THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIDUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Established Styles in Summer Coats CONVENIENT BROODER 000P FOR CHICKS LEHMANN BLUFFED IT OUT "I was examined in common law pleading, about which I had known nothing and cared less. After tho examination, II. S. Priest and Wells II. Blodgett asked mo how I got through sc marvelously, both apparontly being quite astonished. I Informed them that my judges did not know moro about it than I did, and I found that prompt, positivo answers wero always the correct ones." POST ON UNEMPLOYMENT "Despite these so-called good times, when thousands of men havo Jobs in munition factories, wo still havo tho unemployed problem," says Louis P. Post, ossistant secretary of labor. Ho asserts that if all tho Job less men in tho country wero put into tho manless jobs, thero would still bo many men without work. Ha points out that as long as this condition ex ists men will underbid each other, and cause them to bo "afraid of their jobs." "This does not includo only tho classes who do manual labor," says Mr. Post. "It applies to all classes, up to tho highest. Thero is an under Bupply of opportunities, not an over supply of men. Ono of tho alms of tho department of labor is to creato conditions in which men can mako their own Jobs. Along this lino is tho movement to mako farmers of them and get them to cultivate tho waste ground in cities. Every social organism needs mcdicino at certain times. When tho unemployment problem is acute then it needs mcdicino badly. Associations to encourago the cultiva tion of vacant lots are to social scienco what a preventive mcdicino is to man kind. Mon out of work who might become criminals are given something to do and kept out of mischief." Mr. Post Is a boliover in the efficiency of tho "slnglo tax" as a remedy for most of tho economic ills of the nation, and for years has been a prolific writer on tho subject. Ho is convinced that tho employment problem, like others, would bo solved by tho single tax method. OUR OLDEST twonty-flvo years ago March 4 last that Gallinger entered tho senate Next to him in length of oervico stands Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, who entered tho senato in 1893. Senator Lodge was born in 1850. Senator Clark of Wyoming, who entered tho senato January 23, 1895, stands third in point of scrvlco. SM00T WANTS "The American garbage can is tho fattest in all tho world," declared Sen ator Smoot of Utah to tho senate, in jecting into tho discussion on "pre paredness!' a plea for preparedness for good housekeeping and better aomes. Senator Smoot urged action an his bill for increased appropriations fcr homo economics, "to preparo tho girls and mothers of tho country for their life duties. "If I had a doen daughters and was ablo to give bach of them a mil lion dollars tho dny of her marriage, I would still want each to know how to cook, mako her own clothes and, in fact, bo a superior housokoepor," said tho senator. "I cannot understand why girls of tho working clasnes aro ashamed to confess, and rather prido themselves upon, their ignorance of tho simplest form of cooking. Then, after marriage, th-iy bewail their fate if their hus bands, tormented by dyspepsia, seek relief at the restaurant, or, In many in strong drink. "Tens of thousands of homes aro ruined by helpless and ignorant keepers." When Frederick W. Lnhmann, for mer solicitor-general of tho United States, studied in southwestern Iowa to becomo a lawyer tho rudiments of law differed somewhat from today at any rate for Mr. Lehmann. "I never saw tho lnsldo of a law college." Bays Lehmann, who once was president of tho American Bar association. "In thoso days tho rudi ments of tho law profession were, ilrst, to make a lira in tho old cannon stovo; second, swcop out tho ofllco; third, trimming tho smoky coal oil lamp, which served for our Biblical 'mid night oil' by which to study, and, finally, to wrlto out in a fair hand what had been scrawled by our mas ters." Hero la Mr. Lohmann's version of how ho passed his bar examination in Missouri in 1800, whon ho bocamo general attornoy for tho Wabash railroad: SENATOR Senator Jacob H. Gallinger, who recently colebrated his seventy-ninth birthday, is tho dean of the scnato. Not only is ho tho chairman of tho Republican conference and thus en titled to tho designation of minority leader, but he is the oldest member of the senate, either in respect of years or In point of service, Tho senato used to bo regarded as" a body of octogenarians, but it comos a long way from that nowadays. As a matter of fact, Senator Gallinger, though only ono year Btands between him and eighty, looks little liko a man Hearing tho mark of fourscore. He is seemingly as actlvo and alert as ho was ten years ago, and no man in the upper houso is moro con stant In his attondanco on senato busi ness, i Ho Is seldom absent from his place in tho chamber, and rarely misses a coramltteo meeting. It was GOOD COOKS cases, houso- A pleasing coal of taffeta, as plain as tho modo allows, Is pictured above. Its lines flaro from the shoulders and underarms down with generous full ness at the back and sides and a lit tlo loss at tho front. Its llaring Is munaged In tho cutting, and tho fabric must bo wido to accomplish It. Thero aro plain, roomy 'sleeves Mulshed with cuffs with velvet ribbon bordering them. A wider band of velvet borders tho smart collar, and thrco widths of ribbon adorn tho bottom of the coat, with tho widest band placed Just above tho liom. There aro pockets at each sldo of modest proportions aa compared to thoso which somo design ers feature both on coats and dressos. A coat of this kind made in one of tho changeable taftotaB In durk colors (bluo and black, purple and black, bluo and groon, aro examples) and iinlshcd with black velvet ribbon, or made In a solid dark color, will owe Its wearer nothing at tho end of the Bummer and fall seasons. It Is as practical as it 13 pretty, and Is usually mado in black. There aro many much ruffled and niched and plaited coats in taffeta, Hats Must You may havo almost any kind of hat you will, without uneasiness as to Its good Btylo, If it Ib well mado and has trimming of somo kind Every thing Is decorated, from sports hats to evening hats, nnd millinery Is abloom with flowers and other trim mings, In greater profusion, than for many years paBt. Even tho average woman refuses to bo satisfied with ono or two hats with which to face the summer season. Be sides a hat for street or traveling, nnd a dress hat, she must havo a motor hat and a sports hat, or alio may make a sports hat do moro than double duty. MIlllnoVK say that wom en havo grown vory discriminating nnd Insist upon millinery mado to suit tho soveral occasions that take up tho duys of tho good old summertime. Thoso for sports nnd thoso for mo tor wear are to bo had In good styles at comparatively low prices Street hats and dress hatb uivo advanced In prleo as a natural coiiBcquonco of more trimming and additional work In mak ing them. In tho picture two drcBH hats and a sports hat aro shown. At tho loft u model fcr midsummer has a crown of hemp with a wido brim of laco hair braid edged with plain hair braid, Set ab"ut tho crown, whero It Joins tho brim, Is n wreath of panslos and leaves. Tho blossoms aro scattered. very generous In their propprtlons anc further amplified with attachod capos Ono wonders where all tho taffota used is coming from, for It Is away in tho lead as a popular material tor af, tornoon frocks and suits, pottlcoats Jackets, and bathing suits. Thou It Is much used In bands on dresses mado of both heavier and llghtet goodB. It Is shown In many patterns Thero aro plain colors, and plain col ors with sprigs of (lowers over the surface. Thoro are- checks and stripes, plaids and cross-bars, besides innumerable changeable effects. Iti crlspncss and body, with Its light weight, mako It an Ideal material foi our present fashions. In the very light changeable colors It makes tht daintiest of morning or negllgco coats, Several of tho foremost costumen aro using talTeta in ruchlngs, and fray lng tho edges. Thoso nro used whor over plnltlngs and ruchlngs may be used, which is about everywhere. The coat in tho plcturo might bo trlmmod with them Instead of with yoIvoI bands. By making a fuller slcovo and adding a shoulder capo, which may bo detachable, It may bo made to spea tho last word In taffota coats. Suit Occasions - XtV$a They aro beautifully mado and placed In a way to call attention to tho faith fulness with which they copy liaturo. A bow of narrow velvet ribbon Is mounted undor the brim at the bnclc. At tho loft a leghorn with crown cov ered with llngerlo lace is lifted nt the back by a bandeau. Narrow val lace Is plaited and sewed row after row over tho crown, which may bo of wire covored with chiffon. Thero is a small bow with long ends mounted at tho front, mado of faille ribbon. A wido ribbon Ib sowed to tho under sldo of the brim edge across tho back and gathered Into tho bandeau, where It Ib finished with a short loop over tho hnlr. Above, on tho upper brim, a placo Is found for a cluster of blos soms. This hat suggests a good way to remodel a leghorn. A sports hat which will keep off tho sun Is pictured In tho center of tho group. It is a typo which Is mado In many materials. Tho decoration In an ,,)pllquo cut from a printed fabric (cretonne, for Instanco) and pasted against tho shapo with a millinery gluo. It Is outlined with needlework in black yarn. This Is a favorlto style whic'i may bo had with linen, cotton, or eilk covering. Homemade Drooder Coop la Kor clthor free rango or for inten sive poultry cjulturo tho broodor coop shown horowlth will bo found vory convenient. It consists of a frame of any sultablo size, preferably threo by ulx foot nd two or two and ono-half feet high. At each sldo Is wiro netting between tho framowork for about two thirds of tho length of tho coop. If desired, glass may bo used for part of tho remaining spaco, as Indicated. Preferably, ono end Bhould bo tight so as to afford certain protection In enso of wot or storm. Tightness may bo sccurod by using matched lumber or glass. The coop has no bottom, but rosts directly upon tho ground. Tho loft hand end la opened, but may bo closed by a door which may either slide or swing on hinges. Tho coop has a double lid; ono RECIPE FOR INSECT POWDER Mixture of Crcsol, Gasoline and Plas ter of Parla Will Be Found En tirely Satisfactory. A good homcmado Insect powder can bo mado by thoroughly mixing ono-fourth pint of crcsol and thrco fourths of a pint of gasoline. Add to thlB mlxturo gradually with stirring Just enough plaster of parla to take up tho liquid. For tho nbovo amounts it ' will tnko about two nnd a half pounds of plastor of parls. Sproad out thin on papor until dry, bciooii care fully and It Is ready for uso. If strong crudo carbolic acid is avallablo It can bo used instead of crcsol. This Applying Insect Powder. powdor can bo boxed, put In a dry placo and kopt for a long period of tlmo. . To apply tho powdor, dust tho birds thoroughly around tho vont and In tho Huff under tho wings. This applica tion should' bo followed by a second In four to six days to kill tho llco or mite3 from the unhatched egga or "nits" present at tho first treatment. RETURN ALL INFERTILE EGGS Disappointing to Customer Who Wants to Get as Many Chicks as Possi ble No Fault of Buyer. Infcrtllo eggs aro vory disappointing to a customer who wants to get as many chicks aa posslblo out of tho nurabor he buys. Somo owners adver tlso that they will replace all infortllo eggs, whllo others guarantee a ma Jorlty hatch. If tho eggs test out Infortllo after seven days' Incubation, tho purchaser Bhould return them to seller, as ovl donco that they were not fertllo, and recoivo fresh eggs in exchange. It Is no fault of tho buyer If tho eggs aro Infertile. PREVENT DISEASE IN FLOCK Cause of Roup Can Always Be Traced to Filth of Some Kind Keep Houses and Yards Clean. Tho fundamental cause of roup can bo always traced to filth of somo kind, which may bo no fault of tho owner, Binco tho birds may eat putrid food at neighbor's promises, or when ex hlbltcd at some poultry show. Hut usually tho troublo lies in the homo poultry quarters, and especial caro should bo exorcised to keep tho yard freo from putrid food and tho houso nnd all vessels used for feeding nnd drinking purposes ns clean us pos slblo at all times. Grit Is Necessary. Don't forget that sharp grit for tho hens In necessary at all times. Also crushed shell and either charcoal or coal cludors, Inexpensive and Handy. mndo of matched lumber and secured by crossplecca as shown. In ordor to hold It up a hinged prop may bo placed In tho middle. This prop la long enough to drop down on tho out sldo nnd Ho pnrallol with tho wall without actually touching tho ground. Tho Bccond or Inner top may bo mado to Blldo In a groove It consists of a framework covered tft ono end with wlro cloth and nt the othor with bur lap or chcoao cloth. Tho advantages of having doublo top nro that In warm weather tho fowls can bo kept comfortable by abundant ventilation and In cold, wot or othcrwlso unplcns ant weather they may bo completoly protocted by tho solid top. A coop of this kind can ho used to aftvantngo in rearing chlcka nt range, but it is not satisfactory for full grown fowls. MAKING MONEY WITH CHICKS Important Branch of Poultry Business Has Been Made Posslblo by Use of Incubators, Tho general uso of Incubators has mndo It posslblo and profitable for many to cngngo In tho day-old chick trade, which has becomo an important branch of tho poultry business. This work may bo dono In tho homo in ad dition to tho ordinary routlno of du ties, and Is ono way a nlco income may bo earnod. With proper precautions, hatching eggs may bo Bafoly sont JournoyB of a wcok or ton days' duration, but not so with baby chicks. At tho closo of mi Incubator hatch somo of tho chlcka aro ono or two days old, and should not bo sent moro than a two days' Journoy. If properly packed, it is no cruolty to ship such a dlstnnco, for JuBt before hatching tho chick absorbH the yolk, which furnishes onough bub tonnnco for threo or four days, and ad ditional food given during theso first days of tho chick's llto la only Injury. On account of tho limited distance chicks mny bo shipped, thoro Ib Boarco ly a neighborhood or town whoro ono or moro persona may not profitably engago In tho hatching of chicks. Many pooplo Inck tho tlmo and equip ment for tho work, and profor to fur nish tho eggs to bo hatched for n stated Bum or buy tho chicks out right. Tho purchaser must oxpoct to pay n fair prlco for chicks from rollablo Btralns of either brcd-to-lny stock or from fancy oxhlbltton brecdors. Good sturdy chicks mny bo had for $15 par 100 and upward early In tho season. Lato-hntched chlcka soil lowor for they uro not worth so much for winter layers, but may bo used for a founda tion flock If necessary. Conscien tious breeders take pleasuro in send ing out chicks of real valuo, thus add ing to tho sum total of tho poultry lnduotry. CAUTIOUS IN FEEDING BONE May Have Appearance of Being Fresh When Inner Portions Are In State of Decomposition. In feeding bono ono should bo espe cially careful. Hono may havo all tho appcaraiiccs of bolng fresh whon tho flinor portions and mnrrow aro In an advanced stato of decomposition. Tho commercial artlclo of boot scrap Is novor nbovo suspicion. Whon mndo from fresh meat, cooked and stored properly, hoof scrap will koop puro and Bweet Indefinitely, When spoiled moat is used, tho cooking morcly ar rests decomposition, nnd such scrap, whon fed to poultry, may cnuoo trou blo. Doforo feeding beef scrap or beef meal always test each bag. Thi:i Ib dono by taking a small quantity, say half a pint, adding water and boil ing. If, In boiling, it gives off a wholo somo odor, tho scrap Is a wholcsomo poultry food. Commercial boef scrap that smells like fertilizer ia feilillv-nr, and should novor bo used for poultry food. Doof scrap that varies in color and Is full of hard lumps Bhould never bo fed without testing. GIVE FOWLS VARIED RATION No Economy In Feeding Just Ono Kind of Grain Provide Ample Supply of Pure Water. Thero Is no economy In feeding fowls only ono kind of grain, for that compolB them to eat moro than they should to get a sufficient quantity of food elements. A largo part of tho egg ia water, which necessitates providing tho lay ers with an amplo surply of puro wa ter. All of tho fowls should havo plenty of puro drinking water also. Start Purebred Flock. Elaborato preparations nnd much oxpenso nro not needed to start a purebred flock. Many a purobred flock had a beginning In one setting of eggs of two or threo birds. Th I main thing is to atari.