The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1916, Image 10

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    The Early Bought
I I m li
uj Mill
luit (jives
To be among the first to wear the Season's New Styles is
not alone the satisfaction of pride in being first, but in
these days of short seasons one really derives the greatest
benefit from wearing while the "newness'' is new.
Right now we are showing a new lot of Spring Suits
that just came from the designers' hands, which sparkle
with touches of artistic tailoring not previously shown,
and a most attractive feature is the extremely low prices.
In this group will be found all the newest styles in
Jackets, from the short, boxy Eton style, to the semi-fitted
flare effects and the Norfolks. Attractive are the self
toned embroideries and braids, strapping and buttons;
smart collars and cuffs of contrasting shades of silk.
By all means you should see these suits, priced at
$17.50, $20 55L5M?.
Until you see Block's. Easy to decide at our store, because "we have nearly 200
Coats in the House now, and more coming daily, to make your selection from.
Just tell us what shade, material, and price yon want to pay, and we have them.
Whether you want an up to date Coat for
$5.98, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 "
or more, you are sure to find what you want at this store. Look around first, and
then see us.
La Camillc and
P. N, Corsets in
all the n c-w
Spring Models.
Lace I'ronl and
Back Lace.
Leadies Outfitting Store
North Platte's Only Exclusive and Modern
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Store.
N c w Spring
Blouses ii n d
Petticoats in all
t h e wanted
shade to match
your new Suj.
Semi-Weekly Tribune
lltA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Ono Year by 3Inll In Advance. . . .i?1.2i
Ono Year by Currier In Adinuco. .91.G0
ISntored nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Posfofilco an Second CIusb Mattor.
FRIDAY, FEBIU'AHY Sot'h, 1010.
Edward StoiTriggon was called to
Blue Hill, Wednesday by tho serious
lllnoBB o hla father.
Tho smaller Catholic school build
ing on tho lots oast of St. Patriots
clnirch la being torm down und the
lumber Was purchased by Edward
Fyxor, of east Fifth streot.
Bird entertained th
society yostordny nflo
Mrs. Hugh
Luthorun aid
Dean Bow her loft a fow days ago for
Bridgeport to spend novornl days on
church work.
Charlos Edwards rosumod work as
commercial salesman yostordny aft or
being 111 for .two weeks with erysip
elas. The mumbors of the Yeomen Social
club are planning to hold a leap year
danco at tho Lloyd on Tuosdny even
ing. March. 7th.
Tho office rooms of J. E, Subastljift
and Attornoy Carl Ilollmnn are bel'ig
redecorated, heat and gafc afo being
Installed and new furnishings ndded
which greatly imprcvo tho appearauco
of tho office
If you want the best results use
ULij 1
iftKun mii S IMG
PHONE 208.
Mi a. Fred Wondeborn wbo has been
111 for- some time is greatly Improved
Win, and Robert Horner, of Wallace,
wore hero the Ilrst of this weok on
Jnmes Fitzgerald, of Elm Creek
y visited frlonds and rolntlvaSyhero
huh wueit, mis reiurnoa uome.
James Lonvrgan nnd Edward Dug-
gan, of Elsio, who transacted buslnoss
hero for several days loft Wednesday
For Rent G room cottago close In.
Inquire Marti 'meat market,
Mlas Arvilla Whittakor, who- lias
been in Chicago for some time pur
clinging spring millinery, will return
next week.
Mrs. Fred Sudman and Mrs. Guy
Nowhmn of Chnppoll, camo the first of
this week to-visit Mr.. nnd Mrs. Fred
Waltomath. ' '
Miss Minnlo Lincoln will roalga her
position at tho Kiuiffman and Wtjrhott
the Hyinnthy of ninny in their bereave
Miss Kathorlno Meyers.
For Ront Eight room house.; In-
qulro of Mrs. Mrs. Louise Potora nt
Tiiffinormnn hotol.
Miss Josephine Bolster, of the Gem
Candy Kitchen, Is off duty nursfng
painful band wlhcli was cut on n lar
pan a few days ago.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlos Bruggor, of
Lexington, who visited hero the ilrst of
this week with hor slstor Mrs. Helen
Wlnget, have roturned home.
For Salo C room cottngo oh woat
Eighth streot. Modern oxcopt heat
Phone Rod 301. 8-i
Word coinos from Kearney that En
gluoor Andy Schnrmnn who was In
Jural sovorul mouths ago Is not in
ltrovlng ns rapidly aB waB hoped for
and It will be uecessary to amputate
hie left limb.
John Benl, of Oguliillii, who lias been
employed at Doniphan for sevoral
'months came hero the first of tlii
weoic to purennse tno AicMicnnel cur
pouter shop nnd took possoMlon Wl
noBilny. Mr.Jlonl will arrive here n
a fow dny. '
Tlio Annum Fourth Degree Ban
duot of the local KnlgliU'ef Columns
will be held at the Masonic hall on
Tuesday evening, March 7th, under th
management of Mrs. James Hart.
(joorge Bernard Anderson age 30,
of Osceola and Miss Ruby tiliuabeth'
Linden ngo 25 of Hershoy, wore grant
ed a 'marriage license Tuesday bj
County Judge French and nirrrl
Unit i v :ilrj. at II rsh.
Jludd Will Buy i'uxton Fiiiin.
George L. Mudd, who was In tow.i
yesterday, Informed us that he would
go to Omaha within a weok to chwo
tho deal for tho purchuse of tho 040
urre farm on which he has resided lor
ten years. The hind belongs to tho
Mrs. Paxton estate. Mr. Mudd some
time ago purchased the 1G0 acres just
oast of the Paxton land for $10,000. The
land which lie is to purchase will
therefore give him a farm of 800 acros.
This land Is only a mllo from Hershoy,
Is mostly of good quality, and with Mr.
Mudd as owner will become one of tho
"show places" In tho valley.
Mr. Mudd Is a heavy farmer and
stock feeder. At present he is footling
120 head of "baby beef" and two "cars
of hogs, and among his crops till year
will bo 126 acres of sugar beets.
Wnlter Stimrt BIcs Suddenly.
Wulter Stuart, u curpentor in the
employ oitne iociu is. a u. ueparimcni
o the Union Pnciflc Company died
suddenly while cn duty on the branch
oad Tuesday morning at ten o'clock.
Mr. Stuart had been subject to spells
of heart troublo but his condition was
not considered serious and he con'hi-
i-d wcrking. About a week ago he
as transferred to Novlns to take
harge of the Ice and while riding
down, tho track on the spoedor was
taken 111 and died before assistance
could be given him. The section men
who were close by removed the body
from the speeder where it hnd"fnlleri
and-relatives were no-tilled. Tho re
mains were brought here, Wednesday
to tho home at 115 west Seventh St.
'he deceased was llfty-two years old
and is survived by a wlfo and several
brothers and sisters. His sudden death
Is deeply felt by his fellow workmen
and friends by whom ho was held in
high esteem and the relatives le
the sympathy of many in their bereav-
::o:: -
Mm-phy-Clinloiipkn Wedding.
At the homo of tho bride's parents
at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn'iuig II. O.
Knowles performed tho ring ceremony
which united in marriage Miss Roxy
Murphy of tills city and William F.
C'haloiipka of Lincoln. The bride
wore n dainty gown of white cropo
moUw and carried a large bouquet of
white roses. Mlas Isa Murphy iv.i
mnW of honor woto a pretty dross of
ile blue silk nnd carried shaded
carnations. The groom was attended
by Ebor Murphy and Miss Esther El-
er played the weddiug march. A wed-
ing breakfast was sorved tc the rela
tives and a few close frlonds after
which Mr. and Mrs. Chaloupku left for
Lincoln where they will be at home to
heir friends aftor March 1st.
The bride has been a resldont of this
Ity since childhood, la the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murnhv. a crad-
uate of the local high school and Kear
ney Normal nnd has taught in tho
comity schools for several terms with
great success. The groom formerly
veslded at Wllber whore he gradual M
with honors from tho high. schools, at
tended tho state university, and sp-nt
several years , in service of the Sl'ite
Engineering department. At present he
holds a position with tho Lincoln Con
struction Co. Congratulations are extended.
The following program will bo-rendered
this evening nt tho pipe organ
recital 'J the Presbyterian church
at olght o'clock sharp.
Allegro vlvall Mendolssphn
(By request.)
Miss McKay.
Song of Thanksgiving Alllstoji.
Mrs. Langston.
Peer Gyht Suite Grolg.
(a) Ase's Death.
(b) Anltra's Dance,
(o) Morning.
Miss McKay.
Selection frcm "Ingomar"
Mrs. Rcdonbaugh.
"Evening Sitaif from Tannhausor
Waner Mr. Tramp.,,
(b) Mlnuot In G Bcothovcn
(c) Gavotte , . . Thomas
(d) The Answor, . . . .WnllorJinupt
- Miss McKay -
(a) Little Boy Blue. .Stevenson
(b) The Lost Chord .
Mrs. Redebnugh
If Roses Could But Speak Love Ho
domlnsky. Mr. Tramp -
Adoremus .'. Ravlnn
Piano Miss Sorenson.
Orgnn MIbb McKay.
I'alrbHry' WIns Again.
The North Platte-Fatrbury Baptist
Sunday school contest is becoming
quite lively. North Platte's victory on
Fob. 13th spurred Falrbury to such an
oxtent that they defeated North Platte
by 79 points last Sunday. The score
was North Platte 1191, Falrbury 127:5.
The total score to date is North Platte
S025, Falrbury 8S97, Last Sunday was
u special .offering date and the result
was tho largest offering in the history
of tho Sunday school.
Next Sunday will bo a special "At
tendance Day" and an effort is being
put forth to have every Baptist in
North Platte In Sunday school and
dhurch next Sunday. Tho largest at
tendance in the Sunday school is ex
pected next Sunday.
: :o: :
Presbyterian Church.
Whnt amusement do you like nasi?
What vocation would you choose?,
Who Is the greatest porson now liv
ing? These question? were answered re
cently by the high school pupils. Tho
results and conclusions, will be given
at Sunday evening service.
Ntv more important questions face
the parents and teacher cf today than
the amuKoment and choice of n t'co
work of the young people.
7:..0 tho hour, Feb. 27th.
A baby girl was born a few days
ago to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace
of San Francisco. Mrs. Wallace vns
formerly Mis.- Vera Scharmann of
this city.
Spend Friday evening at the Build
ing & Loan building. You will not be
Fino homo made candy on, salo Fri
day evening nt tho Boston baked b .m
J. B. McDonald left Tuesday evenui,r
for Chicago to purchase stock for hi -
clothing store.
For County Commissioner
I resnectfullv announco myself as
a candidate for tho republican noml
naton for county commissioner trom
the Third District, subject to tho ac
tion of tho voters at the primary 3lec-
tlon. D. E. MARTIN,
(Six miles Northwest of Horshev.)
For County Commissioner.
I horoby announce myself as a can
didate for the democratic nomination
for county commissioner for the First
District, subject to tho decision of the
voters at the primary election April
For Kepresentuthe.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
f-ir state representative from the Six
ty Ii;hth district (Lincoln county) at
thf primary election April 18th.
For County Clerk
I horoby nnnounce myself n candi
date for tho republican nomination
for County Clerk subject to the action
of tho voters of that party at tho April
primary. Your support will bo appre
ciated. A. B. HOAGLAND.
for Commissioner.
I respectfully announco mysolf as a
candidate for tho republican nomina
tion for coutny commissioner for the
Third District nt tho April primary
and support given me will be appre
ciated. I have been a resident of tho
county for twenty-nino years and my
home is southwest of Hershey.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for County Commlssoner from the
First District at tho April primary
olection nnd solicit the support of the
voters. I have been n resldont of Lin
coln county for thirty years.
For Commissioner
I respectfully announco myself as
a candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county commlssoner from the
Third Commissioner District, subjoct
to tho action of tho voters at the April
primary. S. J. FILBERT,
Wellfleet, Neb.
For County Clerk
I herby. announco myself as candi
date for the ropubllcnji nomination as
County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub
ject to the decision of the voters at
primary election April 18. Your sup
port will bo appreciated.
(Formerly of Walker Precluct.1
County Clork.
I respectfully unnounce that I am a
candidato for tho republican nomina
tion for county clerk nt primary elec
tion In April, and will appreciate tho
support, of the members of that party.
North Platte.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announco myself as a can
didate for tho republican nomination
for county treasurer, In the primary
election April 18th. Make inquiry
about mo and if you think I am
qualified and otherwise all right your
support will bo appreciated.
Asst. Co. Treas.
Former residence Deer CreekPrecInct.
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for tho republican nomiua-
tion Jor sheriff, subject to the Will of
the voters at the primary election
April 18th.
For County Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself us n
candidate for the republican nomina--tlon
for county commissioner for the
Third Commissioner District, subject
to tho decision of the voters at the
primary election April 18th. My homo
Is in Sellers precinct.
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidato for tho republican nomina
tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub
ject, howm-er, U the deoi-,ion of tho
voters at tho prnnarj el ctlou April
18th. Your support will be Vf.hly appreciated.
arch First,
Those Fitrmcrs ulio are now making
HinniKciiients for changes of locutions
and timinclal connections the first of
.Unroll, Mill do well to consider this
Because of Its strength, its .ample
working capital und extensile resour
ces, It Is nblc to oner unexcelled sor-
This Is a good time to form your
bunking connection. Our officers are
ready Ut talk mor your advantages
and requirements for the coming year.
Call nt any time. It Mill be apprec
The Platte Valley State Bank
North Platto, Nebraska.
I North Platte, Neb.
For Sheriff
I respectfully pr. sent my nrnic ao
a candidate for the republican nom
ination for sheriff at tho primary elec
tion. My home is in Sutherland pro
duct, and 1 have boon a resident of
the county shico 1885. Support given
mo will be appreciated.
County Altorney.
I rospectftllly announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for County Attornoy subject to.
the approval of the voters at the pri
mary election April 18th.
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce that I am
candidate for tho republican nomina
tion for shorlff and solicit thu support
or tho votors at the primary election
to be held April lSth. I hove boon a
resident of the county for fifteen
years, am a farmer and live in Illnmai
precinct. TIIOS. McCONNELL. .
For County Commissioner. 'jM
I herby announce myself as a ca33
didate for the democratic nomination?!
for countycommis.ione-r for the First
Commissioner District subjoct to tlTe
will of the voters at the primary
oloctlon April 18th. I have been a
resident of tho district over forty-four
year. First time in politic,, nerd the
of! ice and respectfully ask yi ur cup
port. Residence In I tinman prclnrt
J- W. (Buck) ROWLAND
Clerk of District point
I hereby nhounco' myself a a t-- -didate
for the republican nomlnatloa
for clerk of the district court, rub
ied to tho will of the voien a thr
primary election "iour support will
be appr -rlned