The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 28, 1916, Image 7

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Qlrlo! Beautify Your Halrl Make It
Soft, Fluffy r-iH Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
of Danderlno, you cannot find a slnglo
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not Itch, but what will
please you most, will bo aftor a fow
weeks' use, 'whon you boo now hair,
flno and downy at first yes but real
ly now hair growing all over tho
A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle and
Bcraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderlno and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ono email
strand at a time. Tho effect is im
medlato and amazing your hair will
bo light, fluffy and wavy.'and have an
appearanco of abundanco; an incom
parablo luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shlmmur of true
hair health.
Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any store and provn
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any that it has been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all. Adv.
Hair Turns White In a Night.
That hair ever turns white In a sin
gle night has been emphatically de
nied by some doctors, In spite of his
toric instances Buch as that of Marie
Antoinette to the contrary. Dut Doc
tor Lobar called the attention of the
Societe Medlcalo des Hopltaux of
Paris to an actual case. It was that
of a young French soldier who was
blown into tho air by a mine and
buried in tho earth, from which he
extricated himself with difficulty.
Tho man was deafened by tho deto
nation, his face was burned, and there
were several bruises on hishead. He
was taken to a neighboring hospital,
whore the following day he noticed
four Islots of whlto hair on tho fronto
parletoocclpltal region of hlB head.
The loss of color was complete from
the roots to tho ends of the hairs, and
tho white hairs were as firmly In hla
scalp as their brown neighbors.
Considerable, of a Snub.
Mr. Asquith recently administered
a grim snub to a certain M. P. Some
time ago, on tho death of a noted pub
lic man, there was a great deal of gos
sip as to who should succeed him. The
M. P. In question' had a friend whom
he wished to get the appointment, and,
determined to be first in the field, he
went to Mr. Asquith on the day after
the late holder of tho post had died.
"May ray friend So-and-so 'have Mr.
Blank's place?" he asked, eagerly.
"He may," answered Mr. Asquith,
gravely, "If he thinks tho cofiln will
lit him comfortably!" London Mall.
"Wo aro maintaining a strict neu
trality." "Hardly! We aro praying that the
right side may win and are quite con
vinced as to which Is tho right side."
Girls will bo girls if they can't be
married women.
Man Is a mister; woman is a mystery.
there is no better food than itt
Grape - Nuts
with cream or good milk.
Many diseases of childhood and youth are due to mSM0
StyM faulty diet a diet that restricts the amount of needed JPSwQ$
v y )fftemK mineral salts, the lack of which, as your family physi- (fBMjjpC;'
M 5 MnHK. cian can tell you, often leads to rickets and other 8i$J
MlMsPlif& diseases of mal-nutrition. gjt$f
hmSm Grape-Nuts, made of whole wheat and malted Vy -v,
BBjjPc v jifl? barley is rich in these vital mineral elements so ' jy
XWR&zk necessary to health. -!$P
jl-T This food tastes good, is easily digested, and many "P?t$$
i letters from parents, after trial, testify yAVf
"Thwe's Reason"
AI p
Potters nro not tho only pcoplo who
mako family Jars.
To keep clean and healthy Uke Dr.
Picrce'n Pleasant relicts. They leguUto
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Thoro are moro than 7,000 men in
Paris who nro blind ns a result of in
juries sustained In tho war.
Her Idea.
"Do you think Cholly Prlmroso ever
"If ho docs, ho takes pains to hldo
Barred Out.
Husband Have you called upon
those now people yet?
Wife No, wo can't associate with
them. I wub saved from doing It in
tho nick of timo.
Husband What happened?
Wife Why, by tho merest accident
1 heard that they run an open car all
wlntor. Judgo.
The symptoms of kidney and bladder
troubles are often very distressing and
leave, the system in a run-down condition.
The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al
most every victim complains of lame back
and urinary troubles which should not be
neglected, as thefe danger signals often
lead to dangerous kidney troubles.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which soon
heals and strengthens the kidneys is a
splendid kidney, liver and bladder remedy,
and, being an herbal compound, has a gen
tle healing effect on the kidneys, which is
almost immediately noticed in most cases
by those who use it.
A trial will convince anyone who mar
be in need of it. Bqttcr get a bottle from
your nearest drug store, and start treat
ment at once.
Ilowever, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adr.
No Barber BUI to Pay.
There Is a harbor's shop in Capo
Town at which Sir Loander St,arr Ja
meson can always have a haircut and
shave for nothing. Years ago "Doc
tor Jim," then in practice, attended
the barber's wife during a dangerous
illness. Though his skill aho recov
ered. Tho husband was deeply grate
ful; but he was not In a position to
pay. Instead, he offered to give "Doc
hor Jim" a free haircut and shave
for the rest of his life. Wnenover Sir
Leandcr Is In Cape Town he goes to
the shop, and the barber carries out
his bargain.
Unpleasant Outlook.
Flrt Tommy (in tho trenches)
Wot'cher lookin' so blue nbaht. Bill?
Second Tommy Jest got a letter
from the missus, tor say 'er sister is
puttin" up wiv 'cr and 'as got tho
measles. It ain't 'nrf a go, it ain't, wiv
mo goin' 'ome on leavo tomorror, and
a dangerous troublo liko that in tho
'ouse. London Opinion.
The Soldler'3 Estimate.
A member of tho first Canadian con
tingent, writing home, says: "1 guess
the first soven years of this war are
going to he the worst." Canadian
How to Talk to the Wounded.
"What tho bodies can't stund, you
know, ma'am, is cold steel."
"Yes, I suppose it gets ery cold
this time of the year." London Punch.
"Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutesTime it!
You don't want a slow romedy when
your stomach is bad or an uncertain
ono or a harmful ono your stomach
Is too valuablo; you mustn't Injure it
Papo's Diapepsin is noted for Us
spood In giving relief; Its harmless
ness; Its certain unfailing action In
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures In Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
troublo has mado it famous tho world
Keep this porfect stomach doctor In
your homo keep It handy got a largo
fifty-cent caso from any doaler and
then If anyone should cat something
which doesn't ngreo with them; it
what they eat lays Hko load, formcnta
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
romombor ns soon as Papa's Diapepsin
comes In contact with tho stomach, all
such distress vanishes. Us prompt
ness, certainty and easo In overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders is n rove
latlon to thoso who try it. Adv.
Americans Great Match Users.
"Every man, woman and child In
this country usou an uverago of ton
matches each day," remarked J. A.
Hunter of Now York, representative of
a largo match company. "It is es
timated that tho match manufacturers
of tho United States turn out ovory
day moro than 1,700,000,000 matches.
Of this output 1,000,000,000 aro con
sumed in this country. Our peoplo
havo come to be very oxtravagant In
tho uso of matches. A docado ago a
pipe smoker might keop his plpo go
In, by way of tho kitchen fire and a
pipo lighter; today he wouldn't think
of it. Tho greater uso of cigarettes
also has Increased tho consumption
o. matches, as have gas and gasoline
stoves, which nro continually turned
on and relighted.
"Thoro has been an increased manu
lacturo of patent lighters and a now
stylo of gas stove with patent lighter
attached, und theso havo helped to cut
tho sales of matches, but only to a
small extent."
Knew the Drama, Too.
Father, in tho hall, has been stand
ing for an hour whllo Mllllcent and
Harold bid each other good night In
tho doorway.
"Parting," quotes Harold, "Is such
sweet sorrow that 1 could say good
night till"
At this speech father gets a Shako
spcarean inspiration of his own and
tramps down the stairs.
"Seems to mo." ho asserted, "thero
is too much adieu about nothing
hero." Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho Ancient Mariner shot the alba
tross, "1 mistook it for a neutral canary,"
bo explained.
Theodore Roosevelt wns tho young
est man over elected to the presidency
of tho United States.
All things come with tho waiter who
serves nn order of hash.
Birds Are So Active That They Main
tain Good Appetite Easily Kept
In Good Health.
Leghorns aro bo actlvo that thoy
maintain a good nppottto and will
stand tho heavy feeding nocossary to
heavy egg production. Eggs cannot
bo mado without food. Tbo laying
flock is easily kopt in health by an oc
casional cleaning medication, and
thore Is nothing happier than a big
flock of Leghorn layers, as tholr con
linual "singing" makes evident.
I trust I havo said nothing to hurt
tho feelings of thoso who favor othoi
broods, says a wrltor in an exchange
V . ..... .V jf '
Flock of White Leghorns.
All tho standard fowls havo tholr
merits, and for n door-yard flock 1
would choose ono of tho heavy breeds.
A Leghorn chick can bo brought to a
brollor size in a hurry, hut tho gain
In weight is not so rapid boyond that
I havo known puro-brcd Leghorns
not to average four dozon eggs a year,
no there is no safety in moro namo.
It's tho breeding that counts, and Leg
horns can bo brought to very high egg'
production and held to It. Do not enro
lessly lntorbrocd strains. Find a good
ono and hold to it.
Cornell Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion Recommends Candling as
the Best Method.
Tho quality of eggs depends not al
together upon tho length cf timo thoy
havo been kept, but quite as much
upon tho conditions to which thoy
havo been subjected bctweon tho time
of laying and of their final uso. More
over, tho quality of an egg may bo af
fected to somo extent by tho foods
eaten by tho hen which lays it, and
possibly by tho season of tho year
when it is laid.
All theso points and many others
aro discussed in a bulletin on tho in
terior quality of market eggs, lsBued
by tho Cornell agricultural exorl
mont station, which explains tho proc
ess of egg production and tho struc
ture of tho normal egg. It tells also
how tho interior quality of market
eggs may bo Btudled and advocates
candling as tho best method. It gives
directions for candling and instruc
tions for making candling doviccs.
Almost Anything Succulent Will An
swer Purpose Variety Is Desir
able During Winter Months.
It Is important that somo kind of
green food should bo supplied when
tho, hens nro conilned. Almost any
thing succulont will servo tho purpose
It is not deslrablo to dopeud ontiroly
on clover and alfalfa In winter. Cab
bage, rape, inangolE, potatoos, turnips,
or oven onsilago should bo provided
for variety.
Llttlo attontlon need bo given to
supplying tho hens with grit whllo on
tho rnngo. In winter or whon in-confinement,
grit in somo form should bo
supplied. Lime Is alBo needed for
shell material. For this purpose oyster
shell is excellent.
Storing Eggo for Hatching.
In storing eggs for hatching, nvoid
too low or too high tomporntures
About 45 degrees is tho best tempera
ture. Then nvoid too much handling.
Wo havo strong doubtB about tho ad
vantago of turning them whllo In stor
age. Any advantage In it Is, wo think,
offset by tho risk of soiling tho eggs
and closing tho air-pores.
Waste and Injury.
A surplus of foodstuff fed to n fowl,
or an animal of any kind, nhovo thai
digestible and convertible to its needs,
is a wasto of food and an injury.
Keep Hen In Laying Trim.
It is Just as Important to keep n
hen In laying trim as It Ih to coax the
dairy cow to keep up hor How of milk.
Old Geese Most Reliable.
Old geese lay a greater number of
larger eggs and ore moro reliable
than young geese.
Manure la Valuable Asset,
Tho poultry manure Is a valuable
asset. The moHt satisfactory way of
storing it Is in barrels.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs."
A lnxatlvo today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tako tho timo from play to empty tholr
bowels, which becomo clogged up with
wasto, liver gets shigglsh; stomnch
Look at tho tonguo, mothort If coat
ed, or your child la listless, cross, fov
orlsh, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or haB Boro thront
or any other children's nllmcnt, glvo n
tenspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, bocnuso It is
perfectly harmless, and In n few hours
nil this constipation poison, sour bile
and fermenting wnsto will gontly
movo out of tho bowels, and you hnvo
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "Insldo cleansing" Is ofttlmes all
that is necessary. It Bhould bo tho
first treatment given In any slcknoRs.
Bownro of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask at tho store for n GO-dont bottlo of
"California Syrup of Figs," which hns
full directions for babies, children of
all ngos and for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottlo. Adv.
"Women have no idea of applied
Bcionco In ordinary llfo."
"How about chomtcal blondes?"
The Reason.
"Why do they call a baseball tho
"Uecausc It Is whirled."
Good Advice.
"I Intend to bag nn heiress."
"Look out that she doesn't give you
tho sack."
Men can't understand why women
worry over trifles and wonrcn cau't un
derstand why mon do not.
ow in Good Health Through Use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Say it is Household
Necessity. Doctor Called it a
All women ought to know the wonderful effects ot
taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound even on
those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases:
uitANK liKoar.,
Hardly Able to Move
Albert Lea, Minn." For about a year I had sharp pains across
my back and hips and was hardly ablo to movo around the house.
My head would acho and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After
taking Lydia E. Pinldiam's Vegotablo Compound and Livor Pills, I
am feeling stronger than for years. I havo a little boy eight months
old and am doing my work all alono. I would not bo without your
roinedies in tho houso as thero aro nono liko them." Mrs. F. E.
Yost, 011 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn.
Three Doctors Gave Her Up.
Pittsburg, Ponn." Your medicino has helped
mo wonderfully. Whon I was a girl 18 years old I
was always sickly and dollcato and suffered from
irregularities. Thrco doctors gave mo up and said
I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound and with tho third
bottlo began to feel better. I soon becamo regular
una a goo strong and suortly attor 1 was married
Now I havo two nlco stout; healthvnhildrnn and am
ablo to work hard ovory day."-Mrs. Clementina
DuEitRiNo,a4 Gardner St.,TroylIill,l,ittsburg,Ponn.
All woman nro invited to write to tho Lydia E.Plnkhnm Medi
cino Co., Lynn, Mass., for special udvieo, it will bo confidential.
Insure your crops and farm property against HAIL,
STORMS in the Old and Tried UNION FIRE IN
Our new rates and plan of payment will make it
worth your while to see our local representative first.
28,000 satisfied Nebraska farmers testify to our
honorable dealings of more than a quarter century.
Send for booklet containing a list of 2,000 individual
losses paid in the year 1915
A Question.
"This is tho 29th of February, isn't
"It is."
"Thoro'B ono thing I can't flguro
"What Is It?"
"Whoro was I this day n year ago,
and what was 1 doing?"
Close H. Palmer has boon lender of
n church choir at Maplo Orovo, Tonn.,
for tho past G8 years.
A mulo has ono ndmlrnblo trait; hfj
refuses to stand for flattery.
Keep up
Your General
Watch your health this
Spring and be on guard
against an attack of Spring
Fever, Biliousness or a gen
eral run-down condition.
Stomach Bitters
is a splendid medicine for the
Spring months. Try it.
A toiltt prpretlsn of rutrtt.
Help to (rtdlrAtaduHlrult.
For Reitorlns Color and
ttfo. and II, oi at Dracrl.H.
Wntxon R.no1rmnn.Wut
tnirton.n.U, ltuoknfn-e. Htglt.
rat rtltrencca. iicsl roaalta.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 13-1916.
Ilarrisburg, Pcnn. " 'When I was single I suf
fered a great deal from fomalo "weakness locauso
my work compelled mo to stand all day. I took
Lyuia JS. l'inicnam's vegetabio compound lor time
and was mado stronger by its uso. After I was
married I took tho Compound again for a female
troublo and after thrco months I passed what tho
doctor called a growth. Ho said it was a miraclo
that it eamo away as ono generally goes under
tho knifo to havo them removed. I never want to
ba without your Compound in tho houso." Mrs.
104'j Jmiton bt., liarriaourg, ronn.