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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1916)
a Organized 1847 Assets 160 Millions Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. Under their new permanent and total disability clause will in case of permanent disability: First Waive all future premiums. Second Pay the insured a guaranteed MONTHLY income for life of $8.33 per $1,000. Third At death, pay wife or children full face of policy. Insures in amounts of $1,000 to $100,000 For futher particulars fill up and mail to J, H. HEGARTY, Dist Agent, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. My Name My Address My date of Birth LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. J. H. Fonda loft Wednesday af ternoon for Omaha to upend a weak. Miss Focla Jcsson lias resigned her position In tlie Salor millinery parlors. For Sale Now bungalow. Inqulro G03 west Eighth Btrcet. Clydo Frlsto enjoyed a short visit from his fathor J. M. Frlsto of Dickens this week. Mrs. C. E. McLano returned a few days ago from a six months visit in California with relatives. Mrs. Arthur Hoagland, who had a very serious operation performed at the City "Hospital, Is reported to bo gaining In strength. Mr. and Mrs. aeorgo Donehower re celved announcement Wednesday of the birth of a nine pound boy to Mr ad Mrs. Edgar Donehowor at Columbus, Ohio. Miss Julia Burkland, of Suther land, enmo down a few days ago to visit Miss Emma Burkland. Mrs. Bert Culton and baby will re turn to Melrose tomorrow morning after an extended visit with her parents. Miss Edith Marr, who was the guest of hor aunt Mrs. Charles Miller, re turned to Gothenburg Tuesday afternoon. Now Is the opportune time to buy your Suit or Coat at lone-fifth off and all alterations done- free. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho 'Mi M. M, club and their hus bands will be entertained by Mrs. Geo. Vosolpka .Monday evening, April 24, assisted by Mrs. Will Friend. The- meeting of the Novlta club at the homo of Mrs. Andrew Yost which was anonunced for Wednesday after COUN'CILMEN WILL MAKE PA VI XG 1X8113 CTI ON Tit 1 1. The city poundl devoted a gxxnl part of Its time at the Tuesday session to discussing street paving. Mayor Evans had 'written tho officials of several Nebraska towns as to their exper ience with the different paving mater ial, and ho rend the reply letters. From each town enmo word that vetrliled brick with asphalt illler have proven tho most satisfactory and from none of these towns was concrcto recom mondod. Aftor discussing tho proposl- ; Hon nt length a motion was made that l the council as a body visit Nebraska . ItJWIIH illlll U1UB JJUi D171IU1IJ iJIUJtlil I themselves as to paving results. The 1 council will ask that a committee rop I rosonting tho property ownors In the district accompany thorn on this" trip , cf Inspection, Tho towns to bo visited I will bo Fremont, Vork, Hastlngs.Grand ! Island and Kearney, and tho tlmo of tho trip will bo probably next week. I In vlow of the change of opinion in regard to tho class of material to be . used in North Platte, theso changes bolng from brick to concrcto, wo be lieve tho council has taken tho riglit stop in making this trp. Tho local de mand for concrcto In tho face of thf fact thnt nil towns heard from recom mend brick, is sufficient evidence thnt a personal inspection is necessary. Certainly, if concrete is not tho best material North Platto would bo foolish to use It, even though it bo cheaper. The Itlnorary will bo as follows: Leave North Platto Tuesday morn ing on No. 10 at 7:C5. Arrive Kearnoy 10:30. Leave Kearney No. 18 at 2:30 p. m. Arrive Grand Island 3:30 p. m. Leave Grand Island at 8:45 p. m. Arrive Hastings 9:30 p. ni. Leave Hastings Wednesday at 12 m Arrive Lincoln Wednesday 3 p. in. Leave Lincoln Wednesday at 6 p. in. Arrive York Wednesday 7 pm. Leave York Thursday 12:30 p. m Arrive Fremont Thursday 3:30 p. NOW HERE If you are thinking of Buying a Car this Spring, it will pay you to inspect our lino, the most complete in the city. itudebaker: Phone 133 Watch for Future Ads. If you are in the market for A BARGAIN IN USED CARS Call and look ours over. From Fords to Six Cylinders. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. C. M. TROTTER Mrs. Stovo Baldwin returned a few noon was postponed until April 2Jth. days ago from Kansas City where sho attended the- graduation of hor sun Fr.ank from tho Kansas City vctorl nary college. " Lot Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, paper hanging and decorating. Phono Black 002 or Black B70. 23tf Now SuItB, Now Coats, Now Dresses, All donations for ladies guild for Easter sale should bo left at Clinton's residence not later than Saturday. Phono 8 for drugs. Opon from 7 a. m, to 12 p. m. NYAL DRUG STORE. Tho funeral scrlvces of tho late George Brown wore hold nt tho Con New Skirts, have been added on to our grcgatlonal church In York Tuesday mammoth fltocK, ftnu tnoy an go :nt morning. Rv. Dr, Lindsay officiated tho sale price, One-Fith Off Regular 1'iiee, wnno mo saie msis, inin wooit only. BLOCK'S Easter Sale and sunncr at Episcopal church basement Tuesday. April 25. iMcrlo of Kansas, They were Josse J. Foroith, of Nashvllto, Tenn.,) Yorlc t0 attend tho funeral. and Miss Nellie Small, of Cozad. whoi Attorney B. 1L Payne, of Hl'lOTC Ho is survived by a wife, t'vvo sons, a mother, four sisters, Ruth, Grace, Mamie and Luln, three brothers, Charles and Arthur of Omaha and all In m. Return home An Invitation is extended cllzens to Join. ::o:: KGG PRICES JIIGHER We Kill pay 17 cents per dozen for fresh eggs up (o April 22nd Inclusive. 27-2 RUSH jNEJlUAATJliH CU. ;q; ; Former Resident Dies. Victor VonGootz is in receipt of a letter from his son Vic in Portland, Ore., in which ho says; "I 'met Mrs. J. B. Scanlon, while she was enrouto to Everett, Wash., from California, whero she said sho had burled her husband. Ho had been sick about six mouths." The J. B. Scanlon referred to was for several years North Platto agent for tho Union Pacific, a big, hearty Jovial man who mado a friend of every acquaintance. Mr. Scanlon and family left. North Platto about fifteen years ngo. coats and dresse s for ladles', misses and children at a discount pf TWENTY PER CENT. THE LEADER, GREEK SHOT BY A I FELLOW COUNTRYMAN have boon omployod at the MvCahoi Island, Frcdil noiei resigned uiuu iiutmiuua vuuuus? day morning and wore married by H. G. Knowleu. They expect to make their honia In the east. ::ot; SPECIAL FOR EASTER. 25 Ladles' Silk Poplin Suits all shades and sl'eu, Just arrived worth $22.I0 and $2G.00 on salo at $11.43. THE LEADER. Grand son, president of tho Suthorlnnd State Bank and J. E. Du mnd, of Lowollon, wrc hore Wednes day on buslncUs pertaining to the bankruptcy easo, of; O. O. MeGeo of Sutherland. The termer is acting as reforco and tho otherB -are creditors. Mr. McGoc had boon a horso duuler for fiomo time and went Into bankruptcy on March 17, 1910. The casso will bo lizard on Juno 1st. ::o: High Grade Piano for Sale Chen). Will sacrifice the piano which we have had left on our hands at North Platto rather than reship or pay fur thor storage charges. Liberal terms. If interested write the Denver Music Company, Denver, Colo., at once fcr particulars. ::o:: Miss Marian Lnwson is assisting In tho Block store. Hikell's Violet Articles. Every article guaranteed. NYAL DRUG STORE. Potnr Anilrps. n. Greek. eniDloyed as a section hand at Glenburnle, was brought t6 the City Hospital Tuesuay night suffering fnom a gunshot wound In the right shoulder. While the wound is serious, the man is not in a cru lcal condition, the wound having been nromDtly dressed and the gun wad and shot extracted. The fellow who did the shooting was ... . riM. lt.i.1 a ieuow countryman, iiio uu( nntrntrnil In a came, of cardB a niglit or two before and the winner demand ed his money, but tho loser refused. This created bad feeling between tne tun, nnii TnoRilnv p.venine when re- turnlng-from work on a track car on which was a snot gun, tue weapon was picked up by Andres' enemy and ilred at close range, so close in fact that tho wad from tho shell lodged In Andres' shoulder in addition to a num ber of tho shot. . T.ntor in tho p.vp.nine Sheriff Salis bury was telephoned, who drove up to Glenburnie, uut uy mat umo uiu fellow who did tho shotting had de camned. and so far his whereabouts has not been learned. Andres was brought to the City Hospital the same night. Columbia Grafanola May records now on sale. Dixon, tho Jeweler. Dr. A. J. Ames of Potter, camo down yesterday morning to visit for a fow days. Have you heard that beautiful record "Tho Ladder of Roses," If not wo would like to play It for you. Dixon, the Jeweler. Sillas Slllasen, at Nevlns, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fred rlckson Dor several days, returned homo Wednesday. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. Albert Herrod entertained a score of friends at a party Wednesday after noon In honor of his seventh birthday. Ho received many remembrances. Tomorrow will bo Arbor Day and will be observed by the banks, the county offices, tho post office and the U. S. land office. Do your banking this afternoon, If it must be done before Monday. Miss Erma McMichaol was called to Welllleet Wednesday by tho sudden death of her brother. For Sale Seed oats, seed corn and spring wheat seed. Coatos Lumber & Coal Co. Mrs Edward Elosser and baby who were visiting relatives in Council Bluffs, returned home, Wednesday ev ening. The Domestic Science department of the Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. George B. Dent Monday af ternoon. . C. Christiansen, of Lincoln, left Wednesday afternoon after a short vis it With Ills brother Vigo Christiansen and family. ::o:: For Your Next Order of Feed, flour, cabbage, potatoes, ap ples, sand hill seed potatoes of all kinds seo J. Mogensen at the North Side barn or phone 29. 22-tf ::o::- BIG MONEY PAID OUT FOR HOGS. C. H. Walter was a very busy man Monday evening and Tuesday forenoon, not because he was a candidate for the republican nomination for county clerk, but on account of tho large number of hogs ho purchased. Between six o'clock Monday evening and twelve o'clock noon Tuesday ho issued checks aggregating ten th'ousand dollars. which represented the payment tor six hundred hogs which ho handled within those hours. These hogs came largely from Georgo Shoup, of Suthor land, and from tho state experimental farm, and were sold to Mr. Waltor in stead 'of being shipped direct to South Omaha by the growers. Transactions of tins magnitude are not of daily occurronce. ::o:: Wauled To rent or trade for modem house in North Platto. Address Lock box F, Lexington Neb. :o: :- Choice Seed Corn- We have choice Seed Corn from 191 S crop, showing it will mature early. Sweet Clover, Al falfa, Siberian and Hog Millet. L. PENNINGTON, Phone 99 and Black 388. 500 East Front. Literature Department Elects Officers. Tho lltcraturo Meparlment of the Twentieth Century Club met Tuesday aftomoon at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Buchanan, and officers for tho ensuing year were elected as follows: Chairman, Mrs. T. G. Thompson; as sistant chairman, Mrs. E..A. Garllchs; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. L. Toole; Journalist, Mrs. J. S. Slrnms; parliamen tarian, Mrs. J. L. Roddy. A musical program, in cnargo or Mrs. J. S. Slrnms was rendered. ::o:: HAILItOAD NOTES HOWE & MALONEY Air. mid Mrs. Dan NowMevor. of Kearnoy, camo a row days ago 10 maKo UiAlr iinmn. Tho fnrmflr will accont a position ns road master for tho Union Pacific. nnnnrnl T?nnil Muster Scott, of Om aha, is spending a tow uays nero on hualnoan fnnnfip.toil with lnvlnc now steolo rails In tho west yards of tho Union Pacific. n. 13. Soiisor. who has boon road mnstnr for tho Unon Pacific for several fvears. was promoted Wednesday to itonoral assistant roau masior wun headquarters at Omaha. ;;o;; 111,1s Wnnled. Tiiiin urn nskpd nn tho Movers nron- orty at 402 east Sixth street, oon RlfcMiiir nf livt and 5 room house, tho houses nnd lots at 41G nnd 423 east Eighth street, each of tho lattor two houses having throo rooms. Address T. Q. Rowley, North Plntto, Nob., Routo IJ. : ;o: : Mlua Tlnlnn Knnntz 1st BllfforlnC from a fractured loft arm which sho sus tained whllo roller skating a fow days ago. F. J. IirEN'EK & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Hnmo and boo uh tor town lots In different parta of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms, nouses ,ior nnin nnd rant. Wo have also cood bar gains in farms and ranchos. Cor. Front ana uowey bib., upsimro. 3C 3EZ3E OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank. D -o- JSrORTH JPKA. TTZ5, J?U!A SiT A . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAP IT AT, AA'D SUKPItUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY; EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE i IIAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GITEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ram zmi nr" jnnt TIES would bo iniicli plciisnntcr If tho family Is fed on good nutritious foods, llrend Is tho stnff of life, and Miion It Is made from tho COW BRAND flour that Is mado from llio choicest hard wheat and ground by tho best roller process, you linvo white, nour lshlng and delicious food that Is tempting nnd wholesome. BUY A SACK TODAY. Lierk-Sandall Co. i V i Tr i