Bortlt THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 25, 1916. Ho. 12 I Read Ali of This I You . . . Wncn Buying a Motor Car this Season Consider a Dodge Bros. Motor Car FIRST! WHY? Because (hoy are not making' a cheap car to compete with (lie ford as many manufac turers arc doing.. This they realize is im possible.. Jfo automobile made has better material and will give better service than the F01U). One million one hundred thous and Ford Model T motors and chassis have been made and sold in the past 7 years, one like the other, interchangeable with the other, and all giving service, and these same motors and chassis are coming out at the ryte of 2,000 per day. DODGE BHOTIJEJtS are following the most successful plan of the Ford Motor Com pany, in that one motor and chassis, 2200 lb. weight of simple design, shall come year af ter year, one interchangeable with the oth er, with the service like the Ford plan given to the purchasers, which no other manufac turer has given or can give until they build one successful motor and chassis, 8ft, lliut t their dealers and branches can keep repair;; at the right price in each city and town in the world where motor cars are sold. Come in urnl'lel us show you our stock of parts and price them to you, then com pare them vtith any other car and you will lind us twenty-five to fifty per cent lower. The Dodge is the greatest hill climber barring none, this on account of its 515 horse power motor. Equipped with Eismao Magneto. Your battery is not overworked. Your battery only lights and starts your car. Equipped with a North East Self Starter Practically noiseless in its action and Positive. Equipped with Full Floating Sear Axle This means much to your car. Let us explain why. Equipped with Timpkim Bearings Throughout All wheel bearings and other bearings can be kept running prfeclly smooth, on account of their easy adjustment. IvOriFFEI) WITH HEAL LEATHER IT HOLSTKJtY, SILK MOHAIR TOP, AXI) CJtOlVX FKN'DUKS. THE PAIXT OX THE BODY AX I) FEXDERS IS BAKED EXA.M- EL. THUS THE LFSTRE WILL LAST. Greatest of All THE SALES OF DODGE BROTHERS' CAR THROUGH THEIR EXCELLEXT PER 10RMAXCE AXD THE KNOWLEDGE THAT OXE MODEL WOULD COME YEAR AFTER YEAR PUT THEM IX FOURTH PLACE IX SALES IX THE MOTOR WOULD. THIS IS THEIR FIRST YEAR. ' THIS POWERFUL, XEAT APPEALING CAR YOU CAX BUY AT XORTII PLATTE, XERRASKA, IX THE TOURIXG OR ROAD STER MODEL, FOR $8550.00 Bendy-Ogier Auto Co. AGEXTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS' CARS, Corner Fourth and Dewey Streets, XORTII PLATTE, XEB. CITY AXD COUXTY NEWS. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonaM Dank Building. Mrs. Charles Wilson left last even ing for Ogalalla to spend u wook or longer. Horbcrt Tramp roturned yostorday morning from Denver where he spent the nrat or this week. ltoy Hanks left Inst ovonlng for Kansas City and St. Josoph to spond a couple of weeks on business. Elmer Coatos has rented tho Tift hotiso In the GOO blo'bk on west Fourth street and Is movtng thereto this week. Christian Science mooting Sunday at 11 a. m., Sunday school nt 12 m. Koom 25, 11. & L. building. A cordial limita tion to all. Mr. and Mrs. John Hrshell Owens, who were married hi Missouri lHSt week, arrived here last evening to make their home. . Commissioner Dave White lias de cided to discontinue farming and will sell his Block and implements at pub lic sale next Wednesday. Mrs. J. K. Ottensloin, who has bean visiting lier son in Salt Lake City for sovoral weeks, is expected to return heme the first of next week, Tho Altar Guild of tho Enlaconnl church will give a muslcale and ten at tne Clinton residence Tuesday after noon from four to five o'clock. The quarantine for smnll pox was raised yostorday aftornoon from the Drum residence in tho Fourth ward and the LeMaster rooming liouse. An Omaha decorator arrived this week to re-decorate tho lunch and din ing rooms of the Vienna Cnfo. l!n promises exceptionally artistic work. The ladles of the Methodist church will hold an Easter sale of food unri fancy work April 22, tho Saturday be fore Eastor, at Derryberry & Forbes' store. " v Ilov. Itobt. White, of this city, will hold a sories of meetings at the Prca by tprian church In Ilorshey beginning next Tuesday evening and ending Fri day evening. Mrs. Laura Scliaffor, of Dickens, former saleslady in the Wilcox store Is visiting local friends this week. Mm-Selmffer has bsen residing fin '.f honioatrud and will return hero in July to' make her home. Thirty members of tho Altruist bible class of tho Methodist Sunday school were very enjoyably entertain ed yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Hoy Melilman. Tho afternoon was spent In kensington and music. Word recolved in town convoya the information that W. W. Scott tho Sun day school missionary who has made Noith Platte hies headquarters for a number of jvars, is critically ill nt the home of his sister In Tamora, Neb. Excavation for the Hrodbock &, Son building on oai Fifth .began 'this morning apd material Is being as sembled on tho ground. Contractor McMichaol will push forward the building very rapidly If the weather permits. Dress goods in all lines, silks, wools. K.pilng suitings, voIIob, gingham, any thing you can bo wanting to replen ish your wardrobe. Just the very choicest materials. ' E. T. TRAMP AL SONS. Arthur lloagland has succeeded in breaking tho ice under flvo spans of the North River bridge, thus creat ing channels. for the Ice when it bugins to move Tho ice is fully two feet thick. Water is now running over the ice and the river is almost bank full. MesUames 7'. A. Norton, P. J. Nor ton, Josoph Roddy and J. L. Murphy wish to extond their thanks for 1 ho generous patronago glvon them at the social at tho home of former yosier day afternoon. Tho proceeds amount ed to nlnoteen dollars and will be ap plied on tho new Catholic school fund. One of the entertaining features at the second annual ball of tho United Spanish War Veterans at the Lloyd next Tuesday evening will be a com petitive drill by twelve members of the High School Cadets. Those chos en arc cadetB who have stood lilghst In drilling, and this competitive con tost promises to bo very interesting. Keith Neville has been in Omaha for several days looking after his" polltf cal fences. Mr. Neville is perfecting a splendid organization and will con duct a very nctivo campaign for the next six weeks. It is generally con ceded thnt his chances for securing tho democratic nomination for govern or nre excellent. Feiir of War Tiiklmr I'nrin Washington, Fob. 2-1. Agitation in congress ior action warning Ameri cans olt armed ships of tho European bclUgeVonlts sudenlv crow to ximli proportions today that the democrats of the foreign affairs committee voted to canvass ino sentiment or tlio house on several pending resolutions of that nature. Sentlmunt in tlu twnnt.v m favor of omo such action also was expressed openly, but at tho end of a day of surprises, tension and agita tion such as had not been seen in con gress in some time, the word cam that President Wilson still was unal terably opposedto any such action by congress and that he would only be embarrassed thdrcby in the negotia tions with Germany. To widely circulated suggestions that the situation had reached a point whero the prosldent soon would lay It before congress; that Secretary Lansing might in some wny dellno tho attitude of the government in a com munication to Senator Stone, and that a timo had been tlxed within which the United States would expect Ger many to signify hor indentions to abandon the announced Intention to sink armed merchant ships without warning, tho uniform statement was mndo officially thnt nothing had been determined unon: thnt tlm nitn nl Inn thouch crnvo. still wria n wnlil ll n- mill nd thnt no Anal position would bo announced until Berlin was heard from. The Midden dovolonmnnta nt tim capital brought surpriso and appre hension to tho administration loaders. ::o:: A full line of Snrlni? KUIWa nnw mi display. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Ray C. Laiieloild wont in Knvalnnn this morning to net as clerk at n sale. All boostors smoko Town Boost, if Fred Elliott wont, to Omnlin fnta morning to visit IiIb son (nr or longer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowcn wore called to Norwalk. Ohio, recontlv lv tho serious Illness of the former's father. Tho ladies' auxiliary of tho B. of 11. T. will hold their anniversary meeting nt tho bmnn nf Mra fni-irlna Vnut tl.lo - . . . w .1 I uov ling Sifternooli. A business nioetlnir of tim nntimiin ladies will bo hold nt llm l'i JUrs. J. B. Murphy Thursday after- iuoon, .wnrcii zmi, ' Weather forccu3t furnished by the locad orflco of the U S weather bu reau: Fair tonight and Saturday; cold er tonight Highest temperature yes terday -10, a year ago 17; lowest last night 25, a year ago 21. Mr. and Mrs Eurl Stolenr. wlm h.nvn been visiting in Omaha for several weeks, havo returned and will spend several days with tho Joffors family while enrouto to their 110:110 In Ln Sallc, Colorado. The Slinnlv of olotlilnir ilnmitnrl In tho Associated Charltlos has been nrnnMpnllv ovlinncl ml nml tlm,,. . still u good many calls for assist ance, particularly for underwear. Further donntlons will be appreciated. Items from tho City Schools. A commlttoo of teachers from onch grade building has boon solocted to plan aome "courses for tho appreel atlon of music. Those courses will bo given with tho aid of tho now nhnno graph which was prosouted to those schools by tho Twentieth Century club 01 tins city. Tlio commlttoo consists of the following tenchors: Misses An derson, McVey and Toolo, The boys or tho high school hold a mass uieeting one day this week and decided to outer track athletics dur ing tho spring term. They have somo good matorlul for tho track and Held events, and will begin working it out as soon as tlio weather will permit. A committee consisting of Rogue, Cool and Thompson was appointed to ar range for somo financial backing and this committee Is already at work de vising means of socurlng Tunds for apparatus and necosnry expenses. County Supt. Gantt visited tho Nor mal Training class at the high school recently and talked with tlio teacher and class about tho work of tho rural schools and the requirements for a certlllcate to teach In this county. Miss Richard has charge of this class. Ono of tho advantages of tho Junior High School will bo the saving of llmo to tlio children who havo difficulty with certain subjects. Under tho pres ent plan a pupil failing-to do the work in some subJeetB in tho soventh grade, takes the work of tho wholo grado ov er again. In the Junior High School prpinotion will bo by subject just as it is in tho High School at prosont and not by grade as It Is In the Grammar school now. Mld-torm reports woro given to all pupils of tho city schools below tho High School Wednesday of this week and these are expected to be signed and returned to the teacher with anv notations which tho pnronts may. wish to send tho teacher for her guidance or encouragement Wednesday wam tho mlddlo of tho 1 third quart ir ori torni. SPECIAL 011 SATURDAY! SWIFTS PREMIUM HAMS 10c PER rOlLVD Hogs and Premium Hums nrc golng Iilgher every day. Xow Is your cliniico to lay In 11 supply, for this is an tin. heard of price on Premium Rams. Try our Senator llrand Lard. Omit' nntecd Absolutely Pure. LIEItK-SANDALL CO., Try Us First. : :o: : Will Waltomath returned Wol nesday evening from Omaha after spending four days there. Mrs. G. T. Rasper or Bolietlmv, was called hero Wedonsdny ovenlng by tho death of her brother tho late Wal ter Stuart. Tho boys of tho high school under tho direction or Prof. Redonbaugh, hold a mooting tho first or tho week and decided to organlzo a team for track athlotlcB, but not having onougli funds to go ahead with tho plans they will glvo an exchango in tho Dorty berry & 'Forbes window Snturday com mencing nt 9 o'clock. A largo quanti ty of home cooking will bo on sale and the boys should bo glvon a go id patronage. "Trilby" at The Keith Tuesday Evening. -::o:: Frnnk Hood tho north sldo raucli mnn, rotumed Wednesday from ti trip to Hot Springs, S. D. Sorgoant Claude Welngand, of Co. A, High School Cadets, was awarded tho Scoonovcr medal in tlio competi tive drill Wednesday. For Rent Rooms for light house keeping. 10G, oast Third Stroet. 10-tf Tho Robekah ddgrco staff will moot for practlco next Monday night in stead of Tuesday night as was an noancod. Tlio practlco will begin at 7! 45. Now stylos in Ladles' Shoes wit'.) 8 loch tops at AVIlcox Dept. Store. In tho pollco court yesterday Hiram Waldo was fined $15 and costs and John McGarv'ey $2 and cost for drunk and disorderly conduct In tho Palace Cafo tho evening previous. Mrs. Chris Paulson wont to Paxton this mornlmr to ivttond llm fnnornl nf tho lute Waltor Stuart. Dr. Murdock. or Ounlalla. Is snend- ing this week In town. X CLARA KIMBALL AI1, WILTON JR ny YOUNG. lacmaye. InlLDI "Trilby," in Its screon form with Clara Kimball Young and WUllara Lackayo, will bo soon at tho KMtli Theatre, Tuesday, Fob. 20th. In addi tion to Mfss' Young and Mr. Lackayo, Paul McAllIstor ami Chester Uarnott are seen In important roles." Miturico Tourneur directed tho Hereon classic "Trilby" for tho Equitable company and required three months time, over 50 principals aiJ a supporting cast of 700 people. The total cost or produc ing "Trilby" was $72,000 and It was shown at Shuhert's Now York thealro for a long porlod at a high scale of prices to an Immense business. Tho story of "Trilby" Is too well known to need any commont as It was or hnps tho most popular book and play ever prosonted Internationally. Don't forget tho timo and plaoe. 10". and 15c. High scjiod citey bra why do you pay whan yon can huy the s m prices tor nifty new r Bargain Department Prices pl to $L95 HARRY'S SHOE SHOP First Door South of Keith Theatre. We Do Repairing. K1 What niniiM'iuenl do you like best I What location Mould you choose i Who Is the irreutest nerson now llv These ijuostlons were answered by the High School pupils. Honr tli( result nnd conclusions . . ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SUNDAY, FEB. 27th, 7:30 P.M. Making a Start With Poultry 'ill 1 1 lie safest way for those about tr make their first attemnt at poultry raising, is to start in a hinall way willi a lew chickens. Then y. can k-aro the business thoroughly a yu gu along SlirKjj or farly nitiu.ivr i.. i' t ,r- r tu I mlil tiitvboUM" Tlii give trm tti.'e i iliy win tlitrii'ir r I Tun tlie cnant n(, rv mid inundation i am uru ). tto not thrive ' . ttai i rou-. Wc (lav.- til ilic niatrn .1 tl: i many oihi r (?' 'aitt l id U t' c In t ti... t, '-" lliumuflily! out bWoic v. inter, (.i.ickens 't i ,; Ur jxniitiv ttoiras 'iav hrlped w i ) i i 1' 'ii i . til t huu-r hia tt W. W. BIRGE COMPANY, ' ''''''''' - 2