The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1916, Image 4

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J. II. IIcgai;ty went to Sidnoy yester
day morning to Hpond tho renmindor
of this week.
W. J. Hondy loft Wednesday night
for Oniahn to spend u couple of dn
at the auto show.
The new lino of BucllH Embroidery
Packages Is fine. You will find u com
pletoassorlment at Wilcox Dept. Store
Mrs. Robort Wolr and daughter
Alice loft yo3torday morning for Ster
ling to look up a rosidonco.
Miss Elsie Langford has accepted n
position as stenographer In the now
office rooms of M. K. Novillo.
C. M. Trottor arrived yesterday from
Omaha in a Studobakor six car for
wliich ho has a probable purchaser.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Elmor SoIIor returned Wednesday
evening from Carroll, la., wlioro ho
was called by tho lllnoss of his slst-jr
recently. .
We can fit you out in a now spring
corset all tho now models arc now in
our corset department. Satisfaction
guaranteed. E. T. TRAMP. & SONS.
Jarvo Wright, who had been em
ployed as driver for tho Llork-Sandall
grocery for somo time, resigned tho
first of tliis week.
For Salo Property on Seventh and
Willow streets. Good invcutniemt.
Phono Red 301. 8-0
Mrs. W. V. Hoagland left yostorduy
morning for Scotts Bluff to remain
until Sunday in tho interests of tho
Rebckah lodge.
Frank Ilcrrod, of Ogalalla, cumo
down yesterday morning to visit his
mothor Mrs. Reginn llorrod and trans
act business.
Tho niftiest Coats and Suits ovoi
shown in North Platto are now on dis
play at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balrd, of Key
stone, who wore guests of tho lattor's
parents, I.Ir .and Mrs. Con Walker,
hove returned homo.
Tho Trotter garago recoived a ship
ment of flvo Oakland cars yesterday,
somo six tho other four cylinder. Mr.
Trtottor expects n car of Studobakor
sixes next week.
Mrs. Georgo Frater returned Wed
nesday evening from Oklahoma whore
Bho was called sovoral months ngo by
tho illness of her mothor who is now
much improved.
Ira Russoll, of the stato uulversllv,
was obliged to give up his studios for
a tlmo on account of illness and camo
a few days ngo to visit his sister Mis.
John Dick.
For Farm Loans seo or write Gono
Crook, room 3, Waltemdth building,
North Platte. 41tt
Owen O'Neill, living west of town
had a salo of personal proporty Wed
nesday with a largo crowd nttcndlng.
LIvo stock sold woll, throe;yonr-old
heifers offered in bunchos-firlnginB
sixty dollars n bead.
Ilarloy Smith of Brady; wanted In
Bollot, Kan., on a chnrgo of felony
was taken In chargo by Sheriff Sal
isbury Wednesday. Smith claims that
the chargo Is an un'just ono. Ho wno
taken to Kansns by Offlcors from Bo-
The Odd Fellows mask ball was
hold Feb. 22d, with an attendance that
packed the Lloyd; over 150 wore mas
ked and as The Tribune published tho
"list wo note among those present wore
Mike Sorenson, Tom Henley, Mrs.M.H.
Douglas, Mary Pattorson, SallleMatik,
P. II. McEvoy, Dell Huntington, Addle
Rowland, Henry Brotornltz, Will
Woodhurst nnd Charley Hupfer. Nlno
tonths of tlioso who were mnsked have
since removed from the city or passed
to tho beyond.
John Bratt & Co. purchased 45,000
bushols of corn from south sldo far
mers which they had ground and fed
to their1 cattle,
Wo note that there was a county
seat contest In Deuel county nnd that
Clinppoll cast .'1,000 votes and Big
Springs 5,000. Every votor In tho lat
ter place cast forty ballots.
North Platte boys attending school
at Lincoln woro keeping In tho front
rank. J. B. McDonald was local editor
of tho Hesperian, the off leal orfcan of
tlic state unlvorsity; Ed Goodman had
boon elected president of the literary
society connected with tho Lincoln
business college; and Arthur Hoag
land and Andy Scharmann were given
prizes for mathematical contosts in
tho snmo business school.
Fred Jlnnlon, for seventeen years
watchman at the U. P. bridge, went lo
Omaha to visit frionds.
Tho Brotherhood of Railroad brake
men wore making arrangements to
givo n ball on March 4th.
Tho offlco of assistant superinten
dent of the Wyoming division was
abolished.. Bob Baxter had been filling
tho position.
A petition was being circulated ask
ing President Harrison to. appoint
Willis Record, of Keith County, re
ceiver oft ho North Platto land office.
The Elkhorn ranch, now tho Doo
llttlo southwest of town, was adver
tised to bo sold at sheriff's salo un
der foreclosure of a $9,000 mortgage
hold by W. D. Waldo.
A petition had been circulated as'c
ing for a consolidation of O'Fallon
ami BIrdwood precincts for tho pur
pose of voting bonds for n bridge
across tho North Platto river.
Prairie schooners were pasiing
though North Plntte by tho dozens,
notwithstanding the mornings were
crisp and frosty.
: :o: :
We have somo surplus stock of or-
nnmontnl shrubs, Splren, Iloncyauc
klo, Mock Orange, etc., to dlsposo of
by salo. Thoso are largo and will bloom
this summor. Tho Bnmo class of.stock
as used on M. J. Forbes and Ray
Langfordts lawns Inst spring,
Phono !!)!). Experiment Station.
Tho trees on tho lots recently pur
clmsod by Brodbeck & Son woro cut
downi yestordny to make room for tho
now building. Among theso trees woro
two olms it was cortalnly too bad to
thus destroy.
Frionds in this city havo received
nnnoujuccmcnts of; , tho mnrhiago of
Miss Poarl Beam and Loy Eyorly, both
of Horshoy to trtko placo at Hors'ioy
on Tuosday, Fob. 20th.
P. W. Soudor, of Hnyos Center, is
Ml lfS
S 1
'PRTNO is here, and on everv hand nature flaunts m'-)?i
i i . i . r. 1. tT.i tt .1 i i
ner Drigni, Jiesu cuiors wmie moiner iarui uecKS
herself in new garments Lo greet the season.
And with the coming of Spring your thoughts too,
turn to the question of new clothes to wear clothes
that shall be appropriate in color and texture lo meet
-the needs of the season. In your mind rises the fainil
iar but perplexing question of what "will be worn this
Then is the time to come to us, lo visit our different departments, to see what
our buyers have gathered for your inspection at this time. Now they spread before
you the results of their months of study of Fashion's moods. Table and shelves,
rack and cabinets everywhere you find things that are new in such profusion that
even the most critical can quickly find just what they want.
Make a list of your needs come in and let us help you make your purchases.
Hot who woro notified of his arrest. I visiting his brother Sam Soudor this
Geo. N. Glbbs loft last cveninc foriwook,
Kansas City to nttond tho funeral of
his grandmother, who died" In Okla
homa yostorday. Tho deceased was
elghty-sovon years of ago and prior
to tho paralytic stroko which resulted
in donth, was in oxcollont honlth.
For Sale.
I offor at prlvnto salo at my place
17 miles south of North Platto throe
horses, two cows, ono fall calf, lumber
wagon, mower, hay rako, doublo work
harness and other articles.
Miss Ilolcn Harris, of Lincoln, ar
rived a few days ago to visit hor sister
Mrs. J. B. Retinoid.
-: :o: :-
Real Estate nnd Insurance
Como and boo uh for town lotB In
dlfforont parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on ensy terms. Houses for
sulo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy Sta.. upstairs
For Puro Jorsoy Milk, Phono 783F14,
and it will bo dollvored. 103tf
Wilcox Returns From East.
J. Q. Wilcox returned the early part
of the week from a trip tc St. Joe, Mo.,
and Chicago, where ho purchased
spring stock for the Wilcox store. In
both of theso Jobbing centers ho found
tho wholesale houses unable to supply
tho retail morclmnts with all tho clas
ses of goods they desired, and In! mmy
lines tho supply is far below tho de
mand. All classes of merchandise 4
higher in prlco tlian last fall, these
advances ranging from flvo to thirty
live per cent, and further advances afc
anticipated. Thero Is a greater scar
city of Imported goods, and this Is ea-'j
peclally truo of linens. Mr. Wilcox
says business conditions In the middle
west appear to be exc llcnt.
Iluuguluw for Sale
G Rooms, 3 blocks from court house,
As I hnvo decided to move on a tract
of land adjoining the city, I am placing
on salo my new homo on south Vino
street. This is n six room house, the
living room being 20 feet by 13 feet.
Largo brick llro placo in ond of liv
ing room. Double floors, tho top betnj
maplo throughout tho house, both up
stairs and down. Half basement, di
vided with cemont block partitions for
cellar and coal bins. Flnslied in birch
wooti down stairs and white enamel
upstairs. Full equipped bath room up
stairs, and closets in each 'bed room.
Toilet and lavatory on first floor. The
lot Is a Bouthcast corner lot with side
walks on both sides. Curbng In front.
Yard woll filled and a good stand of
grass. Good slzo barn which can be
used for two cars, or car and other
purposes. Prlco $4,000.00 m good
terms. Inquiro of
O. F. TEMPLE, Owner.
ti rri rirrTrn v i mr i 'i iu i h ii hi irww 1 1 '
Small Change for Every One
Did you ever stop to think how much time is
wasted making clinngo at the stores when doing
your shopping?
We have on hand at all limes an ahundancc of
small change such as pennies, nickels, climes,
quarters, half-dollars and dollars which we are
pleased to oxchange for your larger money.
Just drop in the hank hefore you reach the store
and supply yourself with change.
Always at your sorvice.
Mc Donald State Bank.
"The bonk behind the Thrift movement"
3Insons Cclebralc Anniversary.
Members of the Mnson fraternity
and members of their famllis tt the
numbor of nearly 400 assembled at the
temple Tuesday evening to celebrate
tho anniversary of the dedication of
the building and enjoy the annual
Washington birthday dinner. A splen
did menu was served followed by an
address by II. G. Knowles, songs by a
malo quartette and selections by tho
Stamp orchestra.
A letter was read from John Soren
son, now of Los Angeles, tho writer
wishing tho lodgo success and pros
perity, and asking It to accept with his
compliments threeo gavels which ho
had made, from tho wood of an oraiigo
Tho latter part of the evening was
devoted to dancing.
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce myself a cautl.-
dato for County Clerk of Lincoln
County , subject to tho wishes of tho
Democratic electors, primaries April
18. Was born In this county fhirty
olght years ago, taught school thrco
years', later, homestendlng In Cotton
wood Precinct whoro I now reside.
Mr?. Edwlrfa Schatz, of Omaha, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schatz last
week, left Tuesday for Choyenns.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele have
leased the Hinninn ranch formerly oc
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Owen O'Neil.
Frank Hatch went up the branch
road yesterday to spend a' few days
on business for the. Western Union
Mrs. Wm. Jeffers and Miss "Eileen
Kelihor of Omaha, returned home
Tuesday evening after visiting Mr. an 1
Mrs. A. A. Schatz for a few days.
Christlo Adams left last night for
Omaha to spend a week or longer.
Guy McMncken, of Plattsmouth, is
spending this week visiting local
Mr. and Mrs. Jame3 Haste and chil
dren of Hershey, are visiting wit't
Mrs. A. 3. Salisbury.
Mrs. John Sheffield and son of Ban
croft, la., who1 have been visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Con Walker frr
several weeks will return home Mon
day morning.
Seed Corn for Sale.
Seed corn that took first prlzo at the
Lincoln County Corn Show and second
prizo at tho'stato Corn showatLincoln
in January, 191G. F. O. JOHNSON,
North Platto, Neb.
W. P. Snyder loft yesterday morning
for Mitchell to Bpend soveral days on
A cold may come from poor digestion and a laxative, a day in bed
and a hot wator boittlo may euro It. Do not wear damp shoes, or over
cover your throat. Lotion for nlargcment and redness of nosj: Mur
iate of Ammonia 1 dram, tannic acid dram, glycerine 2 or. , rose
water 3 oz. Bind saturated cottton on tho noso ait night until cured.
Lot us make tho lotion ior you.
-cf-f v5?3 "S;
town '
L-K If
We Her.e Show Page 984 and 985 of
Webster's Universal Dictionary
Giving A Definition of Lumber Yard
We don't lile the definition. It no douht
descihes some yards accurately, but there isn't
enough life about it to suit us. This sounds
A busy place, where everybody who builds any
thing from a church to a chicken coop goes to
Buy Tho Best Lumber and Building Matorlal
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal
Phone 7.
V'v4i if
S v In irj
before it becomes worse iuil
bring us tho prescription, if
It Is light or If you wish to pre
Tent it altogether, come to us in
full Confidence; Our slodk con
tains tested preparation for ex
ternal and internal use.
In view of tho bad Aveathef we
bare laid in n stock of Chamois
Yosts nnd various Sumlrlcj that
mny como In linndy very soon,
Hcttcr look them over .VOW!
Washing You
Ever Did
Ono cent an hour for washing and
wringing, That's tho avcraco cost for cur
rent. Sometimes it's loss thnn tht Anrl
this mncliino rcallv wnsli
merelv "swaah" th rlnth
Its backward and forward motion thoroly
mixes tho suds with tho clothos every incli
of them and tho result is a clean, white.
sweet-smelling washing. You don't havo to
uuuu-iuu u suicii. n never narms the finest
laces. Tho dollv nnd interior walls nrn n.
tirely free from anything that would catch
Saves Time and Labor
13 !(! H
. Wrlnns
by Electricity
It washes in but a mam fmninn iun isn -..:- i t . .
i . . . -...w..w. w. iiuiu iuuuucu uyanana washer'
i a",1.f:K;"."g a" ordinary task. Easy to operate Just screw the
t"j Ul" "b"1 mrn mo switcn ana tiiero you aro. Always
wui siops wnea h aoes. lilectric mechanism
mm gears entirely enclosed. Jlascastorsandballbearings.
Free Trial Sec Our Dealer
Ho will let you havo
ono on 3odnys free trial.
H it doesn't suit, you
arc not out a cent.
Grlnnell, Iowa
SiviS ELEcfg
Washing Machine
North Platte Light & Power Co.