The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1916, Image 7

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Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast"
a Splendid Habit
Open sluices of tho system each
morning and wash away tho
poisonous, stagnant matter.
TIlOSO Of US Who DM nroimtnmnrl tn
feol dull and heavy when wo arlso;
flpllttlng hcadacho, stuffy from a cold,
foul tonguo, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, lamo back, can, instead, both
look and feol as frosh as a daisy always
by wnBhlng tho poisons and toxins
from tho body with phosphated hot
water each morning.
Wo should drink, boforo breakfast,
a glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphato In
it to flush from tho stomach, llvor,
Itldnoys and ton yards of bowels tho
previous day's indlgostlblo waste, sour
bile and poisonous toxins; thus cloans
ing, sweetening and purifying tho on
tiro alimentary canal boforo putting
moro food into tho stomach.
The action of limestone phosphato
and hot water on an empty stomach
s wondorfully invlgoraUng. It cleans
out all tho sour fermentations, gosos,
waste and acidity and gives ono a
oplendld appotlto for breakfast and it
Is said to be but a llttlo while until
tho roses begin to appear in tho
cheeks. A quarter pound of lime
stone phosphato will cost very llttlo at
your druggist or from tho store, but
is sufficient to mako anyono who is
bothered with biliousness, constipa
tion, stomach trouble or rheumatism
a real enthusiast on tho subject of in
ternal sanitation. Try it and you aro
assured that you will look bottor and
feol bottor in overy way shortly.
Adv. It is a wondor that some of cupid's
victims haven't turned and put him
out of tho running long ago.
With Rashes and Irritations Find
Comfort In Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Baby's tendor skin requires mild,
aoothlng properties such as aro found
in tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
Cutlcura Soap is so sweet, pure and
cleansing and Cutlcura Ointment so
soothing and healing, especially when
baby's skin is irritated and rashy.
Froo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Nearly all of the prominent business
men of America havo somo connec
tion with tho church; many of them
are conspicuous leaders of Christian
enterprise. Industrially they are Doc
tor Jekyll; ecclesiastically they aro
Mr. Hyde. What use is thoro in gloss
ing tho matter? They are proud of
being Just and fair whero It is an
economic nocesslty; they are brutally
callous whero it is a religious grace.
Tho employer who dare not rip a
faithful but gray-haired mechanic from
his latho and throw him upon tho
mercy of tho community will tear a
faithful but gray-haired preacher
from his pulpit and drop him upon
tho lean, cold bosom of charity. Jo
soph H. Odell in Atlantic.
Coal Tar Colors.
American dye works aro now turn
ing out coal tar colors at tho rato of
16,000 tons annually, and a report on
the present dyoatuft situation Issued
by tho bureau of foreign and domestic
commorco calls attention to tho Im
portance of tho fact that these colors
aro being manufactured wholly from
American raw material.
From Different Viewpoint.
"I'm so sorry you don't llko my new
gown," said Mrs. Growell. "Everybody
else says it is perfectly lovely."
"Oh, its easy for others to pay com
pliments," replied Growell, "but I havo
to pay tho bills."
Knew How to Get Part of the Break
fast. " 'I know ono dish I can prepare for
breakfast as well as any cook on
earth,' said my husband ono morning
when the cook was 111 and he had vol
unteered to help get breakfast. He
appoarod with his dish and I discov
ered It was Grape-Nuts which, of
course, was easy to proparo for it was
perfectly cooked at tho factory, but it
was a good illustration of tho conven
ience of having Grape-Nuts about.
"Wo took up Grape-Nuts Immedi
ately after returning from a flvo years'
sojourn In a hot country. Our stom
achs woro in bad condition and we
wero in poor health genorally.
"In a day or two wo liked Grape
Nuts better than any other kind of
food on tho table. Wo both gained
steadily in health and strength, and
this was caused by Grape-Nuts and
"A friend of ours had a similar ex
perience. Sho was seriously ill with
Indigestion and could find nothing to
cat that would not give her heartburn
and palpitation, especially at night
"Sho found that a small dish of
Grape-Nuts with cream mado hor a
satisfactory suppor and gavo her a
comfortablo night's rest. In a short
tlmo sho gained several pounds in
"There's a Reason." Namo glvon by
I'ostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
liver rend (lie nliove letter? A nen
one npprnra from time tn time. They
ore Keuulne, true, and (nil ol tiamaa
Contentment Is tho trim philosopher's
Mono. The poor nro rich who have It,
tho rich aro poor who possess It not.
Contentment conies not from out
ward possessions, hut from tho Inward
When making cako a good plan Is
to add tho soda or baking powder to
a little of tho flour
tho very Inst
thing, stirring it
In well boforo add
ing tho whites of
the eggs.
Keep nbsorbont
papor In tho kltch
en on which to
drain fried cakos, croquettes and any
fried food.
A llttlo beofsteak chopped fine and
mixed with cooked rico, salt, popper,
and a llttlo onion mado Into small
cakes or used as filling for peppers,
makes a tasty dish.
A common currycomb will cloan tho
brush of tho enrpet swoopor of threads
and hairs.
Sparerlbs With Sauerkraut Trim
off tho edgeB of two sets of sparerlbs,
break tho bono across the mlddlo, rub
woll with salt, popper, and sprinkle
with flour. Fill with sauerkraut which
has been parboiled 20 minutes. Savo
tho water in which tho kraut was
cooked, sow tho ribs tightly, placo
on tho rack in a roaster, then pour the
Kraut liquor around It. Cook slowly.
Turn onco, and when tendor servo
with mashed potatoes.
Cornmeal Griddle Cakes. Tako a
cupful of yellow cornmeal, add a cup
ful of boiling milk, a half teaspoonful
of salt, teaspoonful of baklne powder,
ono tablespoonful of melted butter and
a tablespoonful of molassos with a
well-beaten egg. Mix woll and bako
on a hot grlddlo.
Cornmeal With Raisins. Take a
cupful of cornmeal, two cupfuls of
milk, ono cupful of seeded raisins, ono
egg, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der, two tahlespoonfuls of butter, ono
teaspoonful of salt. Mix tho cornmeal
and milk together and the well-beaten
egg and molted butter, add tho salt,
baking powder and raisins which have
been woll cleaned nnd put through the
meat grinder. Mix all together and
pour Into a well-greased pan. Bako
in a hot oven.
An egg broken into a pan with a
llttlo hot butter stirred until thick
and woll cooked, then seasoned and
spread on buttered bread makes a
most tasty sandwich filling.
Let your standard bo hlrh nnd
thoiiRh you may not reach It. you can
hardly fall to rise higher than If you
aimed at nome Inforlor excellence.
Cornmeal Is rich In fat and mineral
matter, nnd being comparatively cheap
when compared with
other grain products Is
a food that can bo used
profitably in oxchnnco
with them for variety,
as well as to cut down
8teamed Corn Bread
There aro few people
who do not enjoy the
nutty, brown Innf nt
steamed bread, and this may be varied
by adding dlfforent fruits or nuts to
it so that It never becomes monoto
nous. Take four cupfuls of cornmeal,
two cupfuls of graham, a cupful of
finely chopped suet, mix well, then
add threo-fourths of a cupful of dark
molasses, two teaspoonfuls of salt,
three cupfuls of sour milk and a tea
spoonful of soda. Tho soda may bo
mixed with tho molasses. Add a cup
ful of stowed prunes cut fine, or a cup
ful of raisins, and steam In well
greased molds for four hours.
Cornmeal Mush A good old Now
Englander will not ask for a raoro
tasty di3h than a good bowl of well
cooked cornmeal mush and rich milk,
with perhaps .a wisp of salt codfish
for an appetizer. To propare tho mush
add a cupful of cornmeal very clowly
to a quart of boiling water nnd two
teaspoonfuls or salt. Lot It cook
slowly for an hour. Tho mush that Is
left may be poured into a mold and
fried in butter after cutting in neat
Scrapplo is mado by putting the
pork scrapple into tho hot mush, stir
ring until woll mixed, then pouring
into a mold to cool. This is cut In
slices and fried and is a great delicacy.
Fried mush with cheese sauce Is an
othor well-liked dish. Prepare the
sauce by using a tablespoonful of bub
bllng hot butter stirred with threo
tahlespoonfuls of flour, a half teaspoon
ful of salt, a half teaspoonful of mus
tnrd and two cupfuls of milk. When
Valuable Asset.
Thoro 1b no more valuable aBset In
business than politeness, und this Is
true iu ulmost every section of so
ciety. Wo prefer to trade with a cour
teous person; wo resent u push from
u fellow traveler or a shove from a
conductor; wo choose our friends
from those who ueom to bo kindly dis
posed toward us; we Judge a man by
his conduct toward those who servo
him. Nevertheless, this reaction Is
almost Involuntary. Christian Register.
smooth and thick add a cupful and o
half of finely grated choeso. a rich
American cheese Is best, nnd whon
melted servo on tho mush.
Grated mnplo sugar or raaplo sirup
Is good on fried mush or small fresh
fruits bucIi as strawborrles sorved with
sugar and cream makes a most tasty
A woman who can laugh outside
when sho Is crying Inside, has a great
It's the songs yo sing and tho smiles
yo wear
That makes the sunshine everywhere.
Tho ordinary vogetablo may by a
little manipulation, nnd combining
with othor foods, make
a dish quite out of the
ordinary. Horo Is on
worth trying:
Pumpkin Scrapple.
Take a cupful of pump
kin pulp, stir It into
quart of boiling water
with a half cupful each
of cornmeal and horn
iny, woll mixed, and
naif teaspoonful of Bnlt Cook slowly
ono hour, stirring frequently, then add
a cupful of broken hlckorynut meats
pour into a shallow pan, making tho
scrapplo about two inches thick. Whon
cool and hard, cut into half-inch Bllcos
and fry in hot fat. Servo with mnplo
Turnip Soup. Mix togethor n pint
each of hot mashed turnips and potato,
add n quart of scalded milk. In an
other dish placo four tahlespoonfuls of
butter, and whon melted and bubbling
hot add two tahlespoonfuls of flour,
cook and add to tho milk with threo
tahlespoonfuls of scraped onion, two
teaspoonfuls of Bait nnd a fow dnshos
of cayenne. Cool 20 minutes In a
doublo boiler, then strain and servo
Sprlnklo with grated choeso over tho
Turnips, llko cabbago, should bo
cooked in an uncovered vessel to mako
them less strong and moro wholesomo
to eat.
Diced turnips, cooked until tender,
then served with melted butter and
lemon Julco, makes a most tasty dish
Peas With Peanuts. Mix a pint of
black peas with a pint of peanuts,
chopped fine. Season well with salt,
popper and sago and place half tho
mixturo in a buttered baking dish. On
top placo four slices of toast which
havo been softoned in hot cream.
Place the rest of the pea and nut mix
ture on top and pour ovor a half cupful
of cream. Bake slowly an hour and
a half. Servo with cranberry souce,
This will bo a good meat substitute.
Salsify makes n most delicious soup,
so do carrots. Cook them until tender,
put through a sieve and then add to
any stock or hot milk thickened with
butter and flour cooked together.
For life Is tho mirror of king and
'TIs Just what you are and do;
Then give to the world the best you
And the best will come back to you.
Madeline Ilrldges.
The making of salad is an art
Often tho Bimplcst combinations, If
carefully put to
gether, will make
an otherwiso com
mon salad an an
1 1 s 1 1 c creation.
Lemon Julco U
preferred to vin
egar whon using
fruit and linnvv
rich salad dressings aro not nppropri
ato for cither fruit or moat or fish
Tho materials to he used for salad
should bo free from water. Carefully
dry all lettuco and fruit after washing
for oil will not mix with wator. French
dressing is tho gcnoral favorite for
crisp vegotablo saladB ns it is quickly
prepared. A vinegar that has nnnn
used on pickled beets, or cucumbors
should always bo saved to uso in salad
dressings. When making tho boiled
variety the spiced vinegar makes an
unusual flavor which is woll liked.
If a color schomo 1b to ho pnrrlnrl
out n llttlo vegetable coloring may be
added to tho dressing. A pretty com.
oiuaiion is chopped beets with n
ing colored u light pink. Gnmlsh the
salad with whlto leaves of lottuce.
A salad may not onlv fill nn nm.
mental placo on tbo tablo, but It Is
also recognized ns having a distinct
ioou vniuo as woll as a nlf.ntmr,,
tho oye.
Like Mary Grown-Uus.
A mothor nskd her llttlo son why
his chum, Donald, H-nsn't also In class
A. He replied: "I'll toll you, mothor.
Donald when nsked n question thinks
and thinks, and thinks, and then ho
sayB what It ain't."
' Advance Dope.
"What's tho news from the spring
training camps?"
"Ab near as I can find out, olxht
teams are going to bo tied for first
placo in oach of thn leajrues."
"He Who Will and Does Work Will
Not Want."
As In tho United States it is said,
that tho MonnonUcs In Canada aro
very much oppressed, and havo to suf
fer from a great ileal (on account of
tho War In Europo) and I havo bocn
requested to wrlto somothlng about
this, I will do so.
I camo with my parentB A. D. 1874,
frqtn Southorn Rua
Bin to America,
South Dakota, and
A. D. 1907 I camo
with my family
Does not
horo to Western Canada, horo wo havo
found a healthy cllmato; tho aero
yields on an average moro and whoat
is bettor than in South Dakota. What
concerns tho Government, up to now
wo havo had a good ono, havo boon
able to live according to our creed and
havo not boon oppressed in any way,
and I boltevo: All Mennonltos, who
livo according to tho fundamental be
liefs of tho MonnonitcD and to God's
word, as their guido, will agree with
Ho, who, here in Canada, will and
docs work, will not want. So much as
an answer.
Remain your friend,
Vory few farmers cultlvato tho habit
of keeping careful accounts of tholr
recolpts and expenditures, showing at
tho end of tho year a balanco, either
for or against Tho farmor of WeBtorn
Canada Is no oxcoptlon to this. It is
felt if moro careful book-keeping woro
resorted to thero that much bottor ro
i i suits would bo ob-
oum.ui.ui omio- talnod and shown,
ment Shows a Dlvl- There is tho case
dend of 58 In
of tho Crowfoot
Farming Co., of
Crowfoot, Alberta.
It has Just issued a cortiflod statomont
of its operations for tho years 1912,
1913, 1914 and 1915. This Company
has had for tho past fow years about
1300 acres In wheat and between 200
and 250 in oats. Tho total oporatlng
and goneral exponsos for 1912, includ
ing intorest at 6 and depreciation at
15, wero $12,587, for 1913 $17,506, for
1914 $18,729, and for 1915, $29,804.43.
Expcnso.por aero of land In crop was
$7.80 in 1912, $11.57 In 1913, $11.70 in
1914, and $17.87 in 1915. Total ro
celptB woro $15,531 in 1912, $30,061 in
1913, $31,589.87 In 1914-, and $62,520.26
In 1915. Tho porcontngo earned upon
capital Invested was G& in 1912,
30 in 1913, 23 1-3 in 1914, and 50 in
1915, in which year it paid n cash divi
dend of 58.
Tho Company's statement shows
that tho averago dates of finishing
seeding was April 20th; tho averago
dato commenced cutting was August
18th. Advertisement
Gold Dust by Mall.
A Wntertown (N. Y.) man hns Just
received a bag of gold dust, mailed to
him from Klondlko In 1889, threo tags
with 20 addresses showing tho lengths
to which ho had gono to prevent that
filthy lucro's overtaking htm. Tho
flight of tho average man from such a
peril would mako a glaclor look llko
a Fokkor acroplano.
T?nr Mi nmt twftntv.fAn ... T I. .
been elhnp Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
with excellent satisfaction to my cus
tnmprtl wlm Visva lien.! fPl... . .1
ways pleased with the results obtained
nnd speak very favorably regarding the
preparation. It cured me of a bad case
nf Pat nrrlml ! l V. Til.. I
dcr eighteen years ago, after two months
trfntmjnt ...itli hUm......!!..!. -
-- ...I... . iiui iiiui.;u kituia rcuuui
mended for inflammation of the bladder.
in the diseases for which it ii so highly
Very truly yours,
J. W. HANAN, Druggist.
East Lynne, Mo.
November 3d. 1015.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
RfTlfl ton riita r. Dr lt'!lmnH J, f
Binglinmton,- N. Y., for a sample size hot-
. t T. !ll v ...
iic. it win convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, tnllinrr alirmf tlir. VMrniu.
uer. when writing, bo sure and mention
7"? paper, uegiuar ntty-cent and ono
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
stores. Adv
A Mature Apprehension,
"When I was a boy ray fathor for
bade mo to read dlmo novols."
"You saved a great deal of tlmo."
"Maybo. And yet I sometimes fear
It resulted In saving up my appotlto
for sensational fiction till my tlmo was
rather moro valuable"
Now Is the Time to (let ICld of Thess
UK-r Hpots.
There's no loncar thn allchlrat nxfrl M
feeling ashuineil of your freckles, the
prescription othlne double strength Is
guaranteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply Ret an ounce of othlnn-r-doubl
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little Of It nlvht anil mnrnlni- ami vnn
hould soon see that even the worst freckles
urgun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com
pletely clear the akin and pain a h Ilnl
clear complexion.
e sure to asK for the double strength
othlne. as this la mold unitr iirtil..
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
About tho first thing the new cook
oxpects tho mistress to learn Is to
keep out of tho culinary dopartmont
during business hours.
To Kn fi1nn mil TiaaIMiw t.t.- TV.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulats
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Patriotism nlwaya stands in with
tho government
and ResurrectijJjJJ.
Dean of the Moody Dlbls Institute
ot Chicago
TEXT Who was dellvorod for our of
fonsoa, und was raised attain for our Jus
UllCQtlon. lUunails 4:25.
Ono is so glad that tho Son of God
choso tho budding sprlngtlmo for his
sacruico on our
behalf, and his
glorious triumph
ovor death. There
Is a fitness be
tween tho tlmo
and tho ovont that
Improsses you tho
momont you think
about it Hoth
spoak of hope,
and both brcatho
gladness in the
heart of man.
"Ho was dollv
orotl fot our of
f o n s o a." How
prognant is ovory
word of that groat
inspired sentoncol "Ho." It Is no
moro man of whom this pronoun
Bpeaks, but "tho mighty God, tho Fa
ther of Eternity, tho Prince ol
Poaco," as Isaiah testifies. "Imman
uol, which, bolng lnterproted, 1b God
with us," as Matthew echoes. Oh,
wondor of wonders, that tho Eternal
God, in tho person of his Son, should
havo becomo lncarnato of tho Virgin
Mary. It will tako us all eternity
to grasp tho thought.
"Was dollvored." Who "dollvorod"
him? Wo think of Judas, who bo
trayed him, of tho Roman soldiers who
at rested him, of tho Jowlsh sanhodrin
who persecuted htm, of Pontius PI
lato who illogally tried him, of tho
cruel executioners who nailed him to
tho cross. And yot it was tho hand
nnd tho counsel of his Fathor that had
boforo determined It should bo done,
or elso theso wlckod mou had had
no powor. Far back in tho counsols
of eternity God so loved us as to
froely offer his Son on our bohalf.
"For our ofronso8." Wo aro born
Into a Btato of Bin, but that is not
nil, for tho moment wo nrrlvo at a
point of morul consciousness, wo ac
tually transgress tho law of God. "In
many things wo offend nil," as tho
oplBtlo of James says. "Thero is none
righteous, no, not ono," wo aro tnught
in Romans. Men do not llko to hoar
this, Thoy resent It, thoy hato it
But, Oh, what iovo, that "whllo we
wero yet slnncrB Christ died for ub."
Tho vory ono3 who hato to hoar ot
mnn's sinfulness, aro thoso who talk
about dlvlno lovo. But who can sound
tho depths of that lovo until ho ac
cepts tho truth of tho cross of Cal-
vary. And It is that truth which this
text prosents most fully.
"And was raised again." Tho samo
ono who died wnB tho ono who wna
raised. This truth must not bo mini
mized. Wo must hold with all tho
tenacity of faith to tho bodily resurrec
tion of our Lord and Savior. Wo must
do this not becauBo our pcaco do
ponds upon It, but becauso tho Blblo
toachos it, and becauBo history proves
it "Ho showed himself alive after
IiIb passion by many infalllblo proofB."
Historic Christianity Is a testimony
to Christ's resurrection which cannot
bo accountod for unless ho arose
from the dead. Tho chango of tho
day of rest and worship from tho bov
onth to tho first 1b another proof
which moots and challenges tho skep
tic C2 times a yoar.
"For our justification." That word,
"our," how wo should lovo it and
praise God for it. "Dolivor for our of
fonses," ralsod again for our justifica
tion." What kindnoss to tho human
raco 1 in that wordl How closo it
brings tho heart of God to our hearts.
What Interest it should awako on our
part to learn all wo can about It from
tho Holy Scrlpturos.
And "Justification," what does that
mean? Sometimes whon Christians
thing of salvation, thoy got no fur
ther than tho forgiveness of sin; and
Indeed that woro glorious enough oven
if it stopped thoro. But ono might
b'o forgiven for tho past and still bo
very wrotchod for tho present nnd tho
future Justification thoroforo is a
biggor word, and stands for a greator
thing than simply forgiveness. Tho
Justified man la ono who stands in
God's sight freo from tho guilt, tho
penalty of all sin, past, present and
to como! Tho reason of this 1b that
his penalty haB boon paid, not by him
Bolf, but by another, whoso resurrec
tion from tho dead la tho proof of it.
That ovont is God's testimony, to his
nccoptanco of tho atoning sacrlllco of
his Son.
This is what tho song calls "Tho
Old, Old Story." Thoso who know it
best "aeom hungering und thirsting
to hear it like tho rest," and no apol
ogy need bo mado to them for repeat
ing it, especially at this season of
tho year.
Thoro aro others, howovor, who
havo heurd it and whoso hearts aro
hardened against It One pities them
becauso they havo cut awuy tholr
only hopo.
Let mo lovingly urgo thorn to
yiold, to Btop ovor tho lino today, to
mako this tho accoptablo tlmo for
tholr salvation. Oh, that tho rosurroc
tlon of tho year might witness tho
awakening of faith, and hopo, nnd llfo
within them through receiving Jesus
Christ as tholr Savior and Lord I
900 IV,
No. 28
Canada ns a whole bo's enjoyed won
derful prosperity in 1916, from the
products of tho farm, tho orchard and
tho contres of industry. No country
wroto a brighter pngo of history in
agricultural nnd industrial develop
ment during 1915 than Canada. Nearly
a billion bushels ot grain produced.
Taxes in Western Canada avorage $24
and will not oxceed $35 per quarter
section, which Includes all taxes. No
taxes on improvements.
Whon Western Canada was faced
with hor enormous harvest last fall
tho military authorities docldod that
soldlora in Canada could give tho Em
plro no bottor sorvico for tho time)
bolng than to assist In harvesting tha
crops. For that reason loavo of ab
Bonco waB glvon to soldlors who
wlshod to work in tho harvest fields,
and tholr labor was an important fac
tor in harvesting tho big crops success
fully. Tho necessity for increasing tho ag
ricultural production Is commanding
even moro attention in 1916, and It is
now announced that soldlors In Can
ada may obtain loavo of absonco from
their military duties In tho spring for
a certain length of tlmo to enable
thorn to plant tho sood for tho crops
In ovory Provlnco of tho Dominion.
Tho fact that tho Government rec
ognizes tho seodlng and harvesting of
Canada's crops as bolng ot tho first
importanco Is porlmps tho best evi
dence that conscription or any In
crease of taxos which would reduce
tho agricultural activity of Canada
will nover bo considered by the author- '
Owing to tho number who havo en
listed for ovorsoas sorvico it has boon
found nocossary to socuro farm labor .
in tho Unltod States. It Is hoped that
fifty thousand can bo secured. Adver
tisement. Evory man thinks ho could invent
a lot of things that would Btartlo tho
world If ho didn't havo to wasto his
tlmo In trying to enrn a living.
LADIKH can tvrcAn HTTnTna
One Blzo smaller nrter uslntf Alton's Foot
Kaso, tho nntlseptio powder for tho feet.
Bliakon Into shoos and used In foot-bath,
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight shoes feel
easy, and (,'lvcs Instant roller to corns nnd
bunions. Try It today. Sold overywhore,
25c. For FItEK trial packngo. Addross,
Alien a. uimatcu, lo noy, n, v. Adv.
War on Dirt.
"Whnt'B this? Your houso Is all
torn up. Things aro a wreck."
"Wy wlfo hns started hor house
cleaning offensive."
For a really flno coffeo at a mod
erate prlco, drink Donison'a Sominolo
Brand, 3Cc tho lb., In Bcnlod cans.
Only ono morchant In each town
soils Sominolo. If your grocer Isn't
tho ono, wrlto tho Denlson Coffeo Co.,
Chicago, for n souvenir and tho namo
of your Sominolo doalor.
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00.
Poor Substitute.
"Mamma, won't you buy mo a llttlo
puppy dog?"
"No, Ethel. You'vo got that llttlo
kitten Aunt Mary gavo you. Isn't that
"No, mamma.. I don't llko Kitty a
bit. I tried to glvo hor a bath this
afternoon and sho scratched mo somo
thlng awful."
Eat Less Meat If Your Kidneys Aren't
Acting Right or If Back Hurts or
Bladder Bothers You.
rWhen you wako up with backacho
and dull misery In tho kiduoy roglon
it generally means you havo boon oat
ing too much meat, says or well-known
authority. Meat forms urlo acid which
overworks tho kidneys in their effort
to filter It from tho blood and they be
como sort of paralyzed and loggy.
Whon your kldnoya got sluggish and
clog you muBt rellovo thorn llko you
rollovo your bowels; removing all tho
Dody'B urinous wasto, oIbo you havo
backacho, sick hcadacho, dizzy spoils;
your stomach sours, tonguo la coatod,
and whon tho woathor 1b bad you havo
rhoumatlo twingos. Tho urlno la
cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft
en got sore, wator scalds und you aro
obliged to sook relief two or threo
tlmos during tho night.
Either consult a good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your pharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
tako a tablespoonful in a glass ot
water boforo breakfast for a fow daya
and your kldnoys will then act flno.
This famous aalta is mado from the
acid of grapes and lomon Juice, com
bined with Uthia, and has been used
for generations to clean and Btimulato
sluggish kidneys, also to noutrallzo
acids lm tho urlno bo it no longer irri
tatiiB, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad SaltB is a llfo saver for regular
moat eaters. It Is inexpensive, cannot
Injure and makoa a delightful, effer
vescent llthla-water drink. Adv.
Monoy talks, but it doesn't say halt
as much ns tho wlfo of a man who do
cltnoB to give up.
A woman's mind la nearly always on
dross which may explain tho fro
quont changes of both.