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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
THE 8EMIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Wittnon E.Colcin!n,Wasn- ltKtu,UC. Hooks troe. lllsli- ruiorenco. JH'Si resuita. Nebraska directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. NehiaiW cnnnornu or u Sooma from 81.00 up single, 75 cents up double CAFE PRICES REASONABLE Titi-ciTY iiAitnnn college LERRN BARBER TRADE fa whnre they maks Harbors, llloctna massage. Hrdtaollo cbalrs. Low roto tuition. Wagrs paid. Tools given. Callnr wrltoforf rceciUatognnrt Infor tustiou. lilt ltosibu St., Uuki, .r 1011 a Bt., U.eeU, Atb. "Townsend's for Sporting Goods'- Wholesale and Retail Goat, Ammunition, Sportsmen' Supplies. Athletic Goods. TOWNSEND GUM CO., 1314 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEE. DOCTORO MACH & MACH OENTI8T8 3rd Floor Paxton Dlock 16th A Farnam Sti., Omaha Wit equipped Dtntol 001cm In lln.lii H.i.nn.1,1. 6pci4l dl. count to all lopll Good Scrum Will fjL Savs Your Hogs 1.0 ' From UEl Uso U. 8. Gor. Llconscd Serum. I'lione, wlro, wrtta or call on OMAHA SKItUBI COMPANY, Sfltli AOSU.,&.Omaiin, Neb.. Thouo Soath 8808. ' ASPHALT iHIMm. Ask your Lumberman or tvrlto U3 8UNDERLAN1) ltllUS. CO., OMAHA Hucopssfullr treated with Serum, It Is tho onlj Bosltlvo treatment known wtilcu will cradlcalo ie tissue destroying itnnns from the eyBtom. A successful troatmont guaranteed. Cull or rlto for full particulars. Dr W. VV. Dowser. 314 Boo Bldg., Omaha, Nebr Joseph Bliss & Son Co. Live Stock Commission Satisfactory Rales. Prompt returns. SOUTH OMAHA. ESTABLISHED 1834. FREE NEW PRICE LIST OF MONUMENTS REVOLUTION IN MONUMENT BUSINESS SEND FOR IT TODAY TO lank Svoboda, 1213-31 S. 13th St., Omaha CI 1207 Htrner, Onub, Neb.; 709 Cherry St., Du Uhlan, lorn Distributors tor the Mlddlo West, General Electric Company, Everythinz Electrical. Mletz & Weiss Fuel Oil Engines, Ball Steam Engines. American Telephones. SEND US TOUR INQUIRIES. VIOLIN Complete wltb ease, bow and nxtra strings at us eiu, sio, w hdu up SOLD ON BAST PAYMBKT3 A. IIOSPK CO. JGllS )ouBlasSt.,Oniulii,Nob Electrical Engineers and Electric Starter Specialists ALL MAKES STRAHLE & ANDERS0N,inc. 2057 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. SATISFACTORY SERVICE LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM SOUTH OMAHA Better Try Them With Your Next Business REDUCE TIRE EXPENSE Ductal tires art rood fox BQ9 to WOO mllsa' senrioe. Coat iz to so. Band us two (or as many ss you ha to) old, discarded tins, or wrlto tnd ask us bow. Ba sura one tire has a iood bsad, the other a fair tread. DUPLEX Tinu COMPANY. 2610 Farnam Btrsat, Omata. Nab. We save yoii S5.00 on every thousand dollars of hail insurance placed wltli us compared with the rates charged by eastern companies. Losses paid in cash as soon na adjusted. Drop us n nant&l card today and fret the name of our nearest ocent and full Information. NATIONAL BAIL INSURANCE COMPANY, Lincoln. Neb. SHIP TO WOOD BRO GET MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS GOHMISSION MERGHAHTS OMAHA - CHICAGO SIOUX CITY oteU Cestle 632 So. 16 St., Omaha, Neb. Neiv, Absolutely fireproof Rooms with private bath - - $ 1 .50 Rooms with private toilet - - 1 .00 Fred A. Castle, Proprietor DIRECT Save all Agents Commission and Losses Snd for tng3 and our special otTer for new customers. WATERLOO CREAMERY CO. OMAHA, NED. PATENTS 1MTT IT! imm J I IT I ill TITVJ IIP Byers Bros. & Go Hal Insurance SHBP USj WMtX CORN FOR GREEN FEED Grow in Drills Wide Enough Apart for Sulky Cultivator. Working Crops Four Tlme3 Will Has ten Growth of Plants, Clean Land of Weeds and Put It In Order for Fall Seeding. Corn for fcodlng green to cows In midsummer or to cure Tor winter feed should bo grown In drills wldo enough apart to ho worked by tho sulky culti vator. Drill tho corn In with about 400 pounds of somo good bono phos phnto to tho acre. Tho corn should bo put In for winter food not later than Root Development of Corn In Poorly Drained Soil. latter part of May, says a writer In tho Ualtlmoro American. Drill ono bushel of largo, sound, solocted corn to tho acre; this will allow ton to twelve grains to tho running foot in tho 42 inch rows. Tho ground should be In good order. After drilling roll tho Hold, tho corn can then bo worked with tho double section smoothing harrow beforo tho grain germinates. Work tho crop four times; this will hasten tho growth of corn and clean tho weeds and put it in nico order for fall seeding. If tho ground is mellow and rich, nearly every stalk will grow a singlo ear of corn. Tho time to cut tho fod der is when tho grain is in tho dough and tho lower lcavos commence to turn yellow. Cut with tho self-rako reaper, mako small bundles, let tho fodder wilt for a day or so, then sot up, putting six to eight bundles to tho shock. Make tho shock as fol lows: Take three nrmfuls for tho horse, tio securely in tho middle, then sot tho other five armfuls evenly all around, make an even shock, tio se curely with tarred twine. Mako Btralght, even-shock rows. After the fodder Bottles they should bo tied tighter. We do not bind tho bundles, tho fodder keeps better when the fod der is put into the shock and pressed closo with tho hands. Drilled corn fodder, set up by this motliod, will keep dry and sweet and better In tho shock than when packed in tho barn. Corn grown by this method for fod der will average four to flvo tons of cured dry fodder to the acre, by actu- In Well-Drained Soil Roots Go Deep and Are Not So Affected by Drought. nl weight, and makes, next to first crop clover hay, a most substantial winter forage for all stock. By drill ing early in wldo rows and giving thorough culture, tho corn gets an abundanco of sunshine and air, aud has tho full benefit of all plant food. Tho stalks havo plenty of silica and aro not easily blown down by heavy wind and rain storms, and tliero is no difficulty in harvesting und curing tho crop. Corn for fodder should never bo sown broadcast or too thick In tho row, as such stp.lks contain nothing but water and aro worthless for feed. Fodder contains tho roost sugar und Is in tho best condition to feed green, or to euro, when tho milk Is just out of tho grain and U"5 grain is in tho dough stage. CLEAN STALES AND BEDDING Milk Is Tainted With Foul Odors Very Quickly After t Is Poured Into Receptacle. Tho cow Bhould have a clean bed ding every night, and all 111th should bo romoved from tho stall early In tho morning. Tho milk Is tainted with foul odors very miickly after it goes into tho bucket. Tho stall must thou bo kept scrupulously clean. It Is a good plan to keep walls whitewashed and all dust naould bo well brushed ! from thorn. '..:; vuoj'..',v.'c:'- BREEDING PLACES FOR FLIES Treatment Recommended by United States Department of Agriculture to Control Insects. " Manuro piles nro flies' favorlto breeding places. If farmers will kcop manuro and stnblo sprinkled with a solution that will kill tho larva, flies need not becomo numerous. Tho fol lowing treatment, recommended in United Stntos department of agricul ture bulletin 118, will control flies and will mako u noticcablo reduction in tho number around a given place: DIs solvo thrco-fourths of a pound ot borax In two or thrco gallons of water. Spray or sprinklo manure plies and stables with tho solution about twice a week. This will kill tho larva which hatch from eggs laid in manuro Tho danger to human health from lllos Is sufficient to mako tho wiso farmer take these prccautlons,tbut If h9 looks for further Justification It can bo found in tho pro tection of Hvo stock. Human diseases nro Bpread by flies and Hvo stock nro worried by them. Tho danger to hu man welfaro must bo concoded, but tho loss to Hvo stock is not so onelly seen. Animals which aro pestered by files will lose flesh, and stnblo Hies rob them of blood. NEW PATENT ON CULTIVATOR Extra Blades Travel In Advance, Cut ting Sod, Weeds or Crust That May Have Formed. John S. Smith, n Raclno county (Wisconsin) inventor, sends In a de scription of his now patent cultivator to tho Farming Business. This culti vator has extra blades that travel In advance and parallel to tho cultivator blades for tho cutting of sod, roots, weeds and any crust that may havo formed, leaving tho cultivator blades to do their work of stirring tho soli. Ono lover manipulates both knlvos and cultivators. This relievos draft, as It is not necc3sarv to tear into tho soil ! so deeply to do both tho breaking of tho sod and crust and tho cultivation with ono sot of blades. Any ono of the four beams used to carry tho knlvos and cultivators can bo adjusted lndt pendontly bo as to meet all kinds of conditions of soil and vegetation. MANURE LOSES BY LEACHING When Rains Fall Much of Soluble Plant Food Is. Carried Away Moisture Holds Plant Food. Farmers havo been so accustomed to throw tho manuro from tho stnblo In a pllo In tho barnyard, and leavo It until it "is convenient to haul It to tho Holds, that they do not glvo tho mat ter of loss by washing and leaching any consideration. Usually but llttlo of tho value of tho solids of tho ma nuro is lost in tho stable, but great losses occur after it is thrown in a pile. Tho manuro in tho stable, sat urated by tho urine, contains mora than SO per cent water. The moisture In tho manuro holds In solution tho greater part of tho plant foods which the manure contains. When tho rains fall upon tho manuro tho leaching process carries away much of tho soluble plnnt foods and it is lost beyond recovery, for It Is either carried away in the wator as it flowa on tho surfaco to the streams, or sinks Into tho ground whore, for all practi cal purposes, It is wasted. TESTING FERTILITY OF EGGS If Trouble Is With Male Fowl Replace Him Make Suro Feeding Ration Is Not Responsible. Thoso who mako a specialty of sell ing hatching eggs from selected mat Ings should keep a careful test on tho fertility of eggs produced, bo that poorly fertilized eggs will not bo sont out to customers; necessitating replac ing the eggs later and causing delay In getting young chicks started toward tho showrooms. If tho fertility Is not good roplaco tho malo bird with another or make Buro that tho feeding ration is not re sponsible for tho trouble. TO STORE PERISHABLE FOODS Every Farm Should Be Provided With Cellar, Storehouse and Refrig erator for Crops. Farmers loso much every year bo causo their facilities for storing per ishable foods aro poor. Every farm homo should havo a cel lar, storehouse and refrigerator so tho surplus foods may bo saved till such tlmo as they may bo consumed. Tho fact that producers havo Inado quato facilities for saving perlshablo products gives speculators advan ui;es over them. I " Imnroved " (MENS TBv "W T-NJ "WT r aN7" A ill r.v PROFIT IN RAISING TURKEYS Farmers Are Cautioned to Give Mar keting Problems More Attention Dost Ulrds for Breeding. For thoso who conduct tho business carofully turkoy raising is likely to bo very profitable. Tho domand in this country continues to Increase, ap parently, fastor than tho supply. Farm ers who go into tho business, howovor, aro cautioned to glvo tho marketing problem considerable attention in ad vance In tho turkey publications ot tho United States department of agricul ture, which is Farmors' Dullotln No. 200, tho following rules for Bolectlng turkoys for breeding aro given: First Always uso as brccdora turkoy bona over ono year old. Do Buro they nro strong, healthy, and vigorous, and of good medium slzo. In no instanco select tho smaller ones. Do not Btrivo to havo thorn unnatu rally largo. Second Tho malo may bo a year ling or older. Do not imagine that largo, overgrown males nro best. Strength, health, and vigor, with well proportioned, medium slzo, nro tho main points- of oxcollonco. Third Avoid closo breeding. Now blood is of vital importanco to turkoys. The Great American Bird. Better send a thousand miles for a now malo than to risk tho chances of inbreeding. Securo ono In fall so as to bo assurod of his health and vigor prior to tho breeding season. BETTER ATTENT0N TO EGGS Thiy Should Be Uniform in Color and Shape, and Regular In Size as Far as Possible. More attention should bo paid to eggs at all times and under nil cir cumstances. This means that thoy should bo uniform in color aud Bhapo and regular in size as far ns posslblo. If thoy had more attention paid to them at our fairs; and were brought to tho notlco of tho public and tho farmors In particular, much good would come from It. Lot us offer good prlzos for a display of eggs, say not loss than thrco dozen, and havo it stipulated that thoy bo strictly fresh; that no cold Btorago stock need apply for tho sako of selecting for size. It such a plan wero carried out nt n number of our fairs for a few years tho selection of good eggs would got to bo a sclenco and would interest tho poultry public to a great degree, and bo of untold benefit to all of us, whether as producors or consumers of eggs. GOOD POULTRY FEED ADVICE Poor Economy to Give Fowls but One Kind of GValn Make Them Ex erclso by Scratching. Thero Is no economy in feeding fowls ono kind of grain, for thnt com pels them to eat moro than thoy ought In order to get a sufllclont quantity of food olements. ' A largo part of tho egg 1b wator, which shows tho necessity of provid ing layors with an ample supply of puro clear water in fountains or disboB which nro frequently disinfected. A sluggish hen is never a good lay er, Tho flock should bo mado to oxor clso by scratching for wholo and cracked grains in n deep litter ot clean material and Jumping for green food, such as a cabbago or mangels. Fattening Water Fowls. By putting somo caro into tho fat tening of water fowlB tho farmer's wifo will bo able to realizo moro out ot them. Sho will bo In Bhapo to so licit orders for lino tahlo wator fowl; and onco her namo is established sho will havo moro orders for them than sho can fill. Drafts Mean Roup. A draft In the poultry houso means roup in tho Hock. Prevention is tho best method and much choaper than tho euro. A LAND PROBLEM AHEAD (FROM THE PEORIA JOURNAL.) Tho Nobraflka Stato Journal calls at tention to tho fact that Undo Sam's opening ot a 4,000-ncro trnct In the North Platto irrigation district for sot tlemont practically winds up tho "free land distribution" ot tho nation. It adds: "Froo or cheap land has boon tho American safety vnlvo. A population straining for self-hot-torment has had its own remedy to go west and grow up with tho country. With tho government reduced to advertising an opening ot forty-throo farms, tho safety valvo may bo conBlderod forover closed. Tho oxpanslvo onorgy for merly oxertcd outward, must hord- attor work Itself out intensively. Increasing land speculation, with rapidly rising prlcoa ot land and proportionately Increasing dissat isfaction among tho landless would Booni luovitablo. Tho tono of our politics and tho intensity of our social problems cannot but bo vi tally changed under tho strain ot doaling internally with a social proBsuro which hlthorto has had tho wilderness to vent Itself upon. '"Land hunger will soon becomo a roaltty in this rapidly growing country and tho constant prcssuro ot popula tion, increasingly higher than tho ratio of production, Is bound to bring us faco to fnco with economic problems that wo havo herotoforo considered re mote. Tho fnr-Blghtod statesman and publicist must dovoto his thought earnestly to tho consideration 6t theso questions If wo aro to oscapo tho ox trcmcs which curso tho older nntlona of tho world." In tho above will bo found ono of tho reasons thnt tho Canadian Govern ment is offering 1G0 acres ot laud froo to tho actual settlor. There Is no dearth of homosteadB of this slzo, and tho land Is of tho highest quality, be ing such as'producos ylolds ot from 30 to GO bushols of wheat per aero, whilo oats run from fifty to over hundred bushols por aero. It Is not only a mat tor of free grants, but In Western Can ada aro also to bo had othor lands at pricoB ranging from $12 to $30 por aero, tho dlfferenco In price being largely a matter of location and dls tnnco from railway. If ono takes Into consideration tho scarcity of froo grant lands in tho United States it is not difficult to undorotnnd why thoro has boon most material advancos in tho prico of farm land3. A few years ago, land that now scllsj for two hundred dollars an acre in Iowa, could havo boon bought for sov-onty-ilvo dollars an aero or Iobs. Tho Increased prlco is warruntod by tho increased valuo of tho product ralsod on these farms. Tho lands thnt today can bo had1 in Wostom Canada at the low prices quoted will In a loss tlmo than that taken for tho Iowa lands to Incrcnao, havo a proportionate ln crcaao. In Nebraska tho lands that sold for sixteen to twonty dollars por aero Bovon yoars ago, find a market at ono hundred and soveuty-flvo dollars an acre, for tho same renson glvon for tho increaso In Iown lands. Values In thoso two States, as well as in oth ers thnt might bo mentioned, show that Western Canada lands aro going at a song nt tholr present prices. In many cases In WoBtorn Cannda today, Ket Contents IS Fluid Drachma ALCOHOL-3. PKR OHNT AVcge lalilc Pre pa mlionforAs siniil(iliii'4llicrood(iii(ilfC5ut fingflic Slomachsnml IJowcis of Promotes )itJc.slion,ChccrfuI I'tess mid Iftst. Contains neither Opiiiin.Murpliinc nor mineral. Not N Alio otic. JleaptpfOMPrHmiL PtfClllS ISimpkm Sua - Alx StAna Hot nl; tiatf Ann SttU 'cpntnnlnt Jli -Uitponntt Sodd llwvn Smmtl Ciarifud Sugar, A perfect Remedy forCoiisirpa tlon. SoiiiSlonuieh, Diarrhoea, Worms, Icvcrishness and Loss of Sleep. rac-Slmilc SigmitiircoT TlIU CKKTAUIl COMPANY, NEWT YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper ig fiiiffeirfiiiiii fvVAv''ww- I! B, 9j h IB wife H hb there aro American Bottlers . wil Izo this, and are plactng a value of sixty And noventy dollars an acre on tholr Improved farms, but would soil only becniiso thoy can purchase un improved land at such a low prlco that in another few years they would havo equally ns good farms as thoy loft or such aB tholr friends havo in tho Unit ed States. Tho worth of tho crops grown In Western Canada 1b of higher vnlifo than thoso ot tho States namod, so why should tho land not bo worth fully ob muchv Any Canadian Government Agent will bo glad to glvo you Infor mation as to homostoad lands or where you can buy. AdrortisemcnL Careful of His Complexion. With Bobs in his voice, tho applicant for a meal and somo old clothes hnd told his story, and tho klnd-heartod woman had helped him. Now as ho sat eating a hunk of broad and chooso sho thought it wiso to got in a llttlo good ndvlco. So sho began: "Don't you think thnt or It would bo bettor for yoursolt If you used Boap and wator occasionally?" Tho tramp sighed dolotully. "I would, ma'am I would," ho an Bworod eagerly, "but tho truth is that thoro's so many dlfforont kinds ot Boap, and it's so hard, to know which Is injurious to tho Bkln that I'm afraid to tako any risks 1" Proof Wanted. "Wlllio, did you wnBh your handB no I told you?" "Yos, mother, I did." "Como hero and lot mo soo thorn.' "Aw, ma, can't you tako ray word for It?" Much Faster. "Which Is tho quickest way to Bond a moBBngo tolophono or tologrnph?" "Toll a woman." Novor Judgo a man's bravery by hl9 conversation. Dependable Assistance II Beinfr Drenared II against a spell of Stomach, Liver or Bowel weakness is an excellent idea. This brings to mind the dependable as sistance to be deriv ed from a fair trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters A family remedy for 63 years BLACK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED Cutter's Dlaoklto Pill. Low. ca. irran, reiiaDia: rrer.rrto t ttem stockmen, becsuas tha P. LEG prottct whir, other vaccine, fall Wilts for booklet and tcatlniontilii lu-noi. pnae. uiaexirg rnia si.uu 80-dole plcfa. Qlaoklep Plllt 4.09 1T.A an fnl(Ntar. lull r?llttr hji.fe- Th euperlorlty ot Cutter product, 1, due to Iter 13 rears of apeeUUtlng in vaccine, and larum, only. Inilit on Cutter',. If unobtainable, order 'Utrect. The Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, CrJ., sr Chicago, III. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of THC OSNTAUN OOHMNV, NSW YORK CITY. vnu I umn 0F 1 ft Jj In f J ' Use J For Over Thirty Years fiAfTfliDIA FLUENZA Catarrhal Fovor, Pink Eyo, Shlpplna Fovor, Eplzootlo And nil dlaenNcs of tho horso affecting hlo throat speedily cured; coltti and liorooH in samo Htalilo 1c opt from them by uulntr Siiolin'n Illnteiiiper Compound, 3 to C ilomn often euro; ono bottle RUnrantcod to euro one case Bit fa for brood mares, baby colts, stallions, all uses and oon (!ltlonn. Moot skillful scluntillo compound 0c crd H 1 or bottle-: $5 nntl J10 n dozi-n. Any druirii'Ht r u Mv credbtnauunctiirra. Sl'OIIN 3IUIMCAL CO,, Clt.kbiu, led.