The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 11, 1916, Image 5

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    I LOCAL I. 0. 0. 1'. HUM
00 NEW
About thirty-live local Odd Fol
lows went to Horshoy Monday even
ing; where th y had charge Iff the r
ganlzatlon of un I. O. O. F. lodfce at
that place. Some thltty-ilvc candi
dates wore taken Into the order. Fol
lowing tjio Institution the party was
banqueted by tho Horshcy orunbutlon
the banquet being held In the basement
of tho school building.
Past Grand Master J. S. Honghnd
lilted tho position of Installing off'cer,
: :o: :
Contractor Woods, who purchasul of
the First National Bank the building
formerly occupied by tho Nyal drug
store, has started to tear it down. The
brick and lumber will ho sold, and the
rubbish hauled along tho road to the
new river bridge and used to fill low
There is'tmly one safe' way to conserve your
The Most Popular Music of the Day.
Visit Our Music Room. Largest Record Stock in the City.
The Jeweler.
'., DR. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
1 Stule Bunk.
John Ross, of Lewellen, was a
guest of friends In North Platte Sun
day. Dr. Morris, of Oshkosh, spent the
.week end here on professional busi
ness. The county commissioners have In
session for several days past trans
acting routine business.
Do not fail to take advantage of our
muslin underwear sale now going on.
Mrs. Beatrice Curry closed a very
successful seven months' term at
District No. 100 school last Frjday.
Fullcrton l'nlnt $2.00 per palloii,
with my five your puanmtee.
17-tf STONE, Tho Druggist.
After the special meeting of -he
Mystic Legion lodge this evening a
banquet will bo served at the Gen'.
County Surveyor Roy Cochran was
called to Moorcfield the latter part of
last week by tho death of a relative.
Don't full to attend Block's Ann!
lcrsury Snlo now in full blast. You
can save tiventy per cent on your pur
chases. Miss Isabelle Stafford, Instructorit'
the Jefferson School, has returned from
a slirt stay In Paxton with relatives.
For, Rent 3 housekeeping rooms,
$12.00; Inquire 320 east Fifth. ' 25-2
Mr. -nad Mrs. Ben Milder, of Omaha,
who iworo visiting tho latter's s'stcr
Mrs. Harry Fleishman loft Sunday ev
ening. The former spent tho week ond
here and Mrs. Milder visited for sev
eral weeks.
Sirs. Arthur Hoagland who submit
ted to an operation at tho City hos
pital Saturday Is resting as easy as can
bo expected although in a very weak
condition. Tho operation was a very
critical ono and waB performed In
four hours.
Gust Young and Nick Carampelas
have formed a partnership and pur
chased tho "Quick Lunch" establish
ment on Front street. Tho interior will
bo remodeled and new fixtures In
Installed. Tho now managers expect to
bo open for business not later than
April 20th.
During the strong wind Friday after
noon, J. A. .Foster waB blown from
tho sidewalk In front of the First
National Bank and severly Injured. Ho
Is at his homo In the Fourth ward and
is said to bo In a serious condition.
Mr. Foster has been in poor health for
several months past.
5 lorston-Van Doran Is visiting with
friends in Kearney this' week.
Our $4.75 Hats are the $5, ?C and, $7
Black, White and all tho new colorings.
McVlcker's Millinery, The Leader.
Mrs. C. R. Morey returned the lat
ter part of last week from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in.. Hast
ings. .... ;
Mrs. Thomas Green and daughter
Katherine left yesterday for Grand
Island to visit tho home folks for a
week or1 more.
The North Platte Light & Power
company is laying a gas main in
Locust street between Seventh and
Eighth streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Burnham,
who were visiting the latter's daugh
ters Mrs. Charles Calhoun .and the
Misses Warrington last week while en
routo to Cozad to reside. They left
yesterday morning.
Harry Hemphill, of Ainsley, ,Neb.,
arriyes hero today to join his father,
J. B. Hemphill, in tho job printing of
fice. Mr. Hemphill has been con
nected with the Herald at Ainsley dur
ing the past year.
Mrs. Win, L. Hemphill and two
children, of Cheyenne, spent Sunday
in North Platte, guests at the J. B.
Hemnhill home. They wore enroute
i home from Columbus where they spent
several days visiting Mrs. Hemphill's
Superintendent Tout is busy com
pleting the football schedule for the
coming season and has made arrange
ments for football games between the
North Platte and York highs. This is
the first game scheduled and will be
played hero on next Thanksgiving
day. Tho following year North Platte
will have the same date With York on
tho York field. This arrangoment of
schedule between tho two cities has
boon in force for several years and
has proven entirely satisfactory.
Some good bottom pieces of hay land
close to city. Hay will pay rental and
(lien some.
.Honey to Loan on Ileal Kslale.
Successful Business Man.
One of the things frequently referred
to In connection with tho candidacy of
S. R. McKelvlo for governor la tho fact
that ho hns been an unusually success-
ful business man. Tlioimh a youny
Deposit it when received in a strong, reliable
bank, and make your payments by check.
You can then tell at any time just where your
money has gone, and every check you issue
becomes a receipt.
This bank places at the command of deposi
tors many facilities which contribute to the
safety ot their hinds.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
man, ho has shown a foresight and ex
ecutive capacity in business which
commands tho attention of observing
business critics wherever ho Is known.
HIa knowledge of Nebraska conditions,
together with his natural business sta
bility. Is ono of the several reasons why
McKelvIe is usually referred to as Tho
Popular Candidate.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosuro rendered In said Court
wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso
ciation, a corporation, Is plaintiff and
Charles R. Osgood et al aro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on the loth
day of May, 1010, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
at tho cast front door of tho Court
House In North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
decress, interest and costs, tho fol
lowing described property, to-wlt:
Lot four (4), Block one hundred and
forty-olght (148), original town of
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 10th,
1910. A. J. SALISBURY,
2G-Gw Sheriff.
R. N. Lamb, wholesale and retail
dealer in produce, Hour, feed stuff and
groceries, on the North side, has let
the contract for a new business block
to bo greeted, on. the alley of Locust and
SQvenfh. streets.
Thoxbulldlng id to bo one-Btory 44
by 90 feet, built of hollow tilo with a
pressed brick front, and will bo divided
Into two store rooms 22x90 feel each
The building will bo completed on
or about July 1, when Mr. Lamb will
move to his new quarters. Tho In
crease of ltls business necessitated
change of location and Mr. Lamb de
cided to build to meet tho requirements.-
A structuro of this kind will make
a decided improvement in that sec
tion of the North side huslness dis
trict; ::o::
Ted Bogue returned yesterday morn
ing from a short visit In Kearney with
Mr., and Mrs. George Adams, of
Choyeeno, who were visiting tho form
er's parents, left Sunday evening.
Miss Mayme Spies "left Saturday ev
ening, for Kearney to spend a few
daysyvlsitlng' her brother John Spies.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Walker received
word Saturday of tho birth of a girl
baby to their daughter Mr. Charles
Barrows, of Melrose. " 1
R. D. Gaston, of Hastings, formerly-proprietor
of tho Gaston Music Co.,
In this city, is spending a few days
visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walker.
J. C. Wilson is making arrangements
to build a modern house on his' lot at
the corner of Willow and Third street.
It will be 28x30, two stories and con
tain eight rooms.
Mrs. Andy LIddoll and children ox
pect to leave In a few weeks for points
In Iowa, whoro they will spend tho
aumnior visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, of Lex
lngton, aro happy over tho arrival
of a baby boy at tholr homo Friday ov-
onlng. John Tlgho Is wearing that
smile so popular with grandpas.
George Rcndle, formerly of this city
now travclolng for tho Standard Oil O
with headquarters at Alliance, stopped
ovor In town Saturday while onroute
homo from Omaha.
For speculative purposes O, II
Thoelecko has purchased tho northeast
quarter section 9-13-32, of Mrs. Pit
kins, also lot 8, block 20, and lot 8,
block 21, together, with a five room
house on Tenth street.
For Your Xoxt Order of
Feod, flour, cabbago, potatoes, ap
pies, sand hill seed potatoes of all
kinds seo J. Mogenson at the North
Side barn or phono 29. 22-tf
Why not let It earn seven or eight
per cent Interest in some of our choice
first mortgage loans. We attend to
all details. Wo have loaned out ov;r
11 minion dollars without loss of '11
nlckle. '
i DltATT & G001WAX.
E. M. Smith returned from Omaha
last evening with a light six Apperson
Mrs. John Tlgho left Saturday af
torncon for Lexington to visit hor
daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart.
Tho Lutheran Girls' club will hold
a business meeting at the parish house
Thursday evening at eight o'clock.
Gcttman'sIIand-Mado Cigar. Gc. 14-tf
Why pay $30 for a Stilt or Coat or
I) re sn when you can get one for $21
at Dlock'H Anniversary Snlo?
The B. P. O. Elks hold installation
ceremonies last evening and Inducted
Into offlco tho candidates who WJro
elected several weeks ago.
For Sale.
Tho house located on tho cornor ot
Third and Willow streets, purchaser
to removo tho same from tho lot. In
quire of J. C. Wilson on tho premises.
North Platte Council No. 40, L. M.
L. A. meet this evening, April 11th, nt
K. of P. hall at S p. m. All members
aro urged to bo present by tho enter
tainment committee, Madamcs Graco
McMlchaol, Myrtlo Dick, Lizzlo M.
Dlcnor, Nolllo Woods, Reglna M. Hor
rod, Anna Gunlllamo and Kate
Judge Hoagland spent Monday In
Ogalalla attending district court.
A. A. Schatz left Sunday cvonjng for
Omaha to spend a fow days on busi
ness. R. R. DIckoy left yesterday morning
for Sidney to spond sevoral days on
Judge Grimes, .Court Reporter Har
row, Attorneys Kcofe, aiuldpon, HalU
gon.vflcox andOrosbyfVojit 'jW Ogtj
hilla yesterday' morning to ioHj a
term of court.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No. 1409 of Nancy E. Donald
son deceased, In tho County Court cf
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested In said Estato tako no
tlco that a petition has boon filed for
tho appointment of Rush M. Dean as
Administrator of said Estate, which
Has bconsct for hearing on May G,
'191G, at 9 .o'clock a. in.
Dated April G, 191G.
County Judgo.
I ., , n. '
Jl. The Retiring From
I -Mk Business Sale at j
j; JIJH 1 he Leader
Started Saturday, April 8th. The entire stock S
is now on sale. There never was a better time fori
the public to lay in their spring and summer supplies
than at the present time.
Our stock in every department is complete. In our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
Department will be found all styles, all sizes, all prices.
Don't delay , tDo your buying early as it is to your own interest. The
wholesale prices of merchandise are advancing every, day. We wore fortu
nate to buy our goods before the prices advanced, the goods were marked ac
cordingly, and now with the
Ten and Twenty Per Cent Discount
You are in fact buying the goods at less than present wholesale prices.
The stock must be reduced in the next 80 days. Mr. J. E. Nelson, of
Holdrcge, Neb., who bought an interest in The Leader, will take full manage
ment after July 4th.
No charge for alterations in our Ready-to-Wear Department.
NOTICE Owing to the change in business all sales must be cash.
Julius Pizer, Prop.
Retiring from Business.