THE 8EMI-WEEKI.V TRintINF NOPTH PI ATTP mcrpaoka WHEN THE UNITED History That Is Not Likely to Repeat Itself if Pursuit of Villa Ex tends to Active Intervention Conditions Then and Now Are Far From Being Identical Texas a Source of Constant Trouble Previous to the War With Mexico Washington. It la seventy yearn sinco the- start of tho Mexican war of 1846-7. History Is not going to repeat Itsolf this year, whother there Is In tervention or not, for conditions are far from bolng Identical. Even If war 1b declared there will scarcely bo a basis for comparison liotweon tho coming conflict and that of nearly three-quarters of a century back. nightly or wrongly, tho war of tho '40s has boon called ono of conquest. By tho terms of settlement tho United StatoB Increased Its area ono-thlrd. Thero Is no disputed territory ovor which to fight now, no Toxas question, no thought of annexing any land. Dut studontB of history, forever searching for analogous situations, need not despair. Mexico for many years before tho war was as troublous and upset, as uncongenial a neighbor nn sho has been In recent years. Sho witnessed the meteoric rlso of a dic tator, tho sudden collapse of his power and finally his exllo. Sho saw up risings nnd embryonic revolutions without number, each leaving her weakor than before, Unofficial diplomatists wero sent to Mexico long before tho days of John Llnd and William Bayard Halo. Nor is a watchful waiting policy on tho part of tho United StutoB a now thing. As early as 1817, when tho propriety of recognizing tho Independence of tho former Spanish colony In Moxlco was bolng discussed, Richard Rush, then President Monroo's secretary of state, said In a state paper: Maintained Strict Neutrality. "It seems to bo Incumbent on tho United States to watch tho movement (for freedom In Mexico) In Us subse quent stops with reticular attontlon, with a vlow to pursue such courso as a Just regard for all thoso considera tions which they aro bound to respect may dictate" In mcssago aftor message Monroo reiterated his determination to main tain strict neutrality and to recognlzo tho indopondonco of tho Spanish colonics whon, but only when, tho fact of Indopondonco was convincingly established. Not until 1822 did tho United Status send a minister to tho capital of tho now government. For twouty years before tho war Texas had beon n sourco of( almost constant trouble This vast domain had beon Included in tho Louisiana purchaso, but tho United Statos ylold ed Us claim In a treaty with Spain In ordor to obtain tho whole of Florida. Texas had been scttlod largely by Southornors and It was Inevitable that tho slavery question should como to tho foro Ab a provlnco Texas was subjoctcd to tho hazards of an 111 dollnod and tributary Jurisdiction by military ofll cora, (o rulo by a govornmont which was uttorly out of touch with tho 'wants nnd nocossltlos of her pooplo. .Finally tho residents formed a now constitution and In 1836 tho groat PouthwoQtcrn torrltory seceded from, Mexico. Tho attitude of tho United States toward Moxlco with relation to Texas waB for a long tlmo exactly what It had boon toward Spain with regard to tho Mexican Btatos. Jackson was known to sympathize with tho Toxas insurgents, but a historian records that ho avos restrained from taking drastic action by an honorablo sonso of what tho International obligations of tho United Statca domandod. Desplto his woll earned reputation as a belligerent Bomo of Jackson's mossagau road as If thoy had boon written in 1916 or oven bo recently as early In tho present yoar. In ono In which ho called attention to claims long hold against Moxlco by this gov ornmont for property solzed and bod ily injuries infllctod ho said: Acted With Forbearance. "I trust, however, by tomporlng firmness. With courtesy and acting with Great forbearance upon overy incident thnt has occurred or that may happen, to do and to obtain Jus tlco, and thus avoid tho necessity of again bringing this subject to the vlow of congress." Two months lator (February 0, 1837) ho wroto: , "Tho length of tlmo since somo of tho injuries have boon committed, the repeated and unavailing applications for rodress, tho wanton charactor of somo of tho outrages upon tho prop erty and persons of our citizens, upon tho officers and flag of tho United Stoles, Independent of rocont Insults to this govornmont ami pooplo by tho lato extraordinary Moxlcan mlntstor, would Justify, In tho eyes of all na tions, Immediate war." "That remedy, howovor,' General Jackson addod, "should not bo uaod by Just and gouerous nations, con fiding in tholr strength, for Injuries committed, If It can bo honorably avoided." There wero fow Important develop ments in tho administration of Van Huron or In Harrison's ono mouth In thi presidential chair,, but 1843 produced nn incldont of a nature with which studcntB of rocont American hlfitory aro familiar. Daniel Webster, Tyler's secretary of stato, resigned after having sorvod a little more thun two year' STATES il 110 IN Ho had been out of harmony with tho president and tile fellow cabinet mombors. In particular ho had stood alono In opposing tho policy of Texan annexation, which by this tlmo had becomo an Important Ibbuo. "How ever," Bays Georgo Lockhart Rives, "ho and President Tyler parted with mutual and ovldently slncero oxpres bIoiib of confidence and good will." Ono can Imagine tho number of "Ood bless yous." Two International questions de manded much attontlon In tho cam paign of 1844, In which James K. Polk and Henry Clay disputed tho presidency. Mexico was showing a determination to contest tho boundary claim of Texns and meauwhllo thero was a threat of war with Great Ilritaln. Tho limits of tho so-called Oregon country, llko thoso of Toxas, had novcr boon definitely fixed. England claimed territory as far south as tho Columbia rlvor, whllo tho United States set tho parallol of CI degrees 40 minutes, passing north of Queen Charlotto Island, as tho boundary. Polk's party, tho Democratic, coupled "tho reoccupatlon of Oregon" with "tho rcannoxatlon of Texas" and "Flfty-four-Forty or Fight!" becanfo tho campaign cry. Badly Muddled Problem. So Polk, llko Wilson, not only fell holr to a badly muddled Mexican prob lem but was to bo threatened with war with a nation acroBS tho Atlantic. Notes woro oxchanged with Groat Britain, mutual concessions wore mado nnd In 1846 a treaty was drawn defi nitely fixing the prcgon boundary. By a suggostlvo coincidence tho practical abandonment of tho claim for the 54-40 lino was contemporaneous with tho start of tho Moxlcan war. Tho rosolutlon of notlco to London was passed by both houses of congress April 23, 1846, and on tho next day tho first blood was shed In tho contest with tho southern republic. Tho United Stntos had formally an nexed Texas March 3, 184G, tho last day of Tylor's administration. Mox lco had given warning that 8ho would regard such a move as an act of war and diplomatic relations with Wash ington woro sovered at onco. William 8. Parrott. nn Amorlcan dentist living In Moxlco, abandoned tho practlco of his profession long enough to suggest peaco terms, but Moxlco repulsed his advnncos. Par rott was a socrot agent of tho United Statos govornmont. In tho samo year John M. Sltdell, a congressman from Louisiana, was sent to Moxlco city as minister. Ho found a violent factional contost raging, with no ono In authority willing to rocolvo him, bo ho returned to Washington. It wsb this samo Slldoll who years lator whllo going as a confidential commissioner from tho Confedorato govornmont to Franco was solzed aboard tho British merchant ship Trent. In a short tlmo tho United States Burrendorod him and James M. Mason, commUslonor to England, bo causo tho neutral rights of England had boon transgressed, During tho preceding wlntor and aprlng an Amorlcan force commanded by Gen. Zachary Taylor had boon mov ing westward along tho Rio Grande, and lato In March It halted oppoBlto Matamoros nnd orocted flold works. Tho Moxlcan commandor, Gonoral Am pudla. notified Gonoral Taylor on April 12 that ho must break up camp within twenty-four hours nnd rotlro boyomt tho Nueces river; othorwlso "arms SPANISH BEAUTY Mmo. Cundru, wlfo of Joaquin Cua dra. Bocretary of tho Nlcaracunn loKa tlon, and daughter of tho Nlcaraguan secretary of stato, la ono of tho most nuractivo or Washington's diplomatic hostessoa. Her beauty is of pro nouncod Spanish typo. BACK 46 : f- and arms nloni must dcldo tho quea' tlon.' According to Mexico's per- slstont roproflpntailojiB, tho Nuecos was tho western boundary of Texas and tho territory between that rlvor and tho Rio Grando was a part of tho Moxlcan domain. Taylor consequently was regarded an an Invndor. Taylor Acts Promptly. Tho American gonoral did not reply to tho ultimatum. On April 24 the Moxlcan lcador advised him that ho "considered hostilities commenced and should proBecuto them." Almost Im mediately Taylor sent a forco up the RIo Grando to ascertain If Moxlcans had crossed tho river. Thla forco was engaged and forced to surrender. Then tho Amorlcan congress author ized tho president to raise a forco of CO.O0O men "war oxlsted by tho act of Mexico," tho preamble to tho bill set forth and on Mny 13 the two repub lics wore declared to bo nt war. Taylor, advancing southwurd, won victory after victory, tho most notnblo resulting In tho enpturo of Montoroy, Soptembor 24, 1846. That autumn part of his army was taken from him to ro enforco Gen. Winflold Scott, and Santa Anna, commanding tho Moxlcan army, seeing his wenkoned condition, deter mined to annihilate him. Ho pushed northward, and Taylor, with only 5,01)0 men, fell back to tho pass of Angos tura, a narrow dofllo In tho mountains directly In front of Uuena Vista. On tho morning of Washington birthday, 1847, Santa Anna, then within two miles of tho United States troops, Bent a messengor with tho ultimatum; "You aro Burroundcd by 20,000 men and cannot avoid being cut to pieces. I wish to savo you this disaster, and herewith call upon you to surrender " Taylors reply was characteristic In brevity and tono: "I decllno to accede to your request." For tho whole of ono day tho battle raged flercoly. Though outnumbered, tho Americana had tho advantugo of position and of artillery, and their bat terlcB swept tho attacking lines from tho field repeatedly. During tho night tho Moxlcans retreated. Their casual ties had numbered 2,000, whllo tho Americans lost 700 In killed and wounded. Buona VlBta wont a long way toward making Taylor president of tho United States. In March, 1847, Scott landed near Vera Cruz with 12,000 men. In n fow days ho had captured tho castlo and tho town and soon started on tho march to tho capital over the" roads which Cortoz had taken 328 years be fore. Ho occupied Jalapa, Peroto and Puobla In turn and on September 14 entered tho city of Moxlco. Peace Terms Accepted. President Polk had tried repeatedly to bring nbout peace. By tho treaty of Guadalupo Hidalgo Mexico gavo up tho vast territory of Now Moxlco and California. Tho cession to tho United Stntcs added about 1,000,000 square miles of land, with 5,000 miles of sea coast and throe great harbors. Tho United States paid $15,000,000 to Mexico and assumed tho claims of Amorlcan citizens against tho south ern republic. Polk considered tho terms of tho treaty too lenient, but when ho submitted the document to tho senato It was ratified, In overy battle of tho war tho Amor- leans wero successful. Tho United States forceB employed In tho Invasion aggregated about 100,000 men, this number Including 26,290 regulars and 56,926 volunteers. Ono hundred nnd twenty ofllcors and 1,400 men fell In battlo or died from woundB; 100 ofll cors and 10,S0j0 men died of disease Approximately 133,200 Moxlcans took part In tho war and their loss in killed and wounded was about 8,500. Throe mon who fought against Mex lea Taylor, Plerco and Grant bo camo presidents of tho United States. Plerco hnd answered tho call for vol unteers Grant was a young lieutenant In tho rogular army, only a fow years out of West Point. Many of tho great leadors In tho Olvll war owed their pre eminence In skill and stratogy to tho training received Just nftor tholr baptism of flro in Mexico. Jofforson Davis, who boenmo prosldent of tho Confederacy, was colonel at tho head of a regiment of Mississippi Infantry nt Buona Vista, and Sherman, Thomas Bragg and Reynolds woro In charge of butteries. Curious Political Result. Tho contest with Mexico had a curi ous political rosult. For tho first, and only tlmo In Amorlcan history nn ad ministration conducting a war which wan victorious at ovory stop steadily lost ground with tho people of tho country. Tho houso of representa tives which declared war In May 1846, was Democratic by a largo majority. Tho houso olectod In tho following No vember, amid tho shouts of Taylor's victory at Montoroy, had n decided Wh.g mnjorlty. This political revorso has boon as cribed to threo causes tho ennct moni of tho tariff of 1846 (thoro may bo a tariff Ibbuo again this year) which offended somo of tho manufac turing IntoroBtB; tho receding of the administration from tho ground orig inally taken on tho Oregon boundary question, and tho widespread appro honBlon that tho war had boon under taken for tho purposo of extending and perpetuating slavory. It was tho hero of tho war who was olected presldont In 1848. Polk waB riot ovon renominated by tho Demo crats. Llko many mon slnco his tlmo he had pursued an unwlso courso toward tho Democratic organization In Now York and apllt tho party. Lewis Cass was nominated In his stead, only to bo beaten by Taylor In November. Singing: Plenr tlio trnk If your totjn nro tender, Tor Honest Zneh can never surrender, tho Whigs marched to victory. GOOD ROADS PRAISE FOR AMERICAN ROADS Compare Very Favorably With High ways of Many European Countries Much Work In Progress. "Wo Amorlcans nro prono to over oatlmato and sometimes to boast of that which wo have," says J. M. Llnscott, Now England agent for a largo motor car company. -"At least that Is tho accusation mado by our Eu ropean cousins. I sometimes, wonder If It Is Just. I wonder if wo do not more often underestimate our posses sions and our achievements. We really aro n wondorful country, vou know. and with full nllowanco for our short comings, a wonderful neonlo. too Hn I rather think wo aro lustlllnil I n nnmn of our boastfulness. It Ib an attri bute of youth, and evidence nt a cnnH healthy youthful enthusiasm. ApropoB of what?" you aBk. "Well, of roads, for example. "Wo aro accustomed to aavlnir thnf we have tho worst roads In tho world, and to hold up as an oxamplo of model roads' tho centuries-old highways of Europe "I have found In talklne with Amnrl. cans who have toured abroad thai mo3t cf them will glvo as examples of model highways a few main trav eled roads. But nsk them about tho general reads of nny country nnd thov will either toll you they do not know, or it perchanco ono hna happened to lose his way and cot on to mm nt tho byways, ho will admit that thoy aro nhout ob bad as has over been soon In Michigan or Nebraska. "Your traveled American will ex patiate at great length on tho wonder ful roads of France. And they aro wonderful. That is to say, somo of them are. At that tho total mllengo of renlly good roads In that country 1b much less than most people Imag ine. Wo Journeyed ovor cobblestono roads that would shako your teeth looso and that in romantic Nor mandy, too. "Tho roads in tho British Isles aro excellent, but after all New England has more, and they aro Just as good, desplto tho climatic conditions that favor tho former. Tho Rhine routo In Germany Is all that haa been claimed for it, but wo have our roads up tho Hudson to match it and who shall say whether tho scenery on tho Rhine or tho Hudson Is moro beautiful, since both aro mugnlflcont boyond descrip tion? "Tho Toxas road Is mado of crushed sea shells, which mako a perfect sur face, whllo tho Italian road Is com posed of powdered marblo from tho Good Road In England. great quarries of Carrara, Anyone who has traveled ovor this woll knows ho will not return that way becauso Its beauty la deceptlvo. Tho gritty par ticles of marblo will cut tho tread off a Bet of tires In ono trip. 'I wondor how many peoplo realize tho Influenco of climate on roads? I wondor how many of thoao who ravo ovor tho fact that tho Applan Way is still in tolerable condition after moro than two thousand years, havo stopped to consldor how long that Bamo high way would last lu Michigan, for ox amplo? Tho altcrnato freezing and thawing and heaving would disinte grate and causo It to wear away Just aa fast as thoy do our own macadam and cement construction. "How many of thoao appreclato how much road-bulldlng la going on not only in tholr own immediate neighbor hood but throughout this country. "How many know that Michigan will build 800 mllea of wonderfully good roads; that Indiana will build fully 600 miles of roads, and she already has 1,000 miles of excellent hlghwaya, which sho is keeping In tho pink of condition. Ohio will build fully 140 miles of roads. Somo of tho eastern Atlantic Btatoa Massachusetts, Mulno, Now York, Pennsylvania have thou sands of miles of roads that aro as flno as nnythlng thnt lies undor the sun. And these stntos aro building moro nil tho tlmo." Concrete Road Costly. It costs about $13,000 to build a mile of good concrete road. This mukes a road ovorlastlng, without dust, vory fow repairs, and good in all kinds or woathor. Stone Houses Are Cheap. Stono houses last much longer than wood, requlro no paint, therefore aro much cheaper In tho ond. Who Is Responsible? Who is responsible for tho bad con lltlon of tho roads? ASHING 1 V1 Plan Aerial Mail Service for Isolated Points- WASHINGTON. Aerial mall scrvico to Isolated points In Alaska and Massachusetts Is contemplated by tho post office department Bids wero nsked tor scrvico on eight routes, seven of them in Alaka. October 1 la named as tho dato for their starting. THE hail mm. nnnounced, a gradual expansion will follow tho other routes whero transportation is Blow nnd inadequate Tho Massachusetts routd is from Now Bedford to Nantucket, 56 miles nnd roturn, partly by land and partly by water. Trips would bo made 13 timcs a week during tho summer months and six tlmcB In tho wlntor. An aoroplano would havo to bo able to carry a weight limit of 3,000 pounds. The present cost of tho scrvico is $23,000 a year. Tho Alaska routo forms a connecting link from Sownrd to Nome, thenco to Fairbanks and back to Valdcz. Most of them call for a service twice a. week throughout tho year. On some of tho routes tho cost Is as high as $100,000 a year, and in winter bIx weeks la required to mako tho trip. The aeroplane contracts allow two days for most or the trlpa. Tho longest routo, Valdoz to Fairbanks, is 358 miles. Tho extreme tlmo limit of six wcoka on, some of tho routes la required becnuao mall Eomotlmea hoB to bo routed via Seattle. Postmaster General Burleson haa been assured, It was said, that capital already is considering bids and that estimates are bolng made Is Washington a City of Snobs and Snubs? THIS is essentially tho city of tho social practitioner, of tho climber, ot snobs and of snubs. Everybody 1b trying, by hook or crook, to bettor his poclal position, which is as pralaoworthy aa an effort to better hlmaelf finan cial!" or phyalcally. And yet tho climber 1b always a Joke A woman whoso husband has n Bubcablnot Job in tho presont admin istration and who takes herself very Beriously in conaequence, called up an old realdent tho other day with a "Good morning, Mrs. Jones. How can I get people llko tho Danvora to como to my parties?" Tho resident lady grinned a huge grin Into tho telephone. "Why, I'm suro I don t know. If you aren't acquainted with Mrs. Danvers and Bho doesn't make any overtures to you, I don't beliovo it would be possible to get her to como to your parties." The near cabinet woman uttored an exclamation of diagust. "I'd llko to know what's tho good of tho position wo'vo acquired in Waahlngton if I can't work It to get in with tho kind of peoplo I want." A nowly rich woman In town with a whole fleet of motor care and no need of a nervo tonic breaka Into many of tho smartest homes by a ayatem jntlrely her own. Sho finds out when a motorleas friend, of assured social position, however, is inyltcd to a swagger reception or ball, to which aho herself has received nc card. Sho coos softly ovor tho 'telephone: "My dear Mrs. Jenkins, if you are going to tho British embassy tonight won't you glvo mo tho pleasuro of going with mo In my car? 111 call for you at ten." Tho motorless matron generally falla into tho trap, all unsuspicious that sho Is making herself socially responsible for an arch schemer who haa no entree. Excuses and Honeyed Words Fall on Deaf Ears HEREAFTER It will bo a caso of "Show Mo" when society folk return from tho fashion centers of Europe with trunks packed with all aorta of the latest creations and Jewels and laces and othor things, and when thoy face tho customs houso ofllcora in Now HOHESTA IrlAvF tlOTWrtC op tion8. Every means will bo uaed to put a stop for all tlmo to practices par tlcularly indulged in by wealthy Society peoplo to smuggle, or at least to bring In articles on a much lower than tholr true valuation. Tho treasury department offlciala hero and In Now York havo arrived at thla decision na a result of tho caso of Mra. Whltnoy "Warre'n of Now York, tho wlfo of ono oi! America's moat noted architects, who ia charged by cua toms officials with bringing in dutiable articles undor "gross undervalua tlons," and whoso case is bolng investigated by tho New York fedoral grand Jury. Whether an indictment against Mra. Warren will bo found or not, Federal Attorney H. Snowden Marshal of Now York has been requested by the Wash ington authorities to institute civil BUlt agulnst Mrs. Warron for tho for felturo of tho alleged undervalued goods and for tho collection from her oi nil penalties domanded by law. Tho department of Justlco and the treas ury department, aro pushing tho caso vigorously and it la expected that the investigation will bo completed In a short tlmo. Catch Question Baffles THE office of Col. William. A. Kroll, hunting ground for "copy" nnd, for hound nosing nround. This wns tho approached tho counter and asked for two liconsos, naming n different min ister in each lfccnso to porform tho ceremony. With tho departure of tho bride and brldegroom-to-bo, tho ro portor walked ovor to tako a look at tho book. It Is a common occur rence for persons desiring to bo mar ried to havo two ceremonies per formed, but tho nowspapcr man deter mined to havo somo fun with tho colo nel. "Hoy, colonel, you'vo mado a mis take," ho said. "Horo aro two licenses, calling for two marriage ccremonloa, for tho same couplo. In each case you have tho llcenso issued to tho Bame oorsons." "What's tho matter with that?" It wna explained that, no matter which ceromony waB performed first when tho second ceremony waa to be porformed, the persons married would havo boon married onco already, and that, thoroforo, the record of tho license Issued for tho Bocond ceromony was incorrect, in that it stated that both ol tho contracting parties had never beon married before and that thoy were Miss and Mr. , whore as tho record should havo read Mr. and Mrs. . Tho colonel Is still wondering whether or not ho mado a mistake. Othore at tho city hall havo taken up tho question, and as thoy nro hopelessly divided over tho facts In tho caso It Is posslblo Chief Justlco Covington mny be asked, hi ono of his fow spare moments, to settlo tho argument. MtOSSIP Tho routes will bo established, tho department announced, as much to stimulate development of aviation becauso of Its relation to military pre paredness as to improve tho malt service Tho department bolloves that efforts already begun to financo an aerial patrol of tho Atlantic coast Indicate ready capital will bo found, for tho mall service undertakings. If tho service Is successful, It is- GOIH'TO THAT RKEPnoH EVEN IF DIDN T GET ( AM INVITE ) BY CUM J York and other ports. Excuses, hon eyed words and othor means of ullay lug tho cu8toms nppralacrs' doubts ne to true valuatlona of artlcloa subject to import duties, will fall on .deaf ears after thla. . It Ib tho Intention of tho treas ury department authorities to acru tinizo cloaely ovory trunk and parcel, no mntter how high in the soclaT Bcalo their owners may bo, In order to provont smuggling and undervalua the License Dispenser marriage Uconso clerk, Ib n fnvorltf this roason, thero generally is n nows enso the other day when a coupW 4w