The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 4

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You Want a FORD CAR this Sum
mer But You MUST ORDER
Read this item, which appeared in last week's
Motor Age:
Ford to ltnlld 3,000 a hy.
Detroit,. Feb. 24 Ford officials bay
that within a few days they will vory
Hkoly roach tho high production mark
. ' of 3,000 cars In ono day. At tlio plant
of tho Ford Motor Co., moro men arc
being added, tho working force now
being closo to 28,000. Production Is at
tho rate of 00 per cent bettor or mora
than for the corepondlng period In
1915. There arc still about llG.OOO
unfilled orders on tho books now. On
Jan. 20 ithero were 127.4 S5.
Ladles Spring Coats from ?5 to $25
Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. Edward "Weston Is 111 a1icr
homo ,on east FkmrUi street with
Dr. W. F. Crook, of Omaha, visited
friends and transacted bulsncss In
town Saturday.
J. S. Davis, of tho Davis garage, ire
turned Sunday from a business trip to
Howard Dolson of Omaha, camo tho
latter part of last week to visit his
father W. S. Dolson.
For Sale Gas range good as new. Mrs.
Norman Wilson, 221 cast Second street
Phono 278. 14-1
Mrs. Tctro, of Brady, returned homo
Saturday afternoon afto a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Baker.
Charley Johnston Is now driving ono
of itlio now Bulck filxes, which ho pur
chased at the Davis garago last week.
Miss Ilolen Harris, of Lincoln, who
as tho guest of her uiater Mrs. J. B.
Redflold for a wcok, has roturned
Judgo Grimed and Court Reporter
Barron returned Satin day ovenlng
from Lexington whorp court was held
Inst wcok. v
Mrs. Joo Broslus, who was operated
upon- at tho Nun,o Brown hospital two
weeks ago", roturned homo Saturday to
Married man wants work on farm or
rancb. Long oxnorlonco. Can furnish
recommendations. Writo A. MeMIchaol,
weuncet, noij.
Mrs, Sidney Billion, of Munipor, Is
visiting friends hord whllo onrouto
licino from a visit In Omaha tvnd
Kansas City.
Conductor Ilolcombo, who was un-
ablo to tuko chargo of his train, No.
10, Saturday morning on account of
illness Is much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Lochlol Johnston, who
havo resided near town for some tlmo,
moved to this city last wook and nro
residing at 310 west Fourth street.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono'Drug
McBdnnies Myrtlo Tuttlo, of Kimball
and Lora East of Kansas City, wero
hero the latter part of last wcok on
business connected with tho settling
of tho estuto of their father, tho lato
O. A. Bartholomew.
Ben Layitton, of Maxwell precinct,
was In town tho lattor part of last
week and filed for tho republican
nomination for sheriff. Mr. Lay
ton has resided In tho east part of
tho county for over a ciuartor of a
Parties from l)niiBylvunIn last wook
leased a considerable tract of land
along tho Medlclno creek In Frontier
county and will boro for oil. If oil
is found In Frontier county It Is pre
sumed Hint thoro ivro doposltB along
Medicine crook In thlB county.
Ladles' Silk Dresses from $5 to $25
nt Wilcox Department Store.
Tho Rebckah drill team will meet
for, regular practlco this evening at
tho I. O. O. F. hall.
Mrs. James Flynn, who hns been vis
lting relatives In Qulncy, 111., returned
Sunday by way of Denver.
Frank Weir, of Tucumarl, arrived
horo tho latter part of last week to
visjt his brother Charles Weir and
family for a fortnight.
For Rent 7 room houso modern ex
ccpt heat located' on east Fifth street.
Phono Bk COO. 14-1
Mr. and Mrs1. W. II. McDonald havo
as their guest Mrs. W. L. Park of
Chicago, a former resident here.
Isaac Selby closed out his dry goods
storo In tho Fourth ward Friday and
left the following day for an extend
ed visit in California.
John Schaffor, who has been an In
mato of tho county Jail for some tlmo
for breaking his parolo, was taken
back to the reform school at Kcarnoy
by, Shorlff Salisbury Saturday.
For Rent Eight room house. In
qulro of Mrs. Mrs. Louise Potors at
Timmorman hotel.
Miss Villa Whittakor roturned Sat
urday evening from Central City
whero Bho was delayed by illness last
week while onrouto homo from east-
torn cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Welduian loft Sun
day for a visit In Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. John Murphy and daughter
Lorctta will ro'urn Thursday from
Creston, la., whero they accompanied
tlio romnlns of tuo lato John Murphy
Tho county jail at Ogalalla was con
demned yuBt week by tho atato in
wpector for poor ventilation, unssan
Itary and not having a outside door
Tho county board has been tisked
to build a now Jail.
Ono of tho busiest places In town
always creating somothlng now, some
thing tho trado is looking for. To con
vlnco yoursolf look ut our Spring -line
of millinory. 14-3 -THE HUB.
'Cora Tracy, of the do Kovcn oporn
company, which appears nt tho Koith
In "Robin Hood" Monday, March 13th
will sing that favorlto song "O Prom-
ls6 Md" Tho molody Is by do Kovon
and tho words by Clement Scott, tho
famous English critic.
Miss Floronco Banks, of 'Lexington
who frequently visited tho Redmond
and Ford families hero was married
last week In Loxlngton to Mr. Harry
Smith of that city who Js associated
with Ills father II. O. Smith In tho
abstract business.
Msb Edith Luclllo RobbliiB will up
pear In song irocitivl at the Methodist
church Friday evening, March 10th
Tho prlco of admission will bo 35c for
abults and 15c for childron. Anyono
wishing tickotfl may secure them by
calling ju oithor or tho threo banks
Derryborry & Forbes storo, Tho Star
Ulot'iung hqu,so -ahd tho Anton,idos
Rloro on tho north side. 14-2
Notice is hereby given by tho First
National Bank of North Platto that
they will receive bids for the building
ndjolnglng them on the north"!
Work of removing said building to
begin by March 20, and all material
to bo removed by April 20, 1910. All
bids will be opened by March 15th.
First National Bank of North Platte.
.Mrs. Baldwin Takes Now Position.
Mrs. Eva Baldwin, for many years
years a resident of tins city, writes
The Tribune that she has boon ap
pointed superintendent of the Eastern
Star Home (orphanage) at Fremont
and has assumed her duties. Thin Is a
position wo should Judgo Mrs. Bnldwln
well qualified for and hope that she
will find her duties pleasant and
: :o: :
1000 Hogs in February.
During the month of Februnry C.
H. Walter, the local hog buyer, bought
and shipped ono thousand and seven
hogs, for which ho paid $10,830. Con
sidering that North Platte is one of
ton shipping points In tho county, tho
showing is certainly a good one. It
would bo IntcrcMlng to know tho true
valuo of stock shipped out of Lincoln,
county each month, but wo have never
been able to get the figures, altlfough
wo havo attempted to do so several
limes. 1
(Jeorge Is Xo Traveler.
George B. Single, the south side
farmer nearly everybody knows
George stuck his -head in The TrI
bune door Saturdny and said "I've now
been In Lincoln county Ihlrty years,
haven t becomo rich, but wnnt to stay
thirty years longer. In those thirty
years I have not been on a railroad
car, and tho farthest I have been from
home was a trip to Maywood, about
thirty-five miles." But George Is hap
py, contented, eats threo times a day
regularly and smiles without an
Attention Yeomen.
Tho 19th anniversary of tho Bro
therhood of American Yeomen will bo
celebrated at the Lloyd opera house
March 14fh at which time Chief Grand
Maremnn William Koch of Des Moines,
Iowa will bo present. Theie will inia
Hon with fifty new candidates. A pro
gram will bo rendered and music fur
nished by the orchestra. Following
Initiation an exhibit drill will be given
by the drill team which will be inspec
ted by the Grand Foreman Wm. Koch.
All members are requested to be pres
ent and refreshment will be served.
Miss "Rohhlns Friday Evening."
Edith Lucille Bobbins possesses a
high soprano voice of appealing qual
ity and of unusual range. She sings
with puro Intonation, distinct enun
ciation nnd deep power of expression
Tho art of Interpretation Individualizes
her songs.
An Interesting fenturo of her pro
grams is her own translation of ninny
foreign songs. Miss Robblns retured
from her studies in Europe during
tho summer of 1913. Since that time
sho lias been a member of tho faculty
of the University School of Music, Lin
coln, Neb. Miss Robblns will nppear in
rccitnl t the MothodiBt church Friday
Xcw Itiuik Building Probable:
Elsewhere tho First National Bank
askH bids for tho brick building ad
Joining on tho north which R recently
purchnsed. This Is tho first move to
ward tho remodeling of tho present
Dank building or tho erection of a now
building in its ontlrety, in which event
tho presont home of tlio bank would
bo itiorn down. Whether It will bo a
remodeled building or a now building,
hns not been definitely settled, but
probnbly tho latter at a cost of not less
than forty thousand dollars.
Sovcral architects havo hold confer
ences with tho bank directors and ten
tative plans havo prnctlqally been nc
-: :o: ;
Seed Potatoes.
I havo for salo Early Ohio and
Potentato seed potatoes. Ono dollar
per bushel, or ninety cents in ten
bushel lots. Call at) tho homo ranch
Phono 790F31. Mrs. Wm Slebold. 15-G
. ;v AAjj H L A L MAI
Votht New Home
ill ... I
I 1
tr, Ills
13 ft I I I I I I I B
IN working out the details of youv
better built home you should take
advantage of the fifty years' experience
that rests in Curtis Woodwork. You
can plan for comfort economically with
fk 18 6 6
"Thm Permanent Furniture for Your Home"
Wc have three "Home-Booka" containing pictures of Ideal homes
and illustrations ol Curtlo Woodwork. You con have any one o(
these free tor the asking. "Better Built Homes" for houses (rom
$800 to $3,000; "Homelike Homes," $3,000 up, and "Attractive
We can show you specimens of Curtis Woodwork, estimato all
costs and assure you delivery on the day you want it.
Joseph Williams, of Omaha, who had
urakomnn on tho east end for a num
bor of yenrs died in Oninha the lattor
pard of last week. Ho had been ill in
St. Bernards hospital for sovcral
months and his condition had been
crltlcnl for some time. Tho funeral
services wero hold In Omaha Sunday
afternoon in chargo of tho Masonic
Turn your back an good advice
about your oyos, if you will and later
rue the day. Tamper with them, if you
please they nro yours. You can get
along without thorn, by aid of a boy
or u dog aiul string. HARRY DIXON
Optomotrlst nnd Jeweler, west sldo of
Dowoy street.'
Tho Lincoln" Daily Star is uniting
with tlio Omaha Wnrlil-ilarnltl In
boosting Kolth Neville -for tho domo-
cranc nonuiiatian for governor
Through tho medium It 'thoso tw
Btate-wido papors Mr. Novillo will re
celvo much favorublo publicity.
Dave Day' was inducted into tho
Knights Templar at a meeting hold
Friday evening at which Grand Can
tain uonornl CIupp, of Kearney, was
present. Following tho coromonios
a fivo courso Biippor was served. Plates
wore laid for thirty.
For Dress-making of nil kinds call
on Mrs. Thomas Mobloy, 015 South
Chestnut. Prlcos reasonable. Phono
Black 097. 13-4
During a snow ball flglit betweon
studonta of tho high school Friday uf-
tornoon, Claudo Wolngand wns struck
In nn oyo by a swiftly thrown ball
which broke tho glosses lie was wonr
lng and cutting tho eyo ball but not
Injuring tlio sight.
Miss Lorotta Murphy sustained a
sprained anklo Frlady ovenlng whllo
doscondlng tho basomontJ stops of her
homo. The injury was vory-nalnful
and It will bo several weoks boforc It
will return to normal condition.
..The largo Town Herd Pnsturo Joins
city. A rare chance for the right boy
illt ...
HE style event of the year will soon be here; but itNwill find us
ready. For months we've been working and planning that the
day might see us ready to help you choose your wardrobe that you
might take your place in the Fa'shion Promenade.
In making up your Easter outfit you will be more careful than
ever. You; will want to be sure that your are not going wrong in
selecting any article of apparel. Then is just the time we welcome
you most heartily to an inspection of our different departments. No
matter what your needs, in the matter of dress -under appaiel or
outer wear -for the home or outdoors -you'll find we have it- just
a little better, in just a little larger selection from ' which to ' choose,
thanjjyou thought.
Even if you don't intend to buy, accept our invitation to attend
'i if 'I '
and see what the world of fashion offers for Easter Display.
Tramp & Sons
Dies of Tubcrcolosils.
Isnbello tho twenty year old daugh
ter o Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Skinner died
Friday afternoon after a llngorlng Ill
ness. . I
Death resulted from tho "White
Plnguo" which she contracted about
a year ago.
Although hor sufferings woro severe
and extended over a long period she
boro thorn cheerfully and patiently.
Tho attondanco of several physicians
nnd tho dovoted attentions .of hor rel
atives could not stay tlio courso of
tho dlseaso which ended the young llfo.
Sho wns born in Osage, Iowa, Febru
ary 2!)th, 1SDG, and spont hor child
hood there. Four years ago sho camo
to this city and was employed for a
year or moro In the. Hub Dry
Goods dopnrtuient. Her quiet and
nmlablo mannor ondenrod hero to
many frlonds who regret hor early
death. Tho funeral services wore
hold at two thirty Sunday afternoon
from tho Methodist church and attend
ed by a largo numbor who extonded
sympathies and gave boautlful Uoral
Interment was made in tho North
Platto cemetery.
: :o: :
Wo hnvo n few first morlgiigo real
estate loans. Nothing better or saf
er, for Idle money. They pay 7 to 8
interest and not taxable. IVe collect
interest and nttend to nil details. Our
loans exceed ono million dollars nnd
wo huyo uever lost u nlckle.
Homer Gray, Auto Livery, day or
night. Rosldenco phono S24, or phono
or apply at Green's Billiard Hall. 14-8
Mrs. Charles Wilson roturned Sat
urday ovonlng from Ogalalla whoro
sho spont ten days.
Nels RasinuBson was off duty as day
ticket agent in tho depot Inst wook
on account of illness.
Miss Alico Sheffield returned to
Ognlalla Sunday evening after visiting
Yesterday's World Herald contained
an excellent group plcturo of Keith
Novillo- and family and a nice write
up. Mrs. Eric Mntson who was operated
upon for appendicitis two weeks ago at
tho North Platto General hospital, re
turned homo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Curtis, of Tiskll-
wa. 111., who have been touring Cali
fornia for somo tlmo visited Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. F. Streltz last week nnd left
yesterday morning.
Tho furnlturo nnd fixtures for the
Hotol McCabo will arrlvo this week
and Immediately bo unpacked and
placed. Contractor MeMIchaol will
turn tho building ovor to the owner in
a few days.
For Trade.
160 acres farm land for smaller
tract closo in. Call or address 2P3
South Vino street.
A "White Life" for- Two."
A largo congregation was present at
tho Presbyterian church Sunday morn
ing to hear Mr White's sermon to the
children. The music wns furnished br
the children's "Rod Cross" choir anil
the sorvlco throughout was interesting
and instructive. The services for chil
dren, which nro held once each month,
are proving one of tho most popular
Innovations Introduced by Mr. White
since his coming to North Platto.
Tho evening sermon on "Damaged
Goods" was a powerful one, drawn,
from tho story as shown in moving
pictures recently. Mr. Whl to said "Tho
lessons from this plcturo lead us to
hopo for a realization of a picture I
seo in the future, of a great proces
sion of young Amoricnn girls, dressed
in whito carrying an Immense banner
with tho Inscription 'A White Liro for
Two" upon It."
: :o: :
Money (o Loan on Real Kstnle by
11HATT & G00B3LVN.
Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a
makes poultry healthymakes hens
lay; not a stimulant, but a tonic,
that tones up the dormant egg or
gans, brings back the scratch and
cackle, and compels each hen to
put her share of eggs in the market
It also contains internal antisep
tics that counteract disease; insures
a healthy, singing poultry flock.
c r c i , , V u 11 1'11") worm
enough for 30 hens per day. 3 lbs. 25c; 5 lbs. 60c 1
lbs. SI. 25: 25.1b. S2.50. P.,,.,! l UC' A"
- 7 -n umuuuittU IJy
The Rexall Drug Store, ph0ne4
lvim u pony.
lutATT & aoomrvx.
lure for severnl days.