Semi-Weekly Tribune IKA I MAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Tear by Mail In Adtnnce. . . .$1.25 . One Year by Carrier in Auvnncc. .iu Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PostOfflco as Second Clans Mattor. FOK.MKK DIMITY NHEIUIT LOWKM- SHOT AT 03IAII . TUESDAY, MARCH 28, lllKi. WHO'S WHO. Scolt EejnoltlN Scott Hoynolds, a rarmcr and stock growor, living six miles southeast of North Platto, is the only republican candidate for state representative from tho Sixty-eighth district, which is coni cal. A. Lowell, deputy sheriff of Lincoln county under Sheriff Milton borger, but for several yeniU pit u railroad detective for tlie HUiioIm Central, was shot In the hip at Omaha last Thursday night. The Omaha lo gives tho following particulars: Special Detective C. A. Lowell of tho Illinois Central rallroa'd wan taken to tho St. Joseph's hospital In a serious condition as tho result of a gun battle between himself and three armed men In the yards near the Omaha Box fac tory In East Omaha about midnight. As Detective Lowell was makl a In regu'er rounds of the yards nt that place alone, threo armed men sllnncd un behind him and.aftortelllng him to halt ono of them said, "Now wo'vo got you nnd we'll get rid of you, too," and then siiot, hitting Lowell In the left hip and causing blm to drop tho shot gun which he w?.s una ml nt f.lnrnln piiinifv n In tin. Mr Reynolds represented this district In carrying. Ho Immediately regained his tho last session of the legislature, was imiance auer uio shock, ami iuuwihk his automatic fired the ontlre contents at tho men, but owing to tho dark appointed a mombor of several Import ant committees, Introduced several bills of Importance to westorn Ne braska, and on every measure Intro duced before that body voted for what ho considered tho best interests of the nennln Ilurlnrr tlin last Hosil'ir. ho succeeded In gotting "onto tho ropos,", crawled nearly half a mile to the as tho boys say; and this oxparlonco together 'with his acquaint ancoshlp at the state capital will give him a pres tige that a now member would not pos sess. Tills Is u point that voters phould consldor, not only at the primary, but at the Novembor election, for Mr, Rey nolds will ho tho republican nominee. Mr. Reynolds la a very progressive farmer and business man, thoroughly conscientious and will always bo square. I'OI.ITIC'AIi AXXOt XC'IJMHNTM Frank Cokcr. An introduction of Frank Cokcr can best bo given by republishing the fol lowing which appeared in tho Froo Lance a paper published at Sutli lnnd, which is Mr. Cokor's homo, and where he has lived for over thirty years: "In temperament and qualifications generally, Frank Cokor, tho west end candidate for tho nomination for slier Kor County C'onuiilMNlnnrr I rcflppctfully announce myself u n cancliilato for the republican numtiin tlon for County Commissioner for tlm Third Commlmilouor District 8ubjrt to the decision or the votors at th primary election April 13th. My hornet in In Hellers Precinct. JOHN V. FOWLHIt. Clerk r OMrlct Court I hereby announce invsulf ah a ciin- dldate for the rcplbllcan nomination for clerk of tho district court, sub ject to tho will of tho voters nt the primary election. Your support will be npproclatod. uEt. is. rnosSEii. Kor County Attorney I reapectfully aiinounco myself as a candidate for tho republican igjltittm. tlon for County Attorney flulJJKct to the nprovHl 6f tho voters nt th? pri mary election April 18th. P. K. HALLIOAN. Kor County CoiiimWMloiier I respoctfuly nnnounc tnysolf ns a catulldato for the republican nomina tion for County Commissioner for tin. Third District nt the- April Primary and support (riven will ho nppre ulated. I have been a resident of the county for twenty-nine yearn and try home Is southwest of llershey. S. .1. KOCH. I 'or Itfitrespiitatl vc. he ubioVoton donnltLj: rubK'SnS whrthor ho hit ono of tho mon. though or state renresentntive rrom me mix ho stated that ho was certain that he tv-elghth district (Lincoln County) ai .11,1 line iiiuimry tMwi-iiuii jtiirii -on-. UKI. KffITT HMV'flI.ri After uio mon niui ion mm Liouvo'i Kor Slier IT nfrlf-n nf llir. Omnhn Tin fnefnrv tvhrrn 1 roi ecwuuy nnnoiiuco inyHe.L i s v - - " i f.iiiiiiiiiiitft rnr rnn rniiiiiiiiraii ntiriim:.- ho aroused tho night watchman and tlon for Sheriff and solicit tho support had him nnllfv lhn nnlleo. Tim of the votors nt tho primary eloctton emergency car manned by n squad of , Vthe' IV for WcS years, am a fsnnor nnd live in iiinman precinct. THOS. McCONNKW.. Tho Council Bluffs department was kp shcriir nlnn nnHflnil mid mpii( llu nnfrnl. nn 1 heridiv nntiouuce myself as a 'Mil the night watchman stated that ho VYA"VL" .. ""."'J .1.. Y, , first thought Lowell had been shot In tho republican voters at tho prlmar Iowa, tho dividing lino between tho election Anrll is. My homo is in two states being only a few foot from Maxwell precinct. layton. me m;uiiu in 1 in? uuuoii. 1 t ... t .. e m.i l ir fjoiiutr Attorue uuwuii m 11 iiuniuwiii wi Vviiiua ;u, ..... : l..i.. -.A....... sj wnoro lie lias n wifo and family. The i.rnska. r. John Grant horeby announce relatives have boon notified by the I tnysolf a candidate for the democn-.tir Kor County CoinnilKnioitcr. I respectfully announce' nVncIf a candidnto for tho republican nonil nation for County Commissioner from the Third district subject to the Ac tion of the voters at the primary cl' tlon. D. B. MArtTI.V, (Six miles Northwest of Hershey.) I'or Klirrllf I respectfully nnnounce myself as a rnudliUtc for the republican nomina tion for Sheriff, subject to the will of the voters nt the primary election,! pru ism. A. J. MA Li lo IS U Iv 1 , I'or ('ouiitj- CoiiiiiilNNlonrr t hot-ebv nnnounco myself as a can dldate for the democratic nomination for county ocmmmlsBloncr for the First police of the shouting. ::o::- LOCAL AND PERSONAL. nomination for county attorney sub' ct to tho decision of tho votors nt the primary election. April ism. ana rnosi rcspcctiuiiy solicit your Huppon. , JOHN OUAKT. nt..,ln Ai,io. ...1.. ..i-!4 ' ' -ouiuy oiiiniiNHioiicr. vmuuu niuKii, ui jviiuimil, W11.U mill- T rnmunirM v nnnnimrn mvMoir n ed his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. T. a candidate for the republican nomlna Alden left Saturday. Uj?'' or Couiity Commlslonor from the " I mi, m,1 PniniMliiiilnnnM TMatwInf null I . f I J. 11 11 11 vv111 uiioniuiii: inti ivL niiujuvit, to the action of the voters at the Anrll Weltoet, Nob. iff on tho republican ticket, Is well visit of sovoral months with her sister prlm,iry lltt"d C:r tho position. He has boon a Mrs. 11 t. resident of Lincoln COUIlty Since lSSo. I , . ''or County CoiiimlrHloner t.- t. . 1 1 i. 1 1 Miss Wlmiln Purnnll. m'f nnthnntninr 1 hereby nnnounco mvsolf as n can .u..u immip .,uu U1IS.I.H-.. - --- k," dldate for tho democratic nomination cu in rancuing and livery and rood I?.1. '" h"Y," , T iUlB' a- Jl for county commissioner for the First business. lie knows more about ucneson tins woeK. Commissioner District subject to the wrangling crlttors than he docs about' Mrs. Guv Cover nnd dnnrinor ni Si".."' t.,,.?-.J'0Vi';?. atr Wivr tllO IntrlCaClCS Of POlltlCS, alld IlO iS returned Kntlirdnv nvonlnir frnm I i-onlilniit nf Mm fllHtrlet over fOrtV-fO'JJ well liked by hosts of friends who all sliott visit with relatives in Coznd years. First time in politics, need tho liavo a cood word fdr him. His homo orcice ani respeciruiiy asit youn,Bup- ty of thinking twlco before speaking n few days ago to visit his sisters Miss u,l,c w ..,,,1 i,n i i.i if .1 ColCSta Katoil and Mrs. Olon Miller. I'or Cnuntv CoiiiinlMMloiicr interested In tho affairs relating to Mr .and Mrs. F. W. Hansen wlm L,.LirffictroP,yti,I Itmbilcniir'nofiiina" the public welfare. Thoro Is no doubt were called to Lincoln recently by the for County Commissioner from the but that In tho capacity , of sheriff death of tho lattcr's father returned VvrsrthWmnr e?octTo,n. Frank Cokor would servo tlio tdx- the latter jmrt of last week. . "'have TPved in Wncoff county fSr Zo payors well and officer." prove a popular lieu E. Tiiifion. Don E. Layton, of Maxwell, Is a candidate ,for the republican ncmin- atlon for sheriff. lie Is ono of tho George Duncan, of Council Bluffs, wnq visited ills brother Fred Duncan nnd family ttfr ten dnys, left for h6mo Friday artornoon. Mrs. Fred Duncan pleasantly en tertained tho members of tho J. Y. M. years and my home Is Sutherland. A S. COAT ICS. nuom tor snorur. no is ono or tno iu ,, inf- n.t i; I ' deem me worthy of ro-eleotlo old timers of tho county, having been iVnBlnetr.n WH,"d tll,l,,k J'ou for gunpori a resident since 1880. Ho resided v' B oico. N li"or County Attorney I hereby present my nnme as a can didate for the democratic nomination for County Attorney at tho primary election. Please InvostlKato my record ns present county attorney anil If you ro-eieunuii ' BS I.i,r t'liimtv Clerk I lieroby announce myself n candl Hovcral years In the 1)1 rd wood section' Clans' Anderson, Iibb returned from and thon removed to Maxwell, wli'.eh Gothenburg iwhoro he attondwl tho has slnco boon his home. Ho has boon wedding of. his niece Miss Lottie 'Jato for the republican nomination fov engaged in farming and . stock-grqw- i urnquisi to Aiup cncKsoii. , vXtors T of that narty at the April "P. Mrs. John Donk and baby, of St. T,T,ry- iour Bl,n10rt wul 1)0 "',nre lnir. nlno In tho Ilvorv 'IiiiIriipsh. 1 as In times past served ah spocjl Pftuli Nol rotunnc(, llome Prklay nt. elated, deputy for the oast part of tho county ter a pleasant visit with her brother u.u una uiuiuioio iiuu some uxpur- TInrry Cramer and family, loneo in th duties of sheriff. l)y reason A. H. HOAOL.YND. t'nr County Clerk I iwrebv announce myself a cindl ... i ,.i .....- ... M,. m,,i titlo tin,. t ,,ki,,... .....lidiut) lor couuiy oici k. in uiiituin ui jub ioiik luauieuce, ma icaiiy to live . "". """ count subject to the wIMies or tho party anil UIb consciousness that ho "augiucr narriei, oi tiromn, iu ior- (lomocrutlc electors nt tne primnnoi lma i1m iitillliw w, nfmllitiiiti. mi iiin Iliorlv of tills cltv. eiimn Frldnv tn Anrll 18. Wan born In this county thirty N1 1 1. .,.1 ,l..i 1... I 'i,.i.i vluit ATra r.iiiiKnfc -,.,i I I'li.'ht years niro tauitht school threo uuii-u, no iuoih uiui no is uiuuieii u) "'',""':'" X". v""" "" """ ve us. later homoBtondlnnr in Cotton consideration oi the voters. Coining mu'ios meuuiro. , wood precinct whore 1 now reside. from tho MR' nart nf tlm ommiv M'hlch ! m i r - m ROlAU h. l',llIl-Hh'J . hast not been very strongly recognized In tho selection of county officials, Richards last week, ioft Friday after- rtirtatorfor tl Mr. Lnyton bellovcs that this, too, for Wa-U Hivor where she Is en- for County win un hu uikcji i mi toiisiuorauon Rt,Kwi m nursing n special cage. an active campaign aim will aim to ' . ITlonds In town have recolvod word yote , i have been r rownt or Lin ylr,- w 41. ....... irillll lllfirill II 1 I TIlIl I III If T 1 1 n T I " Blhlo. If ho fails to meot all, ho hepas s,' ,H taking a course in nursing In to bo favorably considered by all and st Catherine's hospital In Omaha and win appreciate any work his friends lB " m worK. and acquaintances may do in his be- Miss Sybil Gnntt entertained I'or Counts- Coiuiiilxslniier r linrnliv iiimouiicn myself ns u can le repuuuean noiiiinaiioii commissioner rrom uxr. First DlHtrlct at the April primary election and solicit the support or tn I. I.. MILTONIJBUOWn. 3C 1Z 1L 1Z n District, sutijcct to tne decision or in voters nt the prlmnry election April lath. F. W. HJ5HMINOHAUSBN. I'or County Commissioner I roBpcctrully announce myself ns a candidate for coutny commlsslonei from the First District subject to th action of the democratic voters at tho primary election. For Poiinlr Attorney. I hereby nnnounco that Thavi lllcd . . . . . . ... my potltlon as rcquircu ''unuor uio non-partisan Judiciary act tor the pur pose of becoming a candidate at the April, 1D1C, primary for tho office of County Judge. G1SO. IS. FUEiNUil. For Sheriff. I respectfully anounco mysolf as a candidate for tho democratic nomina tion for sheriff. I have been a resident of Lincoln county for thirty-six years. Your support, at the primary election wll be appreciated. , w. D. WALUU. Announcement In nnnuncinir mv candidacy for th.' republican nomination of countyArcns- nror. I desire to sav that I have been a resident of Lincoln county, And a tax payer thereof, for noirlya ;nuar lor nf n enntnrv. . . - 1 I have always been a repupllcfin and bellevo I have made good Vhn ,plucHl in positions requiring , RiWyiy and trust. . K I promlso tho party, iffnorulhated, to make an enorgotlc campagri, not only for myself, but forf.thjvcntire success of tho county, 3taCo and na tional candidates, nnd most tespect- fully ask your support at the primary it i it -in . nti. election April io, iyjo. E. S. DAVIS. For Sheriff. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the democratic nom inatlon for sheriff at tho April pri mary. I have been a resident of Lin D NOTICE Storage Rates. Month $7.80 Night 50 Day, over 1 hour 25 Cars in for Repairs no storage until done. These Rates Take Effect ApL 1st. J. S. Davis . Auto Co. Buick, Mitchell and Hudson Agencies. 3C 3E V GEORGE J. HUNT A Lawyer of Wide Experience coin county for fourteen years, and For Associate Justice of the I beliovo I have the ability to satis factorily fill the office. Your support will bo appreciated. CYKUS RUSSELL. Supreme Court Twenty-five years In Omaha, ten years In Bridgeport, western Nebraska, has made George J. Hunt a most de sirable candidate for the State Su preme Court. Those who know him call him "A young man with a ripe legal expert- :rce." PJIORATK NOTICE. In the Matter of tho Estate of Xclllo Fulton, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. On reading nnd filing the petition of George H. Fulton praying a final settlement nnd allowanco of his final acount, filed on the 11th day of March, 191G, and for a decree of distribution under tho will and his discharge. Ordered, That April 7, 191G, A. D., at 9 o'clock a. m Is assigned Cor hearing said petition, when all persons inter ested In said mattor may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner shtould not be granted; and that notice of tho pend dency of said petition, and tho .hearing thereof, be given to all persons inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order imthe Nlorth Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed In said County for three succeslvo weeks, prior to said date of hearing. , Dated March 11, 1916. GEORGE E. FRENCH, ml4-a4 County Judge. Hois am tatue Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES, . Residence Red G36 ; I K Office 459 f i. H it C. H. WALTERS. Quality Not Quantity JUDGE ALBERT J. CORNISH half. -::o::- Fop Count)' TroiiHiiri-r, T linrnliv announce nivsolf as a nin illilato for tlio republican nomination for County Troasuror. in tne primary olectlon Anrll 18th. Wnlcc innulrv l number of friends at a Yamn Yama about mo ami if you. think I am farewell narty Friday evening in lion- r,Kht CITY ANT) COUNTY NEWS. 1 or of Miss Alma Morrill. Tlio guests WrZi rVsUletu-e iicor Creek rropln-t. . ! wore gowned appropriately and spent & M. sou DBit. Trainmaster J W. Adams spent Sat- tho evening In unluue games. Asst 1 0 irt urday In Chcycnno on business. . nnnn,a ,,,,,, i,nna cr c..n..t, cu-rk m w ri,- a I, i i i , ,.i " , .'" i roHpoctfully aiinounco tliat 1 .una 'D. w. Bakor visited his dniiK htor are extroinelv negllgont In regard taL.n.wii,i,. rr tim lonubiican nomina- Miss Gertrude in Gothenburg last thoir eyes, and very culpably so, In tlon for county clerk at primary eiee- woek. i rognrd to their children's oyos. Tills Is M?" . .". f.l)r.L"lV?....Y.LMJTf1,M.V.i lLi! . .-,.. ..1 ..1.1.11a lllM 1 M - - - " . . . . . 1 . ' County Supt. Alloen Gantt spent bocnUBO J1'0 Bwn' n' I,,lblc lms Jltor iK of last "week visiting the U " n!d I "Tr par schools, rioty of oyo dofocts. Harry Dixon, .Toweler and Ontomotrlst. west sldo iof i'-. u. lioxio, who was called to lew a nnwov street, by the death of his father last week, t.. .jr nas ruturncu. i Attornoy Hyron Oborst left for Om aha Friday ovenlug to spend sovoral days on business. i Miaa adlo Trovillo ).il leave short-; ly ior Onmlia to tako an advanced course in vocal music. Miss Gertrude Mcllugh, of Alliance. camo Sntiirduy ino'rnlng to visit Miss Aila Toolo for a fow days. V. II. Cuplt loft lust iwoek for Suth erland, whero ho took possosslcm of tlio W. L. Chnussoe restaurant, whioh ho rocontly purchased. Charles Hoynolds returned Satur day from Otnaha whore he transacted business arid attended tlio Shrlno banquet. MIsh Myrtle Thomas, of Maywood. who recently submitted to an opera-! tlon at a local lioapltal, returned homo tho lnttor of lust weuk. MIbbob Lucille Martini. Ruth Uox sott and .Mildred Weir spout tho week' end with tho former's sister Mrs. I'Vod RasmiiBson In Ilorshoy. MIhk Edith Evans, who had been visiting tho Llston family in Dickons,! spent a rew uaya uor iasi -wook wniio, tt?flru Mtwii I r enrouto to hor homo In Salt Lako City. I lk" 1 W K.V ILull mibs Margaret nussoii. ot Omaha, Democratic Candidate for Governor who iiuu oeeii viouihh imo. uiui . . , XT . , vnnmmn rvr n wpelt iinst. will return Bom lUM rent'CQ in NcbmSKa. hom0 tho latter part of this week. Stands for a constructive rather Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgov M. Dlckiey,' than an experimental program. who .wore married at llrady tho latter t His election will mean a con part of last -week ro visiting hero tinuance of clean, business-like ',0 rT frtrmoriv Miss and efficient executive artnlinistra- Pearl L. Oardnor. North I'latto Nn. Vor Slu'i'ln- 1 .respectfully present my name ab a eanilldatp for tun iTpuituoan uoin luutlou ror Hiierin nt 'i) pninary eir. tinn. Mv homo 1m In Snthorland tire clnet, anil 1 have boon a resident of th county since inku. wunpori in veil m will hu anproelated. I' It AN K COKBIt. l''or Count Clerk I hureb.v anuounee myself as cauill date for tho republU'an nomination as County cioru or i.uicom l ouiuy, huu loet to tho doclHlon of tlio voters at I . . 1 ..... I ... . . . . .. M 1 L' M, ' i . .. . 1 1 liriiii.iry i'in.;iiuu wi'u.i oni iuui om- lioit will bo approolatoil. A. . Al.ljl.X, (Formorly of Walker Precinct.) I'or Slu-rlir l roHiii-etfully announeo my self ns n candlilato for tho republican iionna tlon for ShorlfC of Lincoln Counts sun Ject howover to the ileelHlon of tho votors at -tno primary necuon vjiru istli. Your supori win no nigniy ap predated. bj fHHH Candidate for Judge of tho Su-1 preme Court. Is now serving his twenty-first year as Judge of the district court of Lan caster County, and has one of the be3t records In the state for decloions af firmed by the Supremo Court. Reputed to have a profound knowl edge of the law, absolutely impartial and human In his Judgments. Mature, out vigorous and active. His neighbors have five times want. fid him to. be their Judge. rttOBATE NOTICE. In tho Matter of the Estate of Henry Docbkc, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. On reading and filing the petition of Hannah Doebke praying a final set tlement and allownace of her final ac count, filed on tho 10th day of March, 1916 and for a decree of distribution and her discharge as Executrix, and a decreo of title to the real estate under the will. Oordered, That April 7, A. D. 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons inter ested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pen dency of said petition, and the hear ing thereof, be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper printed n said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated March 11, 191G. GEORGE E. FRENCH, m!4-a4 ' County Jltdge. Wo mako cigars in the small and In the regular sizes preferring to use quality tobacco In preference to quan tity. W uso only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. Wo han dle a large lino of smokers' articloa, our display of pipes being especially large. J. F. SCHMALZRiED. Notice. In tho District Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska. In the matter of the apllcatlon of Georgo L. Brandow to change name. Notice is hereby given that on the first day of April, 191C, or as soon thereafter as I can be heard, I will apply to the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to haye my nama changed from George L. Brandow to George L. Weir. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, February 28, 1916. GEORGE L. BRANDOW. 13c Per Pound For Hides IF NOT FROZEN. $10 Per Ton for Bones if deliverecl at once. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. tion. Q T. STKnKMv.NN, North I'latto Neb JOHN L. KENNEDY. Candidate for the Republican Nomina tion for United btates Sjenator. Has lived In Nubrnska 33 years. Has had experience as Congressman. Knows tho needs of Nebraska people Has always boon a Republican. Primary Election, April ,18, 1916. - .rt. , , Geo. B. Dent Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Ofllca: Building and Loan Building t Office 130 Phonei Re3idcr,ce 115 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. OoGKS Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, Fob. 25, 1916 Notice Is hereby glvon that James D. Colo, of North Platto, Nebr., who on Apr, 2, 1913, made Homestead en try, No. 0564C, for NEK. and NE'a of SEVi, Section 34, Township 1G, N, Rango 31. W.. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to maKe final threo year Proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho land abovo described, uo fore tlio Register and Recolvor, at North Platto, Nebr., on the 24th day of Anrll 1916. Claimont namo3 as -witnesses: a. i Johnson, Georgo A. Macombor, Wm. A. Gaunt. James Bechan, all of North Platte, Nebr. J, E. EVANS, Register. PROBATE NOTICE. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Ilershej", deceased. In the County Court of Llncola County, Nebraska, Feb. 25, 1916. Notice Is hereby given, That the creditors of said deceased will meet tho Executrix of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the Cbunty Court Room, in said County, on tho 31st day ot March, 1916, and on the 2nd day of October, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their clnlms, and ono year for tho Executrix to settle said Estate, from the 31st day of March, 1916. This notice will be published In the North Platte Trl, bune, a legal seral-wqelUiwifffifJ-T printed in said.GA: Wfltior to March 31, 1916. GEORGE E. FRENCH. County Judge. success lyel f29-m28 HtVlmi'lft-'a fi.iln .j ... .v4nr an order or sale issueu from thO DL(rlnt r-nnrt nf T.lnrr,1n County, Nobj-aaka, upon a decree of foreclosure ljCm,ered in said Court wherein MuUai Building and Loan Association, Corporation is plaintiff, and Ida RicWds, Administratrix et al are defendats, anti to mo directed, 1 will on tho-8; day of March,, ioi'3, at 2 o clock p. at tho ea8t f ront door -of tho Court gouso In North Platto, Lincoln Count Nebraska, soil at Public Auctlqi1; to tho highest bidder for cash, to 8,ti8fy satd decreo, In terest and coV8 tho following des cribed Properti to.wlt. Lot Ono(l) la Block One Hundred Thirty-eight (U8) tho eaat forty-four feet (E44Ft) o Lot Two (2), Block One Hundred rriirty-e!ght (138). the west Twenty-twi, feot (W22Ft) of Lot Two (2) and ho East Twenty-two feet (E22Ft) of Lot Three (3) Block Ono Hundred Tlvirty.0Ight (138) All In the original towi. 0f North Platto, Ne braska. t Dated North -piatto, Nob., February 26th, 1916. f A. J. SALISBURY. f29-m28 J Sheriff.