The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 21, 1916, Image 5

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    jfiK of pitKSEXT TiMnirva
Is Kexai
Don't forgot this week Rexall Week April 17th to
22d, we will give a 20 per cent reduction on all guaranteed
Rexall Remedies.
With each 50c box of Harmony, Alma Zada or Violet
Dulce Face Powder, we, will give free one face chamois.
With each .'5c tooth brush we will give one tube of
Rexall Tooth Paste.
With each 50c jar of Violet Dulce, Harmony or Arbu
tus Vanishing Gream or face cream we will give on box of
Violet Dulce or Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder.
With each one pound box of writing paper wo "will
give one package of linen envelopes.
These are only a few of the bargains wo will offer you
during Rexall Week. Watch for our hand bills and news
paper ads announcing other specials. 'It will pay you to
trade at the Rexall Store during Rexall Week.
Don't forget the dates, April 17th to 22d. All week.
xall Drug
upper Part for
1 Fer Vision I
,f No woman who
f 4 with correct uyi n
' , formition thi book; y I f
r it today. With m5f
Tower Part for A
Near Vision
Registered Optometrist.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank
City Engineer Charles McNamara
visited in Lexihgton the fore naVt of
this week.
Attorney J. S. Hoagland went to
Paxton Wednesday morning to tran
sact busiess. ,
Mrs. John Skow who was operated
upon at tho City Hospital Monday is
much improved.
Mrs. Julia Todd loft Wednesday
morning for Hershey to visit friends
for a Aveok or longer.
Tho Happy Hour club 'will moot this
afternoon with Mrs. C. A., Morris, 408
west Eleventh street.
Mrtf. Charles Weir will entertain
tso Indian. Card club on Wednesday
afternoon, April 26th.
Jack Gavers is enjoying a visit from
his brother who came here from Grand
Island a few days ago.
Miss Viola Knox left Wednesday
morning for Ogalalla to spend a few
days on professional nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff aud Mrs.
Rose Garrison moved into tho Herrod
house on east Third street this week.
Morlo Laws, who lias been ill for
several days, left Tuesday afternoon
for Cozad to spend a week at home.
Misses Jessamine Flynn and
Margaret McGinloy have returned from
Omaha where they -visited for a week.
For Rent 5 room apartment at 320
west Sixth. Gas range, lights and
bath, water rent paid. Phone black
370. 27-2
At a' special meeting cf tho Rebokah
lodge" this evening a largo class of
candidates will be. taken into tho mem
Bishop George A. Beecher, of Hast
ings, came hero Tuesday to conflrrii a
class of six at the Cliurcli of Our
Mrs. P. C. Phillips and daughters
the Misses Welsh returned a few days
ago from a month's visit in cities of
Mrs. Butler Buchanan returned the
first of this week from an extended
visit with relatives In Mount Pleas
ant, IoWa.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murrin, who
went to York to attend tho funeral of
the late George Brown, returned Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. S. S. Munson, of Withe, Wis.,
arrived hero Tuesday evening to visit
her sister Mrs. H. J. Rector for a
couple of weeks.
City Property to Trade for Farm
Land. Address postoffico box G17. tf
Excavation for tho basement of the
new Catholic school was made Wed
nesday. A large force "of workmen have
been engaged for tho work.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilcox, of St.
Paul, Minn., who were guests "of their
uncles Messrs Charles and Jesse Ed-J
wards left at n'con Wednesday.
Mrs. E. Whitmoro and son James,
of Chicago wero called liero Wednes
day to attend the funeral of the for
mer's brother tho lato Steve O'Connell.
Mrs. B. A. Ellas received a message
Wednesday stating that her father was
Injured in an automombile accident
in Chicago. Mrs. Ellas will leave today.
Just Received! Another large shlp-H
ment of Silk Coats, some class to them.
They all go at 20 off, Saturday only,
the last day of our Anniversary Sale.
Engineer William Reynolds has been
off duty for several weeks on account
of injuries to hi3 back which he sus
tained while at work and which made
hi'm bedfast for several days.
Miner I-Iinman reports tho salo of
Overland cars to Henry Bretzer and
J. A. McMlcliael, both of this city.
During tho past thirty days tho Hln
man garage has sold eighteen cars.
The- Thirteenth District Meeting of
the Royal Neighborsv will bo hold at
Hastings April 20th. Mrs. H. P. Hen
cklo will ropresent the local lodge
a district olflcer and Mrs. Albort
Ablo will go as delegate.
Palm Leo Cigar 10c. v, 1-1-tf
Tho fifteen blocks of gas mains
which were recently laid in the Miller
addition wero tested tho first of this
week and found to bo satisfactory. By
laying theso mains about t'wo hundred
fifty families can now have tho ad
vantage of uslug gas.
Have you seen those beautiful nev
Georgette Crepe Waists received this
week? Thoy are hummers, and are
selling at a Discount of 20 off tho
regular price during onr Anniversary
Sale, which will close Saturday night,
so you had better hurry. BLOCK'S.
Ohen Delbert Pledger age C5 of
Glenroso and Mrs. Adela J. Flynn over
21 of Kansas City wero married by
County Judgo French Tuesday even
ing and have gone to Glenroso to make
their home. Tho brido arrived hero
fro'm Kansas City Tuosday afternoon.
: :o: :
on all our ready- to wear garments on
the sqcond floor.
North Platte Cltv Schools lose tilt
following touchers t:r next your.' Miss!
Julia Mansfield to Mexico, Mo., Jsa
Ilnxel Wheolcr to HasttjiRR, N'tbr., Miss.
Ellun A'ndorBon to Douglas. Wyo 12.
H. Flowers to Ottumwa, la., Miss Unity
Manuol to Kearney, Neb., D. J. Bronno
mrui to Lewcllcn, Xob., Mins Maude
Rces Monition undecided), Miss Anna
Farroll to Fonda, Iowa, Miss Bosalo
Crandall to Douglas, Wyo.
Among tho new toachors elected by
the board who havo acceptod positions
aro: Miss Gertrude Baker from Gotli
onburg, Miss Gertrude McHugh from
Allianco, Clayton Pearson from Ainu
worth, Iown.
Tho rotation of tho Junior High
school to tho Senior hgh school has
not been definitely established yet and
It lins been decided to work it oiit by
oxporlonco rather than by guess. Tho
baard of education lias appoltncd Miss
Grace llolinan of tho Senior high
school as tho head of tho now Junior
high with tho titlo vicc-prlnclpal. In
somo places the Junor high school is
under tho Jurisdiction of the principal
of tho Senior high school in matters
which affect both the schools, such as
dlsclpllno on the school grounds, pu
pils of one school Interfering with pu
pils of tho other, tho uso of tho gyna
slum, dressing rooms, etc. In other
schools each school is an independent
unit and each lias a principal who is
directly responsible to the superinten
dent. Supt Tout 1b arranging an exhibition
of photographs of tho different inter
ests of tho North Plntto City schools
for the educational department of the
Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln next
fall. This exhibition will havo pictures
of the different 3chool buildings, somo
of tho classes, playground activities,
the different soclttes and other inter
ests of the high sohool and co-operative
interests of the city.
Graduation exorcises will bo hold at
the Keith theatre on tho evening of
May 24th. Thirty-four pupils will bo
given diplomas at that time.
Is the Spring time resurrection, and the long slumher of
winter breaks into the up-springing green of life. The
snap and vim of. the air awakens a desire for work and this
means a keen appetite for spring vegetables.
We have an excellent variety and plenty of them.
Send in your orders early and we will protect you.
"Prepare" for the coming Easter and we will do the rest.
Our Mofto: "Money's Worth or Money Back."
The city dcmncjl met In regular sos
son Tuesday evening, but other than
discussing paving and park matters,
transacted but little business.
A petition signed by fifty railroad
men, asked that a 250-candlo powor bo
placed on north Lincoln avenue, in
order to furnish light to onablo round
house employes and engine nnd train
men to see their way to the lighted
streot. Tho petition was referred to
the light committee.
A petition from a majority of the
property owners in blocks 33 to 44, be
tween Tenth and Eleventh streets, ask
ed that a lateral sewer district! be
created of thoso blocks. The city at
torney was instructed to draft an or
dinance fortning the district. ,
The building district ordinance,
drawn and suggested by Architect
Reynolds was referred to the ordi
nance committee.
The salary of the clerk In the water
commissioner's office was raised from
$40 to $G5 per month, on a showing
that tho clerk was greatly underpaid
for the work performed.
Two members of tho park board
woro present and informally discussed
park matters with tho council.
Dr. J. A. Stansflold, of Denver, who
came as .a substitute in place of Dr,
Percy Weber, of Boston, closedi a suc
cessful eight-day mission at tho Epis
copal church Tuesday evening. Tho
sorvces wore held dally and tho attend
anco at tho three meetings each day
was very encouraging. Dr. Stttnsfield
delivered vfery eloquent and instructive
sermons nnd special meetings for tho
ladles' guild and high school pupils
woro hold Tuesday.
William O'Connell was called to
Ely, Nevada, Tuesday by a message
which stated that , his brother Stove
McConnoll, a conductor on the rail
road there had been killed In a rail
road accident. Tho deceased was about
forty years of ago and twenty years
ago was omployed here as conductor
on tho Union Pacific. Ho was un
married and tho remains will be
1. .... . l . .... e i i . i
The funeral of tho lato Hiram Tim
mor who died" tho first of this; week
was bold lrom tho Lutheran church
Wednesday afternoon. Rov. Harman
delivered an Impressive sermon and
many friends of tho deceased attended
tho services. Interment was made in
tho North Platto cemetery.
Mrs. II. I. Block who left several
weeks ago for New York to attend
tho funornl of her father, contracted
a severe cold wlillo In. Syracuse and
has been bedfast for somo time. Her
condition is suoh that hor roturn will
be delayed three weoks.
, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Knsslnr. nf
ivansas uity, announce tho birth of a
daughtor at their homo tho foro part
of this week. Tho young lady will bo
called Frodlcka Louise. Mrs. Kessler
was formerly Miss Forn Stamp of this
All boosters smoke Town Boost, tf
Tho 'marriage of Miss Norma Cooko
and Fred Schlintz occurred at the
Homo of tho bride Tuosday ovonlng Ii
tho presence of a few frlonds. H. G
Knowlos performed the ceremony.
Tho choirs of tho local churches are
proparing for special music at tho nor
Vices on Eastor Slinililv. rnlirmrHnl
for which havo been hold frequently
ror tno past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McFadden and
baby of Paxton, who visited Mr. an
Mrs. John Herrod' this weok have re
turned homo.
For Farm Loans boo or write Gono
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platto. 41tf
Notice of Petition.
Estnto No. 1413 of George E. Brown.
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska: To all nor
sons interested In said estate tako
notico that a petition has boon filed
for tho appointment of Cora M. Brown
as Administratrix of said ostate, which
has boon sot for hearing heroin on
May 12, HUG, at 9 o'clock a. in.
Dated April 1C, 191C.
Beautiful Shoes, Dainty Shoes, Stylish Shoes. There are nol
words enough to tell you all the style points of the Queen
Quality line this season; If we could show these
Shoes to every woman in North Platte they
would all be our customers.
Wilcox Department Store
Miss Ruoy Shnner Is enjoying a visit
from her mother who camo up from
Maxwell a fow days ago.
Miss Lena Basklns who has been
visiting friends in Wyoming for several
weeks, is1 expected homo today.
Mrs. Carl Simon nnd childron who
havo been visiting relatives in Hast
ings for ten days will return Sunday.
T. C. Pattorson who nnd been 111
at tho Hotol McCabe for sovoral days
was ablo to resume his duties yester
Mrs. Joseph McNeill loft Wednesday
m'orning for Scotts Bluff to visit hor
husband who has been employed thoro
for some time.
Mrs. O. T. Young and family, of, B. B. linker returned Tuosday oven
Cook, aro visiting this weok in town ing from a busines trip in western
with friends towns.
Mrs. Deo Rnncy, of Wallace, camo
Wednesday to visit hor mother Mrs.
Greeley Bundy.
County Supt. Alleen Gantt spont
Wednesday visiting schools in tho
Sutherland vicinity.
Furnished room for rent. Inquire
at 821 west Fifth street. 27tf
Ivan Klouoo, of Koystone, is spend
ing a few days hero on business and
vlstlng Win. Powoll.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Tollefson, of
Sutherland, wero visiting at tho Done
howor homo this week.
- m ii -
Mrs. B. E. Cnto and Mrs. I. C. Cato,
of OBhkosh, aro visiting In town with
Highest market prlco paid for hidos.
Wo buy dry bones, Iron nnd other
Junk. North Platto Junk IIouso. 27tf
Mrs. Josopli Kennoy, of Muxwoll, Is
visiting this week with Mrs. Maurico
John Herrod9 Grocer
There is only one safe way to conserve you r
Deposit it when received in a strong, reliable
bank, and make your payments by check.
You can therf tell at any time just where your
money has gone, and every check you issue
becomes a receipt.
This bank places at the command, of deposi
tors many facilities which contribute to the
safety of their lunds.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
1008 Want Fourth Strtet. - Phono 110
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An Institution for tho treatment of Modlcal, Surgical and Conflnomont
DR. J. S., rliyslclnn nnd Surgeon.
Bringing Home
the Bacon
That's the solid satisfac
tion' of hog raising. to
bring home the bacon. It's
fine business to count a
good round profit at the
"end of the season.. '
, Every pig saved helps
bring in the moncy Dis
ease robs many a farmer of
his reward. Build a good
hog house. It will help you
raise healthy pfgs.
Drainage and sunlight
are the ljcst natural advan
tages that a hog house can
have. The material for
construction need not be
'costly. The. main thing is
that it be wisely, selected.
Come in and let us help
k i JOBBER i
FresSi Rubber Goods
Direct From Factory.
fir -
v Telephone Your
Grocery orders to 32
They willjjgiven prompt and
careful attention.
. Lierk-Sandall Co.
al8-in9 County Judge