The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1916, Image 6

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Twentieth United States uiluntry
New Discovery Pushes Belt
Much Farther North.
Experimenters at Minnesota Univer
sity Stumble Upon Way to Mako
Grain Germinate More Quick
ly With Nitrobenzene.
Minneapolis, Minn. Scientists at
tho farm of tho University of Minne
sota havo announced a discovery
which may result not only In vastly
increasing tho corn production of Min
nesota and other states but in ex
tending the northern limit of tho corn
belt much nearor Hudson bay.
The announcement comes at a time
when seed corn shortage- Is reported
to bo particularly acute. Buuk and
railroad officials of tho Twin Cities
aro trying to help farmers got seed
and prices aro said to bo as high ub
8 a bushel, with prospects of going
up to $8 or $10 by planting tlmo
If future tests sustain present indi
cations of experiments carried on at
tho university, every bushel of corn
planted may bo mado to sond up moro
sprouts and theso sprouts may grow
bo fast that sovoral wooks may bo
gained in tho maturing tlmo of tho
Tho dlscovorors bcllovo they havo
found, quito by accident, a commer
cially practlcablo method of Increas
ing both tho germination ofllclency
and tho gormlnatlon rate of seed corn.
It camo about In experimenting with
various InBoctlcldos to bo used In
treating grains.
Prof. William Mooro of tho ento
mology department and Prof. V K.
Hayes of tho agronomy department
havo beon working on fumigation proc
esses for killing grain parasites. It
was important that germination quali
ties of grain treated should not bo im
paired in fumigating, so thoy regular
ly checkod plantings of tho trcatod
grain against plantings or tho un
It was In connection with tho use of
nltrobonzono that thoy bumped into
tho unoxpoctod. Thoy found that not
only was tho grain not Impaired for
seed purposes, but that It actually
was bottorod. Corn Boomod to thrlvo
on tho fumes of nltrobonzono. Not
only was tho porcentago of germina
tion increased by treatment, but tho
rato of gormlnatlon also was spoodod
Tho experimenters chocked and ro
checked, again and again, with tho
samo results. An oxporlmont with
1911 corn, for Instance brought out
that tho fumlgatod seeds sprouted
nearly two wookB before tho unfuml
gated, whon plantod at tho samo timo,
und of tho former about 18 por cent
moro kernels gormlnatod than of tho
"Wo nro not saying that tho treat
ment will so result with all corn," Pro
fessor Mooro said, "as our oxporl
monts havo not gono far enough to
Justify bo swooping a statomont, but
Detroit "Hunchback," Arrested With
Can of Drug, Is Accused of
Detroit, Mich. It waB learned thnt
James R, Roynolds, well known In De
troit for tho lost ten years and sup
posed to bo a hunchback, Is not de
formed at all. Whon nrrestod hero
recently Reynolds had a can or opium
In his hump.
According to tho pollco, Roynolds
mado froquent visits to Canada. There
be bought opium, placod It In his
hump, for which a tailor had gonorous
ly provided by oxtra cloth and padding
and brought tho drug to Detroit
From hero tho opium was, shipped
to Now York, Doston, Chicago and
8an Francisco. A woman known as
tho "$10,000 beauty," who was rocontly
arrested In Detroit and ordered out of
town, Is Bald by tho pollco to buve
boon an accomplice.
Jailed for Three Words.
Now York. Throo words "Had evo
nlng, girls" woro enough to provo to
John Alferglng that tho night wan
stormier than was expected. Thirty
days Tor accosting two girls was the
Fined for Teaching German.
Now York. Justice Grogon has or
dorod May McCann to pay Mm. Mar
garet Elcocoupos $10 ror touching the
latter'a parrot to German.
guarding it rallrouu brldgu over wlilcli
wo expect to wind up tho most signi
ficant test of nil on tho subject next
week, after which wo Hhall havo some
thing to announce
"Nltrobenzono is an oil, n coal tar
derivative Its price hus been raised
somewhat by war causes, but It is
commercially obtainable. Wo fuml
gato tho corn by placing It In a closed
box In which Is suspended a cloth sat
urated with tho oil. Tho fumcB do
tho work.
"Wo think woll enough of present
Indications to mako known our find
ings at this tlmo, so that farmers who
nro facing n critical seed corn situa
tion may try out the process lr thoy
soo fit.
"Why does tho treatment so afreet
tho corn? Wo haven't tho slightest
Idea. Wo only know that It has had
that effect with corn wo havo treat
ed." Drowned In Beer.
Dahlonoga, Oa. While trying to dip
somo boor from a well which had boon
filled witlr tho liquid by rovonuo ofH
cors, following a raid on a "wild cat"
still. Homer and Jack Wchunt nnd
Charles Qarrls fell into tho well nnd
wero drowned.
Girls Study Scrubbing.
Wlnstod. Conn. Qlrl students at tho
Gilbert high school hero will bo taught
scrubbing, washing and Ironing.
Twelvo ennmoled washtubs havo been
Heavy Fall During Winter Causes
Big Damage.
Logging and Milling Operations Ham
pered, Resulting in Decrease of
Timber Sato Receipts Not
Without Beneficial Side.
Washington. According to forest
sorvlco olllclals, tho unusually heavy
snowfall which has signalized tho past
winter In most of the West has mate
rially affected national forest business.
Timber salo receipts havo docrcased
In some regions bocauso logging and
milling operations havo boon ham
pered by deep snow nnd exceptionally
cold wcathor. Tho same factors havo
given stockmen using tho national for
est ranges much concern, although as
yot thoro have boon no sovero live
stock losses reported. Tho foroslght
of tho stockmen in providing wluter
food, which Is now gonorally practiced,
makes a recurrunco of tho former im
mense losses very unllkoly. Tho dam
ages caused by tho snow and resulting
slides and Hoods to forest servlco
trails, telephone lines and other per
manent Improvements aro not yot
known, but undoubtedly aro hoavlor
than usual and their repairs will mako
much spring work for tho rangers.
Most of tho railroads In crossing tho
mountains of tho Northwest run for
conBldorablo distances through the na
tional forests. Roports from tho for
CBt offlcors show that some of tho
roads havo had a strenuous struggle
with the snow to keep tho Hues open.
Tho groat rotarles huvo had hard
work to plow through tho huge drirts.
Snowalldos havo swept down tho steep
slopes, lining tho cutB. burying tho
trackB to a great dopth, and not only
blocking all tralllc but In soveral
cases destroying Itfo and property.
Those Blldos usually occur on slopos
where tiro has destroyed tho tlmbor.
louvlug nothing to hold tho biiow In
placo, according to tho forestry olll
clais, who assort that a thrifty stand
of timber on tho mountain sides Ib
tho boHt posslblo Bufeguard against
these destructive avalanches.
Tho deop snow Is not without Its
bonoilclal side, say tho forest ollicors,
It will lie long on tho slopes and
ridges, hooping the ground moist until
luto In tho spring, and thus greatly
reducing tho dnngor of early ilrea
which somotlmoB occur with serious
consequences. A spring llro usually
destroyB llttlo tlmbor, either greon or
dead, but bwoopb inpldly over stump
land am. old burns, feeding on tho
dead vegetation of tho preueUing year
Us monnco to property nnd llfo In ro
moto BottlemontB hna boon demon
strated, lly keeping tho ground moist
until It Is covorod with groou vogeta
tlon through which lire will not run.
troops must pnus going Into Mexico.
Five Who Were All Right Returned
Because She Wished to Hire
a Negro.
Indianapolis. W C. Do Miller, fed
eral labor commissioner In Indian-
apolls, has decided that he has reached
tho point where patlonce ceases to be
a virtue. Recently, among his many
dally requests for laborers, ho received
a request from a woman who lives on
a farm near Greenwood. It outlined
qualifications as follows:
"I want a man who neither smokes,
drinks, chows nor Bwears. A widower,
If posslblo, who has had experience,
and I do not enro If lie has ono or two
children. Ho must not be nfraid of
work and mUBt havo good health and
must havo clean habits. Plcaso send
mo ten or fifteen men of this character
and I will select tho ono I want."
Do Mlllor eventually found five men
who woro willing to mako tho trip and
tako their chances of obtaining tho po
sition, but when tho five men roturncd
to the labor commissioner's olllco that
same evening Do Mlllor waB somewhat
surprised to hear them explain that
nono of them could meet with tho
woman's requirements.
"And why?" demanded Do Mlllor.
"Uocauso she wants a colored man,"
was tho unanimous reply.
Cruel and Inhuman.
. Now York. Dcclnrlng thnt her hus
band's "cruel and Inhuman" treatment
caused her to loso 14 pounds. Mtb.
Morris W. Henry lna applied for a sep
aration. tho great snowbanks become active
agents In provontlng spring ilros.
Nearly all members of tho Austrian
royal ramlly aro engaged In charitable
work connected with tho roller of
those afflicted In aomo way by tho
war. Tho photograph shows tho Arch
duchoss Maria Theresa at work In one
of tho Austrian hospitals.
Preacher and Ono He Was About
to Immerse Ventured
Too Far.
RedlandB, Cat. Tho waters of the
Santa Ana river camo noar claim
lug two victlmo noar hero lately, when
eight converts of tho Moxlcun mis
sion on Horald street woro baptized
In tho Icy waters.
Rov. Francisco Loronto, tho minis
tor of tho church, and ono of tho con
verts ventured out too far In tht
awlft stroam und the current throw
thorn oft their reet.
While tho torrliled members or tht
llttlo church looked on thoy battlei?
dosporatoly ror tholr lives and llnally
succeoded In reaching tho bank. Tho
minister proceeded with tho servlco
and baptized tho remaining converts,
although It was done nearor tho shoro.
Steals Bible to Get Drink.
l.a Crosso. Wis. "Charllo" Ross
wuntod a drink but didn't havo tho
price, bo ho offered to trade a Rlblo
for a glass or whisky. Tho deal did
not go through bocauso tho bartender
had Ross arrested. It waB round that
tho Rlblo had been stolon rrom the
city mission.
Poultry Department of Iowa State CoU
lege Tells Secret Feed Com
With Clipped Alfalfa.
Eggs with a richly rolorcd goldon
yolk, from a market standpoint, aro
moro dcBlrablo than tho pale-yolkod
variety. Duo to lack of green rango
feed In tho winter, such eggs nro not
normally laid during cold weather. To
produce them, though. Is quito a slm
plo mattor If you know how. Tho
poultry dopartmcnt of tho Iowa State
college tolls tho secret.
Yollow corn with clipped alfalfa or
sprouted oats aro winter foods that
put tho color In tho yolk. Stommy al
falfa will not do, as It Is too coarse
and contains too much fiber. Tho al
falfa must bo leafy. Alfalfa or clover
sweoplngB from the hny mow mako an
excellent winter poultry feed. To keep
tho hens from scratching It about a
rack or box may bo provided, covered
with coarse mesh poultry wire through
which tho birds may pick tho leaves.
Tho fact that green reeds produce
tho .doslrablo yellow-yolked eggs Is
an advantage of only secondary Im
portance. Tho fact that thoy furnish
food elements not to bo had othorwlso,
and that are very much needed at this
season of tho year, Is of far greater
Importance. Tho green feed is a nec
essary Item to stimulato the general
health of tho fowls, as well as their
laying ability, during tho winter.
Trap Shown In Illustration Which l
Part of Perch on Which Birds
Roost at Night
Chickens aro very subject to sovoral
kinds of vermin, which must bo kepi
down in a measure, or they get so nu
merous that tho birds' neaco of mind
Is so greatly disturbed that It Inter
fores with tho bird's egg-laying pro
pensities. A now invention is shown
herewith by which it is designed to
keep down tho numbers of the pest bj
catching thorn In a trap, which Is com
bined with tho roost on which the
birds oleop. Tho habits of tho chicken
lice and other pestB of this charactei
is to get at tho birds whilo they are
roosting, and thoy attack tho birds In
such numbers that its health is seri
ously interfered with. After sucklnn
tho bird's blood tho Insocts return to
tho crevices to bo found In tho wood
Trap for Chicken Lice.
work about tlio perch, so as to bo readj
tor subsequent visits. Tho features ol
tho now trap is that it enters into the
construction of tho perch. Thoro are
holes along the length of tho porcfc
which mako Inviting harboring placet
for tho vermin: but when thov ontoi
theso thoy aro overcome by the fumor
or a gormicldo contained in trays
which aro disposed of within tho in
torlor of tho porch. For convenience
in cleaning those trays may bo with
drawn from tho onds without disturb
ing tho perch.
Trouble Often Caused by High Roosts
or Frozen Ground Simple Treat
ment Is Recommended.
Bumblo foot is caused by a bruise.
ThlB may come rrom frozen ground,
or from flying down from a height
to a hard-surfaced floor. Often roosts
aro entirely too high, and tho force
with which tho bird strikes tho ground
Injures tho foot.
Whenever a bird Is scon to bo limp;
ing, oxamlno tho bottom of tho foot.
If thoro Is pus, mako a cross on the
boIo of tho foot, disinfect with any
household dlslnrectunt, and apply a
soothing ointment. Dandago well,
and put tho bird in a coop on soft
Fowls Need Plenty of Air.
Do not bo ufrald to glvo your blrde
plenty or air during tho cold montlisf
Open tho doors and windows wldo on
Bunny days, but bo sure to Bhut thorn
up again before tho sun goes down.
Leaky Roofs Causa Trouble.
Doos your honhouso leak whon it
(rains or tho snow molts? Mnny win
ter poultry troubles are causod by
leaky roofs.
Keep After tho Vermin.
It payB to light llco winter and sum
mon ir you don't boo them. Just Im
nglno thoy aro around and keep arter
Take Caro of Fowls.
Dottor havo fower fowls and tako
caro of thom properly, than many and
nogloct them.
Place Duat Bath In Sun.
Placo tho dust bath vthcro tho sun
can shine on ltj thon tho hene will ubo
It rdoro freely.
1 i
To Put Plattsburg idea Into Effect at Sea
WASHINGTON. Secretary Daniels nnd his ndvlsera decided to inaugu
rate a system of civilian navul training similar in general outline to
that on which military training camps havo been established at Plattsburg
und clsowhcro. It is planned to uso
gram, It Is expocted, will bo prepared next year for development of the plan
on tho Pacific coasL
Tho plan, which was drafted by Assistant Rncrntnrv nnnnnvoif nrnnnaao
that tho cost to tho men shall bo sufficiently low to enablo thoso in modor
ato circumstances to Join. Tho only compulsory reaulremont Ih that mrh
volunteer declare his intention of giving hia services to tho unvy in caso ot
war. It Is not proposed to requlro an oath, but merely
Tho object of tho plan is to
excluslvo of formor enlisted men
iiuBses. ixajy department oiuciais aro
will respond to make tho undertaking a
Federal Health Service
NOW comes tho crusado for the extinction of the common waBhrag. Hav
ing swatted with a Inrirn
- a- v- "nv-ou U1U LUIUUIUU LUWUl, U1U
public health servlco has found a now target in Its companion piece, tho
wnshrag. In an official announcement
the public health servlco, modestly
admitting a largo success in its cam
paign against the common towel and
tho roller towel, says:
"Now comes tho news that tho
common washrag is an oven greater
menace to health.
"The hotels' nnd nubile liostolries
havo recognized this for some time,
nd havo supplied their guests with.
Btorilizcd washcloths In individual
sealed packets. Thn rl nmn 'nnnr'.
smelling washrag still exists, hownvwr m
perfectly washed out after use, frequently not wrung out at all, it is often
..u..b uroi n iutu ur u ramaior near an open window, there to collect dust
and dirt. Frequently tho samo washrag Is used by tho entlro family, thus
affording an easy means of transference of mouth secretions from person tc
person. In many households each individual has his own washcloth, and his
Individual towel, but theso hang so close to one another that there Is ready
Interchango of bacteria. Each individual should havo his own washcloth,
It should bo thoroughly washed out with clean hot water after uso. It should
bo then wrung as nearly dry as posslblo, and, if posslblo, hung in tho sun to
dry. It should not come in contact with other washcloths. In the investlga
tions tho United States public health servlco io conducting in regard to the
prevalence of trachoma, it has been found that common towels probably
acted as a medium of distribution of tho germ of disease" i
Library Devoted Solely to Subject of Fish
CAN ono imagine a whole library dovoted to fish? There is ono in' Wash
ington, which is tho best fish library in tho world, and it is among the
most useful institutions of its kind existing, for, the Washington Star stays,
1 rctru 1 w f t s. i
is the one woman in the fodoral service who has passed the civil service
exam nat on no a flsh culturlst, having entered tho office and passed the
examination as a specialist eight years ago. During tho intervening veare
she has kept up with tho scientific progress of this important bureau of the
department of commerce
rfXhe !,,b7 th bureau of flsher,es a the finest of its kind in the
world, said Miss MacDonald recently. "I feel almost certain that nowhere
clso can there bo found so extensive a collection of literature pertaining tc
aquatic biology. You perhaps know that the subject of fish conservation ie
ono of tho biggest questions boforo tho commercial world of today. Tho fish
food problem is a great branch of our work, as aro fish diseases. Evervthln
dono in tho work tends toward tho problem of economy and efficiency in
fish conservation. In which tho matters of flsh food and flsh diseases bear a
Woman Helps Make Capital More Presentable
I T HAS becorao a commonplace to say that Washington Ib one of tho most
a beautiful cities of tho world. This followed as a natural consequence
when various engineers and landscape artists, after experimenting with
their own futile plans, roturned to tho
original plan for tho federal city sub
mitted to Prenldcnt Washington in
1790 by MaJ, Plerro L'Enfant.
But this scheme embraced oply
tho broad Bwoeplng avenues, tho trees
and recurring green spots in triangles,
squares and od'l corners which muko
Washington do charming and bo
It remained for a public-spirited
woman to throw tho weight of her in
fluence and to Insnlro others -with hnr
enthuslanm n tho building of houses worthy of their environment. This Is
Mrs. Mary tooto Henderson, widow of John Brooks Henderson, Bcnator from
Missouri during the thrilling days from 1862 to 1869, and illustrious in many
Boundary Castle, tho home of Mrs. Henderson, Is in its way tho beglnninc
of an epoch and It must alwayB stand na tho first stop toward a proper resl
dontlal section on tho proper stroots.
Washington has no building laws. Only public opinion and tho awakened
sense of beauty may prevent tho Btately mansion of marble being elbowed
by a shanty of cast-off bricks. Mrs. Henderson did yeoman work ,t aroSng
this Bcntlmont, ono her first stop was this picturesque feudal pllo crowning
a splendid omlncnco at tho head of Slxtoonth street crownint
Boundary Cautlo waa built when tho hill was virgin ground and was the
Nnl 'tZ 25 mrBln 00 ,tUo11boundn-y of tho city for a full hair mile,
how 1 .,Ov fhL .COnnt avenu iB IlTned on olthr side with mansiouB which.
Bbow plainly tho influonco or Mrs. Hondorson's crusado.
Bomo six or eight of thoso Imposing residences woro built by Mrs Hen
demon and aro leased to various foreign governments. Thoy represent a post
graduate course in the art of correct building and are In a way a JoSalM?nr.
for architecture In the domestic sense in the national cajlta? rCna,88'inco'
What Mrs. Henderson has done for art In Washington.' or. rather ror
artlBts, would make a rasclnatlng chapter. Sho has a superb art Jallow S
wo0110' and Bh0 provea her Interest ,n au R'lSlS
six battleships to tnko thoso who pre
sent themselves for training for n
mouth's cruise, beginning about Au
gust ID.
Tho vessels to bo utilized as train
Ing ships will tako on tholr student
personnel along tho Atlantic coast,
probably at Now York, Boston, Phila
delphia, Norfolk, Portland and
Charleston. It is estimated that tho
six battleships will mako possible the
training Of 2.G00 mnn. A Hlmtlnr tiro-
establish n naval reserve of HvlllAn
and thoso of tho professional seafaring
conildent a sufficient number of men
Makes War on Washrag
it is ono or the most llvo and up-to-dato
scientific libraries with whicfe
this government supplies its scientific
This is the library of the bureau
of fisheries, and tho custodian, wha
has done the greater part of the work
in building and systematizing this,
one of tho most active and useful
scientific aids of its kind, is a woman
Miss Rose MacDonald thoroughly
competent to caro for the special 11
lirnrv nf toiIJi oVi to l i. .1 ni.