The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1916, Image 5

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The Store That Sells Wooltex
Your Glasses Can't Work
loose with our new moun-
NtWC the'
Registeied Opotomtrist.
Look for tho sign with tho Big IUntf.
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
. Gradnalc Dcniist
Oflico over the McDonald
Statu Dunk.
Miss Flo Stamp Is confined to' the
house- this week with an attack of
Mrs. Win. Hupfcr anil son returned
yesterday from Omaha where they
visited for a week past.
Mrs. St.Marle of Brady, visited her
brother Fred Oulmette and family
this week.
Swifts Premium Hams 20c a lb at
Wilcox Department store.
A nev and varied assortment ot
Suits and Coats. E. T. TRAMP &
Perry Black of Grand Island, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. George Langlols
this week, lias returned homo.
All the new styles In silks at Wilcox
Department store.
Horace Beldon ago IS,- and Mid3
Marie Miller age 21, both of this city,
were granted a marriage license Tues
day morning.
Work began this week on tho new
six room bungalow which Mr. and
Mrs. Vigo Chrlstenson arc having
built on South Maple street.
For Sale 6 room cottage on west
Eighth street. Modern except heat
Phone Red 301. 8-G
Mrs. Vigo Chrlstenson returned
Tuesday evening from St. Paul where
she was called by her sister's illness
several weeks ago.
Charles Strauss, of tho McDouald
bank, is the vic'um of a severe case of
rheumatism and is obliged to use a
cane to assist him In walking.
Dr. Everett Fonda, of Chicago, who
visited his parents while convalescing
from an aeration left Wednesday ev
ening to resume his dental work in
An electric Grafanola, genuine m
'hogany, $150. DIXON, the Jeweler.
Tho B. P. 0. Elks will give a social
dance at their hall Thursday evening.
Arrangements had been made to serve
a pre-lenton banquet in connec'ion
but it was decided to postpone the lat
ter until after Easter.
For Sale Black dirt, delivered at
once. Phone 29. Julius Mogenscn.
Jack, Sinclair was called to Detrlot,
Mich., yesterday by a mesage stating
that his father had died Wednesday
evening. Mr. Sinclair visited there
last .week and left his fnthor who had
been ill much improved but a sudden
change caused his death.
Gas Tar, used tho same as Creosote,
for preserving posts, for treating
chicken'' houses to kill lice, 100 uses
around the farm. 10c a gallon. We
furnish tho barrel with GO gallons and
. will deliver it to tho freight depot.
North Platte Light & Power Co. 8-4
The funeral services of the lale
Walter Stuart who died this wok
were held yesterday afternoon at the
residence and conducted by JUldor
Johnson. A large concourse of
friends attended. The remains weie
hhken to Paxton this mornfng for
Mrs. James Bcekman will entertain
tho Elito Kensington club on March
Mrs. Arthur Fink will entertain the
Et-A-Vlrp club on Tuosday nftorno.ii
Fob. 29th.
Mrs. Edward Weeks will entertain
the Eldoen club on Wednesday after
noon. March 1st.
Tho Entro Nous club will bo enter
tained Wednesday afternoon Mar. 1st
by Mrs. Harry Johnston. i
Tho Knights of Columbus dance
which was to be held next week has
been postponed until after Lont.-
Tho Tllllkum Girls club will be en
tertained by Mrs. F. W. Rlncker nt hor
homo Monday evening.
A number of ladles will bo enter
tained this afternoon at a kenslngton
at the home of Mrs. Charles Sandall.
Mr. and Mrs. Homsor entertained a
number of friends Wednesday evening
in honor of their wedding anniversary
Mrs. Everett Bloyd entertained the
Elite Card club Wednesday afternoon
at progressive high five First prize
was won by Mrs. Asa Snyder and sec
ond by Mrs. A. W. Brown.
Mrs. Will Ilawley entertained the
M. M. M. club at a "movie" party at
the Crystal Wednesday evening. Af
ter the show the ladies were taken
toi the "Gem" where lunch was served
on prettily decorated tables. Mrs. E.
F. Sccberger was a guest of tho club
The literature department of the
Twentloth Century club was enter
tained Tuosday afternoon by Mrs. W.
C. McDermott. Mrs. T. G. Thompson
acted as leader and read an original
poem on tho year's work. Roll call
was answered by favorite poems and
Mrs. W. W. Cunnnings read' a biogra
phy of James Russell Lowell.
A reception and entertainment was
held nt the homo of Rev. Barton Tuer
day evening. Among those who took
part in the program were Misses Es
ther Hogsalt, Florence McKay, Mes
damos L. W. Toole, Eli Hansen and
Messrs. Charle3 Pass, M. Gleason and
Hershey Welsh. Punch and light re
freshments were served.
Misses Marie Martini, Hnzel Barber
and Catherine Hall will mannge a leap
year ilancfo at the Masonic hallr on
Friday evening, March 3d.
Miss Minnie Gorlo entertained a
I number of her young friends nt a mas
querade party Saturday evening. The
oveoiing was pleasantly spent In dan
cing and games.
Mesdamos Charles Reynolds, llorton
Munger, Allison Wilcox and Miss Ida
Ottansteln entertained the Indian card
club Monday afternoon at the home of
tjio former. In the card games prlzos
were awarded to Mesdames Will Haw
ley and A. A. Sc'.iatz. Miss Hatwia Kol
iher of Omaha, a former member was
tho guest of the day.
Tho J. F. F. club was onterta-ned
Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. E. M.
Johnston at a Washington Birthday
party. Decorations were in keeping
with the day and small hatchets were
given as souvonirs. In tho card games
Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Jr., won first
prizo and Mrs. E. W. Mann secend hon
ors. Guests of 'the club wero Mes
dames Asa Snyder, Jack Sinclair, H.
A. Lawhead and James Guyman. Tho
next meeting will be held on Mar. 7th
at the homo of Mrs. I. E. Stobbins.
Our early display of Wooltex 'Garments is a fashion
show of itself
Ljfif' 4820
We know your first desire in viewing tho new spring styles
will be to sec the REALLY NEW things.
Equally important is it, that the styles shall be CORRECT
and that every garment shall possess such sterling character
that in thcone you choose you will be well dressed throughout
tli'e whole season.
Our Wooltex suits and coats arc charming
examples of the season's most authentic style
tendencies. And what is equally welcome to
know, they are so well made that they will re
v tain their smart, stylish beauty.
Why wait until mid-season to chooso
your spring costume? A Wooltox suit
or coat will cost no more now than a
month or more later.
By selecting your suit now you will
have tho pleasure of being styliuh
dressed throughout tho whole seaam,
instead of only n pnrt of it.
By choosing a Wooltox suit or cont
you aro assured of tailoring that could
not bo bettered by a custom tailor.
This Is especially noticeablo fn tho
shapely fronts, tho close-fitting col
lars, straight seams and Hat edgos.
Wo invito you to see this fashion
show today. Chooso your spring 7Ult
while- styles nro new and most desirable.
Xcw leml-TiilIorcd Model
Tho artistic skill of tho Wool
tex designers was never bettor
employed than in this suit. Tai
lored with special care, it is
both elegant and refined. Touch
es bf silk ornamentation add to
ltsvbeauty. An entirely new
model In finest materials. (No.
Wooltex Suits are certainly splen
did values at $20 to $33
Coats are priced at $12 to $25
A IS'cw Semi-Norfolk.
Box plaits each sldo of back
nnd front, with bolt, glvo Jaunty
smartness. Plaits on skirt cor
respond with Jacket Collar and
cuffs of striped faille silk. In
checks and plain colors. Its
splendid Wooltox tailoring In
sures permanent shapeliness.
(No. fiSGO.)
Miss Katherino Bretzer will ejitor
taln the Lutheran girls at her homo
this evening.
Miss'" August Kosbau has gone to
Omaha to spend ten days visiting rel
atives. Mrs. Royal Ericsson, of Brady, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Burke. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farmor. who
wero visiting in Omaha returned homo
Mrs. Harry Fleishman will entertain
a dozen ladies tomorrow nt tho third
of a series of six Saturday aflornoon
parties which slie will give.
The young ladles of the Baptist
church met the first of this week and
organized n girls' club to ralso funds
for the church and -promote sociability
among tho members. Mrb. Fred
Louden will act as directress.
Rev. and Mrs. Barton held "open
house" to the members of tho Baptist
church Tuesday afternoon. Tho after
noon was spent In social conversation
and music and tho attendance was
large. It Is tho custom for tho pastor
and his wlfo to hold theso receptions
annually. Decollations wore appro
priate to WashlngtonJs birthday.
The Hanny Hour club was dollght-
fully entertained Tuesday evening, by
Mrs. C. J. Cornwcll and Mrs. WE.
nnnth at the homo of tho lattor. The
ovonntr was snent in games and mu
sic Prizes wero won by Messrs. A.
S. James, Walter Ross, and Elmer
Mastin,' Mesdames A. S. James, II. O.
Heaten, L. L. Grceno and S. Cole. Tho
club presented Mrs Booth with n sot
of china cups and saucers, tho occn
slon being her birthday.
l'oslofi'lco Employes Bnnqiiet.
A score or more employes of the lo
cal postal servico and their ladles
spent a pleasant cvonlng Tuesday
vlien they gathered at their third an
nual banquet. A splendid dinner was
served at the Vienna Cafe, follow
ed with toasts, Loron Sturges presid
ing 'as tonstmastor. Those why re
sponded to toasts wore Chief Cbsrk
Kelly of tho railway mall service,
Postmaster McEvoy, O. E. McLiin,
Will Klenk, Mrs. Lillian Glcason and
Postofflco Inspector Hagerly.'Tho nub
jeets of tho toasts wore along tho lino
of postal sorvico and efficiency, with
sufficient humor mixed In to inako the
addresses very interesting.
li)c l'IMt POUND
Henry Murray returned Wednesday
from Grand Island whorq lio visited
tho first of- this week.
Alvin Raugh began work this morn
ing us assistant in foreman P. J. Nor
ton's office In tho local machine shops-.
A cornor of a freight car took (iro
yesterday morning from sparlcs of an
engine in the local yards and several
boxes of .lemons woro damaged boforo
tho llamos woro extinguished
Gordon Stafford, of Ognlalla, op?nt
several days In town this weok.
C. F. Clino and W. J. Crisp, of Try
on, nro spending this week hero on
W. J. Tlloy loft Tuesday afternoon
for Grand Island to spend sovoral
Miss Reglna Walker will leavo
Mpndny for Bancroft, In., to visit her
sister for several weeks.
for Men and Boys
The Best Work Suit Made,
The Best fosthe Workman.
The best for the Autoist.
The best for the Boys.
The best Garment to buy.
$1.25 to $2.00
Wilcox Department Store.
Hogs nnd Premium Hams arc ?hi?
higher every day. Now Is your chiuice
to Iny In ii supply, for this Is an un
heard of price on rreiiuum minis.
Try our Senator Ilriind Lnnl. Guar
anteed Absolutely Pure.
Try Us First.
Government Contests llomesleud.
A rather spirited contest wns held at
the U. S. land office this week, whore
In tho federal government contested
land entered by Mrs. Elizaboth Wil
kinson near Tryon In 1907. The omry
womnn died n couplo of yenrs after
making tho entry, and under tholr
riglits tho heirs made proof on tho
land in Juno, 1914, and final certificate
issued by tho local office. Later com
plaint wns filed with the general land
office charging that tho ontrywoman
had not entered the land for hor own
uso and benefit but for tho boncfit of
Ed Russoll and wlfo, with whom Mho
had mado hor home. Acting upon
those charges tho govornmont insti
tuted contost proceedings. The- gov
ernment was represented by Special
gont Smith nnd the defendants by
Judgo Iloagland. The ovldonco of the
dozen or more witnesses will bo for-
wardod to the general land office for
Trees, Shrubbery nnd llulbs.
I reproeont tho.Fnlrbury auraory, of
Falrbury, Nob., and for tho next five
woekH will sell all kinds of alnlco
nursery stock, shrubbery, bulbs, etc.,
nt vory rosonablo pricos. Also will
soon have eggs for sotting from Whito
Wyandotts, R. I. Rods and Tndlan' Run
ner Duck.
Have Grabb's Shoo Cloanor In stock
nt $1.00. R. M. McFARLAND.
Phono Rod 732. Residence 2003 oast
Fourth street.
: :o: :
To Contractors nnd lJuIlilcrs.
Let me figure with you on your re.
luCrclng rods, all structural stool, In
cluding cast columns, thresholds, Jolco
anchors, etc., beforo you placo your
order. I can savo you monoy on
thoae. 11-3 J. H. VAN CLEAVE.
: :o: :
Mrs. Wm. Anderson and grand
daughter Virginia Dantz havo return
ed from a week's visit with relatives
Car of Boxed Apples
On Sale at the
North Side Barn.
Call and see them. Wehavea variety consist
ing of Jonathan's, White Pearmain, Baldwin,
Belief leuer and York Imperial.
They Are Selling Right.
. Ii you cannot come and see call uq by Phone
29, Thclow prices will last only one week.
Jtitiiis Mogensen.
1000 West Fourth Struct. Phone 110
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
I)H. J. S. TWIXKJr, Physician and Surgeon.
For balance of February; if supply on hand lasts
that long, we will sell Best Patent Flour in 5 sack lots
or more at $1.55 per sack. $1.60 per single sack.
As all millers talk $2 for Flour in near future,
would advise you to lay in a supply. Every Sack guar
anteed. We sell: Cotton-seed Cake, Tankage Meat Meal,
Ground Bone, Blood Meal, Poultry-shell, Alfalfa Meal,
Calf Meal, Shorts, Corn Chop, Corn, Oats, Wheat and
bran. Also groceries in case lots that will Save you
money. 1A bushel box apples $1.75 and $2.00.
Phone 67.
in Omaha.