The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 21, 1916, Image 1

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No. 28
Arrangements for the opening of the
haso bull season In North Platto Is
well In hand, anil will bo In tho pink
of condition by the time the call of
"play ball" is made.
The park Is being put In fine con
dition. The icutfleld has been plowed,
leveled and rolled, a hew wire fence
has been stretched, tho wooden fenco
painted, the grand stand remodeled
and the bleachers enlarged.
Manager Gcttman Is gradually sur
rounding himself with what promises
to be a very fast team. On the pitching
staff Is Totenhoff or Columbus, Wal
worth of Norfolk and Andrews of Om
aha; catchers aro Ransey of Norfolk
and Ross of Omaha; Carl Llndstrom of
Columbus has been slated for short
stop, Manager Gottman for first, Bert
Simmons of Stockvllle for second, John
Amen w Harold Langford for third,
and Beal Sandall, Duncan and Brown
for the outfield. This line up gives
a sufficient number of subs.
A number of good games have al
ready been scheduled, and with Lex
ington, Kearney, Grand Island and
Hastings 'with teams on the east, and
Ogalalla, Sidney, Bridge port, Alliance
and Scotts Bluff with teams on the
west, there promises bo be no lack of
games during the season.
riionc 2
10 round L'nil of Lard $1.20
Commltfccs Meet With Success ..
Several of the . soliciting commit
tees for the Chamber of Commerce pub
licity fund and':mefnbershlp campaign
made a partial canvass yesterday and
secured nearly $2,000 in subscriptions.
The day was so disagreeably windy
that not all the members of the com
mittees ventured out. The canvass
will be resumed tioday.
: :o: :
The North Platte General hospital
held its Opening Wednesday after
noon. Almost a 'hundred visitors were
shown through the rooms. A demon
stration of the X-Ray machine was
given by Dr. J. B. Redfleld and punch
was served to tho visitors by'tho
nursing staff. Special llooms have' been
furnished by the Lady MadcabcpsV
Derryberry & Forbes, Dr. V. Lucas and
four of the nurses, Misses Seaman,
Johnston, Keller and Knox.
While the returns from Lincoln
county are so incomplete as to de
termine Keith Neville's majority in
-the county, tho majority given him In
North Platte was 324. Evidently the
scurrilous letters written by. J. H. Ed
mtstcn and his little .clique of friends
had no more effect'on Neville in North
Platte than in other ' portions of the
state. ' '
Conductor Dentleir has purchased
a light six Appbrson car fnamlhe'jocal
dealer, 4;;. jyi. smun. ; -
For Sale
The Major Walker residence, 504
west Fourth Street. House modern
and, in good condition. Fine shade
and' fruit trees. Also some articles of
household furniture. Inquire at rest
dence. 27-4
Edward, tho ten-year old Boh of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph McMIchacl of Well-
lleet was struck by lightning Wednes
day morning and Instantly killed. Tho
boy with many other children was
playing in the school yard 'wncn an
olectric storm arose and they rushed
Into tho school house for shelter.
Edward remained In tho entrance for
a few minutes directly under the bell
which was suspended by; a large wire.
Tho lightning struck the wire, cracked
the bell and the boy was struck on the
left side of the head the current pass
ing through his body and tearing off
his left shop. Several other children
In the room were stunned but not ser
iously Injured. Tho boy was a brightt
studious and ltovablo child, a general
favorite with his class mates and
tencher and his sudden death Is deeply
felt by them. Besides tho bereaved
parents he Is mourned by several
borthers and sisters, among them Miss
Erma McMIchacl bookkeeper for Howe
& Maloney Company of this city.
Tho funeral services were held at the
Wellflcot Baptist church this morning.
Wllllam Keegan waived a prelimin
ary hearing in tho daunty court yesterday-morning.
He was charged with
stealing a punch bowl and glasses from
the Lloyd opera house recently. He
was bound over to the district court
in the sum of five hundred dollars and
given three days to raise that amount.
Our Anniversary Sale closes Satur
day night. If you are still to buy your
Easter Suit, Coat or Dress and you
want to benefit by the 20 discount,
you cannot afford to miss this saving
this early In the season. BLOCK'S.
Chns. Hendy, Jr., manager of tho
Ford branch factory at Denver, visit
ed relatives in town yesterday. The
output of the Denver plant will be
doubled this year and the anticipated
business will reach soven million dol
lars. A new building of immense size
is now In course of construction.
Mrs. G. E. Brown and sons Howard
and Clyde and Mrs. E. M. Smith re-1
turned from York, Nebraska, ,Wednes-i
day evening. They were accompanied
by Miss Ruth Brown, who will spend
eomo time at the Brown home.
Christian Science service Sunday 11,
a. m. Wednesday evening" 'meetings
every week at 8:00. A cprdial invita
tion' is extended to' all. Building &
Loan building, room 25.
Your Easter Suit can now be pur
chased at almost your own price. Get
ready for Easter.
W: J. Holderness left at noon Wed'
nesdty for" Gothenburg to spend a 'few
days on business. . .' vj.
Judge and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland left
this morning for Lincoln' where they
!wlll visit friends for several days. '
Lem Bailey left at noon yesterday
for Cozad to visit relatives fcr several
George Burgent, of Kearney, is
spending a few days hero on business.
Miss Essie Wessberg Is assisting in
the Chamber of Commerce rooms.
Today's Bee says that with fourteen
counties complete, Including Douglas
and Lancaster, and 415 precincts scat
tered throughout tho state, Nevlllo has
24,320 and Bryan 14,842. The returns
as they oomo Increase Neville's major
ity, so that when tho Veto Is complete
It is oxpoctcd that Neville's majority
wil bo anywhere from 12,00 to 15,000.
For tho republican nomination for
govornor Sutton leads McKelvlo by
2,500 votes and it Is predicted that ho
will continue to maintain that lead,
though it may be possible that McKcl
vie will reduco this leud as the coun
try precincts make their returns.
For United States senator Kennedy
leads Aldrich by over 0,000, and;
Hitchcock has a two to one vote over
W. J. Bryan for delegate to the dem
ocratic nntloual convention is from
2,000 to 4,000 behind tho other candi
dates, and Mullen lends Dahlman for
national commltteman by 1,500.
For republican national committee
man Howell leads McGrew by 7,000
We have engaged extra help in our
Alteration, Department, so If you uuy
your Suit or Dress hero you are sure
to have It for Easter Sunday. Every
garment at a Fifth Off nnd alterations!
Free. BLOCK'S.
Weather forecast furnished by tho
local office of the U. S. weather bu
reau: Fair tonight and Saturday;
warmer. Highest tempjerature yes
terday 58, a year , ago 75; lowest last
night 31, a yeaV ag'6 47.
Ralph Allison, of Cheyenne, formorly.
of the land office in this city is ex
pected here tomorow to visit friends
for several days
SPECIAL All Suits and Coats go
ing at 20 Discount.
Mrs. Anna Schwaiger left last even
ing for Grange, Oregon, to make an .x
tended visit wth her daughter, Mrs.
Anna Pollack.
The quarantine on the Mettln home
waB raised Wednesday. Paul Mettln,
who was ill with the Binall pox, hav
ing recovered.
All our ready-to-wear garments' on
the first ikor and all our yard goods
will he sold at a discount of twenty
per cent.
,Mrsi Glen Mann and baby are ex
pected to return today from Omaha
where she was called by the death of
her sister.
All-our Ladles Suits in Gaberdines,
Poplins and Silk Taffetas and Failles,
are being sold at a discount of
'Girls'. Ask tt see our New Shipment
of Coats; they certainly are beauties.
If you want to savo 20c on the dollar
and have a - classy Coat for Easter
Sunday, you better be on hand early
Saturday naming. BLOCK'S.
Lewis Thoolecke, of Omaha, arrived
here last evening to visit his son O.
H. Thoolecke and family for a week or
Raster Khnwinc: of Reclna Pattern
Hats.. Saturday, April 23. McVlcker
Although Shoe Prices this season are much higher, we are show
ing d larger and more complete line at cut prices than ever before
Qver 2000 pairs of high grade Pumps and Oxfords. 'Every pair
v, 4 " is new anil up to the minute styles and patterns.
Your Choice for-
2.45 and $2.95
First Door South of Keith Theatre.
These delicious Easter Chocolates are guaranteed to be abso
lutely pure and as fine as you can buy. Eggs of Pure Choco
late Filled with Delicious Cream, Nuts and Fruits. Packed in
several sizes of beautiful crates and boxes, priced from
10c to 50c a Package
Wilcox Department Store-
Enstcr at the Episcopal Church
Tho EaBter Festival will bo celebra
ted at the Church of Our Saviour with
sufficient opportunities for all mem
bers and friends to Join In tho Joyous
In the morning hours the communi
cants will make their Easter Eurchar-
lst either at 7, 8, or 9 o'clock.
At 11 o'clock will take place tho
Festive Sorvlce of Worship, with ull
choir, and there will bo rendered for
tho first time tho "Hallelujah chorus
by Handel,.
At 4 p. m. children and parents ,anu
friends aro invited to the children's
service. Sunday school .pupils of tho
North Side chapol will be present.
Tho lloral ofterlngs aro to bo as
generous, more so, all anticipate, than
at any other Easter Festival.
The Lenten season 'which closed with
the Mission by Dr. Stansflold, nnd tho
confirmations during the year, have
givey the church such an Inspiration
that the most Joyous Easter must nec
essarily lesult, and all friends' nre In-J
vlteU'to join in tno Festival.
Fred Elliott loft today for. Omalui to
visit his son for a week or more.
Attorney J. G. Heeler is transacting
business In Bridgeport this week.
W. J. LanUgraf spent yesterday In
Kearney gathering up stunts for the
baso ball fair.
The J. F. F, club will be entertain
ed next Tuosday afternoon by Mrs.
Edwin Barrnclpugh. .
Rev. Maloney, of Ogalulln, spent yes
terday hero arid conducted the ser
vices at St. Patrick's church.
Because of leaving the city, tho
Kolsler DiWssmiVklng School Is for
salo; Mrs. T. H. Cdoloy. 28-2
Some attendant at the base ball fair
next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
will bo presented with a diamond ring.
Tho Epworth lenguo of tho Methodist
church wicll meet this evening at tho
Cool home.
Just received, a large shipment of
Muslin and Silk Underwear, corset
Covors, CamlsQics, Envolopo Chomlso,
Drawors, Petticoats, Combination Suits,
Night Gowns; Princess Slips, etc., 25c
to $3.50. - They are wonders at the
prices. BLOCK'S. '
Card of ThnnkN.
We wish to express In this way our
hoart'tfolt thanks to the neighbors and
friends who did all In their power lo
roavement, especially tho B. of L. E.
and tho Q. I. A.
Mrs. Geo. E. Brown and family.
Easter nt the Methodist Church.
Snnilnv ovenlnc at 8. o'clock, the
Methodist choir of twenty-flvo voices
wil give tho Easter cantata "uosur
rectlon Llcht." by Ashford, directed
by Miss Esther Antonldes.
Opening chorus "Cry Aloud.
Sonrano solo "Behold My Servnnt,
Mine Elect."
Tenor solo and chorus "Hosanna
to tho Son of David."
SdIos. nuartettes and chorus "All
Glory Laud and Htonor."
Alto solo and chorus "Now wncn
the Morning was Come."
Quartette "u, l.ovo uivine.
Soprano solo, quartetto and chorus
"As" It Began at Dawn."
Soprano solo "Awake! Awako!"
Closing chorus "Christ, Our Pass
over." .
Orchestra Garllchs. viol n: Welch.
cello; Lawson, llute; Starr, clardnct;
Ticut, cornet; Mrs. uram, pianist.
Orange Special
. 39c a Dozen
Fine, Large Juicy Navel Oranges Cheap
er than you will get them again this
ilcox Department
Hnrrnil f'niirpri
The Presbytorlan choir' will give a
iirrifl rrinr.ort nl. tho church Easter
Sunday evening at eight o'clock. The
program follows:
rVirnn nrnliiiln"Trlliinnlinl March"
from Alda Verdi Miss Florence Mc
Introlt "Now the Day is Over"
Vtecal solo "Tho Lord Is My Light"
Allitsen M. M. Redcnbaugh.
Anthem "Tho Lord Is Risen"
Shelley Mrs G. A. Zonthieycr and
Vocal Duet "Jesus Thou Joy of
Loving Hearts" Wlegand Miss Gcor
glna McKay and Bruce Brown.
Anthcm-.Vtetory" Shelley Mrs.
Herbert W. Baker, Miss Lela Scott,
Bruce Brown ond chorus.
Vocal solfc "Tho Lord Is Risen"
Lowls R. Dresder Mrs. Edward
Address Rev. Robert White,
Male quartette "Heaven's Easter
Pong"-Messrs. Redcnbaugh, Mitchell,
Rltnnr and Bruce Brown.
Hymn No. 25.
Offertory "To tho Evonlng Star"
Wngner-Warrcn Miss Florenco Mc
anthem "Hallelujah" arranged
Ifrcn' Handel's Hallelujah Chorus
Bruco Brtown and chorus.
Postludo "Andante Opus 20" Bee
thoven Miss Florence McKay,
M. M. Rcdenbaugh, choir director;
Miss Florenco McKuy, organist; Rev.
Robert White, pastor.
We havo a nlco assortment of styles
In House Dresses, all colors and prices.
Yon Can.Bank
Modern banking methods have kept
puce Midi modern farming methods.
The nulomobflc, the telephone mid
the rural mall man, nil tend to make
business transactions shorter, quicker,
more easily completed.
Likewise, a Check Account with this
strong, accommodating bunk penults
u saving of time to the farmer nnd
business mini without siicrlllce of wife
1; or convenience.
find that customers that bank
here and pay-by. check are making (lie
most of (he modern convenience, the
unto, the telephone, the rural mail de.
The Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.