House Dress cia FOR Friday and Saturday Gent We will offer for Friday and Saturday a lot of House Dresses made from good qualily Ginghams and Percales in both light and dark colors. You will only have to sec these to appreci ate the price. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. CITY XSJt COUNTY NEWS. Miss-Mabel Lum entertained the"IIcl lo" girls nt a very enjoyable party Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dowoll and fam ily loft Tuesday for tbeir new home In Seaton, Colo. Charles Nolan left Wednesday morn ing for Goring whero ho haB nccepted a position. Mre. James McEvoy and son loft Wednesday morning for Omaha to spend several days. For Rent FIvo room cottage, mod ern except heat. Inquire of Wm Mn- loncy, 803 east Gth strceot. za-i All boosters smoko Town Boost, tt The Episcopal ladles will hold an exchange In tho Howo & Malonoy win dow Saturday, April 8th. Clifford Monahan, of Lincoln, who was a guest at tho Uullnrd homo this week left Wednesday ovonlng. D. Browning nnd family will move to this week to Wollfleot to make thoir homo on a ranch In that vicinity. Petticoats! In Silk Taffeta, Heath orbloom, Sateen, or washable .mater ials, In plain, striped or all llowered designs, DOc to $7.50, at BLOCK S. Edward F. Tipton ago 23 and Edna M. Harbcson ago 20, of Madrid, woro married at tho court houso Tuesday by County Judgo French. For Sale New bungalow, G03 west Eighth street v 22-2 Miss JcsbIo Gutcholl, of Donvor, who was visiting Mr. unci Mrs. William Baldock while onrouto homo from tho east, loft Wednesday morning. For Sale Seed oats, seed corn and spring wheat seed. Coatcs Lumber & Coal Co. Mrs. Warnlek and children of Lex ington arrived horo a fow days ago to visit "with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erlckson for a weok op longer. Mrs. B. B. Bontman will entertain tho lltoraturo department of tho Twentieth Conury club Tuesday aftor noon. Mrs. J. L. Louden will act as leador. Miss Gortrudo Kelso and John Win. Peters both of this city woro married tho first of this week in Kcarnoy and T.avo gono to Om?.ha and otlior east ern points to spend their honoymoon. Mrs. A. E; Tlmmorman pleasantly entertained tho Et-A-Vlrp cluib Tuos ilay afternoon at a konslngton. Miss Maymo Gorham of Grand Island was an out-of-town guost. For Farm Loans aoo or wrlto Gono Crook, room 3, TValtomath building, North Platto. 41tf Tho heart forcing sovcu tons of blood through tho system each day. Is a wonderful lOTgwii, but not so wondor ful as tho human oyo. Harry Dixon, Jowoler and Optometrist, Iwcst shlo of Dowoy streot, North Platto Nob. Sol Plzor of Now York, who was taken HI with appendicitis recently I and operated upon nt tho City hospital wna released from that Institution a fow dayB ago. W. S. Wllmot, of Grand Islnnd, di vision storo keeper of tho Union Pa cific was taken 111 whllo hero on busi ness this week and removed to Grand Island Wednesday. Yesterday Oscar Sandall and W. J. HoUlorneBS each purchased lots In the Trustees' addition upon which they will build modern homes this summer. The sales woro mado through Win. E. Shuman. Farm For Kent Inqulro of A. A. Schntz. Tho flvo year old daughtor of- Mr. and Mrsi II. B. Noblo died at tho fam ily homo on west 7th streot Wednes day morning of dlphthorla. On ac count of tho clanger of contagion the funoral was hold that afternoon and lntorment made In tho North Platto I comctory. Louise, tho Infant daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Oman died Wednes day morning from pneumonia and brain fovor which followed a sovero case of the measles. Tho funoral ser vices woro held yesterday morning from tho residence on cast Fifth street. Braids nnd transformations mado from combings. Hair rooted and cleaned. Sco my lino of braids. Only combings or cut hair handled. Mrs. Lena. Hector Miller. Red Gil. 19-8 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ilouscr liavo tho sympathy of many friends In tho death of thoir ten months old daugh ter who "was found dend Wednesday morning after a short Illness. Tho child had died during tho night nnd was dead several hours before the borcaved paronts realized Its condi tion. Tho funoral services woro hold yesterday afternoon from tho resi dence Tho stout ladles can wear now just as stylish garments, as their slim sis tors. Wo aro cnrrylng a complete lino of stylish stout Suits, Coats, Drosses, Skirts and Waists, sizes up to Gl, nt BLOCK'S. Why will you go on persistently groping in darkness, refusing to bo enlisting upon tho condition of your eyes and their needs? Turn to the light, avail yoursolf of tho two results of modern research and learn, tho condi tion of your eyes. Harry Dixon, Jow olor and Optometrist, "west sldo of Dowoy street, North Platto, Nob. Tho doclalmatory contest of tho high school was hold In tho auditorium Wcdnosday afternoon and first honors glvon to Miss Dorothy Hlnmnn who recited "Tho Gcnoral". Second place 'was glvon to Miss Ella Weavor who had as lior subject "Courage" Both young lndle3 gavo their readings In a vory creditable mannor and displayed unitBual dramatic ability. They will glvo thoir readings at tho district contest which will bo hold In this city. Rev. Robert White, Rov. Patrick McDald and Court Reportor Barron acted as Judges. Mrs. M. V .Mitchell will leave shortly for Lexington to visit relatives. For Sale Incubator. Inquire at 1302 North Locust street. 2 John D -gan left the first of this week for Cheyonne to visit for somo time. Mrs. A. E. Garllchs went to Grand Inland yowtorday morning to spend a few days. Mrs. J. Walter Adams, who had been visiting frlend3 In Omaha returned a fow days ago. Win. Harcourt and F. C. Plolstickor attended a salo at AVallace the foro part of this week. Onyx and Elffell Hose, tho best In tho land, in silk or lisle, 25c to $1.50 in. all tho wanted shades, at BLOCK'S, Miss Lena Basklns has gone to Wyoming to visit relatives In several cities of that state. Assistant Supt. J. P. Cary of tho Union Pacific Is spending a few day hero on business. Cyril Donegan, of tho state unlvor slty, is hero to spend ins spring vn atlon with his paronts. Henry Waltomath has been confined to the houso for some time with a se vere attack of rheumatism. Mrs Frank Bretzor and daughters left yesterday morning for Grand Is land to spend several days. Easter Gloves In Kid or Silk, all shades, overy pair fully guaranteed, at BLOCK'S. Tim ilnllv tinnnrs Inat Wednosdav contained this dispatch dated at Doug las, Ariz., March 28th: .ludco A. F. Parsons GO. cltv nssonaor. nnd a pioneer of Arizona, committed suicide early today at ins nomo. Fiends stated that thoy were unable to account for hla net. Judgo Parsons had been prominent politically nnd was a candidato for United States senator four years ago when Arizona was admitted to stule-hood. Mr. ParsoiiB referred to above, lived In North Platte for a number of years, ml will bo remembered as a prac ticing attorney. Ho left North Platte ten or twelve years ago and located In Douglas. His 3on Bert died several years ago, and a short time there after Mrs. Parsons. At last accounts the younger son was still living. Ac qualntnnces In North Platte will learn with regret that Mr. Parson's death ajno by his own hand. ::o:: For District Delegate. Will C. May of Gothenburg, Is .1 candidato for delegate to tho republi can national convention from tho Slxtn congressioal district, and his name will appear on tho primary ballot. It has been twenty-five or more years since wo first mot Will May, have known him well nnd personally since, and we most heartily endorse him. Wo do this bccau3o wo rccognlzo In him one of the strong republican workers of the west part of tho state; one who hns never shirked political work when It was to bo done, and one who has spout much time and not little amount of money In advancing republicanism In this section of the state Ho Is entitled to bo delegate, which is solely a party "honor. Further, Mr. May is one of Dawson county's most progressive business men, popular not only In his own county, but In all tho ndjolnlng coun ties whero ho is "well known. Wo be speak for him tho support of tho re publicans of Lincoln county. More Accounts of 1 1 Good Managers. It is conceded the world over that the best way to save one's income is to carry n checking account with a good bank, Thus, being helped to administer the income with due regard for safety; and always having present an incentive to keep a growing balance. This strong, safe, and helpful bank wants accounts of more of those good managers men, women, and children who are trying to save their incomes. McDonald State Bank. Capital $100,000. Resources over $500,000 North Platte, Nebraska, Jnmes W. Payne, who had been con fined to tho houso with rhoumatism for somo tlmo wns ablo to bo out this week. Gottman'sHand-Mado Cigar. Gc. 14-tf What you have seen may bo only hint of what you may see "Seeing thing 'with your own eyes" Is not al ways conclusive evidence that you see correctly. Harry Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist, west side of Dowey street Noth Platto, Nob. Fourteen acres cultivated beet laud Joins tills city. BRATT & GOODMAN. ArrangcmcntB for tho West Central Teachers association which will be hold horo next 'weok havo been com pletcd by Supt. Tout and Co. Supt Gantt and an Interesting program will bo held in tho high school auditorium nnd tho Keith theatre April Gth, 7th and 8th. Undertaker Maloncy wns called to Horfshoy Wednesday to take charge of tho body of tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Mason which was accident ly killed. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and the baby woro driving In a wagon when tno team became frightened and ran away throwlg Mrs. Mason and tho child sovoral feet. Tho injuries to tho latter proved fatal six hours later. J. T. Murphy, foreman of tho Brldg and Building department of tho Union Pncillc reports a heavier business this year than in any previous year, Among tho repairs to bo mado aro throo hundred now ties on tho railroad bridge east of town and thlrty-fivo hundred now tics on tho ranch road, it may bo necessary to employ an oxtra rorco of men. lllds for tho cleaned brick and brick bats on tho old Front street brick burn nuo arc now being received. Your (bunco to get cheap buckings and lining. BRATT & GOODMAN. Harry Huffman arrived homo Thurs day morning, and will visit his paronts until Sunday next. Harry was out with tho Unlvorslty Band on their spring vacation trip. Ho says thoy woro roy ally treated by tho citizens ateachtown thoy vlsltod, among which "wcro, David City, Sawnrd, North Bend, Schuyler and Fremont. Ho will resume his stu dies nt tho Btnto unlvorslty at Lincoln next Mondny. Let tho little chink "Clilnniiiol" grain your iloor or woodwork. Ho does It over old painted surfaces at n ridicu lous low cost. Stone, The Druggist. Mr .and Mrs. W. II. McDonald aud Miss Janot McDonald arrived from North Platto, Nob., yestorday ovonlng. Thoy aro roglstored at tho Elms. Mr. McDonald Is well nnd favorably known In tho North Platto part of tho country, bolng In tho banking buslnosB for many years. Tho McDonalds havo boon com ing to Excolslor Springs for many sea sons, nnd to watch this resort grow Is as pleasing to them as It Is to Excel sior Springs people In everything they tako hero thoy enjoy. Excelsior Springs Journal, . F. PARSONS COMMITS .SnCIDE AT DOUGLAS. 9 POTATOE 99 Rush Mercantile Company. Wo arc tho exclusive agent for the Luther Burbank Seeds. You know of Luther Burbank you know of tho Im mense benefit ho has been to mankind, ever since ho perfected the Burbank potato forty years ago. In his work of Improving and creating now and valu able forms of fruit, flowers, berries nnd vegetables, Burbank makes them yield better products in greater quan tity than ever known before. Any one who has a garden or even a back yard should have somo of these now and im proved fruits, flowers, vegetables and berries. Tho local order of L. O. T. Moos m will glvo a free movie show at the Keith theatre Monday evening April I!d. to winch tho mothers aru especially Invited. A number of musical selections will bo glvon in connection with the pictures. Librarian Mrs. Jones has placed a number of new books on tho shelves of the, public library, among them twenty stories for children, Kipling and Riley poems, Boys Book of Wireless and a number of boys' books by Tomllnson and Altsholcr. Forty acre pasture southeast of city. rernis sco BRATT & GOODMAN. ::o: lie oa IP We have a limited supply of home grown Early Ohio Potatoes. Suitable for seed at 90 Cents per Bushel. Chick Food, Poultry Shell, Onion Sets, Millet Seed, Seed Oats, Speltz, Barley, Apples in large boxes at $1.50 to $1.75?per box. We have Tankage, Cotton Seed Cake, and mill feeds. Feterita, Kaffir Corn, Seed?Corn, Cane Seed PHONE 67. 9 Low One-Way Fares West During Colonist Period March 2S to April 14 TolUlah Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washing Lon and British Columbia, Colonist fare tickets may be used on any train carrying Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars or Chair Cars and operating via Union Pacific Save time as well as money on your Pacific Coast trip by using the fast through Tourist and Sleeping Cars operating to California and Pacific Northwest, M8&Bra3 ,51l5tv i" safe". . - " t- :rrv '"rr) For information relative to fares, routes, stopover privileges, and literature pertaining to the west, apply to Local Agent or address W. S. BASINGEE, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. At tho North Side Barn and Feed Yards, North Platte, Nebraska, Satur day April 7, 191C, at 1 o'clock, tho fol lowing uescrioeu property: one car load of Now Wagons and Buggies of tho "Old Hickory" Mnke, 1 car load of Now Machinery, consisting of Plows, cultivators Listers, Disc, Harrows, Manuro Spreaders, Hay Sweeps, Hay Hakes and Uasollno Engines. (All abovo articles twill bo sold with a guar antee that any defect of material or I worknianslilp will bo replaced free of charge any time within one year from dato of sale.) , Also somo second hand machinery of nearly every description, and cattle and horses. Torma of Sale: All sums of $20.00 or under, cash, all amounts of S20.00 or over eight months time will be given purchasor on aproved notes drawing ten per cent interest from dato, two por cent discount for cash on sums over $20.00. No property to he rctaoved until satisfactorily settled for by cash or note. , Farmers who havo anything to 3ell at tins salo aro Invited to bring It in. Thoro will bo a number of Tcnnesseo Jacks sold In this salo. Thoy aro black with whito points nnd ready for ser vice from 2 to 5 years old. They aro guarantcd nnd inspection pnpors will bo furnished. JULIUS MOGENSEN, Ownor. DAVE LOVE Auctloncor, F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. Wall Paper Mogul 8-16 Price Announcement The Real Kerosene Tractor ON and after April 1st the price of the Mogul 8-16 will be $725 cash f. o. b. Chicago. All sales made and bona fide orders taken up to April ist will be filled at the present price of $675 cash f. o. b. Chicago. We want to post you ahead of time on the coming change. Mogul 8-16, as you know, is the famous tractor that has cut fuel costs squarely in half operates on cheap, common kerosene or coal oil doesn't have to be the highest grade either. It pays for itself in the saving over gasoline. That is why the rise in price necessary because cost of raw materials has risen so high is of minor importance. Mogul 8-16 is saving and making profit on thousands of farms of all sizes. It will do much more for you than your horses can. Get in your order now be ready for spring work. See the dealer who sells the Mogul 8-16. 1 t : International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) The Mogul 816 kerosene tractor is sold by DERRYBERRY & FORBES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. AT C. M. Newton's Double Rolls. 10 Cents. 2y2 Cents. 15 Cents. 25 Cents. 30 Cents. 35 Cents. Nothing over except Onnneal and Varnish Enamel. MIbs Ethel Louden who left recently for Grand Island has accepted a posi tion n that city. Miss Lenoro Scott, of Oberlln, Kan., Is expected hero this week to visit Misses Elfrcda and Margaret Mettin for a weok or tmore. Have Your Piano Tuned WYL1E WALKER 014 West 4th St. North Platte, Neb Write or Call Phone Red 344 Pianos Tuned and Repaired Anywhere. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phono Black 633. W. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block Bouthwest of thb Court House. IS'otico of Final Proof. Estato of William HIghbergor , de ceased, In county court of Llncola County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska to all persons interested In said estato tako notice thnt tho administrator has filed a final account and report of his administra tion and a petition for final settle ment nnd discharge as such, whi-.h. have been set for hearing before said mirt on April 21st, 191G, at 9 o'clock, .1 m -when you may appear and cor- 3t tho same. Dated March 25, 101G. GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge.