The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 10, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Concert I'roKrmii Tonlli(.
The following program will be ren
dered lit the recital Klvon by MIhh
l.nrllln ItohbltiH lit the MethodlHt
church tonight with MIhb Mildred Htir-
IJIA L. HARE, Editor and Publisher.' ney nt the i.Uitio:
. I Pinna nolo Waltz In K flat Chopin
One Year by Mall In Adrnnce. . . .$ 1.25
One Ycur by Carrier lu AdTimcc. .$1.50
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco na Second Class Matter.
Fit I DAY, JIAKCH 10, 15)1(1.
A. It. Iluiigluiid.
Amciig those .who Heek flic republi
can nomination for county clerk Is A.
1); Jloaglnnd, who has been tt resident
of tho city for thirty years, coining
hero with his father, J. S. Hoagland,
when a boy. Ho attended tho city
schoolB and later was a student at
a Lincoln business college. Ho Is a
reoounlzod accountant, and has on n
jiumer of occasions been employed
by tho city and county to audit ac
counts and do special cloncai worK
Ho sorved one term as a city council- Kjyr
MIhh Hiirnev
l.ove Koiikh from the HrltlHh Inles
My l.ove In lIKo n lieu, lied now
Sty Iloart mid Lute Bishop.
o Sleep, Why (lout Thou l.ouvo
Me?. Handel.
O Swallow, Flying South....
Variations Itorte.
(In this Hong tho composnr a violin
Int. oeh to show that the human voice
should be hh llexlble n the violin In
ItH execution of trills, hchIph and mien
phaRPH or ornamental wont.)
Soiikh from Many Lands
Koiikh .My .Motner 'iniigni ie...
niohemltui) Dvorak.
The Vain Suit. . (German) . . . .
A hoiik of India. . .(TlUHXlnn) .. .
Slimmer . . . . ( French) Clmmlnade.
Piano hoIoh,
ir I wore a liirii lonnen.
In My Neighbor' (Jarden
., Nevln.
MIhh Harney.
.Norwegian Koiikh
.solve ih .NO 1 1 If t.iireiK.
l.iillnhv Sou'lorberg.
Uriio Souk Thrane.
(In this song one hours, a. The moun
tain mald'H call and tho ntiHwering
...liiir.w li. Iter call to her cowh. "Kom
c. Ilor pity to tnose wno nwnu
i.inti mill Tirnviwl nn oxcGtitlnnallv Oil- 1 lirniwl of the d. A folk HMlg.
ergetic and level headed city olliciai. '"" ,"' , l ,V"' ; fi ....Y.ot.H i
For several years he lias been chaf- ''.'teUiaii coHVme1 which mihh
four to tho county coniniissloners in
their trlns aver the county on road In
vontleatlons. leasing of school lands
and Inspection of bridge.,, and lifts oh
tained an excollont knowledge of
county conditions which would add to
his efficiency as county cient, ami cs-
noc ally as a clerk 'to the county com
missioners, which is a part of the
county clerk's duties. Mr. Hoagland
possesses an unusual amount of uner-
i;v: ho does whatever is to uo wun
ou,t lagging, and if elected clerk the
work In tliat office will be right tip to
thn minute. If to keen up with tho
ItobbltiH woarH, was presented to her
while she wiih In Norway, Htitdylng
the songM of that far away land. The
hand work of thin. coHtumo was made
eHpeclally for her. Tho (Iiohh Ih that
uorn ly llio lieusiiiim 01 imp i u
nrndnngor dlHtrlct, Norway.
A Trtiiiniiliiiiit Kcatli.
Whv Hhould our tears lu sorrow now
When (lot! recnllH J lis own,
A ixl bids them leave a world of woo
For an immortal crown :
flu n let our norrowH ceane to How;
Mod has recalled HlH own:
Hut let our heartH In every woe.
Still Hay "Thy win no done.
TheHe words beautifully expreHH tho
foe I In ir h of Hiohp who watched by too
work reiiulrcs extra hours, Hoagland brdHlde of lHabello the oldeHt daiiK liter
will put them In without complaint of ..""at om iomxvSarysy.
Doing ovorworKcu. witnu nu kuc ui
ixor, and
March II,
went to the heavenly home
101(1. For more than a year
!.!.. t. .1 "iil.ult.ji Immmnr" infill
before ho takes tho Initiative, and in
Cliis manner "does things."
No ono "will question Mr. Iloagland's
lltnoss for the oil ce: there isn't a
bettor qualified man la the county.
S. J. .Koch.
Living a few miles southwest of
llorshey on ono of the best raiiclios
in tho coutny, lives Jake Koch, who lmue
hasnimlo that scctioiuus iiomo iorovcr
thirty vears. He canio to Lincoln
county Willi but few dollars In his
pocket and secured work on the then
Nowell ranch. Ho proved a willing
worker, a level-headed fellow, and lie
ing ambitious to succeed and becomo
a farmor and cattle grower himself,
wiih conquered, (..oiiquurcu i .o, uui
conquered for
it ih noi ieaiu i iiio
To leave this weary road,
And with tho brotherhood on high
To be nt home with Mod."
Earthly life was dear to this kIH;
uiw. i ll not want to louvu HUH world.
After her tmstor Had spent. Homo hoiiih
u-itii iw.r uiw. hii III. "Prnv for me all day.
Tell .lemis what a good girl I'll be If Up
will Just let mo live.' Aim men aner u
1 VO JUHi now learnuu nun i"
live." She wanted to live to Herve iter
Manter and her roKret was that she
had not Horved Illm hotter.
She wiih not. arrald at an io hip inn
lreaded the MUtTerlng whleh might coino
with tho Until struggle. Hut Her do
Hlre wiih granted. There watTno strug
gle. She slipped quietly away. Like a
tired child Hlie closed ner eyoH 111 uium
and opened them In Heaven.
The funeral service wiih nein at mo
MethodlHt church Sunday afternoon
took a homestead. Living on 'tho
i.liilm lint romnliiltii- In thi (mnlov ollMi.rcii r.
x. ii i... i i.i. I......11I...I I Tim lilnlH nrn comlutr from the HOUth-
.mjwbh, m mivui . - - m,, ",,- i. ,111 o wnrH and treea
i ...! 1.11,1 ,. tti..,. i e n . .
in uiiiuu nun nun ii im.w in.i " wrikhiir from llieir wuiier Hieeii.
bunch. Ho then gave his time to his The springtime with all of Its beauty
i i .t.i.. ......i.i.... .i ,,-nuiii-ill norm I'onin ror UK 11 noi lor ikii-
uwu .uiu iii .,..w..H ...y ' : , :. ,,,,., .... .... ... clty
from sun up until lute at nlglit. no thut m(u ,10t ()e,i t tho sun neither
was strong and robust, energetic, pos- of the moon, to Hhlim In It; for the
...,...i ..,.,! i. , i.i,i.,wi nn.l I.. I lrlni'V of Mod doth 1 1 till toll It. and tile
DV'anuu KUUU liuouiuua juiihiiiuH., in , . .... r 1...1 ,1,,.
applying these individual possessions, 1 'f loi i I of til.; Lamb is In
i inn.
hltt cattlo inci'cnncd In nuinilier. his lit' mul IiIm HorvantH Hhall nerve
ni-nii 1m ii on nil until trulfii
hus ono of the best rancli ami t'urm
txirwtrt I rvi lit umnf rn Vohrn mUii
Arthur Nolan has gone to
Hho was
: :o:
Miss Mildred Fllzpatrlck visited
friends in IJrady the first of this week
Mr .and Mrs. Hugh Uird left a few.
days ago for tho eastern part of the
,1. K. Sebastian transacted business
In Illg Springs the fore part of tho
Mrs. 1). J. Antonldo's was called lo
Roberts. 111., Wednesday evening hi
the serious Illness of her mother
For Kent Eight room house. I li
ft ill ro of Mrs. Louise Peters a
Tlmmcrman hotel. ' I
('. S. Clinton returned tills morning
front Grand Islad where the statt ,
Jowelors convention was held tills
Mrs. Mary Dunn, iwho 'has beon visit
ing relatives in Ogdon nnd Green River
will return home the lntter part of
this week
woll-brcd cattle, and supplied with all lver to accept a position.
tho necessary up-to-date machinery Wm Hobb of Lexington, was a busi
and Improved with excellent Duiltlings ness visitor In town tills weok.
tho liomo ot a uuccejslul man.
While always a working republican,
Mr Koch never sought office, but six
wooks ago, heeding the insistence of
friends, ho consented to become a
camlldnto for county conmilslsloner
fioin the Third district. His friends
insisted that ho becomo a camlldnto
houatiBe of his excellent business qutu-
mentions, his good citizenship and tho
knowledge that 'ho would give his best
offorts to the conduct or county at-
iitjUm. Mr. Koch lu an tiiat his friends
oTnhu for him, and. If elected to that
office he will ever1 ito fair and Just
hones; in every oificial action.
Tho misleading advertising of many
road productions has resulted In the
inability ot 'tho public on frequent oc-
caslcns to distinguish between the
meritorious und the Inferior attrac
tion, To dispel any doubts as to the
inurllu ot "Robin Hood", described ns
alio nation's funniest and most tuneful
comic opera which Is to bo prosonted
Monday ovonlng at tho Keith, It Is an
uounccd lu a signed statement by Man
ugor aarnian of tho Keith that
the admission price will be refunded
to any patrons of the theatre who are
dissatisfied with the production or who
can dispute nny of the claims made for
this attraction. Tito nutnagemoJit of
tho opera house in thus gunrantoolng
this to Ik) tlie best light opera organ
lzatlons liuvo played in this city In a
qoctuio, lakes a step that Is hardly
conventional acordlng to the ethics of
tilings theatrical, but states that it is
tho niost emphatic form in which to
impress on theatre-going public 'tho
Btrong endorsement which goes with
this production. Manager Garman's
guarantee as follow: I personally
buiuiimuu iuu uoiuiven opera com-
.pnny's production or "Rchln Hood"
io.oo uio nnest comic opera organi
zation nun nas over a veil n lis cltv
1 will cheerfully refund their mnnpv
to uny of my patrons who. unon wit.
nesslng the performance can dispute
una Hiuiuiuuui.
Signed: It. P. GARMAN.
ur. r. .. wurioio was called to
tiruio iiioaaay on professional busi
mi, uiw mni. vtu uoran were
gliosis or relatives in Stnploton tills
Elinor naitor has roturnodt frrvm
Grnnd Island .where 1io visited llio lirst
ot tins weok.
0. II. Thooleeke purchased a section
ot lanu weunoBilay, 0-J.5-2U, of C. S.
Mrs. Sam Richards, of Onmna. h n
ststlng as trimmer In tho Sundltelmer
muiinery rooms
Mrs. Morton Maryott, ot Oahkosh,
camo down a row days ago to visit
Mips M. McVIckor.
For Rent C room cottago, modern
oxcept heat. Inquire of Wm. Mnlonoy,
803 cast Fifth street.
For County Commissioner
I respectfully announce myself as
a candidate ror the ropuiiucan nomi-
naton for county commissioner from
the Third District, subject to tho ac
tion of the voters nt tho primary elec
tion. D. 13. MARTIN,
(Six miles Northwest of Horsbev.)
For County Commissioner.
I hereby, announce myself as a can
didate for the democratic nomination
for county commissioner for the First
District, subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election April
For Iteprosenliithc.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for state representative from the Six-
ty-oighth district (Lincoln county) nt
the primary election April 18th.
For .Sheriff.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff, subject to the will of
the voters at the primary election
April 18th.
For Sheriff.
I rospectfully announce that I am
candldnte for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff and solicit the support
of the votors at the primary election
to be hold April 18th. I have boon a
resident of the county for fifteen
years, am a farmer and live in Hlninan
precinct. TIIOS. McCONNELL.
For Count' Commissioner.
I herby announce myself as a can
didate for the lemocratlc nomination
for county commissioner for the First
Commissioner District subject to the
will ot tho voter"? at the primary
election April ISth. I have been a
resident of the district over forty-four
years. First time In politics, need the
offices and respectfully ask your sup
port. Residence In Hinnian precinct.
J. W. (Duck) ROWLAND.
For Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for tlie republican nomina
tion for coutny commissioner for the
Third District at the April primary
and support given me will be appre
ciated. I have been a resident of the
county for twenty-nine years and my
home I.i southwest of Hcrshey.
For Cotiuty Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for tho republican nomina
tion for county commissioner .for tho
Third Commissioner Distrlcftfesubject
to the dcclslpn of tho voters at the
primary election April 18tli. My home
is in Sellers precinct.
Clerk of District Court
I hereby anouuee myself ns a can
didate for tlie republican nomination
for clerk of the district court, sub
Ject to the will of the voters at the
primary election. Your support will
be appreciated.
For Sheriff.
1 reapi ct.'itlly announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion tor blie-nii ot Lincoln crunty, sub
ject, how io- t i lie il calon of the
votei'h at I'K" m.i'v ibrt.oii April
18th uit it if i , ,.e i ulily ap
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce mysolf as a can
didate for tho nomination for sheriff of
Lincoln county, subect to tho will of
tho republlclun vo'crs at the primary
election, April 18, My homo Is in
Maxwell precinct.'
For Count' Attorney.
To tho votors of Ltncoln county, Ne
braska. I, John Grant hereby announce
mysolf n candidate for tho democratic
nomination for county attorney sub
ject Lo tlie decision of tho voters at the
primary election, April 18th, and most
respectfully solicit your support.
For Commissioner
1 respectfully announce myself as
a candidate for tho republican nomlna
tlon for county cotnmlssonor from the
Third Commissioner District, subject
to the action of tho voters at tlie April
primary. S. J. FILBERT,
Wellilcet, Neb.
lor County Clerk
I hereby announce mysolf a caudl
date for the republican nomination
for County Clerk subject to the action
of tho voters of that party at the April
primary. Your support will bo appre
ciated. A. B. HOAGLAND.
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce mysolf a cand.
date tor County Clerk of Lincoln
County , subject to the wishes of the
Democratic olectors, primaries Aortl
18. Was born in this county tlilrfy-
eight years ago, taught school three
years, later, homesteadlng In Cotton-
woul Precinct where I now rosidc.
For Cnnijiilssloiier.
I horeby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for County Conimlssoner. from the
First District at the April primary
election and solicit the support of the
voters. I have been a resident of Lin
coin county for thirty ycar.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for tho republican nommatloa
for county treasuror, In tho primary
election April 18th. Mako inquiry
about mo and if you think I am
qualified and otherwise all right your
support will bo appreciated.
Asst. Co. Treas,
Former residence Deer CreekProcInct
County Clerk.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for tho republican nomina
tion for county clerk at primary elec
tion in April, and will appreciate the
support of the members of that party.
North Platte.
For Sheriff
I respectfully present my name as
a candidate for tho republican nom
ination for sheriff at tho primary elec
tion. My home is in Sutherland pre
cinct, and I have been a resident of
the county since 1885. Support given
me will be appreciated.
County Attorney.
I respectfully announce myself us a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for County Attorney subject to
the approval of tho voters at the pri
mary election April 18th.
For County Clerk
I herby announce myself as candi
date for tho republican nomination as
County Clork of Lincoln County, sub
ject to tho decision of tho votors at
primary election April 18. Your sup
port will bo appreciated.
(Formerly of Walker Proclnct.l
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Offlco McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
! Geo. B. Dent,
J Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
j and Obstetrics.
Office: Building nnd Loan Building
I Office 130
f Residence 115
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Successor to
Drs. Redflcld & Redfleld
Offlco Phone 642 Res. Phono 676
JOHN S. SCUMS, 21. 1)
Physician nnd Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phone, Office, 83; Rcsldenco 38.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phono Black 633.
V T. riHTCHAltl),
Graduiito Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
ono-half block southwest of the
Court House.
General Farm Sales u Specialty. Sat
isfaction Guaranteed. For dates write
tit North 1'lntlc Nebraska. Box 22.
Phono 5S2.
Quality Not Quantity
Licensed Finbulmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 231.
Night Phone Black G88.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 63G Office 459
We make cigars in tho small and in
the regular sizes preferring to use
quality tobacco in preference to quan
tity. W use only tho best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cus
tomers are always satisfied. We han-
llf n inrpo Huo nf umnlrorH' nt-Mnlnj .
our display of pipes being especially
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
rrom the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
oreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Mutual Building and Loan
Association, a Corporation is plaintiff,
ami run rucliards. Administratrix et
al are defendants, and to me directed,
win on tlie Ul day of March, 1915, at
o'clock p. im., at the east front door
f the Court House in North Platte.
Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at
Miblic Auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said decree, In
terest and costs, the following des-
criueti property, to-wit:
Lot One(l) in Block One Hundred
Thirty-eight (138) the east forty-four
feet (E44Ft) of Lot Two (2), Block
One Hundred Thirty-eight (138), the
west Twenty-two feet (W22Ft) of Lot
Two (2) and the East Twenty-two
feet (E22Ft) of Lot Three (3) Block
One Hundred Thirty-eight (138) All in
tlie original town of North Platte, Ne-
Dated North Platte. Neb.. February
autn, lino.
12U-H12S Sheriff,
North Matte, Neb,
fx W
I tw Mr J tw
Hats of Distinction-
Hats that are Different
Founded 1SS0.
It's tho household word In Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that in
sures. They all buy It.
"There is a lleason"
For further Information
Phono, call or address
.1. U. SEBASTIAN, Geji'l Atient
tiio (Mil Lino .nun
A cold may como from poor digestion and a laxative, a la m bed
and a hot wator bottlo may euro It. Do not wear dump aho".s, or over
cover your throat. Lotion for nlargemont and rednoss of ans : Mur
iate of Ammonia 1 dram, tannic acid dram, glycorlno 2 o.: , roso
water 3 oz. Bind saturated cottton on tho nose at night until cured.
Let us make tho lotion for you.
"irili iiiriiiiiiiiiii T 1 iiIii I
before it becomes worse nnd
bring us the prescription. If
it is light or If you wish to pre.
lent it altogether, come to us in
full Conlldcuco; Our stuck con
tains tested preparations for ex
ternal und Internal use.
In view of the bail weather uo
have laid In n stock of Chamois
Yosts und various Suuilrlcj that
limy como in handy very soon.
Better look them over NOW!
..General Hospital..
Phone 58
723 Locust Street
A modern institution for. the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical nnd confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
nnd diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. U. Dent, M. D. V Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield, H. D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elisc Sicman, Supt.
13c Per Pound
For Hides
$10 Per Ton for
Bones ii delivered
at once.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
In the Mutter of the Estate of Joseph
uersney, (leceaseii.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Feb. 25, 191G.
Notice is hereby given, That tlie
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Executrix of said Estate, before
tlie County Judge of Lincoln County,
.Nebraska, at tho County Court Room
in said County, on the 31st day of
March, 1916, and on tho 2nd day of
October, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. each
day for the purpose of presenting
tlielr claims tor examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months aro
allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for tho Executrix
to settle said Estate, from tlie 31st
day of March; 1916. This notice will
be published in the North Platto Tri
bune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said County, for four weolcs
successively, prior to March 31, 19 LO
f29-m2S County Judge,
Serial No. (Willi
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office nt North Platte
Nebraska, Feb. 2&, lOlfl
Notice is hereby given that James
D. Cole, of North Platte, Nehr., who
on Apr. 2, 1913, made Homestead on
try, No. or.GlU, for NEVi. and NE'4 o
SEVi, Section 34, Township 1G,
Hange 31, W., Gth Principal Meridian
has (lied notice of intention to mako
final three yoar Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore tlie Register and Receiver,
North Platte, Nebr., on the 21th dty
of April 191G
Claiment names as witnesses: H. I
Johnson, Goorgo A. Mncomhr, Wm
James Beclian.
nil nf Nort
r. E. EVANS.
Notice For I'ubllcatlon
Serial 052S3.
Ilepartuient-of the Interior
U. S. Land Office. North Platte, Nob
Feb. 7. 191G
Notice Is horeby given that Joseph
R. Ellsworth, of North Platte, Nebr.
who, on Oct. 14, 1911 made Homestead
entry No. 05283 for Nj of NEVi and
SWVi of NEVI, Section 14, Township
14, N., Rango 30, W. Gth Principal
Mordinn hns filed notice of Intention
to mnke final three year Proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land above des
crlbed before tho Register and Re
colver, at North Platto Nobr., on tho
28th day of March, 191G.
Claimant names as witnesses: 0. H
Covell. W. S. Bunting, Fred Slmants
C. P. Campbell, all ot North Platte
Nebr. J. E. EVANS,
f8-Gw Register.
In the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of tho apllcatlon of
George L. Brandow to change name.
Notice is hereby given that on tbe
first day of April, 191G, or as soon
thereafter as I can bo heard, I will
apply to the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to have my nania
changed from George L. Brandow to
George L. Weir.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
February 28, 191G.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein H. J. Church is plaintiff, and
Elmer E. Hopkins et al are defend
ants, and to me directed, I will on the
ISth day of March, 1916, at 1 o'clock
p. m., nt the east tront door of the
Court House in North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash.
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, the following described proper
ty, to-wit Kast liair of Southwest
Quarter (E of SWV4) and West half
ot tlie Southeast Quarter (W1. of
SEV4) Section Thirty-three (331,
Township Nine (9), Range Thirty-two
(32), west of the Gth P. M.. Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Nebraska. Fob.
14, 191G.
f!5-5w A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
To John Richard Neary, Anna Neary,
menu uounty uanu, a corporation,
and to John Doe, real name un
known, Receiver of Mead County
Bank, a corporation, non-resident
You and each of you will tako iinti
that on the 14th day of February, 191G,
Zara I. Mitchell, plaintiff, filed her
certain action in the District Court or
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against
you and eacli of you, tho object and
prayer ox wnicii are to quiet title lu
plaintiff and in John Richard Neary
in the following described lands situ
ato In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to
wit: Lot Eight (S), Block Ono Hun
dred Five (105), of tho original town
Of tho City of North Platto each an
undivided one-half Interest and to
foreclose that certain mortgage owned
ny piaintnr upon an undivided ono
half interest of said Lot 8 mad n nil
July 23, 1906 to F. J. Broeker upon
mhicii mure is claimed to be duo tho
sum of $50.96 and in the failure of
defendants to pay said mortgage for
a decro of foreclosure thereof. Mead
County Bank is made party defendant
uy vtruie nr a second mortcairo hoH
upon all of Lot 8 nnd to quiet title of
lmuiuiu against saia mrtgago as to
her interost in said premises and to
have said mortgage decreed junior and
inferior to plaintiffs lien and for. .
eioseure said defendant Mead Count
Bank, its successors ..nil assigns of all
equity of redemption, right, titlo and
intorest in said described premises.
You and eacli of you are required
answer said petition on or before the
27th day of March. 191G, or your do
faults will bo taken and Judgment en
tered against you ns in said petition
ZARA I. MITCHELL, Plaintiff.
fl5-r,w Her Attorney.
Mtle- for Viililleiitlon
Serial No. 05C02.
. . IJt'imrtiiient or Uie Iiitcrlnr
u. b. Land Olllce at North Platte. Nobr
. . Feb, 2. 191G
ouco ih luirnliv lMvpii t....
on Dec $-,9127
No. 05602, for S of SV, Section 4
Jt?',n?f lp, ?.2' N- 31. W. Uth Prin-
? ,tor,,Vant,hna ,lled notlce of Inten
tion to mnkn Ann llirnn i. 7-
ftll'h claim to i heluSa ibVvo ie's
crlbed, before tlio Ret? stcr anil Recelv-
S'aVfarchrVl.VB0' N'bP- t& &
vSJm rt'i T.hoT.nY Zimmerman, ull of
$?r& 1 Iatte Nobr J' B. EVANS.
fs0w Register.