The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 21, 1916, Image 2

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Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all the stomach, liv
er, and bowel poisons be
fore breakfast.
This is a vlow of Treblzond, tho Turkish port on thu Black sea toward which thu Russians have boon pressing
clnco tho capturo of Erzcruin.
Texan Recalls Experiences in
California Gold Rush.
Found Indians Friendly Crossing the
Plains First Strike Was Handful
of "Dirt" Containing $200
Worth of Gold.
Fort Worth, Tox. Oho of tho few
"Forty-Nlners" who aro still living la
C. It. Post of tlila city, now ninety
yoarB old. Ilo crossed tho Great Dl
vldo to California, starting from St.
Louis whon It was a town of 8,000 or
10,000. Ho was ono of n party of 400
who went west in tho search for gold,
most of them being Illlnolsans, Post's
former homo being In Sangamon coun
ty. Tho party on leaving St. Louis
had 100 oxen to draw tho wagons, but
Post found this method of travelling
too slow, and so, with a fow compan
ions and four oxen, ho set out ahead
and beat tho rest of tho party to Cali
fornia by a month.
Post is still vigorous and takes great
Jntorcst In business and church affairs.
In September ho returned from n visit
to San Francisco, whoro ho had boon
In its early days and had seen sorao
of its thrilling events.
On his visit to San Francisco Post
was ahlo to llnd thu slto of tho old
boarding houso whoro ho stayed moro
than u half century ago, now part
of Plymouth square
Tho Journey across tho groat plains
was not accomplished without groat
hardship. Ofton they ran short of
food, and frequently hero wns liiBUill
clont grass for tho cattle. On tho way
they caught up with ono party that
had boon reduced to such straits that
Its mombors bocamo cannibals and ac
tually ato ono of their number.
Whilo modorn novels and tho mov
ies depict tho Forty-Nlnors as having
boen attacked by Indians, tholr wom
en stolon, mon scalped and klllod,
PoBt says ho found tho Indians ex
ceptionally frlondly all tho way ncross,
although tholr party was a small
ono. Even tho Sioux woro hospitable
After reaching Humboldt river tho
party followod tho stroam until It dis
appeared under a desert, to rcappoar
after a stretch of many miles. Post's
party took two days to crosB tho dos
ort, two of tho oxon dying on tho trip.
But, onco across, thoro was tho river
again, cool and refreshing, and PoBt
rocalls how ho stood on Its banks for
ton minutes contemplating it as the
Liout. Cut. Samuel Itebur, head of
tho aviation corps of tho army, and
the aero branch Itself, la under tho
probo of the war department follow
ing tho charges of Senator Itobluson
of Arkansas that tho aviation Bcrvice
was "contomptlbly Inoillclcnt." Sena
tor Iloblnson charged favoritism In
promotion, that Colonel Ttobor had
tried to get congress to buy autoa "as
iccessorles to airships" and that he Is
attempting to hide from Ills superiors
the condition of affairs In tho avia
tion corps.
most beautiful sight ho had ever scon,
boforo quenching his thirst.
Post was ono of tho fortunatcs who
found gold. Ilo located near Downey
vlllo, and soon nftor beginning his
hunt he dug his spado behind a rock In
a shallow stream nnd drew It forth
laden with "pay dirt" containing $200
worth of gold.
Later Post engaged In tho lumber
trndo, as San Francisco was paying
sky-high prices for building material.
Ho sawed trees Into lumbor and mado
big money at It. In 1S52 ho loft San
Francisco for St. Louis, via tho Isth
mus of Panama nnd crossed the Isth
mus along a mountain trail used for
sovoral conturloB.
Whllo overy wostorn town and min
ing camp was largoly given over to
gambling and drinking, Post says ho
has novor taken n drink In his llfo,
and that ho gambled but ten cents.
This was In 1852 In San Francisco,
whon ho loaned a man In a danco hall
that amount and lost.
Wires Broke Wlthrow'a Fall'n
Semaphore After He Had
Been 8nared.
nodding. Cal. W. T. Wlthrnw. nn.
slstnnt signal supervisor for tho South-
em l'aclilc on this division, consid
ers that his llfo was saved bv his
ear. Whllo repairing a semaphore at
uottonwood Wlthrow fell 30 feet, but
when within eight foot of tho ermim!
ho caught In somo wires, his car bo-
ing "hooked" and his body thrown
upon tho wlros, whlck broko his fall.
Othorwlso Wlthrow would havo beon
killed In all probability, ho says.
Diet to Overcome Drowsiness in
Classes Given Up.
Hungry Girl Students Raid Sweets
Shops "Feeds" Off the Campus
Blast Professors' Dreams of
More Intellectual College.
Poughkeepslo, N. Y. When Vassar
profcuBorB got togother recently to
discuss tho renson for pretty drooping
heads and eyelids that just wouldn't
stay open during afternoon classes,
they reached tho conclusion that tho
girls ate too much for luncheon. Since
somothlug had to bo done to Improve
scholarship, thoy decided to attack tho
evil at its base tho llo.d of supplies.
Tho edict went forth Thereafter,
It was announced n wcok ago, lunch
eon was to consist of ono course, with
soup somotimes thrown In for good
moasurc. Potatoos went first, In tho
'boliof that tho absence of Bpuds would
Increase tho list of honor students.
Twas not to bo. So all sldo dishes
vanished next, followod by sweets,
That wns tho last straw.
Corned beef and cabbago was tho
llrst day's menu. Whon tho second
day's luncheon loomed the girls faced
salmon salud. Tho third day offered
slices of moat, olives and cubes of
chooso. And thon aye! nnd thon
tho following day tho tables woro doc
orated with a largo, lono dish of
stowed oysters.
Tho girls decided thoy hail had
onough hrnln food. Tho one and only
topic of conversation at tho luncheon
table ns long as tho luncheon lasted
was tho luncheon. Pickles bognn dis
appearing from nearby shopB and tho
proprietors suddenly saw vlslonsor
much bloatod bank accounts Tho
girls wont to tho housokoepors and
"We're starving," they said. "Wo'vo
got to have moro to eat or or"
Tho ultimatum was carried out last
week When through with the meals
provided by tho college tho girls
Bought bnko shops and lunch counters,
Tho "off-tho-campus tea rooms" were
swamped with fair diners every noon.
Candy stores ordorod unusuully largo
quantities from tho manufacturers.
Tho girls CAmo In more sleepy than
Authorities jf the .rilogo decided to
oaso up a b't. Tin, experiment, which
was supposed to last n month at least,
was cut short recontly, whon MIbs
Eleanor Leslie, prosldunt of tho senior
class, announced that thu old ordor
of hearty lunchoonb would bo restored
When the new lloated ovor tho
campus it caused an outburst of ro
Jolclng almost unprecedented. Today
tho tabloB wero decoratod with pota
toos and tho little sweots that tickle
tho palato. Tho shopkeepers wopt bit
terly as tholr balloon of hope was
Out, It was learned from autborit-
"Sayl What Do You Want?" Supposed
Dead Man Demands of Cor
oner's Asslctants.
Omaha, Nob. Coronor's assistants
wero preparing to placo Sam Larson
In tho "dead basket" nnd carry him
away to tho undertaking parlors. A
tolophonc report had Informed tho oill
clals that Sam was dead. Suddenly
tho "corpso" stirred and then sat up.
"Say, what do you follows want?"
"It" demanded In an aggrieved tone.
Sam was sent to tho charity or
ganization Instead of to tho under
taker's. When nothing was seen of Sam,
who is sovonty-llvo years old, for sov
oral days, an Investigation was mudc.
Ilo was found unconscious and It was
bollovcd that ho was dead.
Woman While Celebrating One Hun
dredth Anniversary Declares She
Is Willing to Go.
St. Louis. Mrs. Macio Itolno Tsch
hen Fusz has celebrated her ono hun
dredth birthday by an aftor-dlnnor-npecch
to GO of her descendants and
nonr rolatlves.
"I know It must have been an ovl
dence of dlvlno grnco to havo been
pormlttcd to live to such nn ago," said
Mrs. Fusz. "However I foel that I
would really prefer to bo In heaven,
for all tho friends of my girlhood nnd
young womanhood days aro thoro."
Mrs. Fubz gets up at six o'clock to
attend mass.
tlVQ BOUrcen. thn nnrqnnn rnmnnolhli
for tho limited diot have not given up
the plan.
Ran Away From Poor Farm Because
It Was First Scrub In 20
Joffersonvlllo, Ind. Man's constitu
tional right not to tnko n bath has
boen raised in tho caso or D. W. Dod
son, who ran away from tho nnor farm
near Charleston becauso ho was put,ln
a tub and scrubbed.
Dodson entered tho institution of
his own accord, but staved Mi ftrn nnlv
a Bhort tlmo, returning to Underwood.
no alleges that ho was forced to take
a bath and that ho was scrubbed with
a stiff brush, and asserts that "It was
onough to kill anyone to bo soused In
water thlB tlmo of especially
whon ono has not had a bath In moro
than twenty years."
Miss Louise Delano, daughter of
Frederick A. Delano of tho federal re
servo board, curried off llrst prize for
costume at tho Beaux Arts hall given
in Washington by tho capital's "smart
sot" for tho rellof of families of
French artists, who havo been killed
or wounded In tho war. Much inouoy
was lavished on costumes and tbo
ball was brilliant. Miss Delano woro a
costume of the 18th contury. She Is
noted for her beauty.
Smithsonian Scientist Finds Bees Can Smell
WASHINGTON. Experiments with 5,500 honey bees recontly completed
by Dr. N. E. Mclndoo of the Smlthsonlnn institution havo led him to tho
conclusion that bees can smell and taste. Tho two senses aro combined so
closely that tho scientist says they
r vr r i ilm
enccs between various kinds of honey. Doctor Mclndoo alBO discovered thai
bees don't Hko oil of peppermint.
Doctor Mclndoo's tests during four years convlnco him that the senso ol
smell of tho bee Is much keener than that of man, and that it serves him as
u senso of smell and tasto combined.
Tho department of agriculture also has boen interesting itself In bees
una is pointing out to Dcokeopors their needs, especially during tho long
Uowerless winters.
Tho Investigators of tho department found, for Instance, that fully 10 pei
cent of tho colonies of bees In tho country are lost each winter from
starvation, cold and similar causes. Oho of tho principal reasons for trouble
is that tho owners of colonics aro not willing to allow their tiny laborers tc
retain n sufficient supply of tho honey they havo gathered to feed them even
on a low ration, or in lieu of this to supply sugar siruD.
Another trbublo Is that tho owners
mo temperature promom, assuming that
the winter's cold without trouble
Plant Explorer Brings
FROM wanderings and explorations
JlltO Tibet, across the Htrntohna nf
tan, across tho Altai mountains, and through tho virgin forests of tho uppoi
Yalu and Tumon rivers. Frank N.
Meyor, plant explorer for tho depart
ment of airrlcillttirn. him rnfnrnnil in
Washington, bearing with him, in the
rorm or hundreds of specimens care
fully assorted, labeled and classified,
new and strange plants, seeds, leaves,
rootB and cuttings that may, after
thorough investigation and exhaustive
tests, prove of incalculable valuo to
tho farmers, fruit growers and gar
donors of tho United Stat6s.
Startling as havo been thn ncK-on.
tures of other oxplorors of tho earth's uncharted and unmapped regions, none
of thoso havo been, of rcore interest than havo befallen Mr. Moyer in his -wanderings
nbout tho unknown regions that lie above and back of China. Indeed,
his fourth nnd latest trip was cut short and ho was forced to abandon his
prearranged program becauso his bearers wero strongly disinclined to ontei
tho wilds of a hitherto unponetrated portion of Tibet in tho face of declara
tions by Tibetans that should thoy proceed thoy would most certainly be
boiled alivo in oil.
In search of plants of immediate economic importance to agriculture Mr.
Moyer has traversed tho fertile plains and tho immense stretches of the'
steppes of eastern Siberia and has penetrated tho Jungles and the deserts whore
grow tho rudlraontary and as yet unusod wild plants that may by cultivation
bo adapted to tho uso of man. Among his discoveries is tho wild peach oi
China, bolioved by present-day scientists and botanists to bo tho parent
stock. A wild pear is another discovery of this quiet Hollander on Uncle
Sam's pay roll. This wild pear, sturdy, hardy and strongly resistant to dis
oases such as prove almost insuperable obstacles In tho way of fruit growers,
is to bo used in tests and investigations as grafting stock, in the hope that in
it may bo found tho solution of tho problem of eradicating pear blight and
other treo diseases that for years have wrought havoc in American orchards.
A hitherto unknown vnrlcty of chestnut, strongly resistant to tho deadly
chestnut blight that haB killed thousands of trees in eastern United States
was another of Mr. Moyer's discoveries.
Varlotics of wild grapes and wild plums that may provo invaluable to
American horticulturists aro alBo among tho discoveries of this scout of
scienco, who has brought back with him cuttings ind roots and seeds to bo
tested at tho various experiment stations of tho department of agriculture
Story of the Auto, the Copper and the Negro
DURING tho Icy downpour of sleet that engulfed Washington on a recent
day, ono of Major Pullman's finest stood beneath tho awning at the
cntranco io Keith's theater incaBOd in his water-proof capo and watched the
pedostrians floundorlng about in the
assistance. Tho cop gayo tho iron starting handle a twirl or two, but thore
was no visible sign of llfo in tho car. Ho tried it again, and thon again and
again. Gradually a crowd of sympathetic eyewitnesses gathered and oforcd
udvlco. Tho "cop" gavo his cap to a newsboy to hold and thon ho tried it
again. For somo Btrango reason tho car refused to move. Evldontly the
carburotor was sick or somo other ailment peculiar to automobiles had
solzed tho machine.
"Lot mo got a trial at dis car, boss," said a dusky son of toil, shoving' hie
way through thu llttlo circle No ono objected and, taking a firm grip on the
handlo, tho darkoy ran it around a couple of times. A pauso for breath and
ho tried It again. Tho responso was Instantaneous, and ns tho motor com
menced to work everybody laughed. The ladles oxprosBcd their thanks, the
,rowd dissolved, nnd tho "cop" wended his weary way back up Fifteenth
street to Keith's.
What tho policeman had to say about automobiles as ho strodo along waa
confidential, but It was a comment which deserves to go down as "concise
nnd poppory."
Bomb Scare Interrupted the Senatorial Labors
THE scnato olllce building ono nfternoon recently was humming with th
rapid workings of legislative machinery. Dut Just as Senator Blank
turned to Senator Dash and inquired "How many cards" a pago ontere'd in
hot haste to whisper in tho sonntorlal
Tho senator gasped and, arising
hastily and wrapping his senatorial
dignity about him, took tho shortest
routo to tho door Ha was followed
by others, as tho rtnutr spread that a
German spy had been found In tho
garret and was about to drop a bomb
down tho elevator shaft.
But It was all wrong, Von Rovent
low, It was all wrong. Ho wasn't a
German, anyway; ho was an Italian
named Volpe Tommagua, and ho didn't havo any bomb, and ho was caught by
a pollcoman and taken where he belonged to St. Elizabeth's, which is Che
Washington namo for Matteawan.
N. Bm -Senator Dash ultimately took threo cards, but ho didn't better.
cannot bo separated.
In testing tho senses of these In
sects tho following substances were
tho most important ones used: Vine
gar, llmo sulphur, kerosene, carbolic
acid, formic acid, oil of peppermint,
qulnlno and strychnine nnd various
other salts mixed with cano sugar and
Tho experiments show that bees
Hko honey best of all foods, and that
they aro ablo to dlstlneulsh tho differ.
fall to make any provision for solving
tho bees can manago to get through
Specimens From Asia
-. .
in tho remote provinces of China, up
thn finhl dnonrf lrT. n, .!., rri...i
A 6Rftl'
Two handsomely dressed women
loft tho theater and crossed the street
to an automobile. Getting insldo the
machlno", they wrapped themsolvee
snugly in and gavo two or three yanks
and pulls nt the steering apparatus,
but the car didn't budge. This process
was ropeated soveral times, whon the
guardian of tho law, observing theii
predicament, hastened from his sta
tion under the awning and volunteered
- A tk4
To feel your best day in and day
out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile
to coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head; no constipa
tion, bilious attacks, sick headache,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom
ach, you must batho on tho lnsido like
you bathe outsido. This is vastly
moro important, becauso tho skin
pores do not absorb impurities into
the blood, whllo the bowol pores do
says a well-known physician.
To keop these poisons and toxins
well flushed from tho stomach, liver,
kidnoys and bowels, drink boforo
breakfast each day, a glass of hot wa
ter with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it. This will cleanso,
purify and freshen tho entiro alimen
tary tract, boforo putting moro food
into the stomach.
Get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphato from :your druggist or at
tho storo. It is inexpensivo and al
most tasteless, except a sourlsb
tinge which Is not unpleasant Drink
phosphated hot water every morning;
to rid your system of these vile poi
sons and toxins; also to prevent their
formation. -
To feel like young folks feel; like
you lelt before your blood, norves and:
muscles became saturated with an ac
cumulation of body poisons, begin this
treatment and above all, keep It up!
As soap and hot water act on tho skin,
cleansing, sweetening and purifying,
so Umestono phosphato and hot water
before breakfast, act on tho stomach
liver, kidneys and bowels. Adv.
"Hard to get along with, isn't ho?"
"Oh, yes. He is as quarrelsome as
a pacifist."
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for
Backache or Bladder Trouble
Neutralize Acids:
Uric ncld in meat excites tho kid-
neys, thoy bocomo overworked; got
sluggish, acho, and feel like lumps or
lead. Tho urlno becomes cloudy; the
bladder is Irritated, and you may bo
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during tho night. "When tho kid
hoys clog you must help them flush
off tho body's urinous waste or you'll'
bo a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery in tho kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
hoadacho, dizziness, stomach gets sour,,
tonguo coated and you feel rheumatic:
twinges when tho weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before?
breakfast for a fow days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fa
mous salts is mado from tho acid ot
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with Hthia. and has beon used for
generations to clean clogged kidneys;
anu stimulate them to normal activity,
also to neutralize tho acids in urine,.
bo It no longer la a source of irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is inoxnonslve. n.mnnt In.
Jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep tho
kidneys clean and active. Druggists,
hero say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe In overcoming kid
ney trouble whllo It Is only trouble.
"I Bleep like a log."
"With tho saw going through It?".
Boston Evening Transcript.
No sick headache, sour stomach,
biliousness or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-cent box now.
Turn tho rascals out the headache,
biliousness, indigestion, the sick, Bour
Btomach and foul gtBes turn them,
out to-night and keep them out with
Millions of men and women take &.
Cascaret now and then and never
know tho misery caused by a lazy
liver, clogged bowels or an upset Btom
ach. Don't put in another day of distress.
Let Cascarots cleanse your Btomach;
remove the sour, fermenting food;
take tho excess bile from your liver
and carry out all the constipated
wasto matter and poison in the
bowels. Then you will feel groat
i A Cascaret to night straightens yon
out by morning. They work while
you sleep. A 10-cent box from
any drug etore moans a clear head,
sweet Btomach and clean, healthy liver
and bowel action for months. Chil
dren love Cascarets because they
never gripe or sicken. , Adv.
A Sign.
"In your slstor at home, Bobble?"
"I think she is; I heard her say ah
wasn't expecting you." -Judge.