Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One l'car by Mnll in Advance....? 1.25 One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, 1'ostoMco as second Class Matter. TUESDAV, MARCH iilsf, HI 10. - Ahiinuiiccniciit. In announcing my candidacy for tin republican nomination of county trens- uror, I dcfllro to say that I have been a resident of Lincoln county, and u tax payer thereof, for nearly a quart or of a contury. I hnvo always been u republican, nnd bollevc 1 have made good when placed in positions lcquirlng ability and trust. I promise the party, if nominated, to make an energetic cnmpalgn, not only for myself, but far the entire success of tho county, tatc nnd na tional cnndldntcs, and I most respect fully nsk your support nt the prlmnry election April 18, 1910. K S. DAVIS. -: :o: : For County Attorney. I horoby announce Hint I have Hied my petition ns required under the non-partisan Judiclnry act for tho pur pose of becoming a candidate at the April, 1910, primary for tho office of County Judge. GEO. E. FRENCH. For Sheriff. I respectfully anounco myself as a candldato for tho democratic nomina tion for sheriff. I hnvo been a resident of Lincoln county for thirty-six years. Your support nt tho primary election wil be appreciated. , W. D. WALDO. -: :o: :- WHO'S WHO. A. S. Allen A. S. Allen, the present doputy county clork, who seeks tho republican nomination for county clerk, was born in 1RS3, throe miles west of Omaha. In 1887 tho family moved to Gothenburg and remained thoro until 1800, thence to tho Curtis rnncli, and then to Walk-1 or precinct, Lincoln county in 1895, where Mr. Allen maintained a resid ence until ho came to North Platte to tako up tho duties of deputy county clerk. Ho obtained his high school education In Fnrnam, riding on horse back 7 miles to town each morn ing and back homo at night regardless of weather conditions. From this Bchool ho graduated with honors, de livering the valedictorian nddress nt commencement. This education was supplemented by n special preparatory courso at Franklin Academy, Franklin, Neb. Ho taught school for six terms In tho south nnd southeastern part of Lincoln county. As dcpu,ty county clork Mr. Allan has ben efficient, courteouse and oblig ing' and has always given to the work his best efforts.. Ills education fitted blm for tho deputyship, nnd now that no has had experience In nil tho duties that fall to the county clerk, ho Is cer tainly well qualified for that office Mr. Allen promises, if elected, n good, clean and honest administration of tho county clerkship. That his work lias been satisfactory to Clerk VoBt Is evi dence that he has the ability to nil all requirements of tho office ::o:: The Pennant Players. All friends and admirers of excellent zither music and Bavarian, Tyrollnn and Swiss Yodlers will undoubtedly Have a big treat when on Wednesday, March 29, they hear tho famous Ob ernmmorgauer Peasant Players, who will then give a performance at tho Keith Theatre. There Is no similar company In Ger many with such a reputation, and so liigh a standard of excellence us tho Oboraininergauer which are undor the supervision, of tlialr musical director Hoinrlch Marchettl. In nearly every act tlioro will bo yodlors, quartette's and solos, oven during tho pauses en tertainments will be given. Tho ori ginal HavarlBii national dance (Schup-! lattler) is one of tho moat striking and graceful dances that has ever been created, and Miss Llsl Nngel has the reputation throughout Bavaria of being! the leading dancer of this kind. She ami Tony Bohinunn, her partnor, hnvo invariable been encored whenever tlie uiDearl In public. ::o:: IhHlgos.lhON Nuptials. 1i. ;iiurlice of Mlsatlorthn Davis of I.uim.Ih and V. Qrsl Ilwlge of this iltj t 4, place nt eight o'clock Sntui da ivning at the First Baptist chin, ti in Lincoln. Rev. Howard Clmp maii p. r i united the ceremony in the pre in , of ii few relatlvos. 0 w j i . . t the illness nf the brldrs nelt " Hi. i remony whs a very qulot one t.i nortly after. Mr. and Airs. IloUi , i. rt for Omaha from there the1- rt turned liere Sunday evening, Mr iiinl Mm. Roy Hilton formerly of ' n v were the attendants nnd the l ain: mnrelt was played by Mlf- Heb n Pfclfr. Th' bndc wore a stylish tailored mi and color with lint, gloves anfi i i i to match, and carried white roue ' Mr, Hodge formerly worked on tin Lincoln Dally Star nnd recently oanw horo La accept a position as local re liorter on the Dally Telograpli. He has creditably performed his dutleo mid during-Ins short residence made many friends both In buelueas and social oirol. Mra. Hodges Is the youngest dnuuhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. s5. Davis of Liu- coin and wits very popular there ntnong tho younger sot After April 1st tliuy twill uo at Home ut the l owles apartments on west 5tlt streot. Mrs. C. A. Gill, formerly of Btaplo- tou, loft Frldny afternoon for Wheat land, Wyo., where alio will reside In the future While hero elio visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Derrybory. Have you seen our now engagement rings? Tho same design given by the president to mark his engagement, but Just as appropriate for yours. Prices I7B.00 to 1400.00. Harry Dixon Jewder, west side of Dewey street. DOES PROHIBITION PROHIBIT; doubt IX MitMIXCJimi. Jfetcniie of City So Much Reduced That Sonic City Services Arc Abolished. Special to the Post-Dispatch. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Mnrch 18. A photograph of tho "Thirst Lino" out side the express offico here might seem to Bonic persons to answer the ques tion: "Does tho Alnbama brand of pro hibition prohibit." The people In the line nr,e iwnlting for their consignments of various sorts of liquor. Evidently they have some doubt that prohibition prohibits. No liquor advcrtlsments are permit ted to appear In any Alabama papers. The law against liquor advertising is now being tested. Whllo It is evident that prohibition, is not thoroughly prohibiting In Birm ingham, there Is no question ns to the city's loss In revenue. "This city of 150,000 people," says the Survey, "has discontinued Its street sprinkling and garbage collection. It lias dispensed witli its health officer, city physician and milk inspector, ex tlngulshcd half tho city lights, cut tho school session from nine to seven mouths and reduced by 10 per cent all teacher's salaries over $75 a month. It hns withdrawn all appropriation of Its library. It hns dlstnlscd a third of its police force and put the remainder on u 12-hour shift. 'It has closed several fire stations. It has abolished Its recreation de partment, with playgrounds and in door gymnasium. Twenty thousand dollars has been withdrawn from In stitutional charities. Tho anti-tuberculosis campaign will suffer a reduc tion of $3,800. Altogether, the cuts total $310,000. It costs Birmingham $1,228,620 a year to operate and only $89G,GGG is a. avoilablo for the coming 12 months." Adv. ::o:: Mrs. Edward Robhnuson nnd Mrs. George Tokulve returned Sundny from a visit with Mrs. Lawrence Wcrnert In Kearney. Gilbert Peters has resigned his posi tion as passonger brnkciunn nnd will fill tho position of day clork at tho noi McCabo hotel. Mrs. Andraw Llddell returned Fri day evening from Omnha where she accompanied tho remains of her hus band last week. Mrs. Carlton of Grand Island, came a few days ago to visit hor daughter Mrs. Joseph Jessup and son Earl Carl ton for some time. : : o : : Commissioners1 Proceedings March 13, 1910. Hoard of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present Her inlghnusen, 'Springer and County clork Claims'' allowed on general filnd: John Brntt, house rent county poor $24.00. Brutt & Goodman, house rent county poor $8.00. C. M. Reynolds, rent county attorn ey's offico $15.00. Wm. Strlcklnnd, enro county poor $20.00. ' F. D. WOSlenfleld, mdse county poor $24.95. Geo. W. Brown; lndse. county poor $19.95. ' ' . Nebraska" Telephone Co., rent for March $18.75. Nobraska Telephone Co. toll charges $17.47. A. D. Clinton repairing clock $1.00. Jas. L. Loudon mdso county poor $49.25. Allowed on road district funds:" Shollle Schneider raid work district 58, $28.00. Arthur Schneider road work district 58, $20.00. Clifford Schoolcraft refund poll tax district "M" $2.00. F. A. Johnson, refund noli tax. dis trict 22, $2.50. Jus. Walker, refund poll tax North Platte $2.00, s E. .1. PIcnrd, refund poll tax North Platte, $3.00. Tho county clork ils hereby directed to ndvortlBo for sale tho soveral nar- cels of land belonging to the Countv, situated In and near tho vlllago of Wal lace, inns to no made on olthor sep arate or of all of said trarts. Adjourned until tomorrow. ('. W. YOST, County Clerk. March 14, 1910 Board met pursuant to adjournment present HormlnghauHon, Springer tuvl county clork. Claims allowed as" follows: Sundry persons road work. district 39. $183.00. Sundry persons, unnrnlslntr road 391 $24.00. Klllldrv nnrnrniM. wlliiMtaa utnt. k James $G4.tfJi. faundry persona, survovlnir mail $10.S0. Sundry persons, witnesses stato vh. Ferre $20.95. f'athrlne Dick home rent countv poor $6.00. A. F. .Heeler mdse. county poor $27.75 Walter Wllaou road work district 1! $14.20. . O. P. Howard Is hereby appointed as sossor for Hoaedalo prertnet to fill vacancy. Adjourned until tomorrow. C. W. YOST. County Clerk. March 15, 1910. Hoard met same as yesterday. Prs out IIorntliiKhauson, Springer nnd county elork. Board spent dav viewing rronds south and west of town, nnd moon niijournen until March 20. C. W. YOST. Ccuritv Clef POLITIC , AXVOXCI.MKVr I'or ('omit)' CniiiiiilNNtoiiir 1 renpeetfiilly announce myiieir uh : cunadliit fur ilia niitnr,.. ......... i'J 'Comity ColnmlHHloner for U... ....... u,,.m inniuiim WlHiriUl HUDJ . I tO tilt! ClQClHlon nt tlin vnt.ra n II . primary election April 18th. My hoim, Ik In Sellers Precinct. JOHN W. FOWLBfl. , , Clerk of Dutrlit Court I heroby nnnounco myself a eui lll(hlll) for till. l'Alillillniin ,ir.i..l.,ll for clork of the district court, sub ject to the will of the voters ut tlio primary election. Your support will QUO. B. I'ROSSHR. I'or Cituniv Aiiiirn... I respectfully uiinouuco mynclf ns n eandlduto for tho republican nouitnn tion for County Attorney wuhlect to we nprovni or tuu voters nt tho prl iiiniy election April nth 1 11 1IALL1QAN I 'or Counts' ConimlnMlnupr t respectfuly announce inyBolf an n uuiHiiuiiie ror ine rcpuDiicnu nomina tion for Countv CoinmlHnlonnr for th Tldrd Wstrlct nt the April Prlmnry umi nuppnri Kiven win uo npprc- cinieii. i nuve iieen it roHiacnt or tno county ror twcntynine yenrs nnd try iiume in Huuinweni 01 iiersnny. 8. .1. KOCH I 'or llciirrneiitutltf. I hereby unnounco myself ns n can didate for the republican nomination for stnto representative rrotn trie 8lx ty-elKhth district (Lincoln County) at I'liiiiuiy eiuiruuil ivpril I5in. HCOTT HKYNOLDH. I'or Shrrlll' , I respectfully announce myself ns a (.-aiiniiiiiie lor ine repuuwcnii ninnlna tlnn for Hherlff nnd solicit tho support of the voters nt the ttrlmnrv nlnrtlon to bo held April ISth. I hnvo been a resilient or tno county ror nfteen years, am it farmer nnd llvo In Hlnmnn precinct. T11UH. AIcCUNNBLL. I'nr Slu-rlir I resncctf ullv nniioniicf mvunlf no n candidate for the republican notnlua- iion ior wneriir, hiidjrci to tlio will of lie votem nt tun iiriiiinrv n nut nn wirii loin. A. J HALISHUItr, l'"or Count)- CnmnilNMloncr I .-rt'Spectfully unnounco iriyHelf n candidate for the rcmihllcnn tmnit nation for County Coinmlatiloner from me iniru niHtrict sunject to the fic tion of tho voters nt the prlmnry elec tion. I). 12. MAStTIV, (Six miles Northwest of HerBhey.) I'or Count)' CoiiimlNntonrr 1 horobv nnnouncn mvHnlf nH n rtin.. didatc for the ilemocrntlc tinnilmitlnii ior county ocimnmiHsloner for tlio First wiHinci. Buoject to the Uocmion of tha voters at tho prlmnry election April 18th. V. W. HRIlMlNr.HAUSR.N. l'"or Count)- CoiiitiilHMloner I hereby nniiantinn invnoir n mn. dldutc for the democratic nominal Ion ior county coniinlHSloner for tho Klrat CommlHHloncr District subject to tho Will Of tile VOterH nt th.. Iirlnvin. oloctlon April 18th. I have beon n. resident of the district over forty-foui years. First time In politics, need tho office and respectfully ask your up- iiuri. iicninenco in iiinnian precinct. J. v. (iiucKj ltUWIANU I'or Count)' ConiiiilHMlonrr I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for County Commissioner from tin. Third District subject to t:io rtectslon of the voters nt tho prlmnry olectinn. i navo nveu in Lincoln county for 20 years and my homo Is Sutherland. A S. COATKS. I'or Co u nty Attorney T hereby nresent mv nnmn nn n pun. illdute for tho democratic nomination ior county Attorney at tbn nr mnrv election. I'lcnso InveHtlKnto my record ns present county attorney nnd If vou deem me Avorthy of re-election I would thank you for your support. wist), -n. UIBBS. Vitr Count)- Coiiiiiil.HMloncr I respectfully announce myself n n candidate for coutny commissloneh from the First District Mtiblnet tn tin. nctlon of the democratic voters ut tho primary election .1 C. WILSON. For County Clerk 1 hereby nnnouncn nivself n on mil. dnto for county clork of T.incnln Count subject to the wlslies or the democratic electors nt tile prlninrie? April IS. AViih born In this county thirty eluht years iiko taught school three years, later bomesteadiuK In Cotton vool precinct where I now rosldc', ItUVAIi fS. tSKICNSOV I'or Count)- CoiuiiilKxIoiipr I lierebV annoLinei. nivsnir n n ran ill (late for the republican nomination for County Commissioner from tho First District nt the Atirll ni'Ini.irv election and solicit the support of tho voters. 1 hnve been a resilient of Lin coln county ior thirty years. - t. j. MiiruxHHKUl'm. I'or Count)- Tft-iiNurer. 1 hereby announce myself 'ns iikom dldnte for the republican nomination for County Treasurer. In the primary election Anril IKtb. Make liinulrv about me nnd If you think I nm iiuallllnd and otherwise nil rl(?ht out support will be appreciated. Former residence Doer Crock Precinct. S. M. SOUDErt. Asst. Co, Treas, I'or Count)- Clerk 1 resnectf ullv announce that I am a candldato for the republican nomina tion ror county clerk at prlmnry elec tion in April nnd will appreciate thu support of the members of that party. c. ii. wAirnns. North l'lntte Neb. I'or Slierlfr I respectfully present my numo ni a candidate for the renublienif' nom Inntlon for Sheriff nt 'lie primary eleo tloil. .Mv homo Is in Sutherland nr... clnct, nnd I hnvo been n resident of tho county slnco 1S85. Support kIvuii mo win no a ippreclntod. FRANK COKHK. I'or County Olork 1 hereby nnnouncn niVHulf :ih imihII- lllLtn fnr fllr lftilllll.!iii linm.ttn r tin tim "County Clerk of Lincoln County, sul)- jcci to mo (leciHion or tne votcrp at piiiM.uj mi tim ion v'iru lam iQiir null" l'ort will lie auiirecluteil. A. K. I.r.K.V, d'oriuorly of Walker Product.) Tor Slivriir I rosnectfully announce ntvuclf uh n rnmllilato for tlu r-piililloan nouitna tlon for Klierln of Lincoln County sun Jfict however to tho itoclnlon of tlio voters at the primary n ction April tsth. Your sunort will I Mtr-itv an- preclnted. North IMatt. Neb I'or Slu-rllT 1 heivhy unncHiiice myself a a un dlilute for the nomination for .Sheriff )t l.lneoln county subject to tho will ot the. l'oiiubllcaii voterw nt the pi'iinni'V Election April is. jiy homo is In Maxwell iirecliict. UUN 15. IjAYTO.N. I'or t'liiiuty Attorney' To the voters of Lincoln County. No lirnsltH. 1. John Urnnt hereby Himounon inysolf a caiulldiite for the ilemourntir nomination for county attorney buI. Joel to tho tlecltilon of thu votei-M nt dm primary oloctlon. April ISth. .mil most rcRjieuuuiiy Hoiicu your Hiippoit. JOHN tillANT. I'or CoillltJ ConiiiilNMloiii'r. I roHiioctfnlly nlinounce mvMelf a oaiMlldato for tho republloaii nomliia na up i ior county uonuniHionei' from tho Third CommlHMloner Dlstrlot. mibjoot to tho action of the voters at the Anrll iniiiiiuy. , j. i-iiaiUIlT, Wolleet, Nob. , , l'r t'ouuty Clerk I hereby announce mvuMf n cnnii. dftto for tho ropubllcan nomination to County Clerk subject to tho nctlon ot the voters of that party at tho April i" " j iuur ouppuii win uo appro elated ' A U UOAOLVND Public Sale At tlio North Sldo Barn nnd Feed Yards, North Platte, Nebraska, Satur day, March 25th, at 1 o'clock, tho fol lowing described property: One car load of Now Wagons and 'Buggies of the "Old Hckory" Muko, 1 car load of Now Machinery, consisting of Plows Cultlva'tors, Ulsters, Disc, Harrows Manure Spreaders, Hay Sweeps, Hay Hakes and aasollno Engines. (All nbovc articles will be sold with a guar anteo that nny defect of material or workmanship will bo replaced free of charge any time within. ono year from dnto of sale.) Also some second hand machinery of nearly every description, and t'attlo and horses. Will give one box of npples to the first purchaser of a now wngon, buggy, plow, lister, disc, harrow, manure spreader, hay sweep, hay rake, culti vator, or gasoline engine. Terms of Sale: AH sums of $20.00 or under cash, all nmounJjS of $20.00 or over eight months tlmo will be given purchaser on approved notes drawing ten por'cent Interest from date, two per cent 'discount for cash on sums over $20.00. No property to bo removed until satisfactorily settled for by cash or note. Farmers who have anything to sell at this sale can bring It ln' JULIUS MOGENSEN, Owner. DAVE LOVE, Auctioneer, , O PIELSTICKER, Clerk. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Buildintr and Loan Buildim? Phones t Office 130 i nones Resjdence 115 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attcnllon Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Offico McDonald State Bonk Building. corner aixin ana uewoy Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence' 283 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - .- Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. B. BEDFIEL1). niYSICIAN & SUIiGEOIi Successor to lji ' HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HpSPlTAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld l Offico Phono 642 Res. Phone 676 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Pliyslclan and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. Hospital Phono Black 633, House Phono Black 633. "SY. T.-riilTCJIAItl), Ornduitto Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court House. C For Hides IF NOT FROZEN. Per Tor or ones i delivered at once. North Platte Junk Rouse Lock's Old Barn. Notice. I r .ink TiiderlekH will taii notice. ' w ol,,,!ht' stl1. ,,u.y of Mareh. tl 14 U .Sullivan a Jnntlce or tli JVnee. oi North l'lntte I'leelnct No. 1," Lincoln l ounty, Nelii'iiHka iHRued an Order of Attachment for tho mini of $17. &T, In nn jetton pendlnit before Ttlm wherolu 15. T Trump & .Sodh are piumtirf and Frank I'roderlckH dofoiiilunt. ti.t property conslHtiiiK of money, hk whhos ""'fiiunni i rum ine union I'aolflo Rnll Hoad company, a corpora tlon ban beon Httaohud under said or dor. Maid cause wuh continued to tho 27th day of April, 1016, 10 o'clock n. in. Dated this Hth day of Maroh.. TJlfl, m21-H7 15. T. TRAMP & SON, Hy 15. T. Tramp, Plaintiff. NtlTICIi I'llll 1't lll,lf.Tl(., Herlal No. O405J. Department of the Interior, V. H. hand Offico nt North Plat in, Net, Mar. 1 I. I 'Hi: Notice Ih hereby (riven that, Ch il led Ranire nil, V: nth Principal Mcrldlnn. has tiled notice of Intention to mako 11 mil llvo year proof to establish claim to tho land above described before tho HeKlster and Receiver, nt North Platte, Neb., on tho Bth day of May, 1D1C, Claimant nnincs as wltneHHsi David N Cullender, Ottoo Meaner, Win (launt, Roy Uauiit, all of North I'lime, Wen Per Pound 1 1 . iiHiiiiian oi .-Norm I'taito ei,, who on Nov. 7, 10X0, made lionfOMtond nntry, Uo. 04051, for Lots 3.1-6-0, HI5U NW'li and M5',i HWM Section 0. TowiihIiIii If. N j ji KVAKH, Rt'lflHter in ii NOTICE Storage Rates. Month 7.50 Night .50 Day, over 1 hour 25 Cars in for Repairs no storage until done. These Rates Take Effect Apl. 1st. J. S. Davis Auto Co. Buick, Mitchell and Hudson Agencies. Dzi I ir- HE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Admitted to practice 1895. ' Member of American Bar Association. Probate Judge of Clay County for " twelve years. No case appealed from his court has ever been reversed in Sliprema Court of Nebraska. LEGISLATIVE RECORD: Active In securing tho passage of the Insurance Code Bill, Workmen's Compensation Act, County Tel ephone Bill and other reform moas uros. r , "THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE" A lifelong experience as a farmer, teacher, lawyer, legislator and judge maizes him truly "The People's Can. tlldate." Bjought and highest rnarket prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. 'Qualify Not Quantity- We make cigars In tho small and in the regular sizes preferrinc to usn quality tobacco in preferenco to quan tity. W uso only tho best tobacco for filler and .wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. Wo han- dlo a largo lino of smokers' articlos, our display of pipes being especially largo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. NOTICE l Olt PL'IILICATION; Serial No. Oopnrliiu'iit of the Interior. L. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, Fob. 2b, 1910. Notice Is heroby given that James D. Cole, of North Platte, Nebr., who on Apr. 2, 191.1, nindo lloniostead en try. No. OoClC. for NE4, and NEV4 of SLV,, Section H4. Township 1(1, N. Range 31, W., Gtli Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako final throe year Proof, to ostablleh claim to tlio land nbovo described, be foro tho Rogister nnd Recoivor, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 24th thy of April 1910. Clalniont names us witnesses: II. p. Johnson, aoorjfo A. Mncoinbor. Wm. A. Gaunt, James IJcchan, all of North Platte, Nobr. ,, , J' H EVANS, f20-"7 Recoiver. HARRISON 0. PALMER , CLAY CENTER FOK Supreme Judge Iiifsiiiiiliiitl r i Notice For Publication. Sorinl No. 05G51. Department of the Interior V. S. Lnnd Office at North Pltto, Neb. March 11; 1910. Notice is heroby given that Joseph M. Carson, of North Platte, Neb., who on Apr. 7, 1913, made homestead entry. No. 015051. for NV4 of NE'4, and B of NWH, Section 2, Township 12, N. Rnngo 32, W Gth Prln. Meridian, has filed notico of intontton to mako final threo year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, beforo tho Register nnd-Recoivor. nt North Platto, Neb., on tho 4th day of May, 1910, Claimant nnnios as witnesses: S. W. Edinlston, Andrew Halm, C. G. Frcd ricli, L. L. Greeno, all of North Platto, Neb. J. E. EVANS, ml4u21 Register. iz 1L . PROBATE NOTICE. In Hie Matter of the Eslnto of A'elllo i- uiioii, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. On reading nnd filing the petition of George R. Fulton praying a final settlement and allowance of his final ncount, filed on the 11th day of March, 191C, and for a decree of distribution under the will nnd his discharge. Ordered, That April 7,191G, A. D., at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned Dor hearing said petition, when all persons Inter ested In said raattor may appear at a County Court to be held in And for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notico of tlio pend dency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Tribune, ft legal semi-weekly news paper printed in said County for three succesive weeks, prior to said date of hearing. Dated March 11, 191G. GEORGE E. FRENCH, mll-a4 County Judge. IMtORATK OTIf!R. In the Mutter of the Estntp of Henry Jiocuice, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. On readinc and fillnir lhr nntltimn of Hannah Doebke praying a final set tlement and aiiownace of her final ac count, filed on tho 10th day of March, 1916 and for a decree of distribution and her discharirn ns Rvppntrlv hitil"a I decree of title to the real estate under the will. Oordered, That April 7, A. D. 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons inter ested In Bald matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notico of the pen dency ot said petition, and the hear ing thereof, be given to all persons interested in said matter-by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper printed n said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day iof hearing. Dated March 11, 191G. ' GEORGE E. FRENCH, ml4-a4 County Judge. Notice. - In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In the matter of the apllcatlon of Georgo L. Brando w to change name. Notico Is hereby given that on the first day of April, 191G, or as soon thereafter as I can be heard, I will apply to the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to have my name changed, from Georgo L. Brandow to George L. Weir. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, February 28, 1910. GEORGE L. BRANDOW. PRORATE NOTICE. In the Mnltcr of the Estate of Joseph Hcrshoy, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincola County, Nobraska, Feb. 25, 191G. Notice is horoby gi.ven, That the" creditors of said deceased will meet tho Executrix or said Estate, before tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, in said County, on tho 31st day of March, 1910, and on the 2nd day of October, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. in. each day for tho purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months arc allowed for crodltora to present their claims, and one year for the Executrix to settlo said Estate, from tlio 31st day of March, 101G. This notice will bo published in the North Platto Tri bitno, a legal sonii-weokly newspaper printed in said County, for four weeks successively, prior to March 31, 1910. ron oe 0E0IlGE E- FRENCH. r--"2S . County Judge. Sheriffs .Sale. Hy virtue of an ordor of sale Issued Irom the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Mutual Building and Loan Association, a Corporation is plaintiff, and Ida Richards, Administratrix et al aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 31 day of March, 1910, at o clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to .satisfy said decree, in terest and costs, tlio following des cribed property, to-wlt: Lot Ono(l) in Block One Hundred Thirty-eight (138) tho east forty-four foot (E44Ft) of Lot Two (2), Block Ono Hundred Thirty-eight (138), the west Twenty-two feet (W22Ft) of Lot Two (2) nnd the East Twonty-two foot (E22Ft) of Lot Threo (3) Block One Hundred Thirty-eight (138) All in tlio original town of North Platto, Ne braska. "Ctliat19lCKrth r'ntt0' Neb" Fobruury tnn no A. J. SALISBURY, f29-m28 She,ift.