The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. BARK, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Yunr by Zllnll In Adranco. . . .$1.2o
One Year by Carrier In Adranco. .$lJiO
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postoffico as Second Class Matter.
(Beginning with thik Issue The
Tribune will Introduce to Its readors
the cundldntos for noniliuitiori for or
flc who have annouced theiiiHelveH
through thewo columng.
A. .1. Snllsbiir),
Thoro Is probably no man In Lincoln
county who can call by nanio more
residents of the county than Art Sal
isbury, who seeks a re-nomination for
sheriff by tlio republican party, and
under these conditions it scums almost
unnecoMtiry for The Tribune to in
troduce him to Its renders. liy reason
of tlio duties entailed upon him during
his tonuro of office Mr. Salisbury 'has
come In contact in one way or another
with practically every 'man of voting
age In tlio county, and endowed w'ith
"mixing" qUulitios possessed by few 1m
has made a friend of nearly every ono
he has mot.
Mr. Salisbury came to Lincoln
county nearly thirty years ago, lo
cated with the family on a liomostoad
in Plant precinct, and after remaining
thoro a nunibor of years came to
North Platte and engaged In the liv
ery huisncss. He continued in 'this un
til elected sheriff nearly live years
Tlio TrUmno can say without fear of
suecowiful contindlctlon that no man
who lias filled tlie position of sheriff
In Lincoln county has nuido a more
efficient, a" more honest officer than
has Mr. Salisbury. Never once lias he
shirked his duties, never has lie bo
como involved In "cloudy" transac
tions, find his success In gathering In
law-breakors has been almost phe
nomenal. "Lot no guilty man escape,"
has been his motto and certainly ho
lins lived up to It in detail. If you'
Mueston this, write the warden of the
penltantiary and ascertain the nmn
bor of mon Salisbury bus taken thoro
since he lins been sheriff.
By reason :of his wide acquaintance1
and popularly, Arthur J. will make a
strong run.
T. V. Itnwlnnd.
In the raco for the democratic nom
ination for county commissioner from
the North Platte district Is J. W.
Rowland, bettor known as WW or
"Buck" Rowland, who enjoys the dis
tinction of being in ptfut of residence
one of tlio oldest inhabitants ia North
Piatto, or In the county for that mat
ter. Ho is a Lincoln county product,
has spent all his years hero, and has a
wide neeiuulntnnce. Afi fr nnm til tt Inn
tlio school courao In North Piatto he
followed the trade of a printer, and
nftor serving fnlthtully and well at
tills for a IlUlllbor nf vnnru iw.n.,l,l .
position In the IT. p. Hhops which he
tuimiiiiuu u iioiii until a yenr or ho
.Ji-rn In tho county, he luis naturally
tukou an tntnm..t in .mn.n- !..
I . . . ' --....n.., iiuuiin.
anil nolnir of an Inmlt'ini- im-n c
he .knows considerably moro of the
'W nud "outs" of biHtnoHH partnln
ing to cnunty administration than docs
mv iiruiHgo citiTsnu, 4ir, licwiaml say
lu wnntfi tho olTIco because ho nneil
tho tmnnav u'lilnli lu .... i, ....,
v , ........ ,,,, iiijiil.'Bl- illi-
mission thnt no one will object ,to If
an gives ,eirioient ervice In return
1 ltt,,.C... lilt 4
muiuiui ,111111 inis ue claims to hnv
the IllllHtV anil dmilrn
Tho nomlnntbvn for 'C1iIb qff'co will bo
made liv the elect Itl'u lf lin old. .i.i.l
Illiuiinn product, and as "Hilly" Is
un iiio-,vii. his irientis nro pretty
cnrtnln to give lilm a outliuslastlc
Jtihn Y. Fowler..
Lincoln county has many level,
hundod, prcferiuislve furmorK, men who
hav demonstrated by their own suc
cess that fiiyy arc business men.
Among these Is John Fowlor,
whoo rtiriii-runcli is In Rollers pre
cinct, anil who seeks the republican
nomination for county commissioner
fr,:ui the Third district. Mr. Fowler
lias resided in Seller's product for a
dozou or more years, and lias proven
n most progressive and tniccu.-tsful
farmer and stock grower. Ho Is n
strong advocate of county develop
ment as is evidenced by tho fact that
'ho was no or tlio promoters of tho
telephone line that runs tlirmii?li ttuit
sootiian of the county; ho was ono of
first to suggest and assisted In secur
ing a rural postal route which daily
delivers mail to the people along tlio
route: by reason of his Interest In
agrloulturo and stock lie has bean a
i.tisjtuiit worker for and a director
of the Lincoln county agricultural
association; In fart tho mere nanio ot"
John W. Fowlor RiiKgeetR energy, push
and buslnoss ability, llkowiso hon
esty and Integrity. While there nro
several jtr.od men in the race for nom
ination, each t)f the others will know
that Mr. Fowler is in tho running.
1. It. llulllgiiii.
For the republican nomination for
county attorney thoro Is but one can
didate P. Rolfo Halllgan. son of J. J.
Hnlllgnn, ono of the leading attorneys
of the vt part of the state. Mr. Hal
llgan eunu. to North Platte with his
parents when but a bit of a bov twen
ty years ago. He graduntod from tho
high school nud entering the stato
unlvorsty took up the study of law,
graduating from that dopartmont with
high honors five years ago. Slnco his
graduation he has been associated
with Wilcox & Halllgan, a llrm thnt
has an onvlnblo reputation throughout
tho ontlro state, and whose clients nro
found in niuny cputlos in western Ne
braska. His association with this
strong firm Iiiih boon beneficial to Mr.
TlnJllgan, as It would to any young
attorney; and he has not boon Blow ti
profit by this prostlge. For a year
or two Mr. Halllgan -was county at
torney of Arthur county through np
polntment mndo by tho commissioners,
and this, too. at a tlmo when thnt
county was being re-organlzoil and
many legal questions needed solution.
However, he was equal to nil demands
and through ills advice to tho county
officials no false steps were by them
Mr. Halllgan' Is well qualified, and
as his nomination Is assured, the vo
ters will no doubt give him enthu
siastic support at the polls In No
vember. ::o:: a
Edward Thomps n who visited' last
week In Clinppell has returned.
Miss Florence Louden began work
In the ten cent store Saturday.
George Shaffer returned Sunday ov-
enng frl:m a Khort visit in Paxton.
Attorney Robert Realty, of Urady,
spent the week end here on business.
Mrs. Elmor Hurko will ontertaln
tho Nevlta club on Wednesday Mar.
Mrs. Wllhlto, ot Hanson, was called
here last week by tho Illness of her
Reece Spencer, of Gothenburg,
spent the week end with friends In
Mrs, F. A. Woods who visited in
Got'hoiiburg last week has returned
O. H. Shrlver, of Lexington, who
spent several days hero has returned
Mrs. Sam Rlcliurds, of Omaha, for
merly of this city, is spending this
week In town.
(Mark IVaokor, of Gothenburg, cnino
up Thursday to spend tho week end
with frionds.
Mrs. James Heekmau will ontertaln
the Elite Card club on Wednesday
, Mrs. J. W. Thonius has gone to
Dickons 'to visit hor sons for a week
or longer.
'Miss Dorothy Hubbard, of tlie Kear
ney Normal, spoilt tho week end with
her parents.
Mrs. Toole of Kearney, came Satur
day interning to visit her daughter Mrs.
Harry lloyle.
Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island Is
visiting his sons Robert and Edward
Weeks tills week.
Clydo Trotter returned Saturdny
morning from Omaha after spending a
week there on business.
Neale Turplo returned Saturdny
morning fi'OTii Omaha Where ho spent
a week on business.
W. J. O'Connor returned tho latter
part of last week from Kearney where
ho spout sevornl days,
Mrs. Marie Ames entertained tho
Junior Auxiliary Of the Episcopal
church Saturday afternoon.
Miss Hlanche Fonda has been assist
ing as stenographer In the Chnrlcs
Temple office lbT several days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrow, of Urldge
tl.trt, came last week to visit tho for
mer's sister Mrs. Jack Palmer.
John Mylandor, of Denver, was
called here last week by the death of
his aunt the late Emily Mylamler
Mrs. Chas. McNeil left the latter
part of last week for Gothenburg to
visit her lather Henry llosentlahl.
Lloyd Powers hoft Friday evening
for Sidney and other towns In the
western part of this state n bush ss.
Dr. W..T. Sponcor, of Alliance, who
was the guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. W. T
Prltchard last week, left Friday evening-
John Bailey, of Koarnoy, formerly
located hero loft the latter part of
last week after spondlng soveral days
A. W. Gray, who had been employed
at Giltuor for a couple of years, re
turned here last week to accept a po
sition. Nick Adainy, of Staploton, formorly
proprietor ot the blowllng alloy Is
spending this week In town with
Mrs. J. II. Fonda returned Friday
evening from Omaha where she was
called recontly by the death of a rel
ative. Rev. S. F. Carroll, of Wlimor, for
morly pastor of St. Patrick's church,
who spent last week bore left Frday
For- Sale Pure White Rose CoiuM
Plymouth Rock Roostors, A. F. Mc
Masters, Phono 792F011. M-2
Mrs. James Haste and children who
visited Mrs. A. J. Salisbury last woek
left Friday evening for their homo in
Mrs. M V. Hayes left Friady even
ing lor Green River, Ogdon nnd Salt
Lake to visit relative liar ten days
or pioro.
Mr. and Mrs. Grovor Crane, or
Ot'hkosh, who had been visttnn Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Plumnier havo re
turned home.
Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Dros, nre en
joying a visit front tho fornior'sniotlior
who arrived here from Iowa a few
days ago.
Miss Francis Arrowsinlth, of Ogal
alla, came down Friday evening to
visit hor grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
N. Fi dough.
Attorney and Mrs, W. V. lloagland
returned tho lattor part or last wvok
from Omaha where thoy attended tfie
fitneral or a relative.
John Uratt returned tho lattor part
of last week from Donver where he
transacted business and visited his
daughter Mrs. ('has. Hondy.
Alfred Wllhlte, who enmo here re
contly from Donlphin to purchase the
McMlchaol barber shop was taken ill
last week with pnoumonln.
('. S. Clinton will leavo tonight for
Grand Island to attend tho stnto Jew
elers' convention whloh will bo lield
there Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Rlancho Mylnnder who has
boon teaching In Texas for sonio tlmo
was called hero last week by tho death
of hor aunt tho lato Emily Mylandor,
H. 0. Poterson and Harry Nouuuuin.
of Chappell, woi o liero last week and
went back In a now light Duick car
which they purchased for'-A. 0. Neu-maua.
For County Commissioner
I respectfully announce myself as
a candidate for tho republican noml
naton for county commissioner from
the Third District, subject to tho ac
tion of the voters at the primary elec
tion. D. E. MARTIN,
(Six miles Northwest of Horshcv.)
Tor County Commissioner.
I hereby announce mysolf as a can
didate for the democratic nomination
for county commissioner for the First
District, subject to tho decision of the
voters at tho primary election Aprlj
18th. F. W. 1 1 ERM IN'GH AUSEN.
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate! for the republican nomination
for state representative from the Sixty-eighth
district (Lincoln county) nt
the primary election April 18th.
For .Sheriff.
I respectfully unnounco myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff, subject to the will of
the voters at the primary election
April lSth.
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce that I am
candidate for ithe ropublican noinina
tion for sheriff nnd solicit tho support
or tlie voters at the primary election
to bo held April 18th. I have been a
resident of the county for fifteen
years, am a farmer and live In Ilinman
precinct. THOS. McCONNELL
For Cottutv Coninilssloiier.
I herby announce myself as a can-
uioaio ior ino aomocraiic nomination
for county commis. lonor for the First
Commissioner District subject to the
will ot the vencrs tut the primary
election Anrll tStlt. T linvn linnn n
resident Of the district over fnrtv-fniir
years. First time ia politics, need the
oince nnd rospecttuiiy aslc your sup
port, uesiuence in Jllnman precinct
J. W. (Ruck) ROWLAND.
For Commissioner.
I respectfully nnnounce myself as a
candidate for tho renublicnn nnminn.
Hon for coutny commissioner for the
i nin uistriet at the April- primary
and stinnort triven tn will lm mmrn.
elated. I havo been a resident of tlio
county for twenty-nine years and my
nomo is soutnwest ot Hershey.
Cor Count v CeiiinilssIeneTr.
I resnoctfullv annonncn invSnif na n
candidate for the republican .nomina
tion for county commissiqner for the
Third Commissioner District, suhject
10 mo tiectston or tho voters nt t m
primary election Anril istli. Mv immo
is in sellers precinct.
For Sheriff.
1 respectfully nnnounco myself as a
canuiuaio ior mo republican nomina
tion for sheriff nf I.lnpol
Ject, however, to the decision 'of tlie
voters at tho primary election April
1 nil. t r , ... . . . 1
law. xour support win be highly ap-
North Platte, Neb.
Tor Slicrlft'
I respectfully present my naiiK an
a candldnto Tor tho ropiiblt.nn noin
inatlon for sheriff at the primary elec
tion. My homo s In Suthorlaml pro-
fltl mwl 1 1 I .
-...wi, i uavu uijoii H rt'SKICUl Of
the county slnco 1SS5. Su:- rt sdyen
mo will bo appreciated. -
Counly Atltirnc.
I respectfully announce in-self u. h
candidate for tlie republican nomina
tion for County Attorney nubloot to
the approval of the voters m the. r,rl-
mnry election April istli.
1'. R- II VU.IGAN.
For County Clerk
I herby 211111011 IlPft IllVfiillf na ntitwlt.
j no utiuui-
UntO for tllti romihllcnn nnmlnntln..
County Clork of Lincoln County, sub-
iu uiu uecision oi the voters at
primary election April IS. Your sup
port will bo appreciated.
, . A. S. ALLEN.
(I'ormerly of Walker Preclnct.l
County Clerk.
1 respectfully announce that 1 am :i
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county clerk nt primary oloc
tlon In April, nnd will appreciate the
support of thi. members of that party.
North Platte.
County Treasurer.
I hereby fl. III! OH II Cf III VHOl f it a a nan.
dldato for tho republican nomination
ior county troasuror, in tho primary
oloction April lSth. Make inquiry
about mo and If vmi thinv t m.,
qualified and othcrwlso all right your
support win no appreciatetl.
Asst. Cn TrAna
Formor resldonco Deor Creek Proclnct.
For Coiumlssloner.
I heroby announce myself as a can
didate for the ropublican nomination
for County Commlssoiior from tho
First District at tho April primary
election and solicit tho support of tho
voteys. I have boon n resident of Lin
coln county for thirty years,
For Sheriff..
I hereby announce mvsolf n run.
dldate for the nomination fnr nhnrlfT nf
Lincoln county, subect to the will of
mo repuuiician vo'crs at tho primary
oiect-ton, April is. My homo Is In
Maxwell precinct.
For Counly Attorney.
To the voters of Ltncoln county, Ne
braska. I, John Grant hereby announce
mysolf a candidate for tlio democratic
nomination for county attorney sub
ject to the decision of the voters at the
primary election, April 18lh, nnd most
rospecttuiiy solicit your support.
Clerk of Dislrict Court
I hereby anounco myself as a can-
uiuatc tor the republican nomination
for clork of tho district court, sub
ject to tho will of the voters tut the
primary election. Your support will
bo appreciated. ,
For Commissioner
I respectfully announce mysolf as
a candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county commlssoner from the
Third Commissioner District, subject
to tho action or the voters at tlio April
primary. S. J. FILBERT,
Wellllcet, Neb.
For County Clerk
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the republican nomination
for County Clerk subject to the notion
of tlie voters of that party at the April
primary. Your support will be appre
ciated. A. B. HOAGLAND.
Feir County Clerk.
I hereby nnnounce myself a cand.
date for County Clerk of Llncol i
County , subject to the wishes of the
Democratic electors, primaries Annl
IS. Was born in this cojinty tfiirty
eight year3 ago, taught school three
years, later, homesteadlng in Cotton
wood Precinct where I now reside.
Founded 1SS0.'.
It'3 tho household word In Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon
ey can lm v. it'u what
savings bink nnd Insurance that In
sures, They all buy It.
"There is si Jlciison"
For further information
Phone, call or address
J. Ji. SEBASTIAN, Gen'I Ajront.
ine via Jjiiic Man
.General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped . -X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Ceo. B. DenI, M. D. V. Lucas, H. D.
J. B. Redficld, M. D. J.S.Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sicman, Supt.
(.'eiieral Farm Sales u Specialty. Sat
Isfnetlnn (iuamnteed. For dates wrllo
nt North Pintle .cbrnska. Box 225.
Plume 5S2.
3c Scf
if n6t frozen.
Per, Ton for
Bones if delivered
at once.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn,
Quality Not Quantity
We maHo cigars In tho small and In
the regular sizes preferring to use
quality tobacco in preference to quan
tity. W use only the best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cus
tomers arc always satisfied. .Wo han
dle a large lino ot smokers' nrtlclos,
our display of pipes being especially
. .-'Jt vi 111
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics nnd Children's Diseases.
Office McDonald Stito Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Office phone 211. Rea. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonnld Bank Building.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone C76
Physician nnd Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, SecondFloor
Phone, Office, 83: Residence 38.
Licensed Kmbalmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black C88.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Kcsidence Red 63C Ofilco 459
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order nf nlo iuaun.i
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Mutual Building and Loan
absueiauon, a corporation Is plaintiff,
and Ida RIcliards, Administratrix et
al are defendants, nnil tn
I wilt on the 31 day of March, 1915, at
- ociock p. an., at the east front door
of the Court House in North Platte,
Lincoln County. Nehmskn. oit nt
Public Auction to the highest bidder
ior casn, to satlsty said elecree, In
terest ana costs, tlie following ties
cribed property, to-wit:
Lot Ono(l) in Block f)nn TTimilrnrf
Thirty-eight (138) the east forty-four
u'ct irvunj ot l.ot Two (2), Block
Ono Hundred Thirty-eight (138). the
west Twenty-two feet (W22Ft) of Lot
iwo (z aim tlie East Twenty-two
ieet ti-JFt) of Lot Three (3) Block
Ono Hundred Thirty-eight (138) All In
the original town of North Pintto Vo.
Dated North Platte. Kp.h . T-Vhrnnrv
atjtn, linn.
f29-m2S Sheriff,
In the Mutter of the Fstnte or Joseph
Hershey, deceased.
In the .County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Feb. 25, 191G.
Notice is hereby given. That the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Executrix of said Estate, before
the County Judge or Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tlio County Court Room,
in said County, on the 31st day of
March, 191G, and on the 2nd dny of
ucioner, luiu, at 9 o ciock a. m. each
day for the purposo of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months arc
allowed for creditors to nresent their
claims, and one year for the Executrix
to settle said Estate, from tlie 31st
day of March, 1910. This notice will
lie published In tho North Piatto Tri
bune, a legnl senil-weckly newspaper
printed in said County, for four weeks
.successively, prior to March 31. 1910.
l'29-m2S County Judge,
Serial No. O.'ililli
Department of tlie Interior.
P. S. Land Orfleo at North Platte,
Nebraska, Fob. 2i, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that .lames
D. Cole, of North Platte, Nebr., who
on Apr. 2. 1913, made Homestead f-n-try.
No. Or.040, for NE'i. nnd NE'4 of
SE'4. Seetlon 31. Township Hi, N.
Range 31, W., Oth Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore tlie Register and Receiver, at
North Platte, Nebr., on tho 21th diy
of April 1910.
Claiment nninos as witnesses: II. F.
Johnson, George A. Macomb -r. Wm. A.
Gaunt, James Bechan. all of North
Platte, Nebr.
Xollce Tor Publication
Serinl 0T.2S3.
Ocpni-lmcnt of the Interior
U. S. Land Office. North Platte, Nobr.
Feb. 7, 1910.
Notice is heroby given that Joseph
R. Ellsworth, of North Platte, Nobr.,
who, on Oct. 14, 1911 mndo Homestead
entry No. 052S3 for NVj of NE4 nnd
SWU of NK, Section 14, Township
14, N Rnngo 30, W. Oth Principal
Mordlan has filed notice of lntontlon
to mnko final threo year Preiof, to es
tablish claim to tho land nbovo des
cribed before the Register and Re
ceiver, nt North Piatto Nobr., on tho
28th day ot March, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses: 0. H
Covell, W. S. Bunting, Frexl Slmnnts,
C. P. Campbell, all of North Platte
$r- J B. EVANS,
r8"Cw Register.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surery
and Obstetrics.
Oific: Building and Loan Building
Phones 'Office 130
1 nones f Residence 115
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phono Black 033.
y. t. pitiTCHAiti),
Grnduute Veteriiinritin
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218- south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House,.
In the District Court of Llncolr.
County, Ncbrnska.
In the matter of tho apllcation of
Gedrgo L. Brandow to change name.
Notlco Is hereby given that on Mj
first day of April, 1910, or as soon
thereafter as I can bo heard, I will
apply to the District Court ot Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to havo my nama
changed from George L. Brandow to
George L. Weir.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
February 28, 1910.
Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In saiel Court
wherein H. J. Church is plaintiff, and
Elmer E. Hopkins et al nre defend
ants, and to me directed, I will on the
18th day of March, 191G, at 1 o'clock
p. m., at tlie cast front door of the
Court House in North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, Interest an-1
costs, the following described proper
ty, to-wit East, half of South wes'
Quarter (E of SW4) and West half
of the Southeast Quartrr (wy, or
SE14) Section Thirty-three (33),
Township Nino (9), Range Thirty-two
(32), west of the Oth P. M., Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska. Feb
14, 1910.
fl5-5w A. J.SjVUSBJJRY, Sheriff.
AmendmonttoArticlcs of IncorporatToti
Notice is herehv uivnn thnt nt n.Q
annual meeting of the stockholders of
tho Coates Lumber & Coal Co., article
numuer two or tlie Articles of Incor
poration was amended
lows :
"The general natnrn
to be transacted by said corporation
shall be the manufacture, the whole
sale nnd the retail d pnllnr- in flnnr
grain, lumber, fuels, hardware, paints
oils, glass, mouldings, mill work, stone,
brick, lime, cement. nlnstfr nrwl nil
kinds of building material, fuels, grain.
i.our ana general merchandise busi
ness of every description; tho con
struction, maintenance, mill nnnrntln.i
of mills and maclilnory for the manu-
mi.uue 01 iumuer anil all Kinds of
building matorial: the pnnsitrnnHnii
maintenance and operation of eleva
tors and mills and machinery for the
manufacture and operati n of the flour
and grain business; the buying, sell
ing, leasine:. ownl IIP- nnd nnnrnHnt.
lumber and coal yards and other real
estate and personal property includ
ing mills, elevators and stores; buy
ing and selling of real estate, and t
do a general contracting business and
all other thi
usual and essential in carrying on any
uuomcao leitMit-u to in tins Bection.
In witness whereof we have hereun
to set our hand nnd tlio nfftMni oni
- - . - .31.1
of said corporation this 11th day of
I'curuary, jum,.
. Er.Mfn rn a 'nee
(bl'jAL) ProNl.-lent
I. (-"ill Yoftm.
To 1 John Richard Neary, Anna Neary,
wuiui uanic, a corporation,
and to John Doe, real name un
known, Receiver of .Mead County
liank, a corporation, non-resident
Vbu tinel eneh nt vm, -m i, ,n..
. " - w.. imi umu iiuiice
ttiat on tho 14th iinv nr m
ara I. Mitchell, plaintiff, filed her
i t , "iL11011 1110 District Court of
Lincoln Conntv voIif...i. .....
you and each of you, tho object and
It'Xm W,hl,Ch i,ro t0 mlet title In
u, Ul'l ,a,n,1.iu John "icliard Neary
in tlie followiiiL' (iou.riiww io...i t...
atoiii L ncoln County, Nebraska, to-
11 uK"i o), mocK uno Hun
dred Five (10.r if fi,o r.nii.,i .
of tho City of Xorth Piatto each an
uiiuivmeu one-naif Interest and to
foreclose that certain mortgago owne 1
by Plaintiff linnn mi iin,ll,.(,i.,.i .
" w?& of sa,(1 Lot 8 Ia'le on
. ' 190ti t0 K J- Uroolr upon
uiwi' ib eiaimeu to Do duo the
sum of JiiO'ir. nnd 1., !. fn..-
dOfetKlants tn nnv u.W.l
a decre of foreclosure thereof. Mead
j wmuj aiiK is mndo party defendaat
,Z2 ?l, u sot,11(l niortgngo heli
n . 01 1;0t s !U"1 10 fllllct utlp 01
ner Interest In said premises and tr
have said mortgage decreed Junior and
Inferior to plaintiffs lien and fore-
.tuMure sam (lotoiKiant Mead County
Uailk. Its MllpriMutiru ,1.1 .i.u.u.,,. i
1. a iiOifeltO VI ill!
equity of redemption, right, title an 1
Interest In said described premises
ou and each of you are required 1
IlllSWOr said nnlttlnn n,.,
. I ' vn Itt lUlU till.
J7th day of Mnrch. 1910. or your d-
..inis wm uo lauen ami Judgment en-ti-red
against you as in said petition
Ilfl-fiW TTnr Attnrnm-
.Niidt-f for I'ulillriitloii
Seplnl No. 05C02.
Ilcimrtiiiffit of h" Intcrliir
h. I.iuul Oillco at North Platte, Vhr
v. .. . Fob. 2, 1910
, .f--ii Mien ititik un-ty
CiirrlKHn. of North Platte, Netr, who.
v1 'n'ft'i91 nin,1 Homestead ontry
No. 05 ,02, for m of SWU. Section 4
Town-hip 12, N. H,1K0 31 w, oth-Prln-clpnl
MnrJillnn. hna tiled notice of Inten
lon to mnke tlnal three year Proof, to
ewtnbllBU claim 'to tho liuia whove des
erllirrl, lioforo tho Register and Itecelv
;r t North Piatto, Nehr., 011 tho 27t.i
day of March. 191C.
v niiinant iinnifH as witnesses: Carl
Hroeder, Mnrtihall U Orten, John W
I'OWler. TlinttlllM liiiiiiAi-n,.in nil nf
North Platte, Nehr J 13, K VANS.
fs-Ow ltOb'tster