Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. BARK, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Yenr by ainll In Advance. .. .$1.2r One Year by Cnrrlor In Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Fostomco ns second class Matter. TTKSDAV, l'lIHHrAKY 2!), 1010. A Tribute to Iffllh Xcillle. John J. Ilnlligun nays the foltow Ing tribute to Keith Neville, of this city, cnndldnte for the democratic nomination for governor: "Mr. Neville Is first of nil an American. He is a democrat because through that party he bellevos lie can nerve his country best ns a citizen. His father represented tlio Sixth con- HriUslonsu district of Nobraska in congress and Mr. Neville because of his early environments and hhsoWii lions early bocame a deop student of public questions. Ho has novor align ed himself with the divergent ole hients of the democratic party, but hat iihvays boen un opon and dovolcd cliomplon of fundamental democratic principles and Is worthy and entitled to the support of all democrats. He was born and raised in Nebraska. He novor had a home In any other state; he knows Nobraska from thf Missouri river to Wyoming nnd from South Da kota to -Kalians. His interests are all In Nebrnska and he will live nnd die hero. "Mr. Neville Is a progressive demo crat but not radical. Ho has no hobby and advocates no now untried theories In state or nation. Futhormoro, he is a stanch advocate of law onforcemont nnd the people may rest nssurcd that while ho is governor wltntover laws are onaeted either prohibiting or rcg ulnting the liquor traffic will bo enfor ced to tho strict fetter." : :o: : Much Soggy Corn on .Market. Eastern grain markets, including Omaha, state that corn Is almost a drug on the market, being quoted as low ns twonty-two cents a bushel and llttlo bought up at that price. Tho corn referred to Is tho grain which failed to mnturo lnnt Tall and" Is not of tho lust of quality. The return of warm weather has brought about somo un oxpectod conditions with respect to tho corn market. It has developed the fact that there is a lot of corn in tho state that It Is so soft nnd completely soaked with water that it lias almost no market value. While tho weather was cold, very llttlo of the corn ap peared to bo soft, but with tho raising of the temperature and continuation of warm weather, the corn that during tho month of January seemed of tho very best Is now thawed and found to bo soggy. Somo grnin men stato that a portion of it Is likely to rot before It can be dried out The bulk of the corn In Kearney and Buffalo county is good, but there is more soft corn than was bargained for, acordlng to re ports rocelved, Kearney Hub. Nominations Close Today. Today Is tho last day In which nun seeking political preferment can llle their nomination papers. The list of candidates for nomination for county offices Is heavy, as will bo noticed by announcements In The Tribune, and there nro quite a few who have not announced themselves in these col umns. There Is quite an army of good men. some may bo better t'iian otherj, and yot all nossesed of the ability to 1111 the office which they respectively sock. : :o: :- "Itobln Hood" Coming' .11 A Itdl Ullli, "ltobln Hood" and his inornle men will hold forth at Kolth theatre Alon day. March 13th when tho do Koven Opera compnny will prosent tho all ntur Brand opera revival of do Kovon'u most famous work, "Robin Hood". 'Hie present olnborato presentation of thlu llttlo masterpiece Is tho most am bitious effort yet made of a sorles of revivals that are calculated to foster a taste for a form of art that Is in the languishing state. Originally produced twenty-three years ago, "Robin Hood" has enjoyed a caroor of roinarkablo prosperity. It has been performed inoro than seven thousand times, nnd tho melody of its score nnd tho wit of its book will live to glvo delight to generation yet unborn. Tho prosont presenta tion will' doubtless aorvo as a sharp remainder of the marked detortiorat tion of the standard of light opera, mid It may serve as a good purpose In eliminating the vacuous exhibitions of unnsonslcal vulgarity that has tak en the place and usurped the namo nnd Hold of this genre of work. "Robin Hood" has been given a wor thy sottlug nnd the production Is un urtlstlc as well as an elaborate one. The market place of old Nottingham nnd the green shades of Sherwood Forrost have boon reproduced with fidelity nnd un attempt 1ina been made to prosorvo the ntmosphoro of old England In the days whon Rlchnid 1 was King. The costumes have been dolgnod with care and are of the por lod. To properly cast "Robin Hood" Reginald do Koven drow on tho re sources of tho grand opora housas of this country and Europe. Ivy Scqtt, a famous prima donna, with a rare lyric voico. was secured from the Metropol itan Opern, New York. In the cast are Ralpli Uraluard, James Slovens, l'hll llrnnson, Cora Tracy, Win. Schuster. Tllllo Salinger, Horbert Watorous, Carolyn Andrews. Sol Solomon and superb chorus. ::o:: Cane Seed for Nale. Strictly choice Rlnck Ambor or Rod Top. $1.10 per bushel. ROSENnERO HARDWARE CO., Loxlugton. Neb, Six or eight head of cattlo dolayed passenger train No. 7, twenty or thirty mlnutos Inst Tuesday ovonlng. Tho cattlo wero on tho track a short distanco west of tho Lexington depot and tho train was compelled to stop two or three 'Minos Ijeforo tho nnlmuls would consent to get out of tho way "Who tho cattlo belonged to was ..not learned. Thoy evidently hud escaped from some near-by pasture. Lexing ton Ploneor. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Cy Russell filed Saturday on the democratic ticket for sheriff. Jack Gavera left Friday evening for Omaha to spond several days. Rev. McDald returned tho hitter part of last week from Kearney. Mrs. Win. Hupfer has returnd from Omaha whore she spent ton days. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Coates visited relatives In Sutherland Inst week. Frank Dunn will lenve next week for Wood River to visit his mother. Miss Eva Mulr, of I'axton camo lart week to visit her ulster Mrs. J. J). Cox. Minor Hlnninn returned Saturday morning from tne nutomomlc show in Omaha. Misses Mildred Fitzpatrlck and wynn Sullivan visited friends in Brady Sunday. I). IJ. Hunt, of Osceola Ia trans acted business nt Attorney Glbb's of fico yesterduy. Miss Esther Schwalgor, of tho Kear ney Normnl spout the week ond with the homo folks. Dean Howker returned Friday from Bridgeport whore he snout tho creator part of last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Cralglo loft Sunday morning for I'axton to spend a week with her daughter. Mrs. V. Lucas and daughter return ed Friday from an extended visit with relatives In Calloway. Misses Edith IJoatcs and Marie lloatos, of Cozad, visited In town the latter art of last week. i Miss Alice Fitzpatrlck, of the Ilrndy schools visited the homo folks tho lat ter part of last week, Mrs. M. C." Hayes will leave next weok for Green River to visit rela tives for a week or longer. J. C. Askwlc filed Snturdnv on llw democratic ticket for county commis sioner of tho lirst dlstirct. Mrs. J. H. Fonda was called to Om aha the latter aprt of last week by the Illness of a rolatlve. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Russell of Wal lace have returned home nfter visiting friends for sovornl days. T. E. Hcskctt, of Sutherland, was among tho out of town visitors here the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wolnh Imvn r. turned from Omaha where they at tended the auto Bhow last week . Mias Minnie Lincoln will go to Cur tis this week to spend u fortnight with her sister Mrs. Chris Schick. Misses Hazel Murphy and Wlnl'rcd Leahy of Council Bluffs were guests of Miss Irma Johnston Saturday. Mrs. E. F. Sovborger entertained a party of friends at a movie party at the Bat theatre Saturday afternoon. Walter Roborts, of Cheyenne, win spent two months with his brother D. W. Roborts will leave tomorrow morn ing. Miss Vnunlta Hayes will lenve next week for Grand Island, Omaha ur-d Victor, la., to spend a couple of weeks, Mrs. Orra Sailor and Miss Focla Jo son returned Friday from St. Joe and Kansas city where they spent sovoral woeus. Ed Stoffrlggen. who was called to Blue Hill, Nob., last week by the 111 ness of his father Is expected to return today. For Dresa-mnklng of nil kinds call on Mrs. Thomns Mobley, 015 South Chestnut. Prices reasonable, Phone Black 097. 13-1 Hurley Smith of Brady, was taken to Bollot, Kans., Friday by tho deputy sheriff of that city to nnswer a charge of rape. Mrs. Mary Dunn who has been visit ing In Green River and Ogden for several wooks, will return tho first nf next weok. Mrs. Edith Quulloy of Elk, Mont., came Saturday morning to visit her mother Mrs, John Cornett for n wpek or longer. Mesdames Fred Sudman and Guy Newnian of Chappell, who visited at the Fred WalteinaUi home for n week will return today. Fred Lumbeck and Floyd Passmoro who spont last weok demonstrating the new pay roll machine, loft Sunday evening for Choyenno. Mrs. Dan Roberts who recently sub mited to an operation at the City lloii Ital, is much improved and will re turn homo this weok. Frank Nolen, of this city, wns mar ried yostorday at Kourney to Mlis Hazel Feenoy of that city. After a hon eymoon trip In the eastern part of tho stato they will make their homo hero. Frank Townstnid wns taken to the Kearney Reform School Saturday. Townsend was urrested recently, for stealing a horse from tho Stovens ranch near Mnxwoll. Misses Helen and Veronlcn Stuart, of Lexington, nro expected hero the lirst of next weok to visit the Mhsos Florence and Mario Stack and attend the Forresters' "dnnce. Bungalow for Sale 0 Rooms, 3 blocks from court house. As I have decided to inovo on n tract of in tul adjoining tho city, I am placing on sale my now homo on south Vino street. This Is a six room house, t'to living room being 20 feet by 13 feet. Largo brick fire plnco In end of liv ing room. Doublo doors, tho top bnn,; maplo throughout tho house, both un stalrs and down. Half basemont, d' vlded with cement block partitions for collar and coal bins. Flnslied In birch wood down Btnlrs and whlto onnmel upstalrB. Full equlppod bath room up stnlrs, and closets in each bed room. Toilet and lavatory on lirst floor. Tho lot Is n BOiithonBt comer lot with side walks on both sldos. Curbng In front. Yard woll filled nnd a good stand of grass. Good slzo barn which can be used for two cars, or car and other purposes. Prlco $4,000,00 on good tonus. Inqulro of C. F. TEMPLE, Owner. For Hont'-C room cottngo close In. Inquire Marti meat innrkot. POLITICAL ANNODNCKMENTS For Connlv Commissioner I respectfully announce myself as a enndidntn for the rnniihllrnn nnml. naton for county commissioner from mo J him uistrict, subject to the ac tion of the voters at the primary iloc Hon. i D. K. MAnrrv. (Six miles Northwest of Hershev.) For County Commissioner. I hernliv nntintincn tnvHnlf nn n nun didate for the rimnneriitlo nnmfmiHnn for county commissioner for the First uistrici, Biiujcci to tne decision of the voters nt tlio primary election April lain. r . w. 1 1 khm i N (j n Au SEN For Itejircsentnlhe. I horebv announce nivnclf im n -nn didate for the republican nomination for stntn retircnl.'iHvi' from tlm RtY. ty-elghth district (Lincoln county) at mo primary election Apr;i lstii. SCOTT REYNOLDS, For Sheriff. I respectfully announce mysolf as a candidate for the' republican nomina tion for sheriff, subject to tho will of the voters at the primary olectlon April 18th. ' A. J. SALISBURY. For Sheriff. I respectfully announce that I urn candidate for ihc republicnn nomina tion for sheriff nnd solicit tho support of the voters at the prlmnry olectlon to bo hold April 18th. I have been a resident of the coun'ty for fifteen years, am a farmer and live in Hininun precinct. TIIOS. McCONNELL. For County Commissioner. I horby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county commissioner for tho First Commissioner District subject to the will of tho voters ait tho primary election April 18th. I have been a resident of tlio district over forty-four years. First time In politics, need the otTIco nnd respectfully usk your sup port. Residence In Hinmnn precinct. , J. W. (Buck) ROWLAND. For Commissioner. I respectfully nnnounce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for coutny commissioner for the Third District at the April primary and support given me will be appre ciated. I havo been a resident cf the county for twenty-nlno years and my home Is southwest of Ilcrahey. S. J. KOCH. For County Commissioner. I rospoctfully announce mysolf as a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for county commissioner for the Third Commissioner District, subject to the decision of the voters at the prlmnry election April 18th. My home is in sellers precinct. JJHN W. FOWLER. Fur Sheriff. , I respectfully announce myself as a .candldato for tho republican loraliia- tlou for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub ject, however, to the decision of the voters nt tho prlmnry election April 18th. Your support will be highly ap preciated. , t; ' -l v I iA . North Platte. Neb. For Sheriff 1 respectfully priuent my u, m. aa a candidate for the ropublkan nom ination for sheriff at the primary elec tion. My home is .in Sutherland pre cinct, nnd I havo been a resident of tlio county since 1S85. Support given mo will bo appreciated. FRANK COKER. County Attorney. -I respectfully announce myself a.4 a candldato for the republican nomina tion for County Attorney subject to tho approval of the voters at the prl niury election April 18th. - P. R. iulliga'n; For County Clerk I herby announco myBolf as candl dato for tho ropubllcnji nomination as County Ciork of Lincoln County, sub joct to tho decision of the voters at primary election April 18. Your sup port will bo appreciated. A. S. ALLEN. (Formerly of Walkor Proclnct.l County Clerk. I respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate for the republican nomina tion for county clork at primary elec tion In April, and will appreciate the support of tho members of that party. C. II. WALTERS. North Platte. County Treasurer. I hereby announco myBolf as a can dldato for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, In tho primary election April 18th. Make Inquiry about mo and it you think I am qualified and othorwlso all right your Bupport will bo appreciated. S. M. SOUDER, Asst. Co. Treas. Formor rcsldonco Deer Crook Product. For Commissioner. I horeby nnnoundo myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for County Commlssoner from the First District nt the April primary oloctlon and solicit tho support of tho voters. I have been n rcsldont of Lin coln county for thirty years. I. L. MILTONBERGER. Clerk of District Court I hereby anounco myself as a can dldato for the republican nomination for clerk of tho district court, sub ject to tho will of the voters at the prlmnry election. Your support will bo appreciated. GEO. E. PROSSER. For Commissioner I respectfully announce myself as a candldato for the republican nomina tion for county commlssoner from the Third Commissioner District, subjoct to tho action of the voters at the April primary. S. J. FILBERT, Wellllcct, Nob. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself a caudl dute for tho republican nomination for Countv Clerk subject to the- nctlon of tho voters of that party at the April primary. Your support will bo appre ciated. A. B. IIOAGLAND. For County Clerk. I hereby announce mysolf u cand. dato for County Clerk of Lincoln County , subject to the wishes of tho Democratic electors, primaries AorJl 18. Was born In this county thirty eight years ago, taught school three years, later, homosteadlng In Cotlon- wor.d Precinct where I now reside. ROYAL S. EUICSSOX. NORTH PLATTE .".General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 53 723 Locrst Street A modern institution for the cier.tific treatment of njedlcnl, surgical ond confinement 'cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Den!, M. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J.B.-Redfieli,M.D. J.S.Simms,.M.D. Miss Eiise Sieman, Supt. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an ordor nf nnlo lacumi from tho District Court nf i.innnin County, Nebrnska, upon n decree of luieciosure renuereit in said Court wlrureln Mutual Building and Loan Association, a Cornorntinn l ninintm- and Ida Ricliards, Administratrix ct ai are aetendants, and to me directed, 1 will on the 31 day of March, 1910, at 2 o'clock n. 'in., at th ft pur! frmit rlnnr of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln uounty, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to tho highest bidder ror cash, to satisfy said decree, in terest and costs, tho following des cribed property, to-wit: Lot One(l) In Block One'llundrod Thirty-eight (1.18) the east forty-four feet (E44Ft) of Lot Two (2), Block Ono Hundred Thirty-eight (138). the west Twenty-two feet (W22Ft) of Lot Two (2j and tho East Twenty-two r ! iE22Ft) of Lot Three (3) Bhick Onr Hundred Thirty-eight (138)-A11 In tlio original town of North P.latt'O, Ne braska Dated North Platte, Neb.,v 'February J.'h 1010 A. J. SALISBURY, f2-m28 She.-Iff. PHOBATF. SOTH'K. !u the Matter of (he F.stnte of Joseph IhTsliey, deceased. In the- County Court of Lincola f ounty. Nobraska, Feb. 25,-lftlG, Notice is hereby given,. That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executrix of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 31st day of March. 191C. and on the 2nd day of October, 101C, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of presenting 'heir claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executrix to settle said Estate, from tho 31st day of March. PJ1C. This notice will be published In the North Platte Tri- mino, a legal seml-woekly newspaper printed In said County, for fpur weeks successively, prior to March 31, IS) 10. GEORGE E. FRENCH. f2!)-m2S County Judge. NOTICi: I'Olt PCIIMCATION. Serial "Xn. n.KlKi Department of the Interior. V. H. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, Feb. 2o. 1010. N"tlt:e Ih hereby given that James D. Cole, of North Platte, Nebr., who on Apr. 2, 1!)13, made Homestead en try. No. 0504fi, for NIOVi, and NEV, of SHVi. Section 34, Tqwnship m, . Jtnnge 31, W., 0th Principal Merld en, has filed notice of Intention to make final threo year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be-" fore tho Register ond Receiver, at North Platte. Nobr., on tho 24th day of April 1910. Clnlniont nnmus as witnesses: H. F. Johnson, George A. Mncombor. Win. A. (Intuit, James Beclian, nil of North Pintle, Nebr. J. E. EVAN'S, f29-a" . Receiver. Notice For Publication Sorlal 05283. Department of the Interior U. S. Lnnd Office, North Plntte, Nobr. Feb. 7, 191G. Notlco Is hereby given that Josonh R. Ellsworth, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on Oct. 14, lail made Homestead entry No. 05283 for N& of, NEV and SWU ofNEVi, Section 14, Township 14, N Rnngo 30, W. 6th Principal Mordlan has (lied notlco of Intention to mnko llnnl threo year Proof, to es tablish claim to tho land above des cribed boforo tho Register and Re ceiver, at North Platte Nebr., on tho ztu uay or March, luio. Clalpiant names as witnesses: O. H. Covoll, W. S. Bunting, Fred Slmants, C. P. Campbell, all of North Platte, riour. J, E. EVANS, f8-0w Register. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Qynecolog) Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Offlco McDonald Stato Bank Building Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given lo Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building nnd Loan Building Phono. (. 0fflce I3 1 hones Rssidenc. 115 J. . JtEDFIELl). TIIYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 076 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, S3; Residence 38. T. II. YVATIIEN, Auctioneer Uencrnl Furin Sales n Specialty. Snt Isfnetlon fiiinranteed. For dntes write at Norlh Platte Xebrasku. Box 22,. Phone ")S2. MINNESOTA MUTUAL J, IF 13 INSURANCE CO. "Founded 1SS0. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon oy can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank nnd Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There is a llcnsnn" For further Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, Gon'I Aijeitt. J no Old Line Jinn NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA DEUItYIJEItRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black C88. HofsandCattle Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Oflice 459 C. H. WALTERS. 12c Per r IF NOT FROZEN. Per Ton for Bones if delivered at once. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. Quality Not Quantity J Jewess Wo make cIirm-K In ttm C3 tit nil ntwl ti - U - - - vv UUIUtl CI 11 11 111 tho recular si quality tobacco in preference to quan .. in ... usu oniy tlio he.,i tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cus tomers nro alwnvs snfiHnn,i wn i,.. '- HUM- dlo a largo line of smokers' articles. iu lustily oi pipoB helng especially large. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Notice. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In the matter of the apllcation of Oeorgo L. Brandow to chango name. Notlco is hereby given that on h" first day of April, 1910, or as soon thereafter as 1 can bo heard, I will apply to the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to have my namo chanced from O " O t wiitiiuill iv George L. Wolr. Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska, February 28, 191C. GEORGE L. BRANDOW Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physlcinn. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein II. J. Church is plaintiff, and Elmer E. Hopkins ct nl are defend ants, and to me directed, I will on tho ISth day of March, 191G, at 1 o'clock p. m., nt the east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, to. satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described proper ty, to-wlt East half of Southwest Quarter (E of ond West half of the Southeast Quarter (W of SEVl) Section Thirty-threo (33), Township Nine (9), Range Thirty-two (32), west of tho Cth P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Feb. 14, 1910. fl5-Cw A. J. - SALISBURY, Sheriff. Order of Hcnrlng on Petition for Set- Moment of Account. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Howard F. Jeffrey, Deceased. On reading and filing the pctlton of Etta S. Campbell, heo Jeffrey, pray ng a final settlement of her final ac count, tiled on the 7th day of Febru ary, 1910, and for a decree of distribu tion and descent of real estate and her discharge. Ordered that March 3, A. D. 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear ing said petiton, when all persons In terested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County, and show cause why tho prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pen dency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, bo given to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy .of this order In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three suc cessive weeks, prior to said dav of hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, IS-Zv-' County Judge. Amendment to Articles of Incorporation Notice is hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Coates Lumber & Coal Co., article numoer two ot the Articles of Incor poration was amcnripfl tn rnn1 na fol lows : "The Keneral naturn nf tho imuinoJa to bo transacted by said corporation shall be tho manufacture, the whole sale and the retail flpnltmr in Onr grain, lumber, fuels, hardware, paints, oils, glass, mouldings, mill work, stone, brick, lime, cement, plaster and all kinds of building material, fuels, grain, nour ami general merchandise busi ness of every description; the con struction. mnfnffnnnro of mills and maclilnory for the manu- luciure oi lumber and all kinds of buildinc nint .... , v UljOLl lHUUUt maintenance and operation of eleva tors and mills and machinery for tho manufacture and operati n of the flour and grain business; the buying, sell ing, leasing, owning and operating lumber and conl yards and other real estate and personal property includ ing mills, elevators and stores; buy ing and selling of real estate, and u do a general contracting business and all other thl usual and essential in carrying on any ui.twm.-as njiurreu to in tins section." In witness whereof we liave hereun to set our hand .mil tho nfftnini ooi of said corporation this 11th day of ruuruary, luiu. ,WAn ELMER COATES, (bfcjAL'' President. A. A. TANNER, Secretary. liCL'ill Xoflno. To John Richard Neary, Anna Neary. i.ituu vuuiuy isanic, a corporation, and to John Doe, real name un known, Receiver of Mead County Bank, a corporation, non-resident defendants: YOU aild oaoh nf vnn will inlm .,n that on tho 14th day of February, 191G, "mcneii, plaintiff, filed her certain action in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho object and prayer of which are .to quiet title in plaintiff and In .Tnim uintu.r.i xt In the following described lands situ ate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to wit: Lot Eight (8), Block Ono Hun dred FiVe flOKl. nf tlm nrllnnl of the City ot North Platte each au imiuviueu one-lialf interest and to foreclose that certain mortgage owned by nlailltlff linnn nn n . half Interest ot said Lot 8 mado on July 23, 1900 to F. J. Broeker upon which Miero is claimed to be duo the sum of $50.90 and in the fniluro of defendants to pay said mortgage for a decre of foreclosure thereof. Mead ( ounty Bank is made party defendant oy vlrtuo of a socond mortgngo held "P0.".!1 of Lot 8 011,1 t0 nulet titlo of plaintiff nir.'ilnsf aniri her interest in said premises and to have said mortgage decreed junior and inferior to plaintiff's lien and fore closoure said defendant Mead County unnk, its successors assigns of all equity of redemption, right, title and Interest in said described promises. i ou and each of you are required - answor said petition on or before the 27th dny of March. 191G. or your de faults will be taken and judgment en tered against you as in said petition prayed. ZARA I. MITCHELL, Plaintiff. , - By E. II. EVANS, a5'Rw. Her Attorney. .otler for l'lilillontl,,,, Serlnl No. 05602. u 1",'l"!!!e", ,,r ''" Interior U. S. Lnnd Olllce nt North Platte, NVhr 'au. 2, 1PJC y clnKi MWri,iT',-,."H,ipe Ji, w. otn Prln- "on to mike "hnnT tnrSeeaTvfoi oHthl',iIsLfi'.l,nl,to.tne ,linl above dVs" St .'W'fW16 RcKlBter nnd Bocelv- Claimant names aa "iVUnrfaie' r-iri North PinTto 'v"? Zimmerman, all of Votln.. lu I. i. CnrHmVfJYPn A"!lt Lore on lln is oh i niesr.,, w in, 'n n&ni 'A?12i,lnnile Homesteud ontry 4