The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 3

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Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each nornlng
before breakfast.
Why is man and woman, half the
tlmo, fooling norvous, despondent,
worried; oomo days headachy, dull a?d
unstrung; somo days really Incapaci
tated by illness.
If wo all would practlco inside-bath-lng,
what a gratifying chango would
take placo. Instead of thousands ot
half-sick, nnaomlc-looklng souls with
pasty, muddy comploxlom we should
aoe crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The rea
son Is that the human system does not
Tid Itself each day of all tho waste
which it accumulates under cur pres
ent mode of living. For every ounco
ot food and drink taken into the sys
tem nearly an ounco of waato material
must bo carried out, eUe it ferments
and forms ptomalne-llke poisons which
aro absorbed into the ..blood.
Just as nocessary as it is to clean
tho ashos from tho furnace each day,
before tho Are will burn bright and
hot, so wo must each morning clear
the inside organs of tho provlous day's
accumulation of indigestible waste and
body" toxins. Men and women, wheth
er sick or well, are advised to drink
each morning, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful ot limestone phosphate in
it, as a harmless means of washing
out of tho stomach, liver, kidnoys and
bowels the indlgostiblo material,
waste, sour bile and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal boforo put
ting moro food into the stomach.
Millions of people who had their
turn at constipation, bilious attacks,
acid stomach, nervous days and sleep
less nights havo become real cranks
about tho morning inside-bath. A quar
ter pound of limestono phosphate will
not cost much from your druggist or
at tho store, but is sufllcient to dem
onstrate to anyone, its cleansing,
sweotonlng and freshening effect upon
the system. Adv.
Right is so slow iu asserting Itself
that somo people doubt that it will
Anally prevail.
To halt pint ot weter add I oz. Bay Ram, a
small box ol Batbo Compound, and V oz. ot
elvcerlno ApdIv to the ball- twice a week
until it becomes the desired shade. Any drug
gist can put this up or you can mix It at
home at very little cost. It will gradually
darken streaked, fnded crray hair, and re
moves dandruff. It 1b excellent for falling
hair and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
Jt will not color the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub oil. Adv.
Ruling Idea.
Judge Twenty-five and cf sts.
Motorist Gee, whiz! There troes a
new tiro!
Mow la the Time to Get Kid of The
Ucly 8poU.
There's no longer the slightest need of
feeling ashamed of your frcckks, as th
prescription othlne double strength Is
cuaranteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply Ket on ounce of othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that even the worst frockles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
lie sure to ask for the double strength
othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
Calling a Bluff.
"My heart is a very sound organ."
"That may to, but I kuow a belle
who can wring It."
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid
neys If Bladder Bothers You
Drink Lots of Water.
No man or woman who eats moat
regularly can niako a mistake by flush
ing tho kidneys occasionally, says a
woll-known authority. Moat forms
uric acid which excites tho kidneys,
they bocome overworked from the
strain, got sluggish nnd fall to filter
tho waste and poisons from tho blood,
then wo get sick. Nearly all rheu
matism, headaches, liver trouble, ner
vousness, dizziness, sleeplossness and
urinary disorders come from sluggish
Tho moment you feel a dull actio tn
tho kidnoys or your back hurts or if
tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
eating meat and got about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful In a glass of water
bofore breakfast and in a fow days
your kidneys will act fine. ThlB fa
mous salts is made from tho acid of
grapes and lemon Julco, combined
with llthla, and has been used for
generations to flush and stlraulato the
kidnoys, also to neutralize tho acids
in urine so it no longer causes irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injuro; makes a delightful efferves
cent llthia-water drink which everyone
should tako now and then to keep the
kidneys clean nnd active and tho blood
puro, theroby avoiding serious kidnoy
complications. Adv.
When a leap-year girl attempt to
kiss a young man, to his credit be
it said, be never threatens to call for
Percentage of Dirty or Soiled Eggs
May Be Materially Reduced by
Proper Management.
Poultry keepers may easily reduco
thu percentage of dirty or soiled oggs,
and losses entailed to insignificant
figures. First, an nmplo numbor of
nests is, of course, necessary, but an
ample number means no more, than,
and probably not as many as, aro usu
ally directed by poultry writers. Lay
ing houses nro, as a rulo, provided
with a sufllcient number, but where
tho keopor falls down is in falling to
supply enough nesting matorlal and
floor litter.
Obviously tho nesting material must
bo clean, or tho eggs becomo soiled by
contact, and it must bo sufllcient in
quantity, or tho eggs nro often broken
by dropping upon tho hard floor of tho
In houses where the dropptng-boards
aro abovo the nests, and tho custom
is to sand tho boards, small stones
often drop. Into tho nost and broakngo
rosults when newly-lald eggs fall upon
them. The condition of nests should
bo noticed daily, and tho nesting ma
torlal replenished when nocessary.
Plenty of nesting material prevents
breakago and Insures clean eggs.
An amplo and clean litter on tho
floor is also very essential when an
A-l clean product is sought. Particu
larly Is this true when tho hens aro
allowed outdoors during wot weather,
The Utter acts as a food mat for the
hens on their way to tho nests.
Clean eggs bring better prices than
dirty ones.
Simple and Satisfactory Device Can
Be Constructed From Orange Box
at Small Expense.
Hero is a trap nest that can bo
made from an orange box for less than
$1, writes Thomas Mayborry of Penn
slyvanla in Farm and Homo. Tho
box Is 24 inches long, 12 inches wide
and 12 inches high. It is shown ready
for tho hen to enter. When sho treads
on tho platform, C, to go to tho nest
sho closes tho door, A, behind her and
her weight will not let her out. B
is mado ono by one-fourth inches, with
two small screws to fasten it on oach
side to the platform, seven and one
A Simple Trap Nest.
half Inches from screw to steel rod X.
A is the door covered with ono-half
inch wiro netting. Tho platform is
held off tho bottom by wire staples
and rod X goes through it. A, tho
door, has stnples for the rod to go
through, as shown at tho tip, and ono
inch from that is whore tho scrows
hold. D is a partition threo inches
high to keep the nesting material in
Reason Given for So Many Apparent
ly Healthy Fowls Dropping Dead
Off Their Roosts.
It has been proved by experiments
that impurities given off from the
lungs of ono animal are much moro
poisonous to anothor animal than thoy
aro to tho animal giving thorn off.
You can provo this for your own
satisfaction, if you caro to. Put a
inouso in a self-sealing fruit Jar and
xaako tho cover tight. In a fow min
utes ho will begin to show signs of
fcuffecation. Then without admitting
uny moro fresh air than you can help,
fntroduco a second mouso into tho
Jar. This second mouso will dlo bo
foro tho first ono, though ho was fresh
when tho first ouo was nearly suffo
cated. Tho reason for this is that tho
Bocond mouse did not die ot suffoca
tion, but was killed by tho poison
given off from tho lungs ot tho first
It is entirely possibla that this is
tho reason why so many hens In ap
parently good physical thrift drop
dead off tho roost. Tho ventilation
Is poor and tho birds becomo poisoned
by tho gnses from the lungs ot their
Separate Dark-Colored Eggs From the
Light and Keep the Different
Sizes by Themselves.
It will bo worth an experiment to
assort eggs boforo selling theraby
separating the dark-colored eggs from
thoso that aro light, and also having
tho different sizes together.
Appearanco is worth a great deal
in tho selling of an article, and eggs
will sell quicker than anything else if
sent to market in an attractive man
ner, which adds at least ono-fourtb
more to the prices.
zn nest ; f
Pruning an Apple Tree In Fourth Winter Shoots Are Cut to the Points In
dicated by the Crossllnes.
A fow simplo directions on tho prun
ing of fruit trocs will undoubtedly
provo useful to those who aro not ex
perts at tho work. This article deals
solely with tho winter pruning of ap
plos, pears and plums. Tho chief ob
jects of pruning aro (1) to lot light
and air into tho trees nnd bushes;
(2) to induco tho formation of woll
shaped troes and to furnish them with
fruitful wood.
Tho remark is often heard that an
amatour cannot pruno his own trees,
and thero is a great deal of truth in
It, for, genorally speaking, ho Is mucli
too tender-hearted to cut his trons to
anything llko a sufllcient extent.
Neglect in this dlroctlon Invariably
leads to tho overcrowding of branches,
rosulting in a thicket of growth and
vory poor fruit; nnd whon onco a
trco has reached this stage it may
take years to bring it back to a fruit
ful condition. Tho great point always
to have beforo ono in pruning is to
avoid overcrowding. With standard,
half-standard and bush trees it is im
perative that tho centers of tho troes
should bo kopt open nnd all branches
which aro inclinod to grow towards
tho center of tho treo should bo cut
clean out to tho base. It so often hap
pens that a tree may bo vastly im
proved by tho removal ot a largo
branch in the centor.
It would bo impossiblo to omphasizo
too Btrongly the importanco ot using
a really sharp, strong pruning knife.
Apart from tho inconvenience of a
poor knlfo, it should always bo ro
membered that a clean cut will heal
much quicker than a jagged one, nnd
this is a matter of vital importance,
since the worst disease to which fruit
trees aro holr, viz., canker, can only
entor tho treo by way of a wound
when tho inner tlssuo of the treo is
loft exposed to tho air. For this rea
son it is advisablo aftor removing
largo branches to cover tho newly cut
surfaces with tar or white paint.
While the knlfo is unquestionably tho
best instrument for pruning, a good
pair of shears has Its advantages, par
ticularly in tho hands of tho inexperi
enced knlfesman, for with shears, so
long as the wood is not unduly
pinched, tho work will proceed more
easily, at a greater pace, and with less
likelihood of causing injury oither to
tho treo or to tho operator. Thero aro
a fow hard and fast rules in pruning
that should always bo homo in mind.
Strong Spray of Arsenate of
Lead Will Prove Effective In
Controlling Curculio.
The plum curculio winters in tho
adult stage, emerging in the spring
just as the fruit budi. begin to swell,
says Prof. J. G. Sanders, hend of tho
economic entomology department of
tho Collego of Agrlcultureiof tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin. Immediately, It
begins to feed on tho young foliage
and fruit buds and should bo treated
with a strong spray of lead arsenate,
as this Is thu only stngo at which an
arsenical poison Is effective in con
trolling tho pest.
Tho curculio is distinguished from
tho plum gougcr in that It nover pene
trates tho fruit atone. The female
curculio deposits her egg's in crescent
shaped cuts, which she makes on tho
surface of tho fruit. Seven to ten
days later tho larvae omergo nnd
about two weeks aftor this they leavo
tho fruit, crawl into tho ground,
whoro thoy spin a cocoon nnd pupato.
In this stage of tho lifo cyclo thu in
sect can bo killed by intensive dilu
tion of tho orclianl.
Whoro labor Is cheap tho Jarring
method of control is ndvantngeously
practiced. This systom Involves the
uso of ti cauvui, hold about waist high
under tho treo, while tho treo is Jarred
with n padded polo, tho curcullos fall
ing off upon tho canvns, where thoy
can bo sorted out and destroyed. Any
lady bugs which aro snared by this
mothod should bo liberated, as thoy
are benoflclnl parasites which destroy
Injurious fruit Insects.
Feed for Ducklings.
Don't try to raise ducklings on whole
wheat, cracked corn or commercial
chick feeds. If used at all, these feeds
should be well cooked, for ordinarily
ducks do not consumo enough grit to
grind dry grain.
For instnnco, ono should always pruno
to a bud pointed outward, slnco tho
growth mado by tho branch will bo in
tho direction of tho lending bud. Again
ono branch should novor bo allowed to
cross another.
Pruning Young Trees. For tho first
fow years of Us llfo tho young troo re
ceives very sovor" pruning at tho
hands of tho nurseryman. This treat
ment is essential for tho foundation of
a sturdy, fruitful treo, nnd it is after
wards left to tho fruit grower to con
tinuo tho good work of tho nursery
man. In tho early stages tho pruning
is dono primarily with tho object of
forming a bush or trco of tho doBjrcd
shnpo, tho knlfo is used frooly, many
branches being shortened to ono-half
tholr length, othorwlso straggling, un
shapoly trees will result. Thoso
trees that wcro planted Inst autumn
roqulro sovorer pruning than estab
lished trees.
Apples and Pearo. It must bo borne
in mind that both tho applo nnd pear
in most cases hear tholr fruit on short
Bpurs or Bldo growths ot stunted ap
pearance. Ono object in pruning is to
convert tho ordinary side branches
into fruit spurs, nnd this is accom
plished by cutting back tho side
shoots to within two or throo buds of
tho main branch. This is woll and
clearly seen in tho enso of cordon
trees, which Bhould bo furniBhed
throughout their ontlro length with
fruiting spurs, nnd tho object in prun
ing a bush, pyramid or trained treo
is to mako every branch resemblo a
cordon. Thero is nn axiom in fruit
growing which runs "onco a spur al
ways a spur," and it is generally un
derstood that fruit spurs should novor
bo pruned. But it sometimes happens
moro ospocially with trained pear
trees that even tho fruit spurs aro
overcrowded, and in bucIi unusual in
stances thoy should, of course, bo
Pruning Plums. Unllko apples and
poars, plum treeB resent sovoro prun
ing, and thoy aro often best loft nlono.
Except in very young treos, which ro
qulro hard pruning, a simplo thinning
of overcrowded wood is all that is
nocessary; and thero is a wide differ
ence of opinion as to whothor prun
ing is best dono in tho summer ot
winter. Whpro trees aro subject to
tho disease known as gumming, win
tor pruning should certainly bo
All Dead Wood Should Not Only
Be Cut Off, but Burned Re
move Crooked Branches.
On account of tho rush during othot
seasons of the year the winter months
form a good tlmo in which to prune
orchard treos. Tho Nebraska College
of Agriculture says that all dead wood
should not only bo cut off, but bo
Cross branches should bo cut off and
tho tops of tho fruit trees thinned out
so that tho sun can reach ovory part
of tho troo somo tlmo during tho day.
Tho little crooked branches should
not bo removed, as theso nro the fruit
On account of tho prcvalenco of
discaso It is woll to disinfect all
wounds, us woll as tho pruning tools,
lie careful not to leavo any stubs.
Big Saving Made by Feeding Corn
and Oats to Live Stock
While on the Farm.
With ovory bushel of corn Bold at
thoelovator 16 cents worth of soil fer
tility is sold, and with every bushel of
oats 12 contB worth of soil fertility
goes from tho farm.
Whon thoso santo grains aro fed to
llvo stock and tho live stock is sold,
only Hvo cents worth of soil fertility
leaves tlx farm for each bushel ot
corn fed and four cents for each
bushel of oats.
Tills difference in favor of feeding
livo stock Is enough to mako cattle
men, who know tho vnluo of fertility,
Btay In tho llvo stock heeding bus!
pesB oven In years whon tho raarkota
break badly.
Much Depends on Type of Construc
tion and Amount of Grading to
Be Done Some Figures.
Tho cost ' of a road Is depondont
upon not only tho typo ot construction
but tho amount and character ot
grading to bo dono, tho cost ot labor
and mntorlalB, tho width and thick
ness of surfacing, tho character and
amount of drnlnngo required, and
other factors of equal variability.
Rased upon general nverages, it has
been ascertained by highway special
ists of tho dopnrtment that under
average conditions macadam roads can
bo built In eouthorn states at from
$4,000 to $5,000 por mllo, gravel roods
at from $1,G00 to $2,G00 por mllo, and
sand-clay and topsoil roads at from
$800 to $1,500 por mllo.
In Now England and tho othor east
ern stntcs macadam roads aro report
ed at from $6,000 to $9,000 por mllo,
gravel roads at from $3,200 to $5,000,
and bituminous macadam from $S,000
Qood Road Along Pacific Coast.
to $13,000, according to tho charactor
of construction, whothor surfneo treat
ed, ponotration or mixing method. Tho
bituminous typo is quito genoral in tho
eastern states.
As Indicating coBts in othor sections
of country, tho state highway commls-
Blonor ot Michigan reported that in
1913 tho nvorago cost for macadam
roads was $4,300 per mllo, clay-gravol
roads $1,500 por mllo, and concroto
roads about $10,000 per mllo. The
avorngo cost of Btato highways con
structed In Ohio two years ago was
$8,383. According to typos, in 1912
tho brick-paved highways averaged
$14,650 por mllo and tho macadam
highways $5,950.
In California tho first 356 mllos ol
tho stato systom df highways cost an
avorngo of $8,143 per mllo and con
sisted principally of thin concrolo with
a thin coat of bitumen. Tho maximum
and minimum figures given aro not ab-
Boluto, but aro intended to present tho
usual range of costs. The rates given
lncludo grading, drainage, surfacing
and engineering costs.
Easy to Be Seen That Good Roads
Proposition Gets Down to Ques
tion of Dollars and Cents.
Dnck in tho boom dnys of railroad
building many a coumty in full many
a mlddlo West and western stato
voted hundreds of thousands of dol
lars' worth of bonds to got a railroad
to cross Its boundaries. This was in
tko old dnys of pioneer poverty whon
lands woro selling anywhoro from
$1.25 to $15 an aero. Somo countlos
aro still paying off railroad bonds,
somo repudiated tho debt and others
havo had half a century of litigation
over thom. Howovor, for tho most
part tho roads woro built nnd agricul
tural dovolopmont followed tholr com
ing. Something llko three-fourths ot all
tho freight hauled by railway linos
must, flrBt or Inst, pass ovor public
highways. It has been shown over
and ovor again that ovory ton . so
moved costs 23 cents a mllo. It is
oasy to see that tho good roads prop
osltlon gats down to a matter of dol
lars and cents.
Next March, or maybo April, whon
wo havo to walk to town across tho
fields; whon It takes a six-horso team
to move a load of hay a mllo; whon
tho mail carrier cannot got nround for
a week nnd tho chlldron miss school
on nccount of tho mud then wo
aro all for good roads. As tho mud
dries and tho chuck-holes fill, wo get
lukewarm. When tho road-bond prop
osltlon comes up wo begin to talk
high taxes and either stay away from
tho polls or voto against it.
Good roads will never como till wo
chango our views nnd keep them
changed. Lett to themselves a dirt
road and n rain will always mean mud
Fara Progress.
Economic Maintenance.
Tho split-log drag has contributed to
a. lnrgo oxtent toward tho economic
maintenance of public highways. It Is
an Improvement which can bo built
or purchased at a low prlco and Is
easily oporatod by anyono who can
drive a team.
Good Roads Would Help.
It costs $2 to haul a ton of freight
n hundred miles by rail. It costs $2
to haul a ton ton miles on tho ordi
nary covin try read. Would good roads
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
West Dnnby, N. Y. "I have hud
nervous troublo all my lifo until I took
l Lydia E. Finkbam's
Vegetable Com
pound for nerves
nnd for femalo trou
bles and it straight
ened mo out in good
shape. I work nearly
nil the time, as wo
livo on a farm and I
havo four girls. I do
all my sowing and
other work with
i their help, ao it
shows that I stand it real well. I took
tho Compound whon my ten year old
daughter came and it helped mo a lot.
I havo also had my oldest girl take it
and it did her lota of good. I keep it la
tho houso all the tlmo and recommend
It." Mr. Dewitt SmcEBAUon, West
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen
sations, all point to female derange
ments which may bo overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
mis lamous remedy, tho medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to bo a most valuable tonic
and invigoratorof tho femalo organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lvdla
E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Compound.
Blown Up.
Groans My undo lost his llfo last
week in nn explosion.
Grins So? Wifo or bollor?
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic Into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Rcmcmbor tho "dose" mother insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hatod thom, how you fought
against taking them.
With our chlldron it's different
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physio simply don't realize what they
do. .Tho children's revolt Is well-found
ed. Tholr tender llttlo "tnnldos" are
Injured by thom.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowols nood cleansing, give only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action is positive, but gentle. Millions
of mothers keop this harmless "fruit
loxativo" handy; they know children
tovo to tako it; that it novor falls to
clean the liver and bowels and sweet
en tho stomach, and that a tcaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. Ask at tho store for a 60-cont bottle
of "California Syrup of Pigs," which
hfts full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
on each bottlo. Adv.
NnwndnvH wn hnnr moro ahout the
shiftless son-in-law than about tho
prodigal son.
A mean man nlways attributes his.
dlBlike of IiIb neighbor to onvy.
Achy Joints Give Warning
A oreaky joint often predicts rain. It
mat also mean that tho kidnoys are not
filtering the poisonous urlo aold from the
blood. Dad backs, rheutnatlo pains, sore,
aching joints, hoadaohes, dizziness and
urinary disorders are all offeots of weak
kidneys and If nothing is doue, there's
danger of mora serious trouble. Use
Doan'i Kldmy Pith, the best recom
mendod klduoy remedy.
An Iowa Case
John W. Wright,
102 3 Sixth St.,
Knoxvlllo, Iowa,
miya: "four years
ii ko I had an at
tack of rheuina
tlHin In one of my,
'Retry Ptc
tur JW1 a
arms ana the naln
wan awful. At
times I couldn't llf
my arm wlthou
Mharn twlnucs dart
Injr through It. 1
lliuUly got Doan's
Kldnnv Pills anil
had taken thom only a short tlmo be-
rore i round roller, two coxes per
nunently cured me."
Cat Do' at Any Stors, 60c Dos
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You'ro Tired Out of Sortt
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a few days.
They do,
their duty.
stination. i
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headacho
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1016.
hJ U .aY ,
tLi r t sm.
MW M vtrv