Don't Worry About Tne Styles For Spring See PRINTZESS And You'll Know The Styles Are Right v4 K. Many weeks ago we started getting information on the style that would be most popular this Spring. From every source o advance information we gathered hints of what would be worn. Then we interviewed representatives of many of the largest manufacturers in this country, we looked over the style they had developed selected offer you the very cream of the season s showing. And so we say "Don t worry about the styles for Spring." Just step into our garment section, look around pick as your fancy dictates, and you can be sure, whichever you select you are choosing wisely. E. T. TRAMP & SONS: DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist X Offi ce over the McDonald State Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Alma Morrill left for Fremont yesterday to resume her studies at the Fremont Normal. Co. Supt. Gantt is spending a few days In Sutherland in the Interests of the schools in that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eyerley have re turned from Hershey where they visit ed relatives for several days. The infant child of Mr and Mrs. Wm. "Welsberger which was born yesterday morning, died shortly after birth. For Sale Seed oats, seed corn and spring wheat seed. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. Robert Ernest Rowland, of this city, and Mrs. Clara R. Rumsey were mar ried Saturday afternoon by County Judge French. Rev Patrick McDafd left Sunday ev ening for Omaha to spend several, days on business pertaining to the now Catholic school building, i GottTOan'sIIand-Mado Cigar. Gc. 14-tf Mrs. Ralpli Garman will leave to day for Omaha and later go to Mal vern, la., to visit relatlves.'Sho will bo accompanied homo by her mother. Mrs. Norman Wilson will leave shortly for Norwalk, Ohio, whoro she will Join her husband who has been employed there for several weeks. For Sale New bungalow, 603 west Eighth street 22-2 Clarence F. Drake of Maxwell and Miss Agnes G. Golden of Gothenburg, wore married In this city yesterday morning by County Judge French. Wanted Ladies to board and room Thono Red 4G2, or call at 403 south Vine. , 20-4 A baby girl was born Sunday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vincoll of Hershey, at tho homo or Mrs. Vincoll's mother, Mrs. L. L. Gray. Cltv Pronortv to Trade for Farm Land. Address nostofflco box G17. tf Contractor Gcorgo Wlnslow who had been employed at Goring for several weeks, returned here tho later part of last week to remain until Thursuny morning. "Wamtstmmr mm 9 - some from one, some from another, until now we can J Miss Cre DIener will leave today for Kansas City and cities of Ohio to spend several weeks. John Herrod left Saturday evening for Columbus to visit his brother Jos. Herrod and family. Mrs. L. Oman, of Marysville, Mo., ar rived here a few days ago to visit her son for a rweek or longer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and fam ily have gono to their homestead in Wyoming to, spend the summer. Mrs.- B. A. Ella- and children left Saturday evening for Chicago to visit with her father for several 'weeks. Mrs. Anna Hockenbergerand daugh ter, of Denver, who wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Day, have gone home. II. & M. spread more, cover better and last' longer. NYAL DRUG STORE. The Lady Maccabees will bo enter tained at a kensington at tho home of Mrs. Cy Russell tomorrow afternoon. James W. Martin, of Sutherland, spent the week end here, visiting with friends and attending tho Bryan meet ings. Miss Gladys Fostor returned to the Kearney Normal Sunday evening after visiting for several days with local friends Merrill Cross has accepted the posi tion in District Foreman McGraw'b office, formerly held by Raymond TJghe. Mrs. Perry Sawyer left Saturday ev ening for Denver to Join Mr. Sawyer who has been taking treatment there for some time. W. C. Dolan, of Mawoll, democratic candidate for tho nomination for clerk of the district court, spent several days horo this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen left yes terday for Omuha. They had been vis iting at tho Fltzpatrlck homo while enroute from a trip to California. Mr .and Mrs. Stove Baldwin will go to Kansas City this week to attend the graduation of their son Frank who has been attending a veterinarian school. On account of tho epidemic of con tagious disoases which is spreading among tho children of this city, nn or dor was issued by tho city physician Saturday to keep tho children away from churches and public gatherings until the spread of the diseases arc r he e ked. tr .ii ii 1 1 mK'mw Fred Duncan left at noon yestor day for Cozad to spend a few days on business. Mrs. M. M., Young, of Danberry, vis lted her daughter Mrs. R. R. Oman this, week and left last evening. Mrs. C. W. Rodgers ad J. R. Young, of Danberry,' who were guests of their sister Mrs. Otaar, left a few days ago. Tho ladles' auxllary of the Spanish Wnr Veterans will meet in their hall In tho First Notional bank building this alcternoon. ' Henry Richmond, campaign manager for Keith Neville, is enjoying a visit from his little daughter who came from Omaha; Sunday morning. Phone 8 for drugs. Open from 7 n. m. to 12 p. m. , '. NYAL DRUG STORE. f Leo A Daly, architect, of Omaliu, spent the week end hero on business connected with tho hew Catholic school building bids' which wore open ed Saturday.- Rayimond 'Tigho who had been em ployed as stenographer In District Foreman McGraw's offlco for several years resigned afow days ago and luis taken a similar position in tho Platte Valley bank For Salto Good second hand five passenger Ford car. Inquire at Wilcox Department storo. Tho How'o & Maloncy Furniture Co. have offered a prize of five dollars and a second prize of two dollars and a half to the, school boys of Lincoln county iwho will build tho best bird houses. Thcso houses will bo exhibited nt the county fair in tho fall and thp prizes awarded by a number of Judges. Tho suggestion for this work was made by Mrs. Hugh McComb of tho Experi mental Station, who 'states that birds aro of such h value, especially to tho farmers, that they should bo properly cared for. '. Threo freight cars wero damaged Saturday ovenlng In a wreck in the east end of the Union Pacific yards when they wore struck by train No. 9 shortly aftor sevon o'clock. Tho wreck Is supposed to havo ben caused by nn open switch which threiw the onglne of tho mall train off tho main lino striking tho cars on a sldo track. En glncor W. S. Dolson and his flremnn escaped without Injury. Tho contents tho freight cars consisted of railroad tlos nnd automobile supplies and they were scattered on the tracks. Tho wreckage was cleared away In a short time, Ki'ijulatlon Adopted by the Hoard of Health of the City of North Platte, April 51, 101C. AIL persons of tho age of sixteen yeurs and under are hereby prohibited from attending school, picture shows and other public gathortngs by reason of th epidemic of scarlet fever now ex isting in tho city until further order of this board and It is hereby made un lawful for any such person to ho at tend tiny of said gatherings or any in door, meetings and it is further made unlawful for any porson In authority to permit with tholr knowledge, any person of tho uge of sixteen years or under to nttend nny such public gath erings and nny pcrgon or persons so offending shall be subject to a flno not to exceed $50.00 nnd shall bo subject to Imprisonment until such flno nnd costs of prosecution are paid. Dourd of Health of the City of North Platte, E. H. Evans, Mayor, J H. Stone, Pros. City Council, V. Lucas, City Physlclnn. II. L. linker, Chief of Police. HIds Opened Saturday. Tho bids for tho construction of the now Catholic school building wero opened by tho building committeo Sat urday afternoon and ranged In prices from $25,G00 to ?30.000. Eight con tractors placed tholr bids boforo the committeo and a definite decision has not yot been made. Tho contracts for tho plumbing ranged front $5,200 td $C,G00 and tho wiring from $570.00 to $S00. The contracts will be let at the noxt 'meeting whlcli will bo held this week, Music In Shal'.ospenre'a TJme. Shakespeare's time was nn age of music. "Catches" wero sung by gen tles us well as by weavers and tinkers. Lute, cithern or virginals wero In ev ery barber's shop for tho diversion of customers. Thomas Morloy may bo using tho blessed argument of a music teacher when he tells us that a gentleman was counted but a boor If he could not play the lute or sing a part In n mndrlgul, but there Is no get ting over the craggy fact that over eighty collections of madrigals, ayrcs nail songs were printed anil published between 15S7 nnd 1C30, In addition to which vast collections of early music still remain in manuscript. With an aristocracy fond of music and accus tomed to play and listen to music nnd song, music In tho theater was almost as inevitable ih England us In Italy, says the London Musical Record. It was considered n manly accomplish ment to play tho hunting horn. Every gentleman who kept hounds could wind It. A punctilious etiquette fixed tho correct set of notes for each operation of tho chase. Usually n play bad at least ono song. Fish Exhibit Emotions. , Wo aro accustomed to think Hint only wo humans become pallid with fear or agitated with Joy, but some ex periments with perch In tho artificial pond show that when their repose is suddenly disturbed by tupping on tho I glass the fish visibly tremble, and the bars which aro characteristic of this species actually disappear for tho time being, only to reappear when tho dls turbance Is removed and tho cnunnlm Ity of tho fish is restored. Sometimes a plko that Is rapidly ad vancing on his prey becomes suspicious nbout tho lattcr's character. The pur sucr will suddenly stop In nn attitude of doubt, his back will arch, nnd ho will remain suspended . ns though studying tho cnuRo of his suspicions Only when ho Is thoroughly reassured does ho become rigid, to ndvanco to tho final attack; if his suspicion Is not ul lnyed ho drops to tho bottom of the pond or swims off in disappointment Popular Science Monthly. Success. "One night nt Lady Jeune's liouso Joseph Chamberlain said to me that ho believed any man of even moderate endowment could attain nny given aim which he set before him with unre mitting effort and 'enduring to tho end.' To my question, 'Why, then, do so many men fall short of their ambi tions?' ho answered: 'They come to tho pluco where they turn back. They may havo killed the dragon nt tho first bridge nnd at tho second, pcrhtfpa even nt the third. But tho dragons nro al ways moro formidable tho farther wo go. Many turn back disheartened, and very few will meet tho monsters to tho end. Almost none Is willing to hnvo a try with tho demon nt tho last bridge, but If ho does ho has won for ever.' "Princess LnznrovJch in Cen tury. Telephone Your Grocery orders to32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. Notice to Water Consumers. Water will be shut off from tho whole city either Tuesday night or Wednosday flight April 4th or 3th. from about 12 p. m. lintil about 3 or 4 u. in. so that valves may bo ropnlrod ready for paving. Consumers desiring water had bettor take out sufficient for tholr needs boforo 11:30 p. m. onch night. Hospitals, hotels, icstaurnuts and rooming housos will be notified by telophono nhout one-half hour be fore shutting off ho water. Bills for wator for the months of January, February and March aro ui.v ready and If paid boforo April 10h, 191C, a discount of 1 cont por thous and gallons will bo given. HERSHEY S. WELCH, Vitor Commissioner. ::o:: Volctla PushmnflXor Molroso, who la visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I. Smith fell from tho porch steps nnd broke her left ivni. We Have Now Opened Our Soda Dept. With Mr. Harry Ccvas, an expert in this line, in charge. Our entire equipment is new and of the latest type, and sanitary conditions prevail through out, first, last and always. Our list of wholesome and delicious refreshments is endless, the follow ing heing a few of the imny tempting delights we have to offer: Sundaes; with or without Nuts All Kinds of Fancy Drinks and Lemonades FANCY SUNDAES Lovers' Delight, Nyal Special, Happy Thought, Merry Widow, Chqp Suey, Buffalo, Maraschino, American Beauty, Club House, Sweet Heart, Banana Split, !3 Fruited Nut, Elk Special, Fruit Nut Special Ice Cream Soda, All Flavors Drink Liggett Brand Grape Juice. FRAPPES Mint, Orange, Ghocolote, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Lemon, Fruit. Egg Drinks. Try one of our Box Candies. NYAL DRUG STORE McCabe Hotel Building mm .wW' Die Ik V,SJf Wm miwh "f AJ!i PAD" For One and All Slip it on in a minute and you arc ready for any kind of work with no I chance to dirty your clothes. Just Uie thing when the fire gcc3 out unexpect edly or to take out ashes and a hundred and one duties required about the house. nru,. r ah Men's $2.00 W . i. Youlbo' S1.50 m Puut Union Made to wear long and satisfactorily. Sil l Hi v7 strongly sewed with triple seams and carefully finished. Get One and Save Your Clothes Just the thinrc for children's piny suits. Comes in khaki or blue, in sires for men and boys. Mmie uy II. D. LEE MERCANTILE CO. Gateway Station, Kansas City Sold by WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE Two Boon Lierk-Sandall Co. THE NURSE BROWN 1008 West Fourth Street. Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. 3IltS. MAHGAHET HALL, Supt. 1)H. J. S. VWimV, Physician anil Surgeon. Miss Lctn Maupln. of Omaha, camo Saturday cvonliig to visit her father for some time. ::o::- For Sale ('.heap. . Block 53 2.G0 ncrcs between oast 2d and 3d Sts., on easy torms or will tnko first payment In good second nu to or truck. 11. F. Wllcoxon, Alcott Sta tion, Donvor, Colo. 22-2 .Notice of Petition. Estate Noifl404 of Wnltor Stowart, deceased, In tho county court of Lin coln county, Nobrnskn. Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons interested In said Estato take notice that a petition hns been filed for tho probate of tho last will and testament of Walter Stowart, de ceased, and for tho appointment ot Mlnta B. Stowart as Executor of said will, which has been sot for hcnrlng horoln on April 28, 191C, nt 9 o'cloc.t a. m. Dated April 3, 191G. GEO. E. FRENCH, 23-3w County Judge. -HillI i t 5 i IKe U buit Plenty of pockets for convenience, Companions arc Cow 11 rand flour and good bread. If you employ tho first you aro always Hiiro of tho sec )iid. Tliey go together oven when accompanied by only moderate linking' skill. Order w suck of Cow Ilrnnd flour from your - k ti ti tii. 'it. grocer, joiri mix it wnn oiucr flours. Giro tlio Cow Ilrnnd u clianco to show wluit It can do Jiy Itself. ' MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Phone 110 rT7r?7 I me ci ri .Turn nminiimra 111111)1115; III unwind I V) '11 I,J I J