The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 17, 1916, Image 8

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We have a limited supply of home grown
Early Ohio Potatoes. Suitable for seed at
90 Cents per Bushel.
Chick Food, Poultry Shell, Onion Sets, Millet
Seed, Seed Oats, Speltz, Barley.
Apples in large boxes at $1.50 to $1.75 per box.
We have Tankage, Cotton Seed Cake, and mill
Semi-Weekly Tribune
IKA L. HAM, Editor nnd Publisher.
One Year by Mull In Advance. . . .$1.25
One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postollleo as Second Clans Matter.
FRIDAY, .MARCH 17th, 11)10.
Local aad Personal
Mrs. James Hart spent a few days In
Kearney this week.
T. 13. Heskett, of Sutherland, is
spending a few days here with friends.
Mrs. W. V. HoaRlund left Tuesday
for Overton to organize a Hobekah
J. II. Peck loft a few days ago for
Omaha to transact business for a few
A baby boy was born the fore part
of the week to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Uusli Fowles loft Wed
nesday for California to spend several
John Mylanijor of Denver, who came
here rocontly to attend the funeral of
his aunt has returned home.
P. L. VanCloave was called to Ex
celsior Springs Wednesday by the ser
ious (lines of his mother.
Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs. Clara
VanlJornn will leave siiortly for Kear
ney to visit for a few days.
Prof. Edward Elliott of Helena,
Mont., came a few days ago to visit his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliot.
l P Officer E. It. Wolfe and wife
loft Tuesday evening for Kansas City
to make their home In the future.
Miss Thclmn Frntor left Tuesday
for Keystone t& take charge of the
Rlnoker Drug More there for several
Miss Emma Andersen, of the local
teaching staff spout the fore part of
this week with the home folks in
Mesdamofi Ed Hebliausen, George
Tokulve and John States wont to
Kearney today to visit Mrs. Lawrence
C 0. Troy who has been In chargo
of the Methodist congregation at
Litchfield for several months Is spend
ing i few days here.
Jack Ilond and Win. Keegan wero
ordered out of the city Tuesday by
the local officers to whom they have
causud considerable annoyance.
A number of friends tendered a
surprise party to Ernest Miles Tues
day and spent several hours In play
ing games,
(SruIMliu space around the rug with
('hliiiinicl; Any child can do it. .Makes
niirrdvv boards out of wide one
17-tf STONH'S DRC(! stori:.
Joseph Wnyniau was appointed U.
P. watchman 'Tuesday succeeding E.
R. Wolf who was transferred to Sa
ltan, Kansas.
Meidames Millard Hosier and ('has.
Hur, entertained, H'c ladles' auxiliary
of the ll. of .. l- E. at a luncheon
ut the (Join Tuesday afternoon.
J." OlConiior left Tuesday for
Kearnmy to' b '.present' at the spring
opening wlitch is being held at the
Kauffmau and Woructt store there this
For Farm Loans boo or write Gono
Crook, room3,-WaUoiuath building,
North Platte. , . 41tf
i :
Mesdaines F J,. Hospnburg, and 11.
W. llesonburg of Ltpclngloiy qamo tho
llrnt, o'f tills ' feilf jti JnWnd?'Robln
Hood' anil visit wmi Miss "Grace
Moonoy. . , .
I't .' t, " M-.i1 ' l1 1 I 1
Urnlds and transforiuiUlonH made
from combings, alr, rooted and
oieaneu, ijoo my line (oj (brums, uuiy
conibings or cut hair handled. Mrs,
Urt2lOMor"MilU'rAneaiCn. J 183.
A girl baby was bcrn at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller Tuesday.
Mrs. Heath arrived hero a few days
ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ech
I cherry.
Earl Souser has returned to Grand
Island after visiting his pa routs for
several days.
Mrs. Charles Edwards left Wednes
day mornng for Grand Island to spend
several days.
Mrs. Albert Stolnlmuson, wlio had
been taking treatment at a local hos
pital, has returned homo.
Frank Wyiiinn, who has been vory
111 wltli pneumonia for some time, Is
much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doran have
gone to Omaha wliore the lnttcr will
consult a physician.
Mrs. Harry Murrln loft Wednesday
morning for Cheyenne to visit her sis
ter for a week or longer.
Mrs. Hugo Eyman, of Hershey, who
visited tills week with Or. Marie Ames,
loft Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Den and W.
C. Cole, who wore viBiting relatives
In Arapahoe, have returned home.
FrniiB G. Franson and "Miss Gladys
Nelson, of Hershey, were married by
Judge French Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Win. Goller ami son of St. Joe,
who spent, several weeks with her
brother Harry Hlock left Tuesday ev
ening. Fred Fredrlckson returned Tuesday
ovenng from Omaha where lie attend
ed tho funeral of the late Andrew
Mrs. Arrowsmith of Ogalalla, who
visited her parents Mr .and Mrs. N F.
Clough for several days left Tuesday
Mrs. Frank Wlnkleman, of Fremont,
canio Tuesday evening to visit her
daughtor Mrs. Jack Carroll for a week
or more.
North Platte ('eiiernl Hospital.
Miss Margaret Stilts has Mulshed nor
course in training.
Dewoy Lundy, of Wolllleet, who had
an operation performed on his neck
recently has left the hospital.
Emma Johnson, of Maxwell submit
ted to an operation Tuesday and Is do
lug nicely.
Mrs. C. Cash of Tryou, entered the
hospital a low days ago for treat
Harold Steinhausen, tho young son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stolnhuuson,
cf Sutherland, who has boon taking
treatments for a fractured arm is
greatly Improved.
Mrs. Dorr Tarklngton, who was op
erated upon last week Is progressing
Mrs. L. W. Mathewson was
fleontly recovered the Mrst of
thls week to leave tho hospital.
P. J. diknei: & CO.
Ileal Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowov Sts.. upstairs.
Tailor Shop
Located In the Reynolds building
nboc lllucker's drug store. Come In
and let us show you the now Hue of
spring samples. They lire of the tluest
duality and latest design. The Hnnlo
stripe N all Hie rage for spring wear.
Now Is the time to order that spring
Our clothes villi be made In tone.
Cleaning, Pressing, Itepalrtng. AN
(orations of all kinds.. Ladles' as well
as .Men's. Vour patronage solicited.
Geo. A. Amen, Tailor,
North Platte, Neb.
March G, 191G.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
Present Hermlnghnusen, Springer,
White and county clerk.
rue resignation or i. u. itoss as
overseer for district 31 Is hereby ac
cepted and Louis Maccy appointed to
Mil vacancy.
(Malms allowed as follows: W. M.
Dymond, bridge work, $75.25
Sundry persons, bridge work Suth
erland bridge, $141.00.
E C. Hostetter, bridge work, $7.'!.I0.
On conimsslonor district funds: W.
X. Hose, road work on district !!,
.$17.00, J. R. White, 24 loads of hay
on district .'I, $48.00, sundry persons,
ruid district on district 1, $1157.05, sun
dry persons, road work on district 2,
$150.00; Frank Prachjl, road work
road district 1, $10.50.
The following resolution Is this day
adopted, to-wlt:-
Whereas In a trial of the case of
John A. Xattlnger et nl vs. tho board
of county commissioners of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the district Judge
has derided said case In favor of the
plaintiffs and have enjoined the coun
ty commissioners from establishing
road number 20 where this board be
lieves it is to be to the best Interests
of the public In Lincoln county, Ne
braska, and whereas, the Court has
held that the county board did not
have any power to establish said road;
Therefore, be it resolved by the coun
ty board that the county attorney is
hereby directed to at once appeal said
case to the supreme court of Nebraska
In order that this board may have de
termined by tho supreme court Its
powers with reference to the county
roads In this county.
F. W. Herminghauseii,
D. I!. White,
E. II. Springer,
, County Commissioners.
The board designates the following
papers tho official papers for the year
1910: North Platte Telegraph, all legal
notices (except road notices) and
commissioners' proceedings at Vfcrate;
Hershey Times, all of legal notices at
rate; Maxwell Telepost, all legal
notices at 4 rate Urady Vindicator,
all road notices at Ms rate; North
Platte Trillium all commissioner's pro
ceedings ut rate.
Whereupon the board adjourns until
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
March 7, 1910.
Hoard met same as yesterday.
Present Hermlnghnusen, Springer,
White and county clerk.
Claims allowed as follows: Harry
Madison, rond work district 27, $7.00;
Dr. Saddler, medical services county
ponr, $:!.50; J. C. Askwlg, services
State vs Townscnd, $10.50; J. II.
Hemphill, printing, $12.75; D. E.
Morrill, refund of poll tax, North
Platte, $11.00.
Hoard adjourned until March 11!,
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
Itniton's Driimn Sermon Last Sunday.
A strong appeal to the unsaved was
given Sunday evening at the Haptlst
church when Mr. Harton preached an
other one of his evangelistic "drama
The gospel truths are strongly em
phasized and made especially clear In
tills type of sermon. The one a week
ago last Sunday night on church his
tory proved to be beneficial as It re
vealed facts which were merely his
tory before, whllo last Sunday evening
the one on "Victim of Circumstances"
was purely evangelistic.
Mr. Harton announced that he was
preparing a "hum dinger" of a booze
sernicn to preach either the Inst Sun
day in March or the first Sunday in
April. As ho has never "bragged" on
his sermons before we feel we have a
treat In store, and vour time will hp
well spent if you hear it. XX
Day, over 1 hour
Cars in for Repairs no
These Rates Take
J. S. Davis
Buick, Mitchell and
IO08 Wait Fourth Str..t. Phon. 110
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
Au Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical nnd ConMnemont
Hit. J. S. TWLVE.M, Physician and Surgeon.
Intend Thanks.
We the undersigned, trustees of the
Christian church In North Platte wish
to take this method of expressing our
sincere appreciation to the North
Platte Fire Department for the
splendid work rendered by them
In their effective Mghtlng of tho church
fire. Wo realize the difficulties In the
road that night, nnd feel that only the
most efficient work could hnvo stop
ped the progress of the flames In the
We wish to express our appreciation
to the Fire Insurance Companies and
their local agents here for the splen
did and prompt muniier tn which they
made their adjustments with us. We
feel that as fair a settlement as could
be ninde was made by them.
We wish furthermore to express our
thanks to Mr. Clyde McMlchnol for tho
fair and prompt manner In which he
has completed his contract with us.
His work has been satisfactory and he
has not only done as he Mrst agreed
to do, but has done more.
We voluntarily offer this expression
of our gratitude to these parties, and
sincerely feel that they are deserving
of them and more. Signed:
J. C. WILSON, Chairman
S. HALDWIN, Treasurer.
F. H. ELLIOTT. Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharpley Thompson,
of Hershey, wero In town the early
part of this week 'While enroute to
Philadelphia to visit, tho former's fath
er who lias made that city his lionu
for many years.
: :o: : .
Supremo Judge
Admitted to practice 1895.
Member of American Bar Association.
Probate Judge of Clay County for
twelve years.
No case appealed from his court ham
ever been reveroed In Supreme
Court of Nebraska.
Active In securing the passage of the
Insurance Code Bill, Workmen's
Compensation Act, County Tel
ephone Bill and other reform meas
A lifelong experience as a farmer,
teacher, lawyer, legislator and Judge
make3 him truly "The People's Can
didate." Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . D R O S T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Successor to
Drs. Itedfield & RedMeld
Office Phone G42 Res. Phone G76
Physician nnd Surgeon
Olllce U. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Licensed Enibalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
storage until done.
Effect Apl. 1st.
Auto Co.
Hudson Agencies.
For County Commissioner
I respectfully nnnounco myself as
a candidate for tho republican nomi
naton for county commissioner from
the Third District, subject to the ac
tion of the voters at the primary elec
tion. D. E. MARTIN,
(Six miles Northwest of Hershey.)
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for Hie democratic nomination
for county commissioner for the First
District, subject to the decision of the
voters at the prlmnry election April
For County Commissioner.
I herby announce myself as a can
didate for the lemocratic nomination
for county commissioner for the First
Commissioner District subject to the
will of tho voters at the primary
election April 18th. I have been a
resident of the district over forty-four
years. First time la politics, need the
office nnd respectfully nsk your sup
port. Residence In Ilinman precinct.
J. W. (Buck) ROWLAND.
Democratic Candidate for Governor
Born and reared in Nebraska.
Stands for a constructive rather
than an experimental program.
His election will mean a con
tinuance of clean, business-like
nnd efficient executive administra
tion. For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff, subject to the will of
the voters at the primary election
April 18th.
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce that I am
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff and solicit the support
of the voters at the primary election
to bo held Anril 18th. I have been a
resident of the county for fifteen
years, am a farmer and live in Ilinman
precinct. TIIOS. McCONNELL.
For Hcproseiitalhc.
I hereby announce myself as a can
dldate for tho republican nomination
for state representative from the Six
ty-eighth district (Lincoln county) at
the primary election April lSth.
For Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for coutny commissioner for the
Third District at tho April primary
and support given me will be appre
ciated. I have been a resident of tho
county for twenty-nine years and my
home is southwest of Hershey.
For County Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican aomina
tion for county commissioner for the
Third Commissioner District, subject
to the decision of tho voters at the
primary election April lSth. My homo
is in Sellers precinct.
Clerk of District Court
I hereby nnounco myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for clerk of the district court, sub
ject to the will of tho voters at the
primary election. Your support will
bo appreciated.
County Attorney.
I respectfully announce myself us a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for County Attorney subject to
tho approval of the voters at the pri
mary election April lSth.
1. R. Il.Ll.IGAX.
For Sheriff.
I horollV Illlllmmri' lnvsolf nsi n nmt.
dldate for the nomination for sheriff of
Lincoln county, suhect to the will of
uio repuDiician vo'ers at tho primary
election, April is. .My homo is
Maxwoll precinct.
For County Attorney.
To the voters of Lmcoln county. N
braska. I, John Grant hereby announco
myself a candidate for the democratic
nomination for county attorney sub
ject tx the decision of tho voters at tho
primary election, April istii, and most
respectfully solicit your support.
For Commissioner
I respectfully nnnounco myself as
a candidate- for the ropubllcnn nomina
tion for county commlssonor from tho
Third Commissioner District, subject
to tho action of tho voters at tho April
prlmnry. s. J. FILBERT,
Wolllleet, Nob.
For County Clerk
I hereby announco myself a candi
date for the republican nomination
for County Clerk subject to the action
of tho voters of that pnrty at the April
primary. Your support will bo appre
ciated. A. B. HOAGLANI).
For Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for county commissioner
from the first district subject, to the
action of tho democratic voters at the
primary election.
For County Clerk.
I hereby nnnounce myself a candi
date for County Clerk of Llneoli
County , subject to the wishes of th?
Democratic electors, primaries April
18. Was horn In this county thirty
eight years ago, taught school threo
years, later, homesteadlng In Cotton
wood Precinct where I now reside.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for County Commissoner from the
First District at the April primary
election and solicit the support of the
voters. I have been a resident of Lin
coln county for thirty years.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announco myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for county treasurer, In tho primary
election April 18th. Mako inquiry
about mo and If you think I am
qualified and otherwlso all right your
support will bo appreciated.
Asst. Co. Treas.
Former residence Deer CreelcPrecinct.
County Clerk.
I respectfully announce that I nui a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county clerk at primary elec
tion in April, and will appreciate the
support of the members of that party.
North Platte.
For Sheriff
I respectfully present my name as
a candidate for the republican nom
ination for sheriff at the primary elec
tion. My home Is in Sutherland pre
cinct, and I have been a res'dent of
the county since 1SS5. Support given
me will he appreciated.
For County Clerk
I herby announce myself as candi
date for the republican nomination a3
County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub
ject to the decision of the voters at
primary election April 18. Your sup
port will bo appreciated.
(Formerly of Walker PrecInct.I
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub
ject, however, to the decision of the
voters at the primary election April
18th. Your support will be highly appreciated.
North Platte, Neb.
3ii'm:sota mutual live
ixsukaxce co.
Founded 18S0.
It's tho household word in Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that In
sures. They all buy it.
"There is a Iteason"
For further information
Phone, call or address
J. A. SEKASTIAX, Gen'I Atyent.
The Old Line Man
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
cientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Hny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B.Dent, M. D. V.' Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
13c Per Pound
For Hides
$10 Per Ton for
Bones if delivered
at once.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.