THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 1 Not a Bite of Breakfast Until - You Drink Water In tho Vanguard of Spring Styles You Can Avoid 'This By Using PE-RU-NA Says a glass of hot water and phosphate prevents Illness and keeps us fit. Just as coal, whon It burns, loaves behind a cortaln amount of Incom buBtlblo material n tho form of ashos, ao tho food and drink takon day after day loavoa In tho alimentary canal a cortaln amount of lndlgostlblo noto rial, which If not complotoly eliminat ed from tho aystom each day, bocomos food for tho millions of bactorla which infost tho bowoln. From this maaa of loft-oror waste, toxins and ptomnlno liko poisons are formed and sucked Into the blood. Mon and womon who can't get fool ing right must begin to tako insldo baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot w tor with a teaspoonful of llmcstono pbosphato in it to wash out of tho thirty foot of bowels tho previous day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keop tho entire alimentary canal cloan, puro and fresh. Thoso who aro subject to sick head ache, colds, biliouBnosB, constipation, others who- wako up with bad tasto, foul breath, backacho, rheumatic stiff noss, or havo a sour, gassy stomach after meals, aro urged to got a quartor pound of limoatono phosphaiQ from any druggist or storekeeper, "and bo gin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but Is buIII clent to mako anyone an onthualaBt on tho subject. Romombor lusldo bathing is more important than outside bathing, be cause tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities into tho blood, causing poor health, whllo tho bowel pores do. Just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot wator and Hme3tono phosphato act on tho stomach, liver kidneys and bowels. Adv. A woman is very apt to overesti mate tho good tlmo her husband has when ho Is away from homo "CIMEIS" FOR SLUGGISH BOWELS 3Mo sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Get a 10-cont box now. Turn tho rascals out tho headache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn thorn out to-night and keep them out with Cascarots. Millions of men and womon tako a Cascaret now and then and never know tho misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or on upset atom uch. Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanso your stomach; Temovo tho Bour, fermenting food; tako tho excess bile from your liver and carry out all tho constipated waste matter and poison In tho bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascarot to-night straightens you out by morning, They work whilo you sleep. A 10-cont box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Chil dren love Cascarets becauco they aever gripe or sicken. Adv. If lovo makes the world go round It's no wonder lovers act dizzy. WHEN KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE GLASS OF SALTS Eat Leas Meat If Kidneys Hurt or You Have Backache or Bladder Misery Meat Forms Urlo Aold. No man or woman who oats moat rogularly can mako a mlstako by flush ing tho kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms urlo acid which clogs tho kidney poros so thoy sluggishly filter or strain only part of tho waste and poisons from tho blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, slooplessnesB, bladder disorders como from sluggish kldnoys. Tho moment you fool a dull ache In tho kldnoys or your back hurts, or if tho urlno is cloudy, offensive full of sedimont, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, got about four ouncos of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and tako a tablespoonful in a class of wator bo foro breakfast for a fow days and your kldnoys will thon act fine. This fa mous salts is mado from tho acid of grapos and lomon Julco, combined with Uthia and has been UBod for genera tions to flush clogged kldnoys and stimulate them to activity, also to ncu tralizo tho acids In urlno so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inoxponsivo and cannot lnjuro; makes n dollghtful offorvos cont llthla-wator drink which all reg ular meat oators should tako now end then to koop tho kldnoys clean and tho blood puro, thereby avoiding so rlous kidney complications. Adv. A woman may havo a poor momory, but sho novor forgets a compliment. If tho pretty suit for spring, which Is pictured abovo, had nothing olso to recommend It but tho charm of sim plicity, It would still possess tho best of all attributes of tho street dress. But it has also the distinction which bolongs to novelty In design and is compolllngly good to look at. This Is ono of a number of new mod ols In which taffeta Is combined with a cloth In making up suits. In this particular caso It is mado up with sorgo. Tho skirt Is wide and plain, with mo3t of tho fullness disposed at tho Bldos. Tho facing, of scrgo, Is vory wido and is set on to tho taffeta with a doublo row of machlno stitch ing. Skirts made In tho samo way, of cloth, aro faced up with leather In tho samo color as tho cloth, set on with a small piping of leather, and were among tho earliest Imports ot tho BoaBon. Tho smart coat ot taffeta Is doslgued with a yoko of sorgo and finished at tho bottom with a wido banding of it. This Is rather an exception to tho Dignified and Everybody that Is young enough, and some persons who are not, in pear to havo adopted one of those many stylos in halrdresslng patterned after tho "Bobby" coiffuro. Tho "Cas tlo bob," mado popular by tno famous dancor, requires a baro forehead with the hair drawn back and a bob at each side. Tho Bobby coiffure is youthful look ing but sometimes unbecoming. Only tho possessor of n beautiful brow lookB well with it entirely uncovered To get over this difficulty tho wearing of a narrow band of velvet or other ribbon bound about tho forehead has como Into vogue. Although not much may bo said in favor of thiB particular stylo of halrdrcss bo far as becoming noss Is concorned, wo may thank it for compelling a beautiful finish and neatness in other styles. Tho hair may bo waved or curled, or It may bo dressed without oithor, but whatovcr clso it Is, fashion ro quires that tho coiffuro shall bo beau tifully dono, nnd finished looking. For tho moro dignified styles in halrdressing, tho French twist, rolled softly and close to tho head, as shown in tho plcturo given hero, is UBod rule of bandings on street suits, but is admirablo bocauso It correspond! with tho skirt facing, as it should, Tho plain, wide belt Is of tho sorgo also and tho sleeves aro llnlshod witt1 cuffs of it. Tho sailor "collar Is made of tho taf fcta and stands rather high at tlu back. It is protoctod by a whlto or gaudlo collar with scalloped edges and this is decorated with black liem stitching, another of tho now-styW features for spring. In tho coal, at In tho skirt, most of tho fullness it gathered in at tho sides at the walsl line, whoro it is apparently confined by tho holt. It would not bo easy to find a more dependable) stylo In a spring suit than this. It is ono of many in which twe mntorlals aro combined, but it is not always dono with such nice bnlanco. Tho silk and cloth aro of tho sam( shudo and usually in dark colors. Loss practical but vory elegant suit aro mado in light gray and in ta color. Simple Coiffure with many variations In llttlo details of finishing. Tho hair Is trimmed in a light, curving bang, and a short strand is turned forward in a flat ring let on tho check, In ono style. In an other tho hair Is waved and parted at ono side. It 1b brought down on tho forehead, as in tho coiffuro pictured hero, but Is coiled in a moderately high coll at tho top of tho head. This is particularly offectivo with tho tall turbans which aro to bo worn. Sho Is a wise woman who romains faithful to a Btylo of hairdress that sho finds moro becoming than any other. Tho charm that bolongB to a woll-groomod appearunco is within ev ery woman's roach and it Is unfailing. In tho matter of tho coiffuro, at least, sho can afford to bo Jndopondont of rashlon and to cultivate individuality, To make a child malntaln-an orcct position whilo writing at a schooj desk a German has Invented n rod to bo attached to a dock, terminating in a cup against tho child's chin. Winter hits yet brighter scenes ho bonnts Splendors beyond what gorgeous sum- iner knows, Or nuiumn with Ms mnny fruits and woods All (limbed with many hues. Como when tho ruins Have glazed tho snow and clothed tho trees with Ico, " While tho slant sun of February pours Into tho bowers u flood ot light. Ap proach 1 Tho Incrustcd surfaco shall upbear thy steps, And tho broad arching portals of the grovo Welcome thy entering. Bryant. SAVORY DI8HE8. A slmplo omelet may bo mado more nourishing by adding to it Just boforo it Is folded two or throe tablcspoonfuls ot frlod corn. Escallopod corn may bo used for this ro clpo or any lott-ovcr corn (IIbIi. Mexican Chill Con Car ne. -Tako n pleco ot suet tho Elzo of a cup, chop flno and try out; romovo tho cracklings and whllo hot add a pound ot hamburger steak; fry brown, breaking tho moat Into bits. Strain ono can of tomatoes Into n hot tlo nnd pour tho meat Into It. Add a clovo of garlic, or three largo onions chopped, ndd ono tablespoonful ot salt, a half teaspoonful of paprika and a tablespoonful of vinegar. Cook ono and a half hours, add a pint ot water and a can of kidney hcana. Hcut ton minutes and servo hot with bread or crackers. Apple Bumosse. Core and pool a half dozen apples, steam them until tender. Make a custard of tho yolks of threo eggs, n pint of milk and sugar to tasto. Whip tho whites of tho eggs, add a little lemon Julco and pour over tho apples. Thon pour tho cold yellow custard over all and Bervo nt onco. This is a delicious dish If tho custard and apples aro cold whon served. Cream Cheese Soup. Boll an onion for fifteen minutes in a pint of veal Btock, thon strain it and return the stock to tho fire. Heat a pint of milk to scalding and thicken with two ta blcspoonfuls ot flour rubbed Into two tablespoonfuls of butter. Season with salt, peppor and celory salt and udd tho veal stock. Stir in slowly tho boat on yolks of two eggs and four table spoonfuls of grated cheese. Cocoanut and Ginger Pudding. Crumblo a pound of stalo spongo cako with a half pound of grated cocoanut Pour ovor this a pint of boiling, sweet ened milk; stir In four oggs beaten Butter a pudding dish and arrange pieces of prosorved ginger around tho sides. Pour In tho pudding nnd steam for ono and a halt hours. Servo with ginger sirup for a sauco. Tho sirup Bhould bo warmed before pouring over the pudding. SEASONABLE DISH 3. During tho cold weather hoartlor, richer dishes may bo sorved, ns ono Is supposed to bo out In tho exhilarating air and havo a better appetite. Bacon Canapes. Cut hrcad In circles of two and a half inchos In dl amotcr, snuto In bacon fat on both sides until woll browned, thon drnln on brown paper to absorb tho excess of fat. Spread with creamed butter, mixed with a vory llttlo mustard. Havo ready short Bllcos of very thin bacon rollod and skowcrod with toothpick and frlod crisp. Sot ono oil each round of toast. Press into tho spaco around tho bacon, chopped pimentos or stuffed olives. Anothor most tasty canape Is pre pared as nbovc, (ns to tho bread), then cooked bacon, chopped olives, a dash of mustard with butter is spread on onch after being pounded with a pestlo; docorato with a slice of hard cooked egg. Corn Soup. Scald flvo cupfuls of milk with a stalk of celory and an onion cut In halves. Hemovo the onion and celery after 20 minutes and add ono and a half cupfuls of corn pulp. Molt ono-fourth of a cupful of huttor and when bubbling hot add tho samo amount of flour, a half teaspoon ful of pepper and a teaspoonful nnd a halt of salt; add two cupfuls ot well soasoned chicken stock and stir until bolting hot, then mid tho milk. Servo In soup plates with a fow kernels of freshly-popped com on each, Chopped ham with bread and sea sonlngs makes a dollclous stufllug for onions. Parboil tho onions, removo tho center, chop them and mix with tho ham and seasonings, thon pour around the onions, chicken stock, or butter and water or cream and bako until thoroughly tender. GATHERED FACTS Ono California company found It self with 1,000 tons of poach sooda on Its bunds laBt yonr. Thoy woro cracked up and tho moats sent to Qortnany, whoro thoy woro mado Into prussle acid. Tho aholls wcro sold for fuol. In ono important industrial town in Now England, among tho adult malo workora 1C in 100 get loss than ?300 yearly, CO in 100 got loss than 450, 01 in 100 got loss than $760, and only 0 in 100 got moro than $750. Out of (he bosom of tho air. Out of tho cloud-folds of her gar ments shaken Over tho woodland, broad and bets. Over tho harvest lietds forsaken, Sllont and soft, .and slow, descends the 8I10W. WHAT TO EAT. Somo ot tho common foods may be transformed into real dollcaclos by Just a llttlo chango of cooking or garnishing. Boiled Rice. Put rlco on to cook ill boiling wa ter using a quart ot salt ed wator to a cupful of rice; after twonty rain utos add a tablespoonful ot butter and placo tho dish on a ring or tripod, covor with a cheeso cloth and lot cook without stir ring until each grain will bo aoparato and wholo. Sorvo in a hot vcgotablo dish, with broilod steak. Cracker Pudding. Roll a cupful of crackors, add threo tablospoonfuls ot sugar, a dash of salt and tho yolks of two eggs, and a pint of milk. Pour Into a baking dish nnd cook until firm. Beat tho whites of tho eggs, add a tablespoonful of powderod sugar, a halt teaspoonful each of cinnamon and nutmog. Pilo on top and brown lightly Whon fresh rhubarb Is In tho mar ket n most dollcloiiB change In using this zostful fruit is to mako it Into a roly-poly. Roll out n rich thin plo crust, thon hoap on a cupful of flnoly cut rhubarb ,nnd a handful ot ralclns, roll up and put Into a doop granite baking dish, cover with n cupful each of boiling water and brown sugar, and two tablespoonfuls of buttor. Bako ono hour In a moderate oven. When cooking onions with chcoso put a layer of cooked onions in a bak ing nlsh and over it a layer of rich whlto sauce. When tho dish has bo- come thoroughly hot In. tho oven, sprinkle with cheeso and buttorod crumbs. Whon tho crumbB are brown, servo the dish at onco. Too long cook ing will toughen tho chocsc. Strawberry Flummery. To a pint can of strawberries add two tablo spoonfuls of cornstarch and onough ot the Julco to rub smooth; cook until thoroughly cooked, ndd a pinch of salt. Tho borries should bo put Into a bIovo and added to the Julco aftor it Is thickened and cooked. Pour Into a dish and servo when cold with swoot onod whipped cream garnlBhed with a strawberry on top ot each Bervlng. GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE. This rlco dish Is ono not common mid which will bo both appotlzlng am) ttractIvo: Rice Salad. To twe cupfuls ot cold . boiled rice tako ono cupful ol finely diced, deep red beets and a cupful oi chopped colory. Do not mix until tlmo for serv Ing, then comhlno with French dressing or head lettuce leaves, Potato Soup With Stock. Paro and bIIco six potatoes. In a frying pan molt two tablespoonfuls of buttor and in It slowly Bauto tho potutoes, oik1 sliced onion, and half a cupful ol colory. Whon thoy bogln to look yel low add two cloves and a quart ol chicken or veal broth. Salt and pop per to tnsto and simmer until soft, Itub through u bIovo nnd return to the flro. Add moro broth it too thick. Beat together tho yolks ot two eggs, add throe tablespoonfuls ot cream, Just as It goes to tho table. Garnish with chopped parsloy. English Beef Soup. Tako two pounds and a half of lean beef, cut off and lay aside a quartor of a pound and pans tho remainder through the meat, chopper. Pour ovor It throe pints of cold water, lot stand for half an hour, then heat, to tho simmering point; simmer three hours, then strain. Boll Boparntcly until tender two table spoonfuls of flno barley and half a cupful of diced carrot. Cut tho re served meat In small ploccs, add a thinly sliced onion nnd fry In hot fnt; add a cup of flnoly cut colory and a cupful of boiling water, simmer for an hour. Stir In two tablospoonfuls of (lour, mix with cold water, add gradu ally to tho meat, stirring until smooth. Bring (o the boiling point, add tho cooked carrot nnd barloy nnd n half teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, ono tablespoonful of tomato catchup and salt and pepper to tasto. Slinmor ten minutes, then serve. Tho secret of n dainty salad Is crisp freBh vegetables, well chilled, and It French dressing Is used that should bo mixed with all tho Ingredients very cold, MoJ. Gcorgo W, Evans, who has boon disbursing officer of tho depart ment of tho Interior at Washington for moro than 32 years, has paid out for Undo Snm approximately 400,- 000,000 without error or loss to tho United States or to hlmsolf. Tho rolling stock of tho Italian stato railways at tho closo of tho flacal year 1912, included 4,971 steam locomo tlvos, 50 electric locomotives, 10,037 passengor coaches, 92,927 f:jtght ?nrB, 3,371 baggage and postal cars and 2,838 work and ropntr cars. 44YEAMS LEADERSHIP Catarrh means Inflam mation, which is tarna tion the gorging of the circulation with impure blood. Correct all catarrhal condi tions, wherever located, by the use, of PERUNA, obtainable In either liquid' or tablet form at all druggists or the Paruna Company Columbus, Ohio tf What Did Ho Moan? Mrs. Dough How do I look in my now furs? Mr, Dough Out of sight A GRATEFUL OLD LADY. Mrs. A. O. Clcmons, West Alexan der, Pa., writes: I havo used Dodd't Kldnoy Pills, also Diamond Dlnnor Pills. Before using thorn I had sut- forod for a number oi years with backacho, also tender spots on spino, nnd had at times black floating spooks boforo my oyoa. I alBO had lum bago and heart trou ble Since uslug this modicluo I havo been Mri.A.G.Uemenj roiovea 0f my suf fering. It is ngrooablo to mo for you to publish this lottor. I am glad to havo an opportunity to say to alt who aro suffering as I havo dono that I obtained relief by using Dodd'a Kld noy Pills and Diamond Dlnnor Pills. Dodd'r. Kldnoy Pills COo per box at your dealer or Dodd's Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspopsla Tab lots for Indigestion havo been proved. GOo por box. Adv. Tho praotlco of combing tho long hair over tho bald spot novor foolod anybody. For a really flno coffoo at a mod erate prlco, drink Donlson's Semlnolo Brand, 35c tho lb., in sealed cans. Only ono morchant in each town soils Somlnole. If your grocer isn't tho ono, writo tho Donlson Coffoo Co., Chicago, for a souvonir and tho namo ot your Somlnolo doaler. Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for 91.00. Adv. None but a fool is always right- Hare. aciqgthe Decorating rTODiem The decorating problem is this wnmnn'n nrnhlem. Al baetlno will solve this problem for thouiands Of women this spring. The Alabastlno "Free Decorating Service" will assist you to procure tna correct tones ana coior oraninauon mi win nuinomia pcriecur .iw jvur iu. 'urn! tun, drapcrle, curtain, and wearing apptnl. Alahastine The superior wall finish Tho nu with which AlabuUne can be mixed and ariDllrd. th rr-nga of wonderful decoratlT effect that can be obtained b7 Intermlilnir Atabutlno tint, makca Alawtln preferable to wallpaper and au other forma of flnuulnir walls. Tha beat decorators adrtat the ue of atrnclla to produce decor atlra wall and eel Una border. Ordinarily, atencll coit from M eenta to 13.CO each: but If you will writ for tha f ro ''Alabai- IU1V . H.WI K tared proofs of It ot the very teat atencll eflecta, we will tea you liow you can bite your choice c f thee a and too other at prac tically no arpenie. Writ Coda for thl abtolHttlv frt stecoraf ina itrvlct. AtiiTiaattnft fn K Hi. naelretre. In drr fMwder form, read to mil In cold wafer, 1 old by paint, hardware, drag and t'tncttl etore everywhere. Alabasfane Co. 384 Grandville Rd. Grand Rapid., Mick. Wall K. Coleman, l'atent Lawyer, Waahlucloi). D.U. Advice) and book Ire. Rate reasonable, lllsbeat rtleranoet. llest lervloaa. Seeds AlfalfatS:BeMCkrnll.U;SweetC10Yer IV. farms for aala and rent on crop payment. J. Malba,ll, Boo Gltr, la. Nebraska Directory DGITfEQE CURED in a few days StUr I UnE. without pain or a enr- Eical operation. No pay until enrsd. Writ lit. VVUAY. SOU Uaa ill (If, OranUa, Mob. DryCleaning,Dyein Bend jroor wofk by P. P. Wo pay return chirsaa. Writs fur compWls price list. Tho Puntorlum, Larsest cleunlufr establishment In tha tnlildlo west. 1513 Jones Street Osuatia. Electrical Engineers and Electric Starter Specialists ALL MAKES STRAHLE& ANDERSON, lie. 2057 Faraw SL Oaika, Ntl. runssai.Tnt