The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 17, 1916, Image 2

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Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
the State House.
Western Newspaper Union New Service
It takes 4,380,000 horsepower hours
of work to market Nebraska's wheat I
crop, and G.300,000 horsepowor hours
of work to market the stnto's corn
crop, yet this tremendous volumo of
power Is but ono-twenty-flfth of the
total amount of energy required an
nually in agriculture In tho common
wealth. This and other Interesting facts wore
related by Prof. L. W. Chase, dean of
the agricultural engineering depart
ment of tho University of Nebraska,
beforo tho monthly mooting of the Om
aha & Council Bluffs Implement and
Vehicle club at Omaha.
According to tho 1910 census, $44,
249,780 worth of implements and struc
tures were owned by farmers in tho
commonwealth, he said. Windmills
wero characterized as the "most eco
nomical form of farm power," and
horses as an "oxtravaganco" on tho
average farm. Wldo wagon tires and
long bitches were recommended by tho
professor, who oxplalned that a nar
row tiro acts on a road Hko u disc
harrow, whllo a wldo tiro acts as a
Heavy Auto License Business.
In tho first two months this year
Secretary of State Pool has issued
within 3,000 as many nutomobllo
licenses as his offlco sent out In tho
cntlro year of 1915. Tho total for
January and February Is 56,241, as
compared with something over C9.000
total for last year. Tho exponso of
tho automobllo registry department
during Fobruary was $1,472.
Notwithstanding that Nebraska ro
qulros all corporations doing business
within her border.? to pay for tho priv
ilege of existing as corporations, tho
record In tho office of tho secretary
of Btato lndlcato that a spoclal tax
has no deterrent offoct. A compari
son of tho cash receipts from that
sourco during the month of Febru
ary for tho past two years is as
February, 1915 $1,947.10
Fobruary, 191C 3.38C.75
Tho total receipts of the ofllco for
Fobruary, 1915, wero $2,275.50, whllo
In Fobruary, 101(5, they Increased to I
Loan Shark Law Upheld.
Tho validity c,t the law enacted by
tho legislature of 1915 legalizing tho
business of so-cjillod "loan sharks," Is
established in an opinion of tho high
bench In the tent suit brought by Jules
Altlmus in Douglas county. Tho de
cision says thai tho provision permit
ting such dealors to charco a broker
ago fee of 10 pur cent and an examina
tion foe of GO cVnls, hi addition to 10
per cent Interest, Is not "local nor
special legislation" and that It does
not deny tho tnual protection of tho
lawn. It is further hold that tho pro-,
vision empowering tho secretary of
stato to rojoct applications for li
censes under this law does not confer
arbitrary pow-jr on that official. Un
dor tho tonus, of tho "loan shark"
law. dealers wo required to tako out
annual licenses from tho eocrotary
of state's offifo, j
Reappralsement of State Lands.
The stato board of educational lands
and funds 1ms approved tho reap
pntlsomont of stato lauds for leasing
purposos mndo by county boards in
cloven counties. Tho now nppralso
mnnt will bocomo effective July 1. It
covered 281,564 acros. For tho work of
appraising Oio stnto paid county
boards, $2,02(5. Tho appralsoments ap
proved by tho stato hoard show an
lncronso of $2C8,97G In tho valuation
of tho lnnd, which means an Increase
or $16,13S annually in rental which
tho stato will rocolvo. Tho rontal per
aero In Franklin county was increas
ed from 29 cents an aero to76 cents,
nnd In Kearney county from 22 cents
ta 57 cents. Tho other counties In
which appraisements wero approved
nro Choyonno, Deuel, Arthur, Dundy,
Grant, Hooker, Kimball, McPherson,
and Perkins.
The Nebraska stato hanking board
announces taat hereafter an offort will
bo nado to Investigate more thorough
ly applications for stnto bank char
torn In an offort to curb tho "growing
tendency to promote an oxccsslvo num
bor of stnto banks." Tho board an
nounces that It will herafter require
B0 per cent of tho stock of each pro
posed state bank to bo subscribed
among residents of tho community
whoro tho proposed Institution Is to
b located, and It will examine closely
tb' needs of tho peoplo of tho com
munity for a new bank.
Tho stato board nf educational lands
a." id funds has bought county high
school bonds as an Investment for
School funds belonging to the state.
This Is tho first purchnVo by tho
etato of bonds of this kind. Hooker
country Is a sparsely sottleu county in
tho grazing region In tho northwest
ern part of Nobraskn. It took ad
vantage of a stato law of 1913 and
voted $8,000 for a county high school.
The cntlro county is taxed to pay tho
cost of maintaining a county high
school, Tho bonds bear 5 per cent
State Treasurer May Require Pay
ments at Such Intervals.
Stnto Treasurer Hall's fight to com
pel monthly remittances from county
treasurers was brought to u success
ful finality when tho Nebraska su
premo court handed down a decision
upholding his legal right to rcuulro
payments at such Intervals, Tho
caso decided Is Hint brought by Hall
against Treasurer W. O. Urc, of
Douglas county, for a writ of man
damus compelling tho latter to pay
over state funds In his possession.
It Is held by the court, In brief,
that county treasurer aro required by
law to mult o settluments with the
Btnto 1,1 February and October of ouch
ynr' nl,(1 t,mt tllc flta,,! treasurer may
require pnymont of state funds from
county treasurers ut other times. Tho
demand of Slato Treasurer Hall that
county treasurers should romlt onco
a month the state funds in their pos
session Is doclnred to bo a reasonable
Paid Over License Fees.
Food Commissioner Ilarman has
paid Into the stato treasurer's olllco
$115 of license fcos collor.tod during
tho month of January. Tho money
represented seven cold storago ware
house pormlto at $5 npieco and eight
commission merchants' licenses at $10
each. ,
On account of Treasurer Hall's ro
fusal to let the food commissioner
draw out Inspection foes of his de
partment, when onco paid Into the
treasury, Ilarman has not been turn
ing thoso receipts over to Hall for
tho last six months, hut has been
using them to pay tho running ex
penses of his dopartment nnd deposit
ing tho balances to his credit.
In tho caso of tho cold storage and
commission merchants licenses, how
over, thoro Is no provision of law
whereby they may 'bo used for defray
ing expenses of administration, and so
Food Commissioner Ilarman Is turn
ing them Into tho treasury. Another
paytnont of this kind will bo made or
tho moneys received during Fobru
ary. Warrants Issued Last Month.
Following Is tho list, with tho
amount nnd number of tho warrants
Issued from tho olllco of tho stato
auditor during tho month of Fobru
ary, together with tho total amounts
for tho first months of tho year:
Fund Amount
General $ 1P8.004.40
UiilvriHlty 10.462.69
ITnlvrnilty Cash 23,96!
Morrill 100.00
Experiment Station ... 9H6.03
Slate Library 13S.70
Temporary School .... 454,410.93
I'eru Normal School
Library ...i 895.43
Wnvue Normal School
Library 401.98
Kearney Normnl School
Llbrnry 1,019.09
Chtulron Normal School
Library l?7.r.r,
Stato Aid ItrlrtBO 671.00
Smith-Lever I,.r.r..!i7
Fire Commission l.Rin.itS
University Income .... 2,060.92
Speclnl University
Ihilldlnir 11,779.10
Special Motor Vehicle
Iteir 1.472.29
Institution CfiMh 11.239.42
Normal Schools 40,937.13
Total i 741,981.51
Issued In January .... 288,492.67
Total two months.. 11.030,471.18
Tsnuinl In January and Febru
ary, 1915 $1,032,145.98
Emll Muzlk, convicted of wlfo mur
der, Bontenccd from Douglns county as
tho socond man In Nebraska to suffer
tloath by electrocution, will not bo ex
cuted for tho crlmo, but will Instead
rocolvo a sentonco of Hfo Imprison
ment. Tho stato supremo court In re
viewing Muzlk's caso, has ruled that
tho evidence was sufficient to sustain
his conviction, but not to Justify tho
death penalty, and it "therefore re
duces tho sentence Muzlk'B defense
was Insanity. Ho cut his wife's
throat with a thin tnblo knlfo cmo
morning bccaiiBO sho urged him to
get up out of bed and go to work.
Tho opinion of tho high court, writ
ton by Judgo .Fawcott, takes tho
ground that whllo Muzlk was probably
not Insane In tho usual sense his mind
novortholcss was abnormal nnd tho
degrco of tho crlmo was not so great
as to call for captlal punishment.
A city can tax for city purposes
only property within tho city, nnd
property Is doomed "tnxed" when tho
tax la lovlod, not when It Is Valued
by tho assessor. Tho stato supremo
court so hold In tho enso of T. K.
Hluson against John T. Nlckoroon ot
Reaver City. Tho property concerned
had boon dotnehed from llenver CI'
between tho tlmo of making tho assess
ment and tho tlmo for levying th
Tho Nebraska etato fair board will
go after thu Gotch-Steckcr westlltvK
match to bo hold Labor day under
Gone Melady'a promotion. "Wo can
Bhow Mr. Melady something nttra
tlvo," said Secretary Mollor. "Wo be
Hove wo can provide several thousand'
moro pooplo than could any other
point at that tlmo." Tho fair will bo
on at that duto.
Charles W. Pool of Hyauuls, has
filed with tho secretary of stato as a
candidate for ro-oloctlon to that ofllco
on the democratic ticket.
Alloglug that It has no present pur
poso to violate the Nebraska 2-cent
faro law, butt nslatlng that tho re
straining order of tho Nebraska sit
premo court now In effect Is an In
frlngemont upon Its right to npply for
relief to the United States court If It
should Bee fit to do so, the Northwest
ern railroad has filed In tho former
tribunal n domurror to tho state's pe
tition and a motion to dlssolvo the
order. A similar motion nnd a de
murrer havo been tiled on behalf of
the M, & O. road, which Is part ot tho
Northwestern system.
Crown Prince's Army Launches New
Drive East of Verdun Fierce Ar
tillery Duel In Progress Foil At
tempt to Wreck Bridges.
London. March 13. With Fort do
Vuux again In French bands, accord
ing to the olllciul statement Horn
Merlin, the crown prlncos troops
launched a now and desperate artil
lery attack ngalnst tho entire French ,
line east of Verdun, pouring thousands j
of tons of explosives Into tho French j
positions 1
Tho official communlquo Issued at j
Pnrls discloses a violent artillery bom
bardment against Elx. Moulalnvllle,
Vlllorcs-Sous-Uonohnmp and IJougee.
which llo to tho cast of Verdun und
south of Vuux.
In addition ta this tcrrlllc nttock
tho Germans resumed their desperate
nctlon weBt of the Mouse, sacrificing J
thousnnds of men In the recapture or )
positions In tho Corbeaux woods, j
which worn taken by tho French on
Wednesday. In this battle, one of tho
most despernto and sanguinary of tho
Verdun campaign, tho Teutons made
assault after assault upon tho French
positions, losing men. according to the
French communlquo, "out of all pro
portion to tho objective sought."
Thoso attacks wore repulsed until tLo
Ocrmnns brought up 20.000 men and
launched tholr cntlro strength In tho
great drive which cleared tho woods
of tho French, but left tho ground car
peted with dead.
A German ruse, apparently to blow
up tho bridges on tho Mouso below
Verdun and thus hamper the supplies
of tho French and cut off tho retreat
of troops is rovealed In tho statement,
which declares tho Gormans set float
ing mines In tho rlvor. Tho French,
howevor, fished out tho mines boforo
thoy did any dnmago
Destroyer and Torpedo Boat Hit
Mines Sent to Bottom Off
East Coast.
London, March 11, Tho British de
stroyer Coqtiotto and torpedo boat No.
11 havo bv.e:i sunk by mlnos, tho ad
miralty announced. Four officers and
41 men aro. mlsBlng, and It Is belloved
thoy perished.
Tho .Coquet tov a ship of 3G5 tons,
was armed with ono 12-pounder nnd
five six-ponders, Sho carried n crow
of sixty men nnd was commanded by
Lieut. Frederick A. Warner.
Tho torpedo boat No. 11 was armed
with two three-Inch guns and threo
18-Inch torpedo tubes. Sho carried a
crow of 35 men. Tho torpedo boat
displaced 253 tons and was built in
Harry S. New Leads Indiana Senate
Race by 8,202 Votes Goodrich and
Adair Increase Leads.
Indianapolis, Ind.. March 11. With
2,704 of tho 3,177 precincts of tho stato
In and with Hnrry S. Now loading by
8,202 votes, word was received on
Thursday from James E. Watson that
he admitted ho had been defeated on
the first choice votes in Tuesday's pri
mary for tho Republican nomination
for United States sonutor.
James P. Goodrich and John A M.
Adair continued to Increaso their leads
In the contests for tho nomlnntlon for
governor on tho Republican nnd Demo
cratlo tickets, respectively.
North Dakota Senator Withdraws His
Resolution Warning Americans Off
Armed Ships Tells Why.
Washington, March 10. Senator Mc
Cumber brought his resolution warn
lng Americans off armed, ships boforo
tho scuato and then withdrew It be
cause, ho said, thoro wero very strong
Indications of n settlement of tho U-
boat controversy without congression
nl action.
Senator MeCumbor read a brief
statement Baying that In view of what
purported to bo an authoritative state
munt from Secrotnry of Stato Lansing
that Americans wero to bo Indirectly
but effectively wnrnod off armed ships
ho considered tho purpose of his and
tho Gore resolution accomplished.
Mrs. Heflln Dies.
Lafayetto. Aln., March 10. Mrs,
Thomas J. Heflln, wlfo of Congress
man Hetlin of tho Fifth Alabama dls
trict. 1b dead at their homo horo.
This One Breaks Record.
Washington, March 11. Tho treas
ury department's "conscience fund'
has boon mudo richer by $30,000.
was tho largest sum over contributed
to thu fund, Thu money camo In a
letter dated Philadelphia
Austrian Ships for Turks.
Rome, March 11. Two of tho most
powerful of Austria's dreadnnughts nro
being prepared In Dalmatian ports, the
Trlbuua says, with the Intention of
forcing tho alllos' blockade of tho Adrl
atlc In order to reach tho Dardanelles
f I' ni 4 iTrvr.
Big Victory for President Wilson
When the Measure Is Tabled
276 to 142.
Washington. March 9. The house of
representatives capitulated completely
to tho Wilson administration. By two
test votes early In tho day It showed
Its conlldenco in President Wilson and
on Tuesday night It crowned a day of
chaos and confusion by tabling tho
now famous McLemoro resolution,
warning Americans off armed ships,
by a voto of 27C to 142. Tho first test
voto resulted In a victory for tho ad
ministration adhorents, 25G to 1G0, and
tho second resulted in 271 votes for
tho WIlBon policies against 138 oppos
ing. Both votes wero on parliamentary
phases of tho situation, but thoy clear
ly forecasted tho voto that was to come
In tho evening.
Warnings that no nation "divided
against Itself shall stand" wore re
ceived In soloran sllonco. Excoriation
of American citizens whoso "Toolbar-
dlncss and recklessness" In traveling
on belligerent ships might "plunge the
country Into war" was cheered.
Tho final argument and appeal which
aroused tho houso most was tho de
mand that tho country stand firm bo-,
hind tho prosldent In his fight.
. H. Gary of U. S. Company and Six
Corporations Named In Ohio In
aulrv Wane Trust Is Aliened.
Yoilngstown, O.. March 9. Indict
ments wero returned on Wednesday
by tho Mahoning county grand Jury
against tho Youngstown Sheet and
Tube company, tho Briar Hill Steel
company, tho YoungBtown Iron and
Steel company, tho United States
Steel company and E. H. Gary, execu
tlvo chairman of tho United States
Steel company. Tho defendants aro
charged with having formed a trust to
fix the wages of common labor In vio
lation of tho laws of Ohio. Theso In
dictment followed a sweeping Investi
gation of tho East Youngstown riots
and labor troubles In January, in
dictments wero roturncd also against
Mayor V. 11. Cunnlughnm and six
councllmon of East Youngstown,
charging them with bolng financially
Interested In property purchased for
vlllago purposes.
London. March 11. British troops
In German East Africa have occupied
Taveta and Salntta, it wai officially
Petrograd, March U. TurKlsh-Por-
slan troops under German officers aro
ovacuatlng tho Persian elty of Ispa
han beforo tho Russian advance
London, March 10. German naval
and military prisoners In tho United
Kingdom totnl 13,821 and all of them
rcceivo tho samo pay as British sol
diers, according to a statement made
in the houso of commons by Harold
J. TennnnL parliamentary under sec
retary for war.
German Town Swept by Fire.
Amsterdam. March 11. A great flro
has destroyed warehouses and a largo
quantity ot merchandise at Mucnchen
Glndbach, a town in Rhenish Prussia,
sixteen miles southwest of Dusseldorf
Tho damage was extensive.
British Commandeer Liners.
New York. March 11. Officials of
tho Whlto Star lino conceded that tbo
freight spaco In tbelr transatlantic
steamships had been commandeered
by tho British government for tho ac
commodation of munitions and grain.
Kaiser's Government Will Yield If
Great Britain Heeds Interna
tional Regulations.
Washington March 10. Count von
Bernstorff, tho German ambassador,
on instructions from his government,
handed to Secretary Lansing on
Wednesday a long memorandum ex
plaining in detail tho German posltton
In regard to armed merchant ships and
tho causes leading up to tho decision
of the central European powers to tor
pedo without warning nil armed mer
chantmen of their enemies.
Tho memorandum contains tho alle
gation that Great Britain had taken
advantago of tho contention of tho
United States that Americans must bo
safo on defensively armed merchant
men, to havo thoso ships act offen
sively toward enemy submerslblcs.
The German government expresses
a willingness to operate Its submarines
In accordance with International law
prevailing prior to tho war, provided
Great Britain docs not violate the
same laws.
The German government concedes
that as submarines aro a new engino
of warfare, international law as at
present constituted makes no provi
sion for their use.
Tho memorandum contends that tho
ovldenco appended to tho lato German
announcement, proves that British
ships armed ostensibly for defense
havo been Instructed to act, and have
acted offensively, and that they aro
not peaceful traders, as tho United
States was assured they would be by
Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, tho British am
The memorandum also reiterates the
provlous declaration that submarine
warfare was begun by Germany In re
prisal for tho announced Intention of
Great Britain to starve tho civilian
population of tho central empires.
Tho memorandum also refers to tho
long-standing friendship between tho
United States and Germany, and ox
presses the hopo that the Amorlcan
peoplo will, when familiar with tho
explanation offored. fully appreciate
the position In which Germany finds
herself as a result of tho blockade
By way of supporting the contention
that Germany's reprisals aro Justlflod,
tho memorandum enumerates various
actions of Great Britain, which havo
operated against tho Interests of neu-
trals and their cltlzonn. Theso are
cited to show that Greet Britain has
violated International law.
Interstate Commerce Commission De
cides In Favor of Railroads In
Western Rate Case.
Washington, March 11, Tho Inter
stato commerca commission has grant
ed substantial rato increases to west
ern railroads In a decision In tho
western advauco rato cano No. 3, fol
lowing decisions favorable to tho
railroads as to many commodities
handed down last year In tho tlrst two
parts of this caso. The doclsiou de
clares Justltled tho proposed Increaso
from 30,000 to 40,000 pounds In tbo
minimum carload weight on grain.
$100,000 to Pension Ministers.
Wichita, Kan., March 10. A $100,000
endowment with which to pension
aged Methodist ministers was started
on Wednesday aftornoou at the south
west Kansas conference of MothodlBt
Earl Curzon Hurt In Accident.
London, March 10. Earl Curzon of
Kedleaton, lord of thu privy seal, la
confined to tits residence, Buffering
from a fractured left elbow, tho re
sult of an accident, according to an an
uouncoment mado here.
Declaration Enumerates Long Series
of Breaches of Neutrality Military
Clashes In South Africa Cited Per
mitted English to Use Ports.
Berlin, March 11. Germany do
clared war on Portugal at 3:30 o'clock;
Wednesday afternoon nnd banded bis
passports to tho Portuguese minister.
This action was foreshadowed
when n semiofficial report declared
that an ultimatum had been sent to
Portugal demanding tho immediate ro
leaso of tho German ships. The hand
ing of his passports to tho Portuguese
ambassador In Berlin was given ua
tho action that would follow a refusal
to comply with the Imperial demands.
Tho declaration enumerates a long,
series of breaches of neutrality by
tho Portuguese government, such as
the permission of freu passage lo-
Lnglleh troops through tho colony
of Mozambique, tho permission given
English men-of-war to uso Portugueso
ports for a tlmo exceeding that given
noutrals, and tho permission given tho
English navy to use Madeira as a
naval base
Actual engagements between Por
tugueso nnd German troops on tho
frontier of Gorman Southwest Africa
nnd Angola and frequent insults to-
tho Gorman nation by mombers of
tho Portugueso parliament, who wero
nover reprimanded, aro also cited.
Tho declaration states that, accord
ing to tho treaty between tho two
nations, tho solzuro should bavo been
preceded by an agreement regarding;
tho price to bo paid tho owners and
that tho selzuro was only Justlflablo
In caso of public necessity in Portu
gal, whereas tho tonnage of tho ship
was evidently larger than that needed
at Portugal's disposal. It Is further
stated that tho Portuguese govern
ment did not even try to enter Into
communication with tho German own
ers or tho German government.
"Tho Portugueso government by
theso acts openly gave evidence that
Portugal considers herself England's
vassal, for whom England's Interests
and wishes aro paramount In com
parison with other considerations,"
the declaration continues. "Tho
Portugueso government seized tho
ships In a fashion which must bo
considered as an Intentional provoca
tion of Germany. Tho German flag
was hauled down on board tho ships
and tho Portugueso flag, with tho war
emblem, set, whllo the admiral's ship
fired a salute."
Lisbon, March 11. Largo numbers
of German residents are leaving Por
tugal as a result of notices given to-
them by German consuls that they
should quit tho country as soon as
Military Strength of Portugal.
Peace establishment of active-
army Is about 30,000.
All available, Including active army,
reserves and territorials, estimated
from 300,000 to 400,000.
Tho navy consists of one old bat
tleship, five protected cruisers and
about thirty smaller vessels.
Bituminous Operators and Employees
Agree to $15,000,000
Now York, March 10. After a warm
debato lasting nearly six hours, tho
interstate Joint conference of miners-
and operators from tho soft coal
Holds of westorn Pennsylvania, Ohio.
Indiana and Illinois, representing;
nearly 200,000 mlno workers, on Wed
nesday adopted the now wago contract
agreed upon by tho subcommittee of
employers nnd employees. Tho agree
ment will Increase tho Income of the
mincworkers in theso states about S 15,
000,000 during tho two-year period the
contract is to run, and will have an
influence on tho wago conferences to
be held In tho bituminous fields of cen
tral Pennsylvania, West Virginia.
Michigan, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri,.
Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas.
Wyoming, Montana and Washington.
Uncle Sam's "Conscience Fund" Hp
Made Richer by $30,000 Mailed
From New York.
Washington, March 10. Tho treas
ury department's "conscience fund"
has been mado richor by $30,000. It
was the largest sum over contributed
to tho fund. Tho money camo In a
letter dated Philadelphia, but post
marked New York. Tho wrltor stated
that It was to return monoy stolen
many years ago.
Rerblan Refugees Removed.
Washington, March 11. All destl
tuto Serbian refugees hnvo been re
moved from Greece nnd Albanln and
havo boon transported chiefly to tho
Islands of Corsica and Corfu, accord
ing to a dispatch.
Roosevelt Not a Candidate.
Now York, March 11. Colonel
Roosevelt Is not a candldato for tho
Republican presidential nomination In
any stato primaries. In an Interview
tho ex-president declared ho did not
wish tho nomination.