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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
A WORD ABOUT PERSONAL SERVICE 1 1 "NOUR purchase of a watch or a diamond, of silver tableware or personal jewelry, wjII be much more satisfactory if your choice is guided by expert advice. We lire nlwnya glad to help our patrons with suggestions, to give them the benefit of our years of experience. this service costs nothing, but odds Immeasurably to your satisfaction. Ask to see "1835 7?. Wallace," Heaviest Silver AT SPECIAL PRICES FROM 9 Plate. I 1 UQ16S Suits May 8th to May 20th HI: -TO I ! 0 w ,.; ' CLINTON, Jowolcr-Optlcian DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tho McDonald State Bunk. 1 CITY AND COtJflTY NEWS. W. Christie Adams has returned from a visit with friends in Omaha. Mrs. Asa Snow left Saturday morn ing for Goring to spend several weeks. Miss Anita Allowio, of Omaha, left Thursday ufter a visit with Miss Hazel Smith. L. C. Hansen and sdn Freeman left the latter part of last week forCouncll Bluffs. Miss Gertrude Nelson, of Ogalalla, visited her sister Mrs. Hunt here last week. Percy Sanders and sister, who visit ed tlio Rlstlne family in Gothenburg, have returned home. Mrs. Edward Adams Who .visited at the Pulver home last week, has re turned to Grand Island. Mrs. J. R. McWilliaras and son Wal lace went to Ogalalla Sunday,, to visit relatives for.a week. vK, Clean Up Sale, of all Wool Stilts. All our suits formerly sold up to $17.50 now $10.00. BLOCK'S. Tho Senior class of tho local high school will hold a picnic in the lillls south of town tomorow. Mrs. Hazel Scott left tho latter part of" last week 'for- Omaha"-vhero she will make her future home. Miss Tlllio Johnston, of Ogalalla, formerly of this city, is visiting this week with Mrs. James Danze. The higli school glee clubs will give a concert at Horshey Friday evening and at Cozad Saturday evening. Mrs. Joseph Murpliy left Saturday morning for Wisner to visit Miss Mary Carroll, formerly of this city. Miss Hazel Hainline,, who visited at the Pulver home last 'week, has re turned to her homo in Grand Island. Harry Doran, of Burwoll, is ex pected here today and will be married tomorrow to Miss Jessamine Flynn. Clean Up Suit Sale, all Wool Suits formerly priced up to $23.50 now go ing at $15.00. BLOCK'S. Tho graduation exercises of the eighth grades will bo hold at the Keith theatre Saturday afternoon, May 27th. Tho Tilllkum Glrl,'s cfub held a social and business meeting in tho basement of the Episcopal church last evening. MisH Edna WoodJing, of Kansas City, Is expected here shortly to visit her brother W. C. Woodring for a . fortnight. :ro:: For Sale Chenp. Two houses, lot and barn at 1005 nortli Locust street, also 101 acres of hay land to lease. Write T. B. Mc Govern, 271G Franklin street," Omaha Neb., 294 The Man With A 1 " You can't persuade the busy business man, progressive fann,er, or thrifty railroad man with a bank account to go back to the old way of carrying his money around with him. He now deposits his money and checks, as he receives them, in the bank and pays his bills by giving his check on his bank account. If you haven't already started a bank account, you don't know what you are missing. Start now and get the benefit of the many advantages offered the "man with a bank account." McDonald State Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. The Bank Behind The Thrift Movement. J. W. Lanham, of Stromsburg, who had been visiting with her daughter Mrs. L. E. Toole returned homo Satur day morning. John Sellasan and family of Lara mie, who wore guests of tho Fred erlckson family for two weeks, left Saturday morning. Miss Harriett Dixon, who has' been attending college In Grlnnell, In., is expected tQ return home the latter part of this month. Optometry can't give you new eyes, but it can bring your present ones to tho highest efficiency. Harry Dixon, Jeweler & Optometrist Miss Maude Ericcson of Sutherland, and Mabel Ericcson, of Boulder, Colo., HrrlveH hero Sat,UTday morning to visit with Mrs. L. E. Toole. Mrs. Harry Henckle, of Montpeller, Idaho, Who was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Henckle, left Friday af ternoon for St. Louis. City Property to Trade for Farm Land. Address postofflco box 617. tf Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckley, of- Om aha, arrived hero by auto Friday ev ening and the former has assumed IiIb duties -with Bratt, Goodman & Buck ley. Mrs. Margaret Wilson, who recently sustained a broken ankle in an auto necident and has been taking treat ment at the North Platte General hos pital, is getting along nicely. A wonderful new T)arltone Binger is. announced this month by tho Graf anola Company. Louis Graveure sings "Mary" and "My Dreams" with won derful expression. Dixon the Jeweler. For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3,' Waltemath building, North1 Platte. 4uf R. D. Hart and Guy Russoll were fined one dollar each and costs in Justice Sullivan's court Tliursday af ter being found guilty of cutting down twenty cedar trees on the farm of J. R. Russell. The case was appealed to a higher court by tho defendants. The Harrison Sun relates that 10 cars of cattle wore shipped from Om aha and North Platte to Harrison re cently tho trip occupying about one day, and that 35 calves were born on the train. Only one of tho cattle died out of tlie 238 shipped. Lexington Clipper. Wo must make room for our sum mer stock which is arriving dally. We have therefore placed on sale tlio on tiro stock of spring suits which for merly sold from $15.00 to $37.50 at $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00. BLOCK'S. Tone is the ono quality you consider In the purchase of a piano, violin, or mandolin. You should use tho same care in selecting a talking machine Tono is tho one point in 'which tho Grafanolas excell all others. We are anxious to demonstrate to your satis faction. Dixon, tho Jeweler. : :o: : Bids Wauled. Bids are asked on the Meyers prop erty at 402 east Sixth street, consist ing of lot and 5 room house, tho houses and lots at 415 and 423 cast Eighth street, each of the latter two houses having three rooms. Address T. G. Rowley, North Platte, Neeb. Route 3. 31-3 Bank Account W 4970 if THE U. 1. WILL ItKDUCE FREIGHT KATE OX KRICK C. J. Lane, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, was In town Saturday audi while hero Informed Mayor Evans that the company had decided to make a reduction on tho freight tariff on paving brick from Kearney to .North Platte These pav ing brick are made In Kansas and reach tlio Union Pacific at Kearney and from that point to Nortli Platte tho local rate 'Of flvo cents a hundred pounds applies. Tho Union Pacific, which bears quite a portion of tho paving expense, considers tho reduc tion a mutual transaction between It self and the city, and will make the rato three and one-half cents. It is estimated that to pavo tho created) district will: require seven thousand tons of brick, and tho saving to the city and property owners on the freight reduction will be about $2,100. For tills saving wo havo Mayor Evans to thank for it was upon his dnitiatlvo that the reduction was mado. : :o: : Bartholomew Will Kcturn. Harry L. Bartholomew, a former resident of North Platte is now a first class fireman on tho battleship Texas, which has but recently returned from Cuba to tho Brooklyn navy yard. In a lengthy letter to Tho Tribune lie confesses ho did not treat some people In North Platte tho way they should have been treated financially, but that ho Is saving his money and when his term of enlistment expires ho Is com ing back to Nortli Platte, square up with everybody and begin life anow. He says ho has found no place he likes so well as North Platte. ::o:: Official Changes. V. A. Wirt, former trainmaster at this terminal who was transferred to a similar position at Omaha, has been appointed assistant superintendent of tho Kansas division with headquarters at Kansas City. Trainmaster Vic An derson, of Grand Island, succeeds Wirt at Omaha, and Chlof Dispatcher Geo. A. Zontmoyor, of this city lias been promoted to trainmaster at Grand Island. V. W. Cummlngs be comes chief dispatcher at tho local office. Congratulations aro extended to all these "boys" on their promotion. : :o: : For Kent Sulto of four rooms, over Huffman's Cignr Store. Soo Huffman. 32-2 ::o:: - Celebrate Xlncty-Sovcnth Anniversary Tho 'Iiebekah Degree lodgo and tho I. O. O. F. hold a Joint meeting Thurs day evening to colobrato tho nlncty Bovonth nnnlvorsary of tho organiza tion of Odd Fellowship. An appro priate program of music and read ings was rendered nnd a banquet served. About ono hundred and fif ty wore present. ::o:: Hnuly Is Still Wet. Tho Tribuno stated Friday that Brady would bo a dry town this year. This was erronoous. Mr. Yartor had closed his place Monday and Tuesday In order to perfect his application for a Hcenso nnd this was responsible for a report reaching hero that ho would not tako out a Hcenso. Tho saloon oponed Wednesday nnd Is said to bo doing a good business. ::o:: NOTICE Any ono wanting Ico call on Joo Spies, tho Mold lc man, or phono Black 101. i : :o: : Julius Plzer returned Saturday from a week's business visit In Grand Island, Lincoln and Omaha. During this time we will give you special prices on all of our Ladies9 Wool Suits. We have divided the suits into four lots as follows: - LOT 1 LOT 2 $19.98 I $14.48 LOT 3 LOT 4 $9.98 1 $4.98 We have a very good assortment of colors and sizes, but if you want your choice you will have to act quickly. Wilcox Department Store OGALALLA KUSIXESS 31 EX WILL VISIT THIS CITY. , While enrouto to North Plntto Sec retary Fisher, of the Chamber of Com merce, stopped over in Ogalalla for a short time, visited the officers of the commercial club and invited them to visit North Platte. This invitation was well received nnd will bo accept ed In tho near future. Arrangements will bo mado to send down a delega tion of seventy-five or a hundred of tho Ogalalla boosters, and thoy will bo entertained by a visit to the stuto farm, an inspection of tho several hos pitals and visits to tho business houses. Luncheon will bo served and every effort mado to pleasantly enter tain the visitors. : :o: : Students Please Hlr Audience. Th6 concert by tho boys' and girls' gleo clubs of tlio high school Friday evening was acorded a patronage that .filled the seating capacity of tho uu dltorlum. Without going into details, the entertainment can bo summed up as splendid; the selections by both clubs bcjlng heartily rocoived and on ooro after oncorp was given Jn fact It was fortunate that their fund of songs wore so strong and that thoy were enabled to glvo a difforent selection upon each recall. Miss Dorothy Illn man gave threo readings that wcro good, and tlio evening closed with a clover blnck-fnco comedy In which a dozen girls took part. In this closing stunt tho girls wcro woll costumed, and were tho girls who rendered a Chinese song. Taken as a whole, tho big audlonco was exceptionally woll pleased with tho evening's entcrtnln ment and North Platto audiences are critical. ::o:: Kcceivcs 3Iednl Co. Supt. Allcon Gantt received a communication from A. G. Kittell, ed itor of the Nebraska Farm Journal In which ho enclosed a gold medal and certificate of achievement for Eugeno Johnson of Hershoy, Neb., winner of tho Nebraska boys' and girls' club work. , The medal and cortlflcnto woro given by tho Journal and sent to Miss Gantt at the suggestion of tho Ex tension Service of tho College of Agrl- culturejn charge of the contests. Tho county .'superintendent In each county is designated ns tho county leader In tho club work and their signature Is attached to tho certificate. : :o: :- 3IAKE OFFER On material on old Front Street linrn Site, must no sold. IIRATT, GOODJIAX & BUCKLEY. ; ;o; : Mexican Faces Serious Charge. Jesus Agrular Is bolng held In tho Jail at Omaha until tho Juno term of federal court in this city when ho will uo tried for opening by fraud and deception a letter addressed to ono Lino Vasquor, Dcnvor, Colo., and ab stracting therefrom a postal monoy order for oloven dollars. He was ar rested in Colorado and taken to Om nha and tho caso transform! to tho North Platto fedoral court. Ho was placed under ono thousand dollar bond and was, unnblo to furnish It. Tho Indictment was returned hero from tho fedoral grand Jury In April. ::o:: For Your Xoxt Order of Feed, flour, cabbago, potatoes, ap ples, sand hill seed potatoes of all kinds sco J. Mogonsen at tho North Sldo barn or phono 29. 22-tf : :o: : Misses Ircno Schott and Lola Wal ters nro assisting as stenographers at tho Dnvls garage. Mr. and Mr, I, Otto Well arrived last night from Los Angeles, making tho trip of 1800 miles in a Ford car. Thoy camo ovor tho southern routo, through Arizona and Now Mexico, and say tho Journey was an enjoynblo and lntercting one. They will remain oust until August. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ap pleford made tho trip with the Wells, but on account of tho Illness of Mrs. Applcford the Applofords wero de tained nt WnlBcnburg, Col. Thoy wero nlneten days on the road. ::o:: Will Investigate Territory. In reply to a letter written by the Horshey Bcotgrowors' Association, an, official of tho Great Western Sugar Co., of Donvor, replied as follows: "Wo havo not up to this tlmo seri ously considered your territory, but wo will endeavor to" nrrango to make an Investigation of tho same In tho near future." : :o: : Claims Hu Was Kobbed. Ross Howard, of Hershoy, was ar rested last week on complaint of Geo. McKano who claims that during the closing hours of tho Bnloons last Sat urday, Howard caused him to become Intoxicated and while in this condi tion robbed him of ono hundred nnd forty dollars. Tho caso will bo tried In tho county court. Qonl. Supt. and Mrs. Win. Joffers visited local rolatlves and friends Sat urday while onrouto to Choyonno. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mccombor loft nt noon Saturday tor the east, Avhoro Mr. Mccombor will attend tho O. II. C. convention. ImaamKcvutxMmt fcffiWw5ra5Kaujffl Choose Your Woodwork Carefully WHETHER you plan a new house or changes in the old, give thought to your woodwork. We are glad to have you consult us, not only about your plans hut for practical suggestions in the way of built-in furniture, doors, windows and so on through your list. Vc can show you illustrations of i a URTi WO o owe R.K "The Permanent Furniture for Your Home" Curtis Woodwork has gone Into good homes for 50 years. Every piece that pnsses inspection la stamped "Curtis." If you expect to build, a "Home-Bool:" will bo a mine of help and suggestion for you. We havo three. Any one free. "Better Built Homes," $800 to $3,000; "Homelike Homes," $300 up i "Attractive Bungalows," best types. They show exteriors, floor plann and room3 finished with Curtis Wood work. Call for ono today. W. W. BIRGE COMPANY ,... . , 0800 J1K Some ono told us tho other day thnt tho Union Pacific Is now soiling old scrap rails for $1G.G0 por ton, In 1893 thoso rails could bo purchased direct from tho mills at $111.00 por ton. W. -T. 1I0LHERXESS Ecctrlcnl Supplies Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phono 17fi. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. 6 6 r-rinii mi iiiiiiiBwwiiiaiiwi !! ii m v i r- 1 1 I. 1