The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1916, Image 3

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How She Was Relieved from
Pain by Lydia E.Pinkliam's
Vegetable Compound.
Taunton, Mass." I had pains In both
Bides and when my periods camo I had
to stay at homo
from work and suf
fer a lone time.
Ono day a woman
camo to our houso
and askod my
mother why I was
suffering. Mother
told her that I suf
fered every month
and sho said. 'Whv
don't you buy a
I Until,. -C T J! T-1
Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound? ' My
mother bought it and tho next month I
was bo well that I worked all tho month
without staying at homo a day. I am
in good health now and have told lota of
girls about it. "Miss Clarice Moiun,
22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass.
Thousands of girls suffer in silence
every month rather than consult a phy
sician. If girls who aro troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging-down sensations,
fainting Bpells or indigestion would tako
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, a safe and pure remedy made
from roots and herbs, much Buffering
might bo avoided.
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free
advice which will prove helpful.
The Last Man.
Little Lemuel Say, paw, who do
you suppose will bo tho last man on
Paw Some shoemaker, probably.
Wo nover have much uso for people
who aro smarter than wo are.
It Never Came Back
Backache Sufferer! Thousands will
tell you what wonderful relief they
have had from Doan's Kidney Pills.
Not only relief, but lasting cures. If
you are lame in the morning, have
headache, dizzy spells and irregular
kidney action, don't wait. Use Doan's
Kidney Pills, the best recommended
special kidney remedy.
A Nebraska Case
Tellt a
Mrs. W. P. Seeger,
713 Lane St.. Falls
City, Neb., says: "My
kidney trouble start
ed with a dull ache
through the small of
my back. I couldn't
stand long1 and my
kidneys were Irregular
In action and con
gested. My bladder
was Inflamed, too, and
I felt-wretched. Two
boxes of Doan's Kid
ney Pills removed all
these ailments and
the cure has been per
manent." Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Dox
DOAN'S ,cp,dJLe7
How to get rid
of eczema with
Rcsinol Ointment, with Resinol
Soap, usually stops itching instantly.
It quickly and easily heals distress
ing cases of eczema, rash or other
tormenting skin or scalp eruption,
and clears away pimples, redness,
roughness and dandruff, even when
other treatments have been useless.
Physicians lave prescribed the Resinol treat
ment for over 20 years, for most forms of tkln
troubles, and for irritations, wounds, channcs,
etc Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment
and Resinol Soap.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That' Why You're Tired Out of Sorti
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a few days.
They do
their duty.
Cure Con
stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
Ladies! Look! Free!
(lend uamra and addresses of &or more lady friends
and get absolutely free a bandy kitchen atonalL
IANS-M0 SUPPLY CO., De Craw Bid.. Kiaiu Gty, Mt.
Arolrt opnrntlons. rosltlTH rr mwly
iKoQUy Hohulusnro. Write fnrunr fr Hhr.
big Ilook of Truth and Kacts To-Pay, -is
lIH If' 1 1 1 1 III
,1 1.11 IIIVER
Spraying Shnde Trees in Washington.
From tho United States Department of
Tho injection of blsulphld of carbon
Into tho burrows of tho leopard moth
and tho cutting off and destroying of
affected branches are recommended in
a now Farmcra' Bulletin of tho depart
ment as tho most cffcctlvo measures
for getting rid of this pest. Tho in
sect feodB on the wood of a largo num
ber of shado trees and shrubs and
does much damago along tho Atlantic
seaboard between Massachusetts nnd
Now Jersey and in tho Hudson River
valloy. In tho caterpillar, .or larva
stage, tho leopard moth cats into tho
treo upon which it feeds and not only
checks its growth but so weakens it
that it is often brokon by heavy wind
storms. Tho presence of tho pest is Indi
cated by tho wilting of twigs or
branches and by accumulations of saw
dustlike castings at tho entrance of
tho burrows. Tho discovery of this
evidence, says tho now bulletin, No.
708, "Tho Leopard Moth, A Dangerous
Imported Insect Enemy of Shado
Trees," by L. O. Howard and F. II.
Chittenden, should bo followed prompt
ly by tho pruning away of all tho
smaller Injured twigs or branches.
Tho larger ones may bo cut back bo
hind the injury and tho stubs covered
vith grafting wax to prevont tho en
trance of other Insects. All tho wood
that has been cut away should bo
promptly burned, in order to destroy
tho caterpillars within. This precau
tion also should bo followed with all
branches that havo fallen to tho
ground after windstorms. Wherever
tho trees aro so badly Injured that
there is littlo hopo of their recovery.
It is best to take them out and prompt
ly destroy them. In tho case of trees
which aro only slightly affected, and
especially in tho case of largo and
valuable trees, bisulphid of carbon
can bo used effectively. It is injected
into tho openings of tho burrows with
Warm Days During Spring
Cause Sap to Flow Mice
Also Cause Much Damage.
Often tho trunk and largor branches
of fruit trees turn brown in tho spring.
This is duo to sun scald. Tho warm
days during tho winter and spring will
cause tho sap in the trunk to flow,
which is injurious to tho tree. This
Injury can bo controlled through tho
shading of tho trunk.
It is a good plan to erect boards or
burlap sacks on tho south side of tho
trunk of tho tree; this will shado and
provont tho bright days of tho sun
from starting tho sap to flow.
Another injury that is found on
young trees, especially, is caused by
mice. Tho mice gnaw tho bark ou
small trees around which there is a
considerable amount of grass or straw.
To reduce this loss it is simply neces
sary to remove tho straw from tho
baso of tho tree. If this is dono there
will not bo much loss.
Cost of Labor and Machinery
Should Be Carefully Consid
ered by Farmer.
(By ALVA II. BENTON. Assistant Agri
culturist, University Farm, St. Taul,
Reducing farm expenso Ib tho eas
iest way to increase farm profits on
many farms. Good crops and good
live stock alone cannot mako farming
profitable. In closing up tho leaks In
farm expenses tho rvjst of horso labor
and machinery should bo carefully
considered. Cost-accounting records
in Minnesota show that tho mainte
nance cost of an averngo work horso
Is $100 annually, and that tho main
tenance cost of machinery is 15 per
cent or more.
Two ldO-acro farms in southern Min
nesota forcibly illustrato how much
higher horso labor and machinery
costs may be on ono farm than on
another. Tho first of these farms had
?425 worth of machinery and live
work horses; tho other $1,840 worth of
msbincry and seven work horses.
a long-spoutcd oil can or a glass
syringe, and tho openings aro closed
immediately afterwards,
Carbon bisulphid must bo handled
with caro, and precautions taken to
avoid danger from flro and tho inhal
ing of fumes. This means that tho
operator should not smoko whllo nt
work. On tho other hand, thoro need
bo no fear of tho liquid damaging the
Tho leopard moth in its adult form
has a spotted appearance, tho semi
transparent white wings being thickly
dotted with blackish, dark blue, or
greenish spots. Thoro aro alBO largo
black spots on tho thorax and dark
cross bands on tho whlto abdomen.
Tho moth laysNIts eggs, olthor singly
or in groups, during tho Bummer, usu
ally Bolecting crovices in tho rough
bark of trees as a convenient placo
to deposit them. Tho larvao or cater
pillars hatch about ten days after
wards nnd at onco penetrate tho liv
ing wood. As they feed, thoy burrow
tunnels which frequently encircle com
pletely tho treo or branch. When tho
larva has grown too largo for tho
branch in which it Is feeding, it crawls
out and moves to ono moro suitable.
As tho insect remains in tho larva
Btago, feeding In this way, for nearly
two years, it Is capablo of doing a
great deal of damago before it trans
forms to tho pupa or chrysalis stago.
This it does in May or later, and somo
tlmo between May and tho end of
September it emerges as an adult or
Damago by this borer in largo parks
is often so severe as to render it
necessary to establish a system of in
spection. Wherever posslblo tho bi
sulphid of carbon should be used. Caro
should also bo taken to soo that tho
Insect is not allowed to breod in
growth that is near valuable treos.
Tho uso of fertilizers will strengthen
tho trees to withstand tho attacks of
thiB and other insects.
These farms had equally good crops
and each raised ono colt. Tho annual
cost of machinery and horso labor, cal
culated on this basis, was $5G4 for tho
first farm and $967 for tho second.
Each day tho second farm paid $1.12
more than tho first in horso labor and
machinery costs alone. No farmer can
afford to keep machinery and work
horses that aro not used profitably.
Can such a leak bo found on your
Fowls Will Pull Each Other's
Feathers and Sometimes
Pick Holes.
(By C. S. ANDERSON, Colorado Agricul
tural College, Fort Collins, Colo.)
Did your chickens over turn canni
bal? Many a poultryraan has discov
ered old biddy denuded of feathers
and was at a loss to account for hor
suddon lack of modesty. Tho feathers
wero pulled out by her pen mates,
and often tho pin feathers wero pick
ed out as fast as they appeared. When
this vice becomes established, chick
ens will go so far as to pick holes In
ono another, nnd woo unto tho bird on
whoso body tho blood is onco started!
Too- picking is a kindred evil, but
only nmong young chicks. Thoy liko
tho tasto of blood and an injured too
is a sourco of nttractlon.
CIoso confinement and unbalanced
rations aro tho usual causes of such
vices. Both grown fowls and young
chicks need green food, meat food
and grit, and if theso aro provided,
along with plenty of oxerclso, tho
conditions favorable for tho forma
tion of the abovo habits will not bo
Tho best plan Is to kill tho con
firmed feather pullers that go wild
at tho sight nnd tasto of blood. In
flocks kept under close confinement,
tho malo birds aro liable to havo their
neck feathers pulled. It will bo found
beneficial to rub tho naked necks of
such victimB with carbolated vaseline.
Avoid Moldy Feed.
Do not feed tho sheep moldy feed
as it is of no benefit to them. It has
a tendency to bring about scours
which puts tho Hhoop out of condition,
and it will tako somo tlmo to bring
them back to normal ngain. Moldy
feed la especially injurious to preg
nant ewes.
Tobacco Extract, Containing 40 Per
Cent or More of Nicotine, Fa
vored by nn Expert.
(By A. a. HUaaUKS. University Farm.
St. I'aul, Minn.)
Tho npplo plant louse, aphid, ot
"green bug," probably will do n tro
mendouB lot of damage to tho setting
fruit. Wo havo found that tho best
spray for theso insects is a tobacco
extract containing 40 per cent or more
of nicotine in tho rorm of nicotlno sul
fate. Sovoral products aro on the
market, notably Black' Loaf No. 40.
A half pint of this in GO gallons of
water is very effective. If this ma
terial, or an equally good ono, is not
to bo obtained on tho market, a homo
mado preparation may bo usod, but its
qualities aro not reliable. This homo
made spray is made as follows:
Steep tobacco stems In water suffi
cient to cover them. When the
Proper Time for First Spraying Ap
ples Should Be Sprayed Just After
Leaf Buds Open as Preventive
Against Scabby Fruit.
strength has been well drawn out, tho
liquid, is tho color of fairly strong tea.
The commercial product may bo
added at tho regular rato to tho or
dinary spray compounds such us ar
sonato of lead plus bordeaux mixturo
or arsenate of lead plus llmo sulphur.
If tho tobacco is used alone, it is bet
ter to add whalo oil soap at tho rato
of three to five pounds for every 50
gallons of tho spray.
Remember, tho beBt tlmo to sjoray
in order to prevent wormy nppleu, is
Just after tho blossoms fall.
Injury Wrought by Pigs Rectified by
Grafting Well-Developed Root3
Aided Materially.
(By J. A. IDALU Illinois.)
About two years ago a friend had
her four applo trees, two years
planted, girdled by somo pigs that sho
had turned in tho same lot. Thoy had
eaten tho bark to tho roots and up
for a foot. She nsko'd mc if I could
save them. I told hor it was doubt
ful. Sho then told mo to do what I
thought best. As bridging was not
practical, I cut them off closo to tho
ground and insortod two grafts from
tho top of each treo into tho root tho
beat I could, waxed them thoroughly,
and gavo them protection. Every
graft grow. Tho well-developed roots
caused them to grow wonderfully, and
I think tho trees wero qulto as largo
in two yearB as though thoy had not
been injured.
Oil Sprays Are Efficient for Destruc
tion of Lice After Hatched Don't
Affect Eggs.
(By C. P. GILLETTE, Colorado Agricul
tural College, Fort Collins, Colo.)
Occasionally wo soo oil sprays rec
ommended for tho destruction of tho
eggs of tho plant lico during tho win
ter or early spring. Whllo these oil
sprays aro vory efficient for tho de
struction of tho lico after they havo
hatched, a thorough study of tho ef
fects of theso oil sprayB upon tho eggs
of theso littlo plant lico serves to
provo boyond reasonable doubt that
tho eggs aro not injured by theso oils
In any strength that will ordinarily bo
used. In fact, plant-louse eggs havo
been dipped In pure korosono and aft
erwards havo hatched apparently as
well us tho eggs upon other twigs that
wero untreated.
Discard Worthless Trees.
Cut out tho old, decaying trees from
tho orchard, and fill in their places
with thrifty, young trees. Land Is
too hign-priced to waste lu worthless
iXet Contents 15 Fluid DrJS
i ... i . mm m
in it'll r m. w
li'llblVII U i m sr. m JW J. "Vk. ij r - ar
'VIM I - tW 111 JW - 4V
alcohol-a vv.n op.nt
AWgelnble lYciMralionlbrAS'
finti the Slomnchsmul Ilowcls of
iwuioics uiucs(ton.ihccniii
ncss nnd nY.M.Coulnins neither
Opiuin.Morpliinc norWlacral
Not Nakcotic.
hm&tiit Sitd-
til IttffcinattStda
ninJttyfttn 'Htrrr
A'perfcct Remedy forConsfTpa
tlon. Sour SfoinackDiurrhoea,
Worms, Fcverishness and
fac-Shnile Slgnaltuv'or
Tnc CRKTAim Cohianv,
I 1 II ""I i iiwis I " stall
Bxtct Copy of Wrapper
Outwitting a Bore.
Llko most colobrltic8, Lord Roso
berry has had to sudor a good deal
from tho attentions of uttor strangers
At ono tlmo ho was often nnnoyod by
an old lady who called upon him al
most dally. Of courso, his lordship
always managed to avoid hor when ho
was nt homo, but ono day sho hap
pened to sco him Just as ho wob about
to ontor his carriage.
"My lord," sho callod out, "I must
soo you on a very important mattor."
"Vory well, madnmo," said Lord Roso
bory, holding open tho door of tho car
riage for hor. "I bog of you to got In."
Delighted at tho idea of driving with
such a famous man, tho old lady im
mediately Jumped Into tho vohlclo, but
his lordship gently closed tho door on
hor, ordered tho coachman to tako hor
where sho wanted to go, and walked
Rlfjhtlng a Wrong.
Dlggs (angrily) I understand you
said my faco would stop a motor truck.
Dlggs I nover said anything-of tho
Ulggs Then I havo been misin
formed. Dlggs That's what. Instead of
stopping at sight of your fnco any
reputablo motor truck would increase
its speed.
Perhaps tho best hand a man can
hold in tho game of lifo is the hand of
somo good woman. 1
Alas for tho intellect when tho un
derstanding is limited only by tho slzo
ot tho feet!
A man thinks ho is misunderstood
because ho doesn't know himself.
New Strength for Lame Backs
and Worn-out Conditions
Dear Mr. Editor:
I suffered from lamo back and a
tired, worn-out feeling. Was unablo to
stand erect and scarcely ablo to got
around. It would usually como on at
first with crick in small of my back.
I took Anurlo Tablots and my back
commenced to got better. I did not
havo to walk doubled over as I did
boforo using tho "Anurlc." It Is tho
best remedy I havo over taken for
what it is intended to relieve.
NOTE: Whon your kidnoya get
sluggish and clog, you Buffor from
backacho, islck-hcudacho, dizzy spoils,
or tho twinges and pains of lumbago,
rheumatism and gout. "Anurlc" Ib tho
most powerful agent In dissolving
uric acid, as hot water molts sugar.
Ask tho druggist for "Anurlc," put
up by Dr. Pierco, In 50-cent packagos.
Mi Fsarm ffsanrle
References required from nil applicant. For special railway rateo and other Information apply t
W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Dee Dido., Ornulia, Nebr.
AulhorUsJ Csu io Cevtromuit Ascoi
mint- Xi'vfyfi?
Genuine ???6.ffo
Bears the
signature x.r
ft Jfv In
jjf Use
W For Over
Thirty Years
Danlsx tlr ar tood fet)
rooo to troo mint- stmo. cost u to is.
ffcnd ua Ivn fop ft nin vnn hsva)
old, tlUK4 tins, or writ sad tsk us ,
how. no sun on tiro hss tooi Vf '
Mia. th otntr fair tread.
Mill Faratra BUU Omaha. Msb.
Wntaon K. Coleman
Patent Lawyer.WnahlDKton,
IVIJ- Aflvltt. n.nri hfwtra (mL
Hatra rcaaonablo. Highest referrnora. Heal fmrlce.
Nebraska Directory
Good Scrum Will
Save Your Hogs
Uso U. S. Got I,lrnsrI riorum. Phono, wire, writ
or call ou OMAHA HKKUIU COMPANY, 30th
&OBta.,S. Omaha, Neu.,l'houa tiouth M80H.
fraolt Svoboda. 1213-31 S. 13th 81., Omaba
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 16-1910.
"A woman should ho ablo to trust
hor husband in ovorythlng."
"Woll," commontod tho lady with
an anxious expression; "I'd trust
John with the rubber plant nnd maybq
with tho goldfish. Hut I could nover
dopend on him to look nftor tho dog
and tho canary bird."
Social Inanities.
Sho You know, Mr. Jones, I
thought you much oldor thnn you aro.
Ho Oh, no; not a bit, I assure you.
At tho first symptoms of any de
rangement ot tho furainino organism
at any poriod of life tho ono safe, really
helpful romody is Dr. Piorco'B Pavorlto
Proscription for every concolvablo all
inont and diseaso of a womanly nature.
It Is a woman's tomporanco medicine
and its Ingredients aro published on
Dr. Piorco'B Favorito Prescription Is
a truo friend to womon in timos of
trial and nt times of pain when ths
organs aro not performing their funr
tlonB. For headache, backacho, hot
flashes, catarrhal conditions, bearing
down Bousatlons, mental depression,
dizziness, fainting spoils, women
should nover fall to tako this tried and
truo women's mediclno.
mm mm i vtata i. m
of experience at once on the farms of
Western Canada
To replace the young farmers who
have enlisted for the war. Good wages
and full season's work assured.
There is no danger or
possibility of Con-
scripfion in Canada.