The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 5

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A WomaEi Reaps a Rich Harvest
I 111! wM r
1 Ij5'
I Lierk-S
The "QUALITl FIRST" Flour.
ltrand and Insist on getting It.
you need Hour. Ask for the Cow
to ghe it u trial (lie next time
Brand Hour Insures. Don't fail
piistry which Nthe use of Cow
enjoy (lie better lireml, enkc or
the family wilt share in it and
alone either. Kery member of
The satisfaction will not bo hers
Cow llrnnd Hour In her linking,
of satisfaction when she uses
Street Fining Specifications.
At a meeting or the city council this
evening Bneclllcntlons for street pav
ing will bo presented by City Engineer
McN'unuira for consideration nml adop
tion by the. council.
The new wator ordinance will also
be Introduced but whether It will pass
us drafted is not known.
I C'lnltns on file will probably 'be al-
lowed, and altogether a busy session
is promised.
andall Co.
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury will entertain
forty ladles at a kenslngton today.
The county commissioners met In
session yesterday and transacted rou
tine business.
Gettman's Hand-Made Cigar. 5c. 14-tf
J. W. Plelstlcker of Dickens, spent
the latter part of last week with his
brother F. C. IPelsticker.
Gene Souder, of Moorefleld, came a
few days ago to visit his brother Bam
For Rent C room cottage close In.
Inquire Martl meat market.
Mrs. L. W. Matlson is taking treat
ments at the North Platte General hos
pitals this week.
Walter Davis, teacher In the Jack
Morrow Flats, spent the week end
hero on business at the county super
intendent's office.
L. LIpshltz, the junk dealer, shipped
out. three cars of old iron and other
junk Saturday. Two of the cars went
o Denver, the other to Omaha. ,
County commissioner Dave White
lias moved from his farm at OFallons
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Omaha,
came a fow days ago to visit with Dr.
and Mrs. V. Lucas.
Fireman Sluder was transferred to
the branch run between Kearney and
Calloway la3t week.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bunk
Mrs. Julia Todd who hns been vis
iting In Hershey for a couplo of weeks,
is expected home this week.
Mrs.Chas. Edwards gnvo an enjoy
able card party Friday afternoon. Sev
eral out-of-town -guests wore present.
Queen Quality Shoes at Wilcox De
partment store.
D. M. Hogsett who has been visiting
relatives in West Virginia for soveral
weeks will return the first of next
The Eastern Star will hold initiation
exorcises this evening at the Mason
ic ball at 7:30 o'clock. Refreshments
will bo served.
Mrs. Albert Stolnhausen came down
from Sutherland the latter part of last
week to take treatment in the North
Plntto General hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Souder are en-
The Xcirtli 1'lnttc.MuxweH Komi.
lu speaking of Hie new road which Is
to bo built between North Platte and
Maxwell, Commissioner Springer said
yesterday that It would be Impossible
to begin work before July or August
I on ncount of the low wet ground over
, which It passes. "This road," said Mr.
Springer, "will bo tho first rend built
to- grade In the county Tho county
surveyor will establish the garde, set
his stake, and the dirt will bo built
up to that grade. Whcro tho land is
low, Instead of taking tlio dirt from
tho sides and making ditches, tlic
dill will be hauled. By doing this the
ditches will have a Mowing grade and
ater will run off aiul tho road he
trfectly drained at all times."
Death Follows Accident,
lack C. Wells who wnfl Injured re
cently in an nutomobllo accident near
Lcwellen died yesterday morning at
two o'clock at a local hospital. For
ton days after the accident he took
treatments at Lewellcn and it wns then
advised to remove him to Mils city al
though little hope "was hold out by the
ttendlng physician. The young man
was twenty-six years oi age, tne son
of Henry Wells of Lewcllen whore the
remains were taken for Interment.
he accident occurred about two
eeks ago when the car in which Mr.
Wells anu a party of friends were rid
ing skidded and tlirew them out pin
ing him underneath until assistance
camo and causing intornal Injuries.
: :o: : ;
to a residence in Sutherland and that' joying a visit from the latter's sister,
village vyill be his future Home, i
For Farm Loans see or write Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
of Siiirit
a tew days
North Platte.
Miss Gussfe Spickeirinan,
Lake, Iowa, who arrived
All boosters smoke Town Boost.
To assure tho entry of your name
in tho next telephone directory
which will be out April
should order a telephone
than March 10th.
! The fourth degree members of the
, Knights of Columbus and their ladles
i will lifvlil tlinlr 9nil nntinnl liniimwtt nt
t- tf. ' Masonc hall ths evenng. Prepara
not later i tong are ong ma(Q for forty.
TTr nnil Aire Win TiMnnrrnr nrrlvml
The North Platte creamery is now hero la8t weok from Gran(1 Ialan(,
located In the south room of the whero tnoy wero employed for thirteen
Aiorscn-iucnK dui uing, uie woik Weeks at the Empress theatre. They
removing uie uuuisimia will form an orchestra at the Pat
completed the latter part of last wceK. theatrc for severai wechs.
; i,; rr- nonhmv' Very few real estate transfers arc
" w nt wnit . Wrook. being nladp In either town property
orn ViiriellPS m western .eornsKn.
Preliminary results from variety
tests of conrn conducted at tho North
Platto and Mitchell as well ns other
experimental stations seem to indi
cate that y. S. Selection 133, a yel-
ow dent cprn; Marten's wnite dent;
and White.' Australian are varieties
which are vell adapted to to this part
of 'the Groat Plains area and good
varieties for western Nebraska condl-
ons. Tho White Australian variety,
which Is a flint corn, is pointed out
s being deserving of further txials,
especially where corn for hogging off
desired. Of tho varieties tested,
the medium early seems superior to
the very early or to the late-ones.
- . : :o: :
Notice to Contractors.
Bids for ithe erection of the paro
chial school "will be received up to and
including Saturday April 1st. ,
Copies of the plans and specltlca-
tions may be had from Leo A. Daly
TZ'J Hamilton street, umnna. ah mas
bo sent to Rev. Patrcik McDald,
North Platte. Neb.
Lowest or any bid not necessarily
accepted. 15-2
Vrnnk W. Washburn of West BrooK,
whom they had not seen in thirty-six
years. Mr. Washburn is associated!
with the New York, New Haven and
Hartford Company. I
For Rent G . room hosse east 3rd ,
street Inquiie Herrod store.
or farm lands. The amount of farm
lands listed with agents is not large,
tho general inclination of owners be
ing to hold what they possess. Not
much town property is listed.
Sunday was a beautiful day and un
t i . V T, ,v ,; dor the rays of the warm sun, tho re
While in Lexineton last week Judge ,,.i i.,i.
urimes was a guest ul u ouuuuul bu" fi, tll
hv tne sr. tu. J. aisnjimiuu iu
husbands. The affair was hold at tne
Cornland hotel and covers were laid
for forty-eight.
"The Girl and
The Game."
i ,
N First Installment of the
i Great Kalroad
Keith Theatre
early part of the week dis
appeared. The sun and wind yester
day went far toward drying up the
roads, and they will be in good condl
tion in a few moro days.
Harry Dixon sold a $250 Columbia
Grafanola Inst week to RichI Ugal
of the Palace Cafe for the entertain
ment of tho patrons of that popular
1 eating house. The machine is ack-
! uowledged by all to be pne of the beat
j made and is operated electrically.
Local dealers report that box cars in
l which to ship automobiles from the
i factories are difficult to obtain, and
the manufacturers suggest shipments
1 in flat cars at the risk of the dealers
, ordering them. This suggestion, how.
ever, is not kindly received by the
Serial , cal dealers.
Every Inch one pushes off beyond
tho normal distance of twelve inches
after eye failures begins means an
inch of dapger. Ninety-nine persons
cut of a hundred may do it with safety,
You mnv be the one who cannot. The
man having tho best eyes when old ago
comes will bo the one who needs their
rst can ior nein. imiuvi ujauii
Optometrist and Jeweler, west side o
Dewey street. ' 1
Washing You
Ever Did
One cent nn hour for washing and
wringing. I hat's the average cost tor cur
rent. Sometimes its less than that. And
this machine really washes. It doesn't
merely "swash" the clothes around in 'a mass.
Its backward and forward motion thoroly
mixes the suds with tho clothes every inch
of them and tho result is a clean, white,
sweet-smelling washing. You don't have to
i i i t. . i . .. r....i
nauUTUU U SUluu. il uuvct nanus iuu iiut;ah
, Jaces. Tho dolly and interior walls aro en
tirely free from anything that would catch
tno smancst tnrcau.
Saves Time and Labor
fcy Vlectriclly
It washes in but a mcro fraction o tho time required by a hand washer;
and so makes washing an ordinary task. Easy to operate. Just screw tho
plug into your light socket, turn tno swucn ana inero you are. Always
rcaaV. lOSl SluUS wuuu ll uwus. iiunuu ii.i.iiauiaui
and gears entirely enclosed. Hascastorsand ball bcaring3.
Free Trial See Our Dealer
North P!
He will let you have
one on 3odays f rco trial.
If It doesn't suit, you
aro not out a cent.
Grlnnell, Iowa
Washing Machine
Platte Light & Power Co
Rhode Island Red eggs for scttting
nt 45c a setting, phone S09 or call at
612 east Fifth street. 15-2
School Population.
In a special report to the board of
education made by Supt. Tout, It Is
shown that, in 190R tho number of
nuplls of school ago in the North
Platto district was 1,126. In 1910 tho
number had increased to 1,413 and in
1915 tho number enumerated was 1,-
Perhaps this is about the best in
dex of the growth of tho population
of the city. Figured on a conservative
basis our total increase in population
during tho ten years was 2,406.
Mrs. Fisher and daughter Marguer
ito havo returned to their home In
Denver after a visit with Mrs. J. J
Mrs. W. J. Splinter, of Lewcllen,
formerly Miss"Mata Rumbaugh, is ex-
nccted here this week to visit tho
Langfoid family.
Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Smith, who nc
companled the remains of tho Into
John Murphy to Crcston, la., are ex
pected home tomorrow.
Petitions aro being circulated In tho
Fourth ward nominating W. II. Ingles
for coucilma'n. Nearly 200 signatures
havo so far been attached, which can
bo taken as evidence of his popular!
Master Harold Steinhausen is a pa
llent at the North Platte General hos
pital having sustained a broken arm
at his home In Sutherland Saturday
and was brought hero that evening,
The Presbjiterlan ladies will have a
"Parcel Post" salo at the cuurcn uasc
incut. Mar. 10th in connection witli
tho regular aid society meeting. These
parcels havo not beon opened and havo
name of sender on pacKage. rnco
Clias. II. Smith, a plnnist of recognized
ibilltv arr ved tills weeic to spenu tno
f.nrinir nnd summer on tho larm wun
l- u
his parents who resiuo northwest oi
tho cltv. Mr. Smith Is well known
throughout the stato for hia brilliant
concert and professional worn.
His Legislative Experience.
Of all tho candidates for governor
It ts generally admitted that S. R.
McKelvio Is best fitted for tho placo In
point of legisla
tive experience.
Ho served one
term us a mem
ber of tho houso
of represontatlvos
and ono torm as
lieutenant gover
nor. This glvo's
him a practical
knowledge ofhotli
Uie loglslatlvo und
exucutlvo branch
es of stato gov
ernment. Not only
that, but his rec
ord In both places
was entirely ohovo reproach. Ho was
found ut all times active In tho Inter
est h of tho people This is ono of tho
many reasons why ho Is usually re
ferred to as The Populur Candidate.
-We lake pleausure in announcing lo the people of, Nohh
' Platte and tributary country that we are receiving our stock
of Spring and Summer Goods, and by the end of ibis week
we will be able lo show you the finest line of Ladies' Ready
to Wear Garments, Silks and Dress Goods, Ladies'
Furnishings and Suits and Furnishings for Men and
Boys that has ever been on display in North Plalle.
These lines are the latest products ol the manufacturers
and are up-to-lhe-Minute in every detail. We cordially in
vite all lo call and inspect our lines, feeling confident that1
you will be pleased.
Obituary of .Miss lander.
Emily Mylander was born in-Stock
holm, Sweden, Sept. 1, 1836,anddledat
tho home of her brother Claus My
lander, Feb. 29, 1916, ago 80. This dear
sister was given ten years moro than
the three scoro and ten and she used
them well for her life was one of de
votion and sacrifice.
Fifteen years before she loft her
native land she cared for her widowed
mothor, and after her mother died she
came to America whore she had rela
tives living. She found upon her ar
rival that tho wife of her brother
Claus bad died and loft a family of
small chldren. Sho stopped into tho
breach and became a mother to the
children. Her worth as a mother to
them is shown in the lovonnd affection
which theso children, now grown,
show for her.
This sister was a ohme-body and felt
It her duty and privilege to care fori
tho homo. Everyone about her loved
bier, and her llfo was a benediction to
ill who wero acquainted with ner. i
After the children wero grown and had
left homo they always felt that auntioj
had grown dearer and sweeter to thorn.
Her hair was whiter, her step a llttloi
- : . ..... ... 1
moro lceic, ner spirit anu iiur pursuu
ality grew sweeter and swqetcr.
It seemed hard to givo nor up, anti
when tho dear ones felt they could
hardy do it. Her words were "His will
bo done." The last words sho spoito
were these: "Thou your sins bo ns
scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow." Heaven gates camo ajar, earth
gates were closed. Heaven is richer,
earth is poorer. Rut her memory
shall lio a halo about all who know
her urging all to a better and holier
life. XX
Palm tLeo Cigar 10c. 14-tf
Tho Sutherland lodge of Yeomen
will conduct inltitory services nnd
serve an oyster supper Thurs
day evening, and a score or more
members of the North Platto lodge
will attend.
M,rs. Charles Trovlllo and daughter
Miss Sadlo left Saturday evening for
Des Molnos to spend a fortnight or
longer after which they will go tp
Chicago whcro tho latter will toko
vocal lessons.
Jack Carroll was called to Fremont
Saturday by tho Illness of his young
soii John Richard who was taken ill
with pneumonia while visiting there
last week.
Rev. Ilarman wns taken violently
Saturday evening and was unablo to
hold services at tho Luthornn church
Sunday. His Illness was caused from
pf online poisoning.
Insured Parcel Post Packages from
all elates of tho union nt Presbyterian
church salo at church basement Mar.
16th. Prlco 25 cents.
NIcliolH Notes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. McCounoll visit
ed the school Friday afternoon.
Choir practico was hold at tho An
derson homo Frlndy ovonlng.
Tho liulles aid society mot with Mrs.
Chris Koch Thursday aftornoon.
Mr. Zollars -waB pleasantly sur
prised on Monday by his brother
Lawrenco who stopped over night at
the Toilllon homo.
Mrs. Howard Clemens has just com
pleted a now chicken houso.
Mrs. J. H. Toilllon was a passenger
to North Platto on Saturday.
Mr .and Mrs. J. II. McConnoll visit
ed with Mrs. Chris Koch on Wednes
day afternoon.
E. Musll of Hayes Contor, camo a
fow days ago tfo transact buslnoss
for a week.
Itcnl Estate nnd Insurance
Come and see ua for town lots in
different parts of the city. Good in
vestments on easy torms. Houses ror
sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewnv Hts.. upstairs
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Wet Weather
Is liable to
yours. Secure a
bottle of
which will tend
to drive out all
pain, Joint still'
iiesH, Inilamiua
tion, and at Uie
same time help to
build up your
strop Kth.
We are so suro
that Hoxall Rheu
math; Remedy
will help you
that should you not bo satisfied siin-
nlv come back ami we will refund
your money.
!3 CZ!mm3 C
Slaymans, Arkansas Blacks, Black .Twig
and Wine Saps in large 67 and 75 pound
boxes. These apples arc much nicer lhan
last car and the prices arc lower.
$1.50 to $1.75 per Box
. N. LAMB,
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson