The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1916, Image 2

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America Shipping More Munitions
Than Ever Before.
All Records Broken During 1015, Ac
cording to Statistics of Port of
New York Value of Ship
ments Increases.
Now York. ExportB of gunpowder
and other explosives reached record-
breaking proportion!) during 1915 and
particularly during tlio last month of
tlio year, when In this period alono
they oxcoeded In volurao and valuo
more than trio total of tlio entire
twclvo months of the- preceding year,
The total shipments In 1915 wero 83,
884,703 pounds of dynamlto, according
to n Htatomcnt Issued by Dow, Jones &
Co. The total vnluo of 1915 shipments
of gunpowder was $06,346,770, against
$289,983 In 1914. Tho avorago price
per pound was 79 cents in 1915, against
33 cents In tho preceding year. The
greatest deliveries wero in November
and Dcccmbor exports wns $20,201,180,
and that of tho November exports $16,
730,384, which was nearly three times
tho money valuo of tho October ship
I incuts.
A compilation by the foreign trado
department of tho National City bank
Girl In a French village near tho war front teaching her younger sister of Now York bIiowb that tho
oxports from tho port of Now York
thus far avorago about $55,000,000 per
week against $38,000,000 per wook in
February and $51,0,00,000 por week in
Dcccmbor and January. This 1b the
moro romarkablo In view of tho fact
that tho difficulties of obtaining vessel
spaco on tho Atlantic have led certain
exporters of merchandlso to tho
Orient to send tholr goods by rail
across tho continent, and thenco by
vessel across tho Pacific. These rail
shipments, whllo Intended for export,
nro no longer included in tho export
statomonts of tho port of Now York.
Novortholess, tho total oxports from
tho port of Now York for tho llrst
weok of March wero $57,500,000, and
thoso of tho second weok, whllo slight
ly loss, will probably bring tho aver
ago for tho first half of tho month up
toabout $55,000,000 por week, or fully
40 por cent moro than tho weekly av
orago of February, and considerably
moro than that bf December und Jan-
iow to use tho gas mask when tho signal is given that poison gas is being
Responsible for
Things on Menu.
tho chlof articlo of diet, and tho West
erner, who at first finds it nauseating,
comos to form a strong attachment
for this drink.
"In Syria, Mesopotamia and in Pal-
cstino and South Africa, tlio locust
often graces tho tablo In a roasted
condition, and those who havo eaten it
pronounco its meat full of tho most
acceptable flavor."
Potato Flour Bread and Artificial Pro
tein Join Soup Cubes and Pudding
Powder Frenchmen Are
Fond of Snails.
Washington. War stringencies havo
called forth a number of unusual
foods, among them a bread mado
largely of potato Hour, artificial pro
tein cakes, greon bono meal prepara
tions, together with Innumerable
foods manufactured in tho laboratory
In tabloid form. So soup cubes, pud
ding powdors, meat essences and vege
table oxtracts always moro or loss
promlnont In tho kitchen of tho Euro
pean housowlfo havo, according to
roports from tho bolllgorent countries,
rccolvod a tromendouB stimulus
through tho war.
War may creato scarcity of tho art!-
cIob ou a community's accepted menu
and yet, thoro may bo plenty of food
about for thoso who eat it. For ox
ample, thoro may bo an abundanco of
snalla and grasshoppors on hand
whllo a peoplo, thoughtless of thoso
dollcaclos, starvo for moat. Showing
somowhat of tho rango of foodstuffs,
whon wo consider tho world by and
largo, a bulletin Just glvon out by tho
National Geographic socioty at Wash
lngton enumerates a fow of tho froak
foods In other countrlos. It reads:
"Thoro la no accounting for tho
freaks of human appotites. Tho Rooso-
volt story of how ho got tho best
work out of tho mon with sharp-filed
tooth by promising them tho choicest
bits of raw hippopotamus and rhl
iiocoroo Btoak for speed In skinning
will bo recalled by many who read
tho articles in tho magazines at tho
timo of his African expedition.
"Capt. Robort H. artlott, command
qr of tho Karluk, which carrlod Stof-
ansson to Arctic waters, oayB that, on
his return from Herald Island to
northorn Siberia, hb found raw polar
pear moat tasting bettor than any
ploco do roslstanco ho had over oaten
in tho homo country.
"Tho Fronchman likes his onnlls
and wondors how anyone who accopts
oystors can rofuso them.
"In Canton, Chlnn, rats sell for CO
cents a dozen, and a dog steak brings
moro por pound than a leg of mut
"Tho Chlneso mandarin pays $30
a pound for birds' nests from which
his soup is concocted.
"In parts of tho Wost Indies tho
palm worm Is Btowed In fat.
"Cortaln African trlbos aro as fond
of caterpillars aB an American Is of
rood birds on toast.
"Tho TurkB aro as disgusted with
oyatorB as wo aro with tho fish tho
Corslcan relishes.
"Bating earth, or goophagy, Is a
common thing In many parts of tho
world. In Bomo parts of Kuropo a
butter is mado of lino clay, and in
other rogionB various kinds of earth
aro sold In tho open market. Tho
Persians ubo somo vnrloty of soil in
making tholr Bwootmoats.
"In Moxlco tho oggs of certain spo
clos of files aro used by tho Indians
in making food paBto, which Is re
garded as a great dollcacy.
"Somo of tho Arctlo tribes allow
tholr fish to docompose, when it bo
comes to them tho samo Bavory doll
cacy that llmburgor or harzar chooso
1b to ub, whllo, In point of truo fra
grance, tho palm romalns to tho IIbU
"Tho Arabs, and many other of tho
near-eastern peoples, preparo tholr
broad In shoots almost aB thin as tta
nuo paper and find thoso crisp, taste
less things pleasing.
"In Central America, whoro croep
tng things aro rogardod as clean and
reasonable, tho lizard, tho Iguana,
forms a cholco articlo of food.
"Among tho tribes of southern Rub
la marks' milk, soured Into an acrid,
strong-tasting boverago, constitutes
Fowls Relish Beets and Turnips as
Substitutes for Green Food
Better to Feed Raw.
Turnips and beets aro good green
food substitutes, and fowls relish
them. Thby can bo fed by cutting In
half and allowing tho fowls to pick
them to pieces, or they can bo ground
flno In a bono cutter and fed In
troughs. It Is better to feed them
raw than cooked.
Turnips contain 90.6 per cent water,
0.8 por cent nsh, 1.3 por cent protein,
1.2 por cent fiber, 5.9 por cent nitrogen.
Sugar beets contain 26.7 per cont
water, 9.2 por cen. nsh, 1.5 por cent
fiber, 9.9 por cent nitrogen free ex
tract, and 0.1 per cent fat.
Turnip seed may bo sown either
very early In spring and an early sum
mer crop socurcd, or later In July and
August for winter storing. For early
uso plant In rows ono to ono and ono-
half Inches deop and twclvo to eigh
teen Inches apart In tho row.
In flold culturo tho rows aro often
thirty inches apart to facllltato horse
cultivation. Tho seed ia sometimes
sown broadcast from July 20 to Au
gust 1, when a crop Is grown for
stock. Two to threo pounds of seed
aro required for an acre.
Deots aro usually sown tho latter
part of April or first part of May.
About tho samo treatment in planting
is given tho boot as Is given tho
Construction Work on Pennsylvania
Railroad Makes Place a Winter
Resort for Hobos.
Heaver Falls, Pa. Tho Pennsylvania
Ratlroad company has been making a
1111 of tho Beaver river botweon Now
Brighton and Itochestor with tho In
tention of chanelni: Its main lino be
tween tho two points to ellmlnato a im.r,'
long curvo. Tho fill requlroa hun
drcdB of carloads of clndors, Which aro
loaded Into tHo cars whllo red hot.
Whon unloaded they rotaln tholr heat
for days.
War matorial, foodstuffB and horses
continuo tho chief articles in tho
growing oxports.
Tho announcement that Portugal is
to bo Included 1 1 tho list of nations at
war lends Interest to a statement com-
Thin lina mrwln Min nlnpr, n wlntnr
resort for hobos. At all hours tho Pc' byKV? 'or?,B trtt enartIDCnt
nnHrn nmhnnkmnnt n mlln nr mnro f tllO National City bank Of NOW
Difficult Problem on Account of Old
Hens Eating Most of Feed Runs
Are In Favor.
It is often hard to feed littlo chicks
on account of tho old hens eating most
of tho feed. To prevent this I mako
a feeding creep for tho special uso of
tho littlo chicks, writes Owen Crlsman
of Russell, Kan., in Farmers' Mall and
Breezo. To mako ono of these runs
tako six pieces of 2 by 2-Inch lumber,
2 foot long, and saw ono end of each to
bevel. Nail two of them with tho
beveled ends firmly together. Nail tho
rest up in tho samo way. Whon fin
ished thoy look llko threo V's upsldo
down. Placo tho pieces nailed to-
--n disun im, v: mm ,r rui
In length, swarms with a hoterogo
neous crowd of old and young men,
who oat, drink, mako morry and sloop,
On tho hot cinders tho tramps
mako coffeo and cook tho fruits of for
aging parties. When Bloopy thoy
York on tho commerce of that country
and Its trado relations with tho United
States. While Portugal is compara
tively a small country it has 6,000,000
peoplo, or practically as many as all
of tho Now England states. It is quite
scoon out a bed in tho warm nshnq. densely populated, despite Its moun
and after cnrofullv romovinir tim tainous area, tho average number of
Creep for Little Chicks.
gethor 2 feet npart and nail lath 4
foot long on theso pieces about an Inch
United States Saves Thousands by Close Buying
WASHINGTON. Tho United States is paying so much less for tho things
it buys than private Individuals or business houses that many people aro
beginning to mquiro why the concerns furnishing tho commodities in question.
cannot reduce commercial prices and
still mako money.
Among tho Interesting compare
Bons Bhown in tho records of tho gen
eral supply commlttoo, under tho con
tracts of which organization g07orn
mont purchasing ngentB hero mako
purchases, is that of tho prlco of gas
oline. Theso records show that tho.
government Just before tho closo of
tho last fiscal year was paying 11
cents a gallon, whllo 23 cents wbb tho
nrico In tho open market. Carbon
paper, which tho government buys at a contract prlco of 29 2-5 cents, 1b sell
ing now in tho open market at 75 cents a hundred sheets. This means that;
tho Eovornmont will effect a saving of $15,975 If it purchases 35,500 boxes, tho
estimated consumption for tho current fiscal year.
Typewriter ribbons aro $4.50 a dozen In open market now, ngalnBt tho
contract prlco of $2.50. Tho saving hero on 60,000 ribbons, tho estimated
requirement for tho year, will bo $8,300.
On rubber bands tho market prlco is now $1.50 a pound. Tho contract
of tho general supply committee is $1. Tho saving on 14,684 pounds will bo
Thoro will bo a saving of $5,000 on mucllago If tho government uses l,160i
dozen quarts, ns estimated. If 2,142 dozen huck towels are used, tho saving!
will bo $1,049. Purchases of disinfectant, if up to tho estimate of 12,027 kilos,
will savo $2,456; purchases of 4,100 pounds of glycerin will moan an economy!
of $1,357.
Tho government buys so closely that in a purchase of 21 adding machines'
nlono $1,303 vas saved, whllo $1,162 was saved In tho cost of 5,400 pounds of;
gluo and $5,050 in 555 letter-sizo filing sections. Another largo Baving was
$6,330 In tho prlco of 694 desks.
Graphophone Puts Ginger Into Sleepy Barbers
A MAN who conducts a barber shop in tho downtown section and employs,
ton dusky men to attend to tho wants of his customers, recently diBcov-
ored that on dark, rainy days, when business was light, his trusty razor wlold-
era wero afflicted with sleeping sick
ness and wero wont to sink down be-
sido their chairs and snatch a wink
Ho thought of a brilliant schemo
to rouso his small army from their
apathy and, hastening to a music
Btoro, purchasod a largo graphophone
and a bunch of records. When tho
machlno arrived at tho shop It was
surrounded by brush wielders and hair
cutters and before long tho strains of
"Robert B. Lee" and other ragtime
tunos emanated from tho instrument. Tho effect upon tho force was as
romarkablo as it was instantaneous. Barbers rushed back and forth from
chair to wash basin with lively stops, cut capers around tho barber's chair
as thoy shaved customers and otherwise displayed a surplus amount of
energy which had long lain dormant.
Recently tho young Southerner In charge of tho bootblack department
adopted a regular program for the day, beginning with "Dixie," when tho
sleepy barbers arrlvo in the weo small hours of tho morning and ending with
tho "Star-Spangled Banner," when tho hands of the clock denote that closing
time haB arrived at night.
When a man asked tho ragtime, expert what tuno ho would play If ho was
tipped a quarter, that worthy placed a record on the machine and soon wero
heard tho bold strains of "There'll Be a Hot Timo in tho Old Town Tonight"
cllnkors burrow down in tho yiolding Parsons per square milo being 168 or apart Put tho bottom lath 3 inches Cn DaVIS Decided He Would Not Take a ChaflOe
mass and sleop In comparative com
fort on the coldest nights, with only
their heads vislblo
nearly four" times that of tho United
Its foreign commerco amounts to
approximately $150,000,000 per annum,
having moro than doubled in tho pust
twenty years, and Increased about 50
nor cont in tho last decado. Its Im
ports nro considerably moro than
doublo its exports, tho total Imports of
1913 having been $9C,000.000 In valuo,
and its oxports but $38,000,000. Tho
principal Imports nro coal, cotton,
wool, raw silk, hides, wheat, BUgar and
manufactures, especially of Iron and
stool. Tho principal oxports aro wine,
cocoa, sardines and cork.
from tho ground so tho chicks can slip
under to got tho feed. When through
using tho runs thoy may bo set away
for another season. By doing this
thoy will last sovoral years. Thoy savo
both timo and feed in raising chicks.
Came From Ruins In Egypt, But
Kept In Texas In Hermetically
' Sealed Jar.
Dallas, Tex. Whon tho lato John
Cardwoll of Austin was Unitod States
consul at Cairo, Egypt, ho sent to his
old friend, Col. P. P. Holland of Dal
las, a small quantity of wheat that ho
had taken from tho tomb of ono of tho
ancient kings In nowly-oxplorcd ruins
upon tho banks of tho Nile
This wheat was known to bo moro
than four thousand years old. Tho
glass container which holds tho grain
Ib hermetically scaled. To all out
ward uppoaranccB tho wheat 1b Just as
sound as tho day it wns flayed from
tho head In tho long ago, whon tho
earth was Inhabited by a civilization
While Outside Weather Conditions!.
Are Unfavorable Youngsters Are
Brooded in Poultry House.
ChickenB hatched by tho mother hen
during tho winter aro brooded in a
poultry house or shod whllo tho out-
sldo wcathor conditions aro unfavor
After tho weather becomes settled,
thoy can bo reared In brood coops out
of doors.
Tho coops nro mado bo that they
can be closod at .night to keep out
cats, rata or other animals, and enough
ventilation is allowed so that tho hen
and chicks will havo plenty of fresh
r .
Select One Breed and Stick to It-
Fowls Should Be Fed Frequent
lyKeep tho Coops Dry.
Don't keep two or threo different
kinds of ducks. Chooso ono variety
and breed for quality.
Don't try, by mixing It with tholr
'ILLiIS J. DAVIS, who Is tho clerk to tho house committee on interstate
and foreign commerco, did somo traveling in Florida some time ago. Ho
happened to bo ono of a largo party In which there was a preponderance of
women. Ono of tho stops on tho tour
was In a hotel far from tho beaten
path. This mattor of isolation evi
dently accounted for tho fact that
thoro was but ono bathroom in the
entire hostelry, and it was a rathor
discouraged-looking bathroom at that.
However, the party had traveled
a long and dusty dlstanco, and every
one had been looking forward to nice
cool white tubs and clean towols.
When this regiment of women found
thcro was but one tub in tho placo
they lined up, Indian filo, and prepared to tako a string of baths that would
havo extended far into tho middle of next weok If someono had not
speeded up.
WUHb Davis looked over tho situation and decided that if ho wanted to
take a bath ho would havo to lave his flno physique in tho gleaming waters
of tho rivor flowing near at hand. Theroforo he gathered up his duds and
wandered down to tho banks and found a pool overshadowed by a beautiful
growth of semltroplc trees. Naturo reigned supremo except for the presence
of ono of Florida's citizens, who appeared to havo dressed from a rag bag.
He asked Willis If ho wero preparing to take a swim.
"Yep," said Willis.
Tho stranger sat on a log and waited.
"I don't suppose thero aro alligators left in this river?" suggested Willis,
"I don't know If therd Is or not. I killed twelve of tho critters in this yer
pool last wook, but I don't know of any is loft or not."
Whereupon Willis spoiled that stranger's fun by refusing to go in swim
National Museum Has Interesting Naval Relics
So antagonistic to all that modern
civilization menns wero tho ancient
custom and loro of tho American In
dians that llko tholr bollovers thoy
havo fast disappeared havo almost
passed out of tho memory of modorn STUDENTS HYPNOTIZE SELVES
man. Some of the customs, however.
A NOTHKH illtlRtrlnun Amnrlrnn fnmllv whnan onnn nrnm nfTlnnra In v. tti
that Is now forgotton. Tho grains aro f00ll V forco ?ucUB t0 oat moro sm ed States navy Is now represented in tho hall of history in tho govern
ment museum at wasmngton. 'mo United States National museum has lust
received a collection of naval relics
plump and largo.
"1 havo boon told that tho grains
would probably germinate If planted,
but I havo novor tried any of thom,"
Colonel Holland said.
are so beautiful that at Infrequent in
tervals thoy aro rovlvod und ono such
resurrection of tho loro of tho dead
paBt bids fulr to become n society fad
in tho near futuro. was an ancient
tribal custom among certain of tho
American aborigines that all maidens
should wear a single feather of tho
eaglo as a part of tholr headdress. A
Boya of University of Missouri Do
It by Gazing Steadily at Bright
Columbia, Mo. A demonstration of
hypnotism by Prof. Max Myor, head of
tlio psychology dopartmont at tho Unl.
vorslty of Missouri, rccontly showed
that hypnosis can bo induced without
than thoy want.
Don't bo afraid of overfeeding.
Ducks should bo fed four or flvo times
Don't omit fresh vegetables and
green Btuff from their diet.
Don't lot tholr coop's got damp and
Don't forgot plenty of clean, fresh
water, and give thorn a chanco to rest
In tho shado.
very Imprcsslvo ceremony at tho timo tho Intluonco of a hypnotist. Profes-
ot a girl's marriage was tho break
ing and scattering to tho four winds
of this symbol of (jlrlhood, Tho pic
turo shows MIbb Alarguorlto Hawks-
worth, ropuled to have Indian blood
In her voins, tho daughter of a former
promlnont railroad president and cor
poration attorney of Now Vnrk, wear-
sor Myor hypnotized studonts by hav
ing thom gazo steadily at a bright ob
ject with no sound to distract atten
Lator ho suggested that tho hypno
tized student was an artist painting a
plcturo, a wounded soldier homo from
tho trenches or an intoxicated diner
pertaining to tho services rendered by
'Capt. Edward Tronchard, and Rear
Admiral Stephen Decatur Tronchard,
between tho years 1800 and 1880.
An offlcor's sword, a dirk, two
commissions, a map, and a manuscript
Journal relate to tho career of Edward
Tronchard. Ho wa? born in Salem,
N. J in 1784, and entered tho United
Statos navy as midshipman on April
30, 1800. His first cruise was on tho
sloop of war Adams, under tho valiant
Stephen Decatur. The Adams was engaged In tho Mediterranean in the war
with Tripoli from 1801-03
Trcnchard became a lieutenant in 1807, and tho commission Issued to
him at that timo, bearing tho slgnaturo of Thomas Jefferson, Is exhibited in
tho case. A littlo lator, after serving on tho Constellation and tho Constitu
tion, he was made oxecutlvo olllcer In tho New York navy yard. During tho
war of 1812-14 ho was in command of tho Oneldn and tho Madison in several
Capt. Edward Trenchard's son, who was named Stephen Decatur Trench-
A-well-cared-for Hock of hons will ard, after tho captain's friend, had oven a moro Interesting career than IiIb
Plsoase Becomes Epidemic.
A dlscuso that is transmitted
through ono generation of chickens to
another Is apt to becomo opldemic.
Weaklings Most Susceptible.
Roup Is Infectious and tho weak
lings aro tho oiios to first becomo in
Hens Pay Biggest Dividend.
, , ' - r-" mo ironcnua or uu iiuusicuiuu inner
mg tno cagios foathor after., tho an- L h aturtnnta nntnil Htntr nnra
u.uuv i.,um liunuu, n iau tl.-ut Mils t, c Ka,l of Hamilton. Mo., wnu
Hjon """" . 'u,u'' n now writ s tho ..8tnr Bbjoct" in Professor My
. c w . i . . . 1. ......
pay a bigger dividend than anythlnff
on tho farm.
for a
Prevent Waste of Feed.
Prevent wasto and make ovory
pound of feed bring tho best result
father, who died at tho age of forty years, after 24 years' service Stephen
Decatur Tronchard was born In Brooklyu, N. Y., in 1818. Ho was appointed
midshipman in 1834.
With tho opening of tho Civil war Trcnchard was put in command of
the Keystono State.
Ho voh retired lc 1880, and died in Now York city in 1883.
UUmOIlMUUlllUI Ul imuiioui