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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1916)
THltlTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 22. 101 c. No. 11 Watch This Space ill Fridays Issue pt an Announcement that will Interest 4f Hundreds 41 1 V People r in Lincoln County, "Damaged Goods" at (he Pal 1 Every young num. anil every youns woman, as well as tho parents of growing children, should seo "Dam aged Goods" at tho Pat theatre next Saturday, February 2Gth, continuous performance from 12 to 12. This awe Inspiring play In 7 acts has beon shown in all the large cities in the United States. Men prominent in public af fairs and the ministry have nceordod this great moral play much favorable, criticism, although a fow squeamish I people, who arc always luirt by the' truth, have stomped the portrayal of "Damaged Goods" as "horrible." In' many cases It has been found the truth is horrible, especially when It strike 3 home. "Damaged Goods" will be shown but one day. Everyone who has a chance should attend the afternoon perform ance of this wonderful play In order to glVo those who are unable to do so an opportunity to attend tho evening shows. The picture soven rools, vUl ho shown continuously from 12 o'clock until 12 o'clock. -::o:: Seed Corn. A week or two ago Mr. Zok called the attention of the farmers to the soed corn situation through the col umns of your paper and ottered to tost soed for them. No farmor has brought In seed. Howcvor, whcn passing icrlbs of corn recently wc selected a fow of tho best cars. Thesb show n gormlnatlon of from 47 to 85 per cent. In the same test seed that Mr. Zook selected early last fall gave a germination test of from 95 to 100 per cent. Mr. Zook also tested some corn from tho shock that I had hoped might bo suitable for seed and got a germination of 2G per cent. There Is enough good corn in the county for seed but it cannot be selected with tho scoop shovel or from n crib of shelled corn. Only by unusu ally careful selection and testing can we hope for good seed. Tho seed must bo picked now before the corn has been shelled. EXPERIMENTAL SUB-STATION, W. P. Snyder. : :o: : Maxwell Farmers Institute A farmers' Institute will be hold at Maxwell Friday and Saturday of this week, at which there will bo exhibits of stock and poultry. Arrangements have been made for a splendd exhibi tion and the indications arc for a largo attendance of farmers and their families. Prof. DIckcrson of the state agricul tural .college at Lincoln will bo press eilt a.f a judge and demonstrator and will deliver an address. Prors. God frey and Williams of the Curtis ng i (cultural school will also be prenent to make talks, and Miss Dalton of tho same school will address the institute on "Home Economics." Judgment for $18,500. The supremo court nst week awaidcd a Judgment of $13,500 to tho estate of Chas. M. Cradit, who was killed In a wreck west of Sidney during a bliz zard In March, 19111. The widow brought suit for $50,000 against the Union Pacific, and was awarded $25,- ouo by a jury in the district court. Tho company appealed the case to the su premo court and that court gave a judgment in tho sum of $13,500. Wil cox & Halllgan, of this city, were at- toneys for the plaintiff. Cost of Stale Govermcnt. C'ost-of conducting the state govern ment In all Its branches varies from $10.40 per capita of population In New lorn to $u.yu in Kentucky. Tiiose are the extreme figures. Nebraska la be lew the average of all tho states with a flguro of $1.49 per capita. This information is contained in a report received by Auditor Smith, from a New York bffclnl, who gathered data on the matter. ::o:: Domestic Science Short Course The Masonic hall has boon secured for tho domestic science -short course next week. Mrs. Emma Reed Davison who is state chairman of this work will be here tho last day of the course and will lecture both morning and af ternoon. On that day the local club will celebrate "Baby Day." This In a campaign to decrease tho death rn'.o among children by bettor feeding and sanitation. ::o:: Shrubs AVo have some surplus stock of c.r- nnmental shrubs, Spirea, Honeysuc kle, Mock Orange, etc., to dispose of by salo. These aro large and will bloom this summer. The same class of stock as used on M. J. Forbes' and Ray Langford's lawns Inst spring. II. A. McCOMD, Phono 499. Experiment Stntion. :;o:; For County Clerk I hereby announce myself a candi date for the republican nomination for County Clerk subject to tho action course. i 1 i ! II KISS FLORENCE McKAY Assisted by Mrs. JSliKabelh Ktutr-Langston, Mr. Arthur Tramp, - - . Mrs. M. M. Ucderihaugh. Miss Dulcie Fritter ) Miss Clara Sorenson ) - Soloist Tibnihone Header - Pianists PIPE ORGAN Presbyterian Church Friday Evening, FEBRUARY 25th. EIGHT O'CLOCK SHARP CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Vaunita Hayes will go to Grand Island Friday for a short vi3lt. Harry Gevas left at noon Saturday for Omaha to spend a week or longer. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy McGraw went to Ilnig yesterday to remain Indefinitely. Mies Marie Bowen left n few days ago for an extended stay n Grand Island. Archie Hood, of the local foot ball squad, was quarantined for small-pox yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and children returned Saturduy .morning from a .short visit in Omana. Miss Emma Durklnnd recelvecd word Sunday evening of tho death of her father in Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Haner left Satur day evening for Nupanln, Wash., to make their home in tho future. Dean Uowker left Friday for Sidney, Scotts Muffs and other towns In wesi. ern Nebraska to spend ,nomo time on church work. Mrs. Ida Danielson, of Sutherland, who had been visiting her sister Mrs. O W. Slzemoro for two weeks has re turned home. TJio Treasure Casket of Music, the Columbia Grafanola, DIXON, tho Jew eler. The members of the Baptist' church aro holding a Washington blrthdny pnrty at the home of Hov. and Mrs. Uarton today. Jack Sinclair returned yesterday from Detroit, Mich., where he was call ed last week by the illness of his father, who is -now greatly Improved. Hundreds of new spring Suits, Coats and Dresses at lowest prices are how shown at BLOCK'S. Ldt In front of tho Wilcox store Saturday, pair of chains for 3Gxl tires. Will finder please return to Davis gar age and recolve reward. A baby boy weighing eight nnd, one- halt pounds was born yesterday morn ing to- Mr. and Mrs. W. IF. Cobb; 203 west Third street. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Drown were call ed to California ytsterdny morning by tho sudden death the latter'a fa'he; who visited here rocently. Von always know that a Fire Insur ance Policy Is good, when the name of JiinU X (Joodmnn Is on It. Joseph Sehwalgor, who ia employed as traveling engineer on tho Kansas Pacific road, came Saturday evening to visit, his family for a few days. Tho ladles of tho Methodist Church will hold an Easter sale of food and fnncy work April -22, the" Saturday be fore Easter, at Derryberry & Foi lies' store. The domestic science department of iiin Tivfintif'th Contury club which wrs in lmvp met next Monday, has boon ,..,,.,1 .lenmmt nf the tdlOVt , , I llratt & Goodman have sold tho Mrs. S. II. Grace, of Chicago, foruier Longley property on Fifth and Vine, ly of this city, camo last evening to Miss Ilalllo Smith, of Kearney, camo Utar Mrs. W. L. nichardfl last evening to vlBlt Miss Ellzabath 101 soni luuo Weir. , A vory Important meeting of tho . , , . Methodist Aid will bo hold this nftO!?- Mrs. Cy Itussoll returned last oven-nnnn nt a n'ninni, ,.f at- t cjw, zzu west seconu. All members are lng from a short visit with friends In Gothoburg. Tho water In tho South Platte rlvor Is. higher than it lias been for a num-i lor of years. Mrs. Josoph Murphy roturned last evening from, Spauldlng whore site spent a week with friends. Mrs. Edwlna Schatz, of Omaha, has been the guest of her eon A. A. Sclntz andMrB. Schatz for several days. C. M. Trottor, of Drady, Is spending today in town and will leave tonight for Omaha to attend the auto show Tho Trotter garage reports tho salo of three Maxwell, two Oakland and ono Studcbakcr cars during tho paat week. Mr. Trottor says the lino weath er of tho past wcok has given peoplo tho auto fever. Arthur llongland has been employed for a day or two In dynamiting, ice In both tho north and south rivers. In the ncrth river tho Ico Is yot In a solid body, but It shows ?slgns of breaking and will probnbly go off with a rush. Ladles, If you want to get a full sea son's wear out1 of your Suit and get the first pick of tho newest styles, you had better tlrop In most any afternoon at BLOCK'S whoro you are as. wel come to look as to buy. At the last shoot by members of the HI lie club Keith Neville made high score on slow firo at 300 yards, and Bay Welborne at COO and 000 yards. On slow (Iro Novlllo scored high at 200 ards and Wollborne high nt 300. Tho supper which tho men of the Episcopal church will serve to the ladles of the church will bo given on Wednesday evening of next wcok. Tho lady 'guests will number considerably over one hundred. Mrs. Jamos Hart will be caterer. ::o:: VOH SA LK Baled liny Car lots. ItHATT & (JOOB.MAN. of the voters of that party at the April primary. Your support will bo appre ciated. A. B. HOAOLAND. ::o:: FOK HUNT Modern 8 room house, except boat, Till nest Front street. Other houses, nice large unfurnished rooms, storage room unit safe deposit boxes. BHATT & GOOIOIAN. Swedish Lutheran Notes. Morning services at. 11 o'clock at tho Advent cliurch, to which all Scnnr dlnavlana aro Invited to partake in. Tho Swedish society wnicn was 10 have met Friday, February 25th, has been postponed until Friday, March 3rd. when it will bo entertained by Mrs. Sophia Anderson, 321 west Ninth street. KENNETH A. uesuhkk, .TnHonli Sides left yesterday morning for Kearney io spend a week with hU s-;n John Spies who is convalescing frmii inim-loH received four months tfgo In an auto accident. Tono gives the Grafanola Its unsur passed expression. DIXON, tho Jewel er. win T,.iinUnii Htntf nractlce will be i ..rmnntiv nt 7:30 tonight nnd will piactice only ono hour, owing to the Rflv(.rnl other features that aro on for tit i evening. Every member Is request ed to bo thero on time. Dr. Everett Fonda, who has been viuitino hia nnrents for the nast month while recovering from an operation nttls. will leave tomorrow for Chicago to resume the practice of urged to bo present if possible. Fred Lumbeck, of Omaha, who Pj woll known nnmong tho local people, und Floyd PasBmoro of Grand Island, formorly employed with tho Union Pa cific Co. bore, arrived Sunday evening t spend a week demonstrating n ma chino for which they aro agents. Wlllinm Kortlang, of tho J. L. Toet ors Jowelry Co,, who frequently vis Its hero, and was; formerly a resident spent part of last week In town and while liore announced his engagement to a young lady of Aurora, Neb. Tho wedding will tako place In April. Tho Tilllkum Girls wore entertained last evening In the church basement at a Martha Washington party. Twcn-ty-llvo members were present, each dressed as Martha Washington. Dec orations wore In red, whito and blue- nnd Amorlcan flags. Partners for sup per wore found by matching small flags. Lunch was served on n largo decorated talbe. Tho Nevlta club, their husbands and gentleman friends woro ontcntnlnetl last evening at a Washington birthday party at tho now homo of Mr. and Mrs. Androw Yost. Large Hags and stream oru of red, white and bluo woro tuod In decorating the rooms nnd the ladles were dressed as Martha Washington. A number of contests wore held in which prizes wore won by Mrs. W. P. Snyder, Miss Lona Basklns, Carl Brod beck. Charles Licrk, O. II. Thoolecko and Walter Kockon. A song appropri ate to tho day was rendored by tho Misses Ida Payno artd Helen Arm strong. Misses Nina Elder, Esthor Dldor and Elizabeth Brodbtick as sisted in serving. ::o:: ...If you want your Idle money to earn 7 to 8 per cent Interest, not taxable, place It In some of our gilt edge lirst mortgage Ileal F.stnlc Loans. Nothing better nor safer. We attend to all de tails. BHATT A- GOODMAN. Small Change or Every One- Did you ever slop to think how much lime is wasted making change at the stores when doing your shopping? We have on hand at all times an ahundance of small change such as pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars which we are pleased to exchange for your larger money. Just drop in the hank heforc you reach the store and supply yourself with change. Always at your service. McDonald State Bank. "The bank behind the "fhrift movement" Pastor. dentistry,