THE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA, AS, DYSPEPSIA 1D1ISTI0N "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy, stomachs in five minutes Time it I You don't want a Blow remedy when your Btomach Is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful ono your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't Injuro It. Papo's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed in giving reliot; its harmless noss; itw cortain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made It famous tho world over. Kcop this porfoct stomach doctor in your home koop it handy get a largo fifty-cent case from any dealer and ihon if anyono should cat something 'which doesn't agree with them; If what thoy eat lays like lead, ferments And sours and forms gas; causes head ncho, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Papo's Diapepsin comes in contact with tho stomach all fiuch distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty and easo in overcoming tho worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it. Adv. Bang! "Did that war stock you bought go tip?" "Not exactly. It blow up." TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS WHEN BLADDER BOTHERS "Harmless to Flush Kidneys and Neu tralize Irritating Acids Splendid for the System. Kidney and DIadder weakness result lrom uric acid, says a noted authority. Tho kidneys filter this acid from tho "blood and pass it on to tho bladder, whoro it often remains to lrrltato and Inflame, causing a burning, scalding sonsntlon, or sotting up an irritation at tho neck of tho bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during tho night. Tho sufferer Is In constant droad, tho water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation And is very profuso; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, becauso they can't control urina tion. Whilo it is extremely annoying And sometimes very painful, this is really ono of the most simple ailments to ovorcomo. Got about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and tako a tablcspoonful In a glass of "water before breakfast, continue this lor two or threo days. This will neu tralize tho acids in tho urlno so it no longer is a sourco of irritation to tho bladder and urinary organs which then tact normally again. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless, and is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon julco, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who aro subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Salts is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Hero you have a pleasant, efferves cent llthla-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. Adv. Had the Evidence. In attempting to carve a fowl ono day an American settler found consid erable difficulty In separating its joints, and exclaimed against tho man who had sold him an old hen for a young chicken. "My dear," said the enraged man's wife, "don't talk so much about tho aged and respectable Mr. D,; ho sowed the first patch of corn that was plant ed In our town." "I know that," said the husband, "and I believe this hen scratched It up." THICK, GLOSSY Hi Qlrlsl Beautify Your Halrl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Dandorino, you cannot find a slnglo trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will pleaso you most, will bo after a few weeks' use, when you sco now hair, flno and downy at first yes hut real ly now hair growing all over the scalp. A llttlo Dandorino Immediately dou bles tho beauty of-your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dandorino and carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand nt a tlmo. Tho offect is im mediate and amazing your hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an appearance of abundance; an incom parablo luster, softness and luxurl ance, tho beauty and shimmer of truo hair health. Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's Danderino from any storo and provo that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has boen neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. , Exchanging Views. First Boy My paw says ho's sick over paying his income tax. Second boy (proudly) Well, he ought to be like my paw. He says he FREE FROM DANDRUFF doesn't haVo to pay. any.-Judge. PRUNING AND SPRAYING ARE PROFITABLE Experts of Missouri College of Agriculture Spraying an Orchard Noto Whitewashed Trunks to Reflect Sun and Prevent Sunscald and Trunk Injury. Tho apple crop is making moro money than any other farm crop if properly grown and marketed, accord ing to J. C. Whitten of tho Missouri Collcgo of Agriculturo. Many men aro making llttlo or nothing out of it be causo of their failuro to pruno, spray and caro for their trees. Such men havo been complaining that thoy could not sell their apples, and enormous quantities certainly were wasted in Missouri orchnrds last fall. At tho samo tlmo, tho growers who had prop erly managed their orchards, graded their fruit and put it into cold storage for highor prices later In the winter are making money out of their crops. If the orchards aro not well managed, so much of the fruit is small, scabby, wormy or otherwise so unilt for Btor ago that a satisfactory price cannot bo secured for it; so it is dumped on the market in poor shapo for immediate use and la worso shapo for storage. Such frult'spolls tho market temporar ily, but is quickly consumed or lost, and even this soon after Christmas wo are paying high prices again for good apples. Tho value of careful spraying is well shown by a test in which tho collogo co-oporated with 25 orchardlsts and sprayed each orchard four times a year at a cost of $22.26 an acre. Tho Twelve-Year-Old Apple Tree Before Pruning. fruit on the unsprayed treeB sold for $18.05 an aero, whilo that on tho sprayed trees sold for $187.19 an acre, or moro than ten times as much, mak ing tho average not profit from spray ing $136.78 an acre, or about COO per cent on tho Investment. . Pruning may bo made to show equal ly good results, but both pruning and spraying is necessary. F. W. Faurot PREVENTIVES SAVE MANY FRUIT TREES Number of Schemes Have Been Tested Out by Experiment Stations and Growers. (By C. C. VINCENT. Idaho Experimental mauon.) Tho damage caused by rabbits each year during tho past few years has be come moro and moro pronounced, In most of our highly developed fruit sec tions tho growers havo found that It is a very easy matter to provont rabbits from injuring tho trees. In most all caBes tho damage is duo to neglect rather than a lack of efficient remedy. A number of preventives that havo been tried out by practical growers and experiment stations aro given bo low: Poisoned bait has been used vory effectively in many sections by placing It where tho rabbits can get it. A for mula consisting of ono part strychnine, ono-thlrd part borax, one pnrt white sirup, ten parts wntcr, recommended by tho Ohio experiment station, has given good satisfaction. This mlxcuro is applied to tho tendor twigs which aro distributed around tho baso of tho treo. Tree protectors aro also used by many growers. Strips of wire window screening 18 to 24 inches long and 9 to 12 inches wide aro used frequent ly. Theso strips to wrapped around tho baso of tho treo in tho form of tubes with tho lower end pressed Into tho ground. A woven wire fenco is dcslrnblo whoro tho planting is largo enough to Justify tho exnen??. Wooden veneer strips, having about the samo dlmen elons as tho wiring screening, havo also been recommended. Washes of various kinds aro also used quito extensively by our growers Heavy rains, howover, wash them off occasionally, which makes it necessary to repeat tho application. A taint of any kind on tho trunk of tho treo will keep the rabbits from Injuring it. Hog of tho agricultural extension sorvlce says pruning may bo dono any tlmo during tho winter whon tho weather Is warm enough to mako tho work com fortablo. Ho proceeds to glvo some brief slmplo directions for getting good results Ly what ho calls renovation pruning of npplo trees. Most of tho Missouri orchards aro certainly In need of a thorough renovation. - Avoid tho common practico of cut ting off all tho branches easily Same Treo After Pruning. reached from tho ground, and leaving tho treo looking liko a largo feather duster. Begin at tho top and thin out branches which shado tho center of the tree too much. If tho tops aro too high, lower them moderately and grnd ually so as not to disturb the balanco between top and roots. If tho root system has been developed to take caro' of a largo top and much of this is suddenly removed, tho roots will Bend up so much moro material than tho remaining top can use that thoro will bo a big growth of water sprouts. Most pcoplo removo too llttlo instead of too much of tho top, but it is often necessary to distribute tho work over two years and sometimes over threo years. Trees planted too thickly may need thinning, but if the branches of neigh boring trees overlap, tho lovol ones may bo cut back to soma upright branch. Always pruno closo to tho trunk or main branch, and never leave a stub to carry decay Into tho treo. Paint all cut surfaces with white lead and raw oil. Cut out blister canker completely, and dlsinfoct tho pruning tools in a mixture of corroslvo subll mato in a thousand parts of water, or dlseaso may be carried from treo to treo throughout the orchard. intostines, cheap meat products, etc. rubbed on tho trees, will glvo good ro suits. Tho lime-sulphur wash rocom mended by tho United States depart ment of agriculturo has given consid erabio satisfaction. Tho wash consists of: Unslaked lime, 20 pounds; llowers of sulphur, 15 pounds; wator, 50 gal lons. Tho lime, sulphur and ono-thlrd of tho water aro boiled together for ono hour and then the rest of tho watot added. Dy adding salt tho wash will stick better. PRACTICAL "DONTS" FOR BEST SPRAYING Orchardist Must Not Expecl Profitable Results If Work Is Not Thoroughly Done. Don't expect results if tho work ie not thoroughly dono. Don't think a weok earlier or latoi than the dato recommended is just as good. Don't overspray. A continuous oven coating should bo left on tho fruit and foliage; any material which runs off docs no good. Don't think that ltmo-sulphur will control apple blotch as well as bor deaux mixture Don't apply bordeaux mixlturo dur ing wot weather; it Is liable to russet tho fruit. Don't try to got along with a ma chine which is worn out or too small to do good work; if tho work is worth doing it 1b worth doing well. Don't fail to clean tho machine thoroughly after each spraying; it saves much troublo when tho time comes for the next application. Don't think that spraying alono will insure good fruit; pruning and culti vation aro equally essential. Don't think that spraying will pay unless tho fruit Is woll marketed; Bpraytng Is only part of tho battlo. Don't fall to apply to your stato ex periment, station whon in spraying troubles. TI EVIDENCE III THE CASE Results Following Settlement Show That Conditions in West ern Canada Are Highly Satisfactory. Until a fow years ago Mr. Hoary Lohmnnn lived at Effingham, 111. He thought ho would better his condition In a now country, whoro ho would havo wldor scope for his farming op erations. It would not seem essential to refer to Mr. Lohmanu, at this par ticular tlmo, as of Gorman blood, but for tho fact that bo many falso state ments havo gono ouf? as to 111 treat ment of Germans In Canada. Writing from Willmout, Bask., un der date of January 30, 1916, Mr. Lou mann says: "Wo aro perfectly satisfied In this country, and doing woll up horo. I bought u half soctlou of land and took up a homestead, my threo sons also took homesteads, two of them buying each 160 acres of lahd as woll. I sold my homestead, and I and ono of in: sons own a threshing outfit. "Tho crop this year was good; tho oats went 80 to 90 bushels per aero, and wheat went 40 to 50 bushels and tho prico is fair." Sam Morrow, of Millet, Alta., In writing to Mr. J. M. MacLachlan, Ca nadian government agent nt Water town, S. D bays: ."I am woll pleased with tho country. Tho cltniato Is bet tor thnn I over thought It could bo bo far north; Ideal cllmnto for stock. I havo some colts and cattlo that havo not been insldo of a stable In four years. I consider this n flno country for mixed farming. I know of farm ers around horo who had 42 bushels of barloy to tho aero and 55 bUBhola o oats to tho acre." Jacob Gootz of Plapot, Sask.. had 43 acres of wheat from which ho got 1,200 bushels, and got an average of 3 buBhels of oats to tho aero. Golden Prnlrlo, Sask., Is a district largely settled by South Dakotans. Horace Dlako is ono of thoso. Ho sayB "Tho crops of 1915 wore im mense" Wheat in his locality went from i0 to 55 bushols per acre; oats about SO bushels on an average Ono hundred bushels of potatoes wero grown on a quarter of an aero of land; twolvo po tatoes wolghc(T30 pounds. Ills horses run out all wlntor, and come in fat Ho raised excellent corn, and fat tened hogs on it. Ho concludes an Interesting lettor by Baying: "Thoro aro Bchools in every district. Tho people hero aro most all hustlers and are fast pushing to tho front. Whon I first enmo up hero on almost every half section stood a llttlo 12x14 shack, now almost ovoryono has real modern houses and barns." Some Southern Alberta ytolds for 1915: ' I. H. Hooker, 82 acres, 3,820 bushels Marquis wheat No. 1, 64 pounds per bushel. 1. I. Leo, 40 acres, stubble, 1,500 bushels; 40 acres summer fallow, 2,- 530 bushols. Peter Drandon, 164 acres, 7,361 bush els MarqulB wheat. It. Marandl, 135 acres, 6,920 bushels, 64 pounds per bushol. I. McRcynolds, 45 acres, 1,675, stub ble. Olo Christofcrson, 50 acres, 2,047 bushols. ArufhUB Gavott, 155 acres wheat, 6,- 642 bushels; 30 acros oats, 2,000 bush els. Robert Mathews, 46 acres wheat, 2,016 bushels, raachlno measure D. Dunbar,. 130 acres wheat, 5,925 bushels. Ingauld Hoppy, 80 acres wheat, 2, BOO bushols, all stubble. Louis Kragt, 80 acreB wheat, 4,000 bushels. W. J. Pate, 26 acres wheat, 980 bushels. W. Roonlcho, 150 acros wheat.5,337 bushels, SO of this stubble J. C. McKlnnon, 50 acres wheat, 2, 53G bushels. Gordon Swlnehart, 30 acios wheat, 1,140 bushels. Albert Hanson, f ucres wheat, 3,760 bushels. Klmor llamm, 110wrcs wheat, 5,158 bushols; 90 acres oats, V550 bushels. John Larson, 80 acrid wheat, 3,000 bushels; 30 acres oats, 2,000 bushols. John Hecklin, 37 acres, 1,484 bush els. Wm. Hecklin, 100 acres, 3,376, stub bio and breaking. O. Salisbury, 50 acres Marquis wheat, 1,600 bushels on breaking. Ad vertlsement. New Steamship Line Projected. Tho congress of Ecuador has grant cd a concession for a steamship line botween Guayaquil, Ecuador and Phil adelphia. Tho vossols of tho company aro to navlgato under tho Ecuadorian fiag and at least one-half of tho em ployees aro to be natives nt Ecuador. It Is stipulated that tho steamships must begin running within ono and one-half years after tho signing of tho contract. Pllr Relieved bv First Annllestlnn AndcurrdlnlilolKlara bj l'AZO U1NTMHNT. the unlieraal r-mrdr for all forms ol I'tlot Druggists KOIUUU UIUUOJ II iv iiuis. wo. Albert Hargreaves, a Patcreon, N, J., policeman, has fallen heir to $125,-000. IMPROVING THE FARM FLOCK Farmer Should Not Be Afraid to Cull Closely, Weeding Out All Weakly, Undersized Fowls. Improvo tho flock; It alwaya pays. Many of tho farms havo good stock, but tho troublo is thoy havo too many kinds of it. It is a poor policy to buy up purobrod stock and turn it loosa among a halt dozon other kinds, somo so crossod thoy will stand for nearly any kind of treatment; yet this is a rulo on many farms. It yoS glvo all extra caro, tho purebred will roopond to tho good troatmont and do good work as long as thoy llvo, but tho puro brod seldom do good work undor neg lect; thoy aro not used to it. Tho good troatmont tho purobrod get to Barred Plymouth Rock Female, Bred at United States Government Poul try Farm. bring them up to tho right standard becomos a necessity, and thoy suffer and loso out undor rough conditions. If your Btock Is run down, improvo it. Got rid of nil poor Btuff. Don't bo afraid to cull and cull closely, says Twentieth Century Farmor. Weed out weakly, undersized hons. Say that you havo a mixed flock,, with a fair sprinkling of barrod bona or any color that is In closo rosomblanco to somo of tho purobrcds, and yet you know thoy aro not purobrod, thoro is nothing to hinder you from making thoso barrod hons, or tho buff, or whito whatovor you may havo a majority of tho basis for an Improved flock that will como up to tho purobrod in sizo and looks, with possibly greater laying power and strength because of tho lato crossos in their blood. It ia truo that if you will Improvo you must breed from ono color. You must set nsido ton or moro of your best marked hons of tho color de cided on, which may bo barred. If you havo a cockorol or two as woll marked as Uiobo hons and largo as tho barred brood requires, koop thoso to mate with tho seloctcd hens. If thoro arc no cockorols of this variety to breed from, It will bo best to put in a couple of tho purobrod Barrod Rocks. Thoro must bo Bomo arrangomont mado for keeping theso malo birds and tho selected hens in a pen to thomsolvos during tho breeding sea son. Tho exponso of such a pen la vory light. You cannot oxpect to im provo your flock without somo slight oxpenso. Ton or flftoon hens will give you all tho oggs you need for brood ing stock noxt year, oven aftor closo culling. By anothor year you should bo ablo to discard nil your mixod stock and roly on tho improved birds to form all of the flock, which will yot demand culling and good soloctlon oach year MANY MEDICINES FOR ROUP With Strict Quarantine and Disinfect ant In Drinking Water, Simplest Cures Are Best. Thoro aro many medicines for roup. nnd with strict quarantino and dlsiu fectant in tho drinking water the simplest cures nro often tho best and surest, but hero is ono that Is worth trying. Whon ycu uso this you omit tho disinfectant from tho water, al lowing all, sick and woll to drink it but novor tho sick with tho woll, ro member. Glvo this wator to them In tholr hospitals. Got tho druggist to mix it in this way: Two drams tincturo of iron, twe drams tincturo of nconlto, two drams tlncturo of belladonna. Add to this four ounces of wfctor, and. aftor shaking woll, put a .full teaioonful to oach quart of drlnklnjr 'inter. This la to bo relied on in sevcro colds, and also In roup if you do not lot It got tho start of you in tho flock. Get Rid of Vermin. Lice livo upon tho bodies of tho poultry. Thoy deposit tholr eggs in '.ho plumago, genorally near tho vent, ind livo up;m tho scurf, dead skin and feathers. To get rid of thorn romo lies must bo applied to tho bird. Charcoal Is Beneficial. Don't neglect to havo a supply of :harcoal boforo the layers at all times. It helps to koop tho flock healthy. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Snys glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. To boo tho tlngo of healthy bloom In your faco, to soo your skin got clonror nnd clearer, to wako up with out a headacho, bnckacho, coatod tonguo or a nasty breath, In fact to fool your host, day in nnd day out, Just try insldo-bnthlng ovory morning for ono weok. Boforo breakfast oach day, drink a glass of real hot wator with a tea spoonful of llmostono phosphato in It as a harmless moans of washing from tho Btomach, liver, kldnoys and bowols tho provlous day's indlgostlblo waste, Bour btlo and toxins; thus cleansing, Bwootenlng and purifying tho ontlro' allmontnry canal boforo putting moro food into tho stomach. Tho action of hot wator and llmostono phosphato on an empty stomach is wonderfully in vigorating. It cloans out all tho sour fermentations, csbos and acidity and gives ono a Bplendld appotlte for breakfast. A quartor pound of limcstono phos phato will cost vory llttlo at your drug gist or goneral storo, but la sufficient to demonstrato that Just as soap and hot wator cloansos, swootons and freshens tho skin, so hot wator and llmostono phosphato net on tho blood and internal organs. Thoso who aro BUbjoct to constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, rheumatic twlngoa, also thoBO whoso akin is sallow and com- plosion pallid, aro assured, that ono wook of insldo-bathtng will havo them both looking nnd fooling bottor in ov cry way. Adv. No Doubt. "Mjnoy has wings." "I supposo that Is why wo speak ol taking a flyer." Tn Pr.vnf Tfif Cirtn Ooldi eane Grip LaxntWn Uromo Qnlnlna r mores ttio catite. Thorn li on It ono -llrorao yulnlne." B. W. anoVUIJ signature on box. 240. Tho inventor of a throo-legged stop- laddor claims to withstand moro rig idly on uneven Biirfacos than If It had four legs. DON'T LOSE ANOTHER HAIR Treat Your Scalp With Cutlcura and Prevent Hair Falling. Trial Free. For dandruff, Itching, burning scalp, tho causo of dry, thin nnd falling hair, Cutlcura Scap and Olntmont aro moat offoctlvo. Touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cutlcura Ointment. Thon shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot wator. No troatmont moro successful. Froo samplo oach by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold ovorywhore Adv. Long In Secret Service. William J. Flynn, chlof of tho fed eral secret sorvlco, tho man rosponsl bio for unearthing tho alleged foreign spy systom, is a nativo of Now York, and, savo for six months, has boon In tho government sorvlco Blnco 1897. During 1910-1911 ho reorganized tho Now York dotoctlvo bureau nnd thon roturnod to govornmont sorvlco. Ho began llfo as a plumber, but cherished a doslro to be a dotoctlvo. Soon aftor being appointod to tho socret sorvlco ho bocamo a division chlof nnd was as signed to tho Pittsburgh division. Ho was transferred to Now York in 1900 and lntor was assigned to tho task of safeguarding tho Russian nnd Jap oneao pcaco commissioners at Ports mouth. For sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Got a 10-cont box now. No odds how bad your liver, Btomach or bowols; how much your head aches, how misorablo and uncomfort able you nro from constipation, Indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowols you always got tho doslred results with Cascarcts. Don't lot your stomach, llvor and bowols mako you miserable Tako Cascarcts tonight; put an end to tho headacho, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backacho nnd all other distress; cloanso your Insldo organs of all tho bllo, gasos nnd constipated matter which is producing tho misery. A 10-pent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. No moro days of gloom and distress If you will tako n Cascarot now and thon. All stores soli Cascnrots, Don't forgot tho children tholr llttlo in sides need n cleansing, too. Adv. New Arsenal for Greek Navy. Much of tho preliminary work has boon done on tho proposed now arsenal for tho Greek navy, which Is to replace tho present arsonnl at Salamls. Tho cost of tho now ostubllshinont Is esti mated at $14,000,000, Tho work Is be ing carried out under tho dlroctloti of British engineers. Trending on other pouplo's toes will never got you very far, BURETS" FOR LIVER BOILS