The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1916, Image 4

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    Dressing Well Isn't So Expensive.
FOR no more than you would pay for a commonplace-looking suit we will fit you out with
a clean-cut, dressy Adler's Collegian that will keep its shape and style until you are ready
to give it a cheerful good bye. s
Collegian Clothes arc built on the most advanced lines for unusual service. The
cloths in them are high grade and in the tailoring utmost attention is paid to the little
things that make such a big difference in looks and wear. v
Let ushow you how to keep your boys looking well in clothes that last. The brands
of boys' clothing we handle are re-inforccd at points of greatest strain, They stand the
"slamming" and give you a whole lot for your money.
Men keep telling us we put them right on these Lewis Union Suits. Let us show you
and you will say '-how fine."
1 V I
if 1' 1
AVc know you'll like .our .Easter
Showing of men's and boys' furnish,
lugs. .They have the finality that
counts the patterns arc tasty (ho
shirts havo the roomy cut and snug
collar-fll thai you'll enjoy. Take an
early look.
Wise up on the new angles In head
wear, by glancing through the swell
assortment of toppy derbies and soft
hats we are offering.
CAPS too lots of 'em.
It's (HiKe a job to combine good
, looks, perfect fit and latest style all
In one shoe, but the makers-(if our
spring lines lane done If. You'll Hud
all kinds here dress work and
business shoes.
J 811
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonnld
State Bunk.
Arthur Allen Bpont'tho week end In
Sutherland on business.
Mrs. Thcodoro Lowo, Jr., will enter
tain tho Entro-Nous club tomorrow
Walter Thompson loft Friday even
ing for Chnppcl lo spend a week or
more with his brother.
Frank Wlnklcnian, of Frcmbnt, loft
Friday afternoon after visiting his son
aiddeon for somo time.
Beautiful Coats for tho llttlo tots
and tho school girl, $1.50 to $8;G0.
Mike McCuIlough, of Brady, spent
tho week end In town transacting busi
ness and visiting friends.
Airs. Raymlond Keogan, of Fremont,
who had boon visiting hor sister Mrs.
Jack Carroll, returned homo Friday.
Mrs. Toblo, of Kearney, who spent
ten days with hor daughtor Mrs. Harry
Boyle, loft for homo Sunday evening.
Miss Maudo Hoob has recovered
from a sol?oof tho measles and re
sumed hor dutlos In tho local schools.
Attorney Byron Oborst wont to Om
aha Friday overling to spend sovornl
days on business and visiting relatives.
Mrs. A. U. Chrlstonson returned to
Paxton Friday ovonlng aftor u pleas
ant visit with hor mothor Mrs. Wm,
Miss Dcssio Crandall, of tho local
teaching stntf wont to Lexington FrlT
day evening Ha spend tho wools end
with her parents.
Miss lluth Johnson of Wolllloot,
came llio lattor part of last week to
visit MIsb Ernia McMIchael and other
friends for a few days.
Dr. Carter, of Tryon, who spent the
week, end hero on bul3nesa has re
turned home.
Miss Edna Elliott returned yesterday
morning from a short visit with rela
tives In Brady
I'liIIcrlou I'ulnl $1.8." per gallon,
with my lire year guarantee.
17-tf STONK, The Druggist.
Frank Suhlor and- Miss Hazel Rest,
of Kearney, who were gucstB of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Menglo hist week left
Mr and Mrs. Lewis Thompson, of
Paxton, who were guests of Mrs.
Thomas Unblock and daughter Paulino
last week, havo returned home.
Palin-a.oq lgark 10c. 14-tf
Frank W. Washburn, of West Brook,
Conn., who spont tho past fortnight
visiting his undo JSohn Mcllvaln and
wife, left yesterday morning.
If you are looking for a whito Chin
chilla Coat, ask to see our all wool
whlto Chinchilla Coat at $7.75. It's a
wonder at tho price. BLOCK'S,.
A son was born tho latter part of last
wook to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolly of
Los Angeles. Mrs. Kelly was formerly
Miss Tllllo Ncubert of this city
Mrs. A, M. Selhort loft Friday oven
for cities of Iowa to spend a couplo
of weeks with relatives. Boforo re
turning sho will visit In Chicago.
Look the lino of spring nnd summer
lints over at tho Block Mllllnory de
partment befoiro buylngV Always
something new and strictly up-to-date
MRS. SAILOR, Mllllnor.
All boostors smoko Town Boost, tf
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Woodcox and
boby, of Wtlltow Island, spont tho lat
tor part of last week horo withfrlonds,
Mrs. Woodcox waB formerly Miss
Majo Hayes of this city.
Miss Maudo Mlllor, who had been
associated with tho KaulTnian-Wornett
store for several years, resigned Sat
urday evening and will lcavo soon fqr
an extended vIbU In Chappoll.
Wanted Man and wlfo to work on
farm, Iiuiulro at this office. 17-2
Miss Isabollo Stafford, ono of the
nrn sehools rotlirilOd
Sunday evening 'from Pnxton where
she visited tho homo ioiks.
When Women Point
to tho cow lutyxi) flour as
the best of all, they know what
they aro about. If there Is ono
thing n woman can Judge well
It Ik Hour. Let us send you a
sack of the COW 1111 AND Hour
next time. If you do not do.
claro It t!io best you ever used
you will bo tho first to whom,
tho COW HIUNH Hour has
not successfully! appealed.
Every sack guaranteed.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Ford Touring Car for sale in gotod
condition. Apply at this office.
Farm For Rent Inquire of A. A.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson and daughter
went to Grand Island the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Joseph Wesner left a few days
ago for Sidney to visit her sister Mrs.
J. W. Nelson.
Mrs. Hugh Bird who visited in Suth
erland with Mrs. George White, lins
returned home.
Ladies! For a real up to tho min
ute stylo suit, for tho least money, try
Mrs. George Roborts, of Maxwell,
spont tho weok end with tho Stamp
family nnd other friends.
Mrs. M. C. Hayes returned Saturday
ovening from a pleasant visit In Salt
Lake and Green River.
Mrs. Thomas Axtell has gone to
Halg to remain indefinitely while Mr.
Axtell Is employed there.
W. E. Monroe returned Saturday
morning from Sidney where he trans
acted business for ten days.
Mrs. Frank DIckerson, of Ilcrshey,
spont tho week end with local friends
and returned Saturday evening.
R. D. Baker, John Wilkin, H. A.
Latimer and Frnnk Dark, of Dickens,
spent tho week end here on business.
Alex Llddell, of Omaha, brother of
tho oto Andy Llddell was called hero
by tho death of tho latter last week.
Fire and Life Insurance written by
Hratt & Goodman will be found on
carelul Investigation flic cheapest and
best, call and see them.
Mr. and Mrs. James Llddoll, of Om
aha, were called boro last wook by tho
death of the former's brother tho late
Andy Llddell..
Keith Neville will go to Hastings to
day to attend tho Democratic mooting
and from there will visit several cities
of eastern Nebraska.
Lost, strayed or stolen last .Holiday,
one bay mare with two year old colt.
Anyone knowing their whereabouts
please phone to Llerk ic Sandall.
Miss Catherlno Feathor returned to
hor homo In Ognlnlla Saturday morn
ing after spending twfo weeks with her
slstor Mrs. Edward Weston,
Mrs. Edwina Sehntz, of Omaha, who
has boon tho guest of her son A. A.
Schat and family for a fortnight, will
leave tho lattor part of this weok.
J. E. Ilolbrooko, traveling accfaun
tnnt, E. L. Frlos, gonernl storo keeper,
and W. S. Wllmot, division store-keeper
of Omaha, spent tho wook end hero
Inspecting work at tho U. p
storo room.
Miss Grace Burko loft few
days ago for Chicago to resume hor
studios in a music conservatory which
sho was .obliged to glvo up recently
on account of Illness.
Gcorgo Anion, formerly associated
with tho Reeso Pantntorium, returned
Snturdny from Omaha whoro ho took
a courso In. tailoring and has rented
Room 1 In tho Reynolds building no
conduct his business.
Idle money Invested Jit 'AWnil &
Goodman Ileal Estate Loans Is always
safe, nets 7 to 8 per cent annual Inter
est. They havo placed over u million
dollars la theso loans without tho loss
Vf n cent. They attend to nil details.
Sec thorn.
.Hiss Robbins Pleases Audience.
An audience that well filled the seat
ing enpacity of the Methodist church
attended tho song recital given by Miss
Lucille Robbins, of tho University
School of Music, Friday evening. Miss
Robbins pleased the most critical in
tho audience; sho possesses a voice of
wonderful rango and smoothness, and
tho ease with which sho Hook the high
notes gave evidence of thorough cul
tivation. Hor program sufficiently vur
ied as to preclude weariness and par
ticularly enjoyable were the rendition
of lovo songs lof foreign countries.
Miss Robbins' recital was fully ap
preciated and guarantees a crowded
house should she return at some future
Tho recital was given under tho
auspices of tho Methodist aid 'society
and the net receipts were $25.00.
: :o: :
F. II Hoxio left Cor Ogalalla after
spending a day or so with the home
Georgo Walker left Sunday evening
fon an extended visit with relatives in
Decator, 111. ,
Harry Porter went to Bridgeport
yesterday morning to spend several
days ion business.
Largest assortVuent ol childrenfs
dresses In tho city, 50c to $3.75.
Miss Myra White of Sutherland, who
vlsted with Misses Esther Kelly and
Ellznboth Weir, returned homoyester
day morning.
Roland Ratio, now of Stnpleton,
camo the latter part of last week to
spend sovoral days horo on business
and visiting.
Miss Merle Thorburg, who has been
oniployed in Grand Island for sevoral
months, camo Saturday evening to
visit her mothor and sisters.
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed bids will bo recolved up until
C p. m. of Saturday, March 18th, 1910,
at the oft'ico of tho water commission
er of tho city of North Platte, Nobr.,
for tho furnishing of all labor and ma
terials and plnsterlng tho old pump
room nt tho water works powor house
with rt threo coat hard wall plaster
with sand finish.
Payment for same to be mado in
city warrants.
'Tho right Is reserved to reject nny
or all bids. For further Information
call at wator office.
ll-:i Wator Commissioner.
Telephone Yoin
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Henry C. Richmond the well known
Omaha newspaper man who Is direct
ing the publicity work at the Keith
Neville headquarters in this city, as
serts that his campagn is inaking line
"You must remember that Mr. Ne
ville has never been before the'publlc
boforo," said Mr. Richmond. "And yet,
In m Incredibly short space of time
tho press ovor the stato has taken
him up and la praising Ills name nnd
wishing him well. I am so familiar
with the state press, that I know
pretty nearly the tendency of oil the
democratic papers especially, and I
am pleased to sco such a large number
come out flat-footed for him.
"Mr. Neville has gone on a speaking;
trip through the eastern part of tho
state, nnd the demnnds on his time
are so frequent that ho will probably
be absent much lof tho tlrao uuttLJhc
primaries are held. We havo a fltod
force of young women at work mailing
out literature and taking care of the
demands for Information, nnd I am
confident from tho largo corrcspon-j
deuce that Mr. Neville's candidacy Is
growing In popular favor bylcaps and
Mr. Neville is taking rather an un
usual courso in conducting his cam
paign, and in my judgement he Is do
ing right. Ordinarily, a candidate for
such important offce niuintalns head
quarters in Omaha or Lincoln, but Mr.
Neville prefers to hold forth right in
his own homo town. I think that fact
is appreciated too, over the state.
"It Is apparent that democrats are
enthusing over Mr. Neville's candi
dacy. Leading professional men and
Nebraska's best citizens of our faith
aro writing and pledging their best
efforts to Mr. Neville. It looks llko he
will bo nominated, for he has spoken
his position frankly and candidly and
all who know him know that he stands
pat on what he says.
"I hope that his friends In North
Platte will have enough civic pride to
realize that it is worth while to
whoop'er up for Neville. By the writ
ing of letters to personal friends over
tho state and the passing of friendly
expressions in his behalf, the real
friends of Mr. Neville here will be
doing "just what other friends of other
candidates have done to help them
realize an ambition to which they as
pired." ::o::
Auction Sale.
Claude Cobb will sell all his cat
tle, horses, farm machinery, house
hold goods, etc., at an auction sale at
his place 3 miles south of Maxwell,
Tuesday, Mar. 21. Sale opens Immed
iately aftpr free ncton lunch. Here's
where stockmen and farmers will buy
at their own price. Adv.
Mr .and Mrs. Syril Edis, of Yellfleet,
who visited in town last week returned
h-iiie Saturday.
A. A. Hotchkiss loft the lattor part
of last weok for eastern Iowa for an
extended visit with relatives.
Oliver Carroll resumed work at the
Howe & Moloney furniture store Sat
urday after having been 111 for a cou
ple of weeks with the measles.
Public Sale Short Horn Cattle.
W. W; Blrgo and Frnnk Strolberg
will hold a public sale of Short Horn
cotllo March lSth at 10 o'clock at
Julius Mogcnscn's North Side Sale and
Feed bnm. In this salo Is Included
bulls and cows nnd anybody needing a
good herd bull should attend this sale.
We aro making this snle for tho benefit
of the people of Lincoln county who
desire to raise better stock. Come to
this sale and get somo of these ani
mals and put them on your farms and
boo If it don't pay.
: :o: :
The fire company was called out
Saturday afternoon to the Boeder
homo on ivtjt Fiftli street where some
burning grass had got beyond control.
Tho blaze was quickly extinguished'.
In the .Matter of the Estate of Henry
Doebko, deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
On reading and filing the petitiioa
of Hannah Doebko praying a final set
tlement nnd allownnce of her final ac
count, filed on tho 10th day of March.
191G and for a decree of distribution
and hor discharge as Executrix, and a
decree of title to tho real estate under
tho will.
Oordered, That April 7, A. D. 1910, at
9 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons Inter
ested in said matter may appear at a
County Court to bo held in and for
said County, and sh6w cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition, and tho hear
ing thereof, be, given to all pers'on.s
interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order In tho North
Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly
newspaper printed n said County, for
threo successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated March 11, 1910.
ml l-a4 County Judge.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Nellie
Pulton, deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln.
County, Nebraska.
On reading and filing the petition,
of Georgo R. Fulton praying a final
settlement and allowance of his final
ncount, filed on the 11th day of March,
191G, and for a decree of distribution
under the will and his discharge.
Ordered, That April 7, 191G, A. D., at
9 o'clock a. in., is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons Inter
ested in said matter may appear at a
County Court to be held in and for
said County, and show cause why tho
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
dency of said petition, and the hearing
thereof, be given to all persons Inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the North Platte
Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed in said County for three
succeslve weeks, prior to said date
of hearing. ,
Dated March 11, 1910.
ml4-al County Judge.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
why dobs tin: fajoier tlw?
There's a reason for everything. Wo ntlTcrtlso for the
reason that wo want to keep prominently before yon,
the fact that e handle the best of
Lumber uil Building' Material
Thertfll como a time, when you'll build something,
and jve want you lo como to us for material. The
fact that
Is n guaranty of right prices and treatment
Coates Lumbef and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal
Phone, 7.