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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
HER IRISHMAN Dy LOUISE OLIVER. Clara Jano fairly staggered Into the room she was bo tired. Off camo the hat with a Jork. The poor little Btlck-up got a vicious tug and was flung across tho room and out of tho window. "I hate hats! I'vo sorted feathers today till I'm full of thom. I eat them, brcatho thom, ugh I can't even look at a bird. And I'm hungry!" Tho contents of soveral papor bags did not look inviting crackers In ono, stalo rolls In another and somo old ap ples with wrinkles. She slghod. "I wish I had somo of mother's wafllos and chicken, and some corn pudding and caramel sweet potatoes and choc olate cako and custard plo and " "Somo grlddlecakes and country sausago and apple dumplings and " Tho masculine voico stopped. Clara Jano turned and stared oponmouthed at tho unexpected person In tho door way. Ho evidently encouraged confi dence, for she answerod sadly: "I've ,nothlng loft to remind me of homo but my name. I hang on to every Inch of It." "But you can't eat that," said tho man. "It's awful to bo hungry." "How did you got horo?" "ThlB camo out of the window. I looked up and saw no ono. I rang tho boll. A fat woman anBworod It. I handed this In. Sho said Instantly: 'It's Miss Amherst's. You take It up.' " "For goodness sako, don't ask thanks for that. I hato It. I threw It out. I novor want to boo a feather. I work with them nil day." "Now I must go. Hut, say, will you do something for mo? I'm going to a party and my only pair of gloves nood mondlng. Do you think you could put in a stitch?" "Yes, lndoodl I'll bo glad to." "Then I'll bo going by In flfteon min utes. I can't come up. Havo you anything you can lot down?" "I'll tlo a string to my hat." "But when thoy aro dono, what will you do?" "When they're dono! Oh, I'll JuBt whlatlo." Flfteon minutes lator Clara Jano drew up tho hat, baskotllke, containing a largo paper parcel that smolled do HcIoub when opened. Sausages, a soft-shelled crab, a baked potato, hot rolls, butter, mar malade and cako from a nearby res taurant. "I'll havo to oat." So sho did oven tho potato skin. Then alio waited for tho whlatlo, all evening, but nono camo and alio was glad of It after all. Sho was begin ning to liko her Irishman. Clara Jano awoko with tho birds, country fashion, put an old buckle on her hat whero tho feather thing had bocn and drank some coffoo mado over tho gas Jot. Then Bho wont to work. Her particular department of tho big Btoro wob feathers. "I hato to go in," she protosted ns alio tlod on her apron, "I wonder if thoy won't givo mo rosos and flowora instead. That's tho lloor abovo and it would bo a change of scene as well as occupation. If I over get into tho trimming dopartmont I'll know the millennium has coma!" "I think it's horo," said a voice. sus piciously llko tho Irishman's. Sho was talking aloud and didn't know it. It enmo from lonollness. Clara Jano turned and conllrmod tho suspicion. "Whero aro tho gloves I was to mond?" Mb faco foil. "1 forgot all about them." "You told a story!" "A downright black Ho. It's terrible sorry 1 am." "You don't look it. Anyway you aro forgiven." "Thank heavon!" "Tho crab was lino." "YoB'm!" "And tho sausages woro hotter!" "Yes'm!" "Don't say that again. And tho po tatoes and rolls and all tho rest of tho stuff were dollclous! It saved my llfo." Sho bont her arm. "I'm as strong as Samson this morning. I could pluck an ostrich, much aa I hato foathora." "I camo to boo about It." "About what?" "Giving you another position. TIiIb Ib my Btoro, Miss Ludy-From-tho-Coun-try-Who-Neods-AU-IIor-Namo." "My namo 1b Clara Jano Amherst. I supposo you aro Mr. Terry if you own the storo." "You don't seem much Impressed!" "I'm not. I hato tho old place. Any way I'd rather work with tho flowors." "Won't anything oIbo do?" "Woll, I can't starvo, so I can't leavo. If you order mo to the collar to ahovol coal I'll havo to so." "Worso than that. I'm going to or dor you out of tho storo and Into my Ijoubo, if you'll go. I novor wanted a wifo until yostorday and she intro duced hersolf by throwing things at me. That's tho spirit I llko. Suits my Irish blood. What do you say, mavournoon will you como?" "Weill, you aro dlroct. I I don't" "That's no way to begin. Try it again." ."Woll mayho I" "That's better. Co on." "Perhaps I will." "Fine. Whon do you want to bo fired?" (Copyright, 1918. by the McCluro Newspa per Syndicate.) Relief. "Is your daughter Improving In her music?" "No. But the noxt best thing Is happening. She's gotting tired of it and won't practice," NEWS FROM HOME Dy LESLIE GRANGER. Laura had novor folt so bluo in her llfo. Tho postman had Just loft two letters. Tho ono from homo sho laid aaldo for more lelauroly reading, but tho thick white papor of tho other Iden tified it with a wedding, and Laura opened It eagerly. To her dismay, tho names of Alex McCuno and Harriet Tumor stared at her from tho papor. Bolow was tho dato of tho recont wedding. That waa enough I Laura dropped tho Invitation and reached for hor handkerchief. Alex, hor old-tlmo sweetheart, had deserted hor! Tho odlco, savo for Laura, was emp ty. Mr. Jonnlngs had put on his hat and ovorcoat and gono home. Whilo Laura was in tho mlddlo of another good cry, ho recalled somothlng ho had neglected and returned. "Why, Miss Shorldan! What In tho world Is tho matter?" "N-nothlng! I'm not crying." "Then I beg your pardon. Slnco you aro porfoctly happy, I prosumo thoro is no nood of sympathy. I havo an extra ticket tonight for tho Lyric club con cert and thought you might mako ubo of It, If you caro for muBlc." Laura aprang up. "Thank you!" sho oxclaimod, dabbing at her swollen eyes. "I guess I was crying wasn't I?" "It looked a bit llko it. Won't you toll mo why?" Mr. Jennings' sudden interest and kindness startled hor into answering: "Nollio's gono and Alox is married and I'm all alono and nobody cares for mo tho least bit." "So Alox is married!" Sho lookod up surprlsod. "What do you know about Alox?" "Woll, I got to know about him somo way. Regular letters and all that, I supposo. Besides, I couldn't bo deaf to an allusion you mado ovor tho tele phono ono day. Did did you llko him bo vory much?" Laura bridled. "Well, I guess I won't dlo! If I'd really wanted him I'd havo taken him long ago." Mr. "Jonnlngs nodded approvingly. Laura wont on it was comforting to havo somo ono so sympathetic: "I don't know what to do how that Nol lio's gono, I really ought to go home to tho farm, I guess." "Do you moan to say you camo from a wholosomo placo In tho country to this sln-rlddon city Just for adven ture ?" "Yes," wondorlngly. "And father and mother and sister and brothers and cats and chlckons and cows and everything on earth worth while l" "Yes." "Why did you do it?" "I novor got any clothes, and I wanted " "Then you woro a vory silly little girl and you'd hotter go back." Ho put on his hat and wont out. For tho llrst tlmo In hor llfo Bho had neon Mr. Jonnlngs Jolted out of his well-poiaod, gontlomanly solf. And ho had called her "silly" and banged tho door! Ho was vory rude! Hor chooks flamed red. "Ho needn't think I want to go to his old concert!" Sho picked up tho ticket, meaning to tear It across and It upon his desk whero ho could see it in tho morning. Then tho words "silly littlo girl" rang in hor oars. "Ho'U only think mo a baby." So sho tucked it into her bag, put on hor wraps and wont homo. Sho also got ready that night and wont nlono to tho concort. Tho Lyric club proved to bo a gloo club, and Mr. Jennings a member. Ho sang a rich barytone which thrilled Laura desplto hor effort to find it or dinary. Toward tho end of tho second half, she bogan to fool a dollclous drowsi ness. Slowly Laura's oyollds dropped and at last sho was asleep, hor head resting over bo lightly on tho back of hor plush scat. Soon tho concort was ovor, tho cur tain rang down and pooplo started to fllo slowly up tho alslos to tho door. At last tho hall was empty, or bo tho usher thought whoao duty It wus to turn off tho lights and closo tho doors. Laura slept on peacefully In tho black loneliness of tho great placo. Then some ono laid a hand gently on hor shoulder. Sho Btlrred. "Tlmo to got up, is It, Noll?" "Yes!" said a man's volco vory familiar It seemed. "It's time, Miss Sheridan." Laura opened hor eyes and sprang to hor feet. Tho lights wore on now, and boforo hor stood Mr. Jennings. "Why, whero did tho pooplo go, nnd what'o hupponed to tho music? Why suroly I I haven't boon" Sho looked around, bowlldorod. "You havo been having a nice littlo nap. I'vo been waiting outside to tako you home. Otherwise you'd have stayod horo until tomorrow. I Just found you this minute. Thoro! Aro you awako enough to go now?" Sho was feeling vory littlo and fool ish, and sho had meant to bo so digni fied. Ho drow her hand through his arm as thoy waited for a car. "I'm sorry I hurt your foelings to day, MIbb Shorldan. Will you forgl'-o mo?" "Yes!" "And I'm glad Alex got married and left you alone." "Why?" "Because I want to take tho vacant place, Laura." (Copyright, 1916. by the McClure Newpa ner HyniUca.U.1 BETTY'S BROKEN RESOLVE By CATHERINE CRANMER. "I'll toll you, sis, you'd hotter not try Markhnm too sovoroly, or you'll drlvo ofT an a numbor ono' matrimonial chanco." "PBhaw, Jack! Aren't thoro plenty moro fish In tho sea?" "Not plenty of Markhnm's kind." "You aro evidently of ono mind with him, for it's becauso he is so suro that ho can't bo wrong about anything that I'vo been keeping him on tho unxlous seat" "Tako it from me, sis, it wob a wiso follow who Bald that a man Ib some thing llko an egg if you keep him In hot water a littlo whilo ho bolls soft, but keop him thoro too long and bo hardens. Do you get mo?" Jack's question waa flung over hla shoulder from tho front hall, whero ho was got ting Into his overcoat and hat. "Yes, I got you," laughed Betty, as sho curled up in a big tapestried arm chair in front of tho Hroplaco. Although sho had firmly resolved not to givo a singlo thought to Frod Mark ham until ho apologized for his part In tholr quarrel of tho ovoning before, aomchow, aa sho gazed into tho fire, hor thoughts wore nil of him. Tho quarrel had como about from Betty's montion of a lark Bho had enjoyod at. a fancy drcsa ball at tho country club a fow evenings boforo when a moving plcturo had been taken of tho ball room by a society man whoso latest fad waa moving pictures. "Great Scott!" exclaimed Fred. "I hopo you didn't get in range of tho plcturo machine?" "Why, yea! Why not? Larry Mapes and I did a special stunt boforo it." "And may I ask whon and whoro this plcturo is to bo run as a means of flaunting you in tho faco of tho pub lic?" "Now may I ask," began Betty, "whether this plcturo is any affair of yourB and whether you want to Bhleld tho public or tho plcturo by prevent ing its appearance?" "It may not bo my affair, Betty that rests with you," Frod answored, "but I want to protect tho plcturo becauso you're In It." And so tho quarrol had continued until Fred had bowed a formal good night to a haughty Betty. Sho was still curled up In tho arm chair gazing medltatlvoly at tho flro when hor mother nnd father returned from their dinner engagement at Judge Mapes'. "My, but you're homo early!" she exclaimed. "Did tho Judge run out of stories or did tho cook run Bhort on courses?" "Neither, my dear," answered hor father, as ho removed his gloves and Blapped thom togother and held thom tight In his right hand, "but Larry evi dently ran out of sane amusements and camo near causing his own finish as woll as that of two other people." "Poor old Larry! What's ho up to now?" asked Betty Indifferently. "Ho'b In tho hospital right now, hav ing his many bruises dressod, and a poor little chorua girl will bo too ner vous to stand In tho front row to night, and" with a sly look from un der hla frowning oyobrows "Fred Markham has got a smashed roadster, a brulaed head and somo broken ribs aa mementos of his heroism. "Fred Markham! Daddy, tell mo what you mean!" Thero was no lack of cagorncss now In Betty's big oyos. "Well, Fred was driving along In tho park and ho saw Larry's littlo red and whlto racer como shooting toward him llko a cannon ball and on the samo sldo of tho road aa ho was. Thoro was a small ombankmont sloping down from tho rod, and Frod tried to turn his car down that embankment beforo tho racer hit him, but Its front wheel struck his back ono, and his ma chlno tumod turtle and Larry's wont smash." "Oh, daddy" almost In a whisper "is Fred badly hurt? What mado him try to Jump tho embankment? Why didn't ho cross to tho other side of tho road?" Betty was puzzled at tho question ing look that passed between her moth er and her father boforo there waB any answer to her questions. "Because, Betty," said hor father slowly, "thero was a chanco that Lar ry also might go that way, and ns Frod saw thero was a girl with Larry ho took no chanco becauso ho thought tho girl might be you." At that moment Betty's brothor Jack camo bustling Into the hall and up to tho llbrnry door. "Geo, sis," he blurted out, with tho air of ono who has big news to tell, "Markham camo deuced near being a scrambled egg Instead of a hard-bollod ono." In spite of Betty's wall of pro test, ho added, "But lnstoad of stay ing In tho hospital, ho mado thom tako him to his own apartment and Insisted ho was all right, notwithstanding his broken ribs." Botty vanished up tho stairway tho next Instant, and whon Jack went up a fow moments later she was at the tele phone. "And, Fred, do be very caroful, dear," she was saying, "and aro you suro you havo forgiven mo and that your happiness la greater than your hurts?" After the briefest pauso, sho addod, timidly, "And, Fred, I Just want to say that, after all, Mr. Mordaunt'u plcturo machine foozled on tho picture thoy took at tho fancy dross ball." Then sho hung up tho receiver with a lingering touch. (Copyright. 1916. by the McCluro Newspa per Syndicate.) Will Stollnrd, of Omaha, who spent a week with the Martini family, left Tuesday. Paul Meyor left Wednesday for Sutherland to Bpond several days on business. Miss Ada Toole left Wednesdny morning for Kearney to visit with the home folks. Claude Delnnoy returned to North port yesterday after spending n cou ple of days In town. Julius Jlzor spent several days In Grand Island nnd Omuha this week transacting business. MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1SS0. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There Is n Reason" For further Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Line Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Notice of Final Report Estate of James Rnnnie, deceased, in tho County Count of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons Interested In said Estate, take notice that tho Administratrix has filed a final account and report of her admin istration and a petition for final set tlement and discharge as such, and for a decree of distribution and doscent of the real property, which havo been set for hearing beforo said court on May 'Ui laio, nt a o clock a. in., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated May 1, 191G. GEO E. FRENCH, 31-3w County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Esitato No. 1404 of Walter TT. Stow. art, deceased, In the County Court of incoin uouiuy, wenrasKa. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said csteate will tako notice that the time limited for presentation nnd fil ing claims against said Estate is De cember 2, 191G, nnd for settlement of said Estate is April 28th, 1917; that I will sit at the coun,ty court room in Bnid county, on June 2, 1916, at 9 o'clock a m., and on December 2, 191G, nt 9 o'clock a. m to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO E. FRENCH, 31-4w County Judge. Notice. Gustof Goll will take notice, that on the 21st day of April, 191G, P. H. Sul livan, a Justice of tho Peace, of North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach ment for the sum of $85.00, In an ac tion pending before him wherein F. W. Herminghausen Is plaintiff and Gustof Goll defendant, that property con sisting of money, as wages due the de fendant from the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, a corporation, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 5th day of June, 1Q1G. at 10 o'clock a. in. F. W. HERMINGHAUSEN, Plaintiff. 30-3v By James Keefe, his Attorney. notici-5 or im:cui:i: or hkiusiiii'. Kstnte No. 14 H, of Charles L-illoy V oort, Deceased. In the County Court of Llneola County, Nebraska. The heirs, creditors and 11 persons Interested In snlil estate will take no tice that on the 24th day of Annl, 1910, Jpanna F. Wood, heir of said tlfliedeiu. filed her petition herein, allewliK that the said Charles LeKoy Wood died In testate on March 23. 1913, a resident of Alameda County, California, and Hint at the time of his death ho had in s- tfltft nf ltilin.t.tiirt.. I.. T n Til t- i . and Lot 10, Wash Hlnman's Sub-dlvls- luu, nuuin nun niucK iu;, an in ne ity of North Platte, Nebraska, and no application has been nude In ti e tald State for the appointment of .in admin istrator. That he loft surviving liim Joanna Wood, widow aj?e fifi rciridlnir nl nU'ltitwl r..1lf T-n nr-..i r . i. - dauKhter. iiko 35. San Francisco, Calif, Charlie LeRoy Wood. daughter, ST., w.iiMiiiiu, lam., iiessio wood, grail'l daiiKhter, nee 13, Oakland, Cillf., '"nMi prlno Wood, grnmldnURhtcr age Oak land, Calif., Catherine Wood. grand, daughter. ni?e 12, Oakland, Calif. That all tho debts of said decedent have been paid, or barred by th.s Stat ute of Nebraska. And praying that regular administration be waived ami a decree bo entered barring orotUtorH and flxlng tho date of his death nnd the decree of kinship of his boles and tho right of descent to said real estate. Said petition will bo benrd May ZC, 191(1. at 9 o'clock a. m. at the office of tho county Judge In said county C.ICO. 13. KHUNCFI, ni2-m23 County Judgo MtTIG'K OP JMri'lTiO.V. K'l'ate No. 1415, of Mat; Ami Uaw KlKrf Deceased. In tho County Coj.-t o' Lincoln t) , Nebraska Tlie State of Nebraska: To all per sons Interested In said Hstato tak no tice that a petition has been lllud for tho probato of an Instrument purport ing to be the last will and totame.nt of Mary Ann Hawkins, deceased, ami appointment of Elvis Hnwklns kb exec utor ofsald will which has been set for hearing herein on the 26th of Miy, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. in., nt county court room In said county. Dated April 27, 1916. C.ICO. K. PUKNCII, I"--' County ,Tudi.-o. TAX NOTICH. (Certincate No. 6683.) lo Charles S. Haverstock and Horace T Haverstock: You aro hereby notified that on No. vember 4, 1912, L. A. Wight purehnHod nt public sale for taxes for the yo-ir 1911 tho following described laud, to wit: All of Section 9. Township 15, Range 29, in Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. That said land was nsscnAcd In the namo of Chns. S. Haverstock, and that, after the expiration of three mouths from the first publication of this no tlce, tax deed will bo applied fur J,. A. WnlHT First published May 2, 1916. TA X XOTICH. (Cortlllcato ?o. iHS4.) To ' Benton Taylor: Vim nre hereby tio-iA."! tint on No vember 4, 1912, L. A. Wight purchitHi.l at public salo for taxes for tin- year 1911 the following described land, to wit: All of Section 23, Towiuilllp 15, Hnngo 29, In Lincoln County, State of Nebrnskn. said land was isseuNcd in the name of 1. Henton V.iyior, arid Mint, after the explrntlon of throo months from the first publication of this notice taxdeeil will be applied for. L. A. wirmv. First published May 2, 1916. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the cientiflc treatment of medical, Burgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redncld,M.D. J.S.Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sicman, Supt. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I)., Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83: Residence "38. DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEY. . . . Practico Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 72S City National Hank Building. Omaha, Nebraska, Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. B. REDFIELl). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building phonei (Office 130 i nonei Resjdence 115 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecologj Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Offlco McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Offlco 183, Residence 283 6 Reynolds Bldfr. North Platte, Neb. Office Phone 333. Res. Black 513. DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC Physician 81 Surgeon. Gcnlto-Urinary Diseases Obstetrics Gynecology Have Your Piano Tuned WYLIE WALKER 914 West 4th St. North Platte, Nob Write or Call Phono Red 344 Pianos Tuned and Repaired Anywhere. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PRITCHARI), Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Vetorlnr ian. Hospital 218-90Uth Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court House.. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 688. Quality Not Quantity We make cigars in tho small and lu tho regular bIzcs preferring to uso quality tobacco In preference to quan tity. W uso only tho best tobacco for flllor and wrapper and our cus tomers aro always satisfied. Wo han dlo a largo lino of smokers' artlcloii, our display of pipes being especially largo. J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. (! Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Offit e 450 C. H. WALTERS. Hopnikt Notice to Paring Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the mayor and council of the city of North Platte; Nebraska, will recelvo bids for paving, and curbing whero neces sary, Paving District No. 1, in said city according to plans and specifica tions adopted and now on fllo In tlio offlco of the city clerk of said city. Said bids to elver paving of tho following described materials, to-wlt: Vitrified brick block, vertical brick block, vertical fibre brick, sheet as phalt and concrete. The city engineer's estimate on tho cost of paving said district, contain ing 45,000 square yards, is as follows Vctrifled brick block $2.45 per squaro yard. Vortical fibre brick $2.25 per squaro yard. Sheet asphalt $2.15 per square yard. Concrete $2.00 per square yard. Bids must be on file with tho city clerk on cr before two o'clock p. m. of Friday, May 12th, 1916, at which time tho bids will bo opened. They must be on the proposals In tho spec ifications furnished by the city clerk and acompanled by a certified check for an amount equal to three per cent of tho bid made. Said specifications furnished upon application to the city clerk. Tho mayor and council reserve the right to Toject any and all bids. Dated April 11, 1916. O. E. Elder, City Clork. Sheriff's Sale By vlrtuo of an order of salo Is sued from tho District Court of Lin coln County. Nebraska, imon n. flonrpo of foreclosure rendered In said Court wnerein u. A. Tarranco Is plaintiff, and Thomas Belcher et al are defend ants, and to mo directed, I will on the 13th day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho Court House in North Platto, Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, sell at Pnlilln Anotlnn tr the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the fol lowing uescnoeu property, to-wlt: Northwest Quarter fNWV. 1 nf Sup. tion eight (8), Township sixteen (16), uango twenty-nine (ZD), west of the 6tli P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Dated North Platte. Neb.. Anrll mill 1916. A. J. SALISBURY. 25-5iw Sheriff. Notice of Petition. Estate No. 1413 of George E. Brown, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: Tn nil nur. sons interested in said estate take notice that a notltlnn lins honn filnt for the appointment of Cora M. Brown as Administratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on May 12, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. uateu April 15, 191C. GEORGE E. FRENCH, al8-m9 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1412 of Leicester Walker. deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is November 19, 1916, and for settle ment of said estate is April 14, 1917; tnat 1 win sit at the county court room in said county, on May 19. 1916. at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, near, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEORGE E. FRENCH, al7-ml6 County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, a corporation, is plaintiff and Charles R. Osgood et al are defendants, and to me directed, I will on tho 15th day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decress, interest and coats, the fol lowing described property, to-wlt: L,ot lour (4), Block one hundred and forty-eight (148). original town of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Dated North Plotto. Neb.. Anrll 10th. 1916. A. J. SALISBURY. 25-5w Sheriff. XOTICIS FOR I'UnMCATIOX. Serial No. 04954. DelllirtlllPIlt nf the Inirrlnr. U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb. . A, , Mar. 14, i-uti. Notice la hereliv irlvpn (tint m.,rlA Hartman of North Platte Neb., who on Nov. 7, 1910, made homestead entry, No. 04954, for Lots 3-4-5-6, SE3y4 NW and NBU SW Section G, Township 15, N. Ranee 3C. W. Gth Prlnclnal Murlilinn. has nied notice of Intention to make nnai nve year proor to establish claim to the land abovo described before the Register nnd Receiver, at North Platte. Neb., on the 5th day of May, 1916. Claimant nniues ns witnesses: David N. Cullender, Ottoe Mesner, Wm. Gaunt, iwy uuuiii, 1111 ui jiurin i-iane, neo. J. i. EVANS, Register. Notice of Petition. Estate No. 1409 of Nancv R. Hnnnlil. son deceased. In tho Countv rvmw nt Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested in said Estate tako no tice that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Rush M. Dean as Administrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing on May 5 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 5, 1916. 25-3W GEO. E. FRENCH. County Judge. Notice. OllStOff Onll Will tnlf.i nntlnn Mint on the 24th day of April, 1916, P. H. Sullivan, a .TiihMoo nf Hm Pa,. nf North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln Lioumy, AeorasKa, issued an Order of Attachment for Mm In an action pending before him where in ueorgo wicKlinm Is plaintiff and Gustof Goll defendant, that property COnsistinir Of mnnnv no wniroo (lit. defendant from the Union Pacific Rail itoao company, a Corporation, has been attached under said order. Said Cause wnn rrmtlnitnrl tn Hm CM, day of June, 1916, nt ten o'clock. uateu mis usth day of April, 1916. GEORGE WICKHAM. PlnlnHfr 3l-3w Geo. N. Glbbs, His Atorney!