The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1916, Image 6

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llumpliroy Van Woyden, critic and dllot
jtnnto. thrown Into tho water by tho sink
Inn of a ferryboat, on comlnK to Ills
ouseii, (lndn liluiHclf uboard tlio sealing
pchoonor ahoat. Caitnln Wolf Larson,
bound to Japan waters. The captain ro
fuses to put llumpliroy aithoro snil iitakus
Jilm cabin boy "for the Kood of his soul
JIo boglns undnr thn cockney cook, Mutt
riOKo. who stools his money and chases
blm wlinn accused of It. Cooky Is jealous
of Hump and hazes Idm. Wolf hazes a
teaman and makes It the basts for a phil
osophic discussion with Hump. Wolf m
fertalna Mufrrldgo In his cabin, wins from
blm at cards tho money he stole from
JIump. Cooky and Hump whet knives at
ach other. Hump'n Intimacy with Wolf
Increases. Wolf sketches the story of
his llfo, discusses the Ulble. and Omar,
nnd Illustrates the Instinctive love of Ufa
by choking Hump nearly to death. A car
nival of brutality breaks loose In tho ship
And Wolf proves hlmsolf the master brute.
Wolf Is knocked overboard at nliilit,
com on back aboard by tho loRllne and
wins clear In a fluht In tho forecnsllo.
JIump dresses Wolf's wounds and, despite
bis protest. Is mado mate on the hell-snip.
Mr. Van Woyden tries to learn his duties
us mato. Wolf hazns the men who tried
to Ull him. Van Woyden proves by his
conduct In a blow, with all hands out In
the bouts oinotiK the seal herd, that he
baa learned "to stand on his own Iceh."
Then thoy woro gono astern. Tho
,eprltnall filled with tho wind, BUd
donly, carconlng tho frail open craft
till It Boomod It would surely capalzo.
A whltocap fonmod abovo It and broko
'across In a snow-whlto smother. Then
tho boat cmorgad, half swamped,
iLcach flinging tho wator out and John
on clinging to tho stourlng-oar. his
tfaco whlto and anxlouB. Wolf Larson
ilaughod, at tho samo tlmo beckoning
.thorn with his arm (o follow. It was
ovldontly his Intontlon to play with
(thorn, a lesson, I took It, in llou of a
boating, though a dangorous lesson,
tfor tho frail craft stood In momentary
dangor of bolng ovorwholmcd.
Johnson squared away promptly and
San aftor us. Thoro was nothing clso
or him to do.
Still wo Increased our lead, and
when the boat had dropped astern sev
eral ratios wo hovo to and waited. All
yoB watchod It coming, oven Wolf
(Larson's; but ho was tho only unpor
.turbod man aboard. Louis, gazing
Jlxodly, botrayed a troublo in his face
no was not qulto able to hldo.
Tho boat drow closor and closer,
burling along through tho soothing
feroon llko n thing alive, lifting and
Bonding and uptosslng across tho hugo
jbackod breakers, or disappearing bo-
lilnd thorn only to rush Into sight
again and shoot skyward. It scorned
Impossible that It could contlnuo to
"Jlvo, yot with each dizzying swoop It
did achloTO tho Impossible. A rain
squall droro past, and out of tho fly.
lng wot tho boat amorgod, almost upon
"Hard up, thoro!" Wolf Larson
Bhoutod, hlmsolf springing to tho
Wheel and whirling It ovor.
Again tho Qhost sprang away and
mood boforo tho wind, and for two
hours Johnson and Loaoh pursued us.
"Wo hovo to and ran away, hovo to and
ran away, and ovor RBtora tho Btrug
jgllng patch of sail tossed skyward and
(oil Into tho rushing valleys. It was
r quartor of a mllo away whon a thick
squall of rain vellod It from vlow. It
never omorgod. Tho wind blow tho
air clear again, but no patch of sail
broko tho troubled surface I thought
I saw, for an instant, tho boat's bot-
"Good God, Sir, What Kind of a Craft
Is This?"
torn show black in a breaking crest
At the host, that was all. For John
son and Leach the travail of oxlstonco
Lad ceased.
The men romalnod grouped amid
ships. No ono had gone bolow, and
bo ono was speaking. Nor wcro any
looks bolng exchanged. Each man
soutned stunned deeply contcmpla
tire, as It were, and not qulto Buro.
trying to realize, Just what had taken
place- Wolf Larneu gave them little
tlmo for thought. Ho at once put the
Qhost upon her course a course
which meant tho seal herd and not
Yokohama harbor. But the men wore
no longer eager as they pulled and
hauled, and I beard curses amongst
tiiom, which left their llpa emothorod
nnd as heavy and lifeless as woro thoy.
Not so was It with tho hunters. Smoka
tho lrropresslblo related a dtory, nnd
thoy descended Into tho stcorago, hol
lowing with laughter.
As I passed to leeward of tho galloy
on my way aft, I was approached by
tho engineer wo had rescued. HIb
faco was whlto, his Hps woro trem
bling. "Good Qod! sir, what kind of a craft
1b this?" ho cried.
"You havo oyoB, you havo soon," I
answered, almost brutally, what of tho
pain nnd fear at my own heart.
"Your promlBO?" I snld to Wolf Lar
son. "I was not thinking of taking them
aboard whon I mndo that promise," ho
anawored. "And anyway, you'll ngroo
I'vo not laid my hnndB upon them."
"Far from It, far from It," ho laughed
a moment Inter.
I mado no reply. I was incapablo
of Bpoaking, ray mind was too con
fused. I must havo tlmo to think, I
know. Tills woman, stooping ovon
now in tho sparo cabin, was a re
sponsibility which I must consider,
nnd tho only rntlonnl thought that
Dickered through my mind was that I
must do nothing hastily if I woro to
bo any help to her at all.
Tho romnlndor of tho day passod
unovontfully. Miss Ilrowator, wo had
learned hor namo from tho engineer,
slopt on and on. At supper I request
ed tho huntora to lower their voIcob,
bo sho was not disturbed; and it was
not till noxt morning that sho mado
hor appearance It had been my In
tention to havo hor moals sorvod apart,
but Wolf Larson put down hla foot.
Who was sho that sho should bo too
good for cabin table and cabin society?
had been his demand.
Wolf Larson hnd llttlo to say at
tlrst. doing no moro than reply whon
ho waB addrossod. Not that ho was
abashed. Far from It His was tho
porfoct polso, tho supremo conildonco
In self, which nothing could shako;
and ho was no moro timid of a woman
than ho wns of storm and battle.
"And whon shall wo nrrlvo at Yoko
hama?" Bho asked, turning to him and
loklng him squaroly In tho oyos.
Thero U whb, tho quostlon flat Tho
JawB stopped working, the oars ceasod
wobbling, and though eyes romalnod
gluod on plates, each man listened
greedily for tho answor.
"In four monthB, possibly three It
tho season closos early," Wolf Larson
Sho caught her breath, and stam
morod, "I I thought I was given to
understand that Yokohama was only
a day'a sail away. It " Horo aho
paused and looked about tho tablo at
tho clrclo of unsympathetic faces star
ing hard at tho plates. "It is not
right," Bho concluded.
"That Is a quostlon you must sottlo
with Mr. Van Woyden thoro," ho ro
plled, nodding to mo with a mischie
vous twinkle. "Mr. Van Woydon Is
what you may cull an authority on
such things an rights. Now I, who am
only a Bailor, would look upon tho sit
uation somewhat dlfforontly. It may
possibly bo your misfortune that you
havo to romaln with us, but it 1b cor-
talnly our good fortuno."
"I may bo taken off by somo passing
vobsoI, porhaps," aho suggostod.
"Thoro will bo no passing vossola,
oxcopt othor sealing schoonors." Wolf
Larson mado answer.
"I havo no clothos, nothing," alio ob
Joctod. "You hardly reallzo, sir, that
I urn not a man, or that I am unaccus
tomod to tho vagrant, careless llfo
which you nnd your mon soom to
"I Bupposo you'ro llko Mr. Van Woy
don thoro, accustomed to having thtnga
dono for you. Well, I think doing a
fow things yoursolf will l'nrdly dislo
cate any jolntB. By tho way, what do
you do for a living?"
Sho rogarded him with nmazomcnt
"I moan no offonao, bollovo mo. Poo
plo eat, thoroforo thoy must procure
tho whorowlthnl. Thoso men horo
shoot souls in ordor to llvo; for tho
samo roason I sail this schooner; and
Mr. Van Woyden, for tho prosent at
any rato, oarns his salty grub by as
sisting mo. Now what do you do?"
Sho shrugged hor shoulders.
"At present," sho said, aftor alight
pnuso, "I earn about olghtoon hundred
dollars a year."
With ono accord, all eyos loft tho
platOB and settled on hor. A woman
who earned olghtoon hundrod dollars
a year was worth looking nt Wolf
Larson was undisguised In his admi
ration. "Salary or plocowork?" ho askod.
"Piecework." sho answered prompt
ly. "Elghtoon hundrod," ho calculated.
"That's a hundred and tlfty dollars a
month. Wol, Miss Browator, thero
Is nothing small about tho Ghost
Consider yoursolf on salary during tho
tlmo you remain with us."
Bho mado no acknowledgment Sho
was too unusod as yet to tho whims of
tho man to accept them with equa
nimity. "1 forgot to Inquire," ho went on
auavoly, "na to tho nnturo of your oc
cupation. What commodities do you
turn out? What tools and material do
you require?"
"Papor and Ink." sho laughed. "And,
oil! nlflo a typo writer,"
"You aro Maud BrowBtcr," I said
slowly and with certainty, almost as
though I wero charging hor with a
Hor oyes lifted curiously to mlno.
"How do you know?"
"Aren't you?" I demanded.
Sho acknowledged her ldontlty with
n nod. It was Wolf Larscn's turn to
bo puzzled. Tho namo and Its magic
signified nothing to him. I wan proud
that it did moan something to mo, and
for tho first tlmo In a weary whllo I
was convincingly conacious of n su
periority ovor him.
"I remember writing a review of a
thin llttlo volumo " I had begun
carolossly, whon Bho Interrupted mo.
"You!" Bho cried. "You aro"
Sho was now staring at mo in wide
eyed wonder.
I nodded my identity, in turn.
"llumpliroy Van Woyden," sho con
cluded; then added with a sigh of ro
llof, and unawaro that sho had glanced
that rollef nt Wolf Larsen, "I am so
"I remember tho rovlow," she went
on hastily, becoming nwaro of tho
awkwardness of hor remark: "that too,
too flattering rovlow."
"Not at all," I denied valiantly. "You
impeach my sobor Judgment and make
my canons of llttlo worth. Uesldes,
all my brother critics woro with mo.
Didn't Lang lncludo your 'Kiss En
durod' among tho four Bupromo son
nets by women in tho English lan
"You aro very kind, I am suro," sho
murmured; and tho very convention
ality of her tones and words, with tho
host of associations it aroused of tho
old lifo on tho othor aldo of tho world,
gavo mo a quick thrill rich with re
membrance but Btinging sharp with
"And you aro Humphroy Van Woy
den," Bho said, gazing back at me with
equal eolomnity nnd awo. "How un
usual! I don't undorstand. Wo sure
ly aro not to expoct some wildly ro
mantic Boa story from your sober
"No, I am not gathering material, I
assure you," was my answer. "I havo
nolther aptltudo nor inclination for
loll mo, why havo you always
burled yoursolf in California?" sho
noxtaakod. "It haB not boon kind of
you. wo or mo casi navo seen so
vory llttlo oi you too mtio, mueod.
of tho Dean of Amorlcan Letters, tho
I bowed to. and disclaimed, tho com'
nllment. "I nearly mot you. onco. In
Philadelphia, aomo Browning affair or
othor you woro to lecture, you know.
My train waB four hours lato."
And then wo nulto forcot whore wo
woro, loavlng Wolf Larson stranded timbor in anthracite mines is ap
and silent in tho midst of our flood proximately ono cubic foot for every
of gossip. Tho huntors loft tho tablo ton ot coal mined, is correct. Tho tim-
Wnlf I.nrnon nlnnn rnmnlnml. Hlldilnn.
ly I boenmo awaro of him, leaning
bnck from tho tablo and llBtonlng cu-
rlouBly to our allon spooch of a world
ho did not know.
I broko short off In tho middle ot a
nnntnticn Tho nroaent. with nil Its
nrHo n,l nvlnt1nB rnHhni! unnn m
with stunning force. It smote Misa
BrowBter llkowlso, a vaguo and name
less torror rushing Into hor oyos as
sho rogarded Wolf Larsen.
Ho roso to his foot and laughod awk
wardly. Tho sound of It was motnlllc.
"Oh, don't mind mo," ho said, with
a solf-dopreclatory wnvo of his hand.
"I don't count. Go on, go on, I pray
But tho gates of spooch woro closod,
nnd wo, too, roso from tho table nnd
laughed awkwardly.
Tho chagrin Wolf Larson folt from
bolng Ignored by Maud Brewster and
mo In tho conversation at tablo had
to express ttsolf In somo fashion, and
It foil to Thomas Mugrldgo to bo tho
victim. Ho had not mended his ways minjug for tho next fow years, but will from looso Ideas of tho personal do
nor hla shirt, though tho latter ho con- effect a final saving. Most of tho tint- ment in proclaiming tho gospel; In
tonuea no nau ennngou. i no gnrmoni
Itsolf did not bear out tho assertion,
nor did tho accumulations or groaso
on atovo nnd pot and pan attest a gon-
oral cleanllnoss.
"I'vo glvou you warning, Cooky,"
Wolf Lnrson said, "and now you'vo
got to tako your mcdlclno."
Mugrldgo'a faco turned whlto undor
Its sooty vonoor, and whon Wolf Lar-
son callod for a ropo and a couplo ot
mon, tho raleorablo cockney tied wild-
ly out of tho galloy and dodged and
duckod about tho dock with tho grin-
nlng crow In pursuit. row things
could havo boon moro to their liking
than to glvo him a tow ovor tho stdo,
tor to tho torecastlo ho had sent
messes and concoctions ot tho vilest
As usual, tho wrtches below and tbo
huntors turnod out for what promised
snort Mugrldgo oxhlbltod a nliublo-
noss nnd Booed wo did not droam
possessed. Straight aft ho raced,
the poop and along the poop to the
Btcrn. So great was his speed that
os ho curved past tho corner of tho
cabin ho slipped and foil. Nllson waH
standing at tho wheel, nnd tho cock
ney's hurtling body Btruck his legs.
Both wont down togothor.but Mugridge
alono aroso. By somo freak of pres
sures, his frail body hnd snapped the
strong man's log llko a plpostom.
Pnrsons took the wheel, and the
pursuit continued. Round and round
tho docks thoy went, Mugrldgo sick
with fear, tho Bailors hallooing nnd
shouting directions to ono nnothor,
and tho hunters bellowing oncournge
ment and laughter. Mugrldgo wont
down on tho fore-hntch under throe
mon; ho emerged from tho mass,
blooding nt tho mouth.
Tho battlo waB over, and Wolf Lar
son rovo a bowllno In a pleco of rope
and slipped it under his shoulders.
Then ho was carried aft and flung
Into tho sea. Fprty, fifty, sixty foot
of lino ran out, when Wolf Larson
cried "Belay I" Oofty-Oofty took a
turn on a bltt, tho ropo tautened, nnd
tho Ghost, lunging onward, Jorkod the
cook to tho surface.
I had forgotten tho oxlstonco of
Maud Browstor, and I remembered her
with a start as she stoppod lightly
He Was Carried Aft and Flung Into
the Sea.
beside me. It was her first time on
dock alnco sho hod como aboard. A
dead sllonco greeted hor appearance.
Her eyes lighted on Oofty-Oofty, Im
mediately before hor, his body In
stinct with alortncsB and grace as ho
hold the turn of tho ropo.
"Aro you fishing?" Bho asked him.
Ho mado no reply. His eyes, fixed
Intently on tho Boa astern, suddenly
"Shark ho, sir!" ho cried.
"Iloavo In! Lively! All hands tall
nnl" Wr1f I .nrunn dhnnrnd. RnrlniHnir
himqnf to tho todo in advance of tho
'Owners Compelled to Put Millions of
Dollars Underground Every Year
of Operation.
Nearly uo.uuu.uuu cudic reet oi um
Dor aro Placed in Uio anturacuo mines
of Pennsylvania ovory year, If an estl-
mo m tno uoiuery ungmoer. taieiy
acqulrod by Coal Age, that the amount
bored KangwayB and drifts cover a
vast extent, exceeding 7,000 miles, and
'no cloaoly timborod shafts wifh tholr
mies or ueavy gutue umoers wnicn
niU8t bo constantly replaced, form a
largo Item. Tho total output since tho
beginning of anthraclto mining Is ovor
-.OUU.UUU.UUU tons,
A bllllou tOI18 Of Water, or OVOr 11
tlmo-, B . : many t - asU, coal
duced during tho year, must be pumped
out of tho anthraclto mines overy year,
According to tho chief ot tho Ponnsyl-
vanla dopartmont ot mines tho timber-
lng In an oven greator expense than
tho pumping. Tho cost of placing this
vast forest bolow ground is stagger
Tho cost of tho material is given as
about G.6 cents por cubic foot for
round timber and 20 cents por cubic
foot for Bawed timbor. At tho lower
tlguro this would nmko 90,000,000 cubio
feet cost $5,S50,000. In addition to this.
thero uro mllllouB of miuo ties, and
heavy whlto oak Is used tor the mine
cars. Tho use ot steel timbers, which
ro being adopted on account of their
lonnovlty. for main uauKways. turn-
0UtS( j)inup room8 and shaft und slopo
bottoms, will ndd to tho total cost of
bor now used In tho anthraclto mines
i3 yollow pine from tho South,
Successful Brain Amputation
Tho Paris Journal cites a surgical
mlraclo. Doctor Guopln oxpounded
boforo tho Academy ot Scienco tho
case of a soldier of twenty-two years
of ago, who hnd to undergo a partial
amputation ot tho brain. Tho wounded
man has bo far recovered that ho will
not bo discharged from tho active
army. Tho doctor verillod tho fact
that tho rapid romoval of a part of tho
corobral matter has been productive
of no appreclablo trouuio. Tho opor
atlon dopondB for its success on speed
and boldness.
Kind Words.
Bello I think tho short skirts are
so becoming to most girls, and that's
why I llko them.
ho Noll That's real noblo ot your dear,
to I with your teot, too.
Principle, Pro
gram or Person
Secretary of Correspondence Department,
Moody illblo institute of Chicago
TEXT Verily, verily, I say unto you,
ho that bclluvoth on mo hath evorlostlnt;
llfc.-John 6:47.
Tho end of salvation, as tho apostlo
Peter puts it, is tho saving of tho bouI.
Lltornlly millions
aro much inter
ested In that sal
vation, but Satan
has been too sue-
tnaafnl In tronnlnr?
multitudes of them
confused as to
how it Ui obtain-
ablo. Thero may bo
threo answers to
the quostlon, How
la a man to bo
Saved by Prin
ciple. First, somo seem
to think a man 1b
saved by adopting
certain theological propositions; cer
tain religious dogmas or teachings.
Tho weakness of this position Ib
qulto easily seen by tho majority and
they Immediately say that tho theory
must ovcnUato in practice; thoro must
bo a program of conduct, and that
program must bo carried out In actual
Saved by Program.
For such a program tho moral law
of God 1b put to tribute. Tho ethics
of wise men of Old Testament times;
tho best ethics of seekers after truth
of tho first centuries; tho ethics of tho
Sormon on tho Mount and of Jesus
himself and his apostles, are all put
to tribute, and a program of llfo is
presented, and If It can bo carried
out, salvation will ensuo perforce. This
belief la in the faco of much teaching
of tho Word of God that man's right
eousnesses aro as filthy rags. Yet,
with all this, thero aro thousands of
mon and women today who aro trust
ing somo program of living to be their
passport to eternal salvation. But
sincere students of the principles and
tho ethics of Jesus havo found that
other teachings of Jesus take the foun
dation from under this program.
Unique Religion.
Tho religion of Jesus Christ la
unique, being different from all other
religions in that thoso who aro to re
ceive its benefits are not to do so as
tho result of tholr belief in Its prln'
clples, nor an alignment of tholr lives
with Its program of conduct. Neither
Buddha nor Confucius nor Mohammed
romps with nimh n. olnlm. Thnv trlvn
tho Drlnclnles and tho nrocrnm. but
. " . "
koop themselves in tho background
Not so with Jesus Christ, and, strange
nH it mnv neom. hla rnhrrlnn Is. In n
sonso, tho most egotistic of all tho
rollgions that the race of man has over
rocelved. Ho makea moat aatounding
claima for hlmsolf: Ho Is equal with
tho Father; ho Is tho son of God; ho
has all power given to him in heaven
and on earth; ho can ralso tho dead;
ho can lay down his llfo, but ho can
tako it up again; ho can forgive sin;
ho is worthy to receive all honor and
worship, both of men and of angels;
In short, ho claims to bo God. Ho
clearly teaches that salvation Is not
in assent to, nor in belief In his prin
ciples, nor in following a program ot
conduct that ho gives, but In living
union with hlmsolf.
Personality of Jesus Christ.
Wo may note that in tho text wo
find that belief Is referred to, but no
hint is given of principles, or a pro
gram ot living. Tho belief horo, how-
I , , . . ......
, to o a
oxerclso, but a soul movement. This
teaching is frequent: "Believo on tho
Lord Jesus Christ nnd thou shalt be
saved;" "Ho that belloveth on the Son
of God hath everlasting llfo;" "Como
unto mo nil yo that labor and aro
heavy laden and I will glvo you rest."
Now all this teaches that religion is
not a matter of principles or program,
but of personal contact with Jesus
Christ. Ho is represented as tho head
of tho body, of which saved men nro
tho raombors. Ho Is tho chief port of
tho great spiritual building known as
tho church of God, of which his bollov-
era are parts. Ho is tho vino in which
believers aro tho branches. It Is in-
timato, personal contact all tho way
throuch. Ono has vcrv nronerlv said:
"Much ot tho dcadnes3 that has come
to modern Christendom has resulted
presenting n creed Instead of Christ;
In presenting a plnn of salvation rather
than a person who saves."
How to got this personal contnet
with Jesus? Study Jesus, as ho is
presented, especially in tho gospels
and epistles of tho Now Testament, as
the Son of God. Whllo no ono can say
Jesus Is Lord, except by the Holy
Spirit, yet by following tho Holy Spirit
jn his teaching In tho Scriptures, wo
may believe that ho will glvo light
upon light as man goes on honestly
and sincerely Booking to know truth at
thiB point.
- Then let thero bo an uttor and com-
piete surrender of tho soul to Jesus
Christ. When Saul of Tarsus cried:
"What shall I do, Lord?" as ho lay
prostrato on tho earth by tho gate of
Damascus, bo mado tho great surren
der which brought him to personal sal
vation, but as well to tho adoption ot
principles that gavo him a program ot
conduct ploaulng to God,
Stopped Most Terrible Suf
fering by Gelling Her Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Dcnlaon, Texas. "After my llttls
girl was horn two years ago I began suf
fering with femala
troublo and could
hardly do my work.
I waB very nervous
but just kept drag
ging on until last
summer when I got
where I could not do
my work. I would
have a chill every
day and hot flnshea
and dizzy spells and
my head would al-
most burst I got where 1 was almost
a walking skeleton and life was a burden
to mo until ono day my husband's step-
iatertold my husband if he did not do
something for me I would not last long
And told him to get your medicine. So ho
got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
? jund for mo, and after taking the first
ihreo doses I began to improve. I con
tinued Its use, and I havo never had any
femalo troublo since. I feel that I owe
my lifo to you and your remedies. They
lid for me what doctors could not do
and I will always praise it wherever I
0." Mrs. G. 0. Lowkry, 419 W.Mon-
Serey Street. Denison, Texas.
If you are sufFcring from any form of
female ills, get a bottlo of Lydia E.
.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, nnd
commence tho treatment without delay.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
tan quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on the
hver. cure
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Stand Pat.
"Did you make any resolutions Now
"No; all my bad habits aro so de
lightful that I don't oven like to fool
myself with tho idea that I am going
to break them off." Judge.
A medicinal preparation like Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, thathas real curative
value almost sell, itself. Like an endless
chain system the remedy is recommended
by those who have been benefited to thosa
who are in need of it.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a physi
cian's prescription. It has been tested
for years and has brought results to count
less numbers who have suffered.
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