The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 09, 1916, Image 4

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Mrs. Janios Dornn left Saturday ov
onlng tor Sidney.
Chnrlcs Reynolds has returned from
a Bliort visit In Omaha.
Mrs. Arthur Artz will entertain the
Eldoon club Wednesday aftornoon.
Miss Eileen Kcllher, of Omaha, Is
visiting her uncle A. A. Schatz and
Banker Nelson and family, of Ogal
alla, spent the week end In town with
Gcorgo W. Vroman returned Satur
day evening from a week's visit In
Mrs. Fred Elliott who visited friends
In Keifrney. last weok camo home
Saturday evening.
Clean Up Suit Sale, all Wool Suits
formorly priced up to $37.50 now go
ing at $20.00 at BLOCK'S.
Tho Lutheran aid sooloty will meet
Thursday aftornoon at tho homo of
Mrs. F. W. Hanson.
Mrs. George Urown and children
left yoatorday morning for York to
visit rolatlvos for some time.
Tluj Catholic Girls Club will ho
entertained at tho homo of Mlsa Sadie
Shcedy Thursday evening.
Mrs. II. S.White ontortalncd the
Golden Rule Blblo class of tho Pres
byterian church Friday aftornoon.
A largo class of boys and girls
will receive their first communion at
St. Patrlck'a church Sunday, Juno 4.
Mrs. M. C. Hayoa and daughter Anna
returned Saturday evening from Grand
Island whore thoy visited last week.
Found Largo samplo caso 1 miles
east of Blgncll. Owner may liavo It
by Identifying It and paying for this
ad. Chris Rosenberg.
Harold Burko has accepted a posi
tion as stenographer In tho First Na
tional bank and will tnko up his duties
In tho near future.
Judgo Grimes, Court Reported Bar
ron and Attorneys Crosby, Hoagland
and Wilcox went to McPhorson coun-!
ty yestorday morning to hold court.
Gottman'sIIand-Made Cigar. 5c. 14-tf
t t a m....t. ... , t i -
was guest at tho homo of Mr .and Mrs.
Elmer Coatcs, last week has gono to
Goring whoro ho will purchaso "a drug
Tho Presbyterian aid Hoclcty will
ba entertained at tho church parlors
Thursday aftornoon by Mcsdamos II.
S. Whlto Calla Davidson and Frank
Mrs. D. C. Congdan was called to
Fremont Sunday ovonlng by the ser
ious illness of hor mothor Mrs.
Thomas Hughes, a former resident
of this city.
Special Agents Fuller and Gcarhart,
of tho gonoral land office, who have
been making North Platto tholr head
quarters for a month, went to Lo
wellon yesterday.
Dr. D. T. Qulgloy, formerly of tills
city, but now ono of Omaha's most
successful physicians, Hpont Sunday in
town whllo onrouto homo from a pro
fessional trip to Sldnoy.
J. B. Hayes, of this city, who was
recently appointed superintendent of
agents for tho Standard011 Co. In Ne
braska, wont to Omaha Sujiday night
to enter upon his now dullds. i
All boosters smoke TownBoost. tf
Mrs. M. M. Rodonbaugh lbft last ov
onlng for Pittsburg to visit relatives
for sovoral woolen. Prof. Redonbaugh
will loavo after tho closing of tho
local schools and thoy will Bpend tho
summor in Chicago.
Saturday wns a bright day for Mr.
and Mrs Guy Swopo, for Just boforo
noon a boy camo to tholr homo. Con
gratulations aro oxtomlod to tho par
ents their fond 'wish has boon gratl
llcd lu tho advont of a son'n
Graduation drosses that aro beau
tiful and mont reasonable In prlco now
on display at BLOCK'S.
W. D. Fiahor, newly elected nccro
tary of tho Chambor at Commorco, ac
companied by his wife and daughter,
arrived from Alllanco Saturday, mak
ing tho trip by auto. Mr. Fisher on-
torcd upon his dutlos as secretary
yestorday morning.
Palm Loo Cigar 10c. 14-tf
Mrs. W. W. Cummlngs and Mrs. Geo.
O. Troxlor loft this morning for Mc
Cook to attend, as dologatos from tho
local chaptor, tlio grand chapter of
the Ordor or Eastern Stnr. Tho grand
chapter opens today and will bo In
Buaomu mr two or uirco nays.
.Mrs. Vhlnii Doggclt Ilmptli'H Rcvohcr
lit llusliantl and Two of I lie
Sliols Take Effect.
As a culmination of a quarrcd which
had continued for a couple of weeks
and which nroso over the attention
her husband had boon paying to nn
othor woman, Harry Doggott, a switch
man In the local yards, was shot by
Ills wifo, Mrs. Vivian Doggott during
tho noon hour Friday, Tho shooting
occurred in tho apartments over tho
Marti moat market which Mrs. Dog
gott conducts as a rooming house.
During a violent quarrel, In which
Mrs. Doggott says dishes from tho din
ner tablo wero Hung at her by her hus
band, alio ran to Doggctt's ocat, which
was lying on a trunk nnd taking a re
volver from tho pocket, fired live times
at 1ilm. Two of tho bullets took ef
fect, ono making a furrow along the
stomach, tho othor ontcrlng tho right
shoulder and lodging against tho bono
of tho arm, but not shattering it. Hav
ing omptletl tho gun, Mrs. Doggott
phoned tho sheriff that sho had shot
hor husband. She was at onco placed
under arrest and at tho same tlmo the
wounded man was hurried to tho
North Platto General hospital and giv
en tho propor attention.
Mrs. Doggott was arraigned boforo
Judgo French Saturday morning and
plead not guilty to the charge of ma
liciously attempting to kill.
Tho preliminary hearing of tho de
fendant was hold Saturday after
noon, Doggott boing able to ap
pear In court anil testify. Ho ad
mitted that ho and his wifo had quar
rels, but thoy had not quarreled on
tho day of tho shooting. Ho had ap
plied for a pass preparatory to going
to Omaha to Tcslgn, but before leav
ing had gono to his homo. Whllo thcro
his wifo .Btoppcd to tho phono and rang
u i somo ono, and then coming to tho
doorway of tho room opened flro on
him. Mrs. Doggott was bound over to
tho district court in tho sum of five
hundred dollars. She furnished bond
and was released from custody.
Can't Itulld llond on Wind.
It will probably bo sovernl years
boforo tho road botwocn North Platto
and Maxwoll over tho now Lincoln
Highway bridge can bo put In good
shape. To mako a fairly good road
will cost $3,000 to $4,000, and it will
require sovoral annual lovlos to create
this needed amount. Tho commis
sioners aro anxious to have this road
built, but thoy can't build it on wind.
:o: :
For two houses In North Platte.
What linvc you?
: jo; :
Somo 3Ioncy.
As will bo seen by tho Btatcmont
published clsowhero, tho deposits in
tho First National Bank on May 1st,
tho day on wlhcli tho statement was
called, was $G54,395.20. Never boforo
has that institution published a state
mont showing deposits so heavy.
Froo offlco room for a doctor, don
list, lawyer or real estate man, on
north Locust street. Inqulro of E.
Llndblnd. 33-2
County Judgo Fronch and Wllllaan
Englos, loft at noon yesterday for
Hastings to attend tho Grand lodgo of
Knlglits of Pythias.
Carl Shoots was arretted Saturday
for being Intoxicated nnd fined nlno
dollars nnd oighty coilts in Justico
Mlltonborgor s court.
Tho Senior class has completed Its
courso In the hig)i school and will
spond tho next two wooks preparing
for the closing oxorcises and grauuti'
tion tho lattor part of May.
' Cathorlno Green ontertalncd a num
ber of hor Uttlo friends Saturday af
tornoon at a party in honor of her
eighth birthday. , Tho afternoon was
pleasantly spent In playing games.
"Dr. A. C, Honry, of Fostorla, O., is tho
guest of the McDonald family this
week while' onrouto homo from an ex
tended visit lu California. Mr. Henry
is tho chiof surgeon for tho Baltimore
& Ohio railway.
C. M. Trotter arrived from Omaha
about two o'clock yestorday morning,
making tho trip In a Uttlo roadster
that has seen much wear and tear and
in tho face of a wind that Hteadlly
blow at a forty mllo gait.
Ladles of tho Methodist church will
havo an lco cream day at tho North
Platto Candy Kltchon next Friday. Ico
croam and drinks 'will bo sold from
tho soda fountain all day. Patronago
of tho members and othorB will bo
greatly appreciated.
Organized 1849
Assets 160 Millions
Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Under their new permanent and total disability clause
will in case of permanent disability:
First Waive all future premiums.
Second Pay the insured a guaranteed MONTHLY
income for life of $8.33 per $1,000.
1 Third At death, nav wife or children full face of
Insures in amounts of $1,000 to $100,000.
For further particulars fill up and mail to
J. H. HEGARTY, Dist Agent,
My Name
My Address .
My date of Birth ,
At The Leader
ISO Ladies Suits,
MATERIALS-Taffetas, Serges, Gaberdines,
Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins, Velour
Checks etc.
STYLESTailored Suits, Norfolk, Belted
Models, Flaring Effects in all the new
colors. Sizes 16 to 47. No two alike.
These suits were consigned to The Leader, by one of the largest
suit manufacturers in New York City to be closed out regardless
of their value
$25 Suits at $12.50
$30 and $35 Suits at $1875
$40 and $45 Suits at $27.50
One lot of Suits worth up to $20 at $9.50
These goods are of the very smartest styles shown this
season, and at prices now offered we suggest that any
one needing a suit call at once, as the consignment is left
with us for but ten days and after May 20th whatever is
left must be returned to the manufacturers. Alterations
200 Ladies
and Misses' Coats
6oa2 '
j 653
Just arrived which will dc sold at a discount of twenty
per cent. One lot Ladies1 Shirt waists worth up to $2
will be closed out at 50 cents each.
Only fifty more days and this store will change hands. Everything in the store at a
discount of ten and twenty per cent
The'4 latest Novelties in Wash Goods are now shown at cur store at very lowest prices.
i n el
Let ii r er
North Platte.
J. PIZER, Prop,
Whllo In Lincoln last week Julius
Plzcr conferred with tho stuto railway
commissioners relative to freight rates
In connection with tho proposed open
ing of a wholesale "grocery in North
Platto. Tho mattor was discussed at
length and takon under advisement
by tho commission. Upon their ruling
will dopond whether it will bo possible
to opon a wholcsalo house, as tho all
Important item Is tho freight tariff
on carload lots from tho cast as well
as tho west.
O. J. Lane, genoral freight agent
of tho union Pacific, will bo horo in
a week or so and will go ovor tho rato
situation with Mr. Plzor and others
wlio nro promoting tho enterprise.
No difficulty will bo experienced in
securing nil tho capital needed.
: :o: :
Will Mend llond.
Tho city council will expend about
six hundred dollars all tho funds
now available for that purpose In
mondlng tho ronds leading to tho North
Platto nnd South Platto bridges. Just
at prosont wo do not know of
nny road, considering tho amount
of traffic that needs flxng much
worso, partlculary tho road to
tho south bridge undor n comnnra
Uvoly now law a city of North Platto's
slzo can mako a small lovy annually
for Improving roads within a limit of
six miles, which is a good law. Too
much monoy cannot bo expended on
roaiiB entering North JPatto; In fact we
will novor bo nblj to ralso tho funds
to put them in tho shapo thnt thoy
eiiouui bo, but wo can ralso onoiiKh
to mako somo improvement In tholr
Curd of Thanks.
Wo extend our slnccro thanks to
friends, nolchbors ami inoiiilmrn nf
fraternal ordora for tho many acts of
kindness shown ua following thn iinnM,
of tho lato Mrs L. C. Hansen nnd for
tho beautirul lloral tributes.
Mrs. Harry Block arrived homo Sat
urday ovonlng from a lengthy visit In
Now York.
Mrs. J. II. Fonda returned Sunday
night from a business trip to Water
town, Wis.
Miss Nora Anderson roturned Satur
day ovonlng from Gothenburg where
sho) visited relatives.
Mrs. Edwlna Schatz, of Omaha, who
had been visiting her son A. A. Schatz,
loft at noon yesterday.
Mrs. C. It. Moroy will entertain tho
Indian Card Club tomorow aftornoon.
Victor Bergman, of Brndy, camo
horo yesterday to nccopt a position
In tho Maxwell garage.
Highest market price paid for hldos.
Wo buy dry bones, Iron and othor
Junk. Nqrth Platto Junk House. 27tf
Dr. La than has moved his offlco
from tho McCnbo building to rooms
over tho Stamp bakory.
Josoph Knnpp, of Hastings, arrived
horo yesterday morning to accept a
position with Simon Bros.
Dan Roberts returned at noon yes
torday from Cheycnno whoro ho spent
tho weok end with relatives.
Rov. T. D. Sulllyan, of Elm Creek,
visltod with Rov. McDald yestorday
and has gono to Ogalalla.
J. B. Plolstlcker, of Dickens, was
tho guost of his brother Frank Plol
stlcker Sunday and yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Burroughs roturned
Saturday ovonlng from Kearney whero
sho spent part of last week.
Frank Dornn loft yestorday aftor
noon for Omnha to visit Mrs. Dornn
who is taking medical treatment
Wllbor Green wns fined two dollars
and fifty couts Saturday for excoedlng
tho Bpeed taltmliu .automobile,
roit SALE
Unled liny, miy qunntlty, $(U50 per
Fined for Assault.
In tho county court Saturday Roy
Green was fined $25 and costs for an
assault upon T. E. Heskett, both of
whom live north of Sutherland. Tho
assault was In tho nature of an at
tempt on tho part of Green to lasso
Heskett 'with tho Intention of drag
ging tho latter from tho horso he was
riding. Green appealed tho caso to
tho district court.
A practice game of basd' ball was
played on tho local diamond Sunday
afternoon but on nccount of tho strong
wind it was almost imposslblo to get
control of tho ball. Tho score was
Boostors twenty-two and Federals
six. Batteries Tottcnholf and Ramsey,
Ross nnd Husband and Adams.
Pete Frenoff nvlll take notice, that
on tho 27th day of April 1916 P. H.
Sullivan, a Justico of tho Peace, of
North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, issued' an Ordor of
Attachment for the sum of $21.50, in
an action now pending before him,
wherein Dr. T. J. Kerr, is plaintiff and
Pete Frenoff, defendant, that property
consisting of money,' as wages duo, in
tho hands of tho Union Pacific Rail
Road Compnay, a Corporation, has
been attached undor said order.
Said cause was continued to tho
14th day of Juno, 191G, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated North Platte, Neb., May Bth,
1910- DR. T. J, KERR.
- Choice Seed Corn
We have choice Seed Corn from 1915 crop,
showing it will mature early. Sweet Clover, Al
falfa, Siberian and Hog Millet.
Phone 99 and Black 388.
500 East Front.
1008 Wot F.urth Stre.t. phont
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
cc8cs- Dn.J.8.TwMM,rt?.lM;a 8522"