The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 7

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"Then Take Advantage of the
Opportunities in Canada."
(Contributed by W J. Whlto, of tho
Department of tho Interior,
Ottawa, Canada.)
I strolled into a bank In ono of the
cities of tho west a short time ago and
tho bank manager said "after tho
war, the Canadians should be pro
pared for a great lnllux of people
Tho crops that tho western Canadian
farms havo produced In 1915, and the
wealth that tho farmers have had
thrust upon theni by tho high price
of grain, will rnako farm lands valu
able and farming remunerative. After
(ho war is over there will bo thou
sands go to Canada to engago in agri
culture and many other Industries that
will certainly provo profitable. Condi
tions will be wonderfully good. Tho
advertising that Canada has had dur
ing the last year or two by Its magnifi
cent contribution of over 250,000 men
to fight for the Empire, tho wonderful
sums It has given tc tno Red Cross
und Patriotic funds, tho excellent
showing It mado In subscribing over
double when only 50 millions of dollars
waB asked as a war loan, the brav
ery, courage and hardihood of tho sol
diers who havo fought tho battles In
Flanders, It Is Just wonderful," and
my enthusiastic bankor grew eloquent.
Cno might havo thought ho was a sub
sidized booster for Canada. "But," ho
said "they won't go until after tho
"Well, now, Mr. , why wait un
til after tho war? If all you say be
truo, and you have said nothing yet
of the wonderful bank clearings of
Canada today, nothing of tho fact that
tho immonso grain crop of Western
Canada this year has given to every
man, woman and child In that coun
try, over three hundred dollars per
head, why wait until after tho war:
Aftor tho war, under such conditions
as you have pictured (and which are
real) land values will go up, prices
will increase. Advantago should bo
taken of tho low prices at which these
agricultural lands can bo had today.
They havo not Increased any as yet.
and excellent farm lands can bo had
close to railways in old settlements,
In excellent communities for from llf
teen to thirty dollars por acre. Tho
climate Is good and will bo no better
after the war." ,
"What about conscription, though?
Is there not a danger ,from conscrip
tion, and should I advise any to go
there now, would they not have to
face it? Then too, there is the report
that thero is a heavy war tax on
1 was surprised to learn that these
old yarns, stories that I thought had
been exploded long ago, were still do
Ing duty in many parts of tho United
BtateB, and that a gentleman of tho
wide learning of my friend, was in
. clined to believe thom.
"Conscription!" 1 said. "With Can
Ada contributing 250,000 men voluntari
ly enlisted, why conscription? Thero
Is no conscription in Canada, and
nelthor will there be. It is not need
ed. In any case no legislation could
be passed by the Dominion Parliament
which would impose military service
upon people who are not citizens of
Canada, either by birth or naturaliza
tion. Settlers from tho United States
could not become naturalized British
subjects until they had resided In
Canada continuously for three years,"
I quoted from oillcial documents.
"In tho first few months of the wai
I clearly stated that thero would not
be conscription in Canada. 1 ropeat
that statement today."
"And then. as to taxes," I continued,
quoting again from oillcial authority,
"All taxes levied by tho Federal Gov
ernment tako tho Indirect form of cub
toms excise and inland revenue du
ties. It is untruo that farmors are
paying direct war-tax levies and no
Intending settlwr need hesitate to
come tc Canada on this account
"Ofllcial denials should convinco you
that all apprehensions which have
been making somo would-bo-settlers
from tho United States hesitate to
make a change while tho war lasts
are without foundation. With tbeso
misunderstandings cleared up, the
present war conditions even becomo
an added Inducement to settlement in
any part of tho provinces of western
Canada, inasmuch as war prices and
1 keen demands for all manner of farm
products afford tho farmer a special
opportunity to make money
1 was glad of tho chance and
pleased to have him state that his
views had altogetnor cuangeu.
1 could have continued, and told him
of tho fortunes that had been made In
tho season of 1915, out of farming,
wheat growing, oat growing, barley
crowing, cattlo raising, dairying and
mixed farming. I could havo told
him of an Ottawa (Canada) syndicate
that had a yield of 130 bushels or
Data per acre from their farm at Wain
wrlght and from 60 acres of wheat
Held they threshed over CO bushels per
acre. Theso yields while pheuomenal,
wore repeated In many portions of
western Canada. It was Interesting to
Inform him that tho average yield of
spring wheat in Saskatchewan was
25.16 bushels per acre; Manitoba, 26,3
bushols; in Alberta, 36.16 bushels,
and over the three provinces there was
n. total average of over30 bushels per
"The Immense crop that has Just
been harvested has put millions ot dol
lars In the hands of tho farmers, and
tho work of distribution through tho.
regular channels of trado has already
begun. Millions of bUBhcls of grain
are still In the hands of the farmers,
which means that there is a vast store
of realizable wealth that will be stead
lly going Into circulation, benefitting
the thousands who nro dependent In
directly -on tho basic Industry of tho
provlnco for their livelihood.
"Tho mock prosperity that rested on
the Insecure foundation of Inflated real
estate values has passed away, and In
its place tho corner stono of tho coun
try's sound financial futuro is being
"Tho trust and mortgago companlos.
the largo Implement concerns and tho
wholesalo merchants all tell the same
story today of markedi Improvement
In their business. Tho farmers and
others aro meeting their just dueB and
paying off debts that in many capos
have been long overdue Collections
aro better today than they have boon
since the most prosperous days of our
history, and obligations are being met
freely and promptly.
"Now," I said, "why should they
wait until the war Is over?"
And ho agreed with mo Advertise
Sententlousness Facetious.
A minister who lives In a Mnall town
is noted for his sontentlousness both
in and out of the pulpit. As he was
coming down tho street ono day a man
accosted him with, "Sir, can you tell
mo how to find the, sheriff's ofllco?"
"Yes, sir," was tho instant reply
"Every timo you earn five dollars
spend ten." ,And he walked on, leav
lng tho astonished man gazing aftor
him. Harper's Magazine.
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do some foods you eat hit back
tasto good, but work badly; ferment
Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick.
sour, gassy siomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's
Diapepsin digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour and unset you. There
never was anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will got happy relief in flvo minutes.
but what pleases you most is that it
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
You feel different aB soon as "Pape's
Diapepsin" comes in contact with the
stomach distress just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, mako tho best investment
you ever mado, by getting a large fifty-
cent case of Pape s Diapepsin from any
store. You realize in five minutes how
needless it is to suffer from indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
The Insrument.
"I want to sweep tho cobwebs from
my brain."
"Why not uso a vacuum cleaner?"
Helpless From Kidney Rouble
Obtains Permanent Rellel
I was afflicted about five years with
kidney and bladder trouble; there was
ono year during this five years that I was
not able to do anything; in fact, I was
helpless. I tried several doctors nnd
several remedies, and my family doctor
advised mo that I would have to be op
erated on. I was then advised by a lady
friend to try Swamp-Itoot; after using
Feven bottles of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root I was restored to good health and
have not been bothered with kidney oi
bladder trouble for the last ten years. I
cheerfully recommend Swamp-Root to
others for kidney or bladder trouble.
Yours trulv.
212 West Dalton St. Hiiro, Okla.
Personally appeared before me this
27th day of February, 1915, Mrs. J. R.
Turner, who subscribed the above state
ment and made oath that the tame is
true in substance and fact.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Ihnghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince nnyone. You will
also receive a booklet ot valuable infor
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this paper. Repular fifty-cent and one
dollar fcize bottles for sale at all drug
stores. Adv.
Seasonal Activity.
Mrs. Knlcker What Is your trade?
Weary Willie I shovol rain, mum
New York Sun.
For a really fine coffee at a mod
erate price, drink Donison's Seminole
Brand, 35c tho lb., in scaled cans.
Only ono merchant in each town
sells Seminole. If your grocer Isn't
tho one, write tho Denlson Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and tho name
of your Seminole dealer.
Buy the 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00.
Instead of wearing a laurel wreath
tho modern poet struggles along with
out a hair cut.
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
A Miss Is better than a mile. No
man would care to kiss a mile.
A dyspeptic can eat his cake and
still believe he has It
New Styles in
vW if-
One-pleco gowns, developed In ac
cordance with the now silhouetto de
creed by fashion, are quaintly charm
ing, with trim waists, fitted bodies
nnd sprendlng lines below tho waist.
It is somowhat difficult to reconcllo
the modern two-plcco tailored suit
with this revival of styles which ante
dated it by many years. It takes
clever adaptation, even ot tho light
weight fabrics for spring, to accom
plish tailored suits that do not lose
character by conforming to tho lines
now in vogue.
In tho suit shown above, tho tailor
has met his problems successfully. It
Is made of gaberdlno with a plain full
skirt that Hares in tho approved man
ner. In tho short coat a belt is sot in
thnt confines It to tho waist at tho
sides and back and supports n poplum
thnt ripples about tho bottom In do
flanco ot tho severity which has been
required of tailormadcs heretofore.
Hut tho coat presents a very trim and
finished appearanco at tho front.
Popular Styles in
Among tho great diversity of styles
In now utility blouses offored for
spring, tlioso that aro meutlng with
best succoss uro of good materials,
well made and rather plain. As in tho
now lingerie, mush roscrvo as to dec
oration is noticeable in them, and
much attention to good workmanship.
This bespeaks an ndvanco in popular
tasto which Is making itself felt In oth
er directions as well. Even In Inex
pensive fabrics manufacturers say that
consumers demand neat effects, wov-en-ln
figures instead of printed ones,
nnd aro appreciative of good manage
ment ot color.
Tho two blouses shown hero aro
typical examples of moderately priced
styles designed for general wear. Thti
blouso at tho left Is mado of flno cot
ton voilo and depends for decoration
on plaltlngs ot tho vollo and hem
stitching It fastens with small pearl
buttons and exceptionally well-made
This model Is cut with a shallow
yoko at the back which extends over
tho shoulders to tho front. Tho body
of the blouse 1b Joined to tho yoke with
pipings of the voile, und the sleeves,
collar and cuffs are set In in the same
way. Homstltchlrig Is introduced in
tho hemming of tho knifo plnltlng,
which edges tho collar und cuffs, In
tho horn of the collar and in the front
of tho blouse. The collar Is very wldo
and supported by wires at the buck
and neck. It Is mado close fitting und
wrinkles ubout tho neck. The sleeves
are long and at the waist line an clas
tic band is inserted in n half-Inch hem,
Tho blouse at the right Is of white
voile banded with a light color. Hluo,
tan, rose, and lavender aro liked, and
maizo finds occasional admirers for
theso bindings. In the blouso plo-
Tailored Suits
whero tho waist lino Is unbroken.
Tho sleeves aro notably original In
cut nnd aro finished with during,
turned-back cuffs neatly bound with a
narrow braid. Tho satno finish out
lines tho collar that is cut to roll about
tho neck nnd Is high In tho back.
Thero aro wldo rovers and tho coat
fastens to ono side with three buttons
that oxtend from tho wnlst lino down
ward. They aro joined to throe but
tons, sot opposite to them on tho
panel, by narrow braid. Smnllor but
tons nro set on tho sleeves nnd they
are further decorated with braid.
Somo of tho now suits nro finished
with smnrt rows of stitching. Novelty
buttons nnd pockets come In for con
siderable attention, and short enpes
havo the prestige of the favor of Paris
to give them assurance. Thero Is vn
rlety In everything but outline. Even
In this regard the tallormnde Bult will
bo allowed n cortain dugrco of Indif
ference to tho modo and need not at
tempt the great amplitudo that marks
other gowns.
Utility Blouses
? s r i
turcd here tho banding Is in a fairly
strong shado of blue and Is hem
stitched to tho edgo of the collnr and
pockets and let into tho ruffs In tho
same way.
Hemstitching Is featured in tills
model. All tho seams aro hemstitched
and tho v collar Is set on with it. Tho
back is cut to extend over tho shoul
ders to form the short yoko nt tho
front. A group of lino tucks extends
from tho nock to tho waist lino ut tho
back und from the yoko to tho lino of
tho bust on each sldo of tho front.
A very simple pattern of dots and
scrolls, in blue floss, outlines the
pockets and appears on the collar, and
a bit of openwork is inserted at tho
bottom of each pocket.
Theso blouses nro among those
which may bo bought rcadymado at
prices ranging from two and a half
to llvo dollars. Thoy aro machlno,
mndo but tasteful and practical.
Homemade Spool Holder.
A simple yet handy article to hold
tho spool when crocheting or sowing
may bo mado from a hairpin. Tako a
common hairpin nnd bend tho two
ends in towards each other. Insert
tho ends of tho pin In tl.o ends of a
spool. Slips tho head of tho pin over
a button on your blouse. Tho spool
will turn ns tho thread la used. Thero
is no tangling of thread or slipping of
tho spool to tho floor.
Russian Coats.
Russian evening coats of rich bro
cade, with Immense borders of fur, are
delightful and picturcsquo garments.
In Different Lights.
"Footllto Is convinced thnt In a your
he'll bo starring."
"That's all moonshlno."
No Cause for Joy.
"I nm glad wo do not havo bullfights
and boar pits In our country."
"on't wo have em In Wall street T"
Of Your Skin and Make It Fresh and
Clear by Using Cutlcura. Trial Free.
When suffering from pimples, blnck
heads, redness or roughness, smear
tho skin with Cutlcura, Ointment
Then wash off with Cutlcura Soap and
hot water. Theso super-creamy emol
lients do much for tho skin becnuso
they provont poro clogging.
Froo Bamplo ench by mall with Book.
AddresB postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
tloston. Sold everywhere Adv.
Many a case of lovo nt sight Is duo
to dimness if tho light.
From the bulldog's point of vlow this
Is a very qunrrelsomo old world,
Net Contents IS Fluid Drachms
AVcgctnblc rreprallonforAs
find Hie Stomachs nnd Ikwrcls of
Promolcs Ditjlcslion,Cltccrfnl
ncss nnd Rcst.Contnins neither
Opiuin.Morphinc nor Mineral,
Not N aiic otic. 1
&3pt wroupcsitiu prrarEb
JtcxhtlU Saltli
CJ art fiat Suoar .
Jiperlcttlfemcdy IbrCoiislTpiF
'tion. Sour SlomactuDinrrlwca,
Worms, revcrishness und.
1 '
luc-slmllc Sliinnlinvof
The Centaur comi-akQ,
Uxact Copy of Wmpper
He Was Right.
A man rushed to the entrance of a
lunatic asylum In tho nild.'.lo of the
night nnd yelled to tho keeper to let
him In.
"Let mo In!" he cried. "I havo sud
denly Bono Insane."
Tho keeper woke up, thrust his head
out of n first-story window and bel
lowed down in a nifiu:
"What? Cbmo hero at this tlmo ot
nlcht? Man, you must 'o crazy!"
Insolvency cripples a sreat spirit.
A New Remedy for
Kidney, Bladder and
all Uric Acid Troubles
Dear Renders:
I appeal to thoso of you who aro
bothered with kidney nnd bladder
trouble, that you glvo up tho uso of
harsh salts or alcoholic medicines nnd
In their placo tako a short treatment
of "Anuric." ' I havo taken many of
Dr. Plorco's medicines for tho past
twenty-five years with good results. I
suffered with kidney trouble for somo
years. I recently henrd of tho nowest
discovery of Dr. Piorco, namely, his
"Anuric". Tablets. Aftor using samo
I am complotoly cured of my kldnoy
trouble. A doctor pronounced mo a
well preserved woman for my ago, nil
due, I bellovo, to Dr. Pierce's aid.
If you Buffer from bnckacho, lum
bago, rheumatism, get "Anuric" now;
szssa&&K&& iHQii- n in
& The Wheat Yields
Tells the
of Western Canada's Rapid
The heavy crops In Western Canada
new records to be made in the handling of uruins
by railroads. For. while the movement of these
heavy shipments lias been wonderfully rapid, the
resources of the different roads, despite enlarged
equipments and increased facilities, have, been
strained as never Irefore, nnd previous records
have thus been broken in all directions.
The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York ever known
are reported for the period up to October 15th, upwards ol lour and a
quarter million bushels being, exported In less than six weeks,
and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal, through which
point shipments' were much larger than to New York.
Yields as high as 60 bushels of wheat per acre are reported from all
parts of the country; while yields of 45 bushels per acre are common.
Thousands of American farmers have taken part In this wonderful pro-
auction. Land prices are still low and
in Rood localities, convenient in
Tbera I no war tax on land and no conscription,
Write for Illustrated pamphlet, reduced railroad rates and other
information to Superintendent lmnilmatlon, Ottawa.
Canada, or
W. V.
Your First
Should bo of Your Health
It is a priceless posses
sion and deserves utmost
care. One of the greatest
drawbacks to health is a
weak stomach, but this
can soon be corrected by
careful diet and aid of
Stomach Bitters
It is a reliable first aid
1 N am m
For Infants and Childron.
Movers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Its Advantage.
"Is thero much In this renl oBtato
"Oh, yes; thero uro lots to sell."
According to French statistics, only
ono-fourth of tho aviation accidents
are duo to defects In aeroplanes
Tlio'truo socrei of feminine beauty
Is U bo born pretty.
He Is a wise son who knows that
ho knows losa thntt his father.
After Grip
Winter Colds
Bad Blood
You aro palo, thin, weak with llttlo
vitality. Your llvor 1b sluggish and
tho bnd blood causes your stomach
muscles to loso tholr elasticity and be
come flubby -then indigestion.
Dr. Plorco'n Goldon Medical Discov
ery, purely vogotablo and frdo from
alcohol or narcotics, Is tin great and
powerful blood purlflor of todny. Ex
tracted from American forest horbn
and roots. Contains no alcohol. In
gredients printed on wrapper.
Taken aH directed It will search
out Inipuro nnd poisonous matter
throughout tho system und eliminate
have caused
free homestead lands are easily secured
cliurches, schools, markets, railways, etc
Government Agent
4 JK ft m
wr n mm w m m
9 Mi