The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 09, 1916, Image 6

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Cherry Pits, Now Source of An
noyance, Can Be Made to
Yield VaJuable Oils.
Specialists In U. 8. Department of Ag
riculture Declare Also That 105,
000 Gallons of Juice Now
Thrown Away May Do
Converted Into Jelly
and Sirup.
Washington, D. C Sixteen hundrod
tonH of cherry pita, now a sourco of
nnnoyanco andexpenso to canneries,
can bo mado to yield two valuablo oils
and nlBO a meal for feeding cattle, ac
cording to specialists of tho United
States department of agriculture. In
addition, 105,000 gallons of cherry
Julco now wasted In seeding cherries
can bo turned Into dcBirnhlo Jolly and
sirup, or oven Into alcohol. A saving
of tlicso valuablo by-products from
cherry canning may make poBslblo tho
domestic manufacture of substitutes
for almond oil and blttcr-almond oil,
now Imported, and at the samo time
establish a now Industry In the cherry
packing districts of tho North Atlan
tic, North Central and Western states.
Tho specialists, howovcr, havo not
yet carried their work to u point
where thoy can say that tho convert
ing of this Julco and tho cherry pits
would bo a profitable sldo industry for
tho ordinary or smaller cannery. Ir,
casoo whero a number of ennners aro
operating within a reasonable dlstanco
of one another, tho specialists, how
ever, bollovo that tho wasto products
could bo sent to a contra! co-operative
or other plant at Hinall cost and there
utilized to advantage Studies, how
ever, aro being carried on to doter
mino whether means cannot bo do
vised for making theso wasto products
profitable also when handled on a
small scale.
Some timo ago there wan slmllnr In
vestigation of tho uso of peach and
apricot pita for making oils nml
meal, and a commorclol enterprise
has been established In California for
dealing with theso productB. Tho de
partment has published a bulletin on
this subject and also one dealing with
tho utilization of raisin seed from
tho seeded raisin industry. It wan
found that many tons of raisin seed
had considerable fruit adhering to
them which could readily be turned
int6 a very doslrablo ralrJn sirup for
tho uso of confectioners and others.
After this pulp had been used it was
found that an oil usoful In the arts
couW profitably bo pressed from tho
seed, and experiments nro under way
to determine whether tho scrushcd
seed could not bo used to advantago
In feeding stock.
Tho following description of Uioro
products, and methods which hnvo
been developed for making them, aro
taken from professional paper 350,
"Tho Utilization of Cherry By-Prod-ucts,"
by Frank Rabak. chemical
biologist, bureau of plant Industry
Fixed Oil From Cherry Pits.
Tho komol ofitho pit, as long has
been known, contains a considerable
quantity of oil. Investigations nv
cently conducted show t lint tho oily
constituents of the kernel can bo con
vortod Into a llxcd oil much like nl
mond oil, and a volatllo oil practically
identical with oil of bitter nltnondu.
Alius Constance Kopp (right), tho
girl doputy shorirf of Horgcn county,
Now Jorroy, dived Into tho Icy waters
of tho Ilaokensack river and rescued
un luvauo mnn. Ho wob revived by
physicians. MIbb Kopp was put to bed
in chargo of a nurao but wont out a
few hours lator to attend to hor dutleB.
Tony HoJnacka wna being takon from
a hospital to tho asylum In chargo of
Miss Koop when ho escaped. On tho
left of tho picture Is MIbb Kopp'o
Tho rcslduo after theso oils nro ex
tracted shown on annlysls Ingredients
that may mako it n practical caltlo
food similar to linseed cako.
"Tho fixed oil Is tho most important
by-product of cherry pits. It has n
golden yellow color and a pleasant
nutlike tasto and odor. In character
It Is so closely related to Imported al
mond oil that It Is believed to pos
sess similar possibilities In tho com
mercial manufacture of drugs, Mis
and soap.
"If tho pits of all domestic cherries,
now thrown away at canneries, and
tho pits extracted from Imported cher
ries, woro processed In this way it is
estimated that thoy would yield 320,
000 pounds of llxcd oil, worth in tho
neighborhood of twenty cents a
pound. The best quality of this fixed
oil is extracted from the kernels in
hydraulic presses. Tho shells of tho
pits aro first cracked in a mill and the
uncrushed korncls separated out with
sieves. Tho oil Is then pressed out
from the moats. In a laboratory ex
periment tho korncls yielded 21 per
cent of fixed oil under a pressuro of
2,750 pounds to tho squaro Inch. On
a commercial scale, however, with
presses equipped for heating tho kor
noln under pressure, It is believed that
30 per cent or more can bo obtained.
Tho oil also can bo obtained by grind
ing the pits and extracting by means
of solvents.
Volatile Oil Second Product.
"Tho volatile oil, tho second product,
remains In tho pressed cako after tho
llxed oil has been oxtractcd by pres
suro or by solvents. Tho volatile oil
is then secured by chemical means
and distillation. In tho experiments
U.o oil was obtained at tho rato of
nearly one pound for every 100 pounds
of reslduo treated. It Is estimated
that 6,000 pounds of this volatllo oil
could bo obtained if all tho chorry
pits handled nt canneries could bo
used. Tho vnluo of this by-product,
Illicit Dispensers of Liquor Busy
in Dry Territory Along Mexi
can Border.
Cook With Troopers at Columbus Pcd
dies Refreshments From His Oaken
Limb Until Officers Discovered
Source of Supply.
Columbus, N. M. Evcrywhoro that
tho broad trail of tho army loads, tho
trail of tho "bootloggor" parallels. Par
ticularly if tho routo of tho troop
ers llos through dry torrltory, tho Il
licit dispenser of the draft Unit
sometimes cheers Is a hanger-on.
And ho has a million and ono ways
to uvado the regulations.
Tho bootlegger arrlvod In Columbus
about ton seconds after Undo Sam s
aoldlor boys. Ho did a prolltablo
business, capoclally around pay day.
Somo of tho troopers, disgruntled bo
causo thoy were forced to remain here
inactivo whllo tholr matoa wero play
ing hideaud-scok with Villa in tho
sand dunes, woro intent on drowning
tholr sorrows. Others eolobrated tholr
good fortuno whon thoy wero ordered
to cross tho lino.
"Pegleg" Is, or was, a cook for tho
civilian omployeca of the quartormaa.
tor's department. Tho namo comes
from his portsldo limb, which Is of
sturdy oalc. After tho troops arrived,
Pegleg seemed always to bo In tho
mood that can como only from looking
on tho wlno whon It Ib red. And -ho
became ourprlslngly prosperous. Ills
condition drew tho suspicion of tho
army authorities.
Llout. Austin M. Pardeo of tho
Twentieth Infantry, dotalled as a pro
vost marshal, decided that Pcglcg
woifld boar watching.
After ' several hours of watchful
waiting ho saw two troopers slide up
to Pofdog's tent and In distinctly nudl
bio tones bid Pegleg to "set out tho
Joy Julco." Pegleg was complying
whon Llcutonunt Pardee arrested tho
"1 won't go!" declared Pegleg, and
promptly lay down.
"Got two men to carry him." eug-
goatcd u sergeant.
"Oct nothing," decided Lieutenant
Pardee. "You follows take off his
pants and his leg, and lot htm lie
there. Ho won't escape on ouo leg,
that Is certain."
Pegleg protested vigorously, but U
avullod him nothing. Tho pants camo
off, llkowlBO tho log, und with tho lat
ter camo tho secret of Peglog'o sue
cess at dispensing.
Tho log was hollow, lined with tin,
and held at loast a half a gallon of
liquor. t
Pegleg, Ills stores confiscated and
poured Into a dry but unapproclatlvo
(lc3ort, was landed on un castbound
Half an hour lator Ltoutenant Par
deo saw a whlto-halred, vcnorablo-
looking old gcntlemun alight from an
eastern passenger train. Ilo cariiod a
Two soldiers greeted tho old man
"Cot anything good?" queried Lieu
tenant Pardeo.
"8-a s-h-h; it's six bits a bottlo. I
got to got big money becauso its
risky business horo," ropllod tho ugod
"So It la," commented tho lieuten
ant as he took tho sultcaso and start
ed loading tho procession for tho Jail.
Since tho troops havo boon hero,
based on tho current prices for the
very similar Imported blttcr-almond
oil, would bo In the neighborhood of
"Tho press cake loft after both fixed
and volatile oils havo boon removed,
Is bollovcd to contain substances
which may mako It a desirable stock
food. Its most Important constitu
ents, as shown by analysis, aro Int.
protoln, Including nitrogen compounds,
p.nd sugar and other carbohydrates.
The protoln amounts to 30 per cent
and in this tho cako compares favor
ably with other stock foods. If chorry
kernel meal proves In practico to bo
an good for feed as tho laboratory
analysis would Indlcato, tho annual
valuo of this product would bo about
Much Juice Is Wasted.
"Tho 105,000 gallons of cherry Juice
wasted each year la tho canneries, tho
oxpcrlmonts show, would, If collected
and treated, produco 85,000 gallons of
desirable Jolly or a largo quantity of
tablo sirup, or could bo mndo to fer
ment and produco alcohol. In tho ex
periments u chorry Jelly, bright red in
color and with a fruity odor, was
made by concentrating tho chorry
Julco with cano sugar In a vacuum.
A small amount of gelatin was then
added and tho mlxturo allowed to
cool. Other processes In which tho
concentrated Julco Is heated with
pectin or fruits rich in pectin, tho
Investigators bollovo might produco
oven better results.
"Tho julco nlso could bo raado Into
somo 21,000 gallons of an ngreeably
flavored tablo sirup by neutralizing
tho ncid In tho filtered Julco with milk
of llmo and concentrating It by evap
oration and then Bottling or filtering
out tho llmo compounds.
"Tho cherry Julco, If fcrmontod by
tho addition of yeast and then dis
tilled, can bo made to yield 36 per
cent of absoluto alcohol or about
5,000 gallons."
dozens of suitcases havo been con
fiscated In a liko manner. Columbus
Is strown with broken bottles their
contonta having wetted an arid des
.Miss Urownc la tho daughter of Con
gressman Edward 13. Urowno of Wis
consin. She Is a student at tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin.
Some Girl- Sent Home From Dances
Frocks Are Too Low at Top or
Too High at Bottom.
Bloomlngton, Ind. Tho Indiana unl
vorslty authorities havo cntnbllBhcd a
censorship of clothes worn by tho "co
ed n."
"ho censorship Is In chargo of Miss
Ituby C. B. Mason, dean of women,
who Is attending all dances and In
specting tho frocks and gowns. If
tho ovcnlng gowns of tho glrlB do not
conform to regulations as to length
and stylo, tho woarora aro sent back
to tholr rooms for a chango of attlro.
Thin has happened to several young
women recently. Tho censorship la
established bocnuso of tho loyalty of
tho Indiana "co eds" to tho prevailing
styles, especially In dancing frocks.
Tho frocks havo been cut so low from
tho chin und so high from tho ground
that thoy havo been shocking to some,
tho university authorities say. all
during tho winter.
June Glomen Says Woman Will
Anything for tho Msn She
Sim Jose. Juno Clemen, hold horo
on n chargo of grand larceny, told
Doputy Shorirf lluftlngton that with
Louis i., who is also horo, and
soven other men, she had rlddon tho
blind baggago from Salinas to San
Luis Obispo, peddling B'olon goods
bb opportunity offerod. Her oxplana'
lion or her Implication 7n tho rob
bory was, "You will do anything for
tho man you love."
Rate Lower for Stepmothers.
Harrison, N. J. Joseph Qendlskl,
arrested for "kicking his Brother," was
lined 20. Tho woman said sho was
not John's mother, but his stopmothor.
-mon mako tho lino 10," decreed
tho court
Immenso Uncultivated Area Cannot
Be Developed Until Improved
Highways Are Constructed.
Thcro aro over 400,000,000 acres ot
uncultivated land In tho United States
awaiting development that cannot bo
dovclopcd without improved highways.
It has boon shown that tho valuo of
land ia Increased evenly with tho im
provement for tho roads, tho Increaso
running from $2 to $9 tho aero. As
tho roads aro improved, thcro la n
corresponding increaso in population.
In twenty-flvo counties, takon at ran
dom, which havo contained on an av
erage only 1 per cent of Improved
roads In tho decade 1890 to 1900,
thcro was a falling off in population
of 3,000 In each county. In twenty
flvo other counties, taken at random,
in which thcro was an average of 40
Good Road In Nebraska.
per cent of Improved roads, tho In
creaso of population In each county
waB 31,000. Tho 'back-to-the-farm'
movement will progress Just in pro
portion to tho improvement of tho
highways, and tho improvement of
the highways Is dependent upon ad
ministration not less than upon con
struction. Thcro must bo skill in tho super
vision as well as in tho building of
tho roads. Hcrctoforo at least nine
tenths of tho work on tho roads has
been dono under tho direction of men
without any knowledgo of roadbuild
ing, which Is an art based upon a sci
ence Thcro aro today moro than 100,
000 potty road officials In tho United
States who havo no practical knowl
edgo of tho simplest engineering prob
lems that must bo solved In tho loca
tion of tho roads, In their relation to
a general systsem, or to related sys
tems; but who nro supposed to havo
great lnfluonco in neighborhood poli
tics and arc mighty at tho polls. It Is
from this incubus that tho problem
must be relieved If tho country is to
enjoy tho benefits of a well ordered
system of highways.
Good roads not only cost a great
deal of money in their construction,
but also in their maintenance or ad
ministration. It has been tho habit la
this country to 'work on tho roads'
when all other work was done, and
this has meant that tho roads havo
had attention only once or twlco a
year. Macadam roads do not take
caro of themselves, concreto roads
should havo constant attention, sand
clay roads require dally supervision It
they aro to glvo scrvlco for which
thoy wero designed and built. In
Franco every mllo of road Is Inspected
dally, and it is tho constant vigllanco
ot trained supervision that enables tho
railroads of tho country to tako caro
of tho business of tho country. Thero
ought to bo tho same sort and degrco
of supervision of tho roads of tho
United States if thoy aro to glvo tho
tjorvrco for which tiny aro built. To
mako a mllo of macadam road eight
foot wldo and eight inches thick, 1,750
tons of stono aro required, and to
build n mllo of gravel road eight feot
wldo and eight inches thick, 1,142.93
cubic yards of compacted, or, l,5pi cu
bic yards ot looso gravel aro required,
and in order that tho best rosults may
bo obtained, thero must bo compotent
supervision not only In tho mixing ot
tho materials employed in tho build
ing of tho roads of tho several types,
but in tho placing of materials.
Thero aro 2,000,000 miles of what
aro commonly called "dirt rends" In
tho United States, and to mako them
offoctlvo thoro must bo proper drain
ago, such grading and allgnmont
as will mako them fit for tho traffic
and constant surfaco bcttorraent, and
It Is nothing short ot criminal wasto
to build roads of macadam and ex
pect them to tako caro of themselves.
Undoubtedly tho best system of main
tonanco for all roads Is that which pro-
,vldcs for tho pormanent nnd some
times continuous employment of
skilled laborers who havo chargo ot
particular sections of road, or who
may bo assigned to any part of tho
county or other road unit whoro thcro
is work most nooded.
Canadian Stono Highway.
A stono highway, to cost $000,000,
is to ho built from Ottawa, Canada,
GO miles south to tho St. Lawronco
rlvor international boundary. It is
stated that tho road ia to bo built as
n momorlal to tho lato J. P. Whltnoy,
premier of Ontario.
All-Yenr-Round Roads.
Good roads help small towns; rail
roads build up tho groat cities, but
all-tho-year-round roads turn the
stream of wealth, travol and business
back towards the rural centers.
American Flag Under Lions That Look British
Vtr ASHINGTON. Four bronzo lions, said to bo exact copies ot thoso on the
ir Trafalgar square Lord Nelson monument In London, couchant on flags
presumed to bo tho American colors, form a group on tho Grant monument lt
tho Botanic garden, which Is attract
section, therefore Is tho most conspicuous Tho center Is raised, and on this
clovated baso is tho largo tablet on which tho Inscription Is to bo placed.
Around this base, at each of tho four comers, Is a crouching lion, under whose
body is stretched a flng, which, by tho Araorlcan caglo forming tho head and
by tho fact that it is a monument to an American horo, might bo taken to bo
tho American standard.
Tho fact that tho Hons aro copies of tho British Hons on tho Trafalgar
square monument In England and tho eight of tho flag stretched under tholr
bodies has cause'l many tourists and other observers to wondor Just what
tho motif of tho group is intended to express.
To an artist perhaps tho proud attitude of tho crouching iigures might
convoy an air of heroic protection, but to tho ordinary mind this samo proud
appearanco might mean haughty possosslon, and it Is this lattor Impression,
probably, which has caused tho inquiries to bo raised.
Commerce Department Talks of Volcano Foundry
A PROPOSED novel co-operation with nature in a manufacturing enterprise,
whereby tho great volcano of Kilauea of tho Island of Hawaii would bo
mado to servo as a gigantic foundry for casting sower plpo and bricks. I?
arousing interest among officials of
tho United States department of com
merce. This interest Is not only in
the schemo as a general commercial
feature affecting production and
freight movements in territory com
prising tho United States. Every ef
fort is being mado by the territorial
Government to foster other industries
than tho dominant ones of sugar pro
duction and pincapplo canning in or
der to solve pressing economic prob
lems, and a suggestion has been mado
by tho governor of tho Islands that congress authorizo tho federal department
of commerce to co-opcrato in tho work.
Tho possibilities of casting sewer plpo from tho molten lava ot tho volcano
aavo been studied by a retired plpo manufacturer from tho United States who
recently visited tho islands, and ho has even suggested details of tho pro
cedure by which buckets of exceedingly refractory material on an endless
chain would bring tho molten lava from the bed of tho crater to its rim, where
tho pipes would bo cast. Buckots capablo ot resisting 2,000 degrees Fahren
heit easily can be provided, it is declared, whllo tho tomperaturo of tho lava
has been found from sclentlllc observations to bo about 1,800 degrees. At such
a high degrco of heat tho lava. It is believed, Would remain liquid during tile
short timo necessary to transport it to tho molds.
Though the plan Is so' out of tho ordinary that it sounds almost visionary
to the layman, it is explained to tho commerce department by its agents in
Hawaii that Kilauea presents ono of tho best opportunities known anywhere
In the world for industrial utilization of tho earth's natural heat.
Senator Reed's Secretary Bests the Constable
ON HUNT of Kansas City, secretary to Senator Itecd, is tho horo of District
ot Columbia autolsts by reason of his victory ovor Maryland constables who
arrested him Sunday for driving his "llivver" Into tho state without a Maryland
license. Hunt's machine was adorned
"I am willing to tako oath that this is my second invasion ot Maryland,"
said Hunt. Tho J. P. perused tho law and reluctantly handed back tho fine.
Undor a recent decision ot tho Supremo court of tho United States residents
ot Washington aro required to have both Virginia and Maryland licenses in
addition to tho District tax If thoy deslro to tour tho neighboring common
wealths. Hunt, however, has convinced tho MarylanderB that this ruling does
not apply to MlssourianB unless they exceed tho tourist limitations.
Col. Harts Training His Watchmen to Be Camels
COL. W. W. HARTS, superintendent of public buildings and grounds, who ia
an advocate of preparedness, is putting his "wntchman's brigade" at tho
state, war and navy building through a course of training for sorvico in north
ern Mexico or any other old waterloBB
wasto whoro thoy may bo needed.
As ouo ot tho features ot tho
courso, tho colonel has removed all
tho watcrcoolors from tho corrldorB.
And as tho watchmen must now
walk through miles of corridors nnd
up and down long flights of stairs to
tet water, tho result Is twofold: Most
ot tho men ore developing a remark
able endurance against thirst, whllo
others thoao who must havo water
aro developing the muscles thoy would
havo to uso on long marches and mountain climbing. In a Bonso, nlso, tho
"brlgado" is getting .practice In tho use of lirearms. Ever bo often in tho
wcok, usually after the departments aro closed for tho day, the colonel gets
his assistant to turn In a lire alarm in somo romoto corner of iho building
Thoreupon thirty-odd watchmen in brass buttons and blue coats go tcartnts
through corridors nnd houndhig up stairways carrying fire extinguishers.
Monday afternoon, howovor, Is tho timo whon tho colonel "takes greatest
prldo In his brigade. Promptly at 3:30 o'clock, tho mombers of tho "brlgado"
lino up on tho lot back of tho state, war, and navy building, and aro Inspected.
Tho colonel, with hlR usslstant acting ns adjutant, walks slowly along tho
lino In front of tho Lie.-, und then along tho lino in buck of tho men. inspecting
tho haug of their Uothop and the orectnesa of their carriasn
Thoro aro more insane In tho United
States than students in colleges and
Tho orange was orlKinnlly a pear
shaped fruit about tho olzo ot tho com
mon wild chorry. Its evolution Is
believed by naturalists to bo duo to
1,200 years ot cultivation.
To toll tho alzo of a hut, hatterB
add together tho numbor ot Inches
In tho lone &nd short diameter and
d'rido by two.
WW 1 1 1" W 1 1 1 fl ft l .T-Ut
ing much comment at present becauso
of tho un-American idea tho Hons con
voy by reason of their position ovor
tho flogs. Although tho group has boon
in position for Borne time, this peculiar
featuro ha? apparently escaped notlco
untll rccontly. Tho additions Just bo
lug mado nttracted closer attention
howovcr, from tho casual observer.
Tho figures of tho Hons which
havo given rlso to comment form tho
ccnternleco of tho monument. Thla
with Washingtbn and Missouri tags,
but tho Maryland officials held that
this was not sufficient. Thoy escorted
Hunt to a Justice of tho peace, who
promptly assessed a fine of $5. Hunt
demanded to be shown the section un
der which ho had been penalized. It
was produced with tho result that
Hunt pointed out to tho J. P. that as a
nonrosldent ho was entitled to drive
through Maryland seven times with
out a license.
CAflEL At? A
Brazilian cocoanut palms llvo from
COO to 700 years, and tho dato palm
from 200 to 300 years. On tho Mount
ot Olives, Jerusalem, thero aro olivo
trees known to havo been flourishing
In 1099.
Tho physical effort of opening a
caso in which ho was chiof counsel
proved too much for Sir Edward Car
son at London tho othor day, tho pity
ot tho thing being that ho had timo
to deliver only 252,000 words ot his
brief beforo his volco and strength
failed him,
2- f2JShr.