The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 1

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    (Thr JfUirth
No. 15
The DeKoven Opera Company, acknowledged by
all critics, the greatest light opera organization
in the world, in a magnificent production
ofoixi Hood
The evergreen and ever welcome Idyl of Light
Opera. An All Star Cast: Ivy Scott, Jas. Stevens,
Cora Tracy, Herbert Waterous, Carolyn Andrews.
Sol Soloman, Poil Branson, Tillie Solinger.
and the Greatest Singing Chorus on Earth
Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1 50 and $2.00
'mail orders now.
Regular Sale Begins Friday Night, March 10th
a da in ai'v.a cuiii: eo. i
10W $100,01)0 lAMA(Ji:S.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
Stats Bunk.
For Kent G room house modern ex
cept heat. Inquire at Herrod store.l-
Sidney McFarland spent the week
end with friends in Hershey.
Ladies' Spring Suits at $15, $18 $20 1
up to $35 at Wilcox Department store.
Frank Darnell returned Friday ev
ening from a week's visit in Lincoln.
New Hooks lit the Library
The following new hooks were
placed on the shelves of the public
library last week: The lied Cross Girl,
Co-Citizens, Midshipman Easy, Over
Paradise Itidge, Moth, Felix O'Day,
Taming of Zenda Henry, Prairie Wife,
Dual Alliance, Sltrangor's 'Wedding,
Durkeses' Army, Then I'll Come Rack
to ou, Research Magnificent, Hepsey
Uurke, Mark Tldd in Business, Huc
kleberry Fnn, Tom Sawyer Abroad,
Danny Fists, Rock' of Chicamaugua.
Also . plevcn Juvenile books of the
pepper'series by Margaret siuncy.
v Hall Meeting.
A public meeting of all those inter
osted in base ball Is called for Thurs
day evening at the office of O. E. El
der. Plans for -the coming season will
be discussed, including the finances,
i .1. T.ln.'rto on.1 ftlwi tnAVlia tlirir will
Old Trusty, Poultry Leader, and' ort teiims during tho 1910 seus0n.
(htecii Incubators and Itrooilers i ic- j,etters were received last week
tury prices. SIMON JtJIOS. 15-3 from pitcher Artley and Eddie Uright,
W J. Tlley leaves on No. 17 this oy-j both of whom would like to play on the
ening for Henry, Nebraska, where ho North Platto team this season.-
will institute a homesteader the Yr0-' If you are interested in base ball, at-
i tend tlie meeting mursuay evening.
men. ,
For Euro Jersey Milk, Phono 783jh4,
and it will be delivered. I03tf
Dr. T. J. Kerr Is driving a new four
passenger Apperson runabout -Which
lie purchased yesterday at ithoismith
garage. "
Moved one-half block nortlicf Post
office. Bring in your cream. WJe need
it to make our butter. North , Platte
Creamery. , j f 15-2
The meeting of the Epworth "League
at the home of Miss Helen Koo(dtz 'has
been postponed until Friday evening,
March 17th.
New Bacilli Embroidery
a" Wilcox Department .'store, i
Mrs. Laura J. Forbes left list night
for her home in Norali Springs, Iowa,
after a seven weeks' visits with her
.Mrs. Xystroni Now In Jail.
Sheriff Salisbury returned from
Grand Island Monday accompanied by
Mrs. J P. Nystrom, wlio is cnargeu
William Adair, proprietor of tho
North Platto Laundry, lias brought
suit in tho district court of Pottuwatn
mlo county, lown, for $100,000 tor per
sonal injuries alleged to have hconl
sustained when an automobllo in
which he was riding turned turtle near
Big Sprigs, Nob., on Juno 10, 1914.
Adair Is suing the Colo Motor Co.,
which built the car In which he says
lie was hurt.
The petition sets forth that Gcorgo
Goffee of North Platte bought a slx
cyllnder Cole automobile on May 29,
1914, and that on tho dato of tho acol
denlt was taking Adair from this city
to Cheyonne, Wyoming. One of the
wheels broke, and tho car turned ovor
on Adair. He suffered a fractured
hip ad internal Injuries about the
heart and chest Tho grounds tor the
suit are that tho company was negli
gent In putting a car with defectlvo
wheels on the market.
The petition further sets forth that
the spokes were brittle, notwithstand
ing the fact that tho company adver
tised that the woodwork was cou
sructed of the bept material on tho
market, and .that tho car was a per;
fectly safe vehiclo for the transporta
tion of persons on a) public hlglnyny
while miming at a speed of thirty .to
forty miles per hour.
Tho sirit is attracting widespread at
tention because the plaintiff alleges
the 'manufacturing company Is liable
for an accident in which its car is in
volved after tho car has been sold to a
private individual.
A Neglected Husband.
One day last week when Tobc Beat
tv. of Scotta Bluff went home- to din
ner he found his wife out, tho fire dead,
no meal prepared and his twin babjjs
crvinc. This made him mad, and waSYi-
Inir the bales boarded a -train for North
Platte, where he intended to placo yjd
babes in the caro of an aunt. However,
the wife telegraphed the sheriff at
Bridsrenort to intercept Beatty and
nlace him under arest, which the offlo
or did, and ho was held until wifey
and her mother arrived. There was
somewhat of a "scene" when wire and
husand met, but the wife' promised to
never do it again, and tho re-unltcd
family returned home.
Billiard Tournament Staged
The schedule for another billiard
tournament at the Elks' home was
made out last evening. Tom Hcaltry
and Arthur Bush were again selected
as captnlns. but 'the assignment of
players is different than in tho last
tournament: The contest will close
in time to have the supper served on
April 27tliT About eighty players will
take part in the tournament
Examination for Eleuitor Conductor.
An open competitive civil service
examination for elevator conductor at
tho federal building will be held March
25th The pay Is $55 per month and the
work is light and easy. Application
should lie 'made to Mrs. Lillian Glea
board at the postoffico.
s m
wiui nemg a ,m i . ... ! son. secretary of the civil sorvico
II) Ullliliu )UBnunaimi wi u ......... ..v.
owpod by her husband, tlie particulars
of which wore puuiisneu in inese col
umns two or three months ago.
Prior to being brought to North
Platte Mrs. Nystrom had been serving
a sentence in the Hall county Jail on
the charge of lewdness, and when nor
The acre Mrs. liable Turple
rniiili near tills cltv. I bottom liny
alfalfa and culfhiiicd land, fenced and
vnhillimVil. Living water, gaud Ini-
iiriiiiiniiis. A unmet milker to the
son M. J. Forbes and fam
Fred Sukraw and nephew Herman
Yaukor, of the Maxwell section, were
visitors in town yesterday 'and made
Tho'Trlbune a business calif
Lost Between VnnClenvif's shop and
the N. B. Spurrier .farm, a plunging
rod with four inch valvu. attached.
Finder notify .Van Cleave or Spurrier.
Here's a straw: In a vAne taken in
an oastern Nebraska toyvn on "war
nrenaredness," more than four-fifths
of tho votes were againsu such action.
Wo believe the same por(cntago would
prevail in North Platte j wore a vote
taken. i
Tho Mothodibt aid socijety will meet
Thursday afternoon at the homo of
Mrs. M. E. Scott. A 1UU en-cent lunch
will be served, consist (ng of meat,
lattuce sandwiches, pouhto chips, rel
IS V the' dlargV died! right party. See It WATT WODMAX
against nor in uie u.sin.n n . , b wna GIlteria,n(;rt
this count. , Thursdav afternoon by Mrs. Fred Dun
,. .... ,'t. ...... i ma nt the Lewis homo. First
"1 Z f'rrUTfn tho nrlo in the contests was awarded to
. rt'V'". " n ti.n Mrs. Samuelspn. After a very enjoy.
Zn,i for an oitfht-hour day. Of thoirvoa ilt hh Gom
first r.7.000 votes cast G5.000 were in Mr. and Mrs. George Garman, who
favor of making tho demand. This isjhnd been living oji the Mrs. Hershey
nt n airiifn vnto. hut rather a vote to. farm southeast of tlie city, have moved
got an expression from the railroad, to town and are occupying the Mrs
employes. -If a majority favor tho1 Richards' house In tho 500 block or
shorter day and the majority win un
doubtedly 'be very Jnrgp then the of-(
fleilas of the various unions will pre
sent" their demands to the railroad
malingers nnd a lengthy conference is
Hkelv to follow. If the result of this
! conference is not satisfactory, then, a
strike vote will be ordered taken, as
the controversy will nffet-t every rail
road In the country, a strike would
paralvze business and cause untold
losses and sufferings, but it Is more
than probable that the nlntter can bo
adjusted before reaching a strike
: :o: :
The Store That Sells Wooltex
Fashion is particularly kind to the
smaller woman
Jackets loose fitting and with sharp Hare over
ihe hips; skirls full pleated' and shirred to the
Aren't they ideal for the small woman?
A number of Wooltex suits for Spring were designed
especially for petite women ?J
They give the yonthlnl 'silhouette that marks all
fashionable garments for spring, hut they embody
this style feature so skillfully that ihey are becoming
to elderly women as well as the younger.
We show these suit and;, other equally attractive
models, in a wide, range of.materials and colors. The
fabrics are pure wool and pure silk as in all .Wooltex
tailored garments. This is' ' doubly important now.
when it is so difficult to secure, dependable materials."
You will not only be delighted with one of these
suits on the first day you wear it, but each tomorrow
as you have more opportunities lo prove its splendid
shape-retaining excellence of tailoring, for Wooltex
suits are made lo retain their stylish beauty through
months of service.
Thses new Wooltex suits are very moderately priced
at $25 to $35. Wooltex coats are priced at $15 to $25
AJ 1901)
Wellued Calling Suit.
' Quiet elegance, exquisite tall
ortog and choice materials
make this a most attractive
model. Self cords form bolt ef
fects; flares sharply below at
waist In soft, rippling plaits.
Full skirt shirred at back.
Uecommlng to all figures. (No.
1 1 acres
I'OW wi:.t
best beet laud
loins this
lsh, cako and coffee. Assisting in ser-.HI. v.
Ill acre pasture loins lown. Ser
ving will be Mesdamos iJeelor, White, oral tracts of Rood hay land. Wight
Kelso nnd Hoatman. I party can pay out of crop.
west Fourth.
Tho Surgical Dressing Commit t
will hold a tea at tho home of Mrs
John SlmniB Friday afternoon. At
this time tho committee will work on
bandage sewing;.
The Davis Oarage Is anxiously
waiting the arrival of two cars of
Iiuicks for which orders have been
Mrs. Udwina Schatz of Omaha, canio
Saturday ovenlng to visit Mr. nnd Mrs.
Albert Schatz.
: :o: :
Tire or Life written by ltratt k
(ooiliiiiiu are the lowest and iucontcst
able. See tliciu.
It WATT k (5001)31 AN.
Become my itynMP
HE years in school and college are formative ones.
Years when character is formed, tastes developed
an(l directed, impulses and inclinations find expression.
or lare themselves and are cultivated.
courses we sue";est Steel Fiber
boys in
to the young lellow ol riper years we rccom
g American suits. For" dress is more than
ion of character, it is an Infi.uijnck.
fit all
have beautiful fabrics in sizes lo
figures, and at figures to fit all
The J. F. F. Club will be the guests
of MrsN 1. E. Stebblns this afternoon.
Miss Ida Ottenstoln was hostess to
twelve ladles at a card party Saturday
afternoon. Miss Hannah Kellher of
Omaha was an out-of-town guest.
Miss Elva Day entertained six young
Indies at a dinner Sunday afternoon.
Table decorations were, very pretty
and the guests spent a pleasant afternoon.
number of ladies were pleasantly
entertained yesterday afternoon at a
kensrngton given by Mrs. Chas. Her
rod and Mrs. A. 11. Uoaglaml at mc
home of the former.
Mrs. G. S. Huffman will entertain a
number of ladies at cards tomorrow
afteonron complimentary to Mrs. W.
1.. Park and Mrs. C. A. Dill, of Chica
go, who are guests of friends in town.
The literature department of the
Twentieth Century club will be enter
tained at tho home of Mrs. I .1. Barron
this afternoon. Mrs. J. II. Hegarty
will act as leader and Mrs. Joseph
Tfortdvx w-ill irlvo a book review on
"Ilcpsy Iturkc."
The Study Club and a number of in
vited guests wore entertained! last
evening by Mrs. Ceo. 11. Dent, the at
tendance being about thirty. Synop
sis of musical compositions and sing
ers were read by Mrs. E. It. Goodman
and Misses Emma Smith, Laura Mur
ray and Flo Stamp, and selections
from the respective compositions woro
given on the Vlctrohi. The program
proved very enjoyalbe.
: : o : :
Trees, Shrubbery nnd Itulbs
I ciresont tho Fairbury nursery, of
Fnlrbury, Nob., and for the next ilvo
weeks will sell all kvjuls ot ciioise
nuresery stock, shrubbery, bulbs, etc.,
at: -very reasonablo prices. Also have
eggs for sotting from White Wyan
dotts. It. I. Weds and Indian Hiinnor
Havo Grabb's Shoe Cleaner in stock
at $1.00. It. M. McFAHLAN'D.
Phono Hod 7IS2. Residence 20015 cast
Fourth street. 11-2
Mr. Wolf, of 111k SnrlUKS. came down
dtmlntr ttwirnliif nnil ilrnvo homo 11'
...i.imj ... n -
now Htilek six car.
Thu Royal Neighbors will hold tholr
regular uncetlng in tho K. P. hnll Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:110.
The Hebokahs will "hold a konslng
ton In the I. O. O. F. hall Friday af
ternoon. A lenten lunch will bo
Miss Helen Stuart, of Lexington,
who has been visiting tho Tlgho and
Stack families, will return homo tho
hitter part of UiIb week.
' Miss Hanoi llrady, who spent, several
weeks, in Omaha, etuno homo last ev
ening for a short visit.
Mrs. Chris Paulson will lcavo to
morrow morning for Denver and Choy
onno to visit rolntives nnd friends for
a week or longer.
: :o: :
roit HUNT
Houses and nice unfurnished rooms.
Hats of Distmction
Hats that are Different
1000 Wst Fourth Street. I'hone 110
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An institution for tho trentmcnt of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
1W. J. S. TWItf K3J, riiyslclnn nnd Surgeon.
Telenhone Yom
7 Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
An Emergency Load of Lumber
consists of an assortment of those items which
may be needed at ' any time for repairs or
patching-several bunches of shingles and lath,
a few scantlings, a supply of planks, some
sheeting, battens, etc,, etc.
Such an assortment comes in mighty handy
some times, after .a' heavy wind storm, or
when a roof springs a leak and should be
lound in every well regulated home.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal Phone 7.
Lierk-Sandall Co.