The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1916, Image 8

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    IAV T1IK IIMI'.,,
fleet of the far-away war
mat a nvfirv mil n . tvmnn n n ml
tho announcement of tho fact
hoes must this Bcnuon advance
Thn trnnprnllv nmnrtoil Hcnruttv nf
April 10, 1910.
Gourd met pursuant to ndjourn
mont. Present Hermlnghauflon, Spring
or, Whlto and county, cjork.
A petition signed by Voters of rond
leather and Incrcused cost of tunning district No. 58 asking that said ills
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Offlco Phone 642 Ros. Phono 676
nsn Matter.
rTAVMh 18, 101(1.
since tho war, combined with an enor
cDrpsKa, (m0UMiy Increased demand for lcathor,
all account for tuo nuvancou cost or
Millions of pairs of shoes for the
European armiOH liavo been and still
urn hninc run do liv Amcrlciin shoe
8KB NORTH PLATTIl TRIP 'manufacturers. On tho average, these
PLANM)I I' OH TOMORROW. ,irmy Bhoos consume ono and one-half
i as much leather as tho average Amor-
Beforc tho membership campaign lean man's shoe,
begins, a SEEING NORTH PLATTE ! Knapsacks, Baddies, harnesses and
... . . . , . a.ttll.iiukther materials for tho armies at vvur
trip has been planned by Secretaries I anJ ft Boncra, lncroa80 ln equipment
msnor unu icmpie. huh imp win i'u.0f tho American army and state mllltla
mndo in autt3 starting at tho Cham- account for a still further demand on
ber of Commerce rooms, 5th and Lo- the none too large supply of leather.
cust strcots at 1:415. Munitions plants huvo called for
Tho idea of tho trip is to sec North thousands of feet of leather belting
Platte's Industries or at least a part and tho general picking up of business
a then, The committee finds that all ulecaH
of Nortli Platte's industries can not fnr hnltint-.
be visited on this trip so another trip Autos have also made great and in
will be made later. creasing inroads Into tho available
Thn nowsnnner offices will Iip visited leather supply tor upholstering.
The newspaper oaices win he visited Leathor ,8 tt by.,)rduct. Tlio BUpply
where you will see the plant turning cnnnot l)0 increased at will as crops
out tlio paper, tho linotype machine and metals arc, but is "dependent on
will bo performing its dutiss In boost- the lildo supply; and cnttlo are not
Inn for North Platto- the creamery kUlcd, primarily, for their hides.
... . , , , , creamery mcsl congm rcports sUow that
win no vision n.iuio juu iu the cattle population has decreased 20
North Platte's butter made from milk per cent ln the last ten ycarH, and the
frnm Lincoln cnuntv booster cows. nonulatlon has increased tho same
ifii Dercontacc.
I uli inn timmiAPn n rn in lwi tnnrn nv,
good cold buttermilk, the kind that ,)onHlvo lt ls Hll,i tllat the Incrense
tastes liko more. Tho gas plant will be f0r tho present will bo about 20 per
Inspected whore you will see the big cent, but will likely bo more by next
boilers in nctlon: wo will ko to the fall.
. .,i .it. i I ::o::
Chicken will have Mis head cut off and L1AY ASS" lH? L1 a'
ho dressed (or rather undressed), you Miss Cathorlno Hall spent the week
MI ,,. 1,w NTnrtl, Plntfn Inn lH nmdn "d ' HOfBhoy With friends.
wiii i.v ,. ,.i,nnp n J. C. Kockjolui spont a fow days last
" " v" week on his homestead near Sidney,
see u ii is pure or now u.o cimrios Bairns, of Melrose, Is visit
dries win no given a cnancc umi you lng wltn Mr and MrB. Con Wnlkor,
will sco which girl tears your auiri Mfas Mtnnlo Dedell, of Gothenburg,
in case you have such-a kick coming; who visited Mrs. C. West last weok,
tlio cltv wator .works nlant will bo has returned Home.
-t'lr.lli1 tiflifktn vnil will Ufin flin bin1 ATI. MIsb Agnes Ilanlou will entertain
t o tho Eldecn club on Wednesday after
glnes pulling for North Platte, tl e I App, 20U
wnoiesaic grocery on mo uum mu Tho p E a Socloly wlu meot t0.
will bo visited, tins is going to no a morrow afternoon with Mrs. I. L.
Burprlsi for Mri Lnmb stantcd In Miltonbcrger,
Just a short Wine ago and now he Is Earl Pyzer Is having a comfortable
building li!o third building. If the six room res donee erected on his lots
irrocorv men of North Platte and sur- 'On east luun sireot.
rounding towns would give Mr. Lamb Mrs. John Lincoln, Sr., was operated
i i , 4i i i ,.yiao i, Pon t the Nurse Ilrown hospital the
a good sharq of their 'business ho n'Uor pnrt0j laat wcok.
would Do employing nuy men insicau MjBg Sally Allnot cJ Normneld, 0.,
of a few and this would mean more expected hero this week to visit Mrs.
prosperity for nil of uo. Tncn tho olgar ?vcd Porrltt untl .Mrs. Fred Spurrier.
factories wllll be made a call. True they Harry Cramer, who has . bveti in
are small but say men, why not Bmoko Seward, Hastings, and other eastern
a fow North Platto cigars? Threo mon Points, returned nomo ycsioruay nion.
i.. i i.. kv.ii, mii t.l'"K.
iuu ..u U...,.u)Vu u.w. r, , Mnc4 aJKl MrB nnrrB m
mane cigars ami wo siioum navo inircy. , . . ed Frl,iy from Sutherland whore
Mr. Dealer aro you doing your part? they were guests at tho Whlto homo
True If a customer comes In and askB last week
for a certain brand you will havo to Jtov. Ives, of Ogalalla, npent tho
i. ......... i. r- week end hero .visiting Dpan,.Bowker
....... ' . T" "I ""r.r. " m attendlnB,U.e. jnlsMon ,at
cigar way iiol iiuiiu nun u iMiriu i nuiu I mrcli. Qf, 0(r, S(iYt'r. V .
fig'? Did you over think 'tiliout tliiaf ijUCiGly StebbJnB returned yqatorday
Hastings has bIx ot1 seven clgnrB plants from Chicago w'hero lo Hpctit two
iihil ovorv detlar has to handle North weeks. Ho hastened his return to be
PinMn ni nr n.nv win in., triwln. nt homo for the primaries
And say Mr. North Platto Booster, -why F Farm Lottn r. rtWr'tll?I0n
not ask for a North Platto cigar tho r00 room 3- Waltematti building.
next timo you smoko and If tho dealer Noriu 1 iau0,
doesn't have it toll him ho hotter Fred Duncan, ot tho C. O. D. Clean
cot It ln ntouk for von want moro ln unrt Dy,nB Go" sold out 11,8 ,.'i'er,"
got it in Btoolc ror iou want moro rct!cntly t0 ,,is partner Ralph Ford,
cigar men In North Platto. Theao nion ftml lmB ncceted a position a travel-
will need liouaes, ahooa, grocorles, etc., lng Balosmnn for an Omaha company
and all of ub will bo benefited by it. with hendquartors nere.
oven soino ot tho churches. Sale Fve choice lots in Grace
trict be divided into two districts Ib
hereby granted ns follows: All of sec
tions 19, 20,21, 23, 29, 30, Ul, .12 ntifi K
T. 11, and sections 4, 15, G, 7, 8, 9, HJ,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, T. 10, Rango 27 lo
be known ns district No. CG; and all
of Sections 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 34,
35, 3(5 T. 11, and sections 1, 2, 3, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24 T. 10, R. Office:
27 to be known as district 58.
Claims allowed as follows:
George Hoover, bridge work, $72.00.
Goorge Hoover, road work, $41:00.
Fred Gravas, bridge work, $8.00.
J. W. Lylc, road work, commis
sioner district 3, $25.00.
W. D. Waldo, road work, commis
sioner district 1, $38.00.
F. P. Hoy, damages road 382,
D. H. Whlto. services, $28.10
F. W. Hcrmlnghauaen, services,
E. II. Springer, services. $G9.C5.
J. R. Whlto, transportation for A. V
Wlckersham, $37.70.
O. A. Landegren, auto hire, $G.00.
-Bond of Ed S. Levlson, overseer for
district 45 Is hereby approved.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Building and Loan- Building
pi,u. I Oillce 130
Phone9 Residence 115
JOHN S. SBOIS, M. nnil Surgeon
OIHco B. & L. Building, Second Flopr
Phone, Office, 83: Residence 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Whereupon the board adjourned to Offlco McDonald State Bank Building
Aorll 12. 191G.
County Clerk
April 12, 191G.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Hermlnghauson Spring
er and couty clerk.
Claims allowed on general fund:
C. C. Hupfor, meals for county poor,
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Oillce 183, Residence 283
rounded 1880.
It'a tho household word In Western
Anna Leach, house rent county poor, Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best rron
$30.00. ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
Harry Carothers, mdse county poor, savinES bank and Insurance that In
,.i0 m,, mmm!B. surcB. They all buy It
slnnor district 2. $75.00. "There Is a RcnSDll"
F. J. Peter, road work, district 4G, For further information
$4.00. Phone, call or addreas
AnV. VioTnTp j. e. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
' C W. YOST, Tlio Old Lino Mnn
: :o: :
Real f.Htnto and Insurance
Como and see ut for town lots In
different Darts of tho city. Good In-
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
aalo and rent. Wo hae also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sta.. upstairs.
Thoao Who haven't cars If Wiey will
land Addition to North Platto. Lots 10,
17 is 10 nnil 20. Will rocolvu offers
phono tho Chamber of Commorco they u' to May Gth. 191G. separately or all
win no iivicen caro or. Ladles are os- togothor. Thcso lots soui unuer me
pecially invited and at Norfolk and hammer for ?20i eacn. iseing a non
Alliance Mr. Fisher reports that over rtXrrst. Write W. T'w,
i.w iiuiiiireu men anu women mane owner. Clovordnle. Ind. 27-4
this trip. And Mr, Auto-Ownor tho
Chamber of Commorce needs fifty cars
for this afternoon trip. If you will help,
phono tlio Chamber ot Commcrco and
say how .many you 'will accommodate,
Let'ti make North Platto a hummer t1ls
Arthur Plummor uurchnapd a Bulck
six at tno uavis garago leat week.
D, C. Wilson, of Sutherland, spent
tho weok end with hla son Rny Wilson
and wife.
J. B. PlolBtlekor, of Dickens, visited
with his brother Frank Piolstickcr,
laat weok.
Mlsaes Mabel Wilson, Laura Jenkins
and Pearl Jenkins who visited friends
in North Platto Inst week, have re
turned to Ilcrshcy.
4N(lce lo Property Owners
Notlco la hereby given that an ordi
nance duly passed by tho mayor and
city council September 7, 1915, pro
viding for the Installation of recep
tacles or garbage cans provides d3
It Us hereby made unlawful for any
person, firm or corporation to deposit
any garbage or refuse within the city
of North Platto except as in the with
in ordinance provided, or fo penult
any such garbago to accumulate or do
deposited upon property owned, oc-
ciinlod or controlled by any person,
(Inn or corporation within said city
and It shall bo and it Is hereby made
tho duty of every person, firm or cor
poration within said City of North
Platto, to provide and maintain a HuLtf
ablo garbage can or receptacle,
whenever ordered by said street com-
nttsloner. Said recoptaclo shall havo
a tight fitting cover and bo so con
structed that it is water and air tight
and shall bo approved by tho Street
And ln accordance with said ordi
nance all property owners nro hereby
notified to provide such garbago cans
on or before May 1, 191G, in order that
said city may collect and dlspoao of
garbage. O. E. ELDER,
City Clork.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.:"
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St,
one-half block southwest ot the
Court Housk
..General Hospital..
Phone 58
723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfleld, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Quality Not Quantity
Ono of tho little twin daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Jnnios Goldqnja roported
ill thin week. jU,, .
E S. Albrltton or St. PKiil, Minn.,
spent tho lattor part of InBt wcok with
J. E. Sebastian.
Mrs. Jdhn Skow "is roported sor
ioitBly 111 and nn operation 'will bo
performed thla wcok.
MrB. Mm. Malonoy and daughtor loft
Friday evening for KansuB to visit
rolatlves for several weeks.
Mrs. Hoyt Hart returned home Fri
day uftor visiting lior mother Mrs.
Lena Salisbury for a few days.
R. L. North, Bpoclal agent for. Union
Pacific Co., will transact business in
Omaha sovoral days this week.
Fred Garlow of Cody, Wyo formerly
a well known resident here, visited
with local friends tho lattor part of
laat weok and loft Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Jones, who
were filing a four weeks' engagement
in orchestra nt tho Pat tlioatro loft
ho latter part of last week for Grand
It it at Simpft if RolUntOfrJTjD!
D-oiri'tfTake Up Your
r'nroycyour f urniturctojbavc
. ly.our Jbfouse, Vi red'
Our electricians arc neat and
gentlemanlyand they.know how
to work'Avjtlkiardustdirt.'noisevor confusion, ln no
case 'is 5t 'necessary to take the furniture out of a
room or cover Up die pictures or; 'bric-a-brac. You
heafthe ;saw and hammer when a; piece, of closet
or atticifloo.r; as being moved but ;that-is .all. The
small chunks of plaster ifrom the tiny holes where
the wires go kthrougli ire caught as they fall.
When the job ist$nished not a trace remains but
the dainty fixtures, switches and receptacles and
the wonderful: conveniencerofielectricityl
We have attractive booklets telling just how
it is done and an estimate telling, .of the cost will
DOCTOR I). T. (Jt'IUIiKY. . ..
Practice Limited to
'Surgery anil It n ilium Therapy
728 City National Rank Building.
Oninlin, Nebraska.
C Reynolds Wdtc.
North Platte, Neb,
Ofilce Phorib033.
lies. Illack 6131
Phynlclons & Surfeoni.
Have Your Piano Tuned
914 West 4th St. North Platto, Nob
Write or Call Phone Rod3344
Pianos Tuned and Repaired Anywhoro.
Licensed Embalmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black G88.
Notice For Rids.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received for the collecting, hauling
and disposing of garbage in the 01 ty of
North Platte, Nebraska, from May 1,
191G, to November 1, 191G, as pro
vided by ordinance pased and ap
proved September 7, 1915.
Bidders to furnish all equipment for
tho hauling and disposing of garbage
and to collect it from tho garbage cans
or other receptacles as provided by tho
property owners not less than once a
All bids to bo delivered, scaled to
O. B. Elder, City Clerk, not later than
April 25, 191G.
City Clerk.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the Gth
day of July, 1915, and duly filed in
tho offlco of tho county clork of Lin
coln County, Nebraska on the 25th day
March, 191G, at 10:45 a. in., and exe
cuted by II. Scoonover to William J.
Hcndy and Ed N. Ogler, doing business
under the firm name and stylo of Ileu-dy-Ogior
Auto Company,' to secure tho
payment of tlio sum of Five Hundred
Fifty dollars, ($550.00) and upon which
there Is now duo principal, interest
and expenso the sum of $G04.77; de
fault having been mado of tho payment
of said sum, and no suit or other pro
ceeding at law having been instituted
to recover said debt or any part there
of, tho undersigned, Hendy-Ogler Auto
Company will sell tho property there
in described, viz: One (1) Dodge auto
mobile, car No. 594, englno No. 50S09,
(now ln their possession) at tho gar
ago of tho said Hendy-Ogler Auto Com
pany at public auction in tlio city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, on tho 29th day of April, 1916, at
ono o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated this 27th day of March, 191G.
William J. Hendy and Ed N. Osier
doing business under the firm name
and style of Hendy-Ogler Auto Com
pany. By Muldoon & Oberst, Their attorneys:.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of A. T. Yar
ter, for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby-given that A. T.Yar
tcr, did upon tho 11th day of April,
191G, Me his application to the Village
Board of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for license to sell
malt, spirituous, vlncte mixed and
fermented intoxicating liquors, at re
tail, during tho municipal year, com
mencing to-wlt: May 1st 191G, and
ending April 30th, 1917, on lots 13, 14,
and 15, in block G ln the Village of
Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
If there can bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from April 18th, A. D. 1910, said
license will be granted.
A. T. YAItTER, Applicant.
Wo make cigars ln tho small and ln
tho regular sizes preferring to use
quality tobacco in preference to quan
tity, vv use only tho best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cus
! tomors aro always satisfied. We han
dip a largo lino of smokers' articles
our display of pipes being especially
(f anktt
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Reiidonce Red C3G Oillce 459
Notlco For Publication.
Serial No. 05651.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Office at North Pltte, Neb.
March 11; 1916.
Notlco is hereby given that Joseph
M. Carson, of North Platte, Neb., who
on Apr. 7, 1913, made homestead entry,
No. 05651, tor N of NE1, and E of
NW1, Section 2, Township 12, N.
Rango 32, W., 6th Prln. Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim
to tho land above described, before
tho Register and Receiver, at North
Platte, Neb., on the 4th day of May.
Claimant names as witnesses: S. W.
Edmlsten, Andrew Hahn, C. G. Fred
rich, L. L. Oreeno, all of North Platte.
m!4-a21 Register.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1412 of Leicester Walker,
In tho County Court of Lincolu County.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that
tho time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate .is
November 19, 191G, and for settle
ment of said estate Is April 14, 1917;
that l will ait at the county court
room in said county, on May 19, 1916,
nt !) o'clock a. ni. and on Xjvember
19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
al7-nilG County Judge
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1413 of George E. Brown,
deceased, ip the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested In said estate take
notice that a petition lias been filed
for the appointment of Cera M. Brown
as Administratrix of said estate, which
has been set for hearing herein on
May 12, line, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated April 15, 1916.
al8-m9 County Judge.
ln the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Fred Sawyer, Plaintiff,
EdAvard Martin, Mrs. Edward Martin
et al, Defendants.
Tho defendants. Edward Martin. Mrs.
Edward Martin, his wife; Wilson Mar
tin, Mrs. Wilson Martin, his wife;
Frank Martin, Mrs. Frank Martin, hi3
wife; Margaret Crane, Mr. Crane, her
husband; Blanche Owens; Elsie Mar
tin. John Doe, her husband; Florence
Martin, Thomas Doe, her husband;
Maude L. 'Martin. Richard Doe, her
husband; Alice C. Haloy, Mr. Haley,
her husband; Minnie J. Dlllraan, Mr.
Dlllman, her husband; CharleB Palmer,
Mrs. Charles Palmer, his wife; will
take notice that upon the 11th day of
March, A. D. 1916, plaintiff herein fil
ed Ws petition in the district court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against
said defendants and each of them, the
object and prayer of said petition be
ing to have the title to Lots 2 and S
in Block 53 of the Original Town of
Noyth Platte, Nebraska, quieted in
said plaintiff: That plaintiff prays to
have tho title therein quieted in him
and for such other and further relief
n the premises as may be deemed
proper by the Court. You and each of
you aro required to answer said psti
tion on or beforo Monday the first day
of May, 1916.
FRED SAWYER, Plalntilf,
By A. MULDOON, His Attomoy.
Notice of Petition.
Serial No, 04954.
Oriiiirtm.-iit of thn Inl.Tlnr.
U. B. Land Oftlco at North Platte, Nod,
Notice Ih hereby clvon thnt nd-irlns
Ilartman of North Platto Neb., who on
Nov. 7, 1910, made homestead entry, No.
049C4, for Lota 3-4-5-C, 8E4 NWU and
flisti vv',i necuon u, uownsnip ir, n
Rantre 36, W. 6th Principal Meridian,
hus nied notice of Intention to mnko
final nvo year proof to establish claim
to me lanu nnove ocscriDeil before tho
ueKisier nnu ueceivor. nt ivortii Pinttn
Nit)., on the 5th day of May. 191C.
uuiimnni names ns witnesses: Uavm
N. Callonder, Ottoo Mesner, Win. Gaunt,
T -.. . f!mm. nit rt Vntl, Y) . . ...
fc I . Ill X ITCH.
Notice of Petition.
'In i Diy r Too Tu Done
Estate No. 1409 of Nancy E. Donald
son deceased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested in eaid Estate take no
tlco that a petition has been filed for
tho appointment ot Rush M. Dean as
Administrator of said Estate, which
has boon set for hearing on May 5,
1916, at 9 o'clock a. in.
uateu Apni o, wio.
County Judge,
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo ot an order of salo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso
ciation, a corporation, is plaintiff and
Charles R. Osgood et al are defendants
and to mo directed, I will on tho 15th
day of May, 191G, at 2 o'clock p. m
at tho cast front door of tho Court
House ln North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, soil at Public Auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
decross, interest and costs, tho fol
lowing described property, to-wlt:
Lot four (4), Block one hundred and
forty-oight (148), original town of
North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nobrns
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 10th
25-5w Sheriff,
Notlco of Final Proof.
Estate of William HlghberRcr . do
ceased, ln county court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska to all persins
lutorested ln said cstato tako notlco
that tho administrator has filed a final
account and roport of his adminiatra
tion and a potitlon for final -Bottle
mcnt and discharge as such, whn
have boen set for hearing before said
court on April 21st, 1916, at 9 o'clock
a. m., iwhen you may appear and con
test tho same.
Dated March 25, 1916.
County Judge
Estato No. 1404 of Walter Stewart,
deceased, in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska. w
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said Estate take
notice that a petition has been filed
for tho probato of tho last will and
testament of Walter Stewart, de
ceased, and for the appointment of
MInta B. Stewart as Executor of said
will, iwhlch has been set for hearing
herein on April 28, 1916, at 9 o'cloc:
a. m. Dated Anrll 3. 191G.
23-3w County Judee.
Sheriffs Sale
By virtue of an order of salo Is
sued from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree
of foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein u. A. Tarrance is Dlalntiff.
and Thomas Belcher et al aro defend
ants, anu to me directed, I will on the
13th day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p.
in., ui. me eusi ironi uoor or tho Court
Houso ln North Platto, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to
tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decree, interest and costs, the fol
lowing uescriued property, to-wlt:
Northwest Quarter NWU) of Sen-
Hon eight (8), Township sixteen (16),
Rango twenty-nine (29), west of tho
bill 1'. JU., in Lincoln COUlltv. Nebras
Dated North Plntte. Neb.. Anrll intii.
1916. A. J. SALlsmmv
25-5w Sheriff.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of Lois Hlghbergor deceaBod,
In the county court of Lincoln county,
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notlco that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said estito Is
October 27, 1916, and for settlement of
said estato Is March 23, 1917, and that
will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on April 27, 19 '.6 at 9
o'clock a. m., and on October 27, 1916,
at 9 o'cloct a. m. to receive, oxamlne.
hear, allow, or adjust ell claims and
objections duly filed.
Cpuoty Judgo.