The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 2

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American Staple of Great Im
portance to Fighting
Power of Army.
Experts Said to Have Discovered New
Process In Which Wood Pulp Is
Employed Ship Load of Cot
ton Costs 500 Lives.
Washington. Opinions Idoly dif
fer as to tlio amount of raw cotton be
ing consumed in tlio manufacture of
smokeless powder, both hero and In
Europe, not only as to tlio total con
sumption since tlio war began, but tlio
amount necessary to produce ono
pound of such powder. Of powders,
90 per cent being used Jn Europo Ik
known as "amokoleBH," according to
tlio military records of this govern
ment, and slnco tlio reckoning hero Is
that It requires ono pound of cotton to
produce ono pound of smokeless pow
der, an Idea may bo gathered of tlio
importance tho American staplo bears
to tho fighting power of an urmy.
In Justification of its contraband or
der, tho government of Oreut Britain
in a statemont issued by tho cnibiiBsy
hero, pointed out tho extcnslvo use of
cotton for military purposes and that
it forms practically tho only baso for
explosives employed by European
armies. Tho English do not agreo,
howovor, that cotton consumption Is
pound for pound, but that only four
tenths of ono pound of cotton is re
quired to produco one pound of this ex
plosive. Somo of thoir authorities
contend that a balo of cotton will turn
out 900 pounds of smokoless powder,
and, putting it in another way, that
cvbry shipload of cotton reaching tho
Qormans results in the doath of COO
soldiers of tho allies.
Ono Million Bales for Powder.
Iloprescntntivo Hollin of Manama In
troduced a resolution asking tho de
partment of commerce to obtain fig
urea upon the consumption of cotton
in the manufacture of oxploslvos. Mu
nition makors desiring tc protoct
thoir trado socrots, aro loath to glvo
factB to tho public touching that
phase of tho industry, and tho llguros
obtainable aro raoro or loss estimated.
Boforo ono of tho committoos of tlio
house rocontly a witness stated that
1,000,000 bales of cotton had boon used
by American munition makors slnco
tho boginning of tho European wnr.
Representative Hcflln in a speech to
tho house doallng with cotton growing
nnd exportation, estimated that a total
of 3,000,000 balos of tho staplo grown
in tho United States had found Its way
into powdor. Ho allows 2,000,000 bales
consumption by tho govornmontB of
Europo and tho remainder to tho man
ufacturing plants In tho United States.
In tho manufacture of smokoloss
powdor llntors aro gonorally used, ow
ing to being choapor than tho long
fiber and adaptability of being worked
over. England has contonded that if
cotton could bo kept out of Germany
sooner or lator tho Teutonic allies
would run out of powdor, yot this pre
diction does not appear to bo approach
ing fulfillment when it is known that
llttlo If any cotton has boon getting
into Gormany for months.
Germans Hove a Substitute.
Uncondoned stories roachod tlo
Unitod States that Germany met tho
crisis by gathering cotton rugs to work
them back into ilbor and grinding into
pulp for" powdor purposos, but It ap
pears from documents placed In tho
Congressional Record by Senator
Hoko Smith of Georgia that tho Toil
tons' resourcefulness Is bound by no
such limitations. Ho read a letter
from Gormany showing that cotton
wob not being used In the manufacture
of powder at all, that long bo.'oro tho
outbreak o, tho war of that
country had substituted wood pulp,
and that slnco tho war begun wood
pulp had boon rolled upon almost en
tirely. Other statements were produced by
lUo senator rrom Georgia to support
tho contention that Gormany was no
longer relying upon cotton llntors and,
It was related, tho German military de
partment lias been releasing Its cot
ton to tho factories turning out cotton
cloths. In tills way tho Gcorela boh-
itor uttomptcd to show that cotton
was being employed In poacoful pur
suits and for peacoful purposos. if
the Germans have successfully substi
tuted the Ingredient for cotton HntorB
In tho manufacture of smokeless pow
dor it Is believed that tho munition
industry will undergo a revolution as
to processes Thero la no Information
as to tho cost of tho process claimed
by (ho GormaiiB or whether it is of
such a secret naturo as to prevent em
ployment by other governments
Bureau oi Census Report.
A statement wub recontlv Ikrha,i t,
the bureau jf cohbuc on tho manufac
ture of explosives In tho United
States during 1914 as compared with
.1909 Ouring, 1914 tho production of
"imnKfflnHH nnwilur nn,l
third in tho output of tho principal ex
plosives. Tho Europoan war wub In
progress for only a portion of that
year, and thero had been no heavy
dmfl upon tho factories here to supply
tha urmlea of the allies. Tho 1915 re-
ThlH chapel, erected by Krench truopb ut tho front In Champagne, is
made entirely of sand bags. Its priest Is standing besldo it. and within Is
soon tho colIln of a dead soldier.
port will bo moro Interesting on this
point. Tho 1914 report Buys In part:
"While tho production of gunpowder
decreased by fi,177,GG4 pounds in quan
tity and $758,972 in value, or by 40.2
per cent and 43.7 por cent, respective
ly, tho production of smokoless pow
der almost doubled, but tho figures for
It cannot bo shown separately without
disclosing tho operations of individual
establishments. Tho output of this
product, therefore is combined with
that of .guncotton, or pyroxylin, and
tho total Includod In 'other explos
ives.' "The production of smokoloss pow
dor, guncotton or pyroxylin, and
'other explosives' increased from !),
155,223 pounds to 26,400,071 pounds, or
by 188.4 por This nmount in
cludes tho production of establish
ments operated by tho federal govern
ment. Tho output of this cIobs of ox
ploslvos by commercial establlshmonta
Increased from 7,404,825 pounds, val
ued at $3,913,787, In 1909, to 21.327.G84
pounds, valued at $1,111,400, In 1914,
tho quantity increasing by 185.7 per
cont and tho valuo by 81.7 por cent.
"Thoro woro 111 establishments In
operation In 1914, 33 woro In Pennsyl
vania, 11 In Ohio, 9 in Illinois. 8 in
Now Jorsoy, 7 in Wost Virginia, C in
Oklahoma, 5 in California, 4 In Mis
souri, 3 In Kansas. 3 In Now York, 2
each In Alabama, Colorado, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Tennessoo, Washing
ton and Wisconsin and 1 oach in Ar
kansas, Delawaro, lowa, Kentucky,
Maino, Michigan, Minnesota and
Can Meet Home Demand.
Under war streas It has been esti
mated that tho United StateB would
nood 30,000,000 pounds of powder ,,or
year, and a pound of cotton for a
pound of smokeless powdor would
mean an cnornions consumption of tho
staplo In thlB country alono. Tho total
capacities of tho plants In this coun
try, considering tho probablo output
of other classes of oxploslvcs. is hard
ly equal to a war-tlmo demand of tho
Unitod States, and whllo it Iiub been
tho chief purposo of thoso who would
havo tho Unitod States manufacture
Its own munitions, to reduce tho cost
to tho govornmont, tho certainty of a
supply has been figured upon.
Tho South produced less thun 12,
000,000 buloH lafit sonBon. Itoports from
tho BtutcH Indlcato that the production
tho coming season will bo hold down
also. As soon as tho European war Is
ovor thero will bo a demand for cotton
In tho minds of tho exports, but until
that period approaches thoy say thoro
Is no good reason for Increasing tho
The picture shows the only baby on
board tho Appam which was recently
brought Into Newport News as a prlzo
of war by the Germans. She la tho
only daughter of Mrs. L. M Hlley, who
is holding bor.
crop. Representative William II. Mur
ray of Oklahoma In a speech In tho
house of representatives two years
ago pointed out that tho tlmo would
come in tho world's consumption that
tho South would be expected to fur
nish a .lO.OOO.OuO-balo crop. And, ho
added, tho South would bo ablo to
meet tho demand.
Representative Kent's Measure for
Proper Management of National
Playgrounds Likely to Pass.
Washington. Ono of tho measures
boforo congress that seemB likely to
bo adopted Is the bill for tho estab
lishment of a national park service,
Introduced by Representative Kent, it
pro vldeB that tho service shall be a
part of tho department of tho interior
and under tho charge of a director ap
pointed by tho secretary, and that this
director shall havo tho supervision,
management and control of the sover
al national parks, national monumcntB,
tho Hot Springs reservation In Arkan
sas, and such parks, monuments nnd
reservations us shall bo established In
tho futuro.
That tho bill Is In tho naturo of a
coiiBorvutlon meaBiiro Is shown by a
section which authorizes tho secretary
of tho Interior to sell or dispose of
timber In cases where tho cutting of
timber Is requisite for controlling at
tacks of Insects or dUeasc or for con
serving tho scenery; and that priv
ileges, leasos and pcrmltB shall be
granted only for tho accommodation
of the public, and that no action shall
bo "detrimental to tho fundamental ob
ject of thoso aforesaid parks, monu
iiionts and reservations, which object
Is to consorvo tho scenery nnd the
natural and historic objects theroln
and to provide for tho enjoyment of
said scenery and objects by the public
in any manner and by any means that
will leave thorn unimpaired for tho en
joyment of futuro gonoratlouB."
Jersey Education Board Says That
Collars May Be Discarded
on Hot Days.
'fronton, N. J. Schoolboys in Now
Jersey nood not wear a collar in warm
weather and they may turn under tho
neck bands of their shirtwaists. This
decision, reached by tho state board
of educutlon, put an end to tho con
troversy that has ragod slnco sum
mer's llareback lust September, nnd
also reverses tho findings of tho stato
commissioner of education.
Tho case was that of Van hoar and
Robertson Turner, sons of Frank V. L.
Turner of Morchantvillo. During tho
unsoaBonablo weather last fall, tho
boys, who aro ten and thlrtoon
old, respectively, woro aent to school
without collurs und with tho neck
bands of their shirtwaists turned un
der. Tho toachor, Miss Surah Rog
ers, promptly sent them homo. Their
mother refused to chungo thoir at
tiro for soveral days, during which thoy woro dented admission to
tho school, although thoy reported
oach morning.
Turner appealed to tho Morchant
villo school board and then to tho
state school commissioner, both of
whom uphold the toucher's action, in
reversing them tho stato board holds
that tho toucher's niandnto was an
unronsonnblo and unwurruntod exer
cise of powor.
Old Grain Bags and Other Curious Ar
ticles of Junk Source of Revenue
to Oregon Man.
Hood River, Ore. With Orogon dry
It Is sufo to predict that history will
not ropeat in tho enso of ono crop
harvested In tho Hood River valley
when H. Gtobs, local purchaser of
Junk, collected and Bold 2,000 dozen
whisky and beer bottles. Tho bottlos
wero Bold for an average of 20 cents
a dozen, and brought tho Junk man
Other Junk collected and cold by
Gross the past year woro: Fifty thou
sand old gruin bugs, 10,000 used auto
cnobllo tiros, 3,000 old rubber shoes,
3,000 pounds of brass, copper and oth
er morals, 0,000 pounds of rags. 80,000
pounds of scrap Iron, 2,000 pounds of
groon hldos, 2,000 pounds of wool, and
1,500 poundB of polts.
Tho world is bo full of a number of
1 am Hurc wc hIioiiUI all be us liuppy
IIS kltlKH.
Desserts that aro slmplo to make,
economical and wholesome aro always
In demnnd
Brown Sugar Pud
ding. Mix four ta
blespoonfuls of
cornstarch with
two cupfuls of
brown sugar nnd
when well mixed
add two cupfuls of
boiling water and a pinch of salt. Boil
until tho cornstarch Is well cooked
nnd simmer in a doublo boiler Just
boforo taking from tho tiro ndd a half
cupful of walnut meats, broken In
pieces. Serve cold with whipped
Potato Chowder. Ciit a slice of salt
pork In dlco and fry brown In n soup
kettle. Then add three medium sized
potatoes und ono onion, put through
tho meut chopper. Add suit and pop
per nnd dredge with flour, cover with
boiling water and simmer until ten-
dd a pint and a half of hot
of butter and servo
Take a thick
In a cloth and
stock to which
bay leaf, two
simmer geir
has been add
chopped onions, a si
k of colory, ono
diced carrot, and somo parsley Placo
tho fish when cooked on a plattor and
pour over It tho following sauce: Placo
In a double boiler a cupful of milk,
adding half a teaspoonful of beef ex
tract, salt, celery salt and a table
spoonful of cornstarch, mixed with a
llttlo cold water. Cook well to cook
tho stnrch, then stir in a cupful of
asparagus tips. Servo a border of
mashed potato and small green peas
around the fish with tho sauco poured
over tho fish.
Oatmeal Soup. Slice a large onion
Into ono teaspoonful of molted butter
and let simmer. Add ono cupful of
cooked oatmenl und cook until tho
onions aro tender. Add a scant pint
of milk and salt nnd pepper to taste.
Strain, bring to a boll and servo hot
with toasted crackers.
When making celery soup, Btow the
leaves rather than tho heavy coarse
stalks, as thero Is moro flavor In thorn.
Croquettes will never lose their hold
upon us, for thoy aro most delightful
dishes when well sea
soned and carefully
drained after frying.
Tho tedious method of
handling, dipping and
rolling each ono In
crumbs may be done
much faster If the cro
quettes aro rolled In
fours, dipped and
crumbed In fours, tho
egg can bo thrown over four as quick
ly us over ono. Then In frying havo
tho fnt tho right temperature for tho
mixture, brown u cube of brend in tho
fat. If It browns In forty seconds It
Is ready far cooked mixtures and sixty
seconds for uncooked mixtures. When
eggs aro high a tublcspoonful of wa
ter can be added to each egg without
making nny dlffcrenco in the process,
thus saving quite a llttlo egg when
making a number of croquettes. Ono
good croquette innker snys she uses
as much water as egg and can seo no
Tho white sauco to uso in binding
jroquettOB Bhould be thicker than tho
ordinary white sauco. Uso a half cup
ful of flour, ono-hnlf teaspoonful of
salt, lour tablespoonfuls of buttor and
i pint of milk. When tho butter is
bubbling hot, add tho flour und when
mixed pour on the milk: cook until
smooth nnd thick.
Murearonl croquettes aro most tasty.
Mix cooked macaroni, broken In very
small pieces, with a thick Bensonod
white sauco to which a little grated
cheese has boon added. Placo In a
cool placo until firm, then dip In egg
and crumbs nnd fry as usual.
Potato Croquettes With Peas
Make tho potato bulls, scoop out tho
center and fill with seasoned peas,
cover nnd roll In eggs, crumbs and
fry. Servo with a thick whlto sauco,
garnished with parsley.
Salmon mixed with n chopped sour
plcklo. whlto sauco and seasonings,
formed Into croquettes makes another
good supper dish. Servo with riced
A very thick whlto sauco, stirred
thick with cheeso, cooled, thon molded
Into balls ' and dipped In buttered
brown crumbs Is a tasty dish.
Terrible Threat.
Parson Johnson Do contribution
dls morning will bo fo' do purpose ob
making up do deficit In your pastor's
salary! Do choir will now sing, and
will coutinuo to sing, until do full
amount am collected! Puck.
Giving Them Fair Warning.
William, soon after ho started to
school, came homo ono day and said:
"Somo boys at school are beginning
to meddlo with mo and they had hot
ter stop it."
tnwrjLM y.HA ins n't.i uiimt
i r i-iT v. ml iivrMi Jkm,xkr
To uiiilerH'tuid everything la to for
Klve everything auutwna.
Resolve to keep happy nnd your Joy
and you shall form nn Invhiclblo boat
uKiilnat dlUleuUv.-Uelen Koller.
This is the season when wo should
appreciate our delicious cheese nnd
nnd use It In many com
binations with vegeta
bles for tho main or
chief dish of the meal.
Eocalloped Onions
With Cheese. Holl until
tender n dozen or moro
email sized onions, drain
carefully and place In a
fireproof serving dish,
pour ovor a cupful and a
half of thick whlto sauce, and a cupful
of finely chopped cheeso, cover with
buttered crumbs nnd placo In tho oven
long enough to brown the crumbs. Too
long or too hot a cooking will toughen
the cheese.
Lentil Soup. Wash a half pound of
lontlls and soak all night In a quart
of water. Cut ono medium sized onion
In smnll pieces, also one turnip, ono
carrot and two stalks of celery. Cook
these In a tablespoonful of butter for
flvo minutes, ndd the lontlls nnd water
in which thoy woro soaked and one
teaspoonful of salt. Boll and skim,
thon simmer two hours. Rub through
a slove. Return to a saucepan, and
bind with two tablespoonfulB of but
ter and flour with a cupful of milk,
Macaroni With Chestnuts. Hake
twenty chestnuts until soft, then
poundin n mortar with pepper, salt
and buttor. Add a half pound of
cooked macaroni, four tablespoonfule
of butter mid a tablespoonful of onion
Juice, If too dry add a llttlo milk, stir
in a cupful of grated cheeso, heat very
hot and servo.
Fricasse of Onions and Potatoes.
Take a dozen small potatoes, peeled,
and a hnlf dozen small' onions, also
peeled. Pluco In a saucepan with two
tablespoonfulB of buttor nnd cook flvo
minutes. Add a cupful of water, salt
and pepper and cook until thq vege
tables aro tender. Mix together four
tablespoonfuls of flour and a half
cupful of milk, add to tho vegetables.
cook five minutes, beat an egg anuV,
add to the mixture. Arrange a ring
of cooked spaghetti on n hot dish,
sprinkle with grated cheese and bake
In the oven until the cheese Is molted.
Servo with tho vegetables In tho cen
A pretty "Jts well us a tasty dish to
serve with lamb or roast of meat is
colory relish.
Celery Relish.
fl!l nf wntnr. linnt n
ntinflll nf wotrfii orwl
While hot ndd tho
Julco of two lemons, nnd a half cupful
of sugar. Let cool, then add a table
spoonful of fresh grated horsoradtsh,
a dash of cayenno and color a light
green with vegetable coloring. Whon
nlmost ready to set pour Into a mold
with a cupful of chopped colory. Sot
on lco to harden and cut In squares to
servo. This may bo served on lettuco
with a salad dressing making a most
attractivo salad.
Manhattan Apples. Coro and paro
six or oight apples, cook In n sirup
made of a cupful and a half each of
"sugar and wntcr, turning often until
tho apples aro tender. A good way to
add to tho flavor of this dish Is to cook
tho applo peelings In wator to cover,
strain and uso that with tho sugar for
tho sirup. If tho apples have a red
peeling It will mnko them a beautiful
pink color. Havo ready as mnny
rounds of spongo cako ns thero uro
npples. brown in a llttlo hot buttor
and on each placo an applo, pour over
tho sirup and servo with whipped
cream or simply with the applo sirup,
Newport Whips. Stand n glass ol
raspberry Jelly In n warm placo whore
it will soften to a thick sirup, float
tho whitvs of two eggs until foamy,
add tho Jelly, thon gradually pour In
a cupful of thick cream, stir in n
half cupful of powdered sugnr und
bent all together with a largo dover
egg heater or whip In a cream churn.
Tako off tho froth as It rises and place
In a bIovo to drain. When no "more
froth appears arrango It In glosses
placing a spoonful of tho froth on top
of each. Servo Icy cold. Ono may
mako this with Jelly, ogg and a llttlo
sugar witliout tho crenm, beating just
tho snrao. Thon sorvd with whipped
crenm If so destred.
Plainly His Vocation.
Hepsy "That boy of ours seems
mighty fond of tondln' to other foIkB"
business," Mlram "Guobb we'll hev
to mako a tnwyor of him. Then he'll
git paid for doln' if Boston Tran
script. Education It a Big Thing.
Education is a grand good thing.
Rofore she wont away to school Vir
ginia Feathorlngham cnllod her moth
er "maw." Now she refers to her
as "the mater." Topeka Capitol.
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Got a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath always trace them to torpid
liver; dolayed, fomenting food in tha
bowels or sour, gasBy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in tho in
testines, instead of being cast' out
of tho system is re-absorbed into tho
blood. Whon this poison reaches tho
delicate brain tlssuo it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick
ening headache.
Cascarets immediately clcanso tha
stomach, removo tho sour, undigested,
food nnd foul gases, tako tho excess
bllo from tho llvor and carry out all
tho constipated wasto matter and.
poisons In- the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. Thoy
work whllo you sleep a 10-cent box.
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your llvor
and bowols regular for months. Adv.
Greenhcart wood from British
Gulnna is said to outlast iron or steel
when used under water.
Throw Oil Cold end 1'rcvent l.'np.
When too lrel a cold coining un, take LAXA
T1VH llllOjlO QU1MNH. it remOTOS ortuio oS
Colds and drip. OnljrOno " DUOMO QUININH."
B W. OUOVll'8 signature on box. Sic
Up His Sleeve.
Patience Looks as If ho had some
thing "up his sleovo," doesn't ho?
Patrlqo Ho has. It's a wrist watch.
Not Gray Xlalra bat Tired Eye
make us look older than wo are. Kcer
your Eyes yount? and you will look young'.
After the Movies Murine Your Eyes. Don't
tell your age. Murine Eye Remedy Co.
Chicago, Sends Eye Book on request.
In Backward Borneo.
According to the Horseless Age,
there are only flvo automobiles in
British North Borneo, and 2,400,000'
In tho United States. Now you under
stand why there aro no gasoline mil
lionaires In North British Borneo.
Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Mr. J. M. Sinclair of OHvehlll.
Tenn., writes: "I strained my back,
which weakened my kidneys and
caused an awful bad backache and
inflammation of
the bladder. La
ter I became so
much worse that
I consulted a
doctor, who said
that I had Dia
betes and that
my heart was af-
Mr. J M. Sinclair. C( for four yoara
and wifs in a nervous state and very
much depressed. Tho doctor's medi
cine didn't help mo, so 1 decided to
try Dodcfs Kidney Pills, and I cannot
say enough to express my relief and
thankfulnuas. as tney cured me. Dia
mond Dimir Pills cured me of Con
ey Pills, 60c. por box at
your de
r Oodds Medicine Co.,
Dodds Dyspepsia Tab-
lets for
50c. per
ion havo been proved.
y Seat.
looked v
must ha
o Alfred, as he-
book, "this sailor
o acrobat!"
cd his mother.
Alfred, "It says
In t
ng lit his pipo ho sat
dowiVnhTs7 chest.' "Youth's Com
panion, j
Save Your HalrllGet a 25 Cent Bottls
of Danderlne iRIght Now Also
Stops ItrJhing Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair la mute ovidjenco of a neglected
calp; of dandrulU that awful scurf,
There is nothlii
g bo destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of its luster, Us strength and its very
life; eventually p
'oduclng a feverlsh-
ness and itching
;of the scalp, which.
if not remcdlod ciiuses tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen
and die then tho
hair falls out fast
A llttlo Danderlne-
tonight now anjf time will Burely
aave your hair. (
Got a 25 cent uottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlne from aV'y aloro, and after
the first application your hair will
take on that life, l(ustor and luxuriance
which is so boautlVul. It will become
wavy and fluffy and! have the appear
anco of abundance; an incomparable'
gloss and Boftueifs, but what' will
pleaso you most yvl11 u after Juat a
few weeks uso, wlhen you will actual
ly see a lot of flnje, downy hair new
hair growing all ipver the Bcalp. Adv.
Its Transformation.
"This," said that messenger sadly asi
ho looked on the? broken form which,
had been knocked out of his hands,,
"was once an arjticle on electricity."
"Well, what Jf it?" asked a by
stander. "And now It h a piece of current
h n ilMiisrTMiff