The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1916, Image 7

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Don't Fit In Well With the Rest, Out
Boss Had Good Reason for Keep
ing Him Around.
Tho visitor was being shown about
by tho head of tho up-to-date business
"Who Is that dnppor youth at tho
Glass-topped dosl 7" ho asked.
"That Is tho superintendent of tho
card-lndox system. Ho keeps an In
ox showing whoro tho Index cases
"Who Is tho young man with tho
gray gaiters and tho efficient ears?"
"Ho keeps an Index showing tho
length oi tlrao It takes to Index the
"Who Is tho girl with tho golden
"She decides undor what Index an
Index to tho lndox of tho filing cablnot
shall bo placed."
"And who Is that gray-halrcd man
at tho disordered, desk In tho cor
"Oh, that's Old Joggs. Ho doesn't
fit In very well with the rest of tho
otllco, but I have to keep him around.
He's tho only employee who can llnd
Important papers when I want thorn
In a hurry." Now York Mall.
As Johnnie Heard It.
Uttlo Johnnie hnd been accustomed
to go to sleep during every sermon,
desplto the scoldings of his mothor.
One Sunday morning sho sent him
off to church and intimated to him
that If ho went to sleep they would
go Into executive session in tho wood
shed on his nrrival from church.
As n test of his being away sho re
quired that ho toll her the preacher's
text when ho went homo.
Johnnie's natural propensity to
sleep was offset by his fear as to what
might happen in tho woodshed, so he
stayed awake.
Ho came back conscious of tho fact
that he was on tho safo side, and
when his mother asked him what tho
text was he unblushlngly accused the
preacher of tho following text; "Moses
waB an oyster man and made oint
ment for tho shins of his people."
Tho real text was: "Moses was an
austere man and mado atonement for
the sins of his people."
Wooden Men.
First Fresh My father has a fino
cedar chest.
Second Fresh 'Snothlng. Aly fa
ther is a veteran and has a hickory
leg. Dartmouth Jack-j'-Lantcrn.
Following Fashion.
Blondlne Live pets In leash aro all
tho rago In fashionable circles.
Brunetta I woudor If that Is why
3ertrudo Giddigad keps so many beaux
nn a strlug? Judge.
His Unusual Pleasure.
"I am looking forward to spending
tho evening in my own home."
"How does that happen?"
"My wlfo is giving a dinner party
and sho has Invited mo." Judge.
A Leading
Food Expert
stood before the big battery of milling machines in the
Grape-Nuts factories at Battle Creek, Mich., and after
inspecting both the wheat and flour said to the miller:
"That's selected wheat, and no 'patent flour stunt,
either. That wheat comes out of the rolls as honest
and unrefined as it went in. Where did you ever make
flour before that retained the true mineral content of
the grain?"
And the wise miller replied: "I have worked in
a good many mills, and I am no youngster, but let
me tell you, I never made whole wheat flour like that
until I came with this company.
The truth is, white flour is wofully lacking in certain
essential mineral elements which are thrown out in the
milling to make flour white and pretty, and its use
frequently results in impaired health anpl activity.
The famous pure food,
is made of honest whole wheat and malted barley; and
supplies in splendid proportion all the brain- and nerve
making, bone- and muscle-building elements of the
field grains, including their mineral elements.
Rich, nut-like flavour, ease of serving, and quick
digestibility have made Grape-Nuts a household word
the country over.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Busy Man's Explanation o' How Ho
Was Able to Hold Down His
Three Jobs.
Alderman Curran of New York city
worked his way through Valo collcgo.
During his courso ho was kept very
busy by tho various Jobs ho did to
help with his expense. On graduation
hf went to Now York and was oven
busier than ho had been In New Ha
ven. After somo months of llfo In Now
York, a friend met him and said,
"Henry, what are vou doing?"
"I have thrco Jobs," replied Mr. Cur
ran. "I'm studying law, 1 am a jsws
paper reporter, and 1 am selling llfo
"How do you manago to get It all
In?" said iho frlenf.
"Oh," replied Mr. Currcn. "that's
easy enough. Thcy'ro only eight
hour Jobs." Youth's Compciilon.
Donizetti and the Czar.
There aro some persons who talk on
all occasions when others aro speak
ing, singing or whatever they may bo
doing. Tho Evangelical companion
tells of tho hint given by Donizetti,
tho great musical composer, to Czar
Nlchola3 of Russia.
During Donizetti's long stay at St.
Petersburg, ho played by command be
fore Czar Nicholas, who. In ho courso
of the piece, entered Into conversation
with a bystander. Donizetti at onco
stopped tho performance.
"Why'havo you stopped?" asked tho
"Sire," was tho roply, 'when tho
czar Is speaking, everyono else should
be silent."
"Didn't tho ground hog prophesy
good weather?" Inquired tho forgetful
"Yes. But like other discreet proph
ets ho refused to be Interviewed any
In the Museum.
Manager What makes the lion
tamer so late?
Assistant Ho had his wlfo arrested
for cruelty and ho had to go to court
this morning and appear against her.
Nothing Mean About Dad.
"Was her father generous with his
wedding gift?"
"I should say ho was. Why, ho
gave them threo dozen fresh eggs to
start housekeeping with."
On the Trail.
"Gol dern it all, that pesky kid has
left marks all over my now novel."
"Well, you enn't hlamo him for that,
father. Ho was evidently tracking tho
You may not bo ablo to teach an old
dog new tricks but who wants to bo
a canine pedagogue, anyway?
Less than one-fifth of Spain's coal
mines are officially recorded as productive
A llRht supper, n Rood night's sloop
and a flno morning, lmvo often imtdo 11
horo of tho snmo man who by Indi
gestion, n restless night and a nilny
morning would hove proved a coward
Good wholesomo bread Is tho great
food In our homes and Is oftcn-tlmes
tho most Illy pro
pared. For tho
busy woman who
has Uttlo time to
prepare tho light
bread in the longer
process this will
appeal to her:
Quick Bread.
Boll and mash seven potatoes, add a
pint of water In which tho potatoes
havo been boiled, nnd throe pints of
cold water, then stir in two and a half
cakes of yeast dissolved In a little
warm water, two tablospoonfuls of
salt, two of sugar nnd thrco of Hour,
mix and add a pint of boiling water;
when cool add to tho first mixturo
and cover with a cloth and keep warm
ten hours. Then place In a moderate
ly cool place until needed. For each
loaf of bread put four cupfuls of Hour,
warm and sifted Into a bread pan with
a pint of the yeast, n cupful of scald
ed milk, cooled, and a tnblespoonful
of lard. Mix with a spoon, then knead
briskly for ten minutes, mold into
loaves and let riso in a warm place.
When light bako forty-five minutes In
a modorato oven
Tea Rolls. Scald two cupfuls of
milk and pour It over a cupful of
sugar, three tablospoonfuls of butter
nnd a teaspoonful of salt. When It Is
cool to lukc-warm beat Into It throo
cupfuls or flour, sifted threo times,
then add a cako of yeast, dissolved
In a fourth of a cupful of luko-warra
water. Cover and let riso until It Is
light, then add two well-beaten eggs,
threo moro cupfuls of flour and a tea
spoonful of cinnamon. Placo In a but
tered bowl and let rise until double its
bulk. Form into small rolls and place
In a buttered pan, let them riso until
very light. Urush tho tops with melt
ed butter and bako in a hot oven for
fifteen minutes by adding to tho above
one-half a cupful of cocoa.
Popovers. Take two cupfuls of
flour, two cupfuls of milk, threo eggs
and a teaspoonful of salt. Beat tho
eggs unUl light, add tho milk and salt
and pour gradually Into the Hour, beat
ing all tho time. Strain tho battor
and pour Into hot greased gem pans.
Bake In a hot oven twenty-llvo min
utes. Let us examine sncredly whether
thero Is uny wrong Intrusted to us to
set right. Dickens.
Greatness s nothing If It Is not
lnstlng. Napoleon.
Tho indlspcn8ahIo pocket In a kitch
en upron may bo put near the edgo of
tho npron, but on tho
under side whoro it will
not bo caught and worn
off on every projecting
Treat your broom to a
hot-water bath of hot
soap suds, dipping it un
til it is bright and clean,
then shako out tho wa
ter ahd let dry hanging.
An eye screw should bo placed In
ovcry broom, nnd then it should bo
hung after using. Such a broom will
give a third longer sorvico than ono
that is not taken caro of.
Have a change drawer placed undor
tho shelf of your kitchen cabinet, with
a spring nrranged with boll to lock it
and avoid another using it. and from
this pay all tho small accounts as tho;'
come. Whoro this system has been
tried thero is less overcharging and it
Is well liked by both tho collector aad
tho housowlfo.
When milk Is scorched, pour It at
onco into a clean dish and set it into
cold water. This will remove overy
traco of tho tasto If It has not been
too badly burned.
One of tho easiest ways of mending
china and one which will mnko It
water and hent proof is to uso tho
whito paint or oil colors usd by
artlBts. A smnll tubo costs ten cents
nnd will last ror a hundred mended
dishes. Mend tho dish and put It awny
for six weeks to get thoroughly hard.
Then If any of tho paint hns oozed
out on tho cdpo it can bo scraped off
and tho dish will bo as good as over.
Clean your bed springs by putting
tnom on tho law. and turning on tho
hose on a bright day. They will dry
In a few minutes.
Tea and coffco stains, or. In fact, any
stains that seem obstinate and those
of long standing may bo removed with
About North Dakota.
North Dakota, besides Its Devils
lake. Its bad lands nnd Its tremendous
stretches of absolutely 'worthless scen
ery. Is chief producer In this country
of threo grains spring wheat, flax and
barley. It also Is bounded on tho
straight up by tho swiftest moving
fresh air in America.
Give Credit to Chinese.
The earliest designs used for chlnn
at Worcester, England, aro believed
to havo been copied from tho Chlncso.
pcroxldo. Put tho peroxldo on tho
spots when tho clothing Is on tho lino,
ropeat until nil traco Is removed. The
nlco thing nbout using this Is that you
need not wash tho clothing, as, tho
liquid does not Injuro tho fabric.
To freshen rolls or biscuits damped
them slightly by a Bprlnklo of water,
slip them in a paper bag and lay on
tho rack In a hot oven.
The world Is full of unfortunntes
that linvc but ono ailment Indecision.
Sam Johnson.
Sandwiches aro used particularly
for cold repasts, especially for outdoor
excursions nnd picnics.
They aro easily mndo
and depend for perfec
tion on their daintiness.
For c h I c k o n salad
sandwiches chop tho
chlckon nnd celery much
liner than for tho snlad.
Cut tho bread In narrow
oblongs, butter, lay on a
lcttuco leaf and a filling
of tho salad.
FIq Sandwiches. Prcparo a half
pound of figs by chopping them, and
n third of a cupful of sugar, a half
cupful of boiling water, two tablo
spoonfuls of lemon Juice, mix and cook
theso ingredients In a doublo bollor
Until thick ennmrh tn nnrnnil. Cut tlin
bread In fnncy shnpes, spread with
softened butter and placo tho tig lining
Lettuce Sandwiches. Spread white
bread, cut in oblongs, with butter, lay
on a lettuce leaf dipped In salad dress
ing and sprlnklo with Roquefort
Kindergarten Sandwiches. Cut
brown bread with a doughnut cutter,
also cut slices of white bread and uso
tho samo cutter. Spread out tho small
circles and tho hollow ones, put a dark
center Into a whito ring nnd n wrlto
center Into a dark ono, spread with
butter and cottage cheese, put togethor
in pairs or servo singly.
A most appetizing filling for nny
sandwich is a common boiled dressing
which has been thinned with a Uttlo
of tho seasoned oil nnd vinegar from
oil pickles, with a bit of tho pickles
chopped and added with a tablespoon
ful or two of finely chopped boiled
A green popper llnely chopped
added to boiled dressing is n flavor
which -is well liked for sandwiches.
011ve3 stuffed' or plain, pickles of vari
ous kinds and salt or colery or other
seasonings also mako u good filling
yesterday Is gone. Tomorrow never
comes. Today Is, hero. If you don't
know what to do, sit still and llnton.
You may hear something. Nobody
knows. Charles Sandberg.
I'ralse loudly; blame softly.
With a sheet of sponge cako ono may
vary tho desserts, having something
different each day
for a weok If so
Cut thin spongo
cako In rounds,
heap on sliced ha
nnnns and add a
little lemon Juice,
then heap on
sweetened and flavored whipped
crearii. dot with a cherry or bits of
Cut plain spongo cako In slices,
using threo slices for each serving,
put theso together with sweetened rhu
barb or rhubarb and orango marmu
lade, decornto tho top with cream and
n hit of Jolly.
Oranges sliced and placed as a fill
ing In chocolnto cako, served with a
boiled custard Is delicious.
Cako crumbs of various kinds with
nny stowed or canned fruit, mako a
most delicious dessert, served cither
steamed hot or baked.
Strawberry Dessert. Cut plain cako
In squares, and dip In canned strnw
berry Juice to soften, put on a layer
of sliced bananas and decorate with
a few choice preserved strawberries.
Serve with whipped cream colored
with tho Julco and slightly sweetened
Fig Betty. Take two cupfuls of
cako crumbs, melt a tablespoonful of
butter and stir In tho crumbs until
well mixed. Plnco a layer of ttio
crumbs In a baking dish, add a thin
layer of apple and figs, finish with tho
buttered crumbs. Add enough lemon
Julco and water to keep tho mixturo
moist enough to bake. Cook until tho
apple is tender.
Small Staying Power.
Tho household encouraged tho Uttlo
servant girl to go to tho pictures.
Thoy foil that hor llfo needed bright
onlng. Sho went, and they asked her
afterwards whether sho had enjoyed
horsolf. "Yes," sho said rathor du
biously, "but 1 can't stick them long.
I only stayed two hours." Kxclmngo
Easy to Harden Lead.
Two per cent of metallic sodium will
harden lead bo that It will ring when
When a man smokes cigarettes nnd
wears passionate socks but why say
It; no man over does.
Dr. Pierce' Pellets arc best for liver,
towel nnd stomach. One little Pellet for
a laxative thrco for a cathartic Adv.
Motorcycles that weigh less than
n hundred pounds have been Invented
In England for women.
Throw Off Cnldi mil Prevent Grip.
Wnen ron fpl a cM eoniln on, taio l.AXA
II VH llltOMU (JUININB. 11 remoTra cru of
Ooldi and tlrlp Only Ono 11IIOMO yUIMNll'
U V. UHOVHrJslgnaturoon box. 35a.
A specially prepared banana flour la
holng used by French doctors as a
Vr- Mnrlnp nfter ICtponnrc tn Cold,
Cutting Winds nnd Dust. It Ilestores,
Itefreshos and Promotes Eyo Health,
dood for all Kyct that Need Caro.
Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago,
Kenda Uyo Dook on request.
Near Proposal.
"1 hnd a near leap-year scaro yoB
tcrday." "What was It?"
, "A lady camo Into my otllco nnd
said she wanted to proposo to mo
"A scheme to get up a war fund
Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment
Aro Supreme. Trial Free.
Theso fragraiit, BUpcr-crcamy emol
lients koep tho skin fresh and clear,
tho scalp frco from dandruff, crustB
and scales and tho hands soft nnd
white. Thoy nro splendid for nuraory
and toilet purposes and aro moBt eco
nomical becauso most effective
Froo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
oston. Sold cvorywhero. Adv.
Popular Etymology.
"Why do thoy call tho driver of
a motor-car a shovor?"
"1 guess It's on account of tho way
ho shoves peoplo who walk out of tho
For a really flno coffco at a mod
erato prico, drink Donison's Somlnolo
Brand, 35c tho lb., in scaled cans.
Only ono merchant In each town
boIIb Seminole. If your grocer isn't
tho ono, wrlto tho Donison Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and tho namo
of your Somlnolo dcalor.
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00.
Other Things Needed.
Visitor Well, Itobort, how do you
like your now Uttlo sister?
Robert Oh, sho's all right, l guess;
but thero aro lots of things wo needed
worso. Judgo.
Dear Mr. Editor:
For a long tlmo I Buffered from back
acho, pain In loft sldo, frequent urina
tion (bothering mo at all times during
tho day and night), and tho uric acid
in my blood caused mo to Buffer from
rheumatism along with a constant
tlrid, worn-out fooling. I heard of tho
now discovery of Dr. Pierce, of tho
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y callod
"Anurlc." After giving "Anurlc" a
good trial 1 bollovo it to bo tho best
kldnoy remedy on tho market today.
I havo tried other kldnoy medicines
but theso "Anurlc TablotB" of Dr.
Plcrco'B nro tho only ones that will
euro kldnoy and bladder troubles.
(Signed) HENRY A. LOVE.
NOTE: Experiments at Dr. Plerco'B
Hospital for several years proved that
"Anurlc" Is 37 times moro actlvo than
lithla. Send Dr. Plerco 10c for trial
Shipping Fever
Her Pride Hurt.
"Your fashionable friend seems iot
be threatened with palpitation of tho
heart. "
"Yes, she has just received a dreud
ful shock."
"And what happened to. fortune a
"Sho wns sitting In an employment
olUco waiting for a chuueo to look at
a cook when a haughty dame swept
up and offered her a 1ob." Louisville
After putting on tho boxing gloves a
man realizes why It Is far moro bios
aed to rIvh than lo receive.
Buy Roofing From
ineiat that your local deal
It i mad In three thlclnrtie anil guaranteed 5. 10 or 15 yean according teiwhe-thrf
II 11 1 , 2 or 3-ply. Thii guarantee It barked by tho world'a large! manuUtturer ol Koohnf nj
iuildinir paper. It haa made food In all parte ol the world and under all kind nl CMultboaa,
limit on Cr ruin-lee J and don't accept lubitituto. Look lor the label el quality.
H'trU'l larxtit manufanurtri if RnfinfauJ BuiUtttc Pcpm
We are wholesale distributors of Certain-teed Products, Dnder should! writ
us for prices and information.
Carpenter Paper Company, Omaha, Neb.
The appetite is an ex
cellent barometer of the
condition of the "inner
man." Watch it, and
when it loses its accus
tomed keenness, try
Stomach Bitters
It is an excellent tonic and
appetizer. Get the genuine.
rur 1 nir lo
r Cutter Blieklrj Pill. Ixm.
eae aV Ja ViiA I'tllUI labile IfllKUlV. TiriiVll VJ
WV-itorn i lock men, boctusa tniy
prtreil. freih. reliable! preferred by
wesioro itociiuen. oocause miy
protect where other vteclnn fall.
Writ for booklet ami trattmonlals. pkjt; niatkltg run $1.00
SO. don eki. Black!) Pllla 4.00
i w art irueeior, mil uuier ttn.
The rupertority of Cutter product la dua to ortr 19
rein of (perUmlng In vaaclnea and aerumi only.
I nil at on Cutter', If unobtainable, order direct.
Tht Cuttir Laboratory, Oirkiley, Cat., r Cblctgo. III.
A toilet preparation of merit.
Help tn eradicate dandrntT.
ForReitorlnar Color and
Beauty toCray or Faded Heir,
too. and tl.oo at Druircleta.
Then He Left.
Ho was telling nbout all tho things
ho owned, his prize bulldog, his bunga
low, his touring car.
"Hut you don't booui interested," ho
"Yes, I am," responded tho othot
chap, "but I'm rather occupied to
day. Tell you what You Just mall
mo a statement of your ubsoIb and
I'll read it with nil tho admiration and
awo you could poBslbly doslro."
Important to Mothers
Exnmlno carefully overy buttle ot
CASTOH1A, a safo und euro romody for
infants and children, and see that It
Dnnva lift
Signature of UCAU
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Matcher's Cnatoria
Hal Hal Hal
Mrs, G. Arofull He Biiro you wipe
yonr foot off before you como In.
Mr. C. Arefull (a Joker) Wouldn't
It do Just as well to wlpo tho dirt off
and leavu my foot n?
Run-down ?
Weak ?
Every Spring most peoplo feel "all
out of BortB" tholr vitality Ib at a'
low obb. Through tho winter monthB
tho blood becomes surcharged with
poisons! Tho best Spring medlclno
nnd tonic Is ono mado ot horba and
roots without alcohol that was flrat
discovered by Dr. Plerco years agrj
mado of Golden Seal root, blood root,
&c, called Dr. Plcrco'B Golden Modlcal
Discovery. Ingredients on wrapper.
It eliminates dlscaso-brocding poisons
from tho blood, makes tho blood rich
nnd pure, furnishes a foundation for
sound health.
Influenza. P I n It -
Eye, Epizootic,
Distemper and all
tiUHo anil throat
diseases curt'i', tuiil nil others, no matter how "exposed."
liopt from liuvltiK any of these discuses with M'Oll.VS
DISTKMl'lCI t COMl'(lUM). Three to six doses often euro
a fuse. Ono DO-eent bottle Ktmrantevd to do so. Best
tlilmr for brood marcs; actH on the blood, BOo a bottle,
J 5 dozen bottles. DrUKKlstH nnd harness shops or manu
facturers sell It. AKvntn wunted,
SroiIV MHUICAI, CO., Clin.iUlK. Onxlirn. Intl.. II. S. A.
As Others Sec Us.
Knox I thought you said Dreeily
was wedded to tho truth?
Hlox That was my Impression,
Knox Well, If hu over was, ho rouBt
bo a widower now.
Time Will ell.
"V1 nt'B the reason Do Swift doesn't
npply for z. d'vorcc?"
"Why, his wlfo has taken to mono
pinning, nnd ho thinks he might as
woll wait."
New hosiery Is made In "rights" and
"lefts" to lit tho feet and ankles mors
Your Local Dealer
When you want a good roofing at a reasonable price,
you cannot depend on the Mail Order Houae. if the roof.
in goes wrong, you will have a hard time getting such a
houae to make good. When you buy it from your local
dealer, whom you know and can rely on, you are getting
a safe nronoaition. When vou want roofing of tK! linrl
supply you with
Chicken Coops
Out Buildings