The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1916, Image 1

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No. 31
II o nit
Plrst Game on the Homo Grounds
Will 1)0 With the Strong Temn
From Kearney.
The base ball season In North I'latto
will open Sunday, May 14th, when the
Kearney team will appear In the Ini
tial game. The Midway city has gath
ered up a string of real ball players
former state leaguers and others ami
they hope to start lnT the season at a
gait that will proclaim them top
The outiOif-town players on the local
team will report this week and active
work on tlio diamond will at onco be
gin. Manager Gottman, who knows
the ability of each of hts players, pre
dicts tt'hat the work of the North Platte
team will please the most critical of
the fans. Ho will not promise to win
every game, but the percentage will
be so high that contending teams will
need play ball to keep within a rea
sonable distance.
The season will open with the
grounds In batter condition than over
before. The outfield has been leveled,
the diamond skinned and roll'ed, tlio
ibteachel-s omlarged, tho fences re
paired and the grand stand put in
more attractive shape.
Manager Gettman Is in receipt of
a letter from tho Lincoln team of the
Western League asking for a game on
the afternoon of June 1st. The Links
have a Jump from Stoux City to Den
ver and have an open date for 'June
1st. A guarantee of $100 and sixty
per cent of the receipts above that
sum is asked, which is considered a
little stiff, and an offer of $100 flat for
the game has been made by tho local
For Sale.
The Tony Pushman property on east
5th street, four blocks from Dowey
street, modern except heat. Cheap If
taken at once. Call at G04 cast Sixth
street or phone Black 441. 30-2
M. Sundhehner, who for over a year
had conducted tho Fashion Shop, tiled
a petition yesterday for voluntary
bankruptcy boforo Referee W. V.
IloVigland,,. My. Sundholmor places
his liabilities at $3,200 and tho stock
of goods on hnnd Is scheduled at
Mr. Sundlielmcr claims that his
bankruptcy follows, losses he sustain
ed last year by tho Hooded condition
of the- basement of itho 13. & L. build
ing, which not only caused him a loss
of goods and patronago but forced him
to Becurc quarters on east Sixth
street which were too far outside tho
business district and that ho lost pat
ronage on account of ithe location.
Ucttiunu Leases Brodbeck Room.
J. J. Gettman, cigar manufacturer,
and manager of the North Platto ball
team, has leased the east room In the
now Brodbeck & Son building on Fifth
and will take possesion as scon as
Mr. Gettman will uso the rear part of
the room ns a cigar factory and tho
front part as a retail cigar and con
fectionery store. During tho season,
tlio new place will bo the base ball
headquarters of the town, and as sucn
promises to bo very popular.
Announce Engagement of Daughter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Park, of Chicago,
announce the engagement of their
daughter Myra to ' George Delberc
French, of Momphis Tenn The wed
ding will take place Wednesday, June
14th, at the summer hoityp of the
bride's, parents, Spring Lane, Michi
gan. Only rolatives of both parties will
attend tho wedding.
: :o: :
All members of Tate Lodge C4, An
cient Order of United Workmen are
requested to meet at K. P. hall Wed
nesday afternoon a 1:30, to attend
the funeral of our deceased brother,
Claude Faulkner.
Master Workman.
Renter .Man Will Improve the Form
er Longley Property nt tho Cor
ner of Fifth and Vino.
Chas. Hendy, Jr., of Donvcr, who re
cently purchased tho Longley property
on tho corner of Fifth and Vine, will
erect an apartment houso on the site.
Tho lot Is 132x132, but whether ho will
cover tho whole lot with a building
has not been definitely decidtHl. It is
probable, however, that ho will first
erect a building facing 132 feet on Fifth
street and extending back slxty-slx
feet, and later build another apart
mont facing slxty-slx feet on Vino nnd
extending west 132 feet. Tho first
building will bo three stories. Tho
material will probably bo brick.
Mr. Hendy is now having plans
drawn and making other preliminary
arrangements. It is expected to have
the building completed beforo the end
of tho present year. Tho apartments
will include all modem conveniences.
Mr. Hendy Is a North Platto boy and
Is showing his faith In the future of
the town by Investing money, doing
this in preference to making Invest
ments in Denver where ho is manager
of the Ford factory.
: :o: :
Those Garbage Cans
Under a recently passed ordinance
householders aro required to keep an
air tight can in the alloy or tho rear
of their premises in which to deposit
their garbage. This ordinance becamo
effective yesterday, but few have so
far placed their cans. This matter
must not bo overlooked, atherwlso tho
chief of police may have business with
you. Theso cans will bo emptied by a
man employed for that purpose by the
At a meeting of tho school board
last ovonlng the following officers were
re-olected: President. E. T. Tramp;
vice president, O. E. Elder; secretary,
A. F. Stroitz.
the thirty-fourth annual May Patty
Riven at the Lloyd last evening byhyill Take Possession of the Institution
u"i uiuinuiiuuu ui uuuMiHi- vf Hniiilnv tiinl 1tiiiiiiu. Hi!
tlvn Knnlnnnra m,,1 o-tl,,l,. It ,,, ") JJUOIIIC Ml
hftimv nnil iiIimihpiI nnnwil. Rnlnvnliln ACtiYO President.
to the dancers for tho music by the
aiamp orcuestra was excoucnt, pleas- Tho Maxwoll Stuto Bank, ono of tho the spectators because they, too oldest banks In tho county, passed in
enjoyed tho concert program, tho ii, m
classic dances by W. Chrlstlo Adams tnis city, yesterday and tho purennsor
and Iho motions of tho happy throng wm next Monday assume tho duties of
?. ?.or . active president of the institution. Tho
i.uo me nun uecoruuoiiB were noi stock ol tho bank was owned by Wm
as profuse ns in some former years, Piumer, 0f Maxwell, and Chas. McUon-
inoy wero neat ami attractive, ospa- ,tld and W. H. McDonald, of this city,
clally the stngo design of "Dlv 88, B. Mr. Pltuucr holding the controlling
ii. i.t Vi i ii '' interest, in tho purchase Mr. Roy
mine illiu UIUU 11KI11S, WHICH IlUUl.THU-1 imlila n rrni i.imn nil Mia u(nnl n,t ...III
1.. ii , , , ... . 1 w , s.. .... aiubn( iwiu trill
a&ilstcd in giving th.e hall n most Kivo all his time to tho duties of ac
brllllant Appearance. tlvo prosident. Ho will have ussoel-
iv uuiiy M ono mo gaiicry was lUcd with him as cashier u Mr. Hals-
,mUtu, im Huoruy i.iorenuer uio itoll wno i,n8 lln,i conHldorublo export
Stanr)) orchestra gavo a concert of cnco ju Work.
wur won re moreu, numoors. nus For a number of years Mr. Reynoldj
.I..O "Vliun lir Vllinaiu UllllUUB 111 H.lliml IWWlll nilllllrtvml In tlln Mnllnnnli
Chrlatlo Adams, and then Master of statu Bank, of uhls o.ltv. nnd dnrlui!
Coremonlea. Mike Hayes, called "part- that Doriod becamo convoraant with nil
V .. Boani! Th Th, 'ns tll 1iUl,ls ot tho banking business. Ho
Compnny on Evo of Construction
Work and Engines May Enter the
City by January 1st, 11)17.
It's an old, tJd Btory, and Tho Trlb
uno would bo loth to repent it wore it
not for tho Tact that now ho old, old
story is no longor a story, but n reali
zation of North Platte's fondest
dreams, of patient wnitlng for a half
dozen years.
The Hurlliigtoii Is on the eve of con.
Ntructlon work on its Pintle Valley
lino, and If all goes as tlio company
oxpvcls, RurlliiBtoii engines will bo
running Into North Platte before tlio
cud of 11)10.
If this statement docs not provo truo
Tho Trlbuno mill donato seven tons of
coal to tho deserving poor next wlntor.
How doos Tho Tribune know? Woll
it gets its information from a source
that cannot bo questioned; it comes
through two men. ono associated of
ficially with tho Burlington, the other
very close to tho "high up" men of tho
leu oy ueni. bupt. Joners nnd Mrs. (a ft Degressive vouuk man. full of road.
jencrs. or umaiia, who came to town energy, courteous in his manner, and1 Said onos "The Burlington is on the
ujn-niuiy iui HUM iiurinisi. Illiu ue lllwlll nn ilnnlit Intwnlv lnnrnu UmiOVn or hlllllMlll' InCii Vnr i Ulntln"
BIUU tO the Crettlt Of thO Union PUCillC. Unalnnuu nt tUn Xlnvt.rU Wt.J HV(ta hilt Mint la nn nlil nlil btnctf time.
u u mimiy is mways roprosoni- havo no hesitancy in saying that ho tho reply. "Woll, I know It is, but
cd nt tho Annun May Party. Many wm 1)roVo u good man for Maxwell your patient waiting la to bo roward-
out m luwii ijuuimo wore on uio noor, ttlltl ti10 surrounding country. For soino! -hi, your fondest hopes to bo realized
nu muiuuuu lUBuifiuB ui uiiniuu, timo l)aBtl j10 jmil i,eon looking for nn ino uurungtcn will build this year."
Grand Island, Sidney and Cheyenne, bnnontunlty to take over a small town' Said tlio other: "After sovernl years
Do Yeu Own Any Part of the Earth?
Foxes have holes. Birds of the air have rieslts. Trie Indian ' has his
wigwam, but not more than one civilized rgan in four has a habitation
he can call his own. Home is the biggest word in all this world. A
cottage all your own is better .than a rented palace belonging to your
landlord. If you haven't started to acquire a part of the earth, start
now and start right. Get a lot in the.
Trustee's or Riverdale Additions
at the lot prices indicated on the map below. The prices include sifJewalks, sewer,
the streets are graded and there is access to city water and gas mains, electric
wiring, etc.
These lots are in the new residence district, the closest additions to the busi
ness part of the city. Here a City Park is located, which will be improved as a resi
dence park and the Lincoln Highway will run through this addition as soon as the
NEW BRIDGE and its connections are completed. These additions have more MOD
ERN BUNGALOWS than any similar sized tract in the entire city. A discount of 5
per cent will be given for cash, or lots will be sold on easy terms by
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There were twenty-six dances on the hniiir. nmi whn iiw. Mnvii i.,0tt
program and tho flnnl ono ended at tlou presented itself lie was not slow
intermission of an liour bcinc taken nt i,,.i,i ...m ..,.. ...n.,
ml 1 ill If I w;wiun Kill muiu lltn illlllllj
...mii.s.n, t0 Alaxwoil m tlm nimr tuhii'p
iiii'Oiio who nus luiciini-'u every juiyi .
Party given by Division 88, this writer.
lery, concluded that he had novcr Been
n happier lot of people at a similar
Dartv. TIs trim tlm llnnr wnn nnino.
Avhat crowded, but tho jostling was 1110 cty council returned tho lattor next thlntv davn.
taken with a smile or a laugh, and if part'or lust week trm u vlBlt in Keur- , , :;o:;
tne step was lost, it was quiciciy re- "u uniuoni iip,,n. (,f irPu t, r irmivmi
l..,i wm i nL ,iLra nnd Omaha, whom thev went tn In- "dim OI JirH. Ii, t. JIIU18C11.
ninrrv lint tlin onvrirvil luttirlirwl snoct tho (Ulforent materials used in M8. Mao Coopor Hanson, wifo fOf L,
ni tn'tim niirt. ivnrA tim amiin nf street uaviiiK. Tho crcntesi!, raiiiro of c- Hanson, of Council Bluffs nnd
I" 'I'"...."".:. ,:""" " " " " mnlnrlnl iiun.l In nnvl., wno f.,,l In llaUKlltor Of Mrs. Ellima PlllVOr. of tills
Everybody presont wilt agree with Omaha, and thoy wero taken in autos c'1- J i at nor nomo last ovonlng
m, rpn. ' .. .. .iiim n.i.i.. nil over tlmt oltv Kv tin oin?lriiw mwl from tlio effects Of tTSCrlOUB OPOrajtlon.
' . J m 1 HiJ , .The remains will bo brought hero tht
teo! an5 tlie mcioVrs of tlmV ad X VUllo the member do not express lns and funeral services Nvlll' bo
of dolay, owing to various causes, tho
Burlington will, start construction
work on Its Platto Valley lino this
year. You will probably hoar the
wltfstlo of Burllngiton engines in North
Platto boforo January 1st, 1917. I
mnko this statement knowing that it
PAM.XJ lNblWTIL TJtlP ot tho Burlington moans a big thing
i . ' for North Platte."
Mayor Lvans mid seven. mcmbovs of Wntch for dovolonmntH wltnin tlm
er conimlttnns who nssiHto.i iiim. trnvn themselves as to tlib material thoy fa
the people ono ot the nicest dancing vor l''5iey 'ouml that whoro there is
parties they over attended. heavy traffic vitrified brick seemed
;;o;;, uo no more generniiy useu man any
It Notlrn other material and was highly com-
TiOur Wirons and Friends; " . ; Uy cSr ?niclala,Ui all towns
Owing to the continual Increasing ...
business wo find It nocoBsarv to tnlco 1,1 wuhuiu mayor i-iVaiiB iook
UUbllllDB WO Illlll 11 HClXSHIiry IO lailOl , TTnlmi T)nnin PPInl.,10 ll.r.
into the business another partner ami ; ,r ,,"m vf TJi 'i, "...
mutter of frolirht tntes on brick from
Kearney, to- North lUulite, asking that
thp rata uo reuyced, nnd ,tho prbnblli
lty Is tlmt tho reduction will bo grunt
ed. Tho reduction asked by Mftyor
Kvnns would save the city nnd tax-
May 1st, when tho firm name will bo
changed to Brntt, Goodman & Buck-
vory fortunately havo secured Mr.
Newton E. Buckley, who Is woll and
favorably known by many of tho citi
zens ,cf North Platte, Lincoln county,
and in it'hls part of Nebraska, henco
no ..uiuuiu.umt.ui.n nuiu un. nnvoru (,., .), H,0,i ,U.lln..o
nir. Buckley expects to join us nbout ' ., .
Crchto New Prcclnc
Tho county commissioners havo cro-
We take this opportunity to thank ntcd u now precinct in tho county by
our mends and customers fcr past a division of Rosednlo precinct, near
tavors and solicit a continuance of the the contor east and west. The now
same to the new firm whoso every precinct wll bo known as North Uobo-
eiiortvlll he devoted to caring for the dale, and will bo about six mllos
Interests of our patrons In tho proper I square. The creation of tho new nre-
and careful writing of Fire, Lightning, clnct makes it much more convlenont' member of tho Episcopal church und
uycione. Tornado and Windstorm In-1 for voters lo reach tho noils, ns form- wi.itn imr n-nt, n
. I, m it . I IlltlllUVI 111 L1IUJ1 WllUIlt
Hur.uicu, uiso iinii insurance on grow- cny some oi incm wero compelled to
mg crops, In the very best old line travel ten or twelvo miles
stock companies, who havo novor do- ::o:
faulted in paying their losses ono
hundred cents on tlio dollar.-
We shall continue to write Life, Ac
day- aftornoon. Three weeks ago Mrs.
Hansen gavo birth to a son and slnco
tlmt time Iiob been in n critical con
dition. Itelaitlvos wero summoned from
this city nnd reached thore J tint be
fore the end xanio.'Mrsi Hiinson was
born in Liverpool, England, Juno
22nd, 187G and catno horo when a
small child, Her school days and girl
hood wis spent In. this city and eigh
teen year's ago'shu becamo tho wife of
Ix. (1. ITanscu, ot Grand Island, and for
a number, of years resided thore. To
thin union nine children were born,
ono of which died In Infancy. Those
surviving, nro Frccmunt Edward,
Gladys, jtulhj Arthur, Wllmor, Cather
ine and a 'three weeks' old baby boy.
Othor rolatlvcB aro hor alstors, Mrs.
Ada LowIb, Mrs. Emily Ooatcti nnd
Mrs. Guy Swope. Tho deceased wnB a
christian wifo and mothor whoso duty
to hor homo and family was hor fore
most thought and ovory acquaintance
was a friend. Sho was a devoted
Deepest Bympoithy is oxtondod to tho
bereaved rolatives,
:o: :
Woineii'tt ieelliig.
In connection- with tho silo nnd dairy
cldent nnd Health Insurnnco In old lino spcclal wll,ch viBlt,B Nort; to
Insurance c.oinnniilns whnHn romitntinn niorrow, a women's meoting will bo
ami stunrflnir 1 l.nvnt .1 nn. hoW nt tho public library building
.inn ' from 1:40 to 3:00 o'clock. This meet
Tn tim uniiino. n,i i,n,,.nin r.n,. ig win no nmiresscu oy iMiss L,oomis,
estate, making loans on real estate. of.",0.8t,nto Vnlyor8lty and "'!)rs "
m ... i Hiiiiii'i'iH in wiiif'ri wiiiiinii ii rn n nrnni.
."-, l"ul""V V- -w 1 1
wrf av.nnnt in n i r- i-n nntfim ilmn 1 n . I
Wo shall continue to run an tin-to-l Wo ofler to the Investor with Idle
date, modern real estate and Insurance money hoiiic gilt edge HrHt mortgage
offfco and handlo all lines In connec- loans In sums of L'.iU.Ol) nnd upwards,
tlon with tho business, promising a netiuif,' seven una eight per cent, not
square deal for all. liixiiDic. wo all end lo nil iictullH.
Tho firm name of Bratt & Goodman IiKATT, (JOOUMAX & IirCKTiKV.
Ih well known, having boon in busi
ness sixteen yearK, and gives as ref
erence any bank In Nobrnska, also the
commercial agencies, nd wo know the
new firm ot Bratt, Goodman & Buck
ley win continue do have tho snmo
good record as tho ycarB roll by.
l ours very truly,
Attention Sir Knights.
You are requested to meet In full
uniform at tho asylum at 1:30 o'clock
p. m Wednesday, May 3d, o attend
the funeral of our late brother Claude
P. Faulknor.
Friday evening of this week at tho
high school auditorium tho hoys' and
girls' gleo clubs of tho high school will
give their nnnunl concert and enter-
tulnment. Tho program Includes mil'
sic and stunts, nnd n colored oomedy
entitled "Mrs. Black's Pink Tea." Tho
Tribune is assured that this affair will
be well worth your time and money.
.Honey to Loan on Ileal Estate,
0. M. Trotter reports tho sale of
Studobaker sixes to Oeorge Borgstrom
of Brady and Alfred Peterson of Table,
an Oakland six to Olaf Oleson of Table
and n Studebakcr tcur to Otto Swantz
of Maxwell
The high school base ball team went
Uo Brady Saturday and defeated the
school team of that village by the very
decisive score of 2 to 7..
The Enlscooal guild will hold n so
cial In the church basement Thursday
MrsJames Snyder Is confined to
All Itcbeknhs wls'iilng to ntloml tho
district meeting to bo held fit Brady
next Wednesday, May 3rd, will pleaso
bear In mind Hint thoy can go ,on both
No.'O ut 9:10 a. in. and No. 10 at 530
p. m. Tho request hhs boon granted
for both trains to stop at Brady.
ADAH GINN, Degree Captain.
Houses, nice unfurnished rooms,
store liulldlntr, some good liny land
close In. Lease rcnlal payable out of
liny nnd clover seed, The town herd,
pasture on easy terinn Sco
Why Hot You?
People realize, n.ore and more, that ,a bank
account maintained systematically is the greatest
aid lo financial progress.
You can enjoy many
privileges by be
coming a depositor.
This bank oilers its service to thrifty people
who desire to build a surplus, and enjoy the
benefits of an association with a slrong financial
McDonald State Bank.
Capital Stock $100,000. Resources $500,000.
her bed with an attack of rhouma