THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. dFt rficeauvu, (mww The tablet form of this old reliable remedy makes it possi ble for you to check any illness at the very onset. It is a safe guard against coughs, colds and other catarrhal conditions, no matter what symptoms aro manifest. Catarrh is an Inflamma tion of the mucous membrane that lines the breathing apparatus nnd tho digestive apparatus. PERUNA relieves catarrh. In tablet form It Is EVER-READY-TO-TAKE ' Its prompt action makes it in valuable for men and women ex posed to sudden changes in the weather or compelled to bo out In slush and rain. It will also be found most satis factory as a tonic following an at tack of illness. CARRY A BOX wherever you fio. Travelers and others com pelled to take long drives In the cold and anyone whose occupation subjects him to the danger of sudden colds may use It as a preventive with the assurance that the tablet; made are from the same formulary as tho liquid medicine with its U years of success before the American Public. He Finn Comst, Ctssu, 'Oil PUTTING AWAY THE EVIDENCE Colored Man Ready With Ingenious Excuse When Caught Making a Meal of the Ham. Tho other day a colored porter in a certain West side store was dis patched upon an errand which ho was not In nympathy with, that of toting a woll-boilcd ham down the street. The butcher noticed, upon giving tho colored man tho ham, that tho paper was torn. "Sam." he said to the porter, "bo careful of that ham, cs the paper la torn and you might drop It In the street." "Aw right, boss," answered Sam, "I'll be purtlckurly cah'ful tot to drop It" Not a long while after tho butcher found Sam In the basement of the store, chowljg away on a small ;lece of ham. "What aro you dolr.g there, Sam?" naked tho butcher. "Well, boss." answered Sam, "I dropped tho ham and Ah didn't want you to know It, bos Ah Jest figured Ah'd bettah eat it and destroy tho evidence." Chicago News. Not What He Meant. Diner (In swell cafe) I Buppoao people who dine here carry off quite a lot of silver? Walter Yes, sir; we an't cut all their loose change. Harrlsburg, Pa., has an official chi ropodist for Its police force. KIn Nicholas of Montenegro has a fortune estimated at $20,000,000. THE FIRST TASTE Learned to Drink Coffee When a Boy. If parontB realized tho fact that cof feo contains a drug caffeine which Is especially harmful to children, they would doubtless hesltato before giving thom coffeo to drink. "When I was a child in my mother's arms and first began to nibble things nt tho tablo, mother used to glvo mo sips of coffee. And so I contracted tho coffeo habit early. 55! DAISY ASSOCIATIOH CO. LjnlonYllU. Vt. "I continued to use coffeo until I was 27, and when I got into office work I began to havo nervous spoils. Espe cially nfter breakfast I was so nerv ous I could scarcely attend to my cor respondence. "At night, after having had coffee for supper, I could hardly sleep, and on rising In tho morning would feel weak and nervous. "A friend persuaded mo to try Pos turn. "I can now got good aleop, am free from nervousness and headaches. I rocommend Pootum to all coffeo drink ers." Name given by Poatum Co., Battlo Crook, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal the original form must bo well boiled, 15c and 2Bc pack ages. Instant Postum a soluble powder dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa ter, and, with cream and sugar, makeH a delicious beverago Instantly. 30c and COc tins. Both forms aro equally delicious and cost about tho same per cup. "Thereto a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers PROBLEM OF RAISING GEESE Goslings Should Have Tender Grass to Eat From Start Mashes Should Be Dampened Slightly. ooso dggs may bo hatched under geeso or hens, putting from four to six under tho latter and eight to ten under a gooso. They rcqulro about 30 daya to hatch. Goslings should havo tendor grass to eat from the first. Glvo thom a mash of bran, cornmoal and any other ground grains that are fed to chickens. Rolled oats, whole or in parts, mako best feed for tho first fow Toulouse Geese. days. All mash should bo dampened slightly. Bo sure to not allow any lumps of aalt to got In. Glvo tho goslings plenty of oxerclso and room on account of leg weakness. When two months old give them whole grain. Thoso intended for tablo uso should bo confined in re stricted quarters for about two weeks beforo killing and all tho cornmoal or corn moistened they can eat. TREATING ROUP AMONG HENS Where Fowls Aro Badly Affected Ax Is Best Means of Procedure Iso late Valuable Birds. If fowls aro badly affocted with roup tho uso of tho ax is tho best means of procedure. Roup Is con tagious and must bo eliminated from tho ilock at all costs. If soma of the fowls aro especially valuable, they may bo Isolated from tho rest of tho flock and tholr heads dipped in a solution of potassium per manganate, made by adding a quarter toaspoonful of tho commercial mix turo to two quarts of hot water. Tho operation is repeated threo timea dally. Aa a preventive enough potassium permanganato is added to the. drink lug water of the frock to turn it cherry red. VALUE OF POULTRY MANURE Worth Is Placed at Not Less Than $5 and Op to $8 Per Ton by Some of Experiment Stations. If tho average farmer roalizod tho great value placed on poultry manuro by somo of tho largest experimental stations in tho United States, 'he would bo more careful in tho gather ing, storing and proper distribution of samo over his land. It is claimed that avorago poultry manure consists as follows: Water, GC per cent; nitrogen, 2 to 8 per cant; phosphoric acid, 2 to 5 per cent; pot ash, 8 to 10 per cent. This analysis would placo tho value of every ton of poultry manure at not less than $5 and up to $8. PREVENTION OF FROST-BITE Difficult Matter to Keep Long Wattles of Mn.cs From Getting Wet Treat With Vaseline. Even in wcll-ventllatcd, comfortablo houses, it Is difficult to keep tho long wattles of tho males frpm getting wet and freezing. A good preventive is to keop tho comb and wattles greased wl th vaseline. If tho mischief Is already dono, do not take tho bird to a warm room until tho frost Is out. Apply cold wa ter, or snow, handling very gontly, and when tho parts aro of normal Blzo, apply mutton tollaw, or comphor ice. Big Returns From Capons. Tho capon Is gladdening the palato and pockctbook of tho chicken raiser who had foresight enough to caponlzo instead of letting tho matter go. Estimate Cost of Keep. In estimating tho cost of keeping poultry It Is best to allow ono bushel of grain a year for each luying hou. Dust Bath and Powder. Keop tho hens supplied with a dust bath, and a llttlo Insect powder mixed with tho dust will havo Its good effect. Have Charcoal Handy. A box of charcoal should bo kept whero tho chickens can got at it. Quarrelsome Cocks a Nuisance. Quarrelsome cocks aro a nuisance on tho farm cr In tho poultry yard. CANADA'S PLANS FOR WAR REVENUE So Wisely Distributed That Tax ation Will Affect Farmers to a Degree Practically Unnoticeable. So many rumors havo boon circu lated regarding war taxation in Canada that tho statement mado by Sir Thomas Whlto, Canadian Minister of Finance, of tho Government's plans for ralBlng war rovenuo should bo giv en tho widest circulation. Sir Thomas made it clear that tho rovenuo will bo raised by taxing tho profits of Incor porated companies whenover thoso profits exceed seven per cent, and tho profits of unincorporated firms or part nerships when tho profits exceed ton per cent. On all such excess profits these companies or firms will havo to contribute one-quarter to tho Govern ment. Transportation companies, banks, mining, milling, and other com panics will bo subject to this taxntlon, but life Insurance companies, and com. vpanles with less than fifty thousand dollars capitalization, and companies, firms, or Individuals engaged in agri culture or stock raising, are exempt, and pay no part of this taxation. Tho only other additional taxation pro posed Is an Increaso of fifty cents a barrel In tho customs duty on apples, and ono-half cent a gallon In customs duty on certain klndH of oils. It will bo noticed that this taxation is being applied In such a way that t does not affect farmera in tho slight est degree, except, perhaps, through a small Increaso In cost of apples and oil. Tho war revenue Is to bo paid out or tho profits of tho big firms and com panies with capital of over fifty thou sand dollars, and even theso are al lowed soven per cent In somo cases, ant" ten per cent In others of clear profits beforo they havo to pay any part of this taxation. It will bo seen that tho whole policy is to placo tho war oxpendlturo taxation on thoso who havo been making big profits and aro ablo to pay It, and to encourago farm ing and stockraislng by exempting farmers and stock-raisers from the tax ation. This ought to set at rest every rumor that the farmer or the farmer's land Is being taxed to pay the cost of the war. Advertisement. Evidence of Veracity. "Gcorgo Washington was a very truthful man." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenno; "and that fact may bo what prevented him from personally authenticating that hatchet and cherry-tree story." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To halt pint of water add I oz. Bay Rum, a imall box of Barbo Compound, and M oz. of glycerine. Apply to tho hair twice a wrck until It becomes tho doslred shade. Any drug gist can put this up or you can mix It at homo at very llttlo cost. It will gradually darken strcmlied, fnded gray lialr. and re moves dandruff. H Is excellent for falling hair and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, Is not sticky or greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv- Wrong Way Around. Things aro not always what they seem nor so old, either. "Is this a genuine antlquo?" asked the customer suspiciously. "Certainly," replied the dealer, In an offended voice. "It Is more than six hundred years old." "That's remarkable," commented the customer, dryly. "It Is dated 1912." Vut the antlquo dealer was not to bo caught napping. "Let rno see," he said. "Why, bo It Is! That's the fault of my assistant. He's put the figure? on wrongly. It ought to bo 1219." Pittsburgh Chronlclo-Telegraph. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this is their ideal laxative, because thoy lovo its pleasant taste thoroughly cleanses the tendor llttlo stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. When cross, irritable, foveriBh, or breath Is had, stomach Rour, look at tho tongue mothor! If coated, give a toaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxatlvo," and in a fow hours all tho foul, constipated waste, sour blto nnd undigested food passes out of tho bow els, nnd you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat Roro, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "lnsldo cleaning" should alwnys ho the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; thoy know a toaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at tho store for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babicB, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on tho bottlo. Adv. Dnly the Directors Com t, Hesa It huoma atrango to me. Joggs What oca? jlggs That the bookkeeper of a r i s niva 's figuring but doesn't ccunt. Fill LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD ibcticuuural COVER CROPS FOR ORCHARDS Means Provided for Preventing Win ter Soil Erosion, and to Hold Moisture In Spring. (Tly C. W. RAIT, nppnrtmcnt of Horti culture, Oklnliomu Acrloultural Col lose.) Any orchnrdlst who neglects cov er crops Is missing a good oppor tunity for Improving his orchard. In fact, wo might nlmost sny that tho covor crop is nn essential. Its uso of fers n means of preventing winter soil erosion, adding humus and retarding fall growth of trees. Cover crops aro especially impor tant in hlllsldo orchards. If tho soil In these orchards is loft baro tho heavy fall, winter and spring rains will wash off tho top soil and rcduco tho land to n rough Infortilo condition. Covor crops will largely prevent this erosion and will also causo largo amounts of water to bo held In the soil during tho winter and spring. Oklahoma soils aro generally defi cient In humuB and nitrogen. Tho Bummer cultivation which Is recom mended for orchards In this stato pre vents tho growing of summer crops. Covor crops are, howovor, beneficial to tho orchard, and when plowed up In tho spring aid greatly In improving soil conditions. Wet falls are especially trying to orchards. Tho wet weather causes tho trees to tako on now growth which is easily winter-killed. Cover crops will aid greatly In proventing this growth. Thoy utillzo tho surplus moisture and tho result Is that lato growth Is largely prevented. Wheat, barley and tyo aro especial ly adapted to Oklahoma conditions Theso crops should bo planted as soon as possible In order to got well oq tabllshcd beforo cold weather. This early planting 1b especially Important in caso of wet weather conditions. BID THE THRUSHES WELCOME These Blrd3 Do Farmer Little Harm and Much Good Hard to Over estimate Their Value. That tho group of blrdB in which are included robins nnd bluobirds do a great deal of good and' very llttlo harm to agriculturo, Is tho conclusion reached by Investigators who havo carefully studied tho food habits of tlicso birds. Altogether tnoro aro within tho limits of tho United States eloven species of thrushes, flvo of which aro commonly known as robins and bluebirds. Tho other six lncludo tho Townsend solitaire, tho wood, tho voory, tho gray-chook, tho ollvo-back and tho hermit thrushes. Tho robins and bluebirds nest close to houses, and even tho shyest of tho other species aro content with tho bo elusion of nn aero or two of woodland or Bwamp. For this eason theso aro among the best known nnd most care fully protected of native American birds, and at times their numbers bo como bo great that it Is feared thoy will do much harm to crops and fruit. Recent investigations, however, ehow that thero is very llttlo ground for this fear. On the othor hand, they destroy The Bluebird. a such a vast numhor of Insects each year that It is prohahlo that without them many cropa would suffer BorlotiE damage. Tho bluebird has not boon accused as far as known, of stealing fruit or of preying upon crops. An examination of 88D stomachs showed that C8 per cent of the food consists of insects and tholr allies, whllo tho other 32 per cent is mado up of various vegotahlo substances, found mostly In stomachs taken In Winter. Beetles constltuto 21 per cent of tho whole food, grasshop pers 22, catorplllars 10, and various other insects 9, whllo a number of Bpldors and inyrlapodB, nbout six por cent, comprlso tho remainder of the animal diet. All these aro moro or less harmful, except a fow predacious beetles, which nmount to 9 por cont In view of tho lurgo consumption ot grasBhoppcrB and caterpillars wo may at least condono this offense, if such it may bo called. Arranglnrj Protectors, In putting tho treo protectors around tho treo. It Ib not ndvlsahlo to wrap them tightly around It; ft is hot tor for tho treo to havo an air spaco botweon tho protector and tho bark. If tho troublo Is mainly duo to rabbits, tho treo protector would undoubtedly ho hotter than the mounding method, tho lattor being more efficient in tho control of mice. Thinning Fruit. . Thin tho fruit if It needs it. Thin iilng Is better than props under limbs better for your purse and for tho trees. DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you" really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. If you aro accustomed to wake up with n coated tonguo, foul broath or a dull, dizzy hcadacho; or, if your meals sour and turn into gns nnd acids, you havo a real surprise await ing you. Tomorrow morning, immodlatoly up on arising, drink a glass of hot water with a tcaspoeuful of limestone phos- phato in it. This is intended to first noutrallzo and then wash out of your Btomach, livor, kldnoyB and thirty foot of Intestines all tho indlgostlblo wasto, poisons, sour bilo aud toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening nnd purifying tho cntlro nlimontary canal. Thoso Bubjoct to sick hcadachos, baclcacho, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble, aro urged to got n quarter-pound of lime- Btono phosphate from your druggist or at tho storo and begin enjoying this morning lnsldo-bath. It is Bald that men and women who try this bocomo enthusiastic and keop It up dally. It Is a splendid health moasuro for it is moro Important to keop clean and puro on tho lnsldo than on tho outstdo, bo causo tho skin pores do not absorb im- ypurltlos into tho blood, causing dis ease whllo tho bowol poros do. Tho principle of bathing lnsldo Is not now, as millions of pooplo practlco It. Just as hot water and sonp elennso, purify and frcshon tho skin, so hot water und u toaspoonful of llmostono phosphnio act on tho stomach, liver, kldnoys nnd bowels. Llmcstouo phos- phnto is nn inexpensive whlto powder and almost tasteless. Adv. Fat coachmen aro considered n great prize in Russia. Prince Joachim, youngcat son of tho Gorman emperor, Is a spendthrift A permit Is required by perBoiiB do- BlrlnR to rcsldo In Switzerland. KEEP A RECORD of what you write Business men recognize the importance of keeping carbon copies or every let ter, contract and transac tion. It is a protection nrminsr rJicsVinnPsHr prrnrs and forgetfulness. One of the reasons why farmers snouia use typewriters is that it enables them to keep on file complete reo t r i ords or correspondence, crop reports ancl whatever is necessary to put farming on a business basis. Fill out this coupon and mail today: L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. 1810 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. I Plrane ncut me Information tlowl cltecUed ( ) Htful free patalag ( ) Hon rnu I ert n Five lory Itebullt I I O. Biultb JtUros. luuchlue? i old ! ( ) WbiU about uiuohlnoV trading In mj Nuine P. O. 8tute Nebraska Directory Joseph Bliss & Son Co. Live Stock Commission Satisfactory sales. Prompt returns. SOUTH OMAHA. ESTAULlSHUl) IBM. SHOP US DIRECT Save all Aoenls Commission and Losses Send for tags and our special offer for new customers. YATERL00 CREAMERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON MOTEL Omaha. Nsbraiki EUROPEAN PLAN Rooma from 11.00 up single, 75 centu up double. CAST It PRICES REASONABLE Tltl-riTT HAHHEIt COIXl'CJK LE7SRN K3KRBER TR3DE Fi o where tlioy rnaso Harbors. Hlectno nuiu), Ivilr.nllA nhnlfa. Iw rntA tuition. W.ffM D&ItL ruolsitlrn, t'nllorwrlleforfri-ocniiilouiitid Infor mation, fill Uwslu at., UaU. w iota B 81., LlMl, Blk, HE ASPHALT HINGLJ Ask your Lumberman or wrlUt 114 for trtto ample. BUNDKKLANU 1IIUKS. CO., OMAHA 3 RECORD UVK STOCK COMMISSION CO. M.attiOaak., Sr. A f tr fr 1111 tkildfor A.O.Wnlion.riHlnTloir.Niibr HU-lb. beet timers at (10.10. Oct 1911, sold fur Jsjr llorrlntiton of Washing ton, Ni-br., nornad Brass yearlings at ts.1t. Jul?, 1V14, (old for IluUinaa ilro., of 'fryon, Nebr., he arlly brand ed, bonipd, open range stears at W DO. ftKfBRMNCBt ANY BANK. "Townsend's for Sporting Goods" I i Tii iiJ Wholesale and Retail Gum, Ammunition, Sportsmen' Supplies, Athletic Good.. TOWNSEND GUH CO., 13f4 rARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. DOCTORS M AC H & MACH DENTISTS 3rd floor Paton Block 16th & Farnam Stt. .Omaha Il,t Mulpptd DtnUl Offleta la Otnthfc. Ktuoaibl pile. Npll dltoount to all ppl. living euUlda of On aba. SHIP WOOD BROS. TO GET MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOQ3 RELIABL COMMISSION MERCHANTS OMAHA - CHICAGO SIOUX CITY MID WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1207 Harney, Omaha, Neb.; 709 Cherry St., Da Molccj, lowj Distributors lor tho Middle West. Oeneral Electrio Company. Kvorithlnc Electrical, Mletz & Weiss Fuel Oil Engines, Ball Steam Enclncs, American Telephones. SEND US YOUlt INQUIRIES. IVC A FT FT OMtBINO THI $300 Hosdo Cabinet Grand Piano at $187 mm to Introduce this piano In jonr aeo tlon and will accept Ibis coupon lit Wio ax rlrat payment. Wrltofor catalog; and future payments. Hrerr Instrument fluarnnteed 10 yean. A. IIOSl'K CO. llls-ltll au 04ka, Safe. rheumatism Successfully troated with Borum, It Is tbn only positive treatment kuuitii wmcu win aruuicui he tissue destruylnR iterms from ttm system. A snccnssfnl treatment nuaranteed. Call or nrlt for full particulars. Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Boo Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Electrical Engineers and Electric Starter Specialists ALL MAKES STRAHLE & ANDERSON, Inc. 2057 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. DELGO EXIDE SERVICE STATION EXIDE DELCO STARTING LIGHTING IGNITION STARTING LIGHTING IGNITION BATTERIES Your Omttarlia and Stxrfora will naod our attention snWmMiaM-EL Hotel Cesfle 632 So. 16 St., OmBha, Neb. New , absolutely fireproof Room with nrivate halh - SI. 50 Rooma with private toilet - . 1.00 Fred A. Castle, Proprietor zr liyers bros. & Go. SATISFACTORY SERVICE 'V LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM SOUTH OMAHA Better Trr Them With Your Next Business we: CITY OA8 IN THE COUNTRY LIGHTING --COOKING AND IRf.NINQ PROnLKM IN TOWN AND COUNTRY HOMES 13 SOLVED BY I1LAUQA3 Illnmtailstliocrcafaof cltrenitcondcnvMl and bot tlml fur country uso. In boUltnKiiU poisonous and rriictU'ftllrallnjpliwlTnPloinenlanrori'iniiKyl. You opon u valrn, nil the tank ninl uso a. city teas Costs no ir.oru. ir your loom tinnier amis not nanai. HlnimuK, wrlU) the NKIIICAHKA ltl-AUOAH UOUfANV, SSHU1& ltoydHt., Oiimhu, Nuh. CYLINDER S 3EE L 3L !R S ALL SIZES No corn too soft or tough for them to shell. Capacities From 50 to 500 bushels per hour. Gasoline Power Required From 3 to 15 H. P, WATTS MFG. COMPANY 2427 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. km