EVENTS IN SOCIETY .".i iv...-" . 233 WHY DOES THE PAIttlEIt There's a reason for everything. We ndvcrtlso fur llu; reason dial we want lo keep prominently before yon, (lie fuel (lull we. handle (lie Itest of Lumber and Iluildiiiir Material Tliertfll come u (line, when you'll luillil something, and we wnnl yon lo come to us for nialerla). The fuel thill WE WANT YOUR TRADE Is a guaranty of right prices and treatment Coates Lumber and Coal Co, The Home of Good Coal Phono 7. LOCAL AND 1'EItSONAL. A. A. Schntz returned Wednesday morning from Omaha where ho spent several days on buisness. Howard DolBon, of Omahn, who was visiting his father W. S. Dolson for a week has returned home. Miss Efflo Christ, who visited lior sisters In Loxlngton and Stapleton for several weokB has returned. Mrs. Jesso Van Dyko left at noon Wednesday for Gothenburg to visit friends for sovcral days. Dr. Urock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug Store. Clyde Tro,ttcr iroturned yesterday morning ffrom a witness vlrflt In Omaha, Miss Ireno Schott returned Wednes day from Lexington where she visited .friends for several days. Mrs. Ira Woldmnn, who has been visiting relatlveu In Des Moines Is ex pected to return homo Monday. Mr. and Mrs George Brady and family aro moving Into ham house on east Fourth Sam Osgood, of Denver, a former resident here, camo a Jow days ago to visit his brother Charles Osgood. For Rent C room cottage cIobo in. Inqulro Murtl meat market. Georgo Stroup, of the l'ayno Invest ment Co., of Omaha, foromrly of this city, Is spending this weok In town. Mrs. Georgo Skinner, of Osago, In., who was called hero by the death, of her niece, loft Wednesday for hom$ Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Dank Building. N..E. Workman, of Bayard, formerly of this city, visited local friends this week and looked after business mat ers. Max VonGoetz loft the early part of the weok for Hastings to spend sov cral days on business returned Wed nesday. Mr .and Mrs. J. II. Kelly, of Goth enburg, havo returned homo after spending a few days with local friends. Old Trusty, 1'oultry Leader, and Queen Incubators and Brooders at fac- lory prlees. SIMON BROS. 1G-G Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Seeloyo, for twenty-six yenrs residents of Dickens precinct, wcro In town yesterday en routo to Kearney, whero they will innko tholr futuro home, having leased the ranch. Mrs. N. E. Matlock, of Omaha, arrive ed Mondny evening to visit her dnugh tor, Mrs. Georgo Brady, for a fort night or longer. Earl Souser, of Grand Island, came Wednesday morning to visit his par onts Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Souser for a week or longer. Mrs. Raymond Keegnn, of Fremont, formorly Miss Tryono WInkelmnn of this city, is spending this weok with locnl relatives. Mr .and Mrs. Loy Eyerley, of Her shoy, visited In town thisweek wlillo onrouto homo from tliolr wedding trip to eastern points. .Tho Eastern Star hold Initiation ex crclscs at tho Masonic hall last ovon Ing and after tho meeting were served with lunch at tho Gem. Gcttman'sIIand-Mndo Cigar 5c. 14-tf J. B. McDonald returned yesterday morning from Chicago and other east ern points whoro ho spent a couple of weeks on business. Mrs. Ira L. Mlltcmbcrger Is suffering with a broken arm which was sustain oor during tho Cunning-' cd while, Closing a storm d Lh street' 1 tho Btrong wind Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jessup arc oniovlnir a visit from the latter'a mother, Mrs. Carlton, of Grand Is land, who camo a few days ago. Tho ladles who visit tho milnnery dopnrtinontf. at DlockTs will not bo disappointed. All tho now styles, shapes and colors displayed correctly, MRS. SAILOH, Milliner. F. E. Bullard, Dean Bowker and Dr. Mario Ames attenddd tho choral ser- yico of tho Episcopal church at Ogal alln tho first of tills week. Tho Ma sons of that city attended In a boly. To nssuro the entry of your name in tho next telephone directory wMck wlH bo out 'April 1st, you should order a telophono not later .than March 10th. 14-4 Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanson wcro call ed to Lincoln Tuesday night by the Illness of Mrs. Hansen's fnthor, who submitted to an operation at a hospital and was In a critical condition. 'Thomas Gllniartln returned Wednes day from Croston, la., whero ho nt tonded tho funoral of his uncle. After a short visit hero with relatives he will resume work for tho American Express Co. at Sterling. Ono of tho busiost places In town, always creating something now, some thing tho trade is looking for. To eon vlnco yourself look at our Spring llr.o of millinery. 44-3 THE HUB. Mrs. Jack McGraw will entertain a number of ladles at a luncheon Frl day evening In honor of Mrs. Pollock. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury entertained fifty ladles nt a kenslngton Tuesday afternoon. The guests wore also en tortnlncd wth a musical program and rendlngs by Mesdames W. V. Hoag- land, Edward Burke, W. J. TIley and Miss Hazel Simpson. Tho Yeomen masquerade on Tues day ovening win attended by a large number of 4he members and their la dles In fancy and comic dress. Masks wero romoved at ten o clock and dan cing continued until midnight. The Stnmp orchestra furnished an enjoy able program. Tho .1. F. F. club held a very pleas ant meeting at the heme of Mrs. Ike Stobblns Tuesday afternoon. The dec orations, favors and games were sug gestive of St. Patrick's Day. First prize was awarded to Mrs. W. B. Brown and second to Mrs. James Dorram. Guest prizes were given to Mosdames Cy Hussell nnd P. H. Lon ergan. It was decided to discontinue meetings during Lent. The Indian card club was entertain ed Tuesday afternoon at theSeeborgor home. Eight tables were used In pro groslve flvo hundred and the llrst prize awarded to Mrs. Thomas Healoy. Other prizes wore won by Mrs. Allison Wilcox and Miss Hannah Kelilior. In addition to tho regular mombers twelve guests wore present. Assisting in entertaining wero Mcsdanies Arthur Iloaglnml. Charles Herrod and J. B. Hnyes The Degree of Honor held nn enjoy able "Hard Tiino" social at the K. P. hnll Monday evening. The attendance was larger than usual and the cos- ifttmes wero comic. A ilsli pond in charge of Misses Minnie Lowe, Nell Hanllln nnd Ellen McCarthy furnished amusement for tho children. Tho fol lowing program was rendered: Violin solo Leo Saltow, song Gladys Corn well, reading Fred Hamilton, piano soloi Zella Dorram, duet, Mildred Mor ris and Angela Roddy, reading Lyle Palmer, song Lewis Wnlden, reading Eilcon Priest. The last ball beforo the Lenten sea son was given by the Lady Forresters Monday evening at tne Lloyu opera houso and attended by several mm dred people. Promptly nt nine o'clock tho Stamp orchestra played the open ing wnltz and until one o'clqek a. in, tho floor was filled with dancers. Mrs P. H. Loneragn acted as Mistress of Ceremonies and her committees on re ceptlon and arrangement consisted of Misses Josio O'Hare, Ethel Donegan, Jessanilno Flynn, Margaret McGin- loy, Mesdames James Hart, S. C. Car ney, W. II. LoDIoyt, Glen Miller, Geo. Voselpka and F. J. McGovem. Tho net receipts amounted to ono hundred and fifty dollars nnd tho ladies wish to tlinuk all who assisted them. Tho second annual banquet of the members of tho Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus wns held at the Masonic hall Teusday evening. About twenty members and their ladies at tended nnd were served with an elab orate menu under tho direction of Mrs. James Hart. Tho dining room and tables wero decorated with largo bcKiuets of flowers and the national colors. C. J. Pass acted as toast master and among those who respond ed to toasts were Rov. P. McDald, Dr. N. MeCnbo and George A. Austin. Dur ing tho banquet music was rendered by a lnrgo victrola and tho latter part of the evening was devoted to Card games and dnncing. Assisting in ser ving wero Misses Irene Hubbard Wllla Haugh and Catherino Herrod. ::o:: w "Be Sure You're Eight." The farmer who plants seed tills spring without knowing to a certainty that It will gcriulnale and innko ai good stand, Is bigger speculator than any upon Wall Street. In this year when prices aire certain to bo nbovo normal, let our farmers play safo by making thorough seed tests before tho planting season ..To accept seed corn on tho ilnal say-so of seed houses in view of last season's erratic production may bring disappointment nnd result in tho loss of time, labor nnd money. Be sure you're- right, then plant. Let your watchword be, "TEST, DON'T (JUESS." The Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. In BJorson's "Happy Boy," tho old sciiool master says: "My eyes will bear no moro now; they bco well enough In tho open, but acho and water over smnll tilings." With all his learning, tho old gentleman did not kncw that his eyes wero simply call Ing for help, crying for aid glass aid HARRY DIXON, Jeweler and Optome trst, west side of Dewey street. Public Sale Short Horn Cuttle. W. W. Blrgo nnd Frank Strolberg will hold a public salo of Short IIotii cattlo March 18th at 10 o'clock at Julius Mogensen's North Side Sale and Feed barn. In tills salo Is included bulls and cows nnd anybody needing n good herd bull should nttond this salo, Wo aro making this sale for tho bcnollt of tho people of Lincoln comity who desire to raise better stock. Come to litis salo and get some of those ani mals and put the-m on your farms and see If it don t pay. FRANK STROLBERG, and hi-:! W. W. BIRG1- Notice 'to illdders. Sealed bids will bo rocolved up until C p. in. of Saturday, March ISth, 1910 at tho oil Ice ot tho water commission or ot tho city of North Platte, Nobr. for tho lurnlshing of all labor and nia tennis nnd plastering tho old pump room at the wator works power house with a throe coat hard wall plnsto with mind finish. Payment for same to bo made in city warrants. Tho right Is reserved to roject any or nil bids. For further Information call at wator office. HERSHEY S. WELCH, 10-11 Wntor Commissioner. : : o: : Seed Oats. We havo a car coming. Loavo your orders. Coates Luinor & Coal Co ::o:: For Commissioner. I respectfully announce- myself as a candldnto for county commissioner from tho first district subject, to tho action of the democratic votors at tho primary election. J. C. WILSON. ::o:: N'urso Brown Hospital Notes. Miss Myrtlo Thomns, ot Maywood, was oporated upon tho first of the week nnd is doing woll. Mrs. John Konnoy, of BIgnell, re turned to her homo yesterday after a series of treatments. Mrs. Georgo IC. Brown, of Ilnyos Centor, undorwent nn operation tho first of this weok and is doing nlcoly Mrs. Ed Noble is improving and will soon bo ablo to return home. Miss Emma Sanderson, of Suther land, was operated upon Wednesday HE style even I of the year will soon be here; but it will find us ready. For months we've been working and planning that the- clay might see us ready to help you choose your wardrobe that you might take your place in the Fashion Promenade. T ever. In making up your Easter outfit you will be more careful than You will want to be sure that your are not going wrong in selecting any article of apparel. Then is just the time we welcome you most heartily to an inspection of our. different departments. No matter what your needs, in the matter of dress -under appaiel or outer wear -for the home or outdoorsyou'll find we have it -just a little better, in just a little larger selection from which to choose, thanyou thought. Even if you don't intend to buy, accept our invitation to attend and see what the world of fashion offers for Easter Display. E.T. Tramp & Sons KAILKOAD NOTES BOCTOlt C. C. HOLLITT at THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Ira Woldmnn returned Wednesday from DesMolnes whore ho visited the faro part of tho weok. Georgo L. Conloy, of Denver, came Wednesday to take charge of tho Barkalo'w News stand. D. B. Gould, of Grand Island, who recontly accepted tho management of tho Barkalow News Stand In tho Union Pacific dopot, lias resigned and will loavo today. Honry P. Richinnnd, of Omaha, a vetoran nowspapcr man, nnd ono of tho best known democrats in the stato, arrived in town Tuesday and will manago Keith Neville's guber natorial campaign. James Becker, telegraph operator at tho station west of tho now round houso, was overcome by gas Tuesday ovonlng whilo taking a bath. Tho ser vices of sovcral physicians wero nec essary to restore him to consciousness Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wolf left Wed nesday evening for Kansas City whero tho former has been appointed travel Ing watchman ror the U. P. For tlireo months past ho had been assistant to Officer Ira Weidman in tho local yards. : :o: : Mss Edith Luclllo Bobbins will ap pear in song irvjcltnl at tho Methodist ..lnireh Frldav evening. March 10th. Tho price of admission will bo 35c for aliults and IDo lor cnuuron. Anyone wishing tlckota mny securo them by calling nt olthor of tho threo banks, Dorryberry & Forbes storo, Tho .Star p.totldne houso and the Anioauies ninrn on tho north side. 14-2 Mrs. Orrn Sailor spont yesterday in Horshoy on buslnoss conected with hor millinory parlors thore. W. P. Snydor loft yesterday morn inc for Lexington and other towns In eastern Nebraska on bulsness for a Dean Bowker has just received word that Dr. Rollitt of Minneapolis, Minn., will preacli tho sermons, morning and ovening on Sunday, 12th. Mr. Rollitt is tho official secrotary of tho North West Synod of tho Episcopal church, tho synod taking in cloven states in cluding Nebraska. All aro Invited to the Church of Our Savior on Sunday next. : :o: : Seed Potatoes. I havo for salo Early Ohio and Potentate seed potatoes. Ono dollar per bushol, or ninety cents in ten bushel lots. Call aitJ tho homo ranch. Phono 790F31. Mrs. Wm Siehold. 15-C ::o:: Attorney J. J. Halligan spent yes terday In Sutherland on legal matters. B. B. Bakor left yesterday morning for Ogalalla whero ho will spend sev eral days. ills-- -" Telephone Yo vv Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a makes poultry healthy;" makes hens lay; not a stimulant, but a tonic, that tones up the dormant egg or gans, brings back the scratch and cackle, and compels each hen to put her share of eggs in the market basket. It also contains internal antisep tics that counteract disease; insures a healthy, singing poultry flock. Costs but a trifle a nennv's worth enough for 30 hens per day. 1 4 lbs. 25c; 5 lbs. 60c; 12 lbs. Sl.ldb; 2b-lb. sn.iU. Guaranteed by The Rexall Drug Store, phone 4 ami Is resting easy. fow days.