dlfforont days than to give a largo affair which upsots tho routine of tho home. On tho day or tho day beforo cntortninlng for an ovo nlng company ono might, havo turkoy, then tho cold sllco meat may bo UBcd In various ways or served In Ennd- wiches for tho evening. A pineapple or Edam cheese hoops well and Is perhaps a moro economical cheese to buy unless choeso Is bought In very small qunntltlcs. Leftover fish may bo sorved In a cream snuco or in a salad, making vory good dishes so that ono may buy a fish, boll or bako it and not foci that It Ib too expensive for the small fam ily. Tho following is a good dinner menu Tor tho small fumily: Tomuto boup. broiled sllco of fish with lemon buttor. potato balls, sliced cucumbors with French dressing, applo pie, cheese and coffee. Mutton Boudlns. Tako a pint of finely chopped mutton provlously cooked. Cook togothor for two mln utos two tablospoonfuls of soft crumbs and half a cupful of stock or wator; add a tahlcspoonful of buttor and tho meat nicely seasoned with salt, pepper and onion Juice and two well beaten eggs. Fill Into greased custard cups. Sot in a pan of boiling water and bako until firm. Turn out and garnish each boudln with parsley. Lack of occupation Is not rest, A mind quite Idle Is a mind distressed. Ono doesn't learn much wlillo talking, which may explain wliy somo people know so little. VEGETABLE DISHES. Cabbage Is one of our wholosomo vegetables and If properly cooked, Is usually easily digested. Uncooked cabbage Is moro easily digested than cooked; but If tho vegetnblo Jb cooked In an open kottlo allowing tho odors to1 pass off with tho steam, It is found to bo more easily di gested. Cabbage With Pork. This' la u homely, old-fashioned dish, but very appetizing. Plnco half a pound of salt pork In a kcttlo of boiling water and cook gently for throo hours. I'laco tho cabbago In tho kettle with the boiling pork nnd cook until the cab bage Is tender. Servo with vinegar. Smoked hnm or bacon may bo usod Instead of tho pork, If liked. Celerlac. This Is 11 delicious vego ..n bio prized by our Oornmn friends, and ono that should bo more often grown. Tho roots, not the stalks, uro used. They aro about tho size of a turnip. Pare the colorlne, cut In thin alleea and let stand In cold water. Prnln from thin water nnd drop Into boiling water and cool; until tender. Drain nnd rinso in cold water, then reheat In a rich whlto suuee and iprvo. Celorinc nuikcs a nice cream soup, or simply conked and seasoned tvlth buttor, salt and popper and used is ti vegetable with chicken It Is most ippctlzing. Forco mashed and seasoned potato .hrough a ricor Into a buttered bak ing dish, place in tho oven to brown. Gypsy Stew. Cook togothor small :arrota, now onions, green puna und potatoes until tender, then ndd two jllcos of diced salt pork, fried brown, ,o tho drained vegetables, and senson .veil with suit, poppor and good rich .ullk, heated to tho boiling point. Servo hot. INTERESTING FACTS Tho word ndmlral In derived 'rom tho Arabic, emlr-al-bahr, meaning "lord of tho ecu." Fifty thousand tons of n nntlvo grass Is used in India each year for manufacture into paper. Tho chocks which pass through tho clearing houso In Loudon and Now York in ono month, in uonnnl times, aro said to oxcoed tho value of all tho existing gold and silver coin in thci world. It Is not enough that women should bo liomn-mnkcrs: but they must mnko tho world Itaoif a tarter home. Vran cos WlUard. Thoro Is no defeat,' all for re treat can bo blown froM tta Uncle f rlilht. Lillian Stolon. FOODS WHICH GO TOGETHER. V Bosldo tho hygienic, there Is tho esthetic sldo of vegetable and moat oombinattons. Potatoes havo littlo flavor nnd aro bettor homo by tho pnlato than many other vegetables. In conso quenee In ninny homen thoy nro served dally nnd oftunor. In our food o o ro h I n a 1 1 o n n it wo plcaso tho eye wo will plcaso tho palato and thus tho stomach is also pleased. Thero nro cortatn foods which scorn mado to go togothor. For example mutton with rlco, and lamb with peas. Group with thc80 somo pleasing com bination of green vegetables nnd tho main part of tho menu is thought out. For a ronst beef main dish, manhed or baked potatoos, spinach, cauliflow er, cooked cabbago, brusseln sprouts or string beans nro good combinations. With boiled beet wo llko turnips or carrots and plain boiled potatoes, with a lottuco with French dressing or a cold slaw, celery or Bllccd tomatoes. With boiled mutton, caper sauco nnd rlco with stowed turnips, or aspar agus or green penc. Breaded chops with tomato sauco and peas. Lamb, mint sauco, rlco nnd peas, or a dish of young carrots. Roast turkoy, potato croquettes, boiled onions nnd a green salad. Cran berry Jolly. HnasL pork, apple sauce, stowed on ions nnd n lettuce salad. Roast duck stuff with colory and sorvo.orango snlnd with French dress ing. (Jocso stuff with potnto flavored with onion; servo applo sauco and sauerkraut. The gooso may also bo stuffed with npple and prunes and tho salad bo of watercress. Vonlson sorvo a splcod grapo Jolly, mashed potatoes nnd lottuco nnd to mato salad. Broiled chicken, cream sauce, waf fles. With flsh potatoes aro always served. Tho mintage of wisdom Is to know that rest Is rust, nnd that roal life 1st lovo, lauchtor and work. It Is hotter to know less than to know much tliut ain't so. Josh Billings. FOOD FOR PRIME OF LIFE. Naturo's plans cannot bo thwnrted, "as a man sows, shall ho also reap." At fifty. If men nnd wom en hnve lived correctly, physical and mcntnl powers, should bo nt their best, and thoir yiiuiiuiur in living uiuu dccldos whether thosa powoi-B continuo to a rlpo old ugo. Tho foun tain of eternal youth springs from tho river of enthusiasm, nud ho is novor old who keopa in touch with tho moving things of life. Physicul and mental nourishment cannot bo soparatcd and it Is yet ono of tho uiinccountnhlo thlnga that wo will not rccognlzo It. A perfect old ago haa its foundation laid In youth. Ono cannot defy all tho laws of God and mnn for twenty years and expect to enjoy old ago. Someone ha3 said that four-fifths of tho diseases which embitter llfo aro caused from Impropor food or avoid able) errorB In diet. Tho child In tho building of his structure needs ap propriate food. After tho building procesH Is completo he needs only that food which rcpaii'H tlssuo and gives heat and energy. HuslncsH men nro ns unwise In tholr noonday lunches ns uro their wives i i i m ... it. .i .i whom they criticize becaiiBo theirs coiiHlst of a chocolate eclair and a cup of cocoa. Ono is us absurd as tho other. Tho man who bolts hearty food, hurrying through tho menl back to brain work usunlly has no tltno for denth-beil confidences. A wholosomo meal for a brain worker, who takoB tlmo to mnstlcato It, Is u small ploco of rod meat, caro fully cooked, a baked potato, a Hllccd tomato, somo boiled rlco or a baked apple with cream, cup custard or Bpongo cako with Htowed prunes, wholo-wboat broad, with plenty of butter, and a modorato uao of coiTco. Henry Heft, a farmer, living near Marietta, Pa., for many years, haa kept tally on tho number of tramps ho has fed and lodged. During tho last year he entertained 505 of them. Ho has a soparato room in his barn in which ho lodges them. Good papor, it is said, can bo pro duced from refuso hops thnt havo hlth erto boon thrown away in broworios It is surprising to loarn that chnri ots worked on tho principle of the taxlmetor were usod in China in th fourth contury. AFTER SIX YEAR OF SUFFERIN Woman Mado Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Columlu9,Ohio. "I had almost given tip. I had been sick for six years with mra lemnlo troubles nnd NI B nervousness. I had 1 a pain in my right eido and could not eat anything with out hurting my stomach. I could aatdrink cold water at all nor cat any kind of raw fruit, aor fresh meat nor ehleken. From 178 pranda I went to 118 and would got weak at times that I fell ovsr. I began t tako Lydia E. FInkham'fl Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and It did not hurt my stomach. I havo taken tho rncdlclno over since nci I feci liko a now woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has dono for mo already. My husband says ho knowa your mcdiclno has saved my llfo." Mrs. J. S. Baiilow, 1C24 South 4th St, Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinlthnm's Vegetable Com pound contains just tho virtues of roots nnd herbs needed to restore health and otrenirth to tho weakened organs of tho body. Thnt is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invnIid,recovered so completely. It pays for woman suffering from any fcmnlo ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when tho liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutfirmlycomj pel a lazy liver to-i do its duty. Cures Con-, Upation, In digestion, Sick Headache, nnd Distress After Elating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature He Must Be InTown. Mary, tho doctor's littlo four-year- old daughter, was playing outsldo tho ofllco. A gentleman calling to sco tho doctor Inquired, "Mnry, haa your papa gone to tho country?" Whereupon littlo Mnry promptly ro- pllcd, "I gucsB ho must bo somowhoro in town, becauso all his country pa tients are dead." Clovoland Loador. Out of Danger. 'Wo havo such good nows from the front! Donr ChnrloB is safely wound or nt last." Vogue. Kill the Files Now and Prevent iIIsomo. a fiAISY FLY KILLEKwlll do it. Kills thoUEnnds. Lasts nil suasod. Alldealnn or six scat express paid for (1. II. 80MEI13, lou ua ivaiu avv, urooKiyn, n. x. aut. Tho world would have moro to wor ry about if each, man could mako his own weather. A bnd back makes n day's work trrico as hard, llackacho usunlly comes from weak kidncj'R, and if headaches, dizzi ness or urinary disorders nro added, don't wnit get help before dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease set in, Do&n's Kidney Pills havo brought new life nnd now strength to thousunds of working men nnd women. Used and recommend ed the wprld over. An Iowa Case "Evtrv Pictur C. D. Hayes, 122 N. Second St., Albla, Iowa, says: "My life was a bunion with Uhlnoy complaint and I suiTcred from nliarp pains, along with a dull ache. I got littlo benont from any thing T toolc until I used Donn'a Kidney Pills. Flvo boxoa rid mo of tho trouble and I haven't suf fered much since." Cot Doin't nt Any Store, 50c a Dos DOAN'S vrv P03TER.fcUXBURN CO- BUFFALO, N. Y. I Every Woman "Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for tun years. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, sore throat and sore ryes. Economical. Hit cslrtoriliDBry detnitna tod grnnldJil pnwrf, Snnmle Freo. 50c. ell dmicuti. cr uutmkl br m3. Th JtliTcilft Ccoimpt. Bortog, Miu. J PARKER'S HAIR DAL8AM A toilet prPrtloa ot merit Illp to eradicate rfiadras, ForRelorln Color and Doaulr loGrayorFtIedHtr. 500. and II.M at DrtirrUt. G ALLSTON ES Arnld otMtratlticf. lMilllf e reiurdr- (.VuOin-llenUU lam. Writ for our Dlf J llooK ufTrnlbriJ KaeuTu-lWr QU,nK.tutk Co.JDett.C-U JIS.DiW SuCUoss jjjwnu i kiwi HPM WITTLE T I LY.trt - irfrtft.