The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1916, Image 5

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Fashionable Accessories
New Leather Novelties, Hand Bags, Strap Purses.
Collar and Cuff Sets, Leather Trimmings by the
Yard, Belts, also the full Leather Skins.
Beautiful Combinations, Strictly Japanese Designs. .
All these designs are hand-painted by Japanese workmen; only the
best colors shown, Brown, Green, Blue and Purple combination.
We are positive that you cannot find a more extensive assortment
or more snappy, styles than shown in our leather novelties. Watch
our window, the full assortment will be shown, which cannot help
but please the most critical and fastidious buyer. Modest Prices.
For Sale New house cheap. Apply
1212 west Third. 17-1
For Rent 4 room house with large
lawn and fruit trees. Inquire 717 North
Locust street. 17-2
Dr. Sadler of Hershey, made a pro
fessional visit to this city the latter
part of last week.
Judge H. M. Grimes, who has been
holding court in Lexington for several
weeks, spent Sunday at home.
Mrs. T. H. Wyman and brother Chas.
Moore, of Brule, Who were guests of
Dr. Mario Ames, left yesterday morn
ing. Lost, strayed or stolen lust 3Iomlny,
one bay maro with two year old colt.
Anyone knowing tliclr whereabouts
please phone to Lierk & Sandall.
Arthur Rush and Loren Sturgcs
were in Stapleton Friday to visit Dick
Baker who lias been ill for a week or
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vernon have
gone to Haigvllle tb reside. The former
was recently transferred there by the
Union Pacific.
The Zenda dancing club are mak
ing arrangements for a social dance
at the Lloyd opera bouse on Friday
evening, March 17th,
Nocturnal work by artificial light
brings forth all lurking eye defects.
Tlilc In uriinrn nntnmetrv comos ill with
tho light of optical knowledge. HAR
RY DIXON, Optometrist and Jeweler,
west side of Dewey street.
Will Bremer, of Brady, A. Zollars of
Nichols, nnd Miss Carden, of Brady,
were visitors at tho county superin
tendent's office the latter part of last
(.ruin Hit' space around the run- with
Iiliiiiincl. Any child can do It. .Wakes
iinrron boards out of wide ones STONK'S DHUG STOHH.
4 Mrs. James Beekman entertained the
Elite club last week with cards. In tho
games tho highest scores were made
by Mosdames A. W. Brown and W. II.
Come and renew your acquaintance
with old church friends, as many of
tliem will bo represented in "package
form" at Presbyterian church, Parcel
Post Sale, Mar. ICtli. 25 cents.
The ladies who visit tho millinery
departmorot at Blockfs will not be
disappointed. All tho now stylos,
shanes and colors displayed correctly.
MRS. SAILOR, Milliner.
There will bo a meeting oftho Meth
odist aid society at tho homo of Mrs.
M. E. Scott next Thursday afternoon
for tho work committee and other
membors who will assist in the work
for tho Easter baznar.
Goo. E. Hardin, ono of the early
settlers of tho coutny, loaves this week
with hlo family for Fullertton, whore
hey will make their future home. Mr.
Hardin recently traded his farm in tho
north part of tho county for Fullerton
Owen O'Xeil left the latter part of
last week for Sutherland to spend a
week or more.
Aveline Gates, now employed in a
Grand Island drug store, spent the
week end witli relatives and friends.
Frank Yeomen, of Kansas City, ar
rived here the latter part of last week
to visit his brother George Yeomen and
family for a week or longer.
Old Trusty, Poultry Lender, and
Queen Incubators and Rroodcrs ut fac
tory prices. SI3I0X HKOS. 15-G
Miss Mildred Fltzpatrlck resigned
her piosition at the Kauffman-Wernett
store Saturday evening and will leave
for Omaha this week to take a course
in nursing.
We havo already sold moro Coats,
Suits and Dresses tills season than
any previous season at this time. You
know why? Because wo have tho
goods! Come In and we'll be glad
to show you. BLOCK'S.
Tho wedding of Mi38 Lula Wyman
and Charles Durbin will take place at
tho homo of the bride's parents Fri
day evening, Mn.m 17th at eight
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank
The Grace house on east Fourtli
street recently purchased by Mr. and
Mrs. George M. Smith is under-going
repairs, a number of changes are be
ing made in the interior and new ver
andas are being added.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaar-Langston was
called to Lincoln last week by the
death of her mother who died an hour
after her arrival there. It is Just throe
weeks since Mrs. Langston's father
died and her pupils and friends extend
synlpathy in her double bereavement.
Farm For Rent Inquire of A. A.
Andy Burg, of Grand Island, tbr
many years superintendent of water
works and coaling stations for the
Union Pacific was hero lost weok while
enrouto to Kimball on business. Mr.
Burg is among tho best konwn rail
road men in the state and was recently
For Farm Loans see or wrlto Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tt
In the drill on tho high school
grounds Friday afternoon for a silver
cup between Companies A and B of tho
high school cadets tho Judges rendered
a decision in favor of the former of
which Sidney McFarland Is tho Cap
tain. Acting as Judges woro Leonard
Robinson (of the Spnnish American vet
erans and Dr. T. J. Kerr.
Notice is hereoy glvon by tho First
National Bank of North Platto that
they will receive bids for tho building
adjolnglng thorn on tlio north.
Work of removing said building to
begin by March 20, and all material
to be removed by April 20, 1916. All
bids will be opened by March 15th.
First National Bank of North Platto.
B. B. Baker of the Fidelity Insurance
Co., is spending this week in Hastings.
Harry Woods has been off duty as
U. P. brakeman for several days on
account or illness.
Dr. Ishani of Kearney, visited with
Rev. and Mrs. Cram last week while
enroute to Ogalalla.
J. K. Sebastian returned Saturday
ovening from Ohappell and BigSprings
where he spent a week on business.
Teachers' examinations' will bo held
nt the county superintendent's office
on Friday nnd Saturday Mar. 17t1i and
A daughter was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Win, BasklnB on west
Eighth street. All concerned are doing
Born to M'r. and Mrs. Thomas Thorn
as yesterday morning, a "son. Mrs.
Thomas was formerly Miss Ruth Hark
Miss Margaret Jones resigned her
position as stenographer at the Platte
Valley bank the latter part of last
Mrs. James McEv.oy and son Pres
ton returned yesterday afternoon from
Cheyenne where they visited 'frionds
for a week.
Mrs Louis Doak and son Joseph, of
St. Paul, Neb., arrived hero Saturday
to visit the formers brother Harry
Cramer and Mrs. Cramer.
Casper Raugli and family who spoilt
the winter in town will leave next
week for their ranch south of this city
to spend several months.
Gettman'sIIand-Mado Cigar. 5c. 11-tf
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hamilton, of
Montreal, ennio last evening to visit
tho former's cousin Earl Hamilton
and wife for u week or longor.
Mrs. Ida Lemon and son Clair loft
Saturday evening for St. Paul, Minn
where they wero called by the death of
tho former's sister Mrs. Nellie Flint
who visited hero last summer.
We aro splendidly propnred with the
most completo assortment of hats, the
most reasonable prices and the most
distinctive styles. VILLA WHIT
TAKER. Wilcox Department Store.
Roso Comb Rliodo Island select eggs
for hatching. $1.00 per setting, Utility
stock for sotting 50 cents. Also setting
hens for salo. Mrs. George Tekulve
phono Black 505. 17-
Mlss Marlon Dentler, a former North
Platto girl who played hero in "Peg
of My Heart" has taken up tho
"Movio" work and will bo seen on the
screen at the Kolth next week as the
heroine In tho Equitablo Production
of "The Clarion."
: :o: :
Sonio choice pieces of bottom liny
jiiimi, wimiii nines oi aorta I'latte
Rent can lie paid out of sale of liny
crop by riff lit party. Also for rent tlio
largo -Mirth sldo town herd pasture
living wilier. Can rent tills on shares
Also 11 acres cnltlvntcd siiirar beet
land, Joins the city. Also Imvo 10 aero
pasture soiilhcnst of city. .See
Notice (o Woodmen.
All tlio Woodmen nnd their families
aro invited to attend the Twentieth
nniversnry Jubilee which will be
held at the K. P. hall Thursday even
ing Mnrch ICtliJL
Grand Foreman Koch In Toui.
Grand Foreman Win. Koch of the
Brotherhood of Anierlcnn Yeomen ar
rived here this morning and will bo
presont at the celebration of the 19th
anniversary this evening at the Lloyd
opera House. A number of members
will be taken In, a program is being
arranged and tho drill team will give
an exhibition drill of which the guost
of honor will be tho inspector. Tho
coninitteo in charge hnve planned a
pleasant evening. All cniicUUUes aro
requested to meet nt the hall at S:15.
Refreshments will be served.
Clarence Alexander .Married.
The following was taken from a
California paper yesterday and refers
to Clarence Alexander, formerly of
this elty who is a brother of Mrs. N.
Cough and a step-son of Mrs. Mary
lcxamler: ( w. Alexander, western
Paciile brakeman, and Miss Lucy Cain
of Cliico. were married last Wednesday
at Oakland. Tho couple arrived In
Orovllle Saturday night and continued
their journey to Portola Sunday, where
they will make their home. Alexander
Is well known In this city, having hold
a position InNtho local Western Paclllc
yards until recently.
. ; ;o: :
The Nynl In New Quarters.
The Nynl Drug Co. moved yesterday
Into their nqw rooms In tho McCabo
hotol building which was recently
completed. Tlio room is arranged
to suit the convenience of this com
pany, has largo display windows and
new fixtures. Tlio 'main lloor measures
seventy feet and the basement is twen
ty-four feet square. At tho rear Is a
largo stock room filled up with shel
ves and cupboards for tho surplus
stock. A new $1,500 soda fountain of
niahognny and onyx has been in
stalled and will bo in cliargo of Harry
Gevas. Tho iloorlng is of torraza and
indirect light is furnished by largo
:il)0 Skirts! :t(M
In Poplins, Serges, Fancy Plaids,
Chcdks, Taftetas, Golflnes and mix
tures, in all the wanted shades ami
right up to the minute In styles, $1.98
to $15.00. BLOCK'S.
Arrested for Pocket Picking.
Unon complaint of Ira Woldman,
U. P. officer. Moris Wilcox ami uam
hie Urvan two strangers in this city
werorarested- Sunday evening lor as-
saultinc George Mills of Scribner,
while lie was boarding train .o. i
and also for plcJtlng his pocket, from
which they removed iub iuuxi
nnmirred while tlio passengers were
crowding the entrance to tlio train
and the third member of the party es
caped before fne loss was discovered.
Tho money was lounii in me posses
sion of the other two when searched
in tho U. P. office nnd they wore taKen
tn tnll. Thev will have a hearing lie
foro -Judge French this morning. Mr.
Mils had been visiting here with Gene
llush Mercantile Company.
Wn urn tho exclusive agent for the
Luther Burbank Seeds. You know of
I .nt her Burbank vou know of the nn
menso benefit ho has been to mankind,
nvor since he norfected the Ilurunnic
notnto fortv years ago. In ills work of
imnrovinir nnd creating new and vnlu
able forms of fruit, llowcrs, berries
and vegetables, Burbank makes them
vield bettor products in greater quan
tity than ever known before. Any ono
who 1ms a garden or even a uncu yum
should havo some of these new nnd Im
proved fruits, (lowers, vegetables ami
Dentil of Andrew LIddell.
Andrew LIddell, n well known resi
dent and engineer of this city died Fri
day evening at seven o clock at a lo
cal hospital which he entered for treat
ment a few days before. For several
months symptoms of leakage of the
heart caused him to discontinue work
for a time and a week ago his condi
tion was such that the attending phy
sical! predicted the ond was near.
Andrew LIddell was born on August
ft, 1S72 in Scotland, not a great dis
tance from Olasglow. When a lad of
nine yearn, he sailed with his parents
for the newer world, and on March 8,
1SS1, with tho fanily, ho reached New
York City.
When Just, apprmiching his majority,
Mr. LIddell entered tho service of the
'nlon Paclllc Railroad Co., and for
9oine twenty-three yours he hn proven
faithful to his various duties am lire-
men and engineer.
On October 1st, 1900 he wa Joined
n wedlock to .Ml as Molllo Jarvls, Bish
op Beecher, formerly of this city say
ing the ceremony that made them hus
band and wife. Into this home three
hildren were barn, one of them hav
ing gone on to a promised homo whore
death can enact no tragedies. On Oct.
1th, 1913, Mr. LIddell publicly con
fessed faith In Jesus Christ, and on
the same date was burled through
baptism into Christ. He Jms faithfully
sought to know nnd to livo In tho
clearest scriptural light ho could ob
tain, and with a chld-llke trtrat ho
clung to an implicit faith in the only
ono who can save.
He lived to reach the ago of 4;l years,
six months and seventeen days. Be
sides his wife and two children, his
brothers nnd sisters, a great host of
railroad friends and fellow citizens
mourn tho departure of this, one who
was so valued an employee and citi
The funeral services were conducted
at 2:30 Sunday afternoon by H. G.
Knowles at tho Christian church which
was crowded to capacity by friends of
tlio deceased. Over forty membors of
the B. of L. E. attended in a body and
a number of the A. O. U. W. were also
present. Tho llornl tributes were very
beautiful. During the services Mrs.
etha Dliinnlek, Miss Cro Dlener, Roht.
Armstrong and II G. Knowles sang a
quurtetto and Clins. Pass sang "Cal
vary." A largo concourse of friends ac
companied the remains to the train
that evening, on which they were taken
o his former homo in Omaha for
burial. Interment was mado Monday In
Forest Lawn cemetery thero by the
side of his parents. XX
Seed Oats.
Wo have a car coming. Leave your
orders. .
Coatos Lumor coni t o.
::o:: '
The wooden headgatc at the head
i in. Snhurlinn irrigation canal north
west of Hershey was washed out nun
ivonit due tn ice in the river forming
a gorge and bncking up tho water. The
ditch ovcrllowed in many places and
some damago was done by tho water.
A forco of men under Ditch Rider
nurnn .innos rotilaced tho gates and
cheeked the water. '
Mrs. J. E. Dickson was among tlio
visitors-in Gothenburg last weciv.
Mrs. Fred'Biorklund. of Gothenburg
came Friday evening to visit her son
in this city for ..week or more.
The drill team of the Royal Neigh
bo4-s will meet at the K. P. hall at
2:IiO Wednesday afternoon fir pract
: :o: :
Wanted To Rent.
Ono 3-inch Centrefugal pump con
nected to gasolino cngino or electric
motor together with suction and dis
charge hoso mounted on truck toady
for operation.
iioriiov S. AVclch. Water Commis-
10-3 sloncr.
Fresh Rubber Goods
Direct From Factory.
v. .i. i i oki: & co.
Itenl Estate and Insurance
Como and see us for town lota In
different parts of tho city. Good In-
estments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowov Sts.. upstairs
Major Woodliurst who has boon very
ill for a week past Is Improving.
Arthur and Geargo Law, of Wallace
aro spending this week hero on btiI-,
ncss. ,,
Miss Maude Thompson of Stnplolon,
Is spending this wook with town
Miss Anna Prainberg linn return id
to Gothenburg after visiting frionds
horo for several days.
Hondy-Oglor Auto Co. rocolved two
cars of Fords yesterday, fourteen of
which have been sold. ' i-
Attorney James Kcofe returned
Sunday from Lincoln whore ho trans
acted business lnat week.
Mrs. Esther BurKnian, of Grand I
land, camo a few days ngo to visit hor
nattier Mrs. Max Frloburg.
R. O. Smith, local salesman for tllw
Paxton & Gallagher Co., of Omaha, re
turned Saturday after a ton day visit
with his mother In Chicago.
Mr .nnd Mrs. Andrew Yost who vis
ited relatives in Cambridge and Man
kata, Kans., for a couple" of weeks,
returned the lattor part or last weok.
DressosI Drosses! Of any descrip
tion, In Taffotas, Silk Crepes, Grcms
do Londre, Georgettes, etc., In tho
most beautiful Btylerf ever shown In
North Platto at unmatchablo prices. ,
Mrs. Edward Stensvad who was
called to Denver three weeks ago by
tlio serious Illness of her mother, sont
word yesterday that death camo tho
day previous.
For Trade.
1G0 acres farm land for smallor
tract closo in. Call or nddress ?03
South Vino street.
: :o: :
Add This Fact To Your Storo of
.... Knowledge
I Kidney disease often advances so
'arpUlly that many a porson Is firmly
' 1. J . i. r..
in us ttiuaji umoiu uwiuu ul us pro
gress. Prompt attention should bo
given tho slightest symptom of kidney
disorder. If thoro Is a dull pain In tho
back, headaches, dizzy spells or a
tired worn-out feeling, or If tho kid
ney secretions aro orfonslvo, irrgular
and attended by pain, procure n good
kidney remedy at onco.
Your townspeople recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills. Rend tho state
ment of this North Platto citizen.
Mrs. Christian Pickott, 318 East B
street, North latto, Neb., says: "I
havo used Doan's Kidney PUla and
havo found them to bo Just tho medl
clno I needed for baclmcho and olhor
kidnoy disorders. Whenever I nm suf
fering from these troubles. I tnko
Doan's Kidnoy Pills and they glvo mo
relief. Others of my family havo taken
Doan's Kidney Pills with lino results.
Prico 50c, at all dealors. Don't
simply nsk for n kidnoy remedy got
Doan's Kidnoy Pills tho same that
Mrs. Pickett had. Fostcr-MIlburn
I Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mcdonald state bank
Places Confidence
In Its Depositors
When the officers of this bank see a depositor
making steady gains in his account, our confi
dence in him grows.
When a depositor, who has won our confidence,
requires money witli which to develop his
business, our large resources enable us to give
him all the credit his financial condition war
'rants. '
We invite all who want the co-operation of a
strong resourceful bank to become depositors of
this bank.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Washing You
Ever Did
One cent an hour for washing and
wringing. That's tho avcraco cost for cur
rent. Sometimes it's less than that. And
this machine really washes. It doesn't
merely "swash" tlio clothes around in a mass.
It3 backward and forward motion thoroly
mixes tho suds with tlio clothes every inch
of them and tho result is a clean, white,
sweet-smelling washing. You don't havo to
nanu-rui a stitcn. it never harms tho finest
lacos. Tho dolly and interior walls aro on-
tiroly freo from anything that would catch
Saves Time and Labor
It washes in but a mcro fraction of tho lima renuired livnhnnfl wndmr-
and so makes washing an ordinary task. Easy to operate, just screw tho
jmig iiho your iifjiu kockci, turn mo switcu auu inero you are. Always
icuuy. iusi siops wnua u noes, liiectrio mechanism
ana gears entirely enclosed, liascastorsand ball bearings.
Free Trial See Our Dealer
lie will let you havo
one on 3odnys free trial.
U It doesn't suit, you
arc not out a cunt.
w Vy EUttrlclty
"' 1 TTllffi'll
Grinnell, Iowa
North Platte Light & Power Co.